Category:Questions On... Publicity, Public Relations, Public Press
Pages in category "Questions On... Publicity, Public Relations, Public Press"
The following 88 pages are in this category, out of 88 total.
- Actually, I was concerned this morning about inflation. The government and the newspapers, they say the biggest problem today is inflation. From our Krsna conscious standpoint, how can we cure this problem of inflation?
- Apart from Catholicity of the American church, what can be the other reasons of their indifference towards your positive ideas?
- Brain-washed they call it, you know, by getting up and having the two hours or three of chanting in the morning and prayer beads constantly and the group life, that they're sort of controlled, and denied their freedom. What do you say about that?
- But you don't require recognition of any court, do you?
- Defamation of our religious cult. Because we're recognized by scholars as being bona fide. It says here, "Ungodly face of Krsna cult." How is that ungodly?
- Did you meet any of them (the Soviet Union leaders)?
- Didn't the Queen make some remarks about that? She said something to you… (Yes, she said, "How marvelous it would be to completely trust Krsna")?
- Has there been any official opposition to your movement in any country?
- Have these books been reviewed in foreign papers?
- Have they (the chief minister) done (given land in Kuruksetra) so?
- Have you any comment about the lawsuit that the sect here is involved in with regard to whether they should be allowed to sell literature and collect donations?
- Haven't you come across some hostile attitude to your teaching from orthodox Hindu, from orthodox brahmanas in India itself?
- How do they respond in China?
- I'm sure that you're aware that to many people in the West, in America, in New York City specifically, that your disciples seem strange because of the way they act on the streets. What about that?
- If the space program, either the Russian or the American program, which have plans to try to land on the moon and return safely, if this is successful, do you think this accomplishment would hurt the Krsna movement in the United States?
- If you give us this wisdom, don't you meet now in the western world an opposition from the Christian side where the key word that this faith becomes a body, this faith becomes flesh?
- In 1968 I was questioned by the reporters, "What is your opinion about this moon?"
- In this country (Pakistan) also they have taken (well, Muslim India or same India, those who are intelligent, they are taking to Krsna consciousness)?
- Is it good to publicize these situations, Prabhupada, that we are encountering so much difficulty? Is it good to publicize that, in a film, say?
- Is that (here your parents accusing me, and in India the caste brahmanas accusing me) why you keep traveling, Prabhupada, so they won't catch you?
- It (the letter on that Blitz article (a mischievous article in which the newspaper accused us incorrectly), I wrote a reply and sent it to Krishna Modi, the member of Parliament) is okay?
- It's difficult for people outside the society of Krsna consciousness to see what the purpose is. How would you understand the purpose? Simply to make God known? How would you state...?
- Oh, the recommendations (where is that professors? All these professors. Those who are purchasing our books)?
- One of the things that people say is that the devotees are asking for donations, not just distributing books but asking for money, that that's a bother
- One thing, New Zealand cities are passing bylaws which seek to ban the chanting of your disciples in the streets. Do you get much opposition like this?
- Send one to Mayapur as well (you can send one, this cutting, to Mr. Bhajaj, "Fifth Avenue, Where East Meets West." Very good)?
- She says she wants to know if you think it would be worthwhile for her to write a book, something similar to the one that was written in America. It was called "The Strange World of the Hare Krishna People." You've heard of it?
- Should I call him now (just see. This man did not even reply even)?
- Should I make this (with a letter that "Prabhupada says like this, that you print in the Hindi edition of Bhagavata-darsana so that everyone will see, and will judge how it is done nicely")?
- Should they advertise like that?
- Should we do that (you write on the car, "The Spiritual Master of USA.")?
- Sir, do you not consider it advisable to get the judgment that the Americans have translated into Indian so we can look?
- So did you say you didn't want Gopala to translate it, Srila Prabhupada? To publish it?
- So shall we also make protests?
- So they will not make some objection if they think we are thinking we have come to preach Hinduism in a Buddhist country?
- So we are requesting if all the devotees can possibly go (this evening they are having one convention here, the Democratic National Convention… So we want to send all the devotees in the temple on sankirtana party there)?
- So we are trying to use their endorsements and then make it very specific that "Therefore to meditate using the Hare Krsna, this is healthy." So why are you attacking us?
- So we couldn't call the restaurant the "Hare Krsna Restaurant" because there were some restrictions in the block, so we were thinking we'd call it "Sankirtana." That's okay?
- So we'll tell the doctor to please wait?
- So would it be true to say that perhaps without George Harrison of the Beatles the religion wouldn't be as well known as it is today?
- Some of the objections are that the followers of the Hare Krsna sect are, on the streets or in the airports, are bothering people
- Some people say they don't like to talk to Hare Krsna people because we're like that. We always say we know everything about everything. So how do we deal with that attitude if they're turned away by our...?
- Srila Prabhupada, if we speak these things on television and the newspapers and people become angry, if all the people become angry like she does, is it still good propaganda for us?
- Srila Prabhupada, we don't know whether to be diplomatic towards these other so-called religious movements or whether to simply expose the philosophy which they are putting forward?
- Srila Prabhupada, would you comment on opposition to the Hare Krsna movement in this country?
- Svarupa Damodara brought an article from The Statesman about the news of the conference that was held here in Vrndavana. ... You want to hear it?
- Swami, I saw a television program about your movement once, and they said that the men make the decisions and the women follow. Is that true?
- That's the governor of Karnataka (he was very pleased and he said, "Yes, I will cancel Sai Baba's program and come to your program")?
- The Pope didn't acknowledge your letter to him. His loss. When we have Krsna, who needs the Pope?
- The Pope is agreeing with you in Rome?… The Pope is agreeing?… In Rome. He is agreeing with Hare Krsna…?… With chanting and...
- The press reporters, they were asking me that we make distinction between man, woman, and black, white
- The public relations (try to approach higher authorities. And what is that? We met yesterday?)?
- The situation is that other people think that it (Krsna consciousness) is negative, and therefore they feel negatively towards us. So how should we react to that?
- There was a newspaper article about a few weeks ago, and you had said that something could be written on this subject (nationalism). That's the only reason I... Is there any subject that would be good to write on?
- There's another article in here about the Bhaktivedanta Institute. Have you seen it?
- They are getting everyone in America to ask the question, "What is Hare Krsna?" Because of all their false propaganda, everyone is asking, "What is Hare Krsna? What is Hare Krsna?"
- They criticize this in ISKCON, that the leaders pick out husband and wife... And that they're not allowed to mix freely. They say, "Well how do you know who you want to marry unless you can mix with that person?"
- They see us distributing, and they don't like what we're doing, they get very angry, but still, they're thinking of Krsna all day. We often wondered how they are benefiting even though they maintain this very envious...?
- This cloud on the movement in America, is that vanishing?
- This is good propaganda (by Professor Judah and all others, that "How it is happening? There is something in the Hare Krsna movement.") with the governments also. This is good way to get the governments to support our movement more and more, isn't it?
- We can write a letter to the secretary of that institution and meeting, telling them what we intend to do... I can do it, but do you want us to do it or should Surabhi's office do it?
- We don't have a very good reputation in India?
- We saved twenty-five copies of that Times of India article about the court case in New York. Is there something you want done with those twenty-five articles?
- We should always be patient to answer such newsmen's questions, they are very easy to answer, and so many people will see. For example, for the question about poverty...
- We should do that, expose them (people who attack us)?
- Well, what is it that they particularly understand, misunderstand about the movement?
- What about in Rome? What kind of... Do you think they're going... Well, they're asking about problems with the police and getting (indistinct)?
- What are the, our Prime Minister's view regarding this movement?
- What are their main misunderstandings (so kindly put the matter properly because people misunderstand on account of their ignorance they misunderstand our, movement)?
- What is it that they particularly misunderstand about the movement?
- What is that conspiracy, sir, in America?
- What is the response in India?
- What is the response in Iran?
- What is the response in the Islamic countries?
- What special message would you have for people who don't know anything about your movement and would like to know something about it?
- What was the attitude of the Indian colony in London (after Ratha-yatra, wherever our men went, they were received very well)?
- When they (the people) ask us about Lord Caitanya, "Who is this Lord Caitanya?" what may we tell them?
- Which one (paper)?
- Why do you say we are not very much liked? The movement is spreading.
- Why don't you tell people who you actually are? Why don't you say you're a Hare Krsna?
- Why is it that the Hare Krsna movement has in the last couple of years attempted to make itself a little bit more respectable in the public's eyes by having members wear street clothes and wigs and so forth, while they are soliciting?
- Why no other newspaper carried the story?
- You want to hear what they wrote? Should I read to you what they said (we haven't gotten all of the newspapers yet, but we did get some of them. This is the very popular Daily News)?
- You want us to write a letter to the editor?
- Your Grace, do you keep in touch with the world through television or newspapers or the media?