Category:Krsna Consciousness Movement Is A Scientific Movement
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Pages in category "Krsna Consciousness Movement Is A Scientific Movement"
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- Don't take this movement as some something sentimental. Authorized movement. We are speaking the science which is given by Krsna, the Supreme Authority
- Don't take this movement as something bogus. It is very scientific, authorized, and the process is very easy
- Don't take this movement as something sentimental, religious faith. No. It is a very scientific, educational movement. Take advantage of it. That is our request. You can understand this movement by reading so many books
- Don't think it (Krsna consciousness movement) is any sectarian religion. It is a science. It is a culture. You are trying to educate people how to become Brahmin
- Every one of you can become spiritually advanced provided you study the science. That is Krsna consciousness movement. It is not a bluff sentiment. It is a great science
- Everything in Krsna consciousness is scientific. It is not bogus, whimsical, sentimental, fanatical or imaginary. It is truth, fact, reality. One must understand Krsna in truth
- I want that responsible persons like you should try to understand the scientific value of this movement. It is not a sentimental movement. It is based on philosophy, science, authority
- If anyone is proud of his education, let him come and study our books, understand this philosophy, and I'm sure he'll find satisfying. Don't take it as something sentimental, religious. It is a scientific, educational movement
- If one wants to understand this Krsna consciousness movement through science, through philosophy, through logic - in any way - through religion, through culture - anyway he wants to understand, we have got volumes of books
- If one wants to understand this sankirtana movement through philosophy and learning and logic, oh, there is ample opportunity. It is not sentimental. It is based on science and based on authority of Vedas. But it is simplified
- If people take to it (the Krsna consciousness movement) seriously, discharging this duty scientifically, as ordered by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the world will see peace and prosperity instead of being confused and hopeless under useless governments
- If you become in everything Krsna conscious, then your life is successful. That we are teaching. It is a very scientific movement. Actually, that is the position
- If you want to learn this Krsna consciousness movement, we have got enough books. You can scientifically and philosophically study
- Intelligent men and women should take interest in this great movement. It is a very scientific spiritual movement. People are suffering for lack of spiritual knowledge
- It (Krsna consciousness movement ) is not religious; it is scientific. It is to save the human society from gliding down to the abominable condition
- It (Krsna consciousness movement) is not a sectarian religious movement, faith or sentiment. It is actually scientific movement. Here are many scientists present. They are also taking very serious view of this movement
- It (Krsna consciousness movement) is not sentimental movement. It is a most scientific movement. Any scientist come to me. I can convince him that it is a scientific movement
- It (Krsna Consciousness) is very scientific movement. Scientific movement because at the present moment we are all godless, forgotten what is God, and what to speak of His name
- It is a great science. It is not a sentiment. It is based on philosophy and authorized Vedic literature. So our only request is that you try to take this movement very seriously and you will be happy
- It is not sentiment. It is not religious sentiment. It is a science. Krsna consciousness means to understand the science of Krsna
- It is not that this Krsna consciousness movement is a sentimental movement. It is based on fully scientific basis. But people do not understand the science. They are simply allured by the experimental science. The experimental science is very limited
- Krishna Cons. is not a miracle, it is science, & because we are Krishna conscious, therefore we know everything, so practically we can understand how Krishna wanted to please His devotees & He appeared there so wonderfully. We do not see anything miracle
- Krishna Consciousness movement is trying to save the people in general, religionists and philosophers, to save them from the downfall. Opening our center means to educate people in this great science
- Krsna consciousness is a great science. It is not a sentiment or mental speculation or bluff. It is based on scientific proposition, as described in the Bhagavad-gita, as described in the Vedas, as described in the Samhitas, as accepted by the authorities
- Krsna consciousness means to have all kinds of knowledge. Not that we Krsna conscious people are being carried away by some sentiment. No. We have got philosophy, science, theology, ethics, morality, everything
- Krsna consciousness movement is a great scientific movement; it is not a bogus bluffing movement. Very scientific movement. So in this movement, our one program is to respect the cows. We chant this mantra, namo brahmanya-devaya go-brahmana-hitaya ca
- Krsna consciousness movement is most scientific movement to get the whole human society from the pitch of darkness
- Krsna consciousness movement is not ordinary movement, manufacture something for recreation. No. It is very serious science
- Krsna consciousness movement is very scientific, authorized. Try to understand Krsna. We have got so many literature. Don't waste a single moment
- Mayavadis greatly fear the Krsna consciousness movement and accuse it of spoiling the Hindu religion because it accepts people from all parts of the world and all religious sects and scientifically engages them in the daiva-varnasrama-dharma
- Military march, Manipur. Slogan: "Jaya Radhe! Jaya Krsna! Jaya Babhruvahana! Jaya Arjuna!" We shall organize Bombay headquarter, Manipur Vaisnava state, send missionary all over the world, bona fide, scientific system of religion, ideal character
- Most scientific and authorized movement. Trying to place people in his original, constitutional position and cooperate for the service of Krsna. That is Krsna consciousness movement
- My appeal to you is that you try to understand this movement, Krsna consciousness movement. It is not a bogus movement. It is scientific, authorized
- My only request is that Krsna consciousness movement is the most scientific movement to save the human society from falling down again in the cycle of birth and death
- Not only it (Krsna Consciousness) is authoritative; it is accepted by millions and thousands. At least in India there are many. And in the Western countries also, they are also accepting because it is scientific. They are not fools and rascals
- Now whether still we shall remain in ignorance or we shall learn this science and teach? That is Krsna consciousness movement. It is not a sectarian religious movement. No, it is not that. This is science, scientific movement
- Nowadays it is democratic days, majority. So as this Krsna consciousness movement is also taken as one of the sentimental movements... It is the most scientific movement, but because there are so many gurus, rascals, they imagine something and cheat
- One of the objectives of the Krsna consciousness movement is to establish this daiva-varnasrama, but not to encourage so-called varnasrama without scientifically organized endeavor by human society
- Our Krsna consciousness movement distributes krsna-prasadam, and those who eat such transcendental food are sure to become devotees of the Lord. This is a very scientific method
- Our Krsna consciousness movement is trying to educate people on this science of sciences to understand first of all that "What you are? Are you this body or different from this body?" This is essential
- Our Krsna consciousness movement is very scientific, authorized, so our business is to enlighten people as far as possible, and at the same time we must remain enlightened
- Our movement is very genuine, scientific and benedictory. Only the first class intelligent class of men can understand the value of this movement
- Our only request is that do not take this movement as a religious movement. It is the movement of the soul. It is very scientific, based on authority. And practically we are seeing, we are getting good response all over the world
- Our request is that don't take this (KC) movement as very sentimental or insignificant, it is the greatest science, greatest philosophy. Try to cooperate with us and you will be happy
- Take this Krsna consciousness movement. It is not a sentimental movement. It is a very authorized, scientific movement. You are all educated, advanced ladies and gentlemen. I'll request you to understand this Krsna consciousness movement
- The idea is that our loving propensity expands as vibration of air and light expands, but we do not know where it ends. The Krishna Consciousness movement teaches us this science how one can love everyone of the living entities perfectly by an easy method
- The Krsna consciousness movement basically is trying to reach this science of the soul - not any dogmatic way, but in complete scientific and philosophical understanding
- The Krsna consciousness movement is not for the persons who are envious. Envious. It is a movement to train people how to become not envious. It is very first-class scientific movement, yes
- The Krsna consciousness movement is the greatest welfare activities in the world, and we request everyone to take advantage of this great scientific movement
- The Krsna consciousness movement is the only hope to save the world from such devastation. It is the most scientific and authorized movement for the actual welfare of the whole human society
- The Krsna consciousness movement is trying to establish this science. Our real mission is how the human society will be happy. That is the duty of all saintly persons
- The purpose of our Krsna consciousness movement is to propagate this advanced scientific idea (of entering the spiritual world) to people in general, and the process is very simple. Simply by chanting the holy names of God
- The purpose of our society for Krishna Consciousness is to train people in the science of breaking their servitorship to maya and re-establishing their relationship with Krishna as His loving servitor
- These rascal may understand this fact, that this Krsna consciousness movement is not a sentiment, so-called religious movement. It is a scientific movement to solve all the problems of life. This is Krsna consciousness
- This (Krsna consciousness movement) is very important movement. Try to understand and broadcast it. It is not a sectarian, so-called religious movement. It is a scientific movement
- This (Krsna consciousness) is not a sentimental fanaticism, religious movement. This is scientific movement for the good of the whole world
- This age is so polluted there is no other, alternative method. Nasty eva. Nasty means that there is nothing like this, nothing like this. So this Krsna consciousness movement is scientific, authorized according to the Vedic sanction
- This is a scientific movement. Anyone, intelligent person, any thoughtful person, he must take to Krsna consciousness. Otherwise he is doomed
- This is the greatest contribution of Srila Rupa Gosvami, how to become a devotee. It is not sentiment; it is science. This Krsna consciousness movement is a great science
- This is the purpose of Krsna consciousness movement: wholesale, thorough, overhauling of the human society. We have not manufactured anything, concocted things. It is very scientific
- This Krsna conscious movement is very scientific movement. It is based on authentic scriptures and experience and recommended by personalities like Lord Caitanya, Ramanujacarya and many stalwart scholars and devotees
- This Krsna consciousness movement is a scientific movement. It is not a religious faith. That is not. The beginning is that as the child grows to become a boy and boy grows to become a young man.... This is scientific. It is not the question of religion
- This Krsna consciousness movement is a transcendental science, and there is no room for jealousy. This movement is meant for the paramahamsas who are completely free from all jealousy (paramam nirmatsaranam)
- This Krsna consciousness movement is educational movement. It is not a religious sentiment; it is a science. And as we have got our books also. You have seen. There is demonstration of the book. We have got already twenty books of four hundred pages each
- This Krsna consciousness movement is giving that education. Therefore it is not a sentimental so-called religious movement, it is a scientific movement of real education, to solve the problems of life
- This Krsna consciousness movement is not a bluffing movement. It is scientific movement for the benefit of the whole world. They are suffering. So that is our request, that let us wash ourself from the designation
- This Krsna consciousness movement is not a concoction of mind. It is scientific. It is based on the Vedic knowledge. It is primarily on the background of the teachings of Bhagavad-gita
- This Krsna consciousness movement is not a sectarian religious movement. It is a scientific philosophical movement. Try to understand it
- This Krsna consciousness movement is not a sectarian religious movement. It is a scientific philosophical movement. Try to understand it. But the process is very simple. The process is by chanting this Hare Krsna
- This Krsna consciousness movement is not a sectarian, sentimental movement. It is a very scientific movement, to understand Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- This Krsna consciousness movement is not a sentiment, so-called religious movement. It is a scientific movement to solve all the problems of life. This is Krsna consciousness
- This Krsna consciousness movement is not a sentimental movement, not a bluffing movement, that a man has become God by some mystic power or this... No. It is a science. One has to study
- This Krsna consciousness movement is specifically meant for educating people about the spirit soul. It is not a sectarian religion. It is a science. Don't take it as a type of religion. It is a course of education which is understandable
- This Krsna consciousness movement is the best welfare activities for the human society to save them from a dangerous type of life. It is a very scientific movement
- This Krsna consciousness movement is very scientific movement, for the peaceful situation of the whole human civilization
- This Krsna consciousness movement means we are preaching the cult of Bhagavatam. It is a scientific method
- This movement is very important movement. It is not a fanaticism. It is based on science, philosophy and authority and Vedic principles
- This movement is very scientific movement, and we have got authoritative statements. You cannot defy authority
- This pure consciousness is awakened by the proper spiritual education and practice offered scientifically by the Krsna consciousness movement
- Those who are present here, our disciple or not disciple, should understand that this Krsna consciousness movement is a great scientific movement; it is not a bogus bluffing movement. Very scientific movement
- To know what is Krsna, what is His energies, how they are working, how these wonderful acts are going on within this universe. This is Krsna consciousness. Krsna consciousness is not a bogus movement. It is a very scientific movement
- Try to understand God scientifically and become a devotee, a lover of God, your life will be successful. That is Krsna consciousness movement
- Try to understand this Krsna consciousness movement, how it is scientific, how it is authorized, how it is old, and how it is accepted by great acaryas, great stalwart, learned scholars, and how it is treated by the learned section of all over the world
- We are not sentimental, simply chanting and dancing. We have got more than two thousand volumes of books. If you want to learn it through science, philosophy, it is also there. Otherwise, the simple method - simply chant Hare Krsna
- We are opening different centers. Why? Just to give opportunity to the people to understand this science of Krsna consciousness. It is not a bluff. We have got authority behind this movement. Whole Vedic literature
- We are publishing all these literatures translated into English. If you want to read them, if you want to understand this scientific, spiritual movement through your scientific knowledge, philosophical speculation, we have got dozens of books
- We are putting this Krsna consciousness movement not as a force, but to the judgment of the people. Let them judge. It is not a sectarian movement, not any religious movement. It is a science
- We are scientifically presenting love of God, we have 84 books published - this is unique in the world. No one can speak so scientifically in so many books
- We are trying to save the living entity from disastrous condition. This is the aim and mission of Krsna consciousness movement. It is not a religious sentiment. No. It is very scientific
- We discuss this Bhagavad-gita only for understanding that we are not blindly following a principle. It is a science. It is based on philosophy and science. But we have made the process easy, that's all, by following great stalwart personalities
- We request the intelligent persons, especially the student community, to join this movement, to try to understand scientifically what is this movement
- We should be very, very careful. This Krsna consciousness movement is simply a very scientific movement that will help the human society not to be degraded again; to be elevated
- Whomever you meet, you talk of Krsna consciousness. That's, that is the cult of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. This is genuine spiritual movement. Or the human society's movement. Spiritual, cultural, religious philosophical, scientific, everything, complete
- Yes, this Krsna consciousness movement is not a sentimental religious system. It is science and philosophy. Therefore our attempt is that you become God conscious
- You should try to understand this Krsna consciousness movement. It is very scientific, authorized. It is not a mental concoction or sentimental movement. It is most scientific movement. So we are inviting all leaders from all countries: try to understand