Category:Questions On... Demigods
Pages in category "Questions On... Demigods"
The following 133 pages are in this category, out of 133 total.
- Demigods are not liberated?
- Did Lord Caitanya worship Sarasvati?
- Do the demigods sometimes forget their positions?
- Do the number of demigods have something to do with the number of species, like there are thirty-three million demigods?... Do they belong to these species? They are also included in these eight million four hundred? These Gandharvas?
- Do these demigods have the potency to show the universal form?
- Do you mean that Siva is demigod?
- Do you think that there will become a level of demigods, a race of demigods?
- Does he (Lord Brahma) become a pure devotee? Otherwise how he can see Krsna and reveal Brahma-samhita? Also he's the head of our disciplic succession. How can he be the head of our disciplic succession if he's not a pure devotee?
- Does Lord Siva have a wife, like, a consort?
- Does that (it is said that sun is the source of everything within this universe) mean that Vivasvan is more powerful than Lord Brahma?
- Does that means they should not worship these demigods and goddesses?
- Don't they sometimes have to go to Yamaraja first for practice?
- Durga, she is in charge of... She is Krsna's agent, so what is the harm in worshiping Durga?
- Have any of these demigod creatures visited the earth? Are they in human form?
- He (Ravana) was devotee of Lord Siva. Otherwise why Lord Siva gives him whatever he wants?
- He (Vivasvan) will stay as long as the sun... He is present?
- Higher than the demigods (we are contaminated or conditioned on account of association with these three modes of material nature, and if we keep ourself aloof from the association of three modes then we are mukta, we are liberated)?
- How could Visnu appear from the nostril of Brahma?
- How do they live, then? The same example (the moon)
- How is it that devotees of Krsna like demigods can be fearful even if they see Visvarupa?
- How is it that there is so much material "advancement'' in the USA even though there is no formal demigod worship? Is a man after economic development automatically worshiping Lord Siva whether he is making Yajna or not?
- How is Mayadevi in such a distasteful position? How did she acquire her position?
- How is the human life better than the demigod?
- I always want to ask whether if you met demigods or Indra or Brahma or...
- I was thinking that Narada has actually an all-spiritual body, and Brahma has a material form, material body. And yet Narada appears to Brahmaji to ask questions from him as spiritual master. How is that?
- If it's offered, though (to Kali), who accepts it? Whose prasadam is it? Who takes it?
- If the impossible happened and they were able to safely land on the moon's surface do you feel they would have any difficulty or encounter any trouble with the beings that you say live there?
- If the spiritual master, Prabhupada, worships God through a demigod, is he bona fide?
- If we follow the Krsna conscious path... Now, take for example our wedding ceremonies. Now, the first thing that we take, the Ganapati, there is Ganasyainava, and there is various other deities that we have to respect. Now, what happens in his case?
- If you call Brahma the Absolute, how do you make a distinction between Brahma and Krsna?
- In Siddhaloka there are angels? That means angels?
- In the Bhagavad-gita it says that Brahma is the second spiritual master. I thought that all spiritual masters live forever; but Brahma doesn't live forever
- In the Eleventh Chapter of the Gita the Lord has shown His virat-darsana. He has shown Brahma, Visnu, Mahesa, etc. They are all in Him. Subordinate to Him. They are subordinate to Him. Therefore (one should) meditate on Krsna, the only Hare Krsna?
- In the Moon planet, are there bodies like of a more subtle nature so that if they did go there, they wouldn't be able to see them? We could see them with our eyes?
- Indra's function is to carry water?
- Is human birth superior in terms of self-realization? Is it superior to the demigods?
- Is it all right that Lord Siva's picture is in the new calendar that's come out?
- Is Lord Siva a devotee of Lord Krsna?
- Is Mayadevi a pure devotee?
- Is Siva milk or dahi?
- Is that governing that Brahma does in the universe, he does that in relationship with all the other demigods like they are departmental heads? So he is not personally directing every single thing
- Is there any difference between Siva and Krsna?
- Is there some part of Lord Siva that is there in between?
- Is this like a post? Mayadevi's?
- Isn't he (Lord Brahma) a pure devotee?
- It (he (one very pious east Indian man who for many years has been worshiping Lord Siva) does not chant Hare Krsna, he chants om sivaya namah) is all right?
- It says here that a pure devotee like Haridasa Thakura would not fall victim to Mayadevi's temptations, but even Lord Brahma, Lord Siva, might fall victim. I always thought that they were pure devotees of the Lord
- Narayana is another name for Siva?
- No, but do we offer the prayer first to Siva... (Lord Siva is not different from Visnu, but he's still not Visnu)?
- Now do you say that the moon is, so to speak...? What should I say? Headquarters, where these demigods live?
- Now how was it that a great personality like Indra, with his mind, intelligence, and ego all intact, how is it he could become a toad?
- Should I represent Kuvera?
- Since Krsna is the power that gives the demigods the ability to render everything, then why is it recommended in the Nectar of Devotion that a Vaisnava should worship Ganapati?
- So far the question of all Brahmas riding on swans...
- So how is it that Lord Brahma is a pure devotee?
- So Lord Brahma's being attracted to his daughter, that is just as an example...?
- So then they want to know, is it all right to show the demons and the demigods standing right on the ocean?
- So there's no doubt that Lord Brahma is a pure devotee?
- So these, what they think are spaceships, perhaps are demigods?
- So who is supreme, Lord Siva or Lord Rama?
- So you would have palaces and garden scenes and Lord Brahma perhaps on his throne?
- So, if ordinary man went to some other planet through his sputnik, would he be able to see the demigods?
- So, Srila Prabhupada, isn't Lord Brahma the original spiritual master in our sampradaya?
- Sometimes devotees say, "Then how come he's (Lord Brahma) the head of our sampradaya if he's not a pure devotee?"
- Srila Prabhupada, I was asked a question by a man. He asked that Lord Siva... Lord Ramacandra was praying to Lord Siva in the Ramayana, and so he's taking Lord Siva as being God. And we didn't have a clear answer to him
- Srila Prabhupada, if the human form is insignificant compared to demigods, but still, it is very much desired, this human form of life, even by the demigods?
- Srila Prabhupada, isn't Lord Brahma the original spiritual master in our sampradaya?
- Srila Prabhupada, Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is controller of everything, whole universe, everything. So why He is having these demigods to help Him?
- Srila Prabhupada, Lord Brahma created something called self-deception. Would self-deception mean that if I think I am forced to fall down, but actually I wanted to fall down, but I think, "Oh, I am forced"? Is that self-deception?
- Srila Prabhupada, when it is cited in the scriptures that Lord Brahma rides on a swan, a hamsa, is this, are we to take this to mean it is a real swan, or is it something symbolic?
- Srila Prabhupada, why do most people in this Kali-yuga worship Lord Siva instead of worshiping Lord Krsna?
- Srila Prabhupada, you said that the demigods, they want to take birth in India, but is there not the same Vedic culture in the heavenly planets?
- Srila Prabhupada? Are there different meanings, this day of Brahma? Are there different creations and annihilations of species? Different Manus, they are sometimes flooding the whole earth
- Srila Prabhupada? If they are really going there in the moon planet, then the bodies of the living entities are different than our bodies because the...?
- Swamiji, Siva is not another name of God?
- Swamiji? Are there people living on the moon now or were they in other yugas living there?
- That description of Brahma receiving knowledge through the heart, is that at the beginning of every day, or is that just at the beginning of the creation of the universe?
- That disciplic succession from Lord Brahma, that was not broken?
- That is also the demigods (when there is some natural calamity)?
- The Bhagavad-gita says that Lord Brahma is a conditioned soul. Then how was it possible for him to impart the Vedas to a non-conditioned soul - Narada Muni?
- The day that's the birth of the universe and night, the dissolution, is that also Brahma's day and night?
- The demigods (formerly when big, big sacrifices were done, they used to come and attend sacrifice). But in this earth body they can go to another planets?
- The example of the king that wanted to enter the heavenly kingdom and was opposed, is this in this book also? And he was opposed by the demigods?
- The five gods?... Is that by Sankaracarya, Prabhupada?... Where is it from, Prabhupada?... It is the Bhagavatam?
- The residents of the moon live for a long time? Thousands of years?
- The sun is different than Vivasvan?
- Their body have..., they have wings (there is Siddhaloka, they can go from one planet to another without any machine, without any vehicle. Siddhaloka means, just like the yogis, they can go)?
- Then in the Bible, the beginning of it says that God created the heavens and the earth, and yet they say, give the description in Genesis as the way God created the heaven and the earth. Does this not conform with Brahma's work?
- Then the responsibility for some is to Krsna; the responsibility of some is to the demigods?
- There is also the demigods in charge of those different departments?
- There is descriptions of many demigods, and the karmis, they would generally worship these different demigods for material benefits. Why didn't they just try to get the material benefits without worshiping the demigods, like they are doing today?
- There's no yajna, so there's no sun?
- There's something higher than human form?
- Therefore (Brahma is the first creature in the universe, created by God), by himself he could create everything, Swamiji?
- These demigods are what we call angels?
- They are counted, what, as human beings (the thirty-three million demigods)?
- Those that follow Siva are after more material gain?
- What about (because Krsna is Bhagavan. Bhakti means our transaction with Bhagavan) those who would worship Siva?
- What I want to know is who is Lord Siva, Visnu and Brahma? Whether these three of them are gods?
- What if someone says, "Siva is God"?
- What is exactly the position of the Vasus?
- What is the connection then between Krsna and Siva?
- What is the harm in worshiping Durga?
- What is the position of Lord Siva?
- What would you classify as demigods, then?
- When Brahma creates the different species, they're not created one at a time. They're... All over the universe, there's different species which he creates?
- When Brahma creates, does he first of all create the aquatics, then the plants?
- When in the Gita it listed the different kinds of sacrifices, it said that sacrifices to the demigods can bring us to Krsna consciousness. How is this?
- When Lord Brahma created this planet, did he immediately put all the species here?
- When Lord Brahma, when he became angry at the four Kumaras he created Lord Siva from between his eyebrows. So he is always situated on his lotus, but at that time should we paint him on his planet?
- When we say four hundred thousand species of human beings, that doesn't include all the demigods then?
- When you say Brahma, you mean Supreme or the...?
- When you talk about Lord Siva and you shouldn't imitate him and people do imitate him and then they say "Oh, we smoke marijuana because Siva does it." Is it all right to say, "Oh? You want to imitate him. Then you must also drink an ocean of poison"?
- Who is Brahma?
- Who is Siva? Siva is he not a god?
- Why did Krsna have all the demigod worship put in the Vedas?... Vyasadeva put all the demigod worship in the Vedas
- Why did Lord Siva try to protect Banasura?
- Why Lord Siva was ordered to appear as Sankaracarya and teach the Mayavada philosophy to turn the people to atheism and thus increase the population?