Prabhupada's usage of the English language
- Language is a substantial element of any culture giving it both character and depth.
- These categories are sorted by word endings and the pages within them will allow the reader to easily learn how Śrīla Prabhupāda used the English language to explain the eternal truths of Vedic culture and Krsna consciousness.
- Before Śrīla Prabhupāda wrote his books and lectured in English, these truths were previously accessible only in the Sanskrit and Bengali languages.
- Today's count is 5,412 word categories and 211 expressions.
- Also see the category Prabhupada's Analogies and Proverbs Quoted by Srila Prabhupada.
- There are still more words to add as categories to this page;
- There is a lot of compiling to do in each category;
- Volunteers are welcome to contact us to offer assistance.
- Ask
- Attack
- Back
- Bank
- Black
- Block
- Break
- Bulk
- Bullock
- Cake
- Check
- Chunk
- Clock
- Crack
- Crook
- Dark
- Demoniac
- Disc
- Dislike
- Drawback
- Drink
- Duck
- Each
- Earthquake
- Eunuch
- Evoke
- Fake
- Flock
- Forsake
- Groundwork
- Havoc
- Headache
- Hook
- Husk
- Invoke
- Joke
- Lack
- Lake
- Leak
- Lick
- Like
- Link
- Look
- Luck
- Make
- Mark
- Meek
- Milk
- Mistake
- Monk
- Musk
- Neck
- Network
- O'Clock
- Outlook
- Park
- Partake
- Peacock
- Peak
- Pick
- Pink
- Poke
- Quack
- Quick
- Rank
- Rebuke
- Remark
- Risk
- Rock
- Sake
- Seek
- Shark
- Shock
- Sick
- Silk
- Sink
- Slack
- Smoke
- Snake
- Spark
- Speak
- Spoke
- Stack
- Stake
- Stick
- Stomach
- Strike
- Suck
- Take
- Task
- Thank
- Thick
- Think
- Trick
- Truck
- Trunk
- Undertake
- Unlike
- Wake
- Walk
- Weak
- Week
- Work
- Zodiac
- Act
- Architect
- Aspect
- Attract
- Cataract
- Collect
- Conduct
- Conflict
- Contact
- Context
- Contract
- Correct
- Defect
- Detect
- Detract
- Direct
- Disrespect
- Distinct
- District
- Effect
- Erect
- Exact
- Expect
- Extinct
- Extract
- Fact
- Imperfect
- Incorrect
- Indirect
- Inflict
- Inject
- Insect
- Instinct
- Instruct
- Intact
- Neglect
- Next
- Object
- Obstruct
- Perfect
- Pretext
- Product
- Project
- Prospect
- Reject
- Respect
- Sect
- Select
- Strict
- Subject
- Subtract
- Suspect
- Text
- Tract
- Verdict
- Abroad
- Acid
- Add
- Afraid
- Ahead
- Aid
- Amid
- Avoid
- Bad
- Battlefield
- Behead
- Blood
- Bold
- Boyhood
- Bread
- Broad
- Brotherhood
- Bud
- Build
- Child
- Childhood
- Cloud
- Cold
- Could
- Crowd
- Dead
- Devoid
- Did
- Dread
- Field
- Flood
- Food
- Forehead
- Foretold
- Fountainhead
- Fraud
- Glad
- God
- Godhead
- Gold
- Good
- Head
- Hold
- Hood
- Instead
- Invalid
- Lead
- Liquid
- Livelihood
- Load
- Lucid
- Method
- Mild
- Mold
- Mood
- Odd
- Old
- Onward
- Overflood
- Overload
- Parenthood
- Period
- Proud
- Read
- Rid
- Rigid
- Road
- Rod
- Sandalwood
- Shield
- Should
- Shroud
- Sold
- Solid
- Spread
- Stupid
- Thread
- Threshold
- Timid
- Told
- Tread
- Typhoid
- Unfold
- Uphold
- Valid
- Vivid
- Void
- Widespread
- Wild
- Withheld
- Wood
- World
- Would
- Yield
- Abide
- Abode
- Aptitude
- Aside
- Attitude
- Blade
- Bona Fide
- Bride
- Chide
- Code
- Conclude
- Crude
- Decide
- Deride
- Dissuade
- Divide
- Episode
- Evade
- Fade
- Grade
- Gratitude
- Guide
- Hide
- Include
- Inside
- Longitude
- Made
- Magnitude
- Mode
- Outside
- Override
- Persuade
- Pride
- Provide
- Renegade
- Reside
- Ride
- Rude
- Servitude
- Side
- Shade
- Slide
- Solitude
- Stride
- Subside
- Suicide
- Tide
- Trade
- Wide
- Worldwide
- Become
- Blame
- Came
- Claim
- Come
- Consume
- Crime
- Cumbersome
- Daytime
- Defame
- Dome
- Extreme
- Fame
- Flame
- Frame
- Game
- Handsome
- Home
- Income
- Lame
- Lifetime
- Name
- Nighttime
- Outcome
- Overcome
- Pastime
- Perfume
- Presume
- Prime
- Proclaim
- Reclaim
- Regime
- Resume
- Same
- Scheme
- Shame
- Some
- Sublime
- Supreme
- Tame
- Theme
- Time
- Troublesome
- Volume
- Welcome
- Wholesome
- Acclaim
- Affirm
- Aim
- Alarm
- Aphorism
- Atheism
- Atom
- Bathroom
- Bosom
- Bottom
- Bridegroom
- Buddhism
- Calm
- Classroom
- Communism
- Costume
- Cream
- Criticism
- Curriculum
- Dream
- Dualism
- Equilibrium
- Emblem
- Enthusiasm
- Film
- Foam
- Form
- Freedom
- From
- Gem
- Germ
- Humbugism
- Impersonalism
- Inform
- Interim
- Kingdom
- Materialism
- Maxim
- Maximum
- Medium
- Metabolism
- Millennium
- Minimum
- Momentum
- Museum
- Mushroom
- Muslim
- Mysticism
- Nationalism
- Organism
- Ovum
- Pandemonium
- Pantheism
- Pendulum
- Perform
- Planetarium
- Platform
- Problem
- Program
- Rascaldom
- Realm
- Rectum
- Room
- Seem
- Showroom
- Socialism
- Sperm
- Steam
- Stem
- Storm
- Stream
- Sum
- Synonym
- System
- Team
- Telegram
- Term
- Them
- Uniform
- Venom
- Verbatim
- Victim
- Warm
- Wherefrom
- Wisdom
- Abandon
- Abdomen
- Barn
- Began
- Begun
- Born
- Broken
- Burden
- Burn
- Businessmen
- Can
- Caravan
- Carbon
- Chairman
- Champion
- Charlatan
- Chicken
- Chosen
- Citizen
- Clan
- Clergyman
- Column
- Common
- Comparison
- Concern
- Cotton
- Countrymen
- Cousin
- Craftsman
- Discern
- Downtrodden
- Dozen
- Driven
- Dungeon
- Earn
- Eastern
- Enlighten
- Englishmen
- Enliven
- Even
- Fallen
- Fan
- Forbidden
- Frozen
- Fun
- Garden
- Gentlemen
- Golden
- Govern
- Grandchildren
- Grandson
- Guardian
- Gun
- Happen
- Heaven
- Horizon
- Human
- Humanitarian
- Horn
- Hydrogen
- Hymn
- Inhuman
- Iron
- Join
- Kitchen
- Laden
- Latin
- Laymen
- Learn
- Lesson
- Linen
- Listen
- Loan
- Lowborn
- Madman
- Maiden
- Mammon
- Man
- Men
- Mistaken
- Modern
- Musician
- Nonhuman
- Nonvegetarian
- Often
- Omen
- Open
- Organ
- Origin
- Orphan
- Overtaken
- Oxygen
- Palanquin
- Pan
- Pardon
- Patron
- Pattern
- Peon
- Person
- Physician
- Pigeon
- Plan
- Poison
- Politician
- Pollen
- Prison
- Reason
- Return
- Roman
- Rome
- Rotten
- Run
- Saffron
- Salesman
- Satan
- Saturn
- Season
- Sectarian
- Semen
- Acceptance
- Advance
- Allegiance
- Appearance
- Assistance
- Balance
- Chance
- Circumstance
- Conveyance
- Convince
- Denounce
- Disappearance
- Distance
- Disturbance
- Enhance
- Entrance
- Exuberance
- Fiance
- Finance
- Fragrance
- France
- Glance
- Grievance
- Guidance
- Hindrance
- Ignorance
- Importance
- Independence
- Insignificance
- Instance
- Insurance
- Intolerance
- Maintenance
- Nuisance
- Once
- Ordinance
- Ounce
- Penance
- Performance
- Perseverance
- Prince
- Pronounce
- Province
- Quintessence
- Radiance
- Remembrance
- Renaissance
- Renounce
- Repentance
- Response
- Romance
- Significance
- Since
- Substance
- Tolerance
- Trance
- Vengeance
- Vigilance
- Abundant
- Accent
- Accident
- Account
- Achievement
- Acknowledgement
- Adamant
- Advancement
- Advent
- Advertisement
- Affluent
- Agent
- Aggrandizement
- Agreement
- Allurement
- Amount
- Ancient
- Ant
- Apartment
- Apparent
- Appoint
- Ardent
- Argument
- Arrangement
- Arrogant
- Assessment
- Assistant
- Atonement
- Attachment
- Benevolent
- Bereavement
- Betterment
- Bewilderment
- Blunt
- Brilliant
- Cent
- Chant
- Chastisement
- Cognizant
- Coherent
- Commandment
- Commitment
- Competent
- Complacent
- Complaint
- Component
- Concomitant
- Confident
- Consent
- Constant
- Contentment
- Continent
- Conversant
- Count
- Current
- Decent
- Department
- Detachment
- Development
- Different
- Disagreement
- Disappointment
- Discontent
- Discouragement
- Document
- Dormant
- Efficient
- Eggplant
- Element
- Elephant
- Embellishment
- Embodiment
- Eminent
- Encagement
- Enchant
- Encouragement
- Enforcement
- Engagement
- Enjoyment
- Enlightenment
- Entanglement
- Entitlement
- Environment
- Equipment
- Equivalent
- Establishment
- Event
- Excellent
- Exorbitant
- Experiment
- Extent
- Extravagant
- Fervent
- Filament
- Flaunt
- Fluent
- Fragment
- Frequent
- Front
- Garment
- Giant
- God-sent
- Government
- Grant
- Hint
- Impatient
- Impediment
- Impermanent
- Implant
- Implement
- Important
- Impotent
- Incessant
- Incident
- Incompetent
- Independent
- Infant
- Infringement
- Ingredient
- Inhabitant
- Inherent
- Innocent
- Instrument
- Insufficient
- Intelligent
- Invent
- Irrelevant
- Jubilant
- Judgment
- Lenient
- Magnificent
- Maidservant
- Management
- Meant
- Mendicant
- Merchant
- Miscreant
- Mismanagement
- Misrepresent
- Moment
- Monument
- Movement
- Munificent
- Nondifferent
- Ointment
- Omnipotent
- Omniscient
- Opponent
- Ornament
- Pant
- Parent
- Parliament
- Patient
- Payment
- Peasant
- Percent
- Permanent
- Persistent
- Pleasant
- Point
- Potent
- Predominant
- Pregnant
- Present
- President
- Prevalent
- Prevent
- Proficient
- Prominent
- Protestant
- Prudent
- Pungent
- Punishment
- Rampant
- Recent
- Recipient
- Relevant
- Reluctant
- Remnant
- Rent
- Represent
- Resent
- Resident
- Restaurant
- Resultant
- Retirement
- Saint
- Salient
- Sentient
- Sentiment
- Serpent
- Servant
- Settlement
- Scent
- Significant
- Silent
- Stagnant
- Standpoint
- Statement
- Stringent
- Student
- Subsequent
- Subservient
- Sufficient
- Superexcellent
- Superintendent
- Surmount
- Talent
- Temperament
- Tenant
- Tantamount
- Tent
- Torment
- Transparent
- Transplant
- Treatment
- Transient
- Trident
- Triumphant
- Tyrant
- Unemployment
- Unintelligent
- Unpleasant
- Upliftment
- Urgent
- Vacant
- Want
- Went
- Actor
- Adore
- Advisor
- Altar
- Amateur
- Ambassador
- Ancestor
- Anchor
- Anymore
- Appear
- Are
- Author
- Aware
- Awe
- Bare
- Bear
- Before
- Beggar
- Benefactor
- Beware
- Boar
- Calendar
- Car
- Collector
- Color
- Commentator
- Compare
- Competitor
- Conqueror
- Creator
- Dear
- Dictator
- Dinosaur
- Director
- Disappear
- Dishonor
- Doctor
- Dollar
- Door
- Downpour
- Draw
- Ear
- Editor
- Educator
- Emperor
- Empire
- Endeavor
- Error
- Exterior
- Factor
- Familiar
- Far
- Favor
- Fear
- Fervor
- Fire
- Flavor
- Flaw
- Floor
- For
- Formula
- Glamor
- Governor
- Harbor
- Hear
- Honor
- Ignore
- Incur
- Inferior
- Initiator
- Instructor
- Interior
- Junior
- Law
- Liar
- Liquor
- Lunar
- Major
- Massacre
- Mayor
- Mediocre
- Meditator
- Minor
- Mirror
- Misbehavior
- Monitor
- More
- Motorcar
- Near
- Nectar
- Nuclear
- Particular
- Peculiar
- Pillar
- Polestar
- Poor
- Popular
- Possessor
- Preceptor
- Predominator
- Prior
- Professor
- Proprietor
- Protector
- Occur
- Odor
- Orator
- Rare
- Raw
- Razor
- Reappear
- Refrigerator
- Regular
- Restore
- Rickshaw
- Rumor
- Savior
- Scar
- Scholar
- Sculptor
- Sculpture
- Secular
- Senator
- Senior
- Servitor
- Share
- Similar
- Sitar
- Smear
- Solar
- Splendor
- Sponsor
- Star
- Store
- Straw
- Successor
- Sugar
- Sulphur
- Superior
- Terror
- Therefore
- Threadbare
- Tractor
- Ulterior
- Unclear
- Valor
- Visitor
- Vulture
- War
- Warrior
- Welfare
- Withdraw
- Year
- Yore
- About
- Adult
- Alphabet
- Asset
- Beat
- Beget
- Belt
- Bereft
- Bet
- Blanket
- Boat
- Budget
- Bullet
- But
- Cat
- Cigarette
- Closet
- Coat
- Coconut
- Comet
- Complete
- Concrete
- Consult
- Covet
- Cult
- Cut
- Default
- Defeat
- Diet
- Drift
- Entreat
- Etiquette
- Fat
- Fault
- Feet
- Felt
- Flat
- Float
- Forget
- Get
- Gift
- Goat
- Hat
- Heat
- Helmet
- Insult
- Incomplete
- Layout
- Leaflet
- Left
- Let
- Locket
- Market
- Meat
- Meet
- Neat
- Net
- Occult
- Out
- Pamphlet
- Pet
- Planet
- Poet
- Prophet
- Puppet
- Put
- Quiet
- Rat
- Regret
- Repeat
- Result
- Retreat
- Revolt
- Rocket
- Salt
- Seat
- Secret
- Set
- Shortcut
- Shut
- Soft
- Somewhat
- Sprout
- Stout
- Street
- Sweat
- Sweet
- Sweetmeat
- Swift
- Tablet
- Target
- That
- Throat
- Thunderbolt
- Ticket
- Tilt
- Toilet
- Treat
- Upset
- Wheat
- Wet
- What
- Accelerate
- Accommodate
- Accumulate
- Accurate
- Adequate
- Advocate
- Affectionate
- Affiliate
- Aggravate
- Aggregate
- Amalgamate
- Animate
- Annihilate
- Appropriate
- Assimilate
- Associate
- Candidate
- Certificate
- Climate
- Compensate
- Coordinate
- Congratulate
- Consolidate
- Corroborate
- Create
- Culminate
- Date
- Debate
- Degenerate
- Delicate
- Delegate
- Delineate
- Deprecate
- Desperate
- Dictate
- Disseminate
- Dissipate
- Doctorate
- Dominate
- Duplicate
- Elaborate
- Eliminate
- Emanate
- Emulate
- Enumerate
- Enunciate
- Equate
- Eradicate
- Estimate
- Evaporate
- Extricate
- Facilitate
- Fate
- Formulate
- Fortunate
- Generate
- Germinate
- Graduate
- Great
- Hate
- Illiterate
- Illuminate
- Illustrate
- Immediate
- Impregnate
- Inanimate
- Incorporate
- Indicate
- Infiltrate
- Initiate
- Inmate
- Innate
- Instigate
- Intermediate
- Interpolate
- Intimate
- Investigate
- Irritate
- Isolate
- Legitimate
- Liquidate
- Magistrate
- Mitigate
- Negate
- Nominate
- Participate
- Passionate
- Perpetrate
- Plate
- Postgraduate
- Private
- Promulgate
- Prostrate
- Rehabilitate
- Reinstate
- Renovate
- Retaliate
- Rotate
- Separate
- State
- Stimulate
- Subordinate
- Substantiate
- Translate
- Ultimate
- Unfortunate
- Violate
- Accustomed
- Acquainted
- Activated
- Addicted
- Adorned
- Advanced
- Affected
- Afflicted
- Aggrieved
- Agitated
- Allotted
- Allowed
- Alloyed
- Amputated
- Announced
- Anointed
- Ashamed
- Assembled
- Assigned
- Assumed
- Assured
- Astonished
- Attached
- Authorized
- Avowed
- Baffled
- Banned
- Barred
- Based
- Bed
- Bedecked
- Beloved
- Biased
- Blessed
- Breed
- Broadminded
- Captivated
- Celebrated
- Cited
- Civilized
- Classified
- Cleansed
- Closed
- Collapsed
- Commenced
- Compelled
- Composed
- Conditioned
- Confronted
- Congested
- Contrived
- Covered
- Cowshed
- Cramped
- Creed
- Curtailed
- Declared
- Decomposed
- Decorated
- Deed
- Defined
- Dilapidated
- Deformed
- Deleted
- Depicted
- Depleted
- Deprived
- Deputed
- Deranged
- Designated
- Destined
- Devised
- Directed
- Disconnected
- Disgusted
- Disheartened
- Disinclined
- Disinfected
- Disposed
- Distilled
- Disturb
- Donated
- Doomed
- Educated
- Enjoined
- Equibalanced
- Equipoised
- Elated
- Elected
- Elevated
- Embarrassed
- Embodied
- Employed
- Enacted
- Enamored
- Endowed
- Engrossed
- Ensued
- Entombed
- Entrapped
- Entrusted
- Equipped
- Erased
- Established
- Esteemed
- Evinced
- Exalted
- Exceed
- Exclaimed
- Excluded
- Excommunicated
- Expressed
- Fabricated
- Fainted
- Feed
- Fixed
- Fled
- Formed
- Grabbed
- Greed
- Hackneyed
- Hanged
- Haunted
- Hearted
- Heed
- Henpecked
- Hundred
- Imbued
- Impaired
- Impelled
- Implicated
- Imported
- Imprinted
- Imprisoned
- Inculcated
- Indebted
- Indeed
- Infected
- Infuriated
- Inherited
- Installed
- Integrated
- Kicked
- Kindhearted
- Learned
- Liberated
- Limited
- Localized
- Locked
- Melted
- Mentioned
- Migrated
- Misdeed
- Misdirected
- Misguided
- Misplaced
- Mistreated
- Mixed
- Modified
- Multiplied
- Naked
- Named
- Need
- Obsessed
- Omitted
- Oppressed
- Ordained
- Ostracized
- Overburdened
- Overjoyed
- Overpowered
- Overwhelmed
- Packed
- Paralyzed
- Permeated
- Perplexed
- Personified
- Perturbed
- Perverted
- Pierced
- Placed
- Plated
- Pleased
- Pledged
- Polished
- Polluted
- Preceded
- Preconceived
- Predestined
- Predicted
- Predominated
- Prepared
- Prescribed
- Presented
- Proceed
- Prohibited
- Propounded
- Puffed
- Purified
- Qualified
- Realized
- Recommended
- Red
- Refined
- Registered
- Regulated
- Renewed
- Renowned
- Reserved
- Resigned
- Revealed
- Ripened
- Sacred
- Satiated
- Satisfied
- Saturated
- Scattered
- Seaweed
- Seed
- Seized
- Separated
- Shackled
- Shaped
- Shed
- Shifted
- Single-handed
- Situated
- Slapped
- Smashed
- Sophisticated
- Spoiled
- Speed
- Stated
- Steeped
- Stocked
- Stunned
- Submerged
- Succeed
- Suggested
- Surcharged
- Surpassed
- Surrounded
- Surprised
- Suspended
- Swayed
- Tainted
- Tempted
- Thwarted
- Tied
- Tired
- Unadulterated
- Unaffected
- Unalloyed
- Unattached
- Unauthorized
- Unbiased
- Unbounded
- Unbridled
- Uncivilized
- Unconditioned
- Uncontaminated
- Uncontrolled
- Uncultured
- Undisturbed
- Uneducated
- Unexpected
- Uninterested
- Uninterrupted
- United
- Unlimited
- Unmanifested
- Unmarried
- Unmotivated
- Unparalleled
- Unprecedented
- Unqualified
- Unrestricted
- Unsatiated
- Unsophisticated
- Unwanted
- Used
- Vested
- Vitiated
- Wicked
- Wrapped
- Wretched
- Absence
- Adolescence
- Audience
- Circumference
- Coincidence
- Condense
- Conference
- Confluence
- Conscience
- Consequence
- Convalescence
- Convenience
- Dense
- Dependence
- Difference
- Disobedience
- Effulgence
- Essence
- Evidence
- Excellence
- Existence
- Expense
- Experience
- Fence
- Hence
- Immense
- Impertinence
- Impudence
- Incense
- Inconvenience
- Indifference
- Indulgence
- Inexperience
- Influence
- Intelligence
- Intense
- License
- Negligence
- Nescience
- Nonsense
- Nonviolence
- Obedience
- Offense
- Omnipresence
- Opulence
- Overindulgence
- Patience
- Pestilence
- Presence
- Providence
- Reference
- Residence
- Reverence
- Science
- Sense
- Sequence
- Silence
- Subsistence
- Superintendence
- Transcendence
- Violence
- Admirer
- After
- Altogether
- Anger
- Another
- Answer
- Asunder
- Barrier
- Barter
- Bearer
- Better
- Border
- Bother
- Boulder
- Bitter
- Blunder
- Brother
- Butcher
- Butler
- Butter
- Caliber
- Cancer
- Career
- Caretaker
- Carpenter
- Carrier
- Center
- Chanter
- Chapter
- Character
- Cheater
- Chopper
- Clever
- Cluster
- Cobbler
- Commander
- Computer
- Confer
- Conquer
- Consider
- Container
- Controller
- Copper
- Corner
- Counter
- Creeper
- Customer
- Dancer
- Danger
- Daughter
- Deer
- Deliver
- Deliverer
- Destroyer
- Diameter
- Differ
- Disaster
- Discover
- Disorder
- Doer
- Doorkeeper
- Driver
- Eager
- Easier
- Either
- Elder
- Encumber
- Enjoyer
- Empower
- Encounter
- Engineer
- Enter
- Ether
- Ever
- Falter
- Father
- Feather
- Fertilizer
- Fever
- Fiber
- Fighter
- Filter
- Finger
- Flatter
- Flower
- Fodder
- Forefather
- Foreigner
- Forever
- Foster
- Founder
- Further
- Gardener
- Gather
- Gatekeeper
- Ginger
- Glimmer
- Godbrother
- Granddaughter
- Grandfather
- Grandmother
- Greater
- Hammer
- Hamper
- Helicopter
- Higher
- Householder
- Hover
- However
- Hunger
- Hunter
- Imposter
- Improper
- Inner
- Inquire
- Killer
- Knower
- Later
- Laughter
- Lawyer
- Layer
- Leader
- Leather
- Letter
- Linger
- Liver
- Loafer
- Longer
- Loser
- Lover
- Lower
- Luster
- Maintainer
- Maker
- Manager
- Maneuver
- Manner
- Manpower
- Master
- Matter
- Meagre
- Messenger
- Minister
- Miser
- Monster
- Moreover
- Mother
- Murder
- Murderer
- Neither
- Never
- Newcomer
- Newspaper
- November
- Number
- Offender
- Offer
- Officer
- Order
- Other
- Outer
- Over
- Overseer
- Owner
- Oyster
- Paper
- Partner
- Passenger
- Pauper
- Performer
- Philosopher
- Pioneer
- Player
- Plunder
- Ponder
- Poster
- Powder
- Power
- Practitioner
- Prayer
- Preacher
- Prefer
- Pretender
- Prisoner
- Proper
- Publisher
- Rather
- Reader
- Reciter
- Recover
- Refer
- Remember
- Render
- Renouncer
- Require
- River
- Robber
- Ruler
- Seer
- Sever
- Shatter
- Sheer
- Shelter
- Shopkeeper
- Shore
- Shoulder
- Shower
- Shudder
- Silver
- Sinister
- Sister
- Skyscraper
- Slander
- Slaughter
- Slipper
- Slumber
- Sober
- Soldier
- Somewhere
- Spare
- Speaker
- Spider
- Squander
- Stepmother
- Summer
- Super
- Superpower
- Surrender
- Sweeper
- Tamper
- Teacher
- Temper
- Tender
- Theater
- Thereafter
- Thunder
- Tiger
- Together
- Totter
- Tower
- Transfer
- Treasurer
- Typewriter
- Uncover
- Under
- Upper
- Usher
- Utter
- Villager
- Voucher
- Wager
- Wander
- Water
- Weather
- Westerner
- Whatever
- Whatsoever
- Whenever
- Wherever
- Whether
- Whichever
- Whoever
- Whomever
- Winter
- Wonder
- Worker
- Worshiper
- Writer
- Access
- Address
- Aimless
- Awareness
- Beginningless
- Boundless
- Business
- Busyness
- Careless
- Causeless
- Chess
- Classless
- Cleanliness
- Confess
- Congress
- Consciousness
- Countless
- Craziness
- Darkness
- Deathless
- Desireless
- Distress
- Dizziness
- Dress
- Dumbness
- Endless
- Faithless
- Faultless
- Fearfulness
- Fearlessness
- Foolishness
- Forgetfulness
- Forgiveness
- Formless
- Fruitless
- Fullness
- Goddess
- Godless
- Goodness
- Greatness
- Guess
- Happiness
- Helpless
- Holiness
- Hopeless
- Impress
- Lawless
- Laziness
- Less
- Limitless
- Likeness
- Madness
- Meaningless
- Merciless
- Mess
- Muddiness
- Nevertheless
- Nonetheless
- Nothingness
- Numberless
- Offenseless
- Oneness
- Possess
- Press
- Priceless
- Prideless
- Princess
- Progress
- Process
- Prowess
- Regardless
- Regress
- Restless
- Restlessness
- Richness
- Roughness
- Sadness
- Selfless
- Senseless
- Seriousness
- Shameless
- Shyness
- Sinless
- Sleepless
- Spotless
- Stress
- Success
- Suppress
- Thoughtless
- Transgress
- Truthfulness
- Unless
- Useless
- Variegatedness
- Weakness
- Wilderness
- Witness
- Worthless
- Advantage
- Age
- Arrange
- Average
- Beverage
- Bondage
- Bridge
- Cage
- Carriage
- Change
- Cottage
- Courage
- Disadvantage
- Edge
- Engage
- Entourage
- Garage
- Garbage
- Hermitage
- Huge
- Image
- Judge
- Knowledge
- Language
- Large
- Lodge
- Marriage
- Massage
- Message
- Mirage
- Page
- Parentage
- Passage
- Percentage
- Pilgrimage
- Prearrange
- Prestige
- Privilege
- Rage
- Refuge
- Revenge
- Sage
- Savage
- Shortage
- Stage
- Strange
- Urge
- Usage
- Verge
- Village
- Voyage
- Appetite
- Birthright
- Birthsite
- Bite
- Bright
- Brought
- Delight
- Despite
- Dynamite
- Elite
- Erudite
- Excite
- Exquisite
- Favorite
- Fight
- Finite
- Fortnight
- Height
- Ignite
- Incite
- Infinite
- Insight
- Invite
- Kite
- Light
- Midnight
- Neophyte
- Night
- Onslaught
- Opposite
- Ought
- Overnight
- Parasite
- Plight
- Prerequisite
- Quite
- Recite
- Requisite
- Right
- Rite
- Sight
- Site
- Slight
- Snakebite
- Sought
- Straight
- Sunlight
- Taught
- Thought
- Tight
- Tonight
- Torchlight
- Unite
- Upright
- Weight
- White
- Write
- Academic
- Aesthetic
- Agnostic
- Altruistic
- Animalistic
- Antagonistic
- Antiseptic
- Arithmetic
- Artistic
- Ascetic
- Atomic
- Authentic
- Axiomatic
- Basic
- Catastrophic
- Catholic
- Characteristic
- Comic
- Cosmic
- Cynic
- Diacritic
- Disciplic
- Dogmatic
- Drastic
- Dynamic
- Eccentric
- Ecstatic
- Egoistic
- Embryonic
- Emphatic
- Empiric
- Energetic
- Epidemic
- Erotic
- Esoteric
- Evangelic
- Fanatic
- Fantastic
- Garlic
- Gigantic
- Gymnastic
- Hedonistic
- Heroic
- Ironic
- Logic
- Lunatic
- Magic
- Magnetic
- Materialistic
- Microbic
- Microscopic
- Music
- Mystic
- Optimistic
- Organic
- Pessimistic
- Philanthropic
- Plastic
- Poetic
- Prophylactic
- Psychedelic
- Psychic
- Public
- Realistic
- Rhetoric
- Ritualistic
- Sarcastic
- Scientific
- Skeptic
- Specific
- Static
- Strategic
- Systematic
- Tactic
- Theistic
- Therapeutic
- Topic
- Turmeric
- Vedic
- Volcanic
- Yogic
- Accompanying
- According
- Advertising
- Amazing
- Amusing
- Analyzing
- Anything
- Ascending
- Aspiring
- Associating
- Awaiting
- Awakening
- Barking
- Beautying
- Becoming
- Befitting
- Begging
- Beginning
- Behaving
- Being
- Belching
- Belonging
- Bickering
- Blazing
- Blooming
- Blossoming
- Blowing
- Bluffing
- Boiling
- Bombing
- Breathing
- Bribing
- Bring
- Building
- Bullfighting
- Buying
- Camping
- Caring
- Carrying
- Challenging
- Changing
- Chanting
- Charging
- Charming
- Chasing
- Cheating
- Chewing
- Chirping
- Choking
- Churning
- Circumambulating
- Cling
- Coming
- Compiling
- Consisting
- Cooing
- Cooking
- Copying
- Croaking
- Crying
- Cunning
- Curbing
- Curling
- Damaging
- Dancing
- Daring
- Dazzling
- Defying
- Denying
- Deprogramming
- Discharging
- Doing
- Dovetailing
- Dragging
- Dropping
- During
- Dying
- Earring
- Eating
- Editing
- Emerging
- Encompassing
- Escaping
- Evening
- Everlasting
- Everything
- Exchanging
- Facing
- Failing
- Farming
- Farthing
- Fasting
- Feeling
- Fishing
- Flickering
- Following
- Forbearing
- Fraternizing
- Frightening
- Gambling
- Glazing
- Gliding
- Glittering
- Glowing
- Going
- Gossiping
- Governing
- Grasping
- Grazing
- Greeting
- Grinding
- Grouping
- Grudging
- Handwriting
- Hankering
- Heading
- Healing
- Hearing
- Hoarding
- Howling
- Hunting
- Imploring
- Indwelling
- Interesting
- Invigorating
- Itching
- Jumping
- Keeping
- Kidnapping
- Kissing
- Laboring
- Leaning
- Lifting
- Lightning
- Living
- Loitering
- Longing
- Loving
- Lying
- Mating
- Meditating
- Meeting
- Merging
- Misgiving
- Misleading
- Missing
- Misunderstanding
- Mixing
- Morning
- Mourning
- Moving
- Murmuring
- Neighboring
- Nonmoving
- Nothing
- Occupying
- Offering
- Offspring
- Oozing
- Opening
- Opposing
- Oscillating
- Outstanding
- Overendeavoring
- Overlooking
- Painting
- Peeping
- Pending
- Pertaining
- Pervading
- Playing
- Praying
- Preaching
- Pleading
- Presiding
- Pretending
- Pricking
- Printing
- Professing
- Prolonging
- Proselytizing
- Publishing
- Quitting
- Rattling
- Receiving
- Regarding
- Regenerating
- Relaying
- Resembling
- Resounding
- Ring
- Ringing
- Roaming
- Roaring
- Rolling
- Rotting
- Rubbing
- Ruling
- Saying
- Scorching
- Screaming
- Searching
- Serving
- Setting
- Sewing
- Shaking
- Shining
- Shivering
- Shouting
- Singing
- Sleeping
- Slipping
- Smiling
- Smoking
- Soliciting
- Something
- Soothing
- Speculating
- Spelling
- Spinning
- Spring
- Squeezing
- Stabbing
- Stamping
- Standing
- Stealing
- Sticking
- String
- Striving
- Stumbling
- Suffering
- Superseding
- Sweeping
- Swimming
- Swing
- Taking
- Talking
- Teaching
- Tearing
- Teasing
- Theorizing
- Thinking
- Threatening
- Throbbing
- Tilling
- Training
- Transcribing
- Trembling
- Trimming
- Typing
- Underlying
- Understanding
- Undeviating
- Unending
- Unfailing
- Unflinching
- Unifying
- Urging
- Warning
- Watering
- Waxing
- Wearing
- Weaving
- Wedding
- Weeping
- Well-being
- Whipping
- Whirling
- Whispering
- Willing
- Winding
- Wing
- Wiping
- Worshiping
- Yelling
- Abduction
- Abnegation
- Abortion
- Absorption
- Accreditation
- Acquisition
- Action
- Addition
- Administration
- Admission
- Adoration
- Adulteration
- Affection
- Agitation
- Allegation
- Alteration
- Ambition
- Annihilation
- Anticipation
- Application
- Appreciation
- Apprehension
- Aspiration
- Assertion
- Association
- Attention
- Attraction
- Aversion
- Benediction
- Calculation
- Cessation
- Circulation
- Civilization
- Clarification
- Cognition
- Collaboration
- Collection
- Colonization
- Combination
- Commentation
- Commission
- Communication
- Communion
- Companion
- Compassion
- Competition
- Completion
- Complexion
- Complication
- Comprehension
- Concentration
- Conception
- Concession
- Conclusion
- Concoction
- Condemnation
- Condition
- Confirmation
- Confusion
- Congregation
- Conjunction
- Connection
- Consideration
- Constitution
- Construction
- Contamination
- Contemplation
- Contention
- Continuation
- Contradiction
- Contribution
- Convention
- Conversation
- Conviction
- Cooperation
- Corporation
- Counteraction
- Creation
- Cremation
- Criterion
- Crucifixion
- Cultivation
- Deception
- Decision
- Dedication
- Definition
- Degradation
- Dejection
- Deliberation
- Delusion
- Demonstration
- Depression
- Description
- Designation
- Destination
- Destruction
- Deterioration
- Determination
- Devastation
- Deviation
- Devotion
- Differentiation
- Dimension
- Direction
- Discretion
- Discrimination
- Discussion
- Disintegration
- Disposition
- Disqualification
- Disruption
- Dissatisfaction
- Dissension
- Dissolution
- Distinction
- Distraction
- Distribution
- Duration
- Edition
- Education
- Elevation
- Elucidation
- Emancipation
- Emission
- Emotion
- Estimation
- Evaluation
- Evolution
- Exaggeration
- Examination
- Excavation
- Exception
- Excursion
- Execution
- Exhaustion
- Expansion
- Expedition
- Explanation
- Exploitation
- Exploration
- Explosion
- Extension
- Faction
- Fascination
- Fashion
- Fiction
- Formation
- Foundation
- Fraction
- Friction
- Frustration
- Function
- Generation
- Glorification
- Gradation
- Gratification
- Habitation
- Hallucination
- Hesitation
- Humiliation
- Identification
- Illusion
- Imagination
- Imitation
- Immigration
- Impression
- Inaction
- Inattention
- Inauguration
- Incarnation
- Inclination
- Indignation
- Infatuation
- Inflation
- Information
- Initiation
- Injection
- Injunction
- Inspiration
- Institution
- Instruction
- Intention
- Interaction
- Interpretation
- Interrelation
- Interruption
- Intervention
- Intoxication
- Introduction
- Intuition
- Inundation
- Invasion
- Invocation
- Irreligion
- Jubilation
- Jurisdiction
- Lamentation
- Liberation
- Limitation
- Lion
- Litigation
- Location
- Malinterpretation
- Manifestation
- Manipulation
- Mansion
- Meditation
- Misconception
- Misinterpretation
- Mission
- Motion
- Motivation
- Mutation
- Narration
- Nation
- Navigation
- Negation
- Negotiation
- Non-cooperation
- Notion
- Nutrition
- Objection
- Obligation
- Oblivion
- Observation
- Occasion
- Occupation
- Onion
- Operation
- Opinion
- Option
- Organization
- Orientation
- Overpopulation
- Partition
- Passion
- Penetration
- Perception
- Perfection
- Permission
- Persecution
- Perspiration
- Petition
- Pollution
- Portion
- Population
- Possession
- Position
- Precaution
- Preparation
- Prescription
- Presentation
- Pretension
- Procession
- Procreation
- Profession
- Promotion
- Propagation
- Proportion
- Proposition
- Protection
- Provision
- Provocation
- Publication
- Purification
- Qualification
- Question
- Quotation
- Ration
- Reaction
- Realization
- Reception
- Reciprocation
- Recognition
- Recollection
- Recommendation
- Recreation
- Reflection
- Reformation
- Region
- Reincarnation
- Rejuvenation
- Relation
- Relaxation
- Religion
- Remuneration
- Renunciation
- Repetition
- Representation
- Repression
- Repulsion
- Reputation
- Reservation
- Resolution
- Restriction
- Resurrection
- Revelation
- Revolution
- Ruination
- Salvation
- Sanction
- Satisfaction
- Scorpion
- Secretion
- Section
- Selection
- Seclusion
- Sensation
- Separation
- Situation
- Solution
- Speculation
- Station
- Starvation
- Sterilization
- Submission
- Subjugation
- Succession
- Suffocation
- Superstition
- Supervision
- Supplication
- Suspicion
- Taxation
- Television
- Tension
- Termination
- Tradition
- Transaction
- Transformation
- Transliteration
- Transmigration
- Transmission
- Union
- Vegetation
- Vermilion
- Veneration
- Version
- Vibration
- Vision
- Advise
- Arise
- Comprise
- Compromise
- Concise
- Demise
- Despise
- Disguise
- Emphasize
- Enterprise
- Eulogize
- Exercise
- Guise
- Hypnotize
- Jeopardize
- Mesmerize
- Minimize
- Neutralize
- Noise
- Organize
- Otherwise
- Paradise
- Praise
- Precise
- Prize
- Promise
- Raise
- Realize
- Recognize
- Reorganize
- Revise
- Rise
- Size
- Spiritualize
- Sunrise
- Tortoise
- Utilize
- Visualize
- Wise
- Active
- Aggressive
- Alive
- Alternative
- Arrive
- Attentive
- Attractive
- Authoritative
- Captive
- Collective
- Conceive
- Conclusive
- Conducive
- Conservative
- Contraceptive
- Correlative
- Creative
- Deductive
- Derive
- Dive
- Drive
- Effective
- Excessive
- Executive
- Exclusive
- Extensive
- Figurative
- Five
- Fruitive
- Give
- Imperative
- Inactive
- Inclusive
- Inductive
- Initiative
- Inquisitive
- Instructive
- Introspective
- Legislative
- Live
- Massive
- Motive
- Native
- Negative
- Nonpossessive
- Objective
- Offensive
- Passive
- Perceive
- Perspective
- Positive
- Prerogative
- Primitive
- Progressive
- Prospective
- Purgative
- Qualitative
- Quantitative
- Receptive
- Relative
- Representative
- Respective
- Revive
- Sensitive
- Speculative
- Submissive
- Superlative
- Survive
- Thrive
L and LE
- Able
- Abnormal
- Abominable
- Acceptable
- Actual
- Agreeable
- Alcohol
- All
- Ample
- Analytical
- Angle
- Animal
- Ankle
- Annual
- Antimaterial
- Appeal
- Applicable
- Appreciable
- Approval
- Article
- Artificial
- Astral
- Aural
- Automobile
- Available
- Awful
- Bangle
- Bashful
- Battle
- Beautiful
- Befool
- Bell
- Beneficial
- Bible
- Bile
- Bill
- Blackmail
- Blissful
- Bottle
- Brothel
- Bubble
- Bugle
- Bull
- Bundle
- Call
- Canal
- Cancel
- Candle
- Cannibal
- Capable
- Careful
- Castle
- Cattle
- Celestial
- Cell
- Central
- Cereal
- Cerebral
- Channel
- Cheerful
- Chemical
- Circle
- Civil
- Classical
- Coal
- Comfortable
- Commendable
- Communal
- Compatible
- Conceal
- Conchshell
- Conditional
- Confidential
- Congenial
- Conjugal
- Considerable
- Control
- Cool
- Council
- Counsel
- Couple
- Credential
- Criminal
- Cripple
- Critical
- Crucial
- Cruel
- Crystal
- Cultural
- Cycle
- Cymbal
- Damsel
- Deal
- Deplorable
- Desirable
- Detail
- Detrimental
- Devil
- Disciple
- Disentangle
- Dismantle
- Dispel
- Doll
- Double
- Doubtful
- Dull
- Dwell
- Dwindle
- Eatable
- Ecclesiastical
- Educational
- Eligible
- Enable
- Enroll
- Ephemeral
- Equal
- Equivocal
- Essential
- Eternal
- Ethical
- Evil
- Example
- Exceptional
- Exhale
- Existential
- Experimental
- External
- Fable
- Factual
- Faithful
- Fall
- Fallible
- Fatal
- Favorable
- Feasible
- Federal
- Feeble
- Feel
- Female
- Fertile
- Festival
- Fickle
- File
- Filial
- Fill
- Final
- Flexible
- Fool
- Football
- Formal
- Formidable
- Foul
- Fragile
- Fratricidal
- Frugal
- Fruitful
- Fuel
- Fulfill
- Full
- Fundamental
- Funeral
- Futile
- General
- Genital
- Gentle
- Girl
- Goal
- Gospel
- Grammatical
- Grateful
- Hall
- Handle
- Hell
- Hill
- Hole
- Hopeful
- Horrible
- Hospital
- Hostile
- Hotel
- Humble
- Hurl
- Ideal
- Identical
- Idle
- Idol
- Ill
- Illegal
- Illogical
- Immaterial
- Immeasurable
- Immoral
- Immortal
- Immovable
- Immutable
- Impartial
- Imperceptible
- Imperishable
- Impersonal
- Impossible
- Impractical
- Incapable
- Incompatible
- Inconceivable
- Incorporeal
- Incorrigible
- Indefatigable
- Indestructible
- Individual
- Industrial
- Inevitable
- Inexhaustible
- Inexplicable
- Infallible
- Infidel
- Infinitesimal
- Informal
- Inhale
- Inimical
- Initial
- Innumerable
- Instill
- Insurmountable
- Intellectual
- Intermingle
- Internal
- International
- Interval
- Intolerable
- Invaluable
- Invincible
- Invisible
- Irrational
- Irresponsible
- Irrevocable
- Jackal
- Jewel
- Journal
- Joyful
- Jungle
- Kill
- Kindle
- Knowable
- Knowledgeable
- Label
- Laudable
- Laurel
- Legal
- Lethal
- Level
- Liable
- Liberal
- Literal
- Little
- Local
- Logical
- Loophole
- Lovable
- Male
- Malleable
- Marble
- Marginal
- Material
- Maternal
- Meal
- Meaningful
- Meanwhile
- Mechanical
- Medical
- Menial
- Menstrual
- Mental
- Mercantile
- Merciful
- Metal
- Metaphysical
- Middle
- Mile
- Mill
- Mindful
- Mineral
- Miracle
- Miserable
- Model
- Molecule
- Morale
- Mortal
- Muscle
- Musical
- Mutual
- Natural
- Navel
- Needle
- Neglectful
- Neutral
- Nil
- Nipple
- Noble
- Nocturnal
- Nondevotional
- Nondual
- Normal
- Novel
- Nutshell
- Obstacle
- Official
- Oil
- Oral
- Oriental
- Original
- Overall
- Owl
- Palatable
- Parallel
- Parental
- Partial
- Particle
- Paternal
- Peaceful
- Pebble
- People
- Perfectional
- Periodical
- Perishable
- Perpetual
- Personal
- Petal
- Petrol
- Phenomenal
- Philosophical
- Physical
- Physiological
- Pickle
- Pile
- Pill
- Pitfall
- Pliable
- Plural
- Pole
- Political
- Pool
- Possible
- Potential
- Powerful
- Practical
- Prevail
- Primeval
- Principal
- Principle
- Professional
- Proposal
- Pull
- Puzzle
- Quadruple
- Quarrel
- Rascal
- Rational
- Real
- Reasonable
- Recall
- Reconcile
- Reel
- Reliable
- Remarkable
- Remodel
- Reptile
- Respectable
- Respectful
- Responsible
- Retail
- Reveal
- Ritual
- Role
- Royal
- Rural
- Sacrificial
- Sale
- Sample
- Scale
- Scandal
- Schedule
- School
- Scriptural
- Seal
- Sell
- Sensible
- Sensual
- Sentimental
- Settle
- Several
- Sexual
- Shall
- Shell
- Signal
- Simile
- Simple
- Sinful
- Single
- Skill
- Skull
- Small
- Smell
- Smuggle
- Social
- Soil
- Sole
- Soul
- Special
- Spell
- Spiritual
- Sprinkle
- Stable
- Steel
- Still
- Stool
- Struggle
- Style
- Substantial
- Subtle
- Successful
- Suitable
- Superficial
- Supernatural
- Supersoul
- Susceptible
- Swirl
- Syllable
- Symbol
- Tabernacle
- Table
- Tackle
- Tail
- Tall
- Tangible
- Tearful
- Technical
- Tell
- Temple
- Terrible
- Theoretical
- Thoughtful
- Title
- Tool
- Total
- Traditional
- Transcendental
- Travel
- Trial
- Trifle
- Triple
- Trouble
- Tunnel
- Turmoil
- Typical
- Unable
- Unavoidable
- Unbearable
- Unchangeable
- Uncle
- Uncomfortable
- Unconditional
- Unconquerable
- Understandable
- Undesirable
- Unfaithful
- Unfathomable
- Unfavorable
- Ungrateful
- Universal
- Unlawful
- Unmanageable
- Unnatural
- Unpalatable
- Unreal
- Unreasonable
- Unsettle
- Unstable
- Unsuccessful
- Unsurpassable
- Until
- Untouchable
- Unusual
- Upheaval
- Useful
- Usual
- Valuable
- Vegetable
- Vehicle
- Verbal
- Vertical
- Visible
- Vital
- Vowel
- Wall
- Well
- Wheel
- While
- Whirlpool
- Whole
- Wholesale
- Will
- Wonderful
- Worshipable
- Wrestle
- Amend
- Around
- Attend
- Background
- Band
- Behind
- Beyond
- Bind
- Blind
- Bond
- Bound
- Command
- Compound
- Contend
- Correspond
- Defend
- Demand
- Descend
- Diamond
- End
- England
- Expand
- Expound
- Extend
- Find
- Fond
- Found
- Friend
- Fund
- Garland
- Girlfriend
- Grand
- Ground
- Hand
- Humankind
- Husband
- Intend
- Island
- Kind
- Land
- Lend
- Mankind
- Mend
- Mind
- Offend
- Pond
- Profound
- Remind
- Respond
- Round
- Sand
- Second
- Send
- Sound
- Spend
- Tend
- Transcend
- Understand
- Unkind
- Vagabond
- Whirlwind
- Wind
- Ago
- Also
- Arrow
- Below
- Bestow
- Blow
- Borrow
- Bow
- Crow
- Fellow
- Flow
- Follow
- Go
- Grow
- How
- Incognito
- Into
- Kilo
- Know
- Low
- Mango
- Marrow
- Mellow
- Mosquito
- Motto
- Narrow
- Negro
- Now
- Owe
- Plow
- Potato
- Pseudo
- Radio
- Shadow
- Shallow
- Show
- Slow
- Snow
- Somehow
- Sorrow
- Sow
- Sparrow
- Swallow
- Tobacco
- Tomato
- Throw
- Tomorrow
- Undergo
- Vow
- Widow
- Window
- Yellow
- Zero
- Afternoon
- Alone
- Anyone
- Backbone
- Boon
- Brown
- Bygone
- Crown
- Dawn
- Dictaphone
- Done
- Down
- Drown
- Enthrone
- Everyone
- Fortune
- Frown
- Gone
- Gramophone
- Grown
- Immune
- Known
- Limestone
- Microphone
- Misfortune
- Monsoon
- Moon
- Noon
- None
- One
- Own
- Postpone
- Prone
- Someone
- Soon
- Spoon
- Steppingstone
- Stone
- Telephone
- Throne
- Touchstone
- Town
- Tune
- Unknown
- Zone
- Adventure
- Agriculture
- Architecture
- Capture
- Conjecture
- Counterculture
- Creature
- Culture
- Cure
- Departure
- Devour
- Displeasure
- Endure
- Expenditure
- Failure
- Feature
- Figure
- Flour
- Fracture
- Furniture
- Future
- Gesture
- Hour
- Immature
- Impure
- Insure
- Lecture
- Leisure
- Literature
- Manufacture
- Mature
- Measure
- Mixture
- Nature
- Nomenclature
- Nurture
- Obscure
- Our
- Paramour
- Pasture
- Picture
- Pleasure
- Posture
- Pour
- Premature
- Pressure
- Procedure
- Pure
- Scripture
- Secure
- Signature
- Structure
- Sour
- Sure
- Temperature
- Torture
- Tour
- Treasure
- Venture
- Your
- Cheap
- Clap
- Craftsmanship
- Cup
- Dip
- Friendship
- Gap
- Grape
- Grip
- Hardship
- Heap
- Help
- Hope
- Horoscope
- Lamp
- Landscape
- Lap
- Leadership
- Lip
- Lordship
- Lump
- Map
- Pope
- Prototype
- Pulp
- Rape
- Reap
- Recipe
- Relationship
- Scope
- Scrap
- Servitorship
- Sharp
- Ship
- Shop
- Soap
- Spaceship
- Soup
- Step
- Stereotype
- Stop
- Tape
- Tip
- Top
- Trap
- Trip
- Type
- Up
- Upkeep
- Usurp
- Workshop
- Worship
- Airport
- Alert
- Apart
- Art
- Cart
- Chart
- Comfort
- Convert
- Consort
- Counterpart
- Court
- Depart
- Desert
- Discomfort
- Distort
- Divert
- Effort
- Exert
- Expert
- Export
- Fort
- Heart
- Hurt
- Impart
- Import
- Inert
- Insert
- Miniskirt
- Part
- Passport
- Port
- Purport
- Report
- Resort
- Revert
- Shirt
- Short
- Smart
- Sort
- Sport
- Stalwart
- Start
- Support
- Transport
- Upstart
- Yogurt
- Acres
- Across
- Activities
- Affairs
- Allies
- Alms
- Always
- Amenities
- Analysis
- Angels
- Antithesis
- Aquatics
- Arms
- Ashes
- Attributes
- Atrocities
- Basis
- Beads
- Beams
- Beginners
- Besides
- Betrays
- Billions
- Birds
- Blacks
- Blessings
- Bliss
- Bones
- Books
- Boss
- Bowels
- Bracelets
- Branches
- Brass
- Breasts
- Bronchitis
- Brows
- Bus
- Calamities
- Campus
- Canvass
- Chaos
- Categories
- Centers
- Cheeks
- Circles
- Circus
- Class
- Clutches
- Coils
- Coins
- Colleges
- Commentaries
- Compass
- Comes
- Consonants
- Contains
- Contents
- Cookies
- Cosmos
- Co-wives
- Cows
- Crisis
- Crops
- Cross
- Crows
- Deeds
- Demigods
- Demons
- Denizens
- Descendants
- Discourses
- Dishes
- Dismiss
- Divisions
- Does
- Drones
- Drugs
- Drums
- Economics
- Emeralds
- Emerges
- Entails
- Entities
- Eyebrows
- Eyes
- Factories
- Fangs
- Farmers
- Farms
- Feats
- Fingernails
- Fireworks
- Followers
- Footprints
- Footsteps
- Forms
- Frailties
- Fruits
- Gallons
- Gates
- Genes
- Glass
- Glories
- Gods
- Goes
- Goods
- Grains
- Grass
- Gross
- Habits
- Has
- Headquarters
- Herbs
- Highways
- Hips
- Hippies
- His
- Hobgoblins
- Hypothesis
- In-Laws
- Intricacies
- Items
- Joints
- Knees
- Knows
- Lawbooks
- Limbs
- Locks
- Loss
- Magazines
- Mass
- Materials
- Mathematics
- Meanings
- Means
- Members
- Metropolis
- Mines
- Minutes
- Miseries
- Misleaders
- Molasses
- Multiforms
- Nails
- Neckbeads
- Nerves
- News
- Nightclubs
- Nonbelievers
- Nondevotees
- Nostrils
- Nowadays
- Nuts
- Obeisances
- Oblations
- Offenses
- Ordeals
- Others
- Outlaws
- Outsiders
- Palms
- Pangs
- Pass
- Pearls
- Perhaps
- Personalities
- Phases
- Physics
- Pilgrims
- Plants
- Plays
- Politics
- Pores
- Pounds
- Precincts
- Predecessors
- Protagonists
- Qualities
- Quarters
- Regulations
- Relatives
- Resources
- Rights
- Ropes
- Rounds
- Royalties
- Rules
- Rupees
- Seconds
- Sees
- Senses
- Series
- Shoes
- Sometimes
- Songs
- Sores
- Species
- Speculators
- Standards
- Statistics
- Surplus
- Sweets
- Syllabus
- Symptoms
- Synthesis
- Talks
- Teachings
- Tendencies
- Tenets
- Tennis
- Testicles
- Themselves
- Thesis
- Thieves
- Thighs
- Things
- Thinkers
- Thinks
- This
- Times
- Toes
- Torrents
- Toss
- Traits
- Trespass
- Tribes
- Tribulations
- Twigs
- Utensils
- Varieties
- Vedas
- Wages
- Was
- Waves
- Ways
- Weapons
- Weeds
- Whereabouts
- Whereas
- Words
- Writings
- Yards
- Yes
- Adjust
- Against
- Almost
- Assist
- Atheist
- Arrest
- Artist
- Beast
- Best
- Biggest
- Boast
- Breakfast
- Broadcast
- Buddhist
- Burst
- Capitalist
- Cast
- Caste
- Chemist
- Chest
- Coast
- Contest
- Contrast
- Cost
- Dentist
- Detest
- Digest
- Dishonest
- Disinterest
- Distaste
- Dust
- Earnest
- Easiest
- East
- Economist
- Enlist
- Exist
- Fascist
- Fast
- Feast
- First
- Fist
- Forecast
- Foremost
- Forest
- Ghost
- Gist
- Greatest
- Guest
- Harvest
- Haste
- Highest
- Host
- Impersonalist
- Insist
- Interest
- Invest
- Journalist
- Just
- Last
- Linguist
- List
- Lost
- Lowest
- Lust
- Manifest
- Materialist
- Mist
- Moist
- Monist
- Most
- Must
- Nearest
- Opportunist
- Overcast
- Past
- Paste
- Personalist
- Post
- Priest
- Protest
- Psychiatrist
- Purest
- Request
- Religionist
- Resist
- Rest
- Richest
- Sentimentalist
- Separatist
- Scientist
- Spiritualist
- Steadfast
- Supermost
- Taste
- Test
- Thirst
- Topmost
- Tourist
- Transcendentalist
- Trust
- Twist
- Unchaste
- Unrest
- Utmost
- Vast
- Waist
- Waste
- West
- Worst
- Bath
- Bequeath
- Beneath
- Birth
- Blacksmith
- Booth
- Both
- Breadth
- Childbirth
- Cloth
- Dearth
- Death
- Depth
- Earth - Our Planet
- Faith
- Forth
- Goldsmith
- Growth
- Health
- Herewith
- Length
- Loincloth
- Month
- Moth
- Mouth
- Myth
- North
- Oath
- Path
- Rebirth
- Smooth
- South
- Strength
- Teeth
- Truth
- Underneath
- Untruth
- Wealth
- Width
- With
- Worth
- Wrath
- Youth
- Ambiguous
- Anxious
- Auspicious
- Bogus
- Callous
- Capricious
- Cautious
- Conscious
- Conspicuous
- Continuous
- Dangerous
- Enormous
- Envious
- Fallacious
- Famous
- Fastidious
- Ferocious
- Focus
- Frivolous
- Furious
- Gaseous
- Genius
- Glorious
- Gorgeous
- Gracious
- Grievous
- Hazardous
- Heterogeneous
- Homogeneous
- Humorous
- Impetus
- Impious
- Inauspicious
- Irreligious
- Jealous
- Licentious
- Lotus
- Ludicrous
- Luminous
- Magnanimous
- Malicious
- Marvelous
- Melodious
- Meticulous
- Minus
- Mischievous
- Mucus
- Multifarious
- Nefarious
- Nervous
- Numerous
- Obnoxious
- Ominous
- Pious
- Plus
- Precarious
- Precious
- Previous
- Pus
- Rebellious
- Religious
- Ridiculous
- Righteous
- Serious
- Simultaneous
- Spontaneous
- Status
- Strenuous
- Sumptuous
- Superfluous
- Thus
- Treacherous
- Tremendous
- Tumultuous
- Unanimous
- Unconscious
- Unrighteous
- Unscrupulous
- Various
- Vicious
- Vigorous
- Voracious
Y, EE, I, and IE
- Ability
- Abruptly
- Absolutely
- Accidentally
- Accordingly
- Actually
- Adultery
- Advisory
- Affinity
- Agency
- Agony
- Agree
- Alchemy
- Allegory
- Almighty
- Already
- Analogy
- Anarchy
- Animosity
- Anomaly
- Anxiety
- Any
- Anybody
- Anyway
- Apology
- Apparently
- Apply
- Approximately
- Arbitrary
- Archaeology
- Aristocracy
- Army
- Artificially
- Assembly
- Astray
- Astrology
- Astronomy
- Audacity
- Austerity
- Authority
- Autocracy
- Automatically
- Autonomy
- Away
- Baby
- Belly
- Beneficiary
- Berry
- Biography
- Biology
- Birthday
- Blasphemy
- Blindly
- Bodily
- Body
- Boldly
- Boundary
- Boy
- Briefly
- Bumblebee
- Bureaucracy
- Bury
- Busy
- Butterfly
- By
- Capacity
- Carpentry
- Carry
- Casually
- Celibacy
- Century
- Ceremony
- Certainly
- Charity
- Chastity
- Chemistry
- Chili
- Chivalry
- Christianity
- Chronology
- Certify
- Chutney
- City
- Clay
- Clearly
- Coffee
- Combinedly
- Comedy
- Committee
- Commodity
- Community
- Company
- Completely
- Comply
- Compulsory
- Conformity
- Conjointly
- Conscientiously
- Consequently
- Consistency
- Consistently
- Conspiracy
- Contemporary
- Contrary
- Controversy
- Convey
- Correctly
- Cosmology
- Country
- Courtesy
- Curiosity
- Currency
- Custody
- Customary
- Daddy
- Daily
- Day
- Decay
- Decree
- Decry
- Deeply
- Deficiency
- Definitely
- Degree
- Deity
- Delay
- Deliberately
- Delicacy
- Delivery
- Democracy
- Derogatory
- Despondency
- Destiny
- Destroy
- Devotee
- Dexterity
- Diary
- Dictionary
- Difficulty
- Dignity
- Diligently
- Diplomacy
- Directly
- Dirty
- Discovery
- Discrepancy
- Disparity
- Display
- Distinctly
- Disunity
- Divinity
- Donkey
- Dowry
- Dry
- Duality
- Duly
- Duplicity
- Duty
- Dynasty
- Dysentery
- Early
- Earthly
- Easily
- Easy
- Ecology
- Ecstasy
- Electricity
- Elementary
- Embroidery
- Emergency
- Empty
- Enemy
- Energy
- Enjoy
- Enmity
- Entirely
- Envy
- Equality
- Equanimity
- Especially
- Essay
- Eternally
- Eternity
- Etymology
- Eventually
- Every
- Everybody
- Exactly
- Exclusively
- Exemplary
- Exemplify
- Extraordinary
- Extremely
- Facility
- Familiarity
- Family
- Fancy
- Fantasy
- Fee
- Fiery
- Filthy
- Finally
- Firmly
- Flatly
- Flimsy
- Fly
- Foggy
- Folly
- Foresee
- Formality
- Formerly
- Fortunately
- Frankly
- Fraternity
- Free
- Freely
- Friday
- Friendly
- Fructify
- Fry
- Fully
- Generally
- Generosity
- Geography
- Geology
- Geometry
- Ghastly
- Gloomy
- Glossary
- Gluttony
- Godly
- Gradually
- Gravity
- Greatly
- Guarantee
- Guilty
- Guy
- Journey
- Haphazardly
- Hardly
- Harmony
- Hearty
- Heavenly
- Heavy
- Hereditary
- Hierarchy
- Highly
- History
- Hobby
- Holiday
- Holy
- Honesty
- Honey
- Hospitality
- Humanity
- Humility
- Hurry
- Hypocrisy
- Iconography
- Identity
- Ideology
- Illusory
- Immediately
- Imply
- Impurity
- Inability
- Inadvertently
- Indirectly
- Individuality
- Industry
- Inebriety
- Infamy
- Infantry
- Ingenuity
- Injury
- Instantly
- Intensely
- Invariably
- Involuntarily
- Irregularity
- Italy
- Ivory
- Jointly
- Jolly
- Jugglery
- Justify
- Key
- Kidney
- Kindly
- Kingly
- Knowingly
- Lady
- Lately
- Lavishly
- Leprosy
- Lay
- Legacy
- Lethargy
- Liberty
- Library
- Lightly
- Likely
- Literary
- Lonely
- Longevity
- Loudly
- Lovely
- Lowly
- Luxury
- Magnify
- Mainly
- Mainstay
- Majesty
- Majority
- Many
- Materially
- May
- Melancholy
- Memory
- Mentality
- Mercury
- Mercy
- Merely
- Merry
- Mighty
- Military
- Ministry
- Minority
- Missionary
- Mockery
- Modesty
- Monarchy
- Monastery
- Money
- Monkey
- Monopoly
- Morality
- Mostly
- Movie
- Multi
- Municipality
- My
- Mystery
- Namely
- Nasty
- Naturally
- Naughty
- Nearby
- Nearly
- Necessary
- Necessity
- Needlessly
- Nicely
- Nobody
- Nonentity
- Nullify
- Obey
- Obstinacy
- Obviously
- Occasionally
- Only
- Ontology
- Openly
- Opportunity
- Ordinary
- Originally
- Overly
- Oversee
- Pacify
- Paddy
- Paltry
- Partiality
- Partially
- Particularly
- Party
- Pay
- Pecuniary
- Penalty
- Perfectly
- Personally
- Petty
- Philosophy
- Photography
- Physiognomy
- Pity
- Planetary
- Plenary
- Plenty
- Ply
- Poetry
- Policy
- Politely
- Polygamy
- Portray
- Possibility
- Potency
- Poverty
- Practically
- Preliminary
- Pretty
- Prey
- Primarily
- Primary
- Priority
- Probably
- Proclivity
- Profusely
- Progeny
- Propensity
- Properly
- Property
- Prophecy
- Prosperity
- Psychology
- Publicity
- Punctually
- Purely
- Purificatory
- Purify
- Purity
- Purposefully
- Quality
- Quantity
- Railway
- Rapidly
- Ray
- Ready
- Reality
- Really
- Rectify
- Regularly
- Relativity
- Religiosity
- Rely
- Remedy
- Repay
- Reply
- Responsibility
- Rightly
- Risky
- Rivalry
- Roguery
- Saintly
- Safely
- Safety
- Salary
- Salty
- Sanctify
- Sanctuary
- Say
- Scanty
- Scarcity
- Scholarly
- Scrupulously
- Scrutinizingly
- Secondary
- Secretary
- Security
- Sea
- See
- Sensory
- Seriously
- Sesame
- Sexually
- Silly
- Similarly
- Simplicity
- Simplify
- Simply
- Six
- Skinny
- Sky
- Society
- Sociology
- Solely
- Solitary
- Somebody
- Someday
- Sorry
- Specifically
- Spirituality
- Spiritually
- Stationary
- Stationery
- Stay
- Steady
- Stealthily
- Story
- Stray
- Strictly
- Strongly
- Study
- Sturdy
- Subsidiary
- Subway
- Suddenly
- Summary
- Superbly
- Superficially
- Supplementary
- Supply
- Supremacy
- Surely
- Survey
- Swami
- Symmetry
- Sympathy
- Symphony
- Tactfully
- Tally
- Tea
- Technically
- Technology
- Territory
- Temporary
- Testimony
- Theology
- Theory
- Theosophy
- Thereby
- They
- Thoroughly
- Timely
- Tiny
- Today
- Toy
- Tragedy
- Tranquillity
- Transcendentally
- Transitory
- Tree
- Trinity
- Truly
- Trustee
- Try
- Ugly
- Ultimately
- Undoubtedly
- Unfortunately
- Unhappy
- Unhealthy
- Unintentionally
- Unity
- University
- Unlucky
- Unnecessarily
- Unruly
- Unsteady
- Untimely
- Unworthy
- Utility
- Utterly
- Vanity
- Vary
- Vehemently
- Velocity
- Verify
- Verily
- Very
- Vicinity
- Victory
- Virtually
- Voluntarily
- Way
- Whimsically
- Wholeheartedly
- Wholly
- Why
- Widely
- Willfully
- Worldly
- Worry
- Worthy
- Wrongly
- Yearly
- Yesterday
- Along
- Aloof
- Although
- Among
- Ascribe
- Bag
- Bamboo
- Beef
- Behalf
- Big
- Box
- Breeze
- Bug
- Calf
- Catalog
- Chief
- Climb
- Club
- Complex
- Debt
- Deluxe
- Describe
- Devote
- Dig
- Dog
- Dung
- Dwarf
- Eclipse
- Egg
- Enough
- Flag
- Frog
- Gang
- Garb
- Glimpse
- Globe
- Gong
- Half
- High
- Himself
- Hoax
- Hodgepodge
- Homosex
- Hoof
- Housewife
- Imbibe
- Index
- Itself
- Job
- Knife
- Lag
- Lapse
- Leaf
- Leg
- Life
- Long
- Maybe
- Menu
- Myself
- Niece
- Note
- Off
- Oneself
- Orthodox
- Ourself
- Paradox
- Phalanx
- Pig
- Proof
- Proverb
- Quote
- Relapse
- Relief
- Remote
- Replica
- Robe
- Roof
- Safe
- Self
- Semi
- Sex
- Shelf
- Slab
- Staff
- Strife
- Strong
- Succumb
- Sung
- Swastika
- Synagogue
- Through
- Thumb
- Tinge
- Unsafe
- Vote
- Web
- Who
- Wife
- Womb
- Wrong
- Young
- Yourself
Expressions of Srila Prabhupada
- All-embracing
- All In All
- All Over the World
- All Right
- Animal Society
- Another edition
- As sure as death
- At The Time Of Death
- Auspicity
- Back to Godhead
- Back to Home
- Bad money drives away good money
- Beast of burden
- Beat with shoes
- Become zero
- Before Long
- Best Use of a Bad Bargain
- Better Late than Never
- Big Big
- Big, big brain
- Big, big monkey, big, big belly, Ceylon jumping, melancholy
- Bodily Concept of Life
- Brain Substance
- Busy fool
- Busy intelligent
- Busyness
- By the by
- Call a Spade a Spade
- Cart before the horse
- Cats and Dogs
- Cause of all Causes
- Cent Percent
- Chalk Out
- Chant chant chant, Can't can't can't
- Chanting the Holy Name
- Chewing the Chewed
- Childish
- Churchianity
- Common Sense
- Core of the Heart
- Days of yore
- Dead of Night
- Demoncracy, demon-crazy
- Dirtyless
- Do It Nicely
- Do the Needful
- Dreamland
- Due Course of Time
- Each and Every
- Eating, Sleeping, Mating and Defending
- Empty-handed
- Fag end of life
- Fag end of my life
- Fat salary
- Fill up the belly
- First Business
- First deserve, then desire
- First of All
- First Thing
- First Thing Is...
- Following in the Footsteps
- Fool Number One
- Foolishly active
- Fools and Rascals
- Frog Philosophy
- From Brahma Down to the Ant
- From frying pan to the fire
- Goal of Life
- Guru is not a fashion
- Hackneyed
- Henpecked
- Hodgepodge
- Hook Or By Crook
- Humbler than the grass
- Humbug
- Hundreds and Thousands
- I am the monarch of all I survey
- I and mine
- I Beg To
- I Mean to Say
- If you love me, love my dog
- Ignorance is no excuse
- Impossible is a word in a fool's dictionary
- In toto
- India is lame and America is blind
- It Is Not That
- It requires a little brain
- Joint Mess
- Jugglery of Words
- Just Like In Your Country
- Just See
- Kingdom of God without God
- Krsna Consciousness Is So Nice
- Krsna phobia
- Lick up
- Life Comes from Life
- Like a Stick
- Logy
- Lord it Over
- Make A Show
- Make it Zero
- Make your life perfect
- Mayic
- Millions and Billions
- Missing the Point
- Money is sweeter than honey
- Monkey's business
- My Guru Maharaja Used to Say
- Naked Eyes
- Negativating
- No Hard and Fast Rules
- Nook and Corner
- Not so cheap
- Not Very Difficult to Understand
- Note with profit
- Nudie
- Null and Void
- Nutshell
- Oil your own machine
- One cannot catch even the poisonless snake, and he is attempting to capture a cobra
- One moon is sufficient
- One Stroke
- Only defect is
- Over-intelligent
- Parallel lines
- Part and Parcel
- Pastimeous
- People in General
- People of the World
- Plain living and high thinking
- Poke their nose
- Poor Fund of Knowledge
- Post-dated check
- Pounds-and-shillings man
- Progressive March
- Puffed Up
- Rascal number one
- Return Home
- Roundabout Way
- Rubber Stamping
- Sample of God
- Save and Except
- Secret of Success
- See the Fun
- Selling Like Hotcakes
- Sense Gratification
- Servant of the Servant
- Show-bottle
- Side By Side
- Simply rascals
- Simply wonderful
- Single-handed
- Skin disease
- Slow but sure
- So-called
- Some Way or Other
- Sophistically
- Spirit Soul
- Struck With Wonder
- Stumbling blocks
- Such and Such
- Sum and Substance
- Superexcellent
- Superhuman
- Supermost
- Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Surrendering to Krsna
- Take Into Account
- Thankless task
- That is a Fact
- That Is Nonsense
- That Is Very Nice
- That is Wanted
- The end justifies the means
- The last snare of maya
- The Point Is
- There is a plan
- There Is No Bar
- There Is No Doubt About It
- There Is No Harm
- There Is No Question
- This Is Our Program
- This is the Test
- This Ism or That Ism
- Threefold Miseries
- Time Immemorial
- To err is human
- Topless bottomless
- Topsy-turvy
- Transcendental Loving Service
- True Sense of the Term
- Trust no future, however pleasant
- Try to Understand
- Tug of war
- Two Birds
- Up and Down
- Up To Date
- Variety is the mother of enjoyment
- Very Difficult to Understand
- Wasting Time
- Ways and Means
- What can be Done
- What is the Difficulty
- What is the Use
- What is the Wrong There?
- What is this Nonsense
- What to Speak Of
- Where is the Difference?
- White elephant
- Will o' the wisp