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- A devotee of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vasudeva, knows everything (vasudevah sarvam iti (BG 7.19)) because Vasudeva, Krsna, includes both Paramatma and Brahman
- A directly Krsna conscious person is the topmost transcendentalist because such a devotee knows what is meant by Brahman or Paramatma. BG 1972 purports
- A human being should actually be interested in understanding atma-tattva, the truth of atma, the spirit soul, and Paramatma, the supreme soul. Those who are interested in atma-tattva worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- A Krsna conscious person has full knowledge of this (the Paramatma is present in each and every body), and therefore he is truly learned and has equal vision. BG 1972 purports
- A living being may forget all that he might have done in his past or present life, but one must know that in the same tree of the material body, the individual soul and the Supreme Soul as Paramatma are sitting like two birds
- Above the impersonal feature is the Paramatma, or the Supersoul, and above that is the Supreme Personality. Srimad-Bhagavatam gives information about the personal qualities of the Absolute Truth, qualities which are beyond the impersonal aspect
- Absolute Truth can be realized in the beginning as impersonal Brahman, which is the objective of the jnanis, and next, Paramatma, which is the objective of the yogis, and at last, the last word in the absolute understanding is person
- According to Sri Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura, in this verse (SB 4.20.7) Lord Visnu is describing Himself, or the Paramatma
- According to the grades of worshipers, the indications of the nomenclature may be differently explained as Narayana, Brahma, Paramatma, etc
- According to this Vedic injunction (Mundaka Upanisad 1.3), simply by understanding Krsna one understands Brahman, Paramatma, prakrti, the illusory energy, the spiritual energy and everything else. Everything will be revealed
- After many, many births of worshiping Brahman and Paramatma, when one surrenders unto Vasudeva as the supreme master and accepts himself as the eternal servant of Vasudeva, he becomes a great transcendentally realized soul
- Although the Paramatma is aloof from the living entities, He knows their intentions, and He gives them facilities by which they can enjoy or suffer the results of their actions
- Although the Paramatma sits beside the jivatma as a friend, the jivatma, or living entity, does not know it. Consequently he is described as avijnata-sakha, meaning one who has an unknown friend
- Although within the material nature, one who is thus situated in full knowledge of the Paramatma and atma is never affected by the modes of material nature, for he is always situated in My transcendental loving service
- An officer is invested with all governmental power, and therefore he is identical with the government. When the fair is over, there is no need for such an officer, and he returns home. The Paramatma is compared to such an officer
- Another name of Vasudeva is Paramatma, another name of Sankarsana is jiva (the living entity), another name of Pradyumna is mind, and another name of Aniruddha is ahankara (false ego)
- As confirmed in Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 1.2.11): Learned transcendentalists who know the Absolute Truth call this nondual substance Brahman, Paramatma or Bhagavan
- As confirmed in the Vedic Upanisad, the Paramatma and the jivatma, who are likened to two birds, are sitting in the body
- As declared in the Vedas, these two birds, although sitting as friends, are not equal. One is simply a witness. This bird is Paramatma, or the Supersoul. And the other bird is eating the fruit of the tree
- As explained in Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 1.2.11), brahmeti paramatmeti bhagavan iti sabdyate. Unless one understands the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the original source of both Brahman and Paramatma, one is still in darkness about the Absolute Truth
- As explained in the Thirteenth Chapter of Bhagavad-gita, there are two souls within the body. The body is called ksetra, and there are two ksetra jnas, or occupants of the body, namely the Supersoul (Paramatma) and the individual soul
- As Lord Visnu, situated as Paramatma, can understand the desire of the living entity, so Lord Brahma can also understand the living entity's desire, for Visnu, as a via medium, informs him
- As mentioned in the previous verses (SB 3.28.12) (purusarcanam), this purusa is represented as the Paramatma, or Supersoul. A description of the Supersoul, upon whom one must meditate, will be given in the following verses
- As soon as such persons (who aspire for the Brahman or Paramatma) come to realize the Supreme Personality of Godhead, they are satisfied in all respects. In other words, they become devotees and want to see the form of the Lord continually
- As soon as the living being ceases to act in terms of fruitive work and takes to the service of the Lord (the Paramatma), coming to know of His supremacy, he is immediately freed from all designations, and in that pure state he enters the kingdom of God
- As stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 1.2.11): Learned transcendentalists who know the Absolute Truth call this nondual substance Brahman, Paramatma or Bhagavan
- As the individual soul is present by his consciousness throughout his entire body, so the Supersoul, or Paramatma, is present throughout the whole creation by superconsciousness. This superconscious energy is imitated by the individual soul
- As the living being is the important factor in the material body, for without the living being the material body has no value, similarly without Paramatma the living being has no status quo
- Because the Paramatma has no material connections, He is described here (SB 5.19.4) as anama-rupam niraham. The Paramatma has no material identity, whereas the jivatma does
- Because this transcendental position (automatically following the Paramatma) is at once achieved by one who is in KC, the devotee of God is unaffected by the dualities of material existence, namely distress & happiness, cold & heat, etc. BG 1972 purports
- Beyond nirvana there is brahma-nirvana, and beyond that there is Paramatma, and above that there is Bhagavan
- Beyond the existence of the body are the Paramatma and atma within the body. This is the first understanding of spiritual knowledge explained in Bhagavad-gita
- Both Paramatma and the impersonal Brahman are within the Supreme Person. It is explained in the Seventh Chapter (of BG) that material nature is the manifestation of the inferior energy of the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- Both the Paramatma and the jivatma, being transcendental to the material energy, are called atma
- Both the Supreme Personality of Godhead and the jivas enter into this material world. The Paramatma, or Supreme Personality of Godhead, is worshipable because He has arranged for the happiness of the living entity in the material world
- Brahman and Paramatma are concomitants deduced from the Absolute Personality, as a government and its ministers are deductions from the supreme executive head. In other words, the principal truth is exhibited in three different phases
- Brahman or Paramatma has no locus standi without the Supreme Lord Krsna. This is thoroughly explained in the Bhagavad-gita
- Brahmeti paramatmeti bhagavan iti sabdyate: "The Absolute Truth is called Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan." (SB 1.2.11) The Mayavadis try to understand Brahman only, or, at the most, Paramatma. However, they are unable to understand Bhagavan
- Brahmeti paramatmeti. Some of them are brahma-parayana; some of them paramatma-parayana; some of them are bhakta. It doesn't matter. But they're all spiritual. They have no interest in this material world. Tattva-vit. They know what is truth
- By searching after knowledge one realizes that his self is different from his material body, and when further advanced he comes to the knowledge of impersonal Brahman and Paramatma. BG 1972 purports
- Conclusion is based on proper understanding of the difference between jiva and Paramatma, the individual soul and the Supersoul
- Consideration of the Paramatma and impersonal Brahman arose after the creation; before the creation, only the Supreme Personality of Godhead existed. As firmly declared in Bhagavad-gita (BG 18.55), the Lord can be understood only by bhakti-yoga
- Every body is the embodiment or the temple of the Supreme Lord, and as such, as one offers respect to the temple of the Lord, he should similarly properly respect each and every body in whom the Paramatma dwells. BG 1972 purports
- Every living entity is known as atma, soul, and the principal atma who controls them all is Paramatma, the Supersoul
- First the Karanodakasayi who creates aggregate material ingredients in the mahat-tattva, second the Garbhodakasayi who enters in each and every universe, and third the Ksirodakasayi Visnu who is the Paramatma of every material object, organic or inorganic
- From the Hayasirsa Pancaratra: paramatma harir devah. Hari is the Supreme Lord
- He (God) is known as the constant companion of the living being because the Paramatma fully cooperates with the atma
- He (the Paramatma) is also bhokta; He gives maintenance and sustenance to the conditioned soul
- He does not consider himself alone because at all times the Paramatma - Supersoul - is with him. From this we see that in modern civilization it is indeed very difficult to execute this meditational form of yoga properly
- He is described in Bhagavad-gita as mahesvara, or the Supreme Lord. He is Paramatma, not jivatma. Paramatma means the Supersoul, who is sitting by the side of the conditioned soul just to sanction his activities
- His (the Supersoul's) name is Paramatma, not atma, and He is transcendental. It is distinctly clear that the atma and Paramatma are different. The Supersoul, the Paramatma, has legs and hands everywhere, but the individual soul does not. BG 1972 purports
- House, country, family, society, children, property, & business are some of the material coverings of the spirit, atma, & the yoga system helps one to become free from all these illusory thoughts and gradually turn towards the Absolute Person, Paramatma
- However, although the Supreme Person, the Paramatma, is also one, He is present as an individual in all the different bodies
- I may forget my past activities due to the change of body, but because the Supreme Lord as Paramatma is sitting within me, He knows everything; therefore the result of my past karma, or past activities, is awarded to me
- If he (the living entity) comes in contact with a pure devotee and is intelligent enough to take instructions from the pure devotee regarding the process of devotional service, he can understand God, the origin of Brahman and Paramatma without difficulty
- If I pinch your body, He feels that I am pinching somebody, as Paramatma. These things are explained in the Bhagavad-gita
- If one doesn't believe and says, "Oh, I want to see what God is," he has to go by stages by realizing the impersonal Brahman effulgence and then Paramatma, the localized feature, before finally coming to the last stage of realizing - Oh, here is the SPG
- In fact, Sri Krsna is said to be not only the father of Brahma but also the father of all species of life. He is the root of the impersonal Brahman and Paramatma; the Supersoul in every entity is His plenary portion. BG 1972 purports
- In quality, you are one (with Paramatma). Because a particle of gold is also gold. But the gold mine is not equal to the gold earring. That is mistake
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 1.2.11) it is said that the Absolute Truth is understood in three phases - namely, Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan, the Supreme Personality of Godhead - brahmeti paramatmeti bhagavan iti sabdyate
- In the Bhagavad-gita (13.23) the Supreme Personality of Godhead as Paramatma is described as upadrasta (the overseer) and anumanta (the permitter)
- In the Bhagavad-gita (6.46-47) there is a comparative analysis of the three types of transcendentalists - the worshipers of the impersonal Brahman (jnanis), the worshipers of the Paramatma feature (yogis) and the devotees of Lord Sri Krsna (bhaktas)
- In the Bhagavad-gita the separate positions of the jiva-atma and the Paramatma are specifically mentioned
- In the Chandogya Upanisad it is stated, etas tisro devata anena jivena. In this verse of the Chandogya Upanisad the word anena is used to distinguish the atma and Paramatma as two separate identities
- In the samadhi stage one can see the Supreme Personality of Godhead in His partial form as Paramatma, or as He is. Samadhi is described in authoritative yoga scriptures, such as the Patanjali-sutras, to be a transcendental pleasure
- In the Upanisads it is said that the jiva (living entity) and the Paramatma (Supersoul) are like two birds sitting in the same tree
- In the Upanisads the example is given of two birds sitting on a tree. One bird (the jiva, or living entity) is enjoying the fruits of that tree, and the other bird (Paramatma) is simply witnessing
- In the Vedanta-sutra it is stated: athato brahma jijnasa. This means that Brahman, Paramatma or Parabrahman should be understood
- Indeed, the system of yoga is the process of transcending the influence of the material elements by establishing a connection with the purusa known as Paramatma
- Ishopanishad says that such persons who accept Brahman or Paramatma as the final word of God-realization will be "still more" condemned. This is because they are offenders of God and are very stubborn to accept the Supreme Personality
- It is clearly mentioned here (in SB 3.28.12) that one has to meditate upon the expansion of Visnu. The word kastham refers to Paramatma, the expansion of the expansion of Visnu. Bhagavatah refers to Lord Visnu, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- It is not possible for the Brahman realized impersonalist or the Paramatma realized yogi to understand Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead as the son of mother Yasoda or the charioteer of Arjuna. BG 1972 purports
- It is not possible for the Brahman-realized impersonalist or the Paramatma-realized yogi to understand Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead as the son of mother Yasoda or the charioteer of Arjuna
- It is not widely known that the Supersoul, or Paramatma, is only a partial representation of Lord Caitanya, who is identical with Bhagavan Himself
- It is said in the Srimad Bhagavatam, that substance called truth, tattva, those who are jnanis they think it is formless, and the yogis understand it as Paramatma, and the devotees understand the truth to be Bhagavan
- It should be understood, that this process (of realizing God by going by stages by realizing the impersonal Brahman effulgence and then Paramatma and finally coming to the last stage of realizing the Supreme Personality of Godhead) takes more time
- Maharaja Ambarisa, being a devotee of the Personality of Godhead, was in full awareness of Paramatma, Brahman, maya, the material world, the spiritual world, and how things are going on everywhere. Everything was known to him
- Many subjects have been discussed in this chapter (BG 7): the man in distress, the inquisitive man, man in want of material necessities, knowledge of Brahman, Paramatma, liberation from birth, death & diseases, & worship of the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 pur
- Mystic yogis who try to locate the Paramatma accept only the knowledge that the pure soul is not different from the Supersoul. The absolute conception of a pure devotee, however, includes all others
- Offering respect to every living entity means offering respect to the Paramatma situated in every living entity. One should not misunderstand every living entity to be the Paramatma
- One does not have to realize Paramatma by the yoga system, for the devotee always thinking of Vasudeva is the topmost yogi - yoginam api sarvesam - BG 6.47
- One has to follow in the footsteps of great sages and devotees like Maitreya & Vidura, Pariksit & Sukadeva Gosvami, and engage in the transcendental devotional service of God if one would know His ultimate feature, which is above Brahman and Paramatma
- One has to learn the art of seeing the Absolute Truth in three features - as Bhagavan, as Paramatma and as impersonal Brahman
- One may begin with understanding impersonal Brahman by the speculative method; then, in the secondary stage, one can understand the Paramatma, the Lord's localized aspect; and the final stage is to understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna
- One may get a little light from these names (brahma, caitanya, atma, paramatma, jagadisa, isvara, virat, vibhu, bhuma, visvarupa and vyapaka), but one cannot understand that the holy name of the Lord is identical with the Lord
- One must have full faith in the words of the spiritual master and similar faith in the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Then the real knowledge of atma and Paramatma and the distinction between matter and spirit will be automatically revealed
- One of them (methods for controlling the senses) is the process of jnana, the path of philosophical understanding of the Supreme - Brahma, Paramatma & Bhagavan. The other is that of direct engagement in the transcendental loving devotional service of God
- One of them, (the individual soul and the Supreme Soul as Paramatma are sitting like two birds) the living being, is enjoying the fruits of the tree, whereas the Supreme Being is there to witness the activities
- One plenary portion of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Paramatma, enters into the planets, the universe, the living entity, and even into the atom. So due to His entrance, everything is appropriately manifested. BG 1972 purports
- One who has come down in disciplic succession and as a result of such authorized succession one has become fully, firmly convinced in Brahman. Brahman, Paramatma, Bhagavan, the same thing. Brahma-nistham. He is transcendentally situated
- One who is surrendered to the Supreme Person (Krsna) is a successful transcendentalist. To reach this goal of life through Brahman and Paramatma realization takes many, many births: Bahunam janmanam ante. BG 1972 purports
- One who takes directly to Krsna consciousness automatically knows about brahmajyoti and Paramatma in full. BG 1972 purports
- Only by devotional service can one know that the ultimate truth is the Personality of Godhead and that Brahman and Paramatma are only His partial features. This is confirmed in this verse (SB 3.6.40) by the great sage Maitreya
- Paramatma cannot be seen with your naked eye. You cannot see anything with your naked eye. You are very much proud of your eyes, but you do not see things as they are
- Paramatma directs everyone in the matter of recollection, forgetfulness, knowledge, the absence of intelligence and all psychological activities
- Paramatma is above the illusory energy. The illusory energy is called bahiranga sakti, or external energy, and the living entity is called tatastha sakti, or marginal potency
- Paramatma is seeing, Hrsikesa is seeing that you are doing this. So we may forget what nuisance we had done in our last life, but Paramatma is there, witness; you have to get a body according to your work
- Paramatma is the partial representation of the Personality of Godhead, and impersonal Brahman is the glowing effulgence of the Personality of Godhead, as the sun rays are to the sun-god
- Paramatma, the Supersoul, is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and He is eternally liberated
- Part and parcel of God can be called God, but he is not Supreme God. Therefore there are two words in Vedic language: atma, Paramatma. Atma. Atma means living entities. We are all atmas. And God is Paramatma
- Real yogic process is to find out Paramatma, but side by side, many other dormant powers become awakened. Another example: that tree is producing chemicals. So every living entity has got dormant potencies, more or less
- Real yogis, not these fat-reducing yogis. I mean to say... Real yogis. They are concerned with understanding the Supersoul, Paramatma. And devotees, they are engaged in serving the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Somebody is realizing the Absolute Truth as imperson and somebody is realizing the Absolute Truth as all-pervading Paramatma, Antaryami, and some persons are realizing the Absolute Truth as the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Sukadeva Gosvami explains this verse with the aim of purifying the truth of both the Paramatma and the jivatma. Generally people have many wrong conceptions about both of them
- The Absolute Truth appears to neophytes as impersonal Brahman and to advanced mystic yogis as Paramatma, the Supersoul, but devotees, who are further advanced, understand the Absolute Truth as the Supreme Lord, Visnu
- The Absolute Truth is manifested in three ways: impersonal Brahman and all-pervading Paramatma and Personality of Godhead - brahmeti paramatmeti bhagavan iti sabdyate - but they are one and the same. This is the verdict of the sastra
- The Absolute Truth is one. One who knows the Absolute Truth, he knows that Brahman, Paramatma, Bhagavan, the same objective, but they are realized by different devotees or different knower in different features
- The Absolute Truth is realized in three features: Brahman, beginning from Brahman; then Paramatma, Supersoul - I think in Christian world they call Holy Ghost - anyway, Paramatma, the Supersoul; and ultimately the SPG, Krsna
- The Absolute Truth is realized in three phases - impersonal Brahman, Paramatma and the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Bhagavan. All of these are one and the same truth, but Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan constitute three different features
- The Absolute Truth is realized in three phases of understanding, namely as Brahman, or the impersonal universal soul; Paramatma, or the localized universal soul; and at the end as the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The body is given by material nature, and the driver of that body is Paramatma, the Supersoul. The living entity is seated within the chariot. This is the actual position
- The Brahman is the sunshine, light, and Paramatma is the sun globe, and Bhagavan is the sun-god. This is . . . the sun is one example. From this example we can understand the Absolute. Where is the difficulty
- The Brahmavadis, the Paramatmavadis, they are impersonalists. They cannot understand the Supreme Being Personality of Godhead, Krsna. They cannot understand. That is the defect
- The Complete Whole, or the Supreme Absolute Truth, is the complete Personality of Godhead. Realization of impersonal Brahman or of Paramatma, the Supersoul, is incomplete realization of the Absolute Complete
- The conception of a life of sense gratification is illusion, but the conception of service by the jivatma to the Paramatma, even in this material world, is not at all illusory
- The conception of the Paramatma is an invincible answer to these fallacious arguments - if death is complete forgetfulness, why should a person be punished for his past misdeeds
- The conditioned soul engages in the happiness and distress of the particular body given him by the arrangement of the external energy of the Supreme Lord. But the supreme living being, or the Paramatma, is different from the conditioned soul
- The disciplic succession of the Madhvacarya-sampradaya is as follows (the dates are those of birth in the Sakabda Era; for Christian era dates, add seventy-eight years.): (1) Hamsa Paramatma; (2) Caturmukha Brahma; (3) Sanakadi; (4) Durvasa
- The effect of controlling the mind is that one automatically follows the dictation of the Paramatma or Supersoul. BG 1972 purports
- The first realization is Brahman and the higher realization is Paramatma, and the ultimate realization is Bhagavan. So the Bhagavan, He is the real enjoyer
- The first realization is impersonal Brahman, but one must go still further to realize Paramatma and eventually the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is worshiped by the transcendental feelings of a devotee
- The first realization of that knowledge is Brahman. Then Paramatma is realized by the yogis who try to see Him without grievance. This is the second stage of realization. Finally, full realization of the same supreme knowledge is realized in the SP
- The followers of Buddha do not recognize that there is anything beyond the body; the followers of Sankara conclude that there is no separate existence of the Paramatma, the Supersoul
- The followers of the Upanisads cannot understand the varieties manifested by Brahman. This proves that Brahman and Paramatma can actually be understood only through devotion
- The individual living entity, the jiva, is always dependent on the Supersoul, Paramatma, because the individual soul forgets his spiritual identity whereas the Supersoul, Paramatma, does not forget His transcendental position
- The individual soul (jiva) is eating the fruit of the tree, and the Supersoul (Paramatma) is witnessing
- The individual soul knows about his own thinking, feeling and willing activities, but the Supersoul, or the Paramatma, the supreme controller, being present everywhere, knows everyone's thinking, feeling and willing activities
- The jivatma is different from his name, but the Paramatma is not; His name and He Himself are one and the same
- The jivatma may introduce himself as an Indian, American, German and so on, but the Paramatma has no such material designations, and therefore He has no material name
- The living entities are therefore called jivatma, and the Supreme Lord is called Paramatma. Both the Paramatma and the jivatma are within this material world, and therefore this material world has a purpose other than sense gratification
- The living entities, being contaminated by the modes of material nature, are called saguna, whereas Paramatma, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is nirguna, not being under the influence of the material modes
- The living entity depends on the Supersoul for directions. A person advanced in spiritual knowledge, or a person expert in the practice of mystic yoga (yama, niyama, asana and so on) can understand transcendence either as Paramatma or as the SPG of God
- The living entity, because of his being a spirit soul, can understand all the material objects, or, when self-realized, he can understand the Paramatma, upon whom yogis meditate
- The living force is the atma and Paramatma, and the body grows on the basis of that living force
- The Lord Himself enters within this material creation in the form of a partial expansion (Paramatma), and He enters also by His separated parts and parcels - the living entities
- The Lord is compared to the sky because the sky is vast yet within the reach of all, not only of human beings but even of the animals. The Supreme Lord, in His Paramatma feature, exists as the best well-wisher and friend
- The Lord is so kind that He constantly remains with the living being as Paramatma and always tries to convert the living being towards the real happiness
- The Lord is the supreme reservoir of all pleasure, including Brahman pleasure; therefore, one who has unflinching faith in the Supreme Personality of Godhead is said to be already realized in impersonal Brahman and Paramatma
- The Lord says that He is the representation of Paramatma in every body. He is different from the individual soul; He is parah, transcendental. BG 1972 purports
- The Lord simply witnesses and gives the living entity sanction for sense enjoyment. It is the Paramatma also who gives the intelligence by which the bees can construct a hive, collect honey from various flowers, store it and enjoy it
- The Lord then says - Besides these innumerable fallible and infallible living beings there is another, superior personality, known as the Paramatma. He pervades all the three worlds and exists as the supreme controller
- The material energy is in fact divided into twenty-four elements. The individual soul, the owner of the individual body, is a twenty-fifth subject, and above everything is Lord Visnu as Paramatma, the supreme controller, who is the twenty-sixth subject
- The Mayavadi philosophers mistake the living entity for the Paramatma, who is actually sitting with the living entity as a friend
- The Mayavadi philosophers, accepting the influence of maya on the living entity, want to become one with the Paramatma
- The Mayavadi philosophers, they cannot distinguish between the jiva soul, jivatma, and Paramatma. They know it, but because they are monists, to establish their theory, they say there is not two, there is one. No. Krsna says two
- The meaning of niraham is "without material designations." This word cannot possibly be twisted to mean that the Paramatma has no ahankara, no "I-ness" or identity. He has His transcendental identity as the Supreme. This is explained by Jiva Gosvami
- The mystic yogis consider the living entities and the Supersoul, Paramatma, to be one and the same. It is a minor point of controversy; after all, everything created rests on the gigantic virat or universal form of the Lord
- The mystic yogis, who practice different types of austerities for attainment of eight kinds of material perfection and who ultimately meet the Supersoul (Paramatma) in trance, are called siddhi-kami
- The neutron of the atom may be taken as the representation of Paramatma, who also enters into the atom. This is described in the Brahma-samhita
- The one Supreme Personality of Godhead reveals Himself to different thinkers as the Supreme person or impersonal Brahman or Paramatma. Impersonalists merge into the impersonal Brahman, but that is not achieved by worshiping the impersonal Brahman
- The Paramatma cannot be seen with your naked eye. You cannot see anything with your naked eye. You are very much proud of your eyes, but you do not see things as they are
- The Paramatma feature is described in the sastras as having four hands, holding disc, conchshell, lotus flower and club
- The Paramatma gave the pandita (Kesava Kashmiri) the intelligence to understand that because he was proud of his learning and wanted to defeat even the Supreme Lord, by the will of the Lord and through the agency of mother Sarasvati he had been defeated
- The Paramatma is always distinguished from the embodied soul as well as the material world. Therefore He has been described as para. That para, or Supreme Personality of Godhead, is eka, meaning "one."
- The Paramatma is always the caitya-guru, the spiritual master within, and He comes before one externally as the instructor and initiator spiritual master
- The Paramatma is the witness of the past activities of the individual living being
- The Paramatma manifestation is also a temporary all-pervasive aspect of the Ksirodakasayi Visnu. The Paramatma manifestation is not eternal in the spiritual world. BG 1972 purports
- The Paramatma, or Supersoul, the guide of the individual living beings, does not take part in fulfilling the desires of the living beings, but He arranges for their fulfillment by material nature
- The personal form of the Lord is also worshiped in meditation as Supersoul, Paramatma, but the impersonal brahma-jyotir is not worshiped
- The personified Vedas continued by saying that the Supersoul and the individual soul, or Paramatma and jivatma, cannot be equal in any circumstance, although both of them sit within the same body, like two birds sitting in the same tree
- The preliminary processes are the sitting posture, meditation, spiritual thoughts, manipulation of air passing within the body, and gradual situation in trance, facing the Absolute Person, Paramatma
- The previous verses (previous to SB 6.16.25) described the Brahman and Paramatma features of the Absolute Truth. Now this prayer is offered in bhakti-yoga to the Absolute Supreme Person
- The SPG manifests Himself as one with the cause & effect within this body, but one who has transcended the illusory energy by deliberate consideration, can understand that the Paramatma is eternally transcendental to the material creation
- The Supersoul engages the living being in executing fruitive work as a result of his deeds in the past, but the Paramatma has nothing to do with such engagements
- The Supreme Lord has many holy names like Paramatma, Brahman and “the creator,” but one who worships the Lord as the creator cannot understand the relationship between a devotee and the Lord in the five types of transcendental mellows
- The Supreme Lord has two kinds of parts and parcels: the living entity is called vibhinnamsa, and the Paramatma, or the plenary expansion of the Supreme Lord, is called svamsa
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead constantly lives with the individual soul as Paramatma
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is pure and detached. Due to being covered by the material body, the living entities are not self-effulgent, but the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Paramatma, is self-effulgent
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, is the chief amongst all living entities and is the ultimate form of the impersonal Brahman effulgence and Paramatma manifestation
- The third (plenary expansion of Lord Krsna), Ksirodakasayi Visnu, is diffused as the all-pervading Supersoul in all the universes and is known as Paramatma, who is present even within the atoms. BG 1972 purports
- The third Sandarbha is called Paramatma-sandarbha, and in this book there is a description of Paramatma (the Supersoul) and an explanation of how the Supersoul exists in millions and millions of living entities
- The vaisnava philosopher, who is perfect in knowledge, knows that the body is made of the external energy and that the Supersoul, the Paramatma, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is sitting with the individual soul and is distinct from him
- The various descriptions of paramatma, isvara and puman indicate that the expansions of the Supreme Godhead are unlimited
- The Visnu or the Deity of the quality of goodness in the material world is the purusa-avatara known as Ksirodakasayi Visnu or Paramatma
- The wrong conception of the jivatma is to identify the material body with the pure soul, and the wrong conception of Paramatma is to think Him on an equal level with the living entity
- There are different stages or phases of understanding. That is described in the Srimad-Bhagavatam. The Absolute Truth is that. It is one, but it is realized into different phases: as Brahman, as Paramatma and as Bhagavan
- There are two ksetrajnas. One ksetrajna is the jiva, soul, and another ksetrajna is Paramatma, Bhagavan
- There is a difference between the two kinds of ksetra-vit. One ksetra-vit, or knower of the body, namely the Paramatma, or the Supersoul, is directing the individual soul
- These incidents (Krsna's pastimse in the humor of parental love) are enjoyable only by the residents of Vraja like Nanda Maharaja, and not by the impersonalist worshipers of Brahman or Paramatma
- They (Paramatma and the living entity) are one in quality, yet they are different in so many ways, especially in regard to the six opulences the Supreme Personality of Godhead has in full
- They (The impersonalists) think, "Both the Supreme Lord and the individual soul enter into the various bodies; so where is the distinction? Why should individual souls worship the Paramatma, or Supersoul"
- They (the living being, Brahman and Paramatma) are all interlinked with one another, or interdependent factors; thus in the ultimate issue the Lord is the summum bonum and therefore the vital principle of everything
- They are sitting, two birds - that is stated in the Upanisads - sitting on one tree. This body is tree, and Paramatma and jivatma, both of them are sitting on the same tree
- This (CC Madhya 20.318) is a quotation from Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 2.6.32). Lord Brahma gave this information to Devarsi Narada when he was receiving instructions from Lord Brahma to understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Paramatma
- This is statement in the Srimad-Bhagavata: Those who know the Absolute Truth, they know that Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan, they are one. It is different phases of understanding only
- This knowledge (sthira-buddhi) elevates him (the self-realized person) to the station of knowing the complete science of the Absolute Truth, namely Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan. BG 1972 purports
- This knowledge develops up to the knowledge of impersonal Brahman. Above this, when it is partially mixed with devotion, such knowledge develops to knowledge of Paramatma, or the all-pervading Godhead. This is more confidential
- This purusa whom the individual soul must approach is the eternal form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is known as Brahman and Paramatma. He is the transcendental chief personality, and His activities are all spiritual
- This purusa, or Paramatma, who resides within the body of the individual soul, is described in Bhagavad-gita (BG 13.23) as the upadrasta, witness, and the anumanta, sanctioning authority
- Those who are falsely claiming that, "I am Paramatma," this is the test, - Whether you are cognizant of everything?
- Those who are mistaken say that there is no difference between them (atma and paramatma), but there is a difference. They are one in the sense that both are cognizant and both are living entities, but they are different quantitatively
- Three phases of understanding of the Absolute. First, beginning, is Brahman, then further advanced, Paramatma; then, final advancement, Bhagavan
- We are creating this flying machine, sputniks. That is also flying in the sky, and the Paramatma has created the millions of planets floating in the sky. So you have got the creative power, but you cannot create like that, Paramatma
- We can easily attain to the true, spiritual conception by recognizing the Superself (Paramatma) to be our friend and guide and by dovetailing our intelligence with the superior intelligence of Paramatma
- We have to acquire the knowledge of Krsna. That is brahma-jnana, paramatma-jnana and bhagavat-tattva-jnana
- We must study the atma and Paramatma - the individual soul and the Supersoul - upon whom the entire material cosmic manifestation rests. This is explained by the Vedic statement yato va imani bhutani jaya nte. yena jatani jivanti
- When one develops even further in Krsna consciousness, or spiritual understanding, he can appreciate that the Paramatma, the Supersoul, is the eternal worshipable object, and he surrenders unto Him
- When one understands all of these twenty-six subjects (the twenty-four elements, the individual soul, and Lord Visnu as Paramatma), he becomes adhyatma-vit, an expert in understanding the distinction between matter and spirit
- When such knowledge (knowledge of Paramatma, or the all-pervading Godhead) is turned into pure devotional service and the confidential part of transcendental knowledge is attained, it is called the most confidential knowledge
- When the fair is over, there is no need for a supervising officer, and he returns home. The Paramatma is compared to such an officer
- When the fair is over, there is no need for such an officer, and he returns home. The Paramatma is compared to such an officer
- When the Mayavadis pretend to perform kirtana or hold discourses on the Bhagavatam for personal name and fame, they may sing and talk about Brahman, Caitanya, and Paramatma, but they cannot utter Lord Krsna's name
- When the mind is clear, it is possible to meditate on the Supersoul. The Paramatma, or Supersoul, is always seated within the heart along with the individual soul
- When there is complete cooperation among different individual souls, the Supreme Personality of Godhead as Supersoul, Paramatma, being one in every individual soul, is pleased and gives them all protection
- When you understand Krsna, then you understand Paramatma and Brahman. This is the verdict of the sastra. Just like if you have got one lakh of rupees, your possession of few thousands of rupees or few hundreds of rupees are already there
- Without Krsna, there could be no existence of Brahman or Paramatma. Bhagavan, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is the ultimate realization of the Absolute Truth
- Worship of the impersonal Brahman and the Paramatma is conducted by those engaged in empiric philosophical speculation and mystic yoga
- You cannot falsely claim that "I am Paramatma," or "I am God." Whether you have got this all-pervading knowledge? This is the only test to the pretenders that he is God, he is Paramatma
- You do not understand what is tattva, what is Brahman, what is Paramatma, what is God, if you do not become cleansed, if you do not become a devotee, as they are stated, if you have no acarya, you have no guru, then you are in darkness
- You live everywhere as Paramatma; therefore You are known as Vasudeva. You also accept Vasudeva as Your father, and You are celebrated by the name Krsna. You are so kind that You always increase the influence of all kinds of devotees
- You should know that it is all due to your sincerity of heart; when we are sincere, Krishna will always help us, either in external direction by the Spiritual Master, or internally by His Paramatma expansion