medical | medically
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Pages in category "Medical"
The following 116 pages are in this category, out of 116 total.
- A man who is engaged in the medical or engineering fields has a particular duty and designation. All these human activities have been divided by the Supreme Lord into four varnas, namely brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya and sudra
- A person who is not the son of a doctor and has not attended a medical college is sometimes able to practice medicine
- According to Ayur-vedic medical science the three items kapha, pitta and vayu (phlegm, bile and air) maintain the physiological condition of the body
- According to Ayurvedic medical science this body is working under three elements: kapha, pitta, vayu. Therefore it is called tri-dhatu. So the whole world is going on on this concept of life
- According to medical science also, they (vegetables, cow milk) are very rich in vitamins, food value. So why should we kill? Especially if we are human being, the cow is supplying us milk, the most important foodstuff
- According to medical science, every moment we are changing body. That's a fact. But the changing is going so swiftly that we do not see how it is being changed
- All the universities, they have got these departments - medical department, engineering department, law department - but there is no department which is teaching perfectly well about the science of soul
- All the universities, they have got these departments, medical department, engineering department, law department, but there is no department which is teaching perfectly well about the science of soul
- All these charitable activities (distributing food, education and medical treatment free to the poor) are called dravyamaya-yajna. BG 1972 purports
- Although a medicinal herb, being born in the forest, does not belong to the same category as a man, if beneficial it is kept very carefully. Similarly, if someone outside one's family is favorable, he should be given protection like a son
- Ardent hearing from the bona fide master is the only way to receive transcendental knowledge, and there is no need for medical performances or occult mysticism for miraculous effects
- Arjuna trees are still found in many forests, and their skin is used by cardiologists to prepare medicine for heart trouble. This means that even though they are trees, they are disturbed when skinned for medical science
- As far as a centralized medical plan for the whole society, no such plan or facility or insurance has seemed practical as yet. The best thing is to work it out locally
- As in the medical field, the doctor injects a vaccination to prevent the growing of contamination, the practical injection to stop all the fructifications of the seeds of our sinful activities is simply engagement in Krsna consciousness
- Asavam is an Ayur-vedic medical preparation; it is not a liquor. It is especially made from drugs and is meant to improve metabolism for the healthy condition of the body
- Brahma also created the medical science, military art, musical art and architectural science, all from the Vedas. They all emanated one after another, beginning from the front face
- By this process of medical treatment people become gradually free from the following four kinds of addictions of sins namely - (1) Illegitimate connection with women. (2) Habit of animal killing. (3) Addiction to intoxication habits. (4) Lure of gambling
- Especially in India, there are many such doctors (who becomes a doctor by practical knowledge) who perform their medical services perfectly. They are accepted even by the government
- Everyone wants to lead the medical science. It is time to give greatest relief from disease, but they cannot stop disease or death. That is the problem
- First-class medical treatment or the attempts of a first-class physician are not in themselves the cause for curing a patient; there must be the hand of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- For example, a person suffering from venereal disease on account of excessive indulgence in sex life has to undergo some severe pain in medical treatment, and he is then cured for the time being
- For example, it is sometimes found that in spite of first-class medical help and treatment by a first-class physician, a diseased person dies
- Formerly, in Medical College of Calcutta the students who failed in the final examination, they were given some title, L.M.S., "License in Medical, Medicine and Surgery," L.M.S. And those who passed, they were given the title M.D. or M.D.
- He (the neophyte) may be compared to a patient who is treated by various restrictions under medical jurisdiction. Generally, liberated souls also take pleasure in describing the transcendental activities
- His two nostrils are the generating centers of our breathing and of all other airs, His smelling powers generate the Asvini-kumara demigods and all kinds of medicinal herbs, and His breathing energies produce different kinds of fragrance
- I am simply instrument. If God does not like that you should live, then all my medicines, all my scientific knowledge, medical knowledge, will fail. - The ultimate sanction is Krsna's
- I have even seen a dying man begging a medical attendant to increase his life by four years so that he could complete his material plans. Of course, the medical man was unsuccessful in expanding the man's life, who therefore died in great bereavement
- If it (stool) becomes too much blocked, if it is not possible to be cleared, then the modern medical science, they cut the abdomen and cut the part and clear it, and again stitch it. That is appendicitis, so far I know
- If Krsna does not give him (a rich man) protection, despite good medical treatment and a good supply of medicine he will die
- If neglected by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, a child, despite the presence of his parents, will suffer, and a diseased person, despite all medical help, will die
- If you are willing to offer your medical services to my students, when it is required, that will be very nice. It is important to keep the body fit and healthy so that we will not meet the obstacle of ill health while serving Krishna
- If you simply try to understand what's God by reading scriptures, you cannot achieve. You must approach a guru. Just like a medical book, it can be available in the market. If you purchase 1 medical book and study & you become doctor, that isn't possible
- If you want real benefit of spiritual life, don't be show bottle. Do you know show bottle? The medical shop, a big bottle. It is full of water only. And color is red or blue or something like
- In a perfect human society, perfect knowledge in any science - medical, astrological, ecclesiastical and so on - is available even to the poorest man, with no anxiety over payment
- In other countries, too, there are many hospitals, old age homes and similar charitable foundations meant for distributing food, education and medical treatment free to the poor. BG 1972 purports
- In the Manu-samhita there is a list of different kinds of men eating different kinds of flesh, and in the Ayurveda there is a list of dravya-guna. Dravya-guna means medical effect of certain type of things
- In the medical science of the ancient sages, known as the Ayur-veda, there is definite acceptance of the Lord s supremacy
- In the present day, no one can get justice, medical treatment, astrological help or ecclesiastical enlightenment without money, and since people are generally poor, they are bereft of the benefits of all these great sciences
- Is there medical science which can stop death? So that knowledge may be temporary, beneficial, but ultimately, it is not the knowledge. I am anxious for not dying. Nobody wants to die. This is my anxiety
- It is believed that such inauspicious living creatures (like Dakini & Sankhini) cannot go near a nima tree. At least medically it is accepted that nima wood is extremely antiseptic, & formerly it was customary to have a nima tree in front of one’s house
- It is medical advice, that there are two kinds of mistakes in eating. Over-eating and under-eating. So under-eating mistake for old man is very good. And over-eating mistake for boys, that is good. So you can overeat. I cannot
- It is said, according to the Ayur-vedic medical science, that if one is free from anxieties he generally becomes fat
- It is understood in this verse that medical science or knowledge in medicine was also inaugurated by the Personality of Godhead in His incarnation Dhanvantari, and thus the knowledge is recorded in the Vedas
- It is very simple to understand. I have changed so many bodies, not only from childhood to boyhood to youth, but according to medical science we are changing bodies every second, imperceptibly. This process indicates that the soul is permanent
- Just like a boy born in a medical man's family, so he has got a chance, better chance, to become a medical man. Similarly, a boy born in a brahmin family, he has got better chance to become a brahmin
- Just like diseased condition is impurified. It requires to be purified by medical treatment to get out of the disease
- Many technological institution to study & understand the subtle laws of material nature, medical research laboratories to study the physiological condition of the material body, but there is no institution to study the constitutional position of the soul
- Medical and other relief work to the distressed persons are not objectionable items, but actually the people of the whole world are suffering on account of lacking in Krishna Consciousness
- Medical books of anatomy or physiology are available in the market, but no one can become a qualified practitioner simply by reading such books at home. One has to be admitted to the medical college and study the books under the guidance of professors
- Medical science accepts the importance of the red corpuscles, but it cannot ascertain that the source of the energy is the soul. Medical science, however, does admit that the heart is the seat of all energies of the body
- Medical science accepts the importance of the red corpuscles, but it cannot ascertain that the source of the energy is the soul. Medical science, however, does admit that the heart is the seat of all energies of the body. BG 1972 purports
- Medical science agrees that at every moment the material body is changing. just as living entities are not bewildered by this, an enlightened man is not bewildered when the body undergoes its ultimate change at death
- Medical science has given the chance of committing sinful activities. That's all. And the medical man and the man who is committing such sinful activities, they will suffer. This is the advantage of their so-called medical science
- Medical science verifies that when one's temperature is raised to 107 degrees, a man immediately dies. This prajvara, or higher fever, at the last stage of life places the living entity in the midst of a blazing fire
- Medical service is to cure the material disease, not this temporary headache and stomach ache. There are so many medical services for these things, but where is the medical service for curing bhava-roga, material disease? That is wanted
- Medical students in the biological department, they study from the frogs, from guinea pigs, the human constitution of the body. There is no difference. But what is the difference? Not this bodily construction, but development of consciousness
- Medicine is not the remedial measures for our bodily troubles unless we are helped by Krishna. Therefore, whenever there is bodily trouble we may adopt the prescribed methods of medical science and depend upon Krishna for His Mercy
- Modern medical science does not accept this physiological analysis as valid, but the ancient Ayur-vedic process of treatment is based upon these items
- Modern medical science has not yet discovered how to bring a dead body back to life or bring youthful energy to an old body, but from here we can understand that such treatment is possible if one is able to take knowledge from the Vedic information
- Modern medical science, they see that the energy is coming from the heart, and as soon as the heart stops to work, it is said that the body is dead. So here also the same thing is confirmed
- My dear friend, these palpitations of Srimati Radharani's heart are extremely difficult to cure. Even if one applied some medical treatment, it would only end in defamation
- Nima wood is so antiseptic that the Ayurvedic science uses it to cure leprosy. Medical scientists have extracted the active principle of the nima tree, which is called margosic acid. Nima is used for many purposes, especially to brush the teeth
- No. Our is spiritual education, no medical education
- Nobody wants to die, but death is there. They are trying to stop increase of population, birth but the birth is there. And the medical science is giving us good medicine but they cannot stop disease, neither death. These are the problems
- Nor can anyone become a doctor by simply purchasing a book from the market and reading it at home. One has to be admitted to a medical college and undergo training under licensed doctors
- Sanga means execution. When you associate with medical association or sharebrokers' association, simply go there and sit down is not your business. You have to do something. You have to do something. Sat-sanga means that
- So anyone who is not Krsna conscious, he's mayayapahrta-jnana (BG 7.15). He's madman. Actually everyone is mad. That is the medical report
- So medical treatment may give temporary relief from the distress of such venereal disease, but unless one is trained to understand that sex life is abominable, it is impossible to be saved from such repeated distress
- Sometimes animals are killed in a medical laboratory to investigate therapeutic effects. In a medical clinic, the animals are not revived, but in the yajna arena, when animals were sacrificed, they were again given life by the potency of Vedic mantras
- Suppose I am a preacher of Krsna consciousness. How I can give opinion on medical science? That is ludicrous
- Suppose if you want to be a medical man, the books are available in the market. You can purchase and read and become a doctor. Is it possible? Is it possible that simply by reading books, purchasing from the market, I become a medical man? No
- Sushruta Samhita is a big book of medical science, it is not able to be understood by ordinary laymen
- The change of the bodily construction of a worm into that of a butterfly and, in modern medical science, the conversion of a man's body into that of a woman (or vice versa) are more or less dependent on psychological changes
- The governing principle for our activity should be to do what is favorable for pleasing Krishna. So if your child requires medical attention to be fit for serving Krishna, then it is only practical she should get it
- The krpana, having a wrong estimation of his material body, wants to enjoy sense gratification with his utmost strength, and even in old age he wants to become a young man by medical treatment or otherwise
- The medical science also says all the energy is coming from the heart. The heart stops to work, that means man is dead. So the soul and the Supersoul both are sitting in the heart
- The medical science cannot give them life. They simply slaughter and experiment. But in the Vedic system, the experiment is made by offering an old animal, bull, within the fire, but that old bull again comes out with a new body
- The mother eating; from that eating the child is also eating, the intestine is connected how much mechanical arrangement is there? Can any medical science, any scientist connect even this is matter
- The Personality of Godhead becomes ever glorified. He also exacted a share from the sacrifices, and it is he only who inaugurated the medical science or the knowledge of medicine in the universe
- The remedial measure to cure a patient by medical treatment is useless if it is not sanctioned by the Lord. To cross the river or the ocean by a suitable boat is no remedial measure if it is not sanctioned by the Lord
- The skin of deer is specially used in yoga-asana because it has got some medical effect that snakes do not come. If you sit down on that particular skin, the snakes and reptiles will not come there. That is the purpose. You'll not be disturbed
- The son of Kasya was Kasi, and his son was Rastra, the father of Dirghatama. Dirghatama had a son named Dhanvantari, who was the inaugurator of the medical science and an incarnation of Lord Vasudeva, the enjoyer of the results of sacrifices
- The soul, however, remains the same. It is said that by modern medical treatment a male can be transformed into a female, & a female into a male. The body, however, has no connection with the soul. The body can be changed, either in this life or the next
- The statement of the Markandeya Purana about the child's situation within the womb is exactly corroborated by modern medical science, and thus the authority of the puranas cannot be disproved, as is sometimes attempted by the Mayavadi philosophers
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead's deep scientific knowledge is concentrated to the supreme point. For example, medical science knows some things superficially, but doctors do not know exactly how things happen in the body
- The Vedas are the source of all knowledge, and thus knowledge in medical science is also there for the perfect cure of the diseases of the living entity
- There are many hospitals and medical clinics to cure bodily diseases, but there are no such hospitals to cure the material disease of the spirit soul
- There is no endurance of the changing body. That the body is changing every moment by the actions and reactions of the different cells is admitted by modern medical science; and thus growth and old age are taking place in the body. BG 1972 purports
- They have sanctioned this abortion, medical science. Means they have given chance to commit sinful activities. That's all. So so many rascaldom is going on all over the world, and we, our Krsna consciousness movement, wants to stop all this
- They're becoming diseased in so many ways. Sex life, indulgence of sex life means you will become diseased, so many diseases. That is a medical fact
- To serve human beings by medical aid, social help and educational facilities while at the same time cutting the throats of poor animals in slaughterhouses is no service at all to the soul, the living being
- We are changing bodies every moment - that is a medical fact. After leaving this body, we will have to accept another body. How are we going to accept that body? What kind of body? This can also be known
- We have got medical science for this body, we have got psychology for the mind - everything we've got - but where is the science of the soul, which is moving the body and the mind? Where is that science
- We may say that the body is growing, but actually, the fact is, body is changing. It is medically admitted that we are changing our body every second
- Whatever problems you may have will seem insignificant. However, if you need medical attention, your temple president should make the necessary arrangement for your seeing a doctor
- When one is undergoing some surgical operation he promises that he will never again act in such a way as to become diseased and have to undergo medical surgery, or when one falls into danger, he promises that he will never again make the same mistake
- When you are diseased, for your treatment you need to go to a physician. But you want to go to a real physician, not a cheater who has no knowledge of medical science and misrepresents himself - "I am a physician, an M.D." Then you'll be cheated
- Where is that body, lying down on the lap of mother or sister? Either you say it has grown or not grown. According to medical science, it is not grown; it is changed. The body is changing
- Why they (medical science) are neglecting these problems (birth, death, old age and disease)? What is their remedy for these problems? Is there any remedy for these four things?
- You ask if children may be taken to ordinary medical doctors. Why not? Of course we do not always trust that these doctors maybe doing the right thing, but what can be done?
- You know medical science; we know spiritual science. So let us exchange and be happy. Why you are envious of us?
- Your duty is to appoint nice physician, nice medicine. But is there any guarantee that he will live? Why does he die? You can say that "I have given the best medicine and best medical treatment," still, he dies. What is the cause