Category:God Is The Paramatma
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- A highly advanced maha-bhagavata devotee sees in this spirit: he sees the same Supersoul, Paramatma, existing within everyone's heart, regardless of discrimination based on the different material forms of the living entities
- A living entity works hard under the direction of the Paramatma and is carried away by the laws of nature. Nonetheless, he thinks himself independent of God and independent of the stringent laws of material nature
- A perfect devotee does not make the mistake of thinking that because the Supreme Personality of Godhead as Paramatma has entered into the body of every living entity, every living entity has become the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is foolishness
- A person who sees that the Lord is sitting as Paramatma in everyone's heart and that everything is depending or existing on the transcendental energy of the Supreme Lord is in the highest devotional position
- Above the innumerable living entities, some of whom are conditioned and some of whom are liberated, there is the Supreme Personality who is Paramatma. BG 1972 purports
- Above them (those who desire to merge into the Supreme Spirit Soul) are the mystic yogis, who by meditation see within their hearts the four-handed Visnu form of the Paramatma, or Supersoul
- Absolute Truth, is observed from three angle of vision - Brahman, Paramatma, and Bhagavan - but all of them are the same and one object. So simply by realization of Brahman, impersonal Brahman, is not perfect knowledge of the Absolute Truth
- According to the Bhagavata Puranam the Supreme Truth is realized in three stages namely the Impersonal Brahman or the Nirakara Absolute. The Paramatma or the localized aspect of Brahman
- According to the living entity’s desires, he is wandering from one body to another and from one planet to another, under the direction of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Paramatma
- Actually, every living entity is intended to abide by the dictation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is seated in everyone's heart as Paramatma. BG 1972 purports
- After analysis of the living entities and the Supreme Lord, Paramatma, the independent source of all other living beings, Srila Sukadeva Gosvami is now presenting the prime necessity for devotional service to the Lord
- Although Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan are the same and one absolute truth, still devotees like Kamsa or Sisupala could attain only to the Brahman effulgence. They could not have realization of Paramatma or Bhagavan. That is the distinction
- Although human beings are creating their beehives in order to enjoy the sweetness of their senses, they are at the same time suffering from the bites of other persons or nations. Godhead as Paramatma is simply witnessing all these activities
- Although impersonal Brahman, Paramatma Brahman and Brahman as the Supreme Person are all on the same transcendental platform, the personal feature of the Supreme Brahman is the ultimate goal and last word in transcendence
- Although Paramatma and Brahman are subordinate to Bhagavan, because Bhagavan is Purusottama or the Superperson, He is the source of the Supersoul also
- Although the Supersoul, Paramatma, and the individual soul are both within the body, the Supersoul is devoid of designation, whereas the conditioned soul is designated by his particular type of body
- Although we cannot see the Supreme Personality of Godhead in our present darkness, our lack of knowledge, He is always present, seeing our activities. As the Paramatma, He is the witness and adviser - upadrasta and anumanta
- An appreciation of the greatness of the Lord is called santa-rati. This is attachment not to the personal feature but to the impersonal feature. Generally, one in this stage is attached to the Paramatma feature of the Supreme
- Another reason why Lord Siva is called Siva, which means "all-auspicious," is that he is self-illuminated, exactly like Lord Visnu, who is the Paramatma
- As fire appears separate from wood and as the air flowing through the nostrils and mouth of the body appear separate from the body, so the Paramatma, the SPG, appears separate from the living being but is actually separate and not separate simultaneously
- As from wood, fire can be manifested, or as butter can be churned out of milk, so also the presence of the Lord as Paramatma can be felt by the process of legitimate hearing and chanting of the transcendental subjects
- As Paramatma and eternal friend of the living entities, the Lord, by one of His plenary portions, accompanies the living entities to guide them in their material enjoyment and to become witness to all activities
- As Paramatma, or Supersoul, He (the Lord) is situated in everyone's heart, always giving everyone the chance of good counsel. Thus everyone should take the opportunity and render transcendental loving service to Him wholly and solely
- As Paramatma, or Supersoul, the Lord is within each and every material form, even within the atoms, but the outward material form is but an imagination, both for the Lord and for the living being
- As Paramatma, Supersoul, the Lord is living in everyone's heart, and from Him only does one's power of remembrance, knowledge and forgetfulness follow. One person can sharply remember past activities by the grace of the Lord while others cannot
- As soon as we become Krsna conscious, that extension of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Paramatma, induces us to love every object in relation with Krsna
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 15.15), sarvasya caham hrdi sannivisto mattah smrtir jnanam apohanam ca: the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Paramatma, is situated in everyone's heart, and from Him come remembrance, knowledge and forgetfulness
- Bhagavan is Absolute Truth. The Absolute Truth is understood from three angles of vision: Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan
- Brahma-nistham, firmly fixed up in Brahman. To know Brahman means to know not only the impersonal brahma-jyotir, but also Paramatma and Bhagavan. Brahmeti paramatmeti bhagavan iti sabdyate. This is knowledge
- Brahman is His transcendental bodily effulgence, and Paramatma is His partial representation. As such, Brahman or Paramatma realization of the Absolute Truth is but a partial realization
- Brahman realization begins from the impersonal effulgence, but by further progress of such meditation, manifestation of the Supreme Soul, Paramatma realization, takes place
- But because they (The Mayavadi philosophers) have no actual love for Paramatma, they remain ever entrapped by the influence of maya and are unable to approach the vicinity of Paramatma. This inability is due to their lack of affection for the Paramatma
- By His one plenary portion as Paramatma, antaryami, the Lord is all-pervading throughout the unlimited universes. He is the pratyak, or antaryami, of all living entities
- By His one plenary portion as Paramatma, the Lord controls innumerable universes, with all their demigods; yet He agrees to be controlled by a devotee
- By meditation to find out the supreme Paramatma within yourself, that is called yoga practice. Dhyanavasthita-tad-gatena manasa pasyanti yam yoginah. This is yogi. So that yoga is perfect when you see Krsna
- By realizing the impersonal brahmajyoti, one experiences the auspicious aspect of the Supreme, and by realizing the Paramatma, or all-pervading feature of the Supreme, one experiences an even more auspicious enlightenment
- By the eightfold yoga system He appears as Paramatma. But in pure Krsna consciousness, or knowledge in purity, when one tries to understand Absolute Truth, one realizes Him as the Supreme Person. Transcendence is realized simply on the basis of knowledge
- By the Lord's param bhavam, or transcendental nature, He is the all-pervading Paramatma living in the core of the hearts of all living entities, yet He looks like a human being
- Either any yoga system, any spiritual life is called yoga. Yoga means to link. We are part and parcel of the supreme absolute, Brahman or Bhagavan, whatever you call, Paramatma, it doesn't matter. But yoga means linking
- Every individual living entity is subject to the supreme control of the Paramatma, who puts everyone in different positions of the controller and the controlled
- Every living being is controlled by the supreme living being, Paramatma, who resides within everyone's heart. He is the purusa, the purusa-avatara, who creates this material world
- Foolish persons do not distinguish between the atma and the Paramatma, who are situated in every body. The atma is the living entity, and the Paramatma is the SPG. The individual living entity, however, is different from the Paramatma, the Supreme Lord
- From Garbhodakasayi Visnu there is expansion of the Ksirodakasayi Visnu, who is the collective Paramatma of all living beings. He is called Hari, and from Him all incarnations within the universe are expanded
- From Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 11.3.34): O best of the brahmanas, please tell us of the position of Narayana, who is also known as Brahman and Paramatma
- From the Rg Veda we understand, om tad visnoh paramam padam: the original substance is the all-pervading Lord Visnu, who is also Paramatma and the effulgent Brahman
- Full knowledge of Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan is revealed to the pure devotees. The Lord says in BG (10.11): Out of compassion for them, I, dwelling in their hearts, destroy with the shining lamp of knowledge the darkness born of ignorance
- Generally, those who are trying to realize the Absolute Truth first of all realize the brahma-jyotir. Those who concentrate on the Supersoul, the localized form of the Lord in the heart, called Paramatma, are known as paramatmavadis
- God is known as Paramatma, the Supersoul, Brahman the Supreme Absolute, Srstikarta the creator, Narayana the transcendental Lord, Rukminiramana the husband of Rukmini, Gopinatha the enjoyer of the gopis, and Krsna
- Great souls assert that Narayana, who is known as the Paramatma, or Supersoul, is beyond material nature, and this is in accordance with the statements of the Vedic literature. Mayavadis also agree that Narayana can expand Himself in various forms
- Greater than the impersonalist is the mystic who sees the Lord situated in his heart as Paramatma, the partial representation of the Lord
- Gross materialists without any knowledge of Brahman, Paramatma or Bhagavan conclude material nature to be the ultimate cause of the material manifestation
- Harih sarvesu bhutesu means that Hari is situated as Paramatma, not as atma, although atma is a part of Paramatma
- Having described Govinda in terms of His Brahman and Paramatma features, now the author of Sri Caitanya-caritamrta advances his argument to prove that Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is the identical personality
- He (the Personality of Godhead) is not the object of affection by material tinges of body and mind, but He is the full, naked, uncontaminated object of affection for all living entities because He is the Supersoul, or Paramatma, within everyone's heart
- He (The Supersoul) knows. I may forget my past activities due to the change of body, but because the Supreme Lord as Paramatma is sitting within me, He knows everything; therefore the result of my past karma, or past activities, is awarded to me
- He (the Supreme Lord) treats every living being as a friend yet maintains Himself as Paramatma regardless of the circumstances of the living entities. BG 1972 purports
- He is without any duality, but the Absolute Truth is known as in three features: by somebody as Brahman, by somebody as Paramatma and somebody as Bhagavan. - Actually, He is Bhagavan. Paramatma is His universal feature
- Human life is meant for self-realization. First of all one has to realize his own self, which is described in this verse as nijam. Then he has to understand or realize the Supersoul, or Paramatma, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- I am atma, a spiritual soul, and you are atma. We are all situated locally, you within your body and I within mine, but the Paramatma is situated everywhere. That is the difference between atma and Paramatma
- I know something about my body or I know something about this world. Similarly, there is another atma, supreme atma, who knows everything of this universe. He is sometimes called God or the Paramatma or Krsna, according to different language
- If one understands that the Supreme is situated in His Paramatma manifestation everywhere, if one can see the presence of the Supreme PG in every living thing, he does not degrade himself, & he gradually advances in the spiritual world. BG 1972 purports
- If the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Paramatma, is the same in the . . . in each and every body - isvarah sarva-bhutanam hrd-dese arjuna tisthati (BG 18.61) - why one is acting different from the other
- Impersonal Brahman is incomplete realization of the absolute whole, and so also is the conception of Paramatma in the Twelfth Chapter. BG 1972 Introduction
- In a house, there is a tenant and a landlord. The tenant is the occupant, and the landlord is the proprietor. Similarly, the atma is simply the occupant of the body; the proprietor is Paramatma
- In a train there are first-class, second-class seats, & the conductors directs, "Here is your reserved seats, sir. Come here. Sit down." Similarly, the conductor is the SPG. He is called Paramatma. He is giving you different types of bodies as you desire
- In any case, one receives an inferior or superior body at the discretion of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Paramatma
- In different types of bodies, the Lord (isvara) gives directions as Paramatma, and again, to destroy the body, He employs the tamo-guna. This is the way the living entities receive different types of bodies
- In His impersonal feature (Brahman) the Supreme Lord is everywhere, inside and outside: as the Supersoul (Paramatma) He is inside everything, from the gigantic universal form down to the atoms and electrons
- In spite of His being the shelter of both the Paramatma and Brahman, persons with a poor fund of knowledge are unable to understand Him as He is
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam, Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, are all taken together as the Absolute Truth
- In the Bhagavad-gita (BG 13.23) the Supreme Personality of Godhead as Paramatma is described as upadrasta (the overseer) and anumanta - the permitter
- In the Bhagavad-gita it is clearly said that all intelligence comes from the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is situated in everyone’s heart as the Paramatma
- In the First Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam it is said that the absolute truth is one, and He is manifested as impersonal Brahman, Paramatma (supersoul), and Bhagavan (the Supreme Personality of Godhead). Here is a spiritual distinction
- In the second stage of self-realization, one comes to know that every soul, every individual living entity, is part and parcel of the Supreme Soul, Paramatma, or the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- In the Upanisads it is said: yam evaisa vrnute tena labhyah-labhyah Katha Upanisad 1.2.23. The Supreme Lord, Paramatma, the Personality of Godhead, can be seen or perceived only by persons who are saturated with devotional service
- In the Vedas it is said that the Supreme Lord or the Paramatma cannot be understood simply by the strength of one's erudition or power of mental speculation: nayam atma pravacanena labhyo na medhaya na bahuna srutena - Katha Upanisad 1.2.23
- In this Mayavada philosophy I (Siva as Sankaracarya) have described the jivatma and Paramatma to be one and the same
- Isvara, the Supreme Lord, is situated in everyone's heart. The yoga system means to see, find out that God, Paramatma, or meditate upon Him
- It is learned from the revealed scriptures that the moon was born from the milk ocean. There is a milk ocean in the upper planets, and there Visnu, who controls the heart of every living being as Paramatma (the Supersoul), resides as Ksirodakasayi Visnu
- It is mistaken idea that the Paramatma and the atma, jivatma, is the same. They are same in quality, but Paramatma is worshipable and jivatma is the worshiper
- It is said that the Absolute Truth is one, but is manifested in different features as Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan
- It is understood from Vedic literature that the conditioned soul creates his own destiny and is offered a particular body by the laws of nature under the superintendence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who always accompanies him as Paramatma
- Jivatma is small, and Paramatma, or God, is great. That you know, every one of you. You say: "God is great," but how He is great, that we do not know. That we have to know. That is called God consciousness or Krsna consciousness
- Jnana-yoga system or dhyana-yoga system, that is partial understanding, Paramatma feature. In that way you can understand, you can come to the platform of understanding samah sarvesu bhutesu. But that is not perfection
- Jnanis want to become one with the Brahman effulgence, yogis want to realize Paramatma, and devotees want to develop Krsna consciousness and transcendental loving service to the Lord. That loving service is the perfect stage of sense control
- Just as our spirit is present within the body, the Lord is present within the universe as Paramatma. Due to the presence of Ksirodakasayi Visnu, the material creation exists, just as due to our presence our bodies are existing
- Learned transcendentalists who know the Absolute Truth call this nondual substance Brahman, Paramatma or Bhagavan - SB 1.2.11
- Lord Himself confirms in Bhagavad-gita, aham sarvasya prabhavah: (BG 10.8) "I am the origin of everything." The Supreme Personality of Godhead is the original source of all emanations, and at the same time, as Paramatma, He is spread all over existence
- Lord Visnu, as Paramatma, gives the king all intelligence to execute governmental affairs. Srila Rupa Gosvami therefore asked the King what was in his mind concerning Caitanya Mahaprabhu and indicated that whatever the King thought about Him was correct
- My dear Lord, devotees who have fully dedicated their lives unto your lotus feet certainly observe your presence as Paramatma in each and every being, and as such they do not differentiate between one living being and another
- My dear Lord, Your universal form consists of all five elements, the senses, mind, intelligence, false ego (which is material) and the Paramatma, Your partial expansion, who is the director of everything
- Paramatma (Vasudeva) is situated in everyone's heart, as confirmed in Bhagavad-gita. The Lord says: "To those who are constantly devoted and who worship Me with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me" - BG 10.10
- Paramatma, the Supersoul, is the middle, the second stage in transcendental realization, and the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the ultimate realization of the Absolute Truth. BG 1972 purports
- Paratattva means the Supreme Reality, who is understood by the knowers of the Supreme as Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan. BG 1972 purports
- Part and parcel of God can be called God, but he is not Supreme God. Therefore there are two words in Vedic language: atma, Paramatma. Atma. Atma means living entities. We are all atmas. And God is Paramatma
- Prahlada Maharaja says that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is identical with the all-pervading Supreme Soul, the Paramatma. The same information appears in the Brahma-samhita
- Real yoga practice entails meeting the Paramatma within the heart and then following His dictation. For one who takes to Krsna consciousness directly, perfect surrender to the dictation of the Lord follows automatically. BG 1972 purports
- Regarding the Christian's Trinity, I believe it is called God, the Holy Ghost, and the son. Person in Krishna Consciousness accepts this by the name Visnu, Paramatma, and Jiva
- Similarly, originally God is person, and then, when He expands, all-pervasive, that is Paramatma. And when He expands by His energy, that is Brahman. This is understanding
- Since He (God) is the origin of the Brahman effulgence and Paramatma manifestation, He is described herewith (in SB 3.29.36) as the chief personality
- Since Sri Gaurasundara, or Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, is identical with Sri Krsna Himself, the Brahman effulgence consists of the rays of His transcendental body. Similarly, the Supersoul, which is called the Paramatma, is His plenary representation
- Since the Lord gives instructions as sarvatma, the Supersoul, Lord Siva offers Him respect with the words sarvasma atmane namah. The individual soul is called atma, and the Lord is also called atma as well as Paramatma
- Since the Lord is the origin of both Paramatma and Brahman, He is the origin of all living entities and all else that exists. One who knows this engages himself at once in the devotional service of the Lord
- Somebody may question that "If he (Brahma) is original creature, then how he got this knowledge of creating?" So that is explained: tene brahma hrda. Hrda: "from the heart God instructed." God is situated in everyone's heart. That is called Paramatma
- Synonyms for the supreme source of all energies, as explained in the very beginning of the Srimad-Bhagavatam, are called Parambrahma, Paramatma or Bhagavan
- That is stated by Prahlada: Beginning from the nonmoving plants and trees and extending up to the highest living creature, Brahma, the SP of Godhead is present everywhere by His expansion as the Paramatma, the feature of the Lord in everyone's heart
- That is the Vedic statement, that there are two birds sitting on the same tree. One bird is enjoying the fruit of the tree, and the other bird is simply witnessing. So the two birds, jivatma and paramatma, are always associated
- The above quoted verse from Bhagavad-gita indicates that one who has conquered the mind and has overcome all attachment to nonpermanent things can be absorbed in thought of the Paramatma
- The Absolute Truth is always to be understood from three angles of vision as Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan. Unlike the objects of the material world, however, the Absolute Truth is always one and always the same
- The Absolute Truth is explained as Brahman, the all-pervading spiritual effulgence; as Paramatma, the localized Supersoul; or as Bhagavan, the Supreme Lord. Understanding these is what Vedanta-sutra means when it says, athato brahma jijnasa
- The Absolute Truth is one, but is perceived in three features, known as Brahman, Paramatma, and Bhagavan
- The Absolute Truth is realized in three features - impersonal Brahman, localized Paramatma and ultimately the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Bhagavan. The word apavarga means "liberation." pavarga means "material existence."
- The Absolute Truth is ultimately understood as Bhagavan, partially understood as Paramatma and vaguely understood as the impersonal Brahman
- The all-pervading Supersoul, Paramatma, is the source of all living entities, and all living entities are part and parcel of Him
- The Bhagavatam has enunciated that the Absolute Truth is present in three features - in the beginning as the impersonal Brahman, in the next stage as the Paramatma in everyone's heart, at last, as the ultimate realization of the Absolute Truth, Bhagavan
- The brahmanah pathi is the path of transcendental realization through knowing oneself to be spiritual in essence, part and parcel of the Supreme Lord who is manifested as Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan. BG 1972 purports
- The conclusion is that the purusa-avatara is manifested in three features - third the Ksirodakasayi Visnu who is the Paramatma of every material object, organic or inorganic
- The conditioned soul, the living entity, is controlled by the laws of nature, while the Paramatma, or the Supersoul, is the controller of the material energy
- The difference between atma and Paramatma is that the atma, or the soul, is present only in a particular body, whereas the Paramatma is present everywhere. In this connection, the example of the sun is very nice
- The entire material manifestation develops and exists because the Supreme Personality of Godhead enters it as Paramatma, or the Supersoul
- The external energy is a background, but the Supreme Lord by the expansion of His plenary portion as Paramatma is situated everywhere. He is the Supersoul of all demigods, all human beings, all animals, everywhere. BG 1972 purports
- The feature of the Lord by which He is present everywhere is called Paramatma. Atma means the individual soul, and Paramatma means the individual Supersoul; both atma and Paramatma are individual persons
- The fruit-eater (living entity) has forgotten his real identity and is overwhelmed in the fruitive activities of the material conditions, but the Lord (Paramatma) is always full in transcendental knowledge
- The heart of every living entity is the seat of the Supersoul, Paramatma, a plenary expansion of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Without His presence the living entity cannot get into the working energy according to his past deeds
- The impersonal aspect of the Absolute Truth is not the last word. Above the impersonal feature is the Paramatma
- The individual living soul is subject to the laws of fruitive activity, but the Supersoul, Paramatma, is not affected by the fruitive activities of the individual soul
- The individual soul is called atma. But there is another soul, Supersoul. He is called Paramatma. Paramatma is God, but atma and Paramatma, both of them are cognizant. Both of them know things
- The influence of maya is experienced by the part and parcel spiritual entity, but it cannot influence the Supersoul, the Paramatma
- The jivatma is enjoying or suffering by eating the fruits of the bodily activities, but the Paramatma, who is free from such bondage, witnesses and sanctions the activities of the individual soul as the individual soul desires
- The living entities are eternally parts and parcels of the Supreme Lord. The living entity is called the atma, and the Lord is called the Paramatma. The living entity is called Brahman, and the Lord is called the Parabrahman, or the Paramesvara
- The living entities, being contaminated by the modes of material nature, are called saguna, whereas Paramatma, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is nirguna, not being under the influence of the material modes
- The living entity and the Supreme Person as Paramatma, both of them are sitting in this body. That is explained in the Upanisad as two birds are sitting in the same tree. One bird is eating, and one bird is witnessing
- The living entity's enjoying the fruit of the tree, and the other living entity, Supreme, Paramatma, He's simply witnessing. Witnessing, and giving you the result of your fruitive activities. That is called karma
- The Lord as Paramatma helps the living being to get material happiness because the living being is helpless in all respects in obtaining what he desires. He proposes, and the Lord dispose
- The Lord as Paramatma is present both in the outcaste and in the brahmana, although the body of a brahmana and that of an outcaste are not the same. The bodies are material productions of different modes of material nature. BG 1972 purports
- The Lord expands Himself by innumerable parts and parcels as svamsa and vibhinnamsa. Paramatma is the svamsa part of the Lord, whereas the vibhinnamsa parts are the living beings
- The Lord Himself as Paramatma, or the spiritual master sitting within one's heart, gives the devotee exact directions by which he can gradually go back to Godhead
- The Lord is situated in the hearts of all living beings (as Paramatma), and He is controlling all of them in the material world under the agency of His external energy
- The Lord says that at the time of death, whoever thinks of Him, either as Brahman or Paramatma or the Personality of Godhead, certainly he enters into the spiritual sky and there is no doubt about it. One should not disbelieve it
- The Lord says, My dear friend, you and I are not different. This nondifference refers to qualitative oneness, for it was not necessary for the Paramatma, the Supreme Personality, to remind the conditioned soul that he is not one in quantity
- The Lord who associates with the living being is the Paramatma, or supreme living being. No one, therefore, should view the tiny living beings and supreme living being to be on an equal level
- The Paramatma and the jivatma, who are likened to two birds, are sitting in the body
- The Paramatma, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is living in everyone's heart as isvara, as the controller, and that He is giving directions for the living entity to act as he desires. BG 1972 Introduction
- The Paramatma, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, knows everyone's desires
- The Personality of Godhead in His all-pervading feature of Paramatma enters every entity, from the biggest to the most minute. His existence can be realized by one who has the single qualification of submissiveness and thereby becomes a surrendered soul
- The Personality of Godhead is the complete form of sac-cid-ananda (full life, knowledge and bliss). By realization of the cit portion of the Complete Whole (unlimited knowledge), one can realize the localized aspect of the Lord, the Paramatma
- The presence of the Lord as Paramatma can be felt by the process of legitimate hearing and chanting of the transcendental subjects which are especially treated in the Vedic literatures like the Upanisads and Vedanta
- The Sankarites believe that the individual soul is identical with the Paramatma in the ultimate analysis
- The speculators, by dint of their own knowledge, they realize the Absolute Truth in His impersonal Brahman feature. And those who are yogis, they realize this God, the Supreme Lord, as Paramatma within the heart
- The SPG has created many residential places like the bodies of human beings, animals, birds, saints and demigods. In all of these innumerable bodily forms, the Lord resides with the living being as Paramatma. Thus He is known as the purusavatara
- The spiritual soul is more important than the gross body, and the Supersoul, Paramatma, is still more important than the soul. The Supreme Godhead is absolutely independent, and His incarnations are transcendental
- The Srimad-Bhagavatam explains that the Supreme Absolute Truth is known as Brahman, Paramatma, and Bhagavan. In addition, the living entity, individual soul, is also called Brahman. BG 1972 purports
- The Supersoul, or Paramatma, however, being present everywhere & within everyone, is also conscious of everyone's existence. The theory that the soul & the Supersoul are one is not acceptable because it is not confirmed by authoritative Vedic literature
- The supreme atma, or soul, is the Lord Himself, and the minute atma is the living entity. The supreme atma, or Paramatma, alone maintains all the individual minute beings, for the Supreme Lord wants to derive pleasure out of their affection
- The Supreme Lord is called Paramatma, and the living entity is called the atma, the brahma or the jiva
- The Supreme Lord is situated as Paramatma in everyone's heart, and it is from Him that all activities are initiated. BG 1972 purports
- The Supreme Lord, as Paramatma, is sitting within the heart of every living entity, and He directly perceives the exact causes of distress
- The Supreme Lord, by His plenary portion as Paramatma, is present in everyone's heart. Such an understanding of the Supreme is real knowledge. BG 1972 purports
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead alone is complete transcendental knowledge, but according to the different processes of understanding He appears differently, either as impersonal Brahman, as Paramatma, as the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead in His plenary expansion as the Paramatma, or Supersoul, sits in everyone's heart and can understand the attitudes and desires of His devotees
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is situated in everyone's heart as Paramatma. A wise man who can understand Him is eligible to attain the perfect peace, not others. BG 1972 purports
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead who is expanded as the Paramatma, the Supersoul in everyone, the all-pervading Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, not being covered by a material body, is the witness of all the activities of the living entity. But both of them, the living entity and the Paramatma, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, are atma, or spirit
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Purusottama, is above both impersonal Brahman and the partial realization of Paramatma. BG 1972 Introduction
- The theory of reflection can be applied to the Supersoul who is present in each and every individual body and is known as the Paramatma, who is different from the individual living entity. BG 1972 purports
- The third, Ksirodakasayi Visnu, is diffused as the all-pervading Supersoul in all the universes and is known as Paramatma. He is present even within the atoms
- The two words tasyai kasthayai are very significant. Everywhere, in every direction, in every heart and in every atom, the Supreme Personality of Godhead is situated in His features as Brahman and Paramatma
- The understanding of the effulgent rays of the body of the Supreme Godhead is not the perfect stage of brahma-siddhi, or Brahman realization. Nor is the realization of the Paramatma feature of the Supreme Person perfect
- The word adyah in this verse (SB 4.30.7) is very significant. The Supreme Personality of Godhead is the origin even of Paramatma and Brahman
- The word atmanam in this verse (SB 7.1.9) means paramatmanam. The Paramatma, or Supersoul, is situated in the core of everyone's heart
- The word eva is particularly important in the context of this verse (BG 8.4) because by this word the Lord stresses that the Paramatma is not different from Him. BG 1972 purports
- The yoga system involves concentrating the mind and focusing it on the Paramatma or Supersoul seated within the heart
- The yogis are satisfied simply by partial vision of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Paramatma, and ultimately by oneness with Him
- There is a gulf of difference between the living entity (atma) and the controlling Lord (Paramatma), the soul and the Supersoul. Paramatma is the controller, and the atma is the controlled; therefore they are in different categories
- There is not even the slightest difference between the potency of the Supreme Person and that of His plenary expansion as Paramatma. But the vibhinnamsa parts and parcels possess only a minute portion of the potencies of the Lord
- This body, I am the occupier. God has given me this body, this machine, but proprietor is Lord, the Supreme Lord. Therefore both of us has got the concern with this body. Atma, Paramatma. Soul, Supersoul
- This statement by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is confirmed in Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 1.2.11): Learned transcendentalists who know the Absolute Truth call this nondual substance Brahman, Paramatma or Bhagavan
- Those who are aware of the Absolute Truth, they say that Absolute Truth is one, but He's realized in three angle of vision, namely, Brahman, Paramatma, and Bhagavan
- Those who are not as perfect as the pure devotees-namely, those who have realized only the Brahman or Paramatma features of the Lord-cannot appreciate the activities of the perfect devotees
- Those who are too much, I mean to say, thinking of this body, for them, this hatha-yoga system is prescribed. But the aim of that hatha-yoga system is to see or search out the Supreme Personality of Godhead, or Paramatma
- Those who are trying to capture the Supreme Personality of Godhead within the heart - yogis, - they understand Krsna, or God, as Paramatma, the Supersoul
- Through the principles of religion, one can understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Brahman (the impersonal feature of the Supreme Lord) and Paramatma (the localized aspect of the Lord)
- Two birds are sitting in one tree. So one bird is witnessing. The witnessing bird is the Paramatma, antaryami. He is looking after all your activities, witness
- We are spirit soul and God is the Supreme Soul. All the souls have come, emanated from Him. He is the Supreme Soul, and Paramatma. The exact word used in the Vedic language, Paramatma, Parabrahma, Paramesvara
- We may forget the misdeed for which we may suffer at this present moment, but we must remember that Paramatma is our constant companion, and therefore He knows everything, past, present and future
- When a conditioned soul is seriously anxious to get out of the influence of the material clutches, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is situated within him as Paramatma, gives him this knowledge: Surrender unto Me
- When a devotee wants to serve the Supreme Lord, the Lord, as Paramatma, gives the devotee the intelligence to make progress in devotional service. The Lord directly witnesses our activities and experiences our desires
- When He (The Supreme Personality of Godhead) is realized in His impersonal form He is called the Supreme Brahman, when realized as the Paramatma He is called antaryami
- When one comes to understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead (vasudevah sarvam iti), when one realizes that Vasudeva is both Paramatma and the impersonal Brahman, he is then in perfect knowledge
- When one understands that purusa, the supreme controller, to be Paramatma, one is engaged in the method of yoga (dhyanavasthita-tad-gatena manasa pasyanti yam yoginah (SB 12.13.1)). But mother Yasoda has surpassed all these stages
- When the landlord tells the tenant to leave the house, the tenant must do so. Similarly, when the Paramatma says that we have to leave the body, we have to do so
- When the living entity falls down into the material world, the Supreme Lord, through His svamsa expansion (Paramatma), keeps company with the living entity
- When the living entity falls down into the material world, the Supreme Lord, through His svamsa expansion (Paramatma), keeps company with the living entity. In this way the living entity may some day return home, back to Godhead
- When the mind is conquered, one voluntarily agrees to abide by the dictation of the Personality of Godhead, who is situated within the heart of everyone as Paramatma. BG 1972 purports
- When this practice of yoga is perfect, one sees the Supersoul, the Paramatma feature of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, within the core of one's heart
- Within the heart of every living being the Lord Himself as the Supersoul (Paramatma) becomes the spiritual master, and from without He becomes the spiritual master in the shape of scriptures, saints and the initiator spiritual master
- Yoga means to get into touch with the SL. The process, however, includes several bodily features such as asana, dhyana, pranayama and meditation, and all of them are meant for concentrating upon the localized aspect of Vasudeva represented as Paramatma
- Yogis, Their whole life they devote, maybe impersonal Brahman, so he can be merged into the impersonal feature of the Lord. Paramatma
- You will find in the Bhagavad-gita. Isvara, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is sitting in everyone's heart. Not only human being, even animals, everyone. So that feature is called Paramatma