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Pages in category "Supersoul"
The following 487 pages are in this category, out of 487 total.
- Supersoul (BG)
- Supersoul (CC)
- Supersoul (Conversations)
- Supersoul (Lectures, BG)
- Supersoul (Lectures, Other)
- Supersoul (Lectures, SB)
- Supersoul (Letters)
- Supersoul (Other Books)
- Supersoul (SB cantos 1 - 2)
- Supersoul (SB cantos 3 - 4)
- Supersoul (SB cantos 5 - 6)
- Supersoul (SB cantos 7 - 8)
- Supersoul (SB cantos 9 - 12)
- A creator must possess an all-pervasive body, as pointed out in the Bhagavad-gita (3.14): Everywhere are His hands and legs, His eyes, heads and faces, and He has ears everywhere. In this way the Supersoul exists, pervading everything
- A devotee's outlook should be that both the soul and Supersoul are equally present in all varieties of living entities
- A foolish person cannot understand that the Supersoul is sitting as a friend within and conducting his actions. BG 1972 purports
- A gross materialist, whether he be an empiric philosopher, a scientist, a psychologist or whatever, cannot attain such success (in mystic perfection and merging of oneself in the activities of the soul & Supersoul) through blunt efforts and word jugglery
- A living entity may be called brhac-chravah; he may have a great reputation for various types of activities. Nonetheless, he has a friend whom he does not know. Materialistic persons do not understand that God is present as the Supersoul
- A spiritual master in the line of disciplic succession from Brahma and Narada has no demand for dollars and cents. A bona fide student has to satisfy him by sincere service to obtain knowledge of the relation and nature of the soul and the Supersoul
- A tiger is a living entity, part and parcel of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and the Supreme Lord is living in the heart of the tiger as Supersoul. But does this mean that we have to treat the tiger in a friendly manner? Certainly not
- A Vaisnava sees the body as a temple of Visnu. Since Lord Siva had already offered respect to the Supersoul in Krsna consciousness, offering respect to Daksa, who identified with his body, was already performed
- Above the impersonal feature is the Paramatma, or the Supersoul, and above that is the Supreme Personality. Srimad-Bhagavatam gives information about the personal qualities of the Absolute Truth, qualities which are beyond the impersonal aspect
- According to Srila Jiva Gosvami, the fire of pranayama is mental satisfaction. That fire was perceived by the Supersoul, Visnu, and thereby Lord Brahma and Siva also perceived it
- According to them (the impersonalists), the Supersoul and the individual soul are on the same level; they are one, without any difference between them
- Acting as Supersoul, the Lord gives inspiration to a suitable person to perform the Vedic ritualistic ceremonies. In this connection, four classes of priests, known as rtvik, are required. They are mentioned as hota, adhvaryu, brahma and udgata
- After changing bodies, the living entity forgets his past deeds, but the Supersoul, as the knower of the past, present and future, remains the witness of all his activities. BG 1972 purports
- After the destruction of the body, both the soul and the Supersoul exist, and they go on eternally in many various moving and unmoving forms. BG 1972 purports
- All are existing in and on the Supersoul. Therefore the Supersoul is all-pervading. The individual soul, however, cannot say that he has his hands, legs and eyes everywhere. That is not possible. BG 1972 purports
- All living entities, moving and nonmoving, are My expansions and are separate from Me. I am the Supersoul of all living beings, who exist because I manifest them
- All the activities of living entities are directed by this Supersoul. BG 1972 purports
- All the various grades of bodies - from the gigantic universal body to the small body of an ant - are perishable, but the Supersoul and the soul, being equal in quality, both exist eternally
- All transcendentalists other than devotees make no distinction between the individual soul and the Supersoul because they miscalculate the Superconsciousness and the individual consciousness to be one and the same
- Although individual souls are all different, the Superself, or Supersoul, is the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Although the words 'brahma' and 'atma' indicate Krsna, their direct meaning refers only to the impersonal Brahman and the Supersoul respectively
- Another meaning of the word atma may be accepted in this way: the principle who is the Supersoul in every atma, or, one may say, the soul of everyone, became manifested as Dattatreya, because the word amsa, part and parcel, is used here - SB 4.1.15
- Antar hrdayad, in the core of the heart the individual soul and the Supersoul is there, and Yamaraja will take, his order carriers will take the, not the heart, but the soul. The heart of the body, that is made of this material element
- Any man who has perfect knowledge of the constitution of the individual soul, the Supersoul, and nature - both material and spiritual - is called a dhira or a most sober man. Such a man is never deluded by the change of bodies. BG 1972 purports
- As confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (BG 13.3), ksetra-jnam capi mam viddhi sarva-ksetresu bharata: in every field - in other words, in every body - the Supreme Lord is existing as the Supersoul
- As confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (mamaivamso jiva-loke jiva-bhutah sanatanah (BG 15.7)). The small living entities are eternally part and parcel, and therefore it is not possible for them to be quantitatively as great as the Supersoul
- As declared in the Vedas, these two birds, although sitting as friends, are not equal. One is simply a witness. This bird is Paramatma, or the Supersoul. And the other bird is eating the fruit of the tree
- As explained in the Thirteenth Chapter of Bhagavad-gita, there are two souls within the body. The body is called ksetra, and there are two ksetra jnas, or occupants of the body, namely the Supersoul (Paramatma) and the individual soul
- As long as he (the living entity) is conditioned by the material energy, the Supreme Lord, as his friend, the Supersoul, stays with him just to get him to return to the spiritual energy. BG 1972 purports
- As mentioned in the previous verses (SB 3.28.12) (purusarcanam), this purusa is represented as the Paramatma, or Supersoul. A description of the Supersoul, upon whom one must meditate, will be given in the following verses
- As soon as an individual soul becomes conscious of his eternal relationship with the Supersoul and looks only toward Him, he at once becomes free from the entanglements of material enjoyment
- As soon as the Supersoul and the individual soul give up possession of the gross body, it immediately decomposes
- As stated (kusala-karmanam), those engaged in auspicious activities in devotional service are guided by the Supersoul, described in this verse (SB 4.30.20) as jna, one who knows everything, past, present and future
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 13.3), ksetra-ksetrajnayor jnanam: understanding of the ksetra (the constitution of the body) and of the individual soul and the Supersoul constitutes real jnana, or knowledge
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita and confirmed by all the Vedic scriptures, isvarah sarva-bhutanam hrd-dese 'rjuna tisthati: (BG 18.61) the Supersoul is situated within everyone's heart
- As the different limbs of the body cannot see the eyes, the living entities cannot see the Supreme Lord, who is situated as the Supersoul in everyone's heart
- As the individual body develops from the individual soul, the gigantic body of the universe develops from the Supreme Soul. Just as the individual soul has consciousness, the Supreme Soul is also conscious
- As the individual soul is present by his consciousness throughout his entire body, so the Supersoul, or Paramatma, is present throughout the whole creation by superconsciousness. This superconscious energy is imitated by the individual soul
- As the materialists cannot find the soul and the Supersoul within the heart, similarly, for want of sufficient knowledge, they cannot see that the Supreme Soul is the cause of the universe
- As the sense objects cannot understand how the senses perceive them, so the conditioned soul, although residing in his body along with the Supersoul, can't understand how the supreme spiritual person, master of the material creation, directs his senses
- At that time the difference between the soul and the Supersoul, which was existing before self-realization, is annihilated. When a dream is over, there is no longer a distinction between the dream and the dreamer
- Atma-vit means a self-realized soul or bona fide spiritual master. Unless one is self-realized and knows what his relationship with the Supersoul is, he cannot be a bona fide spiritual master
- Atri Muni, by his breathing exercise, concentrated on the Supersoul, or the Lord of the universe. As confirmed in Bhagavad-gita, the Lord of the universe is Vasudeva and, by the direction of Vasudeva, Lord Brahma and Lord Siva work
- Because the monist philosophers take the knower of the body to be one, they think that there is no difference between the Supersoul and the individual soul. BG 1972 purports
- Because the Supreme Personality of Godhead as Supersoul is always guiding the individual soul, the individual soul always knows how to act according to the reactions of his past karma
- Beginning from Brahma down to the ant, everyone is conducted by the Supersoul (isvarah sarva-bhutanam hrd-dese 'rjuna tisthati (BG 18.61)). But because of a particular person's advancement in spiritual consciousness, he is considered to be important
- Being inspired by Him (the Supersoul), the devotee experiences increased transcendental bliss in the execution of his devotional service
- Being unaffected by material conditions, being pleased with whatever was available by the grace of the Lord to maintain body and soul together he gave full attention to Vasudeva, who is the transcendental Supersoul, free from material contamination
- Besides virasana there are other sitting postures, such as padmasana and siddhasana. Practice of these asanas without elevating oneself to the position of realizing the Supersoul, Visnu, is not the perfectional stage of yoga
- Both the soul and the Supersoul are transcendental to the material world. This is to be understood in the human form of life, especially when one takes sannyasa
- Both the Supersoul (Paramatma) and the atomic soul (jivatma) are situated on the same tree of the body within the same heart of the living being (Katha Upanisad 1.2.20). BG 1972 purports
- Brahman is the aspect most easily perceived by the beginner; Paramatma, the Supersoul, is realized by those who have further progressed; and Bhagavan realization is the ultimate realization of the Absolute Truth
- But those who are elevated to the transcendental platform, being intelligent, offer such respects to the Supersoul, who is sitting within the body, not to the person who identifies with the body
- By controlling the senses, or by the process of yoga regulation, one can understand the position of his self, the Supersoul, the world and their interrelation; everything is possible by controlling the senses. Otherwise, we are no better than animals
- By knowledge of the knower, both the soul and the Supersoul, one can relish the nectar of life. BG 1972 purports
- By performing an asvamedha sacrifice and thereby pleasing the SPG, who is the Supersoul, Lord Narayana, the supreme controller, one can be relieved even of the sinful reactions for killing the entire world, not to speak of killing a demon like Vrtrasura
- By right discrimination, one should agree to act according to the order of the Supersoul. That will help one become situated constantly in Krsna consciousness, the highest perfectional stage of human life. BG 1972 purports
- By the prowess of their devotional service, they could directly perceive the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is situated in everyone's heart as the Supersoul, and realize that there was qualitatively no difference between themselves and Him
- Clear understanding of material nature, the Supersoul, the individual soul and their interrelation makes one eligible to become liberated and turn to the spiritual atmosphere without being forced to return to this material nature. BG 1972 purports
- Conclusion is based on proper understanding of the difference between jiva and Paramatma, the individual soul and the Supersoul
- Either the seeker of the Brahman, either the seeker of the supreme soul, Supersoul, or the seeker of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, they are all transcendentalists. They are not in the material world. They are tattva-vit
- Either you say Absolute Truth or the Supersoul, the same thing. But this life is meant for understanding. If we miss this opportunity, we do not know where we are going. The defect of the modern civilization is they don't care. Hedonism, Carvaka's theory
- Even though a person may be in full knowledge that he is not this body but is transcendental to the body, he still may not be able to discriminate between the soul and the Supersoul. BG 1972 purports
- Even though the qualities of all entities, including the Lord, are equal, the Supersoul is different from the individual soul by quantitative power of expansion
- Every living entity is known as atma, soul, and the principal atma who controls them all is Paramatma, the Supersoul
- Everyone has got experience. When we want to do something wrong, there is conscience: "Don't do it." "No, no, let me do." There is struggle. So this is the struggle between the soul and the Supersoul
- Everyone is actually seeking to achieve happiness by reviving his relationship with the Supersoul. As the Lord (Krsna) says in Bhagavad-gita (BG 15.15), vedais ca sarvair aham eva vedyah: By all the Vedas, it is I who am to be known
- Everyone loves himself, and when he becomes more advanced, he loves the Supersoul also. A person who is self-realized does not recommend the worship of anyone but the Supersoul
- Everyone should worship the Supersoul, who always stays with the individual soul as a friend
- Everyone works according to the inspiration given by the Supersoul. Because everyone has a different goal of life, everyone acts differently, as guided by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Everyone, except the Lord Himself, is dependent on the mercy of the Lord; even the all-pervading Supersoul is also dependent on the supreme aspect of Bhagavan, the Personality of Godhead
- Following the instructions of the great sage Aurva, Sagara Maharaja performed asvamedha sacrifices and thus satisfied the Supreme Lord, who is the supreme controller, the Supersoul of all learned scholars, and the knower of all Vedic knowledge
- For one who has conquered the mind, the Supersoul is already reached, for he has attained tranquility - Bg. 6.7
- For one who has conquered the mind, the Supersoul is already reached, for he has attained tranquillity. To such a man happiness and distress, heat and cold, honor and dishonor are all the same
- For one who is very serious about understanding the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Supersoul immediately renders assistance by directing him to a bona fide spiritual master. In this way the spiritual candidate is helped from within and without
- For the translation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, you can say either Paramesvara or Bhagavan. Paramatma or Antaryami is good for localized Super-soul. If you can give the meaning of all the sanskrit words, that will be best
- Forgetfulness of this relationship (with the Supersoul) by the atomic soul is the cause of one's changing his position from one tree to another or from one body to another. BG 1972 purports
- From his very birth, Utkala was fully satisfied and unattached to the world. He was equipoised, for he could see everything resting in the Supersoul and the Supersoul present in everyone's heart
- From the authoritative sources of Vedic literature we have to understand both Him who is greater than the greatest and him who is smaller than the smallest
- Garbhodakasayi Visnu is the Supersoul of the aggregate of living entities, and Ksirodakasayi Visnu is the Supersoul of each individual living being
- Generally, those who are trying to realize the Absolute Truth first of all realize the brahma-jyotir. Those who concentrate on the Supersoul, the localized form of the Lord in the heart, called Paramatma, are known as paramatmavadis
- Getting freed from the clutches of the mahat-tattva, he has to merge in the existence of the Supersoul
- God is a Person, the holy spirit or the supersoul is a person, and the living entity is also a person
- Great sages have therefore concluded that the process of meditation is designed so that the individual living entity may concentrate his attention on the lotus feet of the Supersoul form
- Great, self-realized mystic yogis such as the four Kumaras also derive great transcendental bliss from realizing the Supersoul within themselves
- He (God) can see, hear, touch or manifest Himself anywhere and everywhere, for He is present everywhere as the Supersoul of all infinitesimal souls, although He has His particular abode in the absolute world
- He (God) is known as the Supersoul, and when one worships the Supersoul, all other deities, such as Brahma and Siva, appear with Lord Visnu because they are directed by the Supersoul
- He (Sukadeva Gosvami) also mentions that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is sarvatma. Sarvatma means "the supersoul of everyone"
- He (the Supreme Personality of Godhead) is the protector of religious systems, the personification of mystic yoga, the source of all knowledge, the controller of the entire creation, and the Supersoul in every living entity
- He (Visnu) is described as vibhinnamsa-bhutanam. The Supersoul, Visnu, is the seed-giving father of all living entities, including Brahma and Lord Siva
- He began to see that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is seated in everyone's heart, and that everyone is existing on Him, because He is the Supersoul of everyone
- He does not consider himself alone because at all times the Paramatma - Supersoul - is with him. From this we see that in modern civilization it is indeed very difficult to execute this meditational form of yoga properly
- He is described in Bhagavad-gita as mahesvara, or the Supreme Lord. He is Paramatma, not jivatma. Paramatma means the Supersoul, who is sitting by the side of the conditioned soul just to sanction his activities
- He is known as Kakutstha. Being empowered by Lord Visnu, who is the Supersoul and the Supreme Person, Puranjaya sat on the great bull and is therefore known as Indravaha. Surrounded by the demigods, he attacked the residence of the demons in the west
- He is the Supersoul, Hiranyagarbha, the cause of the material world. The universal form is conceived as His expansion
- He was completely cultured as a qualified brahmana, having very good character & being determined to understand the AT. He had full control of his senses and mind. Like the Supersoul, he was kind to every living entity and was the best friend of everyone
- He who is described in the yoga-sastras as the indwelling Supersoul (atma antar-yami) is also a plenary portion of Govinda’s personal expansion
- Heart failure means the soul has gone. The soul lives in the heart. This is proof from the sastra. Not only the soul, but the Supersoul also is there
- His (the Supersoul's) name is Paramatma, not atma, and He is transcendental. It is distinctly clear that the atma and Paramatma are different. The Supersoul, the Paramatma, has legs and hands everywhere, but the individual soul does not. BG 1972 purports
- I am present in every living entity as the Supersoul. If someone neglects or disregards that Supersoul everywhere and engages himself in the worship of the Deity in the temple, that is simply imitation
- I am the Supersoul of every individual. I am the supreme director and the dearest. People are wrongly attached to the gross and subtle bodies, but they should be attached to Me only
- I beg to offer my respectful obeisances unto You, who are the Supersoul, the superintendent of everything, and the witness of all that occurs. You are the Supreme Person, the origin of material nature and of the total material energy
- I offer my respectful obeisances unto You, who are situated as Hiranyagarbha, the source of life, the Supersoul of every living entity. Your body is the source of the opulence of all mystic power. I offer my respectful obeisances unto You
- If one endeavors simply to achieve knowledge of the Absolute Truth or the Supersoul but has no devotional service, he labors without gaining the real result. This is compared to beating the husks of wheat after the grains have already been removed
- If one follows the path of philosophical speculation, the Absolute Truth manifests Himself as impersonal Brahman, and if one follows the path of mystic yoga, He manifests Himself as the Supersoul
- If one is situated in knowledge of the Supreme Person, this implies that one is already situated in the concept of the Supersoul and impersonal Brahman
- If the existence of the Supersoul and the individual is admitted, then the impersonalist theory of monism is nullified. Therefore some impersonalists and void philosophers twist the Patanjali system in their own way and pollute the whole yoga process
- If the individual soul were not controlled by the Supersoul, then how could one explain the Vedic version that a living entity transmigrates from one body to another and enjoys or suffers the effects of his past deeds?
- If the soul is important in this body, why there shall not be bigger soul, the Supersoul, in this gigantic body? What is this universal body and this body?
- If we go still further, we can understand, "I am consciousness." And one who is further advanced can understand that the source of consciousness is the soul and, above all, the Supersoul
- If you by meditation you link up with the Supersoul within yourself that is also transcendental activity. Or you directly worship as a devotee, Krsna. Anything you adopt, that is spiritual life
- If you want to see what is mind, what is intelligence, what is soul, what is Supersoul, that is not possible to see by your these blunt eyes, conditional eyes
- In all sacrificial ceremonies, although sometimes a demigod is worshiped, the Supreme Lord P of G is worshiped because He is the Supersoul of everyone, & exists both inside & outside like the air. Thus it is He only who awards all welfare to the worshiper
- In any form of life, we are related with Visnu, who is the most beloved, the Supersoul, son, friend and guru
- In Bhagavad-gita the individual souls are also described as parts of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, or Supersoul, so why not accept that Dattatreya was one of those parts
- In Bhagavad-gita, the Lord has explained in all respects how one can elevate his living condition. The best advice imparted to Arjuna is to surrender unto the Supersoul seated within his heart. BG 1972 purports
- In either case, both the Supersoul and the individual soul continue. They are not destroyed. One who can see in this way can actually see what is happening. BG 1972 purports
- In every brahmanda there is a Garbhodakasayi Visnu, who is a partial expansion of Aniruddha. This Aniruddha is a partial expansion of Pradyumna, who is partially represented as Ksirodakasayi Visnu, the Supersoul of all living entities
- In explaining this verse it should be noted that spiritual knowledge means understanding the self and the supersoul, or superself
- In fact, Sri Krsna is said to be not only the father of Brahma but also the father of all species of life. He is the root of the impersonal Brahman and Paramatma; the Supersoul in every entity is His plenary portion. BG 1972 purports
- In his conditioned state the individual soul cannot understand his relationship with the Supersoul, but sometimes, when he is free from all conditional existence, he can see the real difference between the Supersoul and himself
- In no circumstance, therefore, can the Supersoul and the individual living entity be taken as one, although both of them enter within the material body of a living entity
- In other words, he (the living beign) has to realize that qualitatively he is nondifferent from the Supersoul, and he transcends the material sky by his pure identical intelligence and thus becomes engaged in the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- In the body the most important substance is the life air, but that also is neither the listener nor the speaker. Beyond even the life air, the soul also can do nothing, for the Supersoul is actually the director, in cooperation with the individual soul
- In the final analysis, the Supreme Absolute Truth is a Person, & simultaneously He is the all-pervading Supersoul within the hearts of all living entities & within the core of all atoms, & He is the brahmajyoti or the effulgence of spiritual light as well
- In the Laghubhagbatamritam it is said: - The pastimeous four handed Form of Garvodashayee Vishnu enters within the stem of navel lotus and is celebrated as 'Vishnu'. This Lord Vishnu is the Super soul of all the living entities of all descriptions
- In the meditational yoga system the mind is controlled by focusing on the Supersoul - that is the whole purpose of yoga
- In the next birth, one acquires remembrance from the Supersoul and begins to execute the plans begun in the previous life
- In the original Vedas, a distinction between the soul, the Supersoul and the body is made, especially in the Katha Upanisad. BG 1972 purports
- In the present age no one can observe strict rules and regulations, such as placing oneself in a sacred place, focusing the mind on the Supersoul, restraining the senses and mind, observing celibacy, remaining alone, etc. BG 1972 purports
- In the previous chapter (SB 3.28), material nature, the spirit and the Supreme Lord, or Supersoul, are analytically studied
- In the previous verse (SB 2.2.6) it is suggested that one should think of the Supersoul, which is one step higher than the impersonal thought of Brahman, as it was suggested in the case of contemplating the virat-rupa of the Personality of Godhead
- In the reappearance of the mahat-tattva the four expansions of Godhead occur. He who is seated within as Supersoul expands first as Vasudeva
- In the Srimad-Bhagavatam it is stated that supreme realization begins from the impersonal Brahman and then rises to the localized Supersoul - but the ultimate word in the Absolute Truth is the Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- In the Upanisads it is said that the Supersoul and the individual soul are living in the same tree of the body as two friendly birds
- In this sense jiva soul is avheda or non-different from the param brahma. But on account of the param brahma being the supreme, the biggest, the identical brahma or jiva brahma being very minute, it is different from the param brahma
- In this tree of the body there are two birds: one is the individual soul, and the other is the Supersoul - SB 10.2.27
- In this verse (SB 4.1.15) we find the words atma-isa-brahma-sambhavan. Atma means the Supersoul, or Visnu, isa means Lord Siva, and brahma means the four-headed Lord Brahma
- Indeed, you inspire the yajnic brahmanas to perform the rituals mentioned in the three Vedas. Being the Supreme Soul, the Supersoul of all living entities, you are beginningless, endless and omniscient, beyond the limits of time and space
- Indirectly he (Narada Muni) asked them the (Haryasvas) to find within the cores of their hearts the situation of the Supersoul, Lord Visnu, for then they would truly be experienced
- Indra said, "You (Nrsimhadeva) are the supersoul of every living entity, and therefore You are the actual owner of everything. Long were our hearts always filled with fear of this demon, Hiranyakasipu"
- Intelligence comes from the Supersoul, or the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and He gives full facility to the living entity who has come down to this material world
- Into that universal lotus flower Lord Visnu personally entered as the Supersoul, and when it was thus impregnated with all the modes of material nature, the personality of Vedic wisdom, whom we call the self-born, was generated
- Isvara, the Supreme Lord as Supersoul, is staying in everyone's heart. That does not mean he has become divided. No, he is one
- It is confirmed in Bhagavad-gita that (bhaktya mam abhijanati (BG 18.55)) a person saturated with devotional service in full Krsna consciousness can understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead, either as Supersoul or as the Supreme Person
- It is not a fact that the soul or Supersoul becomes poor simply because the body is poor. These are the statements of ignorant people. The soul and Supersoul are always apart from bodily pleasure and pain
- It is said that both the jivatma, the individual soul, and the Paramatma live together within the heart. In the Vedic version it is stated, hrdi hy ayam atma: the soul and Supersoul both live within the heart
- It is seen among Vaisnavas, that even when a disciple offers obeisances to his spiritual master, the spiritual master immediately returns the obeisances because they are mutually offered not to the body but to the Supersoul
- It is stated here (BG 13.23) that the Supersoul, who is always with the individual soul, is the representation of the Supreme Lord. He is not an ordinary living entity. BG 1972 purports
- It is the Supersoul that inspires the devotee; therefore He is the original source of the Gayatri mantra, which states, om bhur bhuvah svah tat savitur varenyam bhargo devasya dhimahi dhiyo yo nah pracodayat
- It is very difficult to find a man who perfectly understands the position of the soul, the Supersoul, the atomic soul, their respective functions, relationships and all other major and minor details. BG 1972 purports
- It is very difficult to satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but in my case, although I (Dhruva) have satisfied the Supersoul of the whole universe, I have prayed only for useless things
- It should not be misunderstood that because the Supersoul is dwelling within the heart of a living entity, the individual soul has become equal to Him
- Jnanam mad-asrayam is significant in this verse (SB 3.4.30). Transcendental knowledge has three departmental divisions, namely knowledge of impersonal Brahman, knowledge of the all-pervading Supersoul and knowledge of the Personality of Godhead
- Just like a thief is going to steal. The Supersoul is ordering, "Don't do it," because without God's sanction he cannot steal. But when the thief persists, then He says, "All right, you do at your risk." This is the position of the Supersoul and the soul
- Karanodakasayi Visnu is the Supersoul of the collective universes, Garbhodakasayi Visnu is the Supersoul of the collective living beings, and Ksirodakasayi Visnu is the Supersoul of all individual living entities
- King Malayadhvaja attained perfect knowledge by being able to distinguish the Supersoul from the individual soul. The individual soul is localized, whereas the Supersoul is all-pervasive
- Know Me to be the Supreme Brahman, the all-pervading Supersoul through whom the sleeping living entity can understand his dreaming condition and his happiness beyond the activities of the material senses
- Krsna explicitly says here that real knowledge is to know that the Supersoul is the controller of both the field of activities and the finite enjoyer
- Krsna has also discussed that the knowledge by which we can understand the soul, the Supersoul and the material embodiment, that is real knowledge
- Krsna is described here (in SB 4.19.3) as sarvatma, meaning that He is present in everyone's heart as the Supersoul, and as such He is the supreme teacher of everyone
- Krsna is explaining this most controversial point regarding the duality & non-duality of the soul & the Supersoul by referring to Scriptures, the Vedanta, which are accepted as authority. He says, this is according to different sages. BG 1972 purports
- Krsna proclaims that the Absolute Truth is known in three aspects - Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan - impersonal Brahman effulgence, localized Supersoul, and the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Ksirodakasayi Visnu, who is the Supersoul of all living entities, may also be considered the Lord of the universe
- Kuyoginah, or less intelligent mystics, can by mental speculation reach the point of the impersonal Brahman, but they cannot find the Supersoul, who is sitting within each living entity
- Like the Supersoul, he (Prahlada Maharaja) was kind to every living entity and was the best friend of everyone
- Lord Caitanya has given instructions by explaining that when a conditioned soul is accepted by the mercy of the spiritual master & is guided by the Supersoul & the various Vedic scriptures, he becomes enlightened & makes progress in spiritual realization
- Lord Krsna as Paramatma, Supersoul, lives everywhere. He lives in the heart of a hog also. The hog eats stool, but that does not mean that because the Supreme Lord is in the heart of the hog, He is also subjected to such punishment
- Lord Siva is always in meditation and always perceives the Supersoul, as expressed here (in SB 4.3.21) by the words purusa-buddhi-saksinam
- Lord Visnu is the Supersoul even of Laksmidevi, but no one can be the Supersoul of Lord Visnu, for Lord Visnu Himself is the spiritual Supersoul of everyone
- Maha-Visnu again enters every universe as the reservoir of all living entities, Garbhodakasayi Visnu. From Garbhodakasayi Visnu expands Ksirodakasayi Visnu, the Supersoul of every living entity
- Maha-Visnu is the Supersoul of all the universes. Lying on the Causal Ocean, He is the master of all material worlds
- Maha-Visnu, Padmanabha and Ksirodakasayi Visnu are the Supersouls of all subtle and gross existences
- Maitreya continued: My dear sinless Vidura, Lord Visnu is actually the enjoyer of the results of all sacrifices. Yet because of His being the Supersoul of all living entities, He was satisfied simply with His share of the sacrificial offerings
- Malayadhvaja could thus observe that the Supersoul was sitting by his side & that he as the individual soul, was sitting by the side of the Supersoul. Since both were together, there was no need for separate interests; thus he ceased from such activities
- Meditational yoga cannot be performed in an assembly, at least not according to Bhagavad-gita. It is not possible to concentrate the mind in the meditational system upon the Supersoul except in a secluded place
- My dear friend, I, the Supersoul, and you, the individual soul, are not different in quality, for we are both spiritual. In fact, My dear friend, you are qualitatively not different from Me in your constitutional position
- My dear sons of demons, the SPG, Narayana, is the original Supersoul, the father of all living entities. Consequently there are no impediments to pleasing Him or worshiping Him under any conditions, whether one be a child or an old man
- My dear sons of the King, the prayers I have recited to you are meant for pleasing the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Supersoul
- My dear Vidura, by following the principles instructed by Kapila, Devahuti soon became liberated from material bondage, and she achieved the Supreme Personality of Godhead, as Supersoul, without difficulty
- Mystic yogis who try to locate the Paramatma accept only the knowledge that the pure soul is not different from the Supersoul. The absolute conception of a pure devotee, however, includes all others
- Mystics aim at perceiving the all-pervading Supersoul, and the devotees of the Lord are engaged in the transcendental loving service of the Personality of Godhead
- Narada asked Brahmaji: O chief amongst the demigods, O firstborn living entity, my respectful obeisances unto you. Please tell me that transcendental knowledge which specifically directs one to the truth of the individual soul and the Supersoul
- Nityo nityanam cetanas cetananam (Katha Upanisad 2.2.13). This is the perfect conception of oneness in relation to the Supersoul and the soul
- No sane man, therefore, will accept the theory that the Supersoul and the individual soul are of the same category
- Nonetheless, you are unchanged, resting in one place as the Supersoul, witness and Supreme Lord, the birthless, all-pervading controller who is the cause of life for all living entities
- Nor is there a difference between a Krsna conscious person always engaged in the transcendental loving service of Krsna and a perfect yogi engaged in meditation on the Supersoul. BG 1972 purports
- O best of the Kuru dynasty, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Supersoul of everyone, being thus pleased, addressed Gajendra in the presence of everyone there. He spoke the following blessings
- O King Yudhisthira, the Supersoul in every body gives intelligence to the individual soul according to his capacity for understanding. Therefore the Supersoul is the chief within the body
- O Lord Vasudeva, O Supreme Personality of Godhead, You are the creator of the entire cosmic manifestation. You live as the Supersoul in everyone's heart and are smaller than the smallest, yet You are greater than the greatest and are all-pervading
- O Lord, O Supersoul of everyone, O controller of the cosmic manifestation under whom everything exists, may You protect us from all dangers
- O noble one, if the king sees that the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the original cause of the cosmic manifestation and the Supersoul within everyone, is worshiped, the Lord will be satisfied
- O Supersoul of all living entities, O Personality of Godhead (Kapiladeva), simply by seeing You I (Amsuman) have now been freed from all lusty desires, which are the root cause of insurmountable illusion and bondage in the material world
- O supreme great one! O Supreme Personality of Godhead! O Supersoul, master of all mystic power! Your pastimes are taking place continuously in these worlds
- O unlimited Supreme Personality of Godhead, whatever a living entity does in this material world is well known to You because You are the Supersoul
- On the contrary, others are dependent on Him for the activities of their different sense organs. Unless the living entity is inspired and directed by the Supersoul, he cannot act
- One becomes situated in trance (after practicing yoga), or samadhi which means that the yogi realizes the Supersoul through transcendental mind and intelligence, without any of the misgivings of identifying the self with the Superself. BG 1972 purports
- One can realize the Supersoul within oneself. He is within one's body but apart from the body, or transcendental to the body. Sitting in the same body as the individual soul, the Supersoul has no affection for the body, whereas the individual soul does
- One has to meditate. And by meditation, when one is in samadhi, always thinking of the Supersoul, then he becomes freed from this material entanglement. That is self-realization. That is liberation
- One has to select a bona fide spiritual master and become enlightened to his original consciousness. In this way the individual soul can understand that he is always subordinate to the Supersoul
- One has to understand the differences with intelligence. Everyone knows that his material body has developed from a spiritual spark, and similarly the universal body has developed from the supreme spark, Supersoul
- One may argue that one may achieve the ultimate goal of life - realization of the Supersoul - by practicing the yoga system and ritualistic performances according to the Vedic principles, even without staunch devotion to the spiritual master
- One must chant at least 16 rounds of japa daily and in this way progress in Krsna Consciousness. One promises before the spiritual master, the Deity, the fire, the devotees, the Supersoul, so it should very strictly be followed
- One of the expansions of Maha-Visnu is Ksirodakasayi Visnu, the Supersoul within every living entity. As the Supersoul of the total aggregate of living entities, or the second purusa, He is known as Garbhodakasayi Visnu
- One should also know the distinction between the individual living soul and the Supersoul, the different influences, their potentials, etc. BG 1972 purports
- One should be very practical in every field of activities and should not waste his valuable time in practicing useless gymnastic feats in the name of yoga. Real yoga is to search out the four-handed Supersoul within one's heart
- One should know perfectly well from the authoritative sources of scriptures through the transparent medium of a bona fide spiritual master and by proper use of one's trained intelligence for meditating upon the Supersoul dwelling within every living being
- One who cannot understand this difference between the soul and the Supersoul, or God and the living entities, is certainly still in the entanglement of the cosmic machinery and thus must still await the time when he will be free from bondage
- One who comes intimately in touch with Lord Krsna by engaging in His eternal service sees the Supersoul as the localized partial representation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Others view Him as the all-pervading localized aspect, dwelling within all living entities and generally known as Paramatma or the Supersoul
- Paramatma, or Supersoul, sits in everyone's heart and can understand the attitudes and desires of His devotees
- Paramatma, the Supersoul, is the middle, the second stage in transcendental realization, and the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the ultimate realization of the Absolute Truth. BG 1972 purports
- Paramatma, the Supersoul, is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and He is eternally liberated
- Parasurama joined his father's head to the dead body and placed the whole body and head upon kusa grass. By offering sacrifices, he began to worship Lord Vasudeva, who is the all-pervading Supersoul of all the demigods and of every living entity
- People cannot understand the activities of the subtle body, and consequently they are bewildered as to how the actions of one gross body affect another gross body. The activities of the subtle body are also guided by the Supersoul
- People have no information of the soul, but this verse (SB 10.2.27) gives the perfect explanation that there are two living forces (dvi-khaga): the individual soul and the Supersoul
- Persons who always think in terms of "enemy" and "friend" are unable to ascertain the Supersoul within themselves
- Ramante yogino 'nante satyananda-cid-atmani: the yogis who are aspiring after spiritual life are also tasting enjoyment by focusing on the Supersoul within
- Real meditation is to find out the Supersoul within the core of the heart. That is real meditation. God is situated in everyone's heart, so the yogis, they try to find out the Supersoul within the heart. That is real yogi
- Real yogis, not these fat-reducing yogis. I mean to say... Real yogis. They are concerned with understanding the Supersoul, Paramatma. And devotees, they are engaged in serving the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Regarding your question, this surrender to Supersoul is in the advanced stage of Krishna Consciousness. So long one is not advanced, he has to take information and direction from the representative of Supersoul or the Spiritual Master
- Rise (the lower-grade persons) to the platform of worshiping Siva in search for the ever-existing soul, and then to the stage of worshiping Lord Visnu, the Supersoul, etc., without any information of Govinda, Lord Krsna, who is the original Lord Visnu
- Sarvasya means everything, the Supersoul. Sarvasya ca aham. Krsna says: "I," hrdi, "in the heart." When it is called hrdi, that means living entity. Without living entity, there cannot be any heart
- See the real difference between the Supersoul and himself
- Since Daksa was the father-in-law of Lord Siva, it was certainly the duty of Lord Siva to offer him respect. When a learned person stands up or offers obeisances in welcome, he offers respect to the Supersoul, who is sitting within everyone's heart
- Since everyone's body is the residence of the Supreme Lord, one should not destroy the body because of unnecessary envy. That will dissatisfy the Supersoul
- Since Lord Sri Ramacandra is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vasudeva, He is not attached to anything in this material world. He is the most beloved Supersoul of all self-realized souls, and He is their very intimate friend
- Since one cannot visually experience the presence of the Supersoul, He appears before us as a liberated devotee. Such a spiritual master is none other than Krsna Himself
- Since the individual soul is present only in a particular body, he is altered when another individual soul does not cooperate with him. The Supersoul, however, is equally present everywhere
- Sinful actions are not impelled by the Supersoul within, but are due to another cause, as the Lord explains in the next verse (BG 3.36). BG 1972 purports
- Siva was directly in contact with the Supersoul and was honored and given a better sitting place than he (Daksa). There were many other reasons also - for the enmity between Lord Siva and Daksa
- So far as common sense is concerned, we come to the conclusion that there are three identities, namely matter, spirit and Superspirit. Now if we go to the Bhagavad-gita, or the Vedic intelligence, we can further understand that
- Some people who are inclined to hear about the soul may be attending lectures, in good association, but sometimes, owing to ignorance, they are misguided by acceptance of the Supersoul & the atomic soul as one without distinction of magnitude. BG 1972 p
- Some perceive the Supersoul within themselves through meditation, others through the cultivation of knowledge, and still others through working without fruitive desires
- Some unauthorized commentators try to identify the individual soul with the Supersoul, and the monists think this to be liberation, but they do not understand the real purpose of the Patanjali system of yoga. BG 1972 purports
- Spiritualize the mind and the senses and gradually concentrate the mind upon Lord Visnu, the Supreme, who is present as the Supersoul in every heart and everywhere, in every atom of the material universe
- Sri Hari, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is the Supersoul and guide of all living entities who have accepted material bodies within this world. He is the supreme controller of all material activities in material nature
- Sri Krsna, the Personality of Godhead, is the Paramatma (Supersoul) in everyone's heart & the benefactor of the truthful devotee
- Sridhara Svami said, "As the cause of all causes, You (The Supreme Lord) have entered my body as the Supersoul, and I have the prerogative of enjoying the supreme blissful life of knowledge along with You"
- Struck with wonder and disappointment upon seeing the strength of the demon, the demigods lost their own strength. Therefore they all met together to try to please the Supersoul, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Narayana, by worshiping Him
- Such a perfect devotee offers respects to every living entity because he is under the firm conviction that the Supreme Personality of Godhead has entered the body of every living entity as the Supersoul, or controller
- Supersoul does not become affected by the material qualities, but the individual soul, they are affected by the material qualities, sattva-guna, rajo-guna, tamo-guna
- Surrender to Supersoul is in the advanced stage of Krishna Consciousness. So long one is not advanced, he has to take information and direction from the representative of Supersoul or the Spiritual Master
- The (Fifth) chapter (Brahma-samhita) also presents methods of devotional service, the eighteen-syllable Vedic hymn, discourses on the soul, the Supersoul and fruitive activity, an explanation of Kama-gayatri, kama-bija and the original Maha-Visnu
- The Absolute Truth (satya-vastu) is described as Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan. Knowledge of impersonal Brahman and the Supersoul is imperfect until one comes to the platform of knowing the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The Absolute Truth appears to neophytes as impersonal Brahman and to advanced mystic yogis as Paramatma, the Supersoul, but devotees, who are further advanced, understand the Absolute Truth as the Supreme Lord, Visnu
- The Absolute Truth is one, but some accept Him as impersonal Brahman, some as the Supersoul existing everywhere, and some as Bhagavan, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The central point is the Absolute Truth
- The Absolute Truth is realized as the impersonal Brahman at the first instance by philosophical speculation and later as the Supersoul by further progress of transcendental knowledge
- The Absolute Truth is realized by the knower according to three different angles of vision, namely impersonal Brahman, localized Supersoul and ultimately the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The Absolute Truth is realized in three features: Brahman, beginning from Brahman; then Paramatma, Supersoul - I think in Christian world they call Holy Ghost - anyway, Paramatma, the Supersoul; and ultimately the SPG, Krsna
- The Absolute Truth is realized in three stages: impersonal Brahman, localized Paramatma (Supersoul) and ultimately as Bhagavan, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The Absolute Truth may be realized in three phases, but is one nondual truth. Brahman (the glowing effulgence), localized Supersoul, and Bhagavan - the Supreme Person - are three features or aspects of God
- The aim of the analytical study of the material world is to find the soul of existence. The soul of the material world is Visnu, or the Supersoul. Devotional service to the Lord entails service to the Supersoul. BG 1972 purports
- The all-merciful Lord, who is situated in everyone's heart as the witness, the Supersoul, awakens him (the individual soul) and reminds him of his past desires, and thus he begins to act accordingly in his next life
- The analytical study of the elements of material nature and the concentration of the mind upon the Supersoul are the sum and substance of the Sankhya philosophical system
- The antar-yami, the Supersoul in everyone’s heart, is the controller of all living entities. This is confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 15.15), wherein Lord Krsna says, sarvasya caham hrdi sannivistah - I am situated in everyone’s heart
- The authorized scriptures direct the individual souls to revive their relationship with the Supersoul
- The background of all these (sensory) activities is the living being, and the director of the living beings is the Supersoul. The living being is not the all in all. He is directed by the Supersoul
- The Bhagavad-gita As It Is is pure knowledge. It tells us of our relationship as eternal spirit soul with the supersoul Lord Krishna the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The bodies are material productions of different modes of material nature, but the soul and the Supersoul within the body are of the same spiritual quality. BG 1972 purports
- The body is given by material nature, and the driver of that body is Paramatma, the Supersoul. The living entity is seated within the chariot. This is the actual position
- The Complete Whole, or the Supreme Absolute Truth, is the complete Personality of Godhead. Realization of impersonal Brahman or of Paramatma, the Supersoul, is incomplete realization of the Absolute Complete
- The conception of universal brotherhood must be learned from an uttama-adhikari and not from a foolish person who does not properly understand the individual soul or the Supreme Lord's Supersoul expansion, who dwells everywhere
- The desires and activities of the living being are observed by the Supersoul, who is the upadrasta, the overseer, and who orders material nature to fulfill the various desires of the living being
- The difference (between the soul and the Supersoul) is that the individual soul is conscious within the limited jurisdiction of the body, whereas the Supersoul is conscious of all bodies. BG 1972 purports
- The difference between the Supersoul, the Supreme Lord, and the living entities is that the activities of the Lord in creating the cosmic manifestation are performed by the Lord through the agency of His multifarious energies
- The difference is that the individual soul is conscious of the individual body only, whereas the Supersoul is conscious of the total number of individual bodies
- The effect of controlling the mind is that one automatically follows the dictation of the Paramatma or Supersoul. BG 1972 purports
- The entire cosmic manifestation of the gigantic universe is developed because of the presence of the Supersoul, Visnu. BG 1972 purports
- The equality of the Supersoul and the individual soul is misconceived by the impersonalist. Here (in SB 3.29.27) it is distinctly mentioned that the individual soul should be recognized in relationship with the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The expansions of Lord Visnu as the tiny living entity and the Supersoul are both situated within the cave of the heart of this body
- The external, material energy moves this wheel like electrical energy. Thus the wheel revolves very quickly around its hub or central support, the SPG, who is the Supersoul and the ultimate truth. We offer our respectful obeisances unto Him
- The feature of the Lord by which He is present everywhere is called Paramatma. Atma means the individual soul, and Paramatma means the individual Supersoul; both atma and Paramatma are individual persons
- The final statement is ātmavic-caraṇārcanam. Ātma-vit means a self-realized soul or bona fide spiritual master. Unless one is self-realized and knows what his relationship with the Supersoul is, he cannot be a bona fide spiritual master.
- The forgetful conditioned soul is educated by Krsna through the Vedic literatures, the realized spiritual master and the Supersoul
- The gigantic universal form of the Lord called adhidaivata is contemplated by the neophyte who cannot approach the Supreme Lord in His manifestation as Supersoul
- The gopis said, "Our husbands, friends, family members and children are all dear and pleasing to us only because of Your presence, for You are the Supersoul of all living creatures. Without Your presence, one is worthless"
- The impersonal Brahman is the goal of those who cultivate the study of books of transcendental knowledge, and the Supersoul is the goal of those who perform the yoga practices
- The individual atomic soul is definitely there in the heart along with the Supersoul, and thus all the energies of bodily movement are emanating from this part of the body. BG 1972 purports
- The individual living entity, the jiva, is always dependent on the Supersoul, Paramatma, because the individual soul forgets his spiritual identity whereas the Supersoul, Paramatma, does not forget His transcendental position
- The individual soul and the Supersoul are both compared to swans (hamsa) because they are white, or uncontaminated. One swan, however, is superior and is the instructor of the other
- The individual soul and the Supersoul cannot be one, at least not in the bhakti conception, the devotional conception of life. BG 1972 purports
- The individual soul and the Supersoul do not become one, nor do they merge with matter
- The individual soul cannot understand what is taking place in another's body, but the Supersoul knows very well what is happening in all bodies
- The individual soul enjoys the activities of a particular field, but the Supersoul is present not as finite enjoyer nor as one taking part in bodily activities, but as the witness, overseer, permitter and supreme enjoyer. BG 1972 purports
- The individual soul is also knower, conscious, and the Supersoul, God, is also conscious. So we also admit universal consciousness, that is God's consciousness
- The individual soul is also situated in the individual heart, but he is not present in all hearts. That is the distinction between the individual soul and the Supersoul. One who is not factually in the practice of yoga cannot see so clearly. BG 1972 pur
- The individual soul is called atma. But there is another soul, Supersoul. He is called Paramatma. Paramatma is God, but atma and Paramatma, both of them are cognizant. Both of them know things
- The individual soul is conscious within the limited jurisdiction of the body whereas the Supersoul is conscious of all bodies
- The individual soul is the owner of his individual body, but the Supersoul is present within the bodies of all living entities. Such a thorough analysis and understanding of the bodily structure cannot be obtained anywhere but in the Vedic literature
- The individual soul is the proprietor of the individual body, but the Supersoul, the Personality of Godhead, Krsna, is the proprietor of all bodies everywhere
- The individual soul knows about his own thinking, feeling and willing activities, but the Supersoul, or the Paramatma, the supreme controller, being present everywhere, knows everyone's thinking, feeling and willing activities
- The inferior purusa and the superior purusa. Anumanta upadrasta, the Supersoul, He is overlooking the activities of the jiva soul, and according to his karma, He is giving a different type of body, ksetra
- The initiates as above mentioned are all taking vow before the Deity, the Supersoul within, the devotees, the spiritual master, the fire, and so they are vowing before so many witnesses to keep faithfully these regulative principles
- The inquisitiveness of Vidura was quite fitting, for he understood that when the Supersoul, Brahma & Siva all appeared through the person of Anasuya, the wife of Atri Muni, there must have been some great purpose. Otherwise why should they have appeared
- The ksetra jna, the owner of the body, is also called the khaga, the living entity. Within the body there are two such ksetra jnas - the individual soul and the Supersoul
- The living being undergoes many changes of body through many lives, but the Supersoul is always with him and remembers all his activities, despite his evolution through different bodies
- The living entities have 8,400,000 different kinds of bodies, and the Supreme Personality of Godhead is living in every body both as the individual soul and as the Supersoul
- The living entity and the Supersoul are sitting side by side in the same tree, but despite being harassed by the laws of material nature, the foolish living entity does not turn toward the Supreme Personality of Godhead for protection
- The living entity depends on the Supersoul for directions. A person advanced in spiritual knowledge, or a person expert in the practice of mystic yoga (yama, niyama, asana and so on) can understand transcendence either as Paramatma or as the SPG of God
- The living entity is within the body, and the Supersoul, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is also there. He is called antaryami and caitya-guru
- The Lord as Garbhodakasayi Visnu or Hiranyagarbha Supersoul enters into each and every universe and causes it to be animated by begetting the living entities within the womb of the material nature, as confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita
- The Lord can reside within the heart, and He can also come out before a person and give him instructions. Thus the spiritual master is not different from the Supersoul sitting within the heart
- The Lord has created this universe from His own spiritual potency. According to His desire, the Lord entered this universe as the Supersoul, and by virtue of His different potencies, He is maintaining all living entities desiring material enjoyment
- The Lord has explained the field of activities & the knower of the field. He has also explained the process of knowing the knower of the field of activities. Now He is explaining the knowable, both the soul & the Supersoul respectively. BG 1972 purports
- The Lord has given Arjuna confidential knowledge of the Supersoul within everyone's heart, and now He is giving the most confidential part of this knowledge: just surrender unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- The Lord, as the Supersoul, is situated in every living being's heart. Why then do the living entities' activities result in misfortune and misery?
- The Maha-samhita, which discusses the transcendental name and form of Godhead, also mentions Durga as the potency of the Supersoul in relationship with the living entities
- The master of the universe, however, is Garbhodakasayi Visnu, who is worshiped as the Hiranyagarbha Supersoul. The Vedic hymns describe Him as having thousands of heads
- The material bodies of all living entities cannot exist unless sheltered by the spirit soul and the Supersoul
- The material Cupid represents the attraction of the external flesh and body, but the spiritual Cupid is the attraction by which the Supersoul attracts the individual soul
- The Mayavada conclusion is that the living entity and the Supersoul are one; there is no difference
- The Mayavadi philosophers are again and again defeated by the illusory energy because they think that there is no separation between the Supersoul and the individual soul or that there is no Supersoul
- The Mayavadi philosophers consider ananda-maya to be the state of being merged in the Supreme. To them, ananda-maya means that the Supersoul and the individual soul become one
- The Mayavadis' theory that the Supersoul and the individual soul are equal is only a misconception. The conclusion is, therefore, that Krsna is worshipable and that all other living entities are simply His servants
- The mental speculators cannot understand that the two birds (Svetasvatara Upanisad) sitting in one tree are the soul and the Supersoul
- The mind focuses on the Supersoul in the heart and the life force is raised to the top of the head. In the Sixth Chapter (of BG) this process is described in detail. But as mentioned before, this practice is not practical in this age. BG 1972 purports
- The mystic yogis consider the living entities and the Supersoul, Paramatma, to be one and the same. It is a minor point of controversy; after all, everything created rests on the gigantic virat or universal form of the Lord
- The mystic yogis, after a strenuous effort to control the senses, may be situated in a trance of yoga just to have a vision of the Supersoul within everyone
- The mystic yogis, who practice different types of austerities for attainment of eight kinds of material perfection and who ultimately meet the Supersoul (Paramatma) in trance, are called siddhi-kami
- The next question put forward by Vidura to Maitreya is, "Why are the living entities subjected to so many miseries and misfortunes in spite of the Lord's presence in their hearts as the Supersoul
- The Paramatma, or Supersoul, the guide of the individual living beings, does not take part in fulfilling the desires of the living beings, but He arranges for their fulfillment by material nature
- The personal form of the Lord is also worshiped in meditation as Supersoul, Paramatma, but the impersonal brahma-jyotir is not worshiped
- The personified Vedas continued by saying that the Supersoul and the individual soul, or Paramatma and jivatma, cannot be equal in any circumstance, although both of them sit within the same body, like two birds sitting in the same tree
- The personified Vedas continued, "If an individual soul meditates but does not actually perceive the presence of the Supersoul within himself, his meditation is useless"
- The personified Vedas continued, "Mystic yogis who still have contaminated desires for sense gratification are never successful in their attempt, nor can they realize the Supersoul within the individual self"
- The personified Vedas continued, "Samadhi, or meditation, means that one has to find the Supersoul within himself. One who is not free from sinful reactions cannot see the Supersoul"
- The personified Vedas continued, "Such persons (Krsna conscious persons) are aware of the relationship between the Supersoul and the individual living entities, and they are never in the bodily concept of life"
- The personified Vedas continued, "The individual controlled living entity resides within the body, and the supreme controller, as Supersoul, is also present there, but the Supersoul controls the individual soul"
- The personified Vedas continued, "The theory that the Supersoul and the individual soul are equal is therefore a polluted conclusion, and no sensible person accepts it"
- The personified vedas continued, "This relationship of the living entities with the Supreme Lord as the controlled & the controller definitely proves that although the Supersoul is all-pervasive, the individual living entities are never all-pervasive"
- The philosophy of duality - the existence of the individual soul and the Supersoul - must be there. This is confirmed in the Second Chapter of the Bhagavad-gita - 2.12
- The place of action (the body), the performer, the various senses, the many different kinds of endeavor, and ultimately the Supersoul, these are the five factors of action
- The prajapatis said: O Mahadeva, Supersoul of all living entities and cause of their happiness and prosperity, we have come to the shelter of your lotus feet. Now please save us from this fiery poison, which is spreading all over the three worlds
- The purport of this Thirteenth Chapter is that one should know the distinction between the body, the owner of the body, and the Supersoul. BG 1972 purports
- The question may be raised that if Visvatma, the Supersoul, is one, why there are different activities?
- The Sankhya-karika, that is very much liked by the European philosophers, because in that Sankhya-karika these twenty-four elements are studied very minutely, without any reference to the soul and the Supersoul
- The similar characteristics of the soul and Supersoul are that they are both conscious, eternal and blissful. BG 1972 purports
- The similarity in the quality of the soul and the Supersoul does not make them equal in quantity, for the individual soul is present only in that particular body, whereas the Paramatma is present in each and every body. BG 1972 purports
- The soul and Supersoul both live within the heart. The individual soul is liberated when it comes out of the material heart or cleanses the heart to make it spiritualized
- The soul and the Supersoul within the body are of the same spiritual quality. The similarity in the quality of the soul and the Supersoul, however, does not make them equal in quantity
- The spiritual master also offers respect to the Supersoul situated in the body of the disciple. The Lord says in Srimad-Bhagavatam that offering respect to His devotee is more valuable than offering respect to Him
- The spiritual master is accepted as identical with the SP of Godhead because he is the most confidential servant of the Lord (kintu prabhor yah priya eva tasya). The purport is that both the Supersoul and the individual soul are very dear to everyone
- The spiritual master is external manifestation of the Supersoul. Thus the Lord helps the living entity, helps both from inside & outside
- The sunshine may be compared to the all-pervasive brahma-jyotir effulgence, the localized sun-disc may be compared to the localized aspect of the Supersoul, and the sun god who resides within the sun may be compared to the Personality of Godhead
- The Supersoul and soul both are unchanged. The difference is that in material contact, the soul appears to be changed. But the Supersoul is not affected by material contamination, therefore there is no sign of change
- The Supersoul and the individual soul are like two birds sitting on the same tree (the material body). One bird, the individual, forgetful bird, is eating the fruit of the tree, not caring for the instructions of the other bird
- The Supersoul and the individual soul are like two birds sitting on the same tree (the material body). The Supersoul is only a witness to the activities of the first bird, who is his friend
- The Supersoul coming out of the body enters the impersonal brahma-jyotir; then in His form He remains in His spiritual identity. That Supreme is called the Supreme Personality
- The Supersoul does not become affected by the material qualities, but the individual soul, they are affected by the material qualities, sattva-guna, rajo-guna, tamo-guna. But the Supersoul is above these gunas always
- The Supersoul enters into the bodies of the created beings who are influenced by the modes of material nature and causes them to enjoy the effects of these modes by the subtle mind
- The Supersoul gives instructions to the sincere, unalloyed devotee on how he can progress more and more in approaching the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The Supersoul gives the individual soul all facilities to achieve whatever he desires to enjoy in this material world. Suffering is a reaction to the living entity's propensity to try to lord it over the material world
- The Supersoul in all living entities is the same Supreme Personality of Godhead. By His omnipotency, He can live anywhere, and He can create His Vaikuntha situation everywhere. That is His inconceivable potency
- The Supersoul in the heart of the thief dictates, "Go and steal things from that particular house," at the same time the Lord tells the householder, "Now be careful of thieves and burglars." These instructions to different persons appear contradictory
- The Supersoul is always in every living being. Outwardly, also, every living being is situated in the energy of the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- The Supersoul is always present in His full spiritual position, whereas the individual soul is prone to forget himself. Nor is the individual soul present everywhere
- The Supersoul is called adhiyajna, and the soul is called adhibhuta
- The Supersoul is called by many names, of which Mahesvara, Siva and Acyuta are especially mentioned
- The Supersoul is described in Vedic literature as the supplier of all necessities of the smaller soul (nityo nityanam). One who understands this distinction between the Supersoul and the individual soul is above lamentation and is in a peaceful position
- The Supersoul is directing the workings of his senses in the enjoyment of sense objects, but as these sense objects cannot see the senses, the conditioned soul cannot see the directing soul
- The Supersoul is in the heart of every living entity, but He can be realized only by a soul who is repentant
- The Supersoul is observing the activities of the individual soul. BG 1972 purports
- The Supersoul is overlooking the activities of the jiva soul & according to his karma, He is giving a different type of body. Again he is working. Again he is creating another situation. This vast knowledge is unknown to the modern educational department
- The Supersoul is present in all bodies without distinction. BG 1972 purports
- The Supersoul is present in every body (isvarah sarva-bhutanam hrd-dese 'rjuna tisthati (BG 18.61)), whereas the individual soul is situated only in his own body (dehi) and is transmigrating from one body to another
- The Supersoul never will fall under the clutches of this illusory maya and the jiva soul has this tendency. So there is distinction, yet, the two, Supersoul and jiva soul are also the same as much as the sunlight and the Sun are qualitatively the same
- The Supersoul reminds him (the individual soul) to act in such a way. Therefore although there is apparently a change in the gross body, there is a continuation between the lives of an individual soul
- The Supersoul, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is one, but He appears to individually oversee each individual soul. This does not mean that the individual soul and the Supersoul are one
- The Supersoul, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, seated beside the individual soul, is the witness of the individual soul's activities and is the source of the soul's various types of consciousness
- The Supreme Lord is the super cause. Under these circumstances, he who is acting in Krsna consciousness under the direction of the Supersoul situated within the heart is naturally not bound by any activity. BG 1972 purports
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is situated as the Supersoul within the cores of the hearts of all living entities, whether moving or nonmoving, including men, birds, animals, trees and, indeed, all living entities
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is the master of all transcendental opulences and the master of the spiritual sky. He is the Supreme Person, Bhagavan, the Supersoul of everyone
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is the Supersoul of all living entities. He is the controller and maintainer of everyone; through the agency of His external energy, He creates, maintains and annihilates everyone
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is the Supersoul of everyone, and He is by nature fully pleased. Nonetheless, He came to the arena of Maharaja Gaya and said, "I am fully pleased"
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, although eternally present in His transcendental abode, Goloka Vrndavana, is reflected in everyone's heart as the Supersoul
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, in His second feature, is the Supersoul of all living entities. As one's self is extremely dear, the Superself of the self is still more dear. No one can be the enemy of the friendly Superself, who is equal to everyone
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Visnu, is present in everyone's heart as the Supersoul, and He is the proprietor of all planets and the enjoyer of the results of all sacrifices. He was personally present at the sacrifices made by King Prthu
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the source of life for all living entities, lives within everyone as the friendly Supersoul, and under His direction a living entity enjoys or suffers in the material world
- The tattvavit says that the Supreme Absolute Truth is recognized in three aspects: impersonal Brahman, and Paramatma, the localized Supersoul, and Bhagavan. Bhagavan means the Personality of Godhead. So they are three angles of vision
- The theory of reflection can be applied to the Supersoul who is present in each and every individual body and is known as the Paramatma, who is different from the individual living entity. BG 1972 purports
- The third purusa avatara is the Ksirodakasayi Visnu, who lives as the Supersoul of everything in the universe and maintains the creation generated by Brahma
- The third Sandarbha is called Paramatma-sandarbha, and in this book there is a description of Paramatma (the Supersoul) and an explanation of how the Supersoul exists in millions and millions of living entities
- The transcendental Supreme Person, the Supersoul of all living entities, who are in different statuses of life, high and low, existed at the end of the millennium, when neither this manifested cosmos nor anything else but Him existed
- The transcendentalists affirm that the soul and the Supersoul are two different identities, qualitatively one but quantitatively different
- The twenty-four elements already described plus the time factor make twenty-five. According to some learned philosophers, the Supersoul is included to make a total of twenty-six elements
- The two types of atmarama-yogis are called sagarbha and nigarbha. Each of these is divided into three; therefore there are six types of worshipers of the Supersoul
- The ultimate control is invested in the Supersoul
- The ultimate will is invested in the Supersoul, as it is stated in the Gita, "sarvasya caham hrdi." BG 1972 purports
- The vaisnava philosopher, who is perfect in knowledge, knows that the body is made of the external energy and that the Supersoul, the Paramatma, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is sitting with the individual soul and is distinct from him
- The Vedas, like the Mundaka Upanisad, as well as the Svetasvatara Upanisad, compare the soul and the Supersoul to two friendly birds sitting on the same tree
- The Vedas, like the Mundaka Upanisad, as well as the Svetasvatara Upanisad, compare the soul and the Supersoul to two friendly birds sitting on the same tree. BG 1972 purports
- The virat-rupa, or the gigantic feature of the Supreme Lord, includes everything materially manifested, and therefore the virat or gigantic feature of the Lord is the Supersoul of all living and nonliving entities
- The words used here (in SB 3.32.26), paramatmesvarah puman, are all transcendental, and they refer to Supersoul. Supersoul is also described as purusa
- The yogi realizes the Supersoul through transcendental mind and intelligence, without any of the misgivings of identifying the self with the Superself
- The yogi who worships the Supersoul within himself is also called atmarama. There are two types of atmarama-yogis
- The yogi, they are searching after the Supersoul within himself, and jnani is understanding the impersonal feature of the Absolute Truth
- The yogis, those who are real yogis, not bogus yogis, real yogi, they wants to meditate upon the Supersoul
- There (in Paramatma-sandarbha) are discussions of the sameness of this world and the Supersoul, and the truth about this material world
- There are hundreds and thousands of plenary expansions of Visnu, such as Sankarsana, Pradyumna, Aniruddha and Vasudeva, but here in this material world, the Visvatma, the Supersoul for all living entities, is Ksirodakasayi Visnu
- There are three features of the Absolute Truth. One is impersonal Brahman, the other is localized Paramatma, or antaryami, Supersoul, and the supermost is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Bhagavan
- There are two kinds of souls-namely the minute particle soul (anu-atma) and the Supersoul (the vibhu-atma). This is also confirmed in the Katha Upanisad (1.2.20). BG 1972 purports
- There are two parties - namely, the theists and the atheists. The theist, who accepts the Supersoul, finds the spiritual cause through mystic yoga
- There is a definite difference between the individual soul and the Supersoul, and it is explained in the Varaha Purana as follows
- There is a difference between the Supersoul and the individual soul, and this is explained in the Bhagavad-gita, Fifteenth Chapter, wherein the Lord says that although He is situated with the living entity in the same body, He is superior
- There is a difference between the two kinds of ksetra-vit. One ksetra-vit, or knower of the body, namely the Paramatma, or the Supersoul, is directing the individual soul
- There is a gulf of difference between the living entity (atma) and the controlling Lord (Paramatma), the soul and the Supersoul. Paramatma is the controller, and the atma is the controlled; therefore they are in different categories
- There is no difference between the innumerable Supersouls present in the innumerable hearts of living entities. BG 1972 purports
- Therefore, through devotion, detachment and advancement in spiritual knowledge acquired through concentrated devotional service, one should contemplate that Supersoul as present in this very body although simultaneously apart from it
- These machines (bodies) are manufactured by the material ingredients of the external energy, and thus the living entity enjoys or suffers according to his desires. This opportunity is given by the Supersoul
- These senses are to be detached from all such material activities. According to the impersonalists the senses are stopped from work by merging the soul in the Supersoul Brahman
- These three purusas (Karanodakasayi Visnu, Garbhodakasayi Visnu and Ksirodakasayi Visnu), who lie on the Karana, Garbha and Ksira oceans respectively, are the Supersoul of everything that be
- These three Visnus lying in the water are the Supersoul of everything. The Supersoul of all the universes is known as the first purusa
- These twenty-seven elements constitute the external energy of the Lord. Great yogis meditate upon the Lord, who is situated as the Supersoul, Paramatma, within the core of the heart. May that Supersoul be pleased with me
- They (The impersonalists) think, "Both the Supreme Lord and the individual soul enter into the various bodies; so where is the distinction? Why should individual souls worship the Paramatma, or Supersoul"
- They (the Mayavadi philosophers) are also misled in thinking that everything is the Supersoul
- They (the Supersoul and the individual soul) are equal in quality, but quantitatively the Supersoul is always the Supreme, and the individual soul is always subordinate to the Supersoul. That is the conclusion of the Vedas
- They are actually unable to understand how You live in every living entity as the Supersoul, nor can they understand Your absolute position. But You are the eternal friend and protector of all surrendered souls
- They are one in quality, as spirit soul, but the individual soul and Supersoul are different
- They create the material cosmos. These three purusas, who lie on the Karana, Garbha and Ksira oceans respectively, are the Supersoul of everything that be
- This body is called ksetra (the field of activities), and the proprietors of the body (the individual soul and the Supersoul sitting within the body) are both called ksetra-vit
- This human form of life is the opportunity to understand the science of the Absolute. Either you say God or Absolute Truth or the Supersoul, the same thing
- This is described in Bhagavad-gita (BG 13.3). Ksetra-jnam capi mam viddhi: the Supersoul is present in every field of activity, just as the individual soul is present in the individual body. Both of them are conscious
- This material creation is also exactly a dreamlike creation of the Lord, but He, being the transcendental Supersoul, is neither entangled nor affected by the reactions of such a dreamlike creation
- This prapadye or saranam vraja refers to the individual's surrender to the Supersoul. The individual soul, when surrendered, can understand that God, although situated within the heart of the individual soul, is superior to the individual soul
- This verse (SB 4.22.38) is specifically stated to defy the Mayavada conclusion of oneness without differentiation between the individual soul and the Supersoul
- This yoga process (Krsna consciousness) helps one become free from all kinds of fear and anger and thus feel the presence of the Supersoul in the transcendental situation. BG 1972 purports
- Those in complete Krsna consciousness are not ultimately responsible for their actions. Everything is dependant on the supreme will, the Supersoul, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are actually advanced in consciousness - in other words, those who are Krsna conscious - can find the Supersoul, who by His own spiritual potency is situated within the heart
- Those who are attached to the impersonal Brahman or the localized Supersoul are also partially Krsna conscious, because impersonal Brahman is the spiritual ray of Krsna and Supersoul is the all-pervading partial expansion of Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are impelled by lust and attachment, who are foolish and who torture the material elements of the body as well as the Supersoul dwelling within, are to be known as demons
- Those who are trying to find the Supreme Godhead by yoga practice may find Him as the localized Supersoul, but those who are directly trying to approach the Supreme Truth by practice of bhakti-yoga can see Him face to face as the Supreme Person
- Those whose intelligence has become fixed by perfect execution of mystic yoga can see that all these elements result from the actions of Your external energy. They can also see Your transcendental form as Supersoul in the background of everything
- To go back to Godhead, one may live alone anywhere, in any condition, and simply sit down, meditate upon the Supersoul and chant and hear about the Lord. Thus there is no difficulty in approaching the Lord
- Training depends upon sincere prayers, devotional service, achievement of success in mystic perfection, and the successful merging of oneself in the activities of the soul and Supersoul
- Transcendental knowledge regarding the soul and the Supersoul includes knowledge of the phenomenal world and the basis of its creation
- Transference of the atomic individual soul to another body is made possible by the grace of the Supersoul.The Supersoul fulfills the desire of the atomic soul as one friend fulfills the desire of another. BG 1972 purports
- Two identities of soul, the Supersoul and the individual soul, are admitted to be in the living entity, even by Lord Brahma, the greatest authority of the universe
- Two identities of soul, the Supersoul and the individual soul, are admitted to be in the living entity, even by the greatest authority of the universe
- We have no brain, we are all not very intelligent. But we can understand if there is the active principle soul within this body, there must be a Supersoul within this huge structure of body
- We must study the atma and Paramatma - the individual soul and the Supersoul - upon whom the entire material cosmic manifestation rests. This is explained by the Vedic statement yato va imani bhutani jaya nte. yena jatani jivanti
- We should not misunderstand that the Supersoul situated in the heart of an animal like a hog and the Supersoul situated in the heart of a learned brahmana are different
- What is the difference between Supersoul and individual soul? One is very small, minute, and the other is very big. God is great
- Whatever we see or do, the Supersoul of all acts of seeing or doing is the Lord. This theory of simultaneous oneness & difference between the individual soul and the Supersoul is propounded by Lord Caitanya as the philosophy of acintya-bhedabheda-tattva
- When a man is sleeping, all his material assets - namely the vital energy, the senses for recording knowledge, the senses for working, the mind and the intelligence - cannot arouse him. He can be aroused only when the Supersoul helps him
- When jnana-yoga increases in meditation on the Supersoul by different physical processes, and the mind is on Him, it is called astanga-yoga. BG 1972 purports
- When karma-yoga increases in knowledge and renunciation, the stage is called jnana-yoga, or the yoga of knowledge. When jnana-yoga increases in meditation on the Supersoul by different physical processes, and the mind is on Him, it is called astanga-yoga
- When King Puranjana was being dragged with great force by the powerful Yavana, out of his gross ignorance he still could not remember his friend and well-wisher, the Supersoul
- When one develops even further in Krsna consciousness, or spiritual understanding, he can appreciate that the Paramatma, the Supersoul, is the eternal worshipable object, and he surrenders unto Him
- When one is detached from the attraction of material prosperity, one can actually concentrate his mind upon the Supersoul
- When one pours water on the root of a tree, the trunk and branches of the tree are automatically pleased. Similarly, when one becomes a devotee of Lord Visnu, everyone is served, for the Lord is the Supersoul of everyone
- When the jiva soul accepts the dictates of the Supreme consciousness Supersoul, his activities will no longer be for the sake of personal sense gratification but will be only for the purpose of gratifying the senses of Krishna
- When the senses are satisfied in the seer-Supersoul, the Personality of Godhead, and merge in Him, all miseries are completely vanquished, as after a sound sleep
- When we rightly take the direction of the Supersoul, our life becomes successful. He is directing from within and from without
- While discussing the subject of this body and the owner of the body, the soul and the Supersoul, we shall find three different topics of study: the Lord, the living entity, and matter. BG 1972 purports
- While the material body, the living entity and the Supersoul constitute an individual living being, originally they are all different energies of the one Supreme Lord
- Worship of the superior that may be in the form of fire, electricity, the sun, the mass of living beings, Lord Siva and, at last, the impersonal Supersoul, the partial representation of Lord Visnu
- Yoga is the happiness of the soul, and the individual soul can be happy when it is with the Supersoul, the Supreme Soul
- Yoga means the connecting link between the soul and the Supersoul, or the Supreme and the minute living creatures
- Yoga practice is meditation on the Supersoul within; similarly, by chanting Hare Krsna one fixes his mind always on the Supreme Lord. The mind is fickle, and therefore it is necessary to engage the mind by force to think of Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- You (Narada Muni) are as good as the all-pervasive Supersoul. Please, therefore, find out the deficiency in me (Vyasadeva), despite my being absorbed in transcendence under disciplinary regulations and vows
- You are not material. Indeed, You are the Supersoul or supreme living force of everything. Therefore, You are Paramesvara, the supreme controller of all controllers
- You are not proprietor. Dehe sarvasya bharata. He is . . . the individual soul is in every body, and the Supersoul, Supersoul is the real proprietor
- You are working under the impulse of certain modes of material nature. That is being observed by the Supersoul, anumanta upadrasta. He is seeing all your activities
- You are worshipable by virtue of the all-perfect instructions You give. You are the Supersoul; therefore I offer my obeisances unto You as the supreme living being
- You live as the Supersoul of all living entities, and the goddess of fortune is the form of their bodies, senses and minds. She also has a holy name and form, whereas You are the support of all such names and forms and the cause for their manifestation