Category:Spiritual World
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Pages in category "Spiritual World"
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- A description of the higher planets and the spiritual world can be found in the Vedic scriptures. The yogi knows everything; he can transfer himself to any planet he likes. He does not need the help of spacecraft
- A devotee, by executing devotional service, not only realizes what the spiritual world actually is, but factually goes there to live an eternal life of bliss and knowledge
- A foolish man, if he is informed that there is better life in the spiritual world, to become servant of God, Krsna, they think, "I became servant of this material world. I have suffered so much. Again servant of Krsna? Oh..." They shudder
- A human being is a living entity, and the devotees in the spiritual world are also living entities, but in the human beings who are not Krsna conscious the real symptoms of life are absent
- A learned scholar who has studied the Vedas and has information from authorities like Lord Caitanya and who knows how to apply these teachings can understand that Krsna is the origin of everything in both the material & spiritual worlds. BG 1972 purports
- A living man means spirit and matter combined. And a dead man means the matter is there; spirit is gone. So you can distinguish what is spirit and what is matter. So similarly, there is, as this is material world, there is another spiritual world
- A mahatma cannot be manufactured. He is under the daivi prakrti, the divine nature. There are two kinds of prakrti-para prakrti and apara prakrti. Apara prakrti is the material world, and daivi prakrti is the spiritual world
- A self-realized person, or a devotee, knows well that this material cosmic manifestation is a temporary, illusory representation appearing to be truth. It is like a phantasmagoria. But behind this shadow creation there is reality - the spiritual world
- A true bhakta wants to satisfy not his senses but the senses of Krsna. That is the spiritual world
- According to different functions, the Maya is represented differently. In the material world the energy is called Bhadra, and in the spiritual world the same Maya is called Subhadra
- According to Krsna in the Bhagavad-gita (18.55), only those who engage in His loving devotional service will be admitted to the spiritual world and return to Godhead, not others
- According to the Bhagavad-gita (BG 8.20), there is also a spiritual world: paras tasmat tu bhavo ’nyo ‘vyakto ’vyaktat sanatanah, yah sa sarvesu bhutesu nasyatsu na vinasyati
- According to the Vedanta-sutra (janmady asya yatah (SB 1.1.1)), since creation, maintenance and annihilation exist in the Supreme Absolute, whatever we find within this material world is already in the spiritual world
- According to Vedic civilization, one has to see through the authority of the revealed scriptures. One should see everything through the medium of the Vedic literature. In this way, one can distinguish between the spiritual world and material world
- Actual mukti, or liberation, can be attained only by devotional service, because by devotional service one can go above Brahmaloka, or to the spiritual world, wherefrom he never comes back
- Actually there is no other consciousness but Krsna consciousness. And that consciousness is spiritual. Thus even while in this material world, if we simply increase our Krsna consciousness we shall live in the spiritual world
- Actually we want happiness, blissful life. That is not possible in the material world. That is in the spiritual world. That is the aim. So every human being should be given chance. That is real education. That is called samskara
- Affection for matter is perishable, as indicated by the inebriety of sex in the material world, but there is no such inebriety in the spiritual world
- After being trained to serve the Lord in various capacities in that prakata-lila, the devotee is finally promoted to sanatana-dhama, the supreme abode in the spiritual world
- After creating both the material world and spiritual world through yogamaya, the Supreme Personality of Godhead personally maintains them by expanding Himself in different categories as the Visnu murtis and the demigods
- After finishing with all this material enjoyment (thirty-six thousand years with unchangeable senses and the chance to perform many great sacrifices), Dhruva would be promoted to the spiritual world, which includes the Dhruvaloka
- After the dissolution of this material world, the manifestation of the spiritual world, the sanatana-dhama, remains. That spiritual sky is called avyakrta, that which does not change, and there the Supreme Personality of Godhead resides
- After visiting the spiritual world, Arjuna concluded that whatever opulence anyone can show within the material or spiritual worlds is all a gift of Lord Krsna
- All his (Sri Purusottama Yati's) writings and words are very potent. He gave people devotional service to Lord Visnu so they could be elevated to liberation in the spiritual world
- All indications for the satisfaction of our soul's innermost desires point to those worlds (spiritual) of Krsna beyond birth and death
- All is anxious with us because we have accepted this material life. Just the opposite is so in the spiritual world. No one, however, knows how to get out of the material concept
- All manifestations, in both the material and spiritual worlds, are demonstrations of the different potencies of Lord Krsna. The Personality of Godhead Baladeva is His immediate personal expansion, and Bhima, Arjuna, etc., are His personal associates
- All relationships in the material world are but perverted reflections of these original relationships. In the mundane world we experience only the shadow of the reality, which exists in the spiritual world
- All the living beings within the material and spiritual worlds are ultimately born of You, for You are the Supersoul of them all
- All the manifestations that we see, and everything that exists both in this material world and in the spiritual world, are resting on the energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- All the manifestations that we see, and everything that exists, both in this material world and in the spiritual world, are resting on the energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- All these forms preside over different Vaikuntha planets in the spiritual world, beginning from the east in consecutive order. In each of the eight directions, there are three different forms
- All Vedic literature instructs us not to remain in this darkness. The nature of this material world is darkness, but the spiritual world is full of light and yet is not illumined by fire or electricity
- All young boys and young girls, they are after joyfulness, but they are being frustrated in this material world. That is the inebriety. The spiritual world means these things are there, but without any inebriety
- Although according to the material conception Narayana, Rukmini-ramana and Krsna are one and the same, in the spiritual world one cannot use the name Rukmini-ramana or Narayana in place of the name Krsna
- Although Brahma reaches the Supreme Personality of Godhead as the first purusa incarnation, Maha-Visnu, who is full with transcendental qualities, he cannot stay in the spiritual world
- Although by special blessing the Pracetas would enjoy material facilities for millions of years, they would not be attached to them. Thus at the end of their material enjoyment they would be promoted to the spiritual world and return to Godhead
- Although He (God) is situated in His own abode, His light is distributed all over the spiritual and material worlds. The Brahma-samhita (BS 5.38) confirms this
- Although he (living entity) has the facility to live in either the material or spiritual world, he suffers the threefold miseries of material existence because he is influenced by the avidya (nescience) potency, which covers his constitutional position
- Although the husband of Rukmini and Radha's Krsna are on the same level in the ordinary sense, still, in the spiritual world, the names indicate different understandings of various aspects of Krsna's transcendental personality
- Although the material world is only a shadow of the spiritual world, the materially encaged living entities seek spiritual happiness here in a form perverted by materialistic attachment
- Although the relationship is father, son and servant, but the fact is one. That is to be understood, what is the spiritual world
- Although the supreme light is situated in His (God's) personal abode, Vaikuntha or Vrndavana, His light is diffused not only in the spiritual world but beyond that
- Although there is no creation in the spiritual world - for there the planets are beginningless - there is creation in the material world
- Although we are running after false water, it does not mean there is no water. Water is there, but not in the desert. That is intelligence. So happiness is there, but not in this material world. It is in the spiritual world
- And jyotir means that spiritual world. First appreciation of the jyotirman, Brahman, Brahmaloka, Brahman effulgence, that is the first entrance
- Any glorious or beautiful existence should be understood to be but a fragmental manifestation of Krsna's opulence, whether it be in the spiritual or material world. BG 1972 purports
- Any living entity who has come in contact with matter, beginning from Brahma, down to a small ant, is changing its body; therefore they are all fallible. In the spiritual world, however, they are always liberated in oneness. BG 1972 purports
- Anyone who does not follow the scriptural injunction, his attempt will be failure. He'll never be happy. And what to speak of being promoted to the spiritual world
- Anyone who engages in continuous devotional service to the Lord is situated in the spiritual world and has nothing to do with the material qualities - sattva-guna, rajo-guna and tamo-guna
- Anyone who knows the temporary situation of this material world and is expert in achieving a permanent situation in the spiritual world, is understood to be the most learned scholar
- Anyone who with great attention hears this narration concerning the activities of Prahlada Maharaja, the killing of Hiranyakasipu, and the activities of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Nrsimha-deva, surely reaches the spiritual world
- Apavarga, indicates just the opposite - the spiritual world, where there is no labor, no foam, no frustration, no fear, and no death
- As a fire, although existing in one place, can expand its light and heat everywhere, so the omnipotent Lord, the SPG, although situated in His spiritual abode, expands Himself everywhere, in both the material and spiritual worlds, by His various energies
- As an individual spirit soul is almost identical to his gross and subtle bodies, so the Supreme Lord is almost identical to the material and spiritual worlds
- As darkness is situated far away from the sun, so the material world is also far away from the spiritual world
- As if in fear of Hiranyakasipu, the planet earth, which consists of seven islands, delivered food grains without being plowed. Thus it resembled cows like the surabhi of the spiritual world or the kama-dugha of heaven
- As in the material world there are innumerable planets & universes, so in the spiritual world there are also innumerable spiritual planets & universes, including Vaikunthas & Goloka. The Supreme Lord is the cause of both the material & spiritual worlds
- As in the material world there is material construction, in the spiritual world there is spiritual construction
- As long as we do not realize this (the entire material world becomes spiritualized with the expansion of the KC movement), we live in the material world, but when we are fully Krsna conscious we live not in the material world but in the spiritual world
- As one waters the bhakti-lata-bija, the seed sprouts, and the creeper gradually grows to the point where it penetrates the walls of this universe and goes beyond the Viraja River, lying between the spiritual world and the material world
- As stated in the Bhagavad-gita, the Lord says that His appearance, birth, and activities are all transcendental and that one who factually understands them is immediately eligible to be transferred to the spiritual world
- As we become advanced in the spiritual conception of life, we can understand what the actual position in the spiritual, transcendental world is
- At that time (end of the severe austerities performed for one thousand celestial years), Brahma was shown the spiritual world and its transcendental nature
- At the time of dissolution, Lord Brahma, along with all the inhabitants of Brahmaloka, goes directly to the spiritual world. This is confirmed in the Vedas
- Atheists cannot understand the purpose behind the creation. Although this material world is condemned when it is compared to the spiritual world, there is still some purpose behind it
- Attachment for a material son obliges one to remain in material existence, but the same attachment, when transferred to the Supreme Lord, brings one elevation to the spiritual world in the association of the Lord
- Because He (Krsna) is the cause in the spiritual world, He is transcendental. He is also the chief personality in the transcendental world. BG 1972 purports
- Because He (Krsna) is transcendental, outside the jurisdiction of this material world. Therefore, Krsna can be understood only by those who are already living in the spiritual world. This is corroborated in the Bhagavad-gita - BG 14.26
- Because he (the Gandharva) was cursed by Devala Rsi, he became a crocodile and in only one life was fortunate enough to see the Supreme Personality of Godhead face to face and be promoted to the spiritual world to become one of the Lord's associates
- Because of a poor fund of knowledge, less intelligent persons sometimes mistake the conditions of the shadow world to be equivalent to those of the spiritual world
- Because of their (Mayavadi philosophers) poor fund of knowledge, they cannot understand the distinction in the spiritual world between knowledge, the knower and the object of knowledge
- Because we are part and parcel of God, we have all the instincts of God in minute quantity. The sex play and sex life which we see in the material world is but the perverted reflection of the love that is found in the spiritual world
- Being fully absorbed in Krsna consciousness (samadhi-yoga). always thinking of Krsna, Vasudeva, Maharaja Nabhi attained success at the end of his life and was promoted to the spiritual world, Vaikunthaloka
- Between the spiritual and the material world is a body of water known as the river Viraja. This water is generated from the bodily perspiration of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is known as Vedanga. Thus the river flows
- Beyond that planetary system (Sivaloka) is the spiritual world, where there are planets called Vaikunthalokas. Goloka Vrndavana is situated above all the Vaikunthalokas
- Bhagavad-gita describes two types of living entities, ksara and aksara, those living in the material world and those in the spiritual world
- Bhakti-yoga itself is so powerful that even an impious man with no assets in karma-yoga or an illiterate with no assets in jnana-yoga can undoubtedly be elevated to the spiritual world if he simply adheres to bhakti-yoga
- Both in the material world and in the spiritual world His (the Supreme Lord's) energies are distributed in every variety of manifestation. BG 1972 purports
- Both the material and spiritual worlds belong to Krsna. We are not proprietors of anything
- Both the spiritual and material worlds are manifestations of the energy of acting, in which Krsna acts in the form of Sankarsana and Balarama
- Both the trees in the spiritual world and those in the material world are living entities, but in trees here the living symptoms are absent
- Brahma janati iti brahmanah. That means one who knows the spirit, the spiritual. One who has got complete knowledge of the spiritual world, he is called brahmin
- By following that path, one is certainly elevated gradually to the highest planetary system, Brahmaloka, from which one is promoted to the spiritual world along with Lord Brahma. Thus one's repetition of birth and death in the material world ceases
- By our material calculation we see a difference between the name and the substance, but in the spiritual world the Absolute is always absolute: the name, form, qualities and pastimes of the Absolute are all as good as the Absolute Himself
- By performing this particular type of vrata (visnu-vrata), a man and a woman in Krsna consciousness will be happy in this material world, and because of being Krsna conscious they will be promoted to the spiritual world
- By studying Srimad-Bhagavatam under the direction of the bona fide spiritual master, one can perfectly understand the science of Krsna, the nature of the material and spiritual worlds, and the aim of life. Srimad-Bhagavatam amalam puranam
- By the arrangement of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the devotee is given a chance to enjoy the material world before his final entrance into the spiritual world
- By the process of bhakti-yoga one undoubtedly goes back to Godhead, back home to the spiritual world
- By your sense perception you cannot estimate even what is there in the moon planet or sun planet, this planet, within this universe. How you can understand the spiritual world by speculation? This is foolishness
- By your unalloyed service to the Deities you are becoming more and more attracted to the spiritual world and seeing the material world as a condemned place of no happiness
- Caitanya-caritamrta compares the desires of the spiritual and material world to gold and iron. Both gold and iron are metal, but there is a vast difference in their value
- Captivated by the material movements of women, he wants to remain in this material world. Thus one's promotion to the spiritual world is checked simply by seeing the beautiful bodily structure and movements of women
- Certainly they were transferred to the spiritual world, but apart from that, what did they obtain within this material world, either in this life or in other lives?
- Cintamani-prakara-sadmasu kalpa-vrksa-laksavrtesu (Bs. 5.29). The spiritual world, cintamani-dhama, is surrounded by these kalpa-vrksa trees, but the parijata tree is also found in the kingdom of Indra, that is, on Indra's heavenly planet
- Dead man means the matter is there; spirit is gone. So you can distinguish what is spirit and what is matter. So similarly, there is, as this is material world, there is another spiritual world
- Despite the pleasant atmosphere, the minds of denizens do not become agitated because in the spiritual world, vaikuntha planets, the spiritualistic minds of inhabitants are so much absorbed in the spiritual vibration of chanting the glories of the Lord
- Devotees do not care for temporary things. They engage in transcendental devotional activities because they desire elevation to the spiritual world, where they can live eternally and peacefully and with full knowledge of Krsna
- Devotional service, however, is eternally going on in the eternal spiritual world
- Devotional service, the science of bhakti-yoga, carries one from this material world to the spiritual world
- Dhruva did not ask Kuvera for transference to the spiritual world, which is called liberation; he simply asked that wherever he would remain - whether in the spiritual or material world - he would always remember the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Due to the infinite desires of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, there is existence in the spiritual world, and due to the infinitesimal desires of the living entity, there is existence in the material world
- Either you are in jail life or you are in free life, you are always under government control. Similarly, either we remain in the material world or we remain in the spiritual world, we are controlled by Krsna
- Even in our ordinary dealings, if we love someone we want to satisfy him or her, and he or she also wants to reciprocate. So if the reciprocation of loving affairs exists in this material world, in what an elevated way must it exist in the spiritual world
- Even when some people transcend material enjoyment, they still try to enjoy the spiritual world by merging into the existence of the Supreme Lord
- Every living being, either in this material world or in the spiritual world, is under the control of the Supreme Lord, the Personality of Godhead
- Everyone is given facility, but it is karmanubandhanah, just a facility for the living entities who wanted to enjoy this material world. This material world is not wanted. Everyone should live in the spiritual world
- Everyone is infinitesimal, and therefore in the Vedas the Supreme Lord is called the supreme eternal amongst all eternals. He is the proprietor of the material and spiritual worlds and the supreme cause of manifestation
- Everyone is under the control of maya. Nobody is free. But there are two maya: yoga-maya and maha-maya. Maha-maya, this material world, and yoga-maya, the spiritual world
- Everyone knows that he has got a father. That is not difficult. Anyone who is in this material world, in material world or spiritual world, there is a father
- Everything is spiritual. There is nothing material. Body spiritual, mind spiritual, intelligence spiritual, he is spiritual, the land spiritual, water spiritual - everything is spiritual. That is spiritual world
- Everything pertaining to the Absolute has the same potency and that the spiritual world, the associates in the spiritual world and the threefold energies of the Lord in the spiritual world are all transcendental
- Everything within the material and spiritual worlds is the property of the Supreme Lord (isavasyam idam sarvam (ISO 1)), and therefore everything has a relationship with Him
- External energy is in this material world. In the spiritual world there is no external energy
- Factually both the Kasira and the Saranatha Mayavadis, as well as any other philosophers who have no knowledge of the spirit soul, are advocates of utter materialism. None of them have clear knowledge regarding the Absolute or the spiritual world
- Fasting is recommended when a man is diseased. When he's in health, there is feasting. So spiritual world means health. Why there should be fasting?
- For the activities of devotional service both in this world and in the spiritual world are one and the same. Devotional service does not change
- For the impersonalists to get out of this temporary body, Krsna here (in BG 8.13) advises that they vibrate the syllable om. In this way they can be assured of transmigration into the spiritual world
- For them (who are eternally Krsna conscious), the spiritual world is eternally existing, and they enjoy there
- For those who are sleeping in the darkness of ignorance, it is not possible to understand how the Supreme Godhead manifests Himself in the material and spiritual worlds. Thus this address by Krsna to Arjuna is significant. BG 1972 purports
- From Krsnaloka, the bodily effulgence of Lord Krsna is distributed not only to the spiritual world but to the material world as well; it is covered by matter, however, in the material world
- From material calculation they say it takes about some forty thousands of years to go to the limit of this universe. Then beyond that universe there is the spiritual world
- From Vedic literature we understand that this material world is a manifestation of only one fourth of the complete creation of God. The three-fourths portion of God's creation is the spiritual world. That we find in Bhagavad-gita
- From Vedic literatures we can understand that this material world is only a partial manifestation of the complete creation of God. The larger portion of God's creation is found in the spiritual world of the Vaikunthas
- Generally ever-liberated personalities live in the spiritual world as associates of Lord Krsna, and they are known as krsna-parisada, associates of the Lord
- Generally it is prescribed that performers of pious activities are promoted to the higher planetary systems, devotees are promoted to the Vaikunthas, or spiritual worlds, and impersonal speculators are promoted to the impersonal Brahman effulgence
- Generally people are not aware of their interest in life - to return home, back to Godhead. People do not know about their real home in the spiritual world
- Generally such meditators (who meditate on the form of Visnu) are desirous of liberation from material bondage, and they are promoted to the spiritual world, to one of the Vaikunthas
- Gold is valuable, and if there is flavor, it is more valuable. Of course, in the material world there is no gold which has got good scent. But in the spiritual world that is possible
- Goloka Vrndavana is the highest planet in the spiritual world
- Grief in separation exists even in the Absolute, but such feelings of separation in the spiritual world are transcendentally blissful
- He (Brahma) is the head of all the demigods, and therefore he is addressed here (SB 3.15.4) as the head jewel of the demigods. It is not difficult for him to understand everything which is happening in both the spiritual and material worlds
- He (Durvasa Muni) was even able to go to the spiritual world, meet the Personality of Godhead and talk with Him face to face, yet he was unable to be rescued from the attack of the Sudarsana cakra
- He (Krsna) pervades this material world and yet is beyond it. We cannot even comprehend this material world, which is insignificant compared to the spiritual world-so how can we comprehend what is beyond? BG 1972 purports
- He (one who is spiritually advanced in Krsna consciousness) prefers to penetrate the covering of the universe and attain the spiritual world. He can then be situated in one of the Vaikuntha planets there
- He (the devotee) sees everything in the Supreme Personality of Godhead and the Supreme Personality of Godhead in everything. Having attained this stage of understanding, he sees no distinction between the spiritual and material worlds
- He (Vasudeva Datta) told the Lord (Caitanya): Now that You have come, kindly deliver all people on this earth and take them to Vaikuntha, the spiritual world
- He is also represented by another energy - the living entities - and all these manifestations in the spiritual and material world combined are but representations of the different energies of the Lord
- He is the predominating Deity of egotism, and by the will of Krsna and the power of the spiritual energy, He creates the spiritual world, which consists of the planet Goloka Vrndavana and the Vaikuntha planets
- He is the supreme enjoyer of both the material and spiritual worlds, yet He enjoys His own abode in the spiritual sky. There is no one equal to Him because His transcendental opulence is immeasurable
- Here (SB 2.2.21) akuntha-drstih is mentioned. Akuntha & vaikuntha convey the same import only one who has his aim fixed upon that spiritual world & personal association with God can give up his material connections even while living in the material world
- Here we find love between mother & son, love between wife & husband, love between master & servant, love between friends & friend, love between the master & the dog or the cat or the cow. Same thing. These are only reflection of the spiritual world
- His (God's) light is diffused not only in the spiritual world but beyond that. In the material world also, that light is reflected by the sun globe, and the sunlight is reflected by the moon globe
- His (God's) light is distributed in different ways, as the brahmajyoti, as sunlight and as moonlight. Bhagavad-gita confirms that in the spiritual world there is no need of sunlight, moonlight or electricity
- His mother and wife wept bitterly for His separation, but our hero, though soft in heart, was a strong person in principle. He left His little world in His house for the unlimited spiritual world of Krsna with man in general
- How can He (Narayana) become daridra-narayana? Poverty is found within this material world, but in the spiritual world, there is no such thing as poverty. Therefore the idea of daridra-narayana is merely a concoction
- How can the impersonalist and the void philosopher think of this material world, which is full of variegatedness, and then say that there is no variegatedness in the spiritual world
- How the living entity falls down from the spiritual world
- How this realization (spiritual) takes place? Not by academic education, but by sincerity. If one is very sincere, that he wants to know what is spiritual science, what is God, what is self, what is Superself, what is this world, what is spiritual world
- I (a person free from clutches of maya) can understand that these bodily concerns are not my real business. My real business is how to elevate myself - as a spirit soul - to the spiritual world, back to home, back to Godhead
- I (Krsna) am the source of all spiritual and material worlds. Everything emanates from Me. The wise who perfectly know this engage in My devotional service and worship Me with all their hearts
- "I am the source of all spiritual and material worlds." Krsna is the root of everything; therefore rendering service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna (krsna-seva), means automatically serving all the demigods
- I have already explained that this is not our home, material world. We are spirit soul. Our real home is spiritual world
- I just explained the material world, we cannot reach the limit, and what to speak of going to the spiritual world that is far beyond this sky. But although it is impossible materially, spiritually it is possible. Spiritually it is possible
- If an unmarried girl observes this vrata, she will be able to get a very good husband. If a woman who is avira - who has no husband or son - executes this ritualistic ceremony, she can be promoted to the spiritual world
- If Brahma is the center of all manifestations, then this material world is a manifestation of the center by 180 degrees, and the other 180 degrees constitute the spiritual world. BG 1972 purports
- If he (the living entity) properly cultivates Krsna consciousness, he is then gradually elevated to the spiritual world
- If material existence is temporary or false, this does not mean that the spiritual world, although similar, is also false. That one's material body is false or temporary does not mean that the body of the Supreme Lord is also false or temporary
- If one becomes Krsna conscious, he is not afraid, any condition of life. Na kutascana bibhyati. Svargapavarga-narakesv api. If he is put into the hell or in heaven or in spiritual world or any world, he is happy
- If one gets the Supreme Lord as a son, one can have the benefit of bringing up a nice son in this world and at the same time get promotion to the spiritual world to become the face-to-face associate of the Personality of Godhead
- If one understands that the Supreme is situated in His Paramatma manifestation everywhere, if one can see the presence of the Supreme PG in every living thing, he does not degrade himself, & he gradually advances in the spiritual world. BG 1972 purports
- If people accept this philosophy of Krsna consciousness, then the reflection - this material world is the reflection of the spiritual world - everything will be satisfactory, everything will be peaceful, everything will be glorious
- If somehow or other we are able to give up this false dress (of matter), we can reach that spiritual kingdom. If once we can attain that spiritual world, return is not necessary - yam prapya na nivartante
- If they (people) are at all fortunate, they become interested in going back home, back to Godhead, but unless they understand the spiritual world, they rot in this material darkness continuously
- If we accept the bona fide spiritual master (as) representative of God and please him by submissive service, then by his mercy and pleasure we can understand God, the spiritual world, by revelation
- If we are jealous or envious of our friends or other associates, we are in the material world, and if we are not jealous we are in the spiritual world. There need be no doubt of whether we are spiritually advanced or not. We can test ourselves
- If we are jealous or envious, we are in the material world, and if we are not we are in the spiritual world
- If we follow the process regularly, then we gradually become advanced in spiritual consciousness. Material world and spiritual world. Material world means dirty things, and spiritual world means clean
- If we simply follow these instructions however, spiritual life becomes very simple and we can go back to Krsna in the spiritual world at the end of this life, which is the success of the human life
- If we simply place ourselves at the lotus feet of Krsna by taking to KC & keeping always in touch with Him by chanting Hare Krsna , we need not take much trouble in arranging to return to the spiritual world. By the mercy of Mahaprabhu, this is very easy
- If we want to participate in the unlimited happiness, knowledge and eternal life which constitute our actual heritage in the spiritual world, we should not waste this life by working hard for sense gratification and worshiping hogs
- If you believe Krsna, result will be that you can understand God - how He is manifesting, what is this material world, what is the spiritual world, what are the living creatures, what is their relationship - so many things to be found in God's literature
- Immediately after giving up his (Prsadhra's) body in the fire, he reached the spiritual world, as mentioned in Bhagavad-gita (mam eti), as a result of his devotional situation
- In actuality, there is no reality in the manifested world. There appears to be reality, however, because of the true reality which exists in the spiritual world, where the Personality of Godhead eternally exists with His transcendental paraphernalia
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 4.8) also it is said that the Lord appears just to give protection to the devotees and to annihilate the nondevotees. The nondevotees are found in the material world, not in the spiritual world
- In both the spiritual and material worlds, He (the Supreme Personality of Godhead) is always the controller of all energies. The uncontaminated spiritual nature always exists within Him
- In different places throughout the universe there are various Deities in temples bestowing Their causeless mercy upon the devotees. All these Deity forms are nondifferent from the murtis in the spiritual world of the Vaikunthas
- In full samadhi he worshiped the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Nara-Narayana, who is Krsna in His plenary expansion. By doing so, in course of time Maharaja Nabhi was elevated to the spiritual world known as Vaikuntha
- In his (the living entity) original state there is no doubt of enjoyment; therefore that is his real state. Because of the desire to lord it over material nature, he is in the material world. In the spiritual world there is no such thing. BG 1972 purports
- In his commentary on Vedanta-sutra 2.2.42-45, His Holiness Sripada Sankaracarya has made a futile attempt to nullify the existence of these quadruple forms (of the Lord) in the spiritual world
- In one-fourth space there are unlimited number of universes, ananta-koti. This material world is situated in a one-fourth space, and three-fourths space in the spiritual world. Just imagine how big it is
- In order to approach to the spiritual world one should become above this duality, above this duality. This duality means the intermixture of the modes of material nature, traigunya
- In perfect vision, the material world becomes the spiritual world due to its being the external energy of the Supreme Lord
- In the BG 10.8, Krsna says, aham sarvasya prabhavo mattah sarvam pravartate: "I am the source of all spiritual and material worlds. Everything emanates from Me." Therefore Krsna is the original Absolute Truth, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- In the Bhagavad-gita (BG 16.23), Lord Krsna Himself says - If one acts whimsically and does not follow the sastric principles, he will never attain perfection, happiness or the spiritual world
- In the Bhagavad-gita you'll find sanatanah, and Krsna is also addressed in the Eleventh Chapter as sanatanas tvam. And there is another place, or spiritual world, which is also called sanatana
- In the desert mirage there is no actual water. There is only the appearance of water. Real water is somewhere else. The manifested cosmic creation appears as reality. But reality, of which this is but a shadow, is in the spiritual world
- In the Mandukya Upanisad declares that whatever one sees in the spiritual world is all an expansion of the spiritual potency of omkara
- In the material world a dog is sometimes elevated and is sometimes on the street, but in the spiritual world, Krsna's dog is perpetually, eternally happy
- In the material world almost everyone is of the demoniac nature, but there are also devotees, who appear to be in the material world although they are always situated in the spiritual world
- In the material world every planet has a specific advantage (vibhuti-bhinna). In the spiritual world, however, all the planets and their inhabitants are composed of spiritual energy. Because there are no material impediments
- In the material world it is generally accepted that the highest pleasure is sex. This is a perverted reflection of the sex pleasure in the spiritual world, the pleasure of association with Krsna
- In the material world the living entity is enticed by deluding nescience, but in the spiritual world he is in the normal condition of spiritual existence without any delusion. The living entity is known as the marginal potency of the Lord
- In the material world the roots of a tree go deep within the earth to gather food, but in the spiritual world the twigs, branches and leaves of the upper portion of the tree can act like the roots
- In the material world the varieties are reflection of the spiritual world. Here is also father, but this is imitation father. But there is also father, but that is not father, that is real father
- In the material world there cannot be anything good. It is bad. If there is real goodness, that is spiritual world, suddha-sattva. Sattva-guna
- In the material world this (varnasrama dharma) is practiced according to sastric injunction, and in the spiritual world the real achievement is already there
- In the material world, desire is a product of rajo-guna and tamo-guna, but desire in the spiritual world gives rise to a variety of everlasting transcendental service. Thus the word svakarthanam (in SB 10.13.50) refers to eagerness to serve Krsna
- In the material world, parakiya-rasa, or loving affairs with unmarried girlfriends, is the most degraded relationship, but in the spiritual world this type of loving affair is considered the supreme enjoyment
- In the material world, theft is criminal, but in the spiritual world the Lord’s stealing is a source of transcendental bliss
- In the next verse (CC Adi 1.56) it is said that a conditioned soul must ultimately approach a bona fide spiritual master and try to understand perfectly the material and spiritual worlds and his own existential position
- In the nirguna Brahman, where there is no material contamination, or in the spiritual world, the three modes - goodness, passion and ignorance - are not present
- In the Padma Purana it is said that in the spiritual world the Lord personally expands in all directions and is worshiped as Vasudeva, Sankarsana, Pradyumna and Aniruddha
- In the spiritual world (vaikuntha-jagat) there is no distinction between the owner of the body and the body itself
- In the spiritual world all those who are in the devotional service of the Lord are eternally fixed, for they understand the position of the Supreme Being, as well as their individual constitution
- In the spiritual world also there are feelings of separation, but such feelings are considered spiritual bliss
- In the spiritual world both the Lord and the living entities live together very peacefully. Since the living entity remains engaged in the service of the Lord, they both share a blissful life in the spiritual world
- In the spiritual world everything can speak, everything can move, everything can hear, and everything can see in fully blessed existence for eternity. The situation being so, naturally space and time have no influence there
- In the spiritual world of Vrndavana the buildings are made of touchstone, the cows are known as surabhi cows, givers of abundant milk, and the trees are known as wish-fulfilling trees, for they yield whatever one desires - CC Intro
- In the spiritual world or in spiritual vision there is nothing but omkara, or the one alternate, om. Unfortunately, Sankara has abandoned this chief word, omkara, and has whimsically accepted tat tvam asi as the supreme vibration of the Vedas
- In the spiritual world the Absolute has no differentiation between His name, between His quality, form, entourage. They are the same
- In the spiritual world the Absolute Lord is always identical with His name, fame, form, qualities and pastimes. Such identity is impossible in the material world, where the name of a person is different from the person himself
- In the spiritual world the body is not made of matter; therefore there is no change. BG 1972 purports
- In the spiritual world the highest, topmost level of love, parakiya . . . parakiya means love not by marriage life; by friendship. That is there. But there is no such inebriety. It is pure
- In the spiritual world the material energy is conspicuous only by its absence
- In the spiritual world the men are so beautiful, and imagine the women also still more beautiful, very attractive. But there is no sex. That is the feature, you'll find it
- In the spiritual world the same enjoyment may be there, but it never vanishes. It is continuously enjoyed. In the spiritual world such sex pleasure appears to the enjoyer to be more and more relishable with each new feature
- In the spiritual world the time factor has no influence
- In the spiritual world the topmost part is this conjugal love, and here, the same thing, when pervertedly reflected, it is the lowest abominable
- In the spiritual world the trees are desire tree - means whatever we want, we can get - whereas in this material world, trees are not like that; they are limited potency. The cows there, unlimited potency
- In the spiritual world there are also innumerable living entities, who are eternally liberated souls engaged in transcendental loving service to Lord Krsna
- In the spiritual world there are innumerable Vaikuntha planets, and on each one the Lord is the predominating Deity. A devotee can be promoted to one such Vaikuntha planet to live with the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- In the spiritual world there are many Vaikuntha planets, and the topmost planet is Krsnaloka, Goloka Vrndavana. Despite the so-called advancement of civilization, there is no information of the Vaikunthalokas, the spiritual planets
- In the spiritual world there is no darkness. So if anyone is desirous of inquiring about the spiritual world, then he requires to find out a spiritual master. Otherwise there is no necessity
- In the spiritual world there is no difference between the name of the person and the quality of the person. in the material world there is a difference. Because Mayavadi philosophers cannot understand this, they cannot utter the transcendental vibration
- In the spiritual world there is no external energy; there is marginal energy and the internal energy, and the Lord. So the Lord is the predominating Deity there. Everyone is engaged in the service of the Lord
- In the spiritual world there is no influence of these three gunas. That is in this material world. So when Krsna comes, He does not become affected or, rather, infected with these gunas. Nirguna . . . That is nirguna
- In the spiritual world there is no need of sunshine or moonshine, for the whole spiritual sky is illuminated by the internal potency of the Supreme Lord. That supreme abode can be achieved only by surrender and by no other means. BG 1972 purports
- In the spiritual world there is no place for the demigods, but who are elevated to the position of pure devotee, they can be promoted to the spiritual world
- In the spiritual world there is no sex. So one may question, How they are living? Life is finished if there is no sex
- In the spiritual world, every living entity is surrendered to the Supreme Lord and is completely on the spiritual platform. Although there are servitors, the served and service, all are spiritual and variegated
- In the spiritual world, the Lord is the sublime enjoyer of everything, and the living entities there are all engaged in His transcendental loving service without any contamination of the modes of material nature
- In the spiritual world, there is neither the mode of passion, the mode of ignorance nor a mixture of both, nor is there adulterated goodness, the influence of time or maya herself
- In the spiritual world, what is love, that is material world, lust
- In the Tenth Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam, that spiritual nature, the spiritual world, is described as Vrndavana, Goloka Vrndavana or Vraja-dhama
- In the Vaikuntha planets everything is eternally peaceful, yet a pure devotee does not even aspire to be promoted there. But still he gets that advantage; he enjoys all the facilities of the material & spiritual worlds, even during the present life-span
- In the Vaikuntha world, the spiritual world, there is no possibility of fighting, because everyone there engages in Krsna's service. With whom will He fight
- In the Vaikuntha, or in the spiritual world, no contaminated soul can stay there. He will fall down
- In the Visnu Purana it is said that whatever we can see or experience, either in the material or spiritual world, is an expansion of the different energies of the Supreme Lord
- In this material world sex is required to produce children, but in the spiritual world a man can produce as many children as he likes without having to take help from his wife. So there is no sex there - CC Intro
- In this material world sex is required to produce children, but in the spiritual world one can produce as many children as he likes without having to take help from his wife
- In this material world the goodness may be contaminated with the other qualities, but in the spiritual world it is so good, it is called suddha-sattva. There is no contamination. There is no tinge of rajo-guna and tamo-guna. That is spiritual quality
- In this material world the opulences of wealth and beauty are considered the highest of all opulences, yet they are only a perverted reflection of these opulences in the spiritual world
- In this material world, if you create some relationship with other's wife, that is very condemnable. But in the spiritual world, the loving affairs between the gopis and Krsna is the same, is like that. Krsna is making loving affairs with other's wife
- In this material world, one is glorified if he is favored even a pinch by the goddess of fortune, so we can simply imagine how glorified is the kingdom of God in the spiritual world, where many 100s and 1000's of goddesses engage in God's direct service
- In this material world, there are three dimensions: length, breadth and height. And spiritual world, beyond that, not within the measurement of length, breadth and height, that is called turya
- In this temple we are living, we are living in the spiritual world. Because here there is no other business than Krsna consciousness. There is no other engagement
- In this verse (SB 10.13.50) the word rajah means not "passion" but "affection." In the material world, rajo-guna is passion, but in the spiritual world it is affection
- In this way (By the grace of the spiritual master and Krsna) the seed of the bhakti-lata sprouts and grows up and up through the whole universe until it penetrates the covering of the material universe and reaches the spiritual world
- In this way Krsna consciousness immediately takes one from the material platform to the spiritual world
- Individuality is both in spiritual world and the material world. But in the material world our individuality is different on account of associating or infecting different qualities of the material nature
- Instead of being agitated by such reverses, he (a devotee of God) continues his activities of devotional service, and Krsna takes care of him and enables him to be promoted to the spiritual world, back to Godhead
- Instead of being elevated to the spiritual world, from which there is no longer any possibility of coming down, one simply revolves in the cycle of birth and death on higher and lower planetary systems
- It (the Brhad-bhagavatamrta) also describes real knowledge, devotional service, the spiritual world, love of Godhead, attainment of life’s destination, & the bliss of the world. In this way there are seven chapters in each part, fourteen chapters in all
- It (the sankirtana movement) is imported from the spiritual world, Goloka Vrndavana. Narottama dasa Thakura laments that mundane people do not take this sankirtana movement seriously
- It is our experience in the material world that trees stand in one place, but in the spiritual world a tree can go from one place to another. Therefore everything in the spiritual world is called alaukika, uncommon or transcendental
- It is said in the Visnu Purana that as a fire situated in one place emanates its heat and illumination everywhere, so whatever we see within the material or spiritual worlds is nothing but a manifestation of different energies emanating from the SPG
- It is said that this material world is the perverted reflection of the spiritual world, so unless there is variegatedness in the spiritual world, how can there be temporary variegatedness in the material world
- It is understood that by his brain or his energetic expansion, the business is running without interruption. It is the brain and energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead that carry on the complete manifestation of the material and spiritual worlds
- It should be understood that there are also living entities who are not entangled in this material energy but are situated in the spiritual world. They are called liberated souls and are always engaged in Krsna consciousness, devotional service
- Jagad-anda means the universe. Koti, many millions clustered together, that is material world. And beyond that material world there is spiritual world, another sky. That is also sky. That is called paravyoma
- Jasya prabha, the bodily rays of Krsna, being illuminated, in that illumination, which is called brahma-jyotir, there are innumerable Vaikuntha planets. The Vaikuntha planets are self-illuminating. Therefore in the spiritual world there is no darkness
- Jnana means to understand that "I am not this material body. I do not belong to this material body. I am a spirit soul. I am part and parcel of Krsna. Krsna is the Supreme Spirit, and I belong to the spiritual world"
- Just as a person born recently in a family cannot understand the situation of his distant forefather, no one within this material world can understand the position of the Supreme Lord in the spiritual world
- Just as there are many orbs in the material world called stars or planets, in the spiritual world there are many spiritual planets called Vaikunthalokas. The spiritual universe, however, is situated far, far away from the cluster of material universes
- Just contrary to the affairs of Vrndavana is the material world, where no one is attracted by Krsna and everyone is attracted by maya. This is the difference between the spiritual and material worlds
- Just like in the Bhagavad-gita, 15th Chapter, it is stated, "the shadow of the tree." The shadow of the tree has got the branches, fruit, leaves. Everything is there. But it is nonreality. The real reality is up in the spiritual world. And that is shadow
- Just like you receive material sound vibration in the radios or television from distant place, there is another machine, which can receive the vibration in the spiritual world. So that vibration is Hare Krsna mantra
- Just like your radio message, television sound, they cannot go beyond this earthly planet, at most. But there is sound which can penetrate the whole universe and go to the spiritual world
- Kama (desires), krodha (anger) and bhaya (fear) are always present in the material world, but in the spiritual, or transcendental, world one can use them for Krsna
- Kapila the son of Kardama Muni, in His system of Sankhya philosophy, very explicitly explained not only the material world but also the spiritual world
- Karma, you have to work. You cannot maintain yourself without working. That is material world. Material world is not spiritual world
- Krsna appeared five thousand years ago on this planet, and at Vrndavana He exhibited His real pastimes in the spiritual world, so just to give practical demonstration and to invite you there
- Krsna continued, "Exemplary unalloyed devotional service not only can bestow upon the devotee liberation from this material world, but it also promotes him to the spiritual world to be eternally engaged in My service"
- Krsna expands as His energy - this material energy, this material world, the spiritual world, spiritual energy, and we are also energy, marginal energy, tatastha
- Krsna hints of this (material world is darkness, but the spiritual world is light) in the Fifteenth Chapter of BG: That abode of Mine is not illumined by the sun or moon, nor by electricity. One who reaches it never returns to this material world - 15.6
- Krsna is absolute, whether He is in the material world or spiritual world
- Krsna is dancing, and every living entity is also dancing, but there is a difference between the dancing in the spiritual world and that in the material world
- Krsna is known as anapavarga-virya, for He shows the path to the spiritual world
- Krsna is the creator of all that exists in the material and spiritual worlds because these three principal deities (Brahma, Visnu and Siva) of the material world are created by the Lord
- Krsna lives sometimes in Mathura and sometimes in Dvaraka, but Mathura is considered the better place. This is also confirmed by Rupa Gosvami in his Upadesamrta (9) - Madhu-puri, or Mathura, is far superior to the Vaikunthalokas in the spiritual world
- Krsna says here that everything that is working in this material or spiritual world, they are different energies of Krsna. He is the original source of creation, He is the original source of maintenance and He is the original source of annihilation
- Krsna states in Bhagavad-gita "I am the source of all spiritual and material worlds. Everything emanates from Me." The same conclusion is also given in Vedanta-sutra, wherein it is stated, janmady asya yatah - Brahman is He from whom everything emanates
- Krsna took the bright side. "This demoniac woman came to kill Me," He thought, "but somehow or other I have sucked her breast milk, so she is My mother." Thus Putana attained the position of Krsna's mother in the spiritual world
- Kuntha means this anxiety, and vaikuntha . . . vigata-kuntha. Vigata means without. There is no more any anxiety. That is Vaikunthaloka, spiritual world
- Lord Brahma's abode. the highest planetary system, is called Satyaloka or sometimes Brahmaloka. Brahmaloka refers to the spiritual world. The abode of Lord Brahma is Satyaloka, but because Lord Brahma resides there, it is also sometimes called Brahmaloka
- Lord Caitanya, however, rejected the proposal (of Ramananda Raya) because simply by renouncing material results in Brahman realization one does not realize the spiritual world and spiritual activities
- Lord Sankarsana is Lord Balarama. Being the predominator of the creative energy, He creates both the material and the spiritual world
- Lord Siva is praying to the Personality of Godhead to be kind to us so that simply by chanting the Hare Krsna mantra we can understand everything in both the material and spiritual worlds
- Lord Visnu does not belong to this material creation but to the spiritual world. To misconceive Lord Visnu to have a material body or to equate Him with the demigods is the most offensive blasphemy against Lord Visnu
- Lord Visnu is the proprietor of both the material and spiritual worlds
- Maharaja Ambarisa always engaged his mind at the lotus feet of Krsna, his words in describing the spiritual world and the S P of Godhead, his hands in cleansing and washing the Lord's temple, his ears in hearing topics about the Supreme Lord
- Maharaja Ambarisa, being a devotee of the Personality of Godhead, was in full awareness of Paramatma, Brahman, maya, the material world, the spiritual world, and how things are going on everywhere. Everything was known to him
- Maharaja Satyavrata shows us the way of the mahajana. Mahajano yena gatah sa panthah (CC Madhya 17.186). One should surrender to the Supreme Personality of Godhead (dasavatara) and learn from Him about the spiritual world and the goal of life
- Mahatma has nothing to do with this material world. They are under the care of daivi-prakrti, spiritual world
- Material world is not spiritual world. In the spiritual world you haven't got to work, neither you have to eat. Everything is complete
- Material world means full of criminals, or against God, or defying the authority of God. And the spiritual world? Everyone is accepting the supremacy of God
- Material world means full of criminals, or against God, or defying the authority of God. And the spiritual world? Everyone is accepting the supremacy of God. That is material world and spiritual world
- Mayavadi philosophers accept a spiritual existence, but they do not know about the spiritual world and spiritual beings
- Mayavadis think that in the spiritual world there are no relationships. However, in the sastras it is stated that in the spiritual world there is real life
- Most people are unaware of the process by which one can return to the spiritual world
- My dear devotee, unto those who rise from bed at the end of night and offer Me the prayers offered by you, I give an eternal residence in the spiritual world at the end of their lives
- My dear son, whatever you inquired from me I have thus explained unto you, and you must know for certain that whatever there is (either as cause or as effect, both in the material and spiritual worlds) is dependent on the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Narada Muni advised Prajapati Daksa's second group of sons to follow their elder brothers and be promoted to the spiritual world
- Narada Muni had mentioned a kingdom where there is only one king with no competitor. The complete spiritual world, and specifically the cosmic manifestation, has only one proprietor or enjoyer - the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Narada Muni has eternal life, unlimited knowledge and unfathomed bliss, and he can travel all over the material and spiritual worlds without restriction
- No one can challenge the Srimad-Bhagavatam's descriptions of the material and spiritual worlds
- No one can measure the length and breadth of the one fourth of My energy manifested in the material world. Who then can measure the three fourths that is manifested in the spiritual world
- Not only had he (Arjuna) seen the spiritual world, but he had also personally seen the original Maha-Visnu, the cause of the material creation. It is said that Krsna never goes out of Vrndavana: vrndavanam parityajya padam ekam na gacchati
- Not only Krsna's body, anyone who lives in the spiritual world, his body is spiritual body, and spiritual body means sac, cit, ananda. Sat means eternal. Spiritual body never annihilates. The material body annihilates
- Nothing real is in this material world, but reality is in the spiritual world. The Lord's form and His abode - Goloka Vrndavana in the Vaikuntha planets - are eternal realities
- Now we cannot fly in the air, but the spirit soul is so light that when freed from the body it can go within a second to Vaikunthaloka, the spiritual world (tyaktva deham punar janma naiti mam eti) - BG 4.9
- O god of the demigods (Lord Brahma), sustainer of the universe, head jewel of all the demigods in other planets, you know the intentions of all living entities, in both the spiritual and material worlds
- O King, the ksetra-jna-sakti is the living entity. Although he has the facility to live in either the material or the spiritual world, he suffers the threefold miseries of material existence because he is influenced by the avidya (nescience) potency
- O transcendental Lord, who are situated in the topmost planet of the spiritual world, Your two lotus feet are always massaged by a multitude of the best devotees with their lotus-bud hands
- On the other side of the ocean is the spiritual world of Vaikuntha, which is described in Bhagavad-gita (BG 8.20) as paras tasmat tu bhavo 'nyah. Thus there is an ever-existing spiritual nature which is beyond this material nature
- On the way to these spiritual planets, such personalities pass through the sun line called arcir-marga. And on the way they can see all the planets between here and the spiritual world
- On this earthly planet there are so many cities. And in each city, there are so many newspapers. And each newspaper has got so many editions. This is the position of the material world. Now, think over the spiritual world
- One can get whatever he wants from the parijata tree - oranges, mangoes, bananas and so on. This tree is found in the spiritual world
- One has to give up all the nonduality of philosophical life in the material world and come to the actual life of reality in the spiritual world in order to attain perfection
- One is elevated to the spiritual world by the spiritual body and is situated either in Goloka Vrndavana or in another Vaikuntha planet
- One part of energy is manifesting the material world; the other (superior) part of His energy is manifesting the spiritual world. And the via medium energy is manifesting the living entities who are serving either of the above-mentioned energies
- One should be very much enthused, "Oh, I am going to Krsna, in the spiritual world." How much enthusiasm you should feel. So that is utsahat
- One should better take to the spiritual world to enjoy eternal life full of bliss and knowledge and never return to this miserable material existence. BG 1972 purports
- One should therefore adhere to devotional service, and the Lord Himself will very soon see to one's promotion to the spiritual world
- One who can understand the nature of the living entity in the spiritual world can actually understand vedyam, or perfect knowledge
- One who cannot understand the distinctions between the spiritual world and the material world has no qualification to examine or know the situation of the transcendental quadruple forms
- One who disregards the injunctions of the sastras and acts whimsically, as he likes, never achieves the perfection of life, not to speak of happiness. Nor does he return home to the spiritual world
- One who engages in the spiritual activities of unalloyed DS is immediately elevated to the transcendental platform, & is to be considered brahma-bhuta (SB 4.30.20), which indicates that he is no longer in the material world but is in the spiritual world
- One who follows the principles of love in devotional service attains to the supreme abode, the highest planet in the spiritual world known as Krsnaloka or Goloka Vrndavana
- One who lives in such a disposition of mind (taking calamitous situations as God's benediction and takes responsibility for past misdeeds), engaged in devotional service, is the most eligible candidate for promotion to the spiritual world
- One's promotion to the spiritual world is checked simply by seeing the beautiful bodily structure & movements of women. Sri Caitanya has therefore warned all devotees to beware of the attraction of beautiful women & materialistic civilization
- One's real concern should be to free himself from the repetition of birth and death and attain the topmost perfection of life by living with the Supreme King in the spiritual world
- Only one who has his aim fixed upon that spiritual world and personal association with the Godhead can give up his material connections even while living in the material world
- Only the devotees of the Supreme Personality of Godhead are really capable of spiritual understanding because they understand that beyond this material nature there is the spiritual world and the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- Only the pure devotees of the Lord, who are worshiped both by demigods and by demons, reside in the spiritual world as the Lord's associates
- Originally we are all connected to the Supreme Lord, but now we have been affected by material contamination. The process is that we have to return to the spiritual world, and that process of linking up is called yoga
- Our aim should be to go there (spiritual world), and every human being should be given the chance. That is real education. That is called samskara, the process of purification
- Our argument, our logical strength has no access in the spiritual world. The Vedic mantra says, - Atma, the supreme self, cannot be realized pravacanena
- Our entanglement in material affairs has begun from material sound. Now we must purify that sound in spiritual understanding. There is sound in the spiritual world also
- Our inquiries should be about the transcendental worlds which lie beyond this universe. If one is desirous to find out about these spiritual worlds, he should seek out a spiritual master; otherwise there is no point in searching
- Out of the total manifestations of the sandhini energy of the Lord, one fourth is displayed in the material world, and three fourths are displayed in the spiritual world
- Outside the covering (sky) there are five layers, thousand times bigger than the one another: water layer, air layer, fire layer. So you have to penetrate all these layers. Then you will get the spiritual world
- Real factual platform is the spiritual world
- Real life, real variety, real beauty, real knowledge, everything in reality is there in the spiritual world. It is only reflection
- Real love, the friendship is there between Krsna and His cowherds boy. Real love between animal and man is there - Krsna is loving the cows and calves. Real love between trees, flowers, water. Simply that is the platform of love. That is spiritual world
- Regarding your question about the spiritual world and the material world, there may be maya, but one who is Krsna conscious has nothing to do with it
- Sanatana term is very important. The living entity is sanatana, God is sanatana, the spiritual world is sanatana, & the process by which your lost relationship with God established and you go back to home, back to Godhead, that is called sanatana-dharma
- Sat means eternal. Spiritual body never annihilates. The material body annihilates. Every one of us, we have got now material body. It will annihilate. But in the spiritual world, when you have got spiritual body, it does not annihilate. Eternal life
- Sattva means also goodness. Sattva-nidheh. Here in this material world there is the modes of nature: goodness, passion and ignorance. But real goodness is in the spiritual world
- Simply by Krsna consciousness, by the mercy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one can be liberated, or, in other words, one can be released from the great fort of this universe and go outside it to the spiritual world
- Since an earthen pot is the result of the actions of a potter, by seeing the earthen pot one can guess at the existence of the potter. Similarly, this material world resembles the spiritual world, and any intelligent person can guess how it is acting
- Since the Supreme Brahman was situated in the heart of Dhruva Maharaja, he became heavier than the heaviest, and therefore everything trembled in all three worlds and in the spiritual world
- Since the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the master of both the material and spiritual worlds, it is better to approach Him in all problematic situations. Those who are devotees, therefore, have no problems in this material world
- Since these (Viraja-nadi and Brahmaloka) places are not situated in the Vaikunthalokas, or the spiritual world, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu proclaims them to be external. In the Brahmaloka and Viraja-nadi, one cannot conceive of the Vaikunthalokas
- Sitadevi belongs to the spiritual world. Similarly, Lord Laksmana, Ramacandra's younger brother, is a manifestation of Sankarsana, and Lord Ramacandra Himself is Vasudeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- So in the spiritual world there are so many varieties - four-handed, two-handed living entity. They're all nitya-mukta. They're all everlastingly liberated. So we have been just like a prisoner is. Although he's a prisoner, he can be also good citizen
- So long we are in this material world, not in the spiritual world, still we have to live very honestly. Then there is hope for raising oneself to the spiritual platform
- So long we are materially contaminated, we require this material body for enjoying senses. And the spiritual world, we get our spiritual body developed. So there is no question of becoming ghost
- So long you want to enjoy this material world, you are in the material world. And as soon as you offer yourself to be enjoyed by Krsna as servant - according to His order you serve - then immediately you are in the spiritual world
- Some of the spiritual atoms, when they want to enjoy independently, they are given the chance of enjoying this material atom. So in the material world it is combination of material and spiritual atoms. In the spiritual world, there is no material atom
- Some yogis endeavor to elevate the soul to the spiritual world, the spiritual Vaikuntha planets
- Sometimes it is asked how the living entity falls down from the spiritual world to the material world
- Spiritual energy is prominent everywhere, in this material world and the spiritual world. Here also, the matter is developing upon spirit, not that spirit is manifesting under certain conditional stage of matter. That is a wrong theory
- Spiritual world is called the aprakrta (antimaterial) world. In this transcendental, spiritual world or universe, the highest planetary system is known as Goloka Vrndavana
- Spiritual world is different from the material world. Spiritually it is different. So spiritually we cannot understand now, because we are absorbed in matter
- Spiritual world is eternal, and material world is created. We can experience: anything material is created, it is maintained for some time, then it is annihilated. Nothing remains forever
- Spiritual world is eternal. There is no question of occasional appearance and occasional disappearance
- Spiritual world means all the varieties of the material world, minus botheration
- Spiritual world means to be working in Krsna consciousness. That spiritual world, that functioning of our real life, is Krsna consciousness
- Spiritually there are no differences between the Panca-Tattva, for on the transcendental platform everything is absolute. Yet there are also varieties in the spiritual world, and in order to taste these spiritual varieties one should distinguish
- Spiritually there are no differences between these tattvas, for on the transcendental platform everything is absolute. Yet there are also varieties in the spiritual world & in order to taste these spiritual varieties one should distinguish between them
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu belongs to the spiritual world, and His methods for propagating the sankirtana movement are also imported from the spiritual world
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "Today I have conquered the three worlds very easily. Today I have ascended to the spiritual world"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu thought, "At this bathing place, Akrura saw Vaikuntha, the spiritual world, and all the inhabitants of Vraja saw Goloka Vrndavana"
- Sri Krsna’s pastimes in this material world are called prakata-lila (manifested pastimes), and His pastimes in the spiritual world are called aprakata-lila (unmanifested pastimes). By unmanifested we mean that they are not present before our eyes
- Sri Naradaji is an eternal spaceman, having been endowed with a spiritual body by the grace of the Lord. He can travel in the outer spaces of both the material and spiritual worlds without restriction
- Sri Sanatana Gosvami asked Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, "Who am I?" In answer, the Lord replied - There are two worlds - the spiritual world and the material world - and you are situated between the material and spiritual potencies
- Sri Sanatana Gosvami asked Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, "Who am I?" In answer, the Lord replied - You have a relationship with both the material and the spiritual world; therefore you are called the marginal potency
- Sridhara Svami says that because the spiritual world is real, this material world, which is an imitation, appears to be real
- Srila Rupa Gosvami says in this regard (everything within the material and spiritual worlds belonging to God): "One who rejects anything without knowledge of its relationship to Krsna is incomplete in his renunciation" - Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu 1.2.256
- Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti points out that the word mahima means returning to the spiritual world, back home, back to Vaikuntha
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is exactly received from the right source. It was brought by Narada Muni from the spiritual world and given to his disciple Sri Vyasadeva. The latter in turn delivered the message to his son Srila Sukadeva Gosvami
- Srimad-Bhagavatam presents the total knowledge of the affairs of the universe. It not only describes this universe, but also takes into account the spiritual world beyond the universe
- Subhadra is in the spiritual world and is eternally related to Krsna as His energy, but when Durga conducts her activities here in the material world, it is not that she is to be considered inferior
- Such a devotee's (who's disposition of mind is taking calamitous situations as God's benediction and taking responsibility for past misdeeds) claim for promotion to the spiritual world is assured in all circumstances
- Supposing that the material world is a display of one part of His (God's) energy, the remaining three parts consist of the vaikuntha jagat or spiritual world described in the Bhagavad-gita as mad-dhama or sanatana-dhama, or the eternal world
- Surabhi cows inhabit the spiritual world, and, as stated in Brahma-samhita, Lord Krsna is engaged in tending these cows: surabhir abhipalayantam - BS 5.29
- Tamaso ma jyotir gama. The Vedic instruction is that, "Don't keep yourself in this darkness of material world. Come out to the spiritual world." Jyotir gama
- That (parakiya-rasa) is most abominable in this material world, but that is most first class thing in the spiritual world. Parakiya-rase yanha brajete pracara. So these things are very higher principles of spiritual life
- That attraction (to God) was glorious not only for all the higher planets of this material world, but beyond, for the spiritual world also
- That is our highest achievement (going to the spiritual world). We should not be attracted by anything material, higher or lower, but should consider them all on the same level
- That is the highest perfectional aim of human life (elevation to the spiritual world). Without this aim, any amount of material advancement in so-called comforts can only bring the defeat of the human form of life
- That original Personality of Godhead, named Sankarsana, first lies down in the river Viraja, which serves as a border between the material and the spiritual world. As Karanodakasayi Visnu, He is the original cause of the material creation
- The (Fifth) chapter (Brahma-samhita) also presents a detailed description of the spiritual world, specifically Goloka Vrndavana
- The all-pervading Brahman, composed of the impersonal glowing rays of Sri Krsna, exists in the spiritual world with the Vaikuntha planets
- The answer to your question about the marginal energy is that the jiva soul is always called marginal energy whether he is in the spiritual world or in the material world
- The atmosphere there (in the spiritual world) is self-illuminating, and thus there is no need of a sun, a moon, fire, electricity and so on. One who can reach that abode does not come back to the material world with a material body
- The best is the spiritual world, and it is known as Brahman. The Supreme Personality of Godhead, however, is known as Parabrahman. Therefore paratah parat means "better than Brahman realization."
- The bodily luster of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is sufficient to illuminate the spiritual world, there is no need of sunlight, moonlight or any other light or electricity
- The Brahma-samhita informs us that the spiritual world, and especially the planet Goloka Vrndavana, where Krsna lives, is full of surabhi cows (surabhir abhipalayantam (BS 5.29)). The surabhi cow is also called kamadhenu
- The brahmajyoti is the beginning of the spiritual world, and beyond the brahmajyoti are the Vaikuntha planets. In other words, the brahmajyoti stays outside the Vaikuntha planets, just as the sunshine stays outside the sun
- The Caitanya-caritamrta teaches that the spirit soul is immortal and that our activities in the spiritual world are also immortal - CC Intro
- The chief pleasure potency (of Krsna) is Radharani, and so Radha-Krsna are always together. Whereas the material energy is conducted by the external potency, Maya, the spiritual world is conducted by the internal potency, Radharani
- The cloud is not big, as big as the sky. Similarly, the material world is also . . . it is insignificant in comparison to the spiritual world. Some portion of it is covered by maya just like this cloud
- The commentary of Madhva on SB mentions that the following sixteen spiritual energies are present in the spiritual world: sri, bhu, lila, kanti, kirti, tusti, gir, pusti, satya, jnanajnana, jaya utkarsini, vimala, yogamaya, prahvi, isana and anugraha
- The conception of one without a second is clearly confirmed here. The one is Lord Vasudeva, and only by His different energies and expansions are different manifestations, both in the material and in the spiritual worlds, maintained
- The conclusion is that both the material world and spiritual world are considered to be the body of the Supreme Lord - Krsna
- The conclusion is that no one falls from the spiritual world, or Vaikuntha planet, for it is the eternal abode. But sometimes, as the Lord desires, devotees come into this material world as preachers or as atheists
- The conditioned souls are being pulled by the action and reaction of the material qualities, which create a differentiation of energies. But in the spiritual world the worshipable one is the Supreme Lord and no one else
- The creation of His (God's) internal potency, the spiritual world, is not a temporary manifestation like the material world, but is eternal and full of transcendental knowledge, opulence, energy, strength, beauties and glories
- The creeper (of bhakti) is so strong that it penetrates the covering of the universe and reaches the spiritual world and continues to grow on and on until it reaches and takes shelter of the lotus feet of Krsna
- The demons killed by Lord Visnu's cakra disc and club are elevated to the spiritual world, just like the devotees who are protected by the hands holding the lotus flower and conchshell
- The demons who are elevated to the spiritual world are situated in the impersonal Brahman effulgence, whereas the devotees are allowed to enter into the Vaikuntha planets
- The description of the spiritual world is that there is no rajas-tamah. These modes of passion and modes of ignorance is not there. Suddha-sattva. Suddha-sattva means simply goodness, pure goodness, without any tinge of passion and ignorance
- The desire for enjoyment is present both in Krsna and in His parts and parcels, the living entities. In the spiritual world, such desires are also spiritual. No one should mistakenly consider such desires to be material
- The devotee is given a chance to enjoy the material world before his final entrance into the spiritual world. Sometimes a devotee is transferred to a heavenly planet - to Janaloka, Maharloka, Tapoloka, Siddhaloka and so on
- The devotee is promoted to Vaikuntha, the spiritual world
- The devotees have full knowledge of the spiritual world, the Personality of Godhead and His transcendental association in unlimited spiritual planets called Vaikunthalokas
- The difference between the material and spiritual worlds is that His external energy is manifested in the material world whereas His spiritual energy exists in the spiritual world
- The difference between the material and spiritual worlds is that stealing in the spiritual world is done in friendship and love, whereas fighting and stealing within this material world are executed on the basis of enmity and envy
- The difference between the pleasure and pain of this material world and that of the spiritual world is that in the spiritual world the effect is qualitatively absolute
- The difference between the spiritual world and material world is the mentality of service
- The difference between the spiritual world and material world is the mentality of service. Nirbandhah krsna-sambandhe yuktam vairagyam ucyate. When there is no mentality of service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one's activities are material
- The enjoyment of opposite sex in the Vaikuntha world has no action of sex life whereas in the material world the perverted reflection of beauty has resultant action of sex life which is the cause of dragging material existence
- The entire spiritual world constitutes the unlimited opulence of Krsna, and there are innumerable Vaikuntha planets there. The Causal Ocean is considered the surrounding waters of Vaikunthaloka
- The eternally liberated living beings are in the Vaikuntha jagat, the spiritual world, and they never fall into the material world
- The every living entity is sanatana. And Krsna is sanatana. And there is place, sanatana. So our business is how to transfer ourself in that sanatana-dhama
- The expansion of Baladeva known as Sankarsana in the spiritual world is the ingredient and immediate cause of this material cosmic manifestation
- The external energy is this material world, the internal energy is the spiritual world, and the marginal energy is the living entity. The living entity is marginal because he can remain in the material world or the spiritual world
- The external potency manifests this material world, the internal potency manifests the spiritual world, and the marginal potency manifests the living entities, who are mixtures of internal and external
- The fact is that there is a purpose for this creation: to give the conditioned soul a chance to return to his original consciousness, Krsna consciousness, and then return home, back to Godhead, and be completely happy in the spiritual world
- The fallen souls are very eager to receive novel informations every day, and the transcendentalists like Vyasadeva or Narada can supply such eager people in general with unlimited news from the spiritual world
- The first-class yogi who has attained perfection in the practice of the yoga system ultimately passes through the brahma-randhra to any one of the planets in either the material or spiritual worlds
- The fish is an animal of the water, it cannot be happy without water. Similarly, we are all spirit soul; unless we are in spiritual life or in the spiritual world, we cannot be happy. That is our position
- The fruit of the devotional creeper is the pure desire to serve and please the senses of the SP of Godhead. Krsnendriya-priti-iccha dhare ‘prema’ nama. (CC Adi 4.165) In the spiritual world one has no desire other than to please the senses of the SPG
- The Gaura-ganoddesa-dipika (11-16) declares that although Sri Nityananda Prabhu appeared as Lord Caitanya’s assistant, He is none other than Baladeva, the carrier of the plow. Advaita Acarya is the incarnation of Sadasiva from the spiritual world
- The general populace does not know anything about spiritual life or the spiritual world
- The goal of human perfection is stated here (in CC Madhya 6.230) in brief. One has to surpass all the planetary systems of the material universe, pierce through the covering of the universe and reach the spiritual world, known as Vaikunthaloka
- The impersonalist's position in the spiritual world is nonpermanent, for out of loneliness he will attempt to acquire some association. Because he does not associate personally with the Supreme Lord, he has to return again to the world
- The impersonalist, the void philosopher, simply thinks of the negative, that I am not this matter, I am not this body. This will not stay. You have to not only realize that you are not matter, but you have to engage yourself in the spiritual world
- The impersonalists, they think that in the material varieties there are so many abominable inebrieties, therefore in the spiritual world all these things should be minus, void. That is their material calculation
- The knowledge of the materialists is restricted within the four-billion-mile limit of this material world, which is in the dark portion of the creation; they do not know that beyond the material world is the spiritual world
- The liberated soul does not get an opportunity to serve the Supreme Personality of Godhead there; therefore although this Mahesa-dhama is Lord Siva’s dhama and above Devi-dhama, it is not the spiritual world
- The liberated souls never think themselves as free as the Lord or as powerful as the Lord, but they always seek the protection of the Lord in all circumstances, both in the material world and in the spiritual world
- The living entities also, a very small fragmental portion of the living entities are here. And there, in the spiritual world, the major portion are there
- The living entities are called marginal energy, and the material cosmic manifestation is the action of the external or material energy. Then there is the spiritual world, which is a manifestation of the internal energy
- The living entities who are promoted to the spiritual world do not return to the prison house of a material body (tyaktva deham punar janma naiti mam eti so'rjuna) - BG 4.9
- The living entity falls down from the spiritual world. Just like Jaya-Vijaya. There is possibility, if you do not stick to the spiritual principle, even if you are in Vaikuntha you will fall down, what to speak of this material world?
- The living entity is very minute particle of God, but in the spiritual world everyone is aware of his position. The living entities, they know, "What is my position? I am a small particle of God." Therefore there is no disagreement
- The Lord (Caitanya) cites a verse from Visnu Purana (1.22.52): As fire emanating from one place diffuses its illumination and heat all around, so the Lord, although situated in one place in the spiritual world, manifests His different energies everywhere
- The Lord always remains in Goloka, the topmost planet in the spiritual world. At the same time, He is all-pervading. This paradox is only possible for the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is full of all opulences
- The Lord confirms (in the BG) "Although the stringent laws of material nature are very difficult to overcome, one who surrenders unto the Lord can very easily cross over nescience." There is no influence of material nature in the spiritual world
- The Lord displays the spiritual world by His unlimited potencies, whereas by His limited potencies the material world is displayed
- The Lord is the cause of all causes, and He is the all-pervading, self-sufficient person. Before the creation, He existed with His spiritual potency in the spiritual world, wherein various Vaikuntha planets are manifested
- The Lord's beautiful bodily color is blackish, and His broad chest is the resting place of the goddess of fortune, who glorifies the entire spiritual world, the summit of all heavenly planets
- The Lord's potency acts in both the spiritual and material worlds. In the spiritual world the Lord's potency works as yogamaya, and in the material world the same potency works as mahamaya, exactly as electricity works in both a heater and a cooler
- The lust, or so-called love, arising out of this body is as temporary as the body itself, but the love arising from the eternal soul in the spiritual world is on the spiritual platform, and that love is also eternal
- The main principle - that we are not meant for this material world; we have our destination in the spiritual world - that is accepted by everyone
- The main principle that we are not meant for this material world but for the spiritual world is accepted by all genuine transcendentalists
- The manifestation of the internal energy of the Lord is the inconceivably variegated spiritual world, the manifestation of the marginal energy comprises the living entities, and the manifestation of the external energy is the material cosmos
- The material and the spiritual world are transformations of Krsna's external and internal potencies respectively. Therefore Krsna is the original source of both the material and the spiritual manifestations
- The material body and mind are bad bargains for the spiritual living entity. The living entity has actual functions in the living, spiritual world, but this material world is dead
- The material mode of goodness has nothing to do with spiritual varieties. Mayavadi philosophers, however, cannot clearly understand spiritual varieties; therefore they imagine a negation of the material world to be the spiritual world
- The material world consists of three modes - goodness, passion and ignorance - but the spiritual world is pure goodness. It is said here (SB 3.19.30) that the form of the Lord is pure goodness, which means that it is not material
- The material world is a manifestation of Krsna's one-fourth energy. And the three-fourth energy is manifested in the spiritual world. This is the understanding of Krsna
- The material world is a manifestation of the three modes of material nature, but one has to become free from these modes to come to the spiritual world, where their influence is completely absent
- The material world is a reflection of the spiritual world. The material world is temporary or false, but the spiritual world is an eternal reality
- The material world is generally controlled by tamo-guna, the quality of ignorance, but the spiritual world, because of the presence of the Lord and His effulgence, is free from all contamination by darkness, passion or contaminated goodness
- The material world is the perverted reflection, so the spiritual world must have the same variegatedness, but in reality. BG 1972 purports
- The material world, full of conditioned souls trying to lord it over matter, is a manifestation of the external energy of the Supreme Lord, and the spiritual world, full of perfect servitors of the Lord, is a manifestation of His internal energy
- The material world, with its gross and subtle forms, is merely a reflection of the spiritual world
- The message is from the spiritual world
- The moon reflects the light of the sun, and without the sun the moon cannot illuminate anything. Similarly, this material cosmic manifestation is but the reflection of the spiritual world
- The most important thing about the spiritual world is that there is no envy among the devotees there. This is true even among the flowers, which are all conscious of the greatness of tulasi
- The nails of the Lord pierced through all these layers and made a hole penetrating into the spiritual world. From this hole, the water of the Ganges infiltrated into this material world, and therefore it is said, pada-nakha-nira janita jana-pavana
- The name Vaikunthapati, which means "the master of the spiritual world," is not different from the name Vaikuntha
- The name Viraja indicates a marginal position between the spiritual and material worlds, but the Viraja River is not under the control of the material energy. Consequently it is devoid of the three gunas
- The only remedy (to material affairs) is hari-nama-sankirtana, the chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, which is imported from the spiritual world, Goloka Vrndavana. How unfortunate I am (Narottama Das Thakura) that I have no attraction for this
- The opulence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead remains as it is in the spiritual world; only in the material world is everything dissolved
- The original home of the living entity & the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the spiritual world
- The original home of the living entity and the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the spiritual world
- The parakiya-rasa in the spiritual world and that in the material world are not comparable. The former is like gold, and the latter is like iron. Because the difference between the two is so great, they cannot actually be compared
- The pastimes of Lord Krsna are continuously going on within both this material world and the spiritual world. In such pastimes, the Lord always thinks Himself the eternal son of mother Yasoda and father Nanda Maharaja
- The philosophies of voidness and of the impersonal situation of the spiritual world are condemned here (SB 3.15.23) because they bewilder one's intelligence
- The point is that here the sex life is the highest pleasure, and in the spiritual world there is no sex. So what is that pleasure? That pleasure is this chanting and dancing, Hare Krsna maha-mantra. That is stated in the sastra
- The position in space may remain the same, just as we remain in the material world or the spiritual world, but if our Krsna consciousness is strong, we are not in the material world
- The potencies in the spiritual world are all pure because they are engaged in the unalloyed transcendental loving service of the Lord
- The process is there: to receive knowledge from authority. Similarly, some serious students, they go to India, they try to search out some saintly persons to receive knowledge about the spiritual world
- The pure devotees of the Lord are engaged in a transcendental existence, namely in the loving service of the Lord, both in the material world and in the spiritual world
- The purport is that instead of being elevated to the spiritual world where there is no longer any possibility of coming down, one simply revolves in the cycle of birth and death on higher and lower planetary systems. BG 1972 purports
- The purpose of the Vedas, as disclosed by the Personality of Godhead Himself, is to cut down this reflected tree and attain the real tree of the spiritual world. BG 1972 purports
- The real mission of life: how to go back to Krsna, how to go back to Vaikunthaloka, the spiritual world. That is real mission. But that we do not know; therefore it is most confidential
- The real, factual platform is the spiritual world, but when the spirit soul wants to imitate the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he is put into this dreamland of material creation
- The result of perfection in Krsna consciousness is that after giving up one's material body, one is immediately transferred to the spiritual world in one's original spiritual body to become an associate of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The same pleasure potency is there in the living being in little quantity, and as soon as they utilize it, it becomes painful. And the same pleasure potency in the spiritual world, Krsna's dancing with gopis, that is not painful. That is pleasing
- The sankirtana movement is not manufactured in this material world. It is released from Vaikuntha, the spiritual world. Golokera prema-dhana . . . otherwise, why you are chanting Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna . . .? It is not material sound
- The second Sandarbha, called Bhagavat-sandarbha, draws a distinction between impersonal Brahman and localized Paramatma and describes the spiritual world and the domination of the mode of goodness devoid of contamination by the other two material modes
- The so-called morality and goodness of this material world is all bad, but in the spiritual world even so-called immorality is good. This we must understand
- The spirit of enjoyment is present in its pure form in the spiritual world, in relation to Krsna, but we have come here to partake of contaminated enjoyment, just as a man on the Bowery thinks he can enjoy by drinking some liquor
- The spirit soul, the living entity, has no death, for he is eternal and inexhaustible. Being free from material contamination, he can go anywhere in the material or spiritual worlds
- The spiritual potency is manifested in the spiritual world. Krsna’s form, qualities, activities and entourage are all spiritual. This is confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita 4.6
- The spiritual world and all spiritual activities are under the direction of the internal, spiritual energy, and such activities are performed by Yogamaya, the spiritual energy
- The spiritual world and the material world, both of them are creation or emanation, mattah sarvam pravartate, from God. But the light energy is more perfect
- The spiritual world begins with Hari-dhama, or Vaikunthaloka
- The spiritual world has been calculated to comprise three-fourths of the energies of the Supreme Lord, and the material world is said to comprise one-fourth of His energy, but no one can understand what this three-fourths is
- The spiritual world is a manifestation of His (The Supreme Personality of Godhead) personal, internal potency, whereas the material world is a manifestation of His material, or differentiated, energy
- The spiritual world is a manifestation of spiritual energy and is known as Vaikunthaloka, the place where there is no anxiety
- The spiritual world is brightly illuminated, but the material world is wrapped in darkness
- The spiritual world is called unmanifested because it cannot be perceived by material senses
- The spiritual world is called Vaikuntha, which means - without anxiety
- The spiritual world is divided into two portions - Goloka Vrndavana and the Vaikunthas. The material world is a combination of universes unlimited in number
- The spiritual world is eternal. The material world is temporary. We are spirit soul. We are eternal. Therefore our business is to go back to the spiritual world, not that we remain in the material world and change body from bad to worse
- The spiritual world is exactly like the material world in that it has varieties. In the spiritual world there are also houses, trees, roads, chariots - everything is there, but without the material inebrieties. As described in Brahma-samhita - 5.29
- The spiritual world is mentioned in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 8.20): Yet there is another unmanifested nature, which is eternal and is transcendental to this manifested and unmanifested matter. It is supreme and is never annihilated
- The spiritual world is naturally superior to the material world; however, Mathura and the adjoining areas, although appearing in the material world, are considered superior to the spiritual world because the SP of God Himself appeared at Mathura
- The spiritual world is not dry or abstract; as pointed out before, there is variegatedness there
- The spiritual world is not without its separate paraphernalia. A living being can keep his separate spiritual identity in the spiritual kingdom and enjoy life with the supreme spiritual being, the Personality of Godhead
- The spiritual world is pure, but in the material world everyone is struggling hard to acquire victims who present different pleasures to the body. BG 1972 purports
- The spiritual world is real, and the material world is similar to it. I.e., in the desert we sometimes find a mirage, but although the water in a mirage is false, this does not mean that there is no water in reality; water exists, but not in the desert
- The spiritual world is that place where Krsna is not forgotten. That is also the definition of the spiritual world given by Vedic literatures. We must therefore plan our lives in such a way that it will not be possible for us to forget Krsna for a moment
- The spiritual world of the Vaikuntha planets and Krsnaloka, the supreme planet, is situated in His (Krsna's) energy of thinking
- The spiritual world, everything is one because everything is spiritual. Here everything is material; therefore they are defining
- The spiritual world, janmady asya yatah (SB 1.1.1), as it is said in the Vedanta-sutra, the origin of everything, the cause of all causes, that is full of spiritual varieties. That is not nirvisesa
- The spiritual world, the abode of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna-which is known as Krsnaloka, Goloka Vrndavana-is described here (in BG 15.6). BG 1972 purports
- The spiritual world, they want to become servant of the servant. That is a bigger position. So as we make advance in spiritual life, we understand this
- The spiritual world, which consists of three fourths of the Lord's energy, is situated beyond this material world, and it is especially meant for those who will never be reborn
- The spiritual world, which is beyond this material sky, is described as avyakta, unmanifested. BG 1972 Introduction
- The spiritual worlds are the Vaikuntha planets, and the material universes are the brahmandas, gigantic globes governed by Lord Brahma
- The supreme activity, the Brahman (spiritual) activity, is devotional service. Unfortunately the Mayavadis do not know this. They think that the spiritual world is void
- The Supreme Person, in His different plenary expansions, lives on innumerable Vaikuntha planets, and the chief planet is Krsnaloka. Just as within the material universe the chief planet is the sun, in the spiritual world the chief planet is Krsnaloka
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is directly the cause of the spiritual world, where there are innumerable spiritual planets known as Vaikunthas, as well as His personal abode, known as Goloka Vrndavana
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is expanded throughout the spiritual world, and when that cinmaya-rasa potency expands through the material potency, it becomes all-pervading
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, who emanates the material and spiritual worlds, is the Supreme Spirit
- The system which makes these two sanatana, God and the living entity, meet again and they go back to enjoy life in the spiritual world, that system is called sanatana-dharma
- The transcendental happiness exhibited in the spiritual world and all other spiritual manifestations there are made possible by the influence of yoga-maya
- The transcendental vibration of hari-nama-sankirtana is imported from the spiritual world. Thus materialists who are addicted to experimental knowledge and the so-called scientific method cannot place their faith in the chanting of Hare Krsna maha-mantra
- The true enjoyment derived from these relationships can be attained in the spiritual world with Krsna
- The ultimate perfection or success is go back to Godhead, back to home. So when KC will be perfect, you'll be transferred from this planet, or from this material world, to the spiritual world, and you'll talk with Krsna just you are talking with me
- The varieties of energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead are differently known. From this statement of the Vedas one can understand that there are eternal varieties of humors, or tastes, in the spiritual world
- The Vedas enjoin that we should not remain in darkness: tamasi ma jyotir gama. We are instructed to go to the light, and that light is the spiritual world, which is directly lighted by the effulgence, or bodily rays, of Krsna
- The Vedas enjoin: "Don't remain in the darkness of this material world. Go to the light of the spiritual world." To counteract the distress of this material body, one has to take on another distressed condition. Both situations are only illusion
- The very first step in self-realization is realizing one's identity as separate from the body. "I am not this body but am spirit soul" is an essential realization for anyone who wants to transcend death and enter into the spiritual world beyond
- The Viraja River is filled with material planets floating in the Causal Ocean. The name Viraja indicates a marginal position between the spiritual and material worlds, but the Viraja River is not under the control of the material energy
- The Viraja, or Causal Ocean, is the border between the spiritual and the material world. The material energy is situated on one shore of that ocean, and it cannot enter onto the other shore, which is the spiritual sky
- The virat universal form of the Lord is an imagination for the material world. It has nothing to do with the spiritual world, or the kingdom of God
- The whole material world or any world, spiritual world, they are manifestation of the supreme energetic. The energies are coming
- The whole Vedic literature is meant for taking you to the spiritual world. Tamasi ma jyotir gama: Don't remain in this material world of darkness. Come to the spiritual world
- The women there (in the spiritual world) are hundreds and thousands of times more beautiful than the women here in this material world, and the spiritual atmosphere is also many times better
- The word - creation - refers to the material creation because in the spiritual world everything exists eternally and there is no creation or dissolution
- The word moksanam means "liberation." For the associates of Krsna and for Krsna Himself, there is no question about liberation; they are already liberated, being in the spiritual world
- The word paramesthinam is sometimes used in connection with Brahma. Paramesthi means "the supreme person." As Brahma is the supreme person within this universe, Krsna is the Supreme Personality in the spiritual world
- The word prabhava ("creation") only refers to this material world, for since the spiritual world is eternally existing, there is no question of creation
- The word sarva-loka means "all three worlds," and the word mahesvara means "the supreme proprietor." Krsna is the proprietor of both the material and the spiritual world
- The word sarva-saundarya indicates that there are different types of beauties in the material and spiritual worlds and that the Lord contains all of them
- The word tahan indicates (in CC Madhya 19.163) that in the spiritual world one can taste the juice of the fruit of devotional service and thus become blissful
- The words paramam mama are very important here (in BG 15.6). Actually every nook and corner is the property of the Supreme Lord, but the spiritual world is paramam, full of six opulences. BG 1972 purports
- Their (Devotees) example is that just as the stomach is the source of energy of all the limbs of the body, God is the original source of all energy manifested in the material and spiritual worlds
- Then, when the devotee satisfies the spiritual master and Krsna, this seed of devotional service grows into a plant that gradually reaches up to the spiritual world. An ordinary plant requires shelter for growing
- There are also different cosmic manifestations - namely the spiritual world and the material world - as well as different types of living entities. Some living entities are conditioned, and others are eternally free
- There are different kinds of individual living beings - some of them are in this material world, and some are in the spiritual world
- There are innumerable planets, and beyond the planets, there are spiritual world. So yogis, they have got information. How they have got information? From the scriptures, from Vedic literature, they have got
- There are many controllers undoubtedly both in the material and spiritual world, but Krsna is the supreme controller (isvarah paramah krsnah), and His body is sac-cid-ananda, non-material. BG 1972 purports
- There are the material world and the spiritual world. The sages pray: "Both worlds are bewildered by Your different energies
- There are two classes of beings, the fallible and the infallible. In the material world every entity is fallible, and in the spiritual world every entity is called infallible. BG 15.16 - 1972
- There are two kinds of living entities. One kind of living entities, they are trying to go back to home, back to Godhead. They are called devatas. And the asuras, they are not aware of the spiritual world; neither they are endeavoring to go back to home
- There are two manifestations - the material cosmos and the spiritual world
- There are two worlds - the spiritual and the material. The material world is false like a mirage in the desert. In the desert, animals think they see water, but actually there is none
- There are Vaikuntha planets in the spiritual world, and there are devotees who are all liberated. These devotees are aksara, which means they do not fall down into the material world. They remain in the spiritual world of the Vaikunthas
- There is a river called Vaitarani, and on one side of this river is the material world, and on the other side is the spiritual world
- There is a river known as Vaitarani between the material and spiritual worlds, and one must cross this river to reach the other side, or the spiritual world. This is an extremely difficult task
- There is also a planet called Sivaloka, or Sadasivaloka, which is situated in a marginal position between the spiritual and material worlds. If, after being situated in Brahmaloka, one becomes more qualified, he is promoted to Sadasivaloka
- There is another life which is life of freedom. Just like Narada Muni. Narada Muni travels everywhere. He goes in the spiritual world. He comes in the material world
- There is another nature, which is spiritual world. They have no information. But we get information from Bhagavad-gita and other sastras that spiritual world is still bigger
- There is another place, material..., spiritual world. That is called sanatana. And the jiva, the living entity, is also mentioned as sanatana. And Krsna is also mentioned as sanatana. When these three sanatanas come together, that is called sanatana life
- There is devotional service performed according to the direction of the spiritual master and the injunctions and regulative principles of sastra, and there is devotional service in the spiritual world, rendered directly in association with the SPG
- There is no Krsna consciousness in this material world, for as soon as there is Krsna consciousness, as soon as there is action on the basis of Krsna, it is no longer the material world but the spiritual world
- There is no likelihood of liberation (by working in mode of goodness), or of being transferred to the spiritual world. BG 1972 purports
- There is no sex life in the spiritual world but the pleasure is there. That is the difference between material and spiritual. Therefore there is restriction
- There is the Goloka Vrndavana planet. That Goloka Vrndavana planet is the topmost planet. This material world, then you'll get spiritual world. Then spiritual world, as you have got in this material world, this is only one universe
- These five rasas (santa, dasya, sakhya, vatsalya and madhurya-rasa) are fully exhibited in the spiritual world in one’s relationship with the Lord. Therefore in the spiritual world the bhakti creeper finds its resting place at the lotus feet of Krsna
- These rascals, they are thinking, "I am free." No. Nobody is free. But because we are not free, that does not mean there is no freedom. There is freedom. That is not in this world. That is in the spiritual world
- These temple activities, they are not in Melbourne; they are in the spiritual world. Just like your Australian embassy. The members of the Australian embassy, suppose they are in foreign countries. They are not in foreign countries, they are in Australia
- They (devotees of god) take on these lower life forms for a short while, and after they give up those animal bodies, they are again promoted to the spiritual world. Such punishment is only for a short period, and it is not due to past karma
- They (devotees) want only to serve the Lord anywhere in the material or spiritual worlds that the Lord desires, and the Lord is always specifically compassionate towards such devotees
- They (scientists) have no idea what is material world or spiritual world. But in that way a creation took place. Can anyone say what is the theory or. . . of creation? Can any one of you say? What do they say about the creation
- They (seminal spiritual masters) are hopeful of material success. The word bahih means "external," artha means "interest," and manina means "taking very seriously." Generally speaking, practically everyone is unaware of the spiritual world
- They (the Mayavadi philosopher) want to make the spiritual world as zero or imperson due to less intelligence. But actually, real life, real pleasure, eternal pleasure is there in the spiritual world, not in this material world
- They are speculating so many years about this universe, how many stars are there, what is the length and breadth, nobody knows anything even of the material world, and what to speak of the spiritual world. That is far beyond
- They want classless society. But in the material world there cannot be any classless society. It is not possible. Classless society can be established in the spiritual world
- This (the material energy) is only one fourth of God's creation. The other three fourths of creation constitute the spiritual world
- This kind of playing and stealing among boys still exists even in the material world because this kind of sporting pleasure is present in the spiritual world, from which this idea of enjoyment emanates
- This material world is a combination of matter and spirit, but the spiritual world, which is far, far away from the material sky, is purely spiritual and has no contact with matter
- This material world is always dark; therefore we require the sun, moon and electricity. The Vedas enjoin us not to remain in this darkness but to transfer ourselves to the world of illumination, the spiritual world
- This material world is called tamah, dark, and the spiritual world is called light. The Vedas enjoin that everyone should try to get out of the darkness and go to the kingdom of light
- This material world is created from the spiritual world. Eko narayana asit. In the spiritual world there is always Narayana. Even Sankaracarya, he says, narayanah avyaktat parah. The spiritual world has nothing to do with this material world
- This material world is created, just like the banyan tree, it takes its root and it is created. So the seed of the creation is in the spiritual world
- This material world is manifestation of the external potency of Krsna, whereas the spiritual world is the manifestation of His internal potency. Unfortunately, the modern advancement of education has no information what is that spiritual world
- This material world is now described, compared with a banyan tree, which has its root upwards, above. That means this material world is created from the spiritual world. Eko narayana asit
- This material world is only a shadow phantasmagoria of the spiritual kingdom of God, and because it is a shadow it is never eternal; the variegatedness in the material world of duality (spirit and matter) cannot be compared to that of the spiritual world
- This material world is reflection of the spiritual world. There is no happiness. Happiness is there in the spiritual world, but we are running after it, being ignorant
- This material world is the perverted reflection of the spiritual world; it is just like the reflection of a tree on the bank of a reservoir of water: the topmost part of the tree is seen as the lowest part
- This process (dissolution and creation) is going on eternally, and fortunate living entities take advantage of this manifest creation and return back to the spiritual world by devotional activities
- This same enjoyment (of sporting) is displayed by Krsna and His associates in the spiritual world, but there the enjoyment is eternal, whereas on the material platform, it is temporary; there the enjoyment is brahman, whereas here the enjoyment is jada
- This self-illumination (of the spiritual world) also contradicts the theory that the spirit soul, or the spiritual consciousness, develops at a certain point in material combination
- This tree, being the reflection of the real tree, is an exact replica. Everything is there in the spiritual world. BG 1972 purports
- This verse (of CC Madhya 15.237) was spoken (in SB 11.6.46) by Uddhava to Krsna. This was during the time when Uddhava-gita was spoken. At that time there was disturbances in Dvaraka & Krsna decided to leave the material world & enter the spiritual world
- This world is material because God is forgotten here, but once He is remembered the world immediately becomes spiritual. In other words, the spiritual world is that place where Krsna is not forgotten
- This world, which is full of varieties, is not false; it is a reflection of the reality in the Vaikuntha world, the spiritual world
- Those fools & rascals who want to ascend to the upper planetary system by mystic power or mechanical means or who endeavor to cross even the upper planets & achieve the spiritual world or liberation I cause to be sent to the lowest region of the universe
- Those who are above the jurisdiction of night are always in the spiritual world, where the Lord’s pastimes are constantly manifest to them
- Those who are captivated by pure devotional service have no desire to elevate themselves to any material planet. The highest planet in the spiritual world is Krsna-loka, or Goloka Vrndavana, and there the devotional plant takes shelter
- Those who are in the spiritual world are absorbed in Your loving service, forgetting themselves and You also, and those in the material world are absorbed in material sense gratification and therefore also forget You
- Those who are jealous and envious are within this material world, and those who are not are in the spiritual world. Therefore, we can test ourselves
- Those who are liberated from the bondage of conditioned life are elevated to the spiritual world, where they achieve five kinds of liberation - sayujya, salokya, sarupya, sarsti and samipya
- Those who are not fit to live in that spiritual world are sent to this material world. This very idea is expressed by Milton in Paradise Lost
- Those who are strictly following the regulations of Krsna consciousness, he's living in the spiritual world. He's not in the material world. Just like we are not living in Los Angeles; we are living in Vaikuntha. Yes. That's a fact
- Those who are transcendental even to the material modes of nature are situated in the mode of pure goodness; they attain eternal life in the spiritual world
- Those who are under the spell of the external energy accept this manifestation to be fact, whereas those who are advanced in spiritual realization know that it is illusion. Actual reality is elsewhere, in the spiritual world
- Those who follow the regulative principles of devotional service ultimately attain the Vaikuntha planets in the spiritual world
- Those who have no knowledge of the spiritual world or the spiritual self, simply bodily concept of life like animal, they are grha-medhi
- Those who ignore such instructions (of the Vedic literature) cannot be convinced of the existence of the spiritual world. Because they have forgotten their spiritual identity
- Those who strictly follow the regulations of Krsna consciousness actually live in the spiritual world, not the material world. We may think we are living in New York, Los Angeles, or elsewhere, but we are actually living in Vaikuntha
- Those who worship demigods with the consciousness that each and every demigod is a separate God cannot be elevated to the spiritual world, what to speak of persons who are simply attached to duties for the upliftment of their material condition
- Through the path of illumination, such liberated persons approach the complete Personality of Godhead, who is the proprietor of the material and spiritual worlds and is the supreme cause of their manifestation and dissolution
- Thus the great sages, Sanaka, Sanatana, Sanandana and Sanat-kumara, upon reaching the above-mentioned Vaikuntha in the spiritual world by dint of their mystic yoga performance, perceived unprecedented happiness
- Today I may love some man or woman, but tomorrow we may break up. All of this is due to the defects of the material world. However, in the spiritual world these relationships never break up. They simply increase and increase, and this is called perfection
- Transfer to the spiritual world is the highest perfection of life. In other words, the devotee achieves his constitutional position of immortality and thus becomes completely peaceful
- Two mayas are working under the direction of Krsna: the mahamaya, this material world; and yogamaya, the spiritual world. So this uncommon thing was happening on account of yogamaya's influence
- Under the direction of the Supreme Lord, these three classes of men are created by material nature, but those in the mode of goodness have a greater chance to be elevated to the spiritual world, back home, back to Godhead
- Unless one comes in contact with a devotee it is not possible to understand the transcendental form or the spiritual world and its transcendental activities
- Unless one is a devotee of the Lord, one cannot understand the existence of the spiritual world
- Unless one is KC, nobody can escape the cycle of birth and death. Nobody can. This is the only process if you want to stop. After giving up this body. You get immediately transferred to the spiritual world, & you get your eternal, blissful knowledge life
- Unless sex life is there in the spiritual world, it cannot be reflected here. Here it is simply a perverted reflection, but the actual life is there in Krsna, who is full of all pleasure
- Upon seeing the seven palm trees, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu embraced them. As a result, they all returned to Vaikunthaloka, the spiritual world
- Upon understanding Krsna, one can, at the moment of death, go immediately to His abode in the spiritual world. This spiritual world. is described thus in BG: na tad bhasayate suryo, na sasanko na pavakah, yad gatva na nivartante, tad dhama paramam mama
- Vaikuntha life means sac-cid-ananda. Krsna's body is sac-cid-ananda-vigrahah (Bs. 5.1). Not only Krsna's body; anyone who lives in the spiritual world, his body is spiritual body, and spiritual body means sat, cit, ananda
- Vaisnava acarya said - Spirit is the basic principle. Matter is false. But that spirit is not void. There is spiritual construction. As in the material world there is material construction, in the spiritual world there is spiritual construction
- Vanca-kalpa-taru: Everyone has desires, but a Vaisnava can fulfill all desires. Kalpa-taru refers to a tree in the spiritual world which is called a wish-fulfilling tree
- Viraja is a river that divides the material world from the spiritual world. On one side of the river Viraja is the effulgence of Brahmaloka and innumerable Vaikuntha planets, and on the other side is this material world
- We (sages) know well that persons who have become liberated by engagement in Your devotional service are no longer contaminated by the material modes of nature; thus they have become eligible to be promoted to the kingdom of God in the spiritual world
- We are advising people to become Krsna conscious, and that way, he will be able to leave this place of miseries and enter the eternal life in the spiritual world. Tyaktva deham punar janma naiti mam eti - BG 4.9
- We are part and parcel of God. Somehow or other, we are now in this material existence. So the real aim of life is to return to the spiritual world, where there is no struggle for existence - blissful, happy life
- We are related to someone as a father, a son, a lover, a beloved, a master, a servant or whatever. These are perverted reflections of the relationship with Krsna found in the spiritual world
- We are representatives of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the creator of the whole universe, who carries in His hand the bow named Sarnga. We have been specifically deputed to take you to the spiritual world
- We being part and parcel of God, qualitatively we are one; quantitatively we are different. Although we are different, still, in the spiritual world we can enjoy the same facilities in cooperation with God
- We cannot calculate the length and breadth of this material world, our knowledge is so imperfect and meager, and what we can understand of the spiritual world?
- We cannot understand the affairs of the spiritual world on the basis of our experience in the material world. The Lord's pastimes with the gopis are therefore misunderstood by mundane scholars and word-wranglers
- We have to take information from the authoritative literature what is the position of this material world, the spiritual world, God and His relationship with us, our position. This is real knowledge
- We living entities, we are spiritual atoms, and by material atomic combination we have developed this body, although this material body is foreign to me. Similarly, we can develop our spiritual body also in the spiritual world. Is it clear?
- We living entities, we, by nature, we are spiritual, but because we have got the potency either to live in this material world or in the spiritual world, therefore we are called marginal
- We say that the spiritual world is a creation of the spiritual energy, but actually the spiritual world is never created and it is just to indicate to what department it belongs
- We want unending blissful life, but it is not possible in the material world That happiness is in the spiritual world
- What is the difference between the spiritual world and the material world? The difference is that if you go to the spiritual world, then you will not return again in this material world
- What is the soul. A minute particle of spirit, it is . . . but they do not understand, big, big scientist, big, big philosopher. But the entire subject matter of Krsna consciousness is not of this material world. All, it is of spiritual world
- Whatever he (a highly advanced devotee) does, whatever he thinks, is for the satisfaction of the Personality of Godhead. Either in the material world or in the spiritual world, his equipoised mind is completely manifested
- Whatever we see within this material world, that is only a fragment part of all the living entities. The major portion of the living entities, they are in the spiritual world
- When a devotee is promoted to the spiritual world, Vaikuntha, he receives four kinds of facilities. One of these is salokya, living on the same planet as the Supreme Personality
- When a soul wants to enjoy this material world, forgetting his real home in the spiritual world, he takes this life of hard struggle for existence. This unnatural life can be stopped when his consciousness is dovetailed with Supreme consciousness of God
- When Aghasura, by that sporting association, as maintained in the spiritual world, was purified of all contamination, he attained sarupya-mukti and vimukti by the grace of Krsna. For Krsna this was not at all wonderful
- When he (the living entity) enters the material energy, he is subjected to the threefold time measurement - past, present and future. Past, present and future belong only to the material world; they do not exist in the spiritual world
- When it is not possible to understand even the material things which we daily see with our eyes, what can we say of the spiritual world and Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- When one can understand Krsna as He is (tattvatah), one actually lives in the spiritual world, although apparently living within the material body. This technical science can be understood when one is actually spiritually advanced
- When one is in full knowledge that, "I am spirit, aham brahmasmi. I'm spirit soul. Now I have my business with the spiritual world," that is liberation. That is liberation & the means which help you to come to that position, that is called spiritual life
- When one transfers to the spiritual world by virtue of understanding Krsna consciousness, the actions and reactions of both gross and subtle bodies no longer bother the spirit soul
- When one understands that he belongs not to the material world but to the spiritual world, one is called liberated
- When the feelings of love and transcendental bliss from the spiritual world are pervertedly reflected in this material world, they are certainly the cause of bondage
- When the material world dissolutes, the spiritual world remains. Krishna and His Kingdom, the spiritual world, are eternal. We have to understand things in this method. That is Krishna Consciousness
- When this temporary manifestation is annihilated, its cause, the eternal existence of the spiritual world, continues as it is, and therefore the spiritual world is called sanatana-dhama, the eternal abode
- When we eat, we can understand for ourselves whether our hunger is satisfied; we don't have to take a certificate from others. Similarly, we can test for ourselves whether we are in the material world or the spiritual world
- While chanting the mantra, one should always remember the spiritual world, which is very extensive and full of desire trees that can yield anything one desires
- While dying, Ajamila chanted the holy name of the Lord, intending to call his son Narayana. Nevertheless, he attained the spiritual world. What then to speak of those who chant the holy name with faith and reverence
- Why we are in this material world? We are part and parcel of Krsna. We should remain with Krsna in the spiritual world. But why we are put into this material world? That is explained there: purusah prakrti-stho hi bhunkte prakrti-jan gunan
- With this attitude, Prsadhra became a great saint, and when he entered the forest and saw a blazing forest fire, he took this opportunity to burn his body in the fire. Thus he achieved the transcendental, spiritual world
- Without the existence of the stealing propensity and fighting propensity in the spiritual world, they cannot exist here in this material world
- Yogamaya is the internal potency of the Supreme Lord; she also works under the Lord's direction, but she works in the spiritual world
- Yogamaya is the spiritual or internal energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Those who are interested in being promoted to the spiritual world and engaging in the service of the Lord attain spiritual perfection under the control of Yogamaya
- Yogi, there are many yogis. They have got very exalted power, extraordinary power. Just like this Durvasa Muni. He once traveled all over the space. Not only within this universe - he traveled outside the universe in the spiritual world
- Yogis instead of going directly to the spiritual world, sometimes want to see other planetary systems, and therefore they ascend to the planetary system where Lord Brahma lives, as indicated here by the word brahmana
- Yogis, however, instead of going directly to the spiritual world, sometimes want to see other planetary systems, and therefore they ascend to the planetary system where Lord Brahma lives, as indicated here by the word brahmana
- You are also always engaged in Your pastimes in the spiritual world, where You exhibit Your reserved, internal potency, and sometimes You exhibit the external potency by glancing over it. Thus You manifest Your pastimes
- You are situated between the material and spiritual potencies. You have a relationship with both the material and the spiritual world; therefore you are called the marginal potency. You are related with Krsna as one and simultaneously different
- You can become in the material world or spiritual world, as you desire. If you want to remain in the spiritual world, this temple is the spiritual world. We are not living in Melbourne. This temple is not Melbourne. It is Vaikuntha
- You can get light of the spiritual world, by sattva-guna. But you have to surpass the sattva-guna. That is called suddha-sattva, untinted, without any tinge of these rajo-guna and tamo-guna
- You cannot make things very rightly going on. It is not possible. Therefore the best purpose will be served - leave this place, material world, and go to the spiritual world. That is our Krsna consciousness
- You cannot understand even what is in your presence, the material world, and spiritual is beyond the sky. Paras tasmat tu bhavah anyah (BG 8.20). That is another sky
- You test yourself, "Whether I am jealous, envious of my other associates, friends, everything?" Then I am in the material world. And if I am not jealous, then I'm in the spiritual world. Anyone can test
- Your eagerness to get me back in the states will surely be a success because I'm also eager to return. Tears for Krishna is as good as associating with Him personally. In the spiritual world separation is more valuable than meeting