Category:Approaching a Spiritual Master
"approach a bona fide spiritual master" |"approach a spiritual master" |"approach the bona fide spiritual master" |"approach the spiritual master" |"approaches a bona fide spiritual master" |"approaches a spiritual master" |"approaches the spiritual master" |"approaching a bona fide spiritual master" |"approaching a spiritual master" |"approaching the bona fide spiritual master" |"approaching the spiritual master"|"approach a guru, a spiritual master"|"approach the current link, or spiritual master"|"approach with awe and reverence the feet of a spiritual master"|"approach such professional spiritual masters"|"approach the proper spiritual master"|"spiritual master cannot be approached"|"approach a qualified spiritual master"|"approach a bona fide guru, a spiritual master"|"approaching such a spiritual master"|"approached such spiritual master"|"approached a spiritual master"
Pages in category "Approaching a Spiritual Master"
The following 178 pages are in this category, out of 178 total.
- A common man who has no interest in spiritual values has no need to approach a spiritual master just as a matter of following fashion
- A glossary of some of the important words in this chapter (SB 4th Canto, Ch 28): Idhmavaha - The devotee who approaches the spiritual master. Idhma refers to wood that is taken to burn as fuel for a fire
- A person with a bona fide spiritual master is supposed to know everything. One should not, therefore, remain in material perplexities but should approach a spiritual master. This is the purport of this verse (BG 2.7). BG 1972 purports
- A spiritual master should not be very anxious to accept a disciple because of his material opulences. Sometimes a big businessman or landlord may approach a spiritual master for initiation
- Absurd inquiries are condemned herewith. One must approach to the real spiritual master in submission. Inquire from him by rendering service. Then, gradually, you learn the science
- According to Srimad-Bhagavatam, one is advised to approach a bona fide spiritual master when one is actually inclined to question from an elevated level of spiritual understanding
- All Vedic knowledge is based on the principle that one must approach a bona fide spiritual master and hear from him the authoritative statements of the Vedas
- All Vedic literatures advise us to approach a bona fide spiritual master to get free from the perplexities of life which happen without our desire. They are like a forest fire that somehow blazes without being set by anyone. BG 1972 purports
- Approaching a spiritual master is not just a fashion but is a necessity for one who is seriously conscious of the material miseries and who wants to be free of them. It is the duty of such a person to approach a spiritual master
- As recommended in Bhagavad-gita, acaryopasanam: one must approach the acarya for real knowledge
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 4.34), tad viddhi pranipatena pariprasnena sevaya: one should try to approach a spiritual master submissively and render service unto him
- As we require to go to a physician, to a medical man, for curing our material, I mean, bodily diseases, similarly, to cure our material disease, one has to approach an expert spiritual . . . bona fide spiritual master. Otherwise it is not possible
- Asvini-kumaras once approached him and begged him to instruct them in spiritual science (brahma-vidya). Dadhici Muni replied, "I am now engaged in arranging sacrifices for fruitive activities. Come back some time later"
- Bhagavad-gita (BG 4.34) recommends: Just try to learn the truth by approaching a spiritual master. Inquire from him submissively and render service unto him. The self-realized soul can impart knowledge unto you because he has seen the truth
- Brahmany upasamasrayam. According to Mundaka Upanisad (1.2.12), tad-vijnanartham sa gurum evabhigacchet - In order to understand that transcendental science, one must approach a bona fide spiritual master
- By birth by the father and mother, everyone is sudra. But if he is purified, if he gets association of a spiritual master, if he approaches . . . for second birth one has to approach the spiritual master, the bona fide spiritual master
- By going to a spiritual master and asking for his instructions and then not following them, one simply wastes his time. Nor should one approach the spiritual master with a challenging spirit, but should go with the aim of rendering service
- Evam parampara-praptam. That is guru. So that is recommended. If you want to know Krsna, then tad-vijnanartham. In order to understand that science, then you must approach guru
- Everything is sufficiently provided by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. A real brahmana, therefore, does not endeavor for material perfection; rather, he approaches a bona fide spiritual master to accept orders from him
- First of all one has to accept a bona fide spiritual master. This is advocated by Srila Rupa Gosvami in his Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu: sri-guru-padasrayah. To be freed from the entanglement of the material world, one has to approach a spiritual master
- Friends approach one another on an equal basis, but this is not the way to approach a spiritual master. Unless one is submissive, one cannot accept sublime instructions
- Generally we talk to a friend just to spend time, but when we approach a spiritual master, we should be submissive
- Generally, a man is born as an ordinary being, and by the purificatory processes he is born for the second time. When he sees a new light and seeks direction for spiritual progress, he approaches a spiritual master for instruction in the Vedas
- Guru must come through the parampara system, and in order to understand tad-vijnanam, transcendental science, you have to approach guru. You cannot say that "I can understand at home"
- Gurum evabhigacchet - one must; it is not optional. It is imperative that one approach the spiritual master, for by such association one proportionately develops his consciousness toward the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- He (Arjuna) is perplexed, "Which one, which side will be glorious? I shall stop fighting or not fighting?" When you are in such perplexity, what to do and what not to do, so in order to get right direction, you must approach the spiritual master
- He (Sanatana Gosvami) did not approach Him to get some gold or some medicine. He went to find out his real self-interest. This is the real purpose for approaching a guru. Devahuti approached Lord Kapiladeva in the same way
- He's (Sanatana Goswami) teaching us by his life example that without approaching spiritual master, you cannot have any spiritual enlightenment. That is not possible. You must approach a bona fide spiritual master and serve him
- How to learn from the spiritual master? "Inquire from him submissively." You don't approach a spiritual master whom you can challenge. Then your selection of spiritual master is wrong
- Humility; pridelessness; nonviolence; tolerance; simplicity; approaching a bona fide spiritual master; cleanliness; steadiness; self-control - all these I declare to be knowledge
- If anyone is at all interested in knowing the spiritual science (brahma jijnasa), he must approach a guru like Jada Bharata
- If anyone is interested to know about the transcendental subject matter, he must approach a guru, and unless one approaches a guru, he cannot understand, and if by force I become guru, he may not be interested
- If one actually wants to understand spiritual life and spiritual knowledge, one has to approach a guru
- If one is not very inquisitive about self-realization, one need not approach a spiritual master simply to make a show of discipleship
- If we approach the real spiritual master, bona fide spiritual master, then our material disease will be cured even in this life
- If you are actually serious about the ultimate goal of life, then you approach a guru
- If you are actually serious about understanding that supernatural transcendental subject matter, you must approach a bona fide spiritual master
- If you at all interested in the understanding of spiritual subject matter, then you must approach a bona fide spiritual master. Tad vijnanartham sa gurum evabhigacchet. Abhigacchet means must. It is not that if you like, you can go
- If you simply try to understand what's God by reading scriptures, you cannot achieve. You must approach a guru. Just like a medical book, it can be available in the market. If you purchase 1 medical book and study & you become doctor, that isn't possible
- If you want to know things which is beyond your conception, beyond your sense perception, then you must approach a bona fide spiritual master
- If you want to understand that science, you must approach a bona fide spiritual master - This is very simple thing. If you want to learn engineering, then you must admit yourself in engineering college
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 4.34) the SPG advises: Just try to learn the truth by approaching a spiritual master. Inquire from him submissively and render service unto him. The self-realized soul can impart knowledge unto you because he has seen the truth
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 4.34) the SPG recommends: Just try to learn the truth by approaching a spiritual master. Inquire from him submissively and render service unto him. The self-realized soul can impart knowledge unto you because he has seen the truth
- In every step there is perplexity, and therefore it behooves one to approach a bona fide spiritual master who can give one proper guidance for executing the purpose of life. BG 1972 purports
- In order to approach a bona fide spiritual master, one must be very much disgusted with this material way of life
- In order to approach a bona fide spiritual master, one must be very much disgusted with this material way of life. That is very nice qualification
- In order to become free from the miseries of material nature, one should approach a bona fide spiritual master inquisitively and submissively
- In order to inquire about the ultimate goal of life, the Vedas enjoin, tad-vijnanartham sa gurum evabhigacchet: (MU 1.2.12) In order to understand the transcendental science, one must approach a bona fide spiritual master
- In order to receive the real message of Srimad-Bhagavatam one should approach the current link, or spiritual master, in the chain of disciplic succession
- In the beginning, when a devotee is serious and sincere, the Lord gives him directions from within to approach a bona fide spiritual master
- In the Katha Upanisad it is said that "in order to learn the transcendental science, one has to approach the Spiritual Master." This spiritual master means one who has heard correctly from his Spiritual Master
- In the list of items of knowledge, "approaching a bona fide spiritual master." Acaryopasanam
- In the next verse (CC Adi 1.56) it is said that a conditioned soul must ultimately approach a bona fide spiritual master and try to understand perfectly the material and spiritual worlds and his own existential position
- In the Upanisads and allied scriptures, it is ordained that one must approach with awe and reverence the feet of a spiritual master who is well versed in all the scriptures and who has attained perfection in transcendental knowledge
- In this material world, every living entity is covered by the darkness of ignorance. Therefore the Vedas enjoin that one should approach the Supreme Lord through the spiritual master, who is described and offered prayers in the Gautamiya-tantra
- In this way (taking shelter of a guru) he receives a clue of how to get out of his continuous struggle up and down within the material world. Therefore the Vedic injunction is that one should approach a spiritual master
- Indicated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 4.34): "Just try to learn the truth by approaching a spiritual master. Inquire from him submissively and render service unto him. The self-realized soul can impart knowledge unto you because he has seen the truth"
- It is indicated that even if you are the greatest personality, you have to approach and serve the spiritual master just like ordinary menial servant
- It is necessary for us to establish a relationship with a preceptor who can really open our eyes and lift us from the clutches of nescience. This process of approaching the spiritual master is an eternal verity
- It is no use to approach professional spiritual masters as a matter of formality or custom. Attainment of spiritual perfection can never be possible without undergoing spiritual discipline
- It is no use to approach such professional spiritual masters as a matter of formality or custom. Attainment of spiritual perfection can never be possible without undergoing spiritual discipline
- It is not "I may do it or not do it." These austerities must be done. For example, in the Mundaka Upanisad it is ordered that if one wants to become self-realized, one must approach a spiritual master: tad-vijnanartham sa gurum evabhigacchet - MU 1.2.12
- It is possible to understand everything, but we must gain understanding through the right channel. "If one is actually serious about understanding supernatural, transcendental subject matters, one must approach a bona fide spiritual master." - MU 1.2.12
- It is said, tasmad gurum prapadyeta jijnasuh sreya uttamam (SB 11.3.21). Those interested in understanding transcendental subject matters as the goal of life must approach the bona fide spiritual master
- It is the duty of a disciple approaching a spiritual master to inquire about his constitutional position. In conformity to that spiritual process, Sanatana has already asked, "What am I, and why am I suffering from the threefold miseries?"
- It is therefore the duty of every man - in every country, in every circumstance and at all times - to approach a bona fide spiritual master, question him about devotional service and listen to him explain the process
- Just try to learn the truth by approaching a spiritual master. Inquire from him submissively & render service unto him. The self-realized soul can impart knowledge unto you because he has seen the truth
- Just try to learn the truth by approaching a spiritual master. Inquire from him submissively and render service unto him. BG 4.34 - 1972
- Just try to learn the truth by approaching a spiritual master. Inquire from him submissively and render service unto him. The self-realized soul can impart knowledge unto you because he has seen the truth - BG 4.34
- Just try to learn the truth by approaching a spiritual master. Inquire from him submissively and render service unto him. The self-realized souls can impart knowledge unto you because they have seen the truth
- Like Vidura, an inquisitive conditioned soul must approach a bona fide spiritual master like Maitreya and by intelligent inquiries must try to know everything about 1) karma (fruitive activities), jnana - philosophical research for the Supreme Truth
- Like Vidura, an inquisitive conditioned soul must approach a bona fide spiritual master like Maitreya and by intelligent inquiries must try to know everything about 2) yoga - the linking process of spiritual realization
- Maha-jano yena gatah sa panthah: "We have to follow in the footsteps of great authorities coming down in the parampara system." If we approach a bona fide acarya and keep faith in his words, spiritual realization will be easy
- Maharaja Pariksit was now prepared for meeting his death, and within the very short time of seven days he was to know the process of entering the kingdom of God. In such important cases, one is required to approach a spiritual master
- My Guru Maharaja is servant of Krsna, his guru, his guru is servant of Krsna, his guru is servant of Krsna. I am also servant of Krsna, but I have to approach through the other servants, not directly. That is not possible
- No addition, alteration. You have to approach guru - guru means the faithful servant of God, Krsna - and take his word how to serve Him. Then you are successful
- No one should try to give a new interpretation by dint of mundane knowledge. The first step in pursuance of the system of knowledge received by Brahma, is to approach a bona fide guru who is the representative of the Lord following the parampara system
- Nobody should approach a bona fide spiritual master just to argue with him and just to, with a desire that "I shall see what kind of spiritual master." No. This is useless
- Not that by birth, because one is born of a brahmana family, he remains a brahmana although he becomes less than sudra. No. There must be education. The twice-born, he must approach the spiritual master
- O demigods, I instruct you to approach Visvarupa, the son of Tvasta, and accept him as your guru. He is a pure and very powerful brahmana undergoing austerity and penances
- On the contrary, he (Jiva Gosvami) argued with him (materialist very proud Sanskrit scholar) regarding the scriptures and defeated him - when the scholar approached Jiva Gosvami for a certificate of defeat
- One has to approach a bona fide spiritual master and surrender to him. Only then can one understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead as a person - BG 4.34
- One has to approach a bona fide spiritual master to receive the knowledge. Such a spiritual master should be accepted in full surrender, and one should serve the spiritual master like a menial servant, without false prestige. BG 1972 purports
- One has to approach the spiritual master. He will give direction that "This boy is meant for becoming a brahmana." Everyone has got some tendency. From the tendency it should be designated. Or by work
- One has to go to guru and understand the meaning by parampara. You cannot make your own meaning. The meaning is already there. But if you cannot understand, then you should approach guru and understand the meaning by parampara
- One is not considered a perfectly cultured man without being initiated and trained by an acarya. It is said, therefore, that one who has approached an acarya is actually in perfect knowledge
- One is required to approach the proper spiritual master with receptive ears only, and thus divine existence is gradually realized
- One must approach a bona fide spiritual master by surrendering himself (pranipatena) and rendering service
- One must approach a spiritual master who has full knowledge of the Vedas and be faithfully directed by him in order to become a devotee of the Lord. Then the knowledge of the Vedas will be revealed
- One must approach the acarya. So the acarya is coming by parampara system, disciplic succession. Therefore Krsna recommends, tad viddhi pranipatena pariprasnena sevaya: "One should approach the acarya and try to understand by pranipata, surrender"
- One should approach a bona fide spiritual master - irrespective of caste, creed, color, country, etc. - and hear from him everything about devotional service
- One should approach a guru to learn about tattva, the Absolute Truth. One should not search out a guru to cure some material disease; rather, one requires a doctor
- One should approach a guru who can extinguish the blazing fire of this material world, the struggle for existence
- One should approach a spiritual master and humbly submit to him and then inquire from him about one's spiritual progress
- One should approach a spiritual master and inquire from him submissively, render him all kinds of service. The self-realized soul can impart knowledge unto you because he has seen the Truth
- One should approach the guru to understand the transcendental science of spiritual life
- One should approach the guru who can transfer the service from the disciple to the Supreme Person. Therefore the first offering is guru, vande gurun. Then guru creates many devotees. Guru's business is to canvass on behalf of Supreme Lord
- One should approach the spiritual master with all humility and offer him all services so that he will be pleased to bestow his blessings upon the disciple. BG 1972 purports
- One who approaches a bona fide spiritual master can understand everything about spiritual realization
- One who is inquisitive to understand the highest goal and benefit of life must approach a bona fide spiritual master and surrender unto him
- One who wants to understand the mystery of revealed scriptures must approach a bona fide spiritual master, hear from him very submissively and render service to him. Then the import of the scriptures will be revealed
- One's first duty is to approach the spiritual master, the representative of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, to begin rendering service to him
- Only one who is actually eager to receive knowledge to eradicate the darkness of ignorance is eligible to approach a guru, or spiritual master
- Sanatana Gosvami is the best example to follow, how one should approach a guru, how one should take lesson from guru, how he should understand to make his life successful
- Sanatana Gosvami was actually following the disciplic principles. He wanted to please Lord Caitanya submissively. To please the spiritual master means to approach him submissively, not in a challenging mood
- Sastra, says tad-vijnanartham: "If you want to know the real problem of your life and if you want to be enlightened how to become Krsna conscious, how to become eternal, go back to home, back to Godhead, then you must approach the guru"
- Seeing Bali Maharaja's indefatigable endeavor and understanding his motive, King Indra, along with the other demigods, approached his spiritual master, Brhaspati, and spoke as follows
- Since it is difficult for a person to become free as long as he desires to dominate material nature, it is recommended that he approach a spiritual master who can train him in devotional service & enable him to get out of the clutches of material nature
- Sometimes less intelligent men ask whether one has to approach a guru to be instructed in devotional service for spiritual advancement
- Suppose if you want to become a medical practitioner, so you have to admit yourself in some medical college. Similarly, if you want to know about spiritual matter, then you must approach a spiritual master who knows the things
- Tad-vijnanartham sa gurum evabhigacchet: (MU 1.2.12) in order to understand the transcendental science, one must approach the bona fide spiritual master. The word smrtya is very important in spiritual life. Smrtya means remembering Krsna always
- Tad-vijnanartham sa gurum evabhigacchet: (MU 1.2.12) one must approach the acarya, for then one will receive perfect knowledge. When guided by the spiritual master, one attains the ultimate goal of life
- Taking this paper (in which Srila Rupa Gosvami and Sanatana Gosvami gave him a written statement that he had defeated them), the scholar approached Jiva Gosvami for a similar certificate of defeat, but Jiva Gosvami did not agree to give him one
- Tasmad gurum prapadyeta jijnasuh sreya uttamam (SB 11.3.21). One must approach a guru like Jada Bharata, a representative of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, to inquire about the goal of human life
- Tasmad gurum prapadyeta jijnasuh sreya uttamam: (SB 11.3.21) if one is actually serious in inquiring about the solution to material existence, one must approach a bona fide guru
- Thank you for serving steadily and taking responsibility in Krishna Consciousness. The spiritual master cannot be approached for solving marriage problems. That is not the business of the guru
- That is the qualification of the disciple. He should approach the spiritual master as if he does not know anything
- The 1st accusation (of 3 sahajiyas level accusations against Srila Jiva Gosvami) concerns a materialist who was very proud of his reputation as a great Sanskrit scholar and approached Sri Rupa and Sanatana to argue with them about the revealed scriptures
- The answer (men ask whether one has to approach a guru to be instructed in devotional service for spiritual advancement) is given here (in SB 8.16.23) - indeed, not only here, but also in Bhagavad-gita, where Arjuna accepted Krsna as his guru - BG 2.7
- The conclusion is that a serious devotee must first approach a spiritual master who not only is well versed in the Vedic literatures but is also a great devotee with factual realization of the Lord and His different energies
- The disciple also, he must have also qualification to approach a spiritual master. It is not that because you have got a bona fide spiritual master, therefore you will be benefited. You must be also qualified
- The disciple must be also serious to understand about the spiritual subject matter. That is knowledge, brahma-jijnasa. One who is inquisitive to know about the Absolute Truth, he requires to approach a guru
- The inquisitive student must approach a qualified spiritual master to receive transcendental knowledge by surrender, submissive inquiries and service. Knowledge received by submissive inquiries and service is more effective than in exchange for money
- The institution of varna and asrama prescribes many regulative duties to be observed by its followers. Such duties enjoin that a candidate willing to study the Vedas must approach a bona fide spiritual master and request acceptance as his disciple
- The meeting of Sanatana Gosvami and Lord Caitanya teaches us that to understand spiritual subject matters one must approach a spiritual master like Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu and make submissive inquiries
- The path of spiritual realization is undoubtedly difficult. The Lord therefore advises us to approach a bona fide spiritual master in the line of disciplic succession from the Lord Himself. BG 1972 purports
- The scriptural injunction is that one should humbly approach a spiritual master to understand the transcendental science
- The soul is suffering, and it is to our benefit to rescue him from these material clutches. This is real education. To receive this education, one has to approach a proper guru
- The spiritual master must be bona fide, and one who wants to have self-realization must approach and take shelter of a bona fide spiritual master to achieve real success
- The spiritual master should be approached by a person who is inquisitive to understand sreya uttamam, what is the highest benefit, spiritual benefit, beyond this material existence
- The Upanisads, which are considered the most elevated portion of the Vedic literatures, are meant for persons who desire to get free from material association and who therefore approach a bona fide spiritual master for enlightenment
- The Vedas enjoin, tad-vijnanartham sa gurum evabhigacchet: (MU 1.2.12) to understand spiritual knowledge, one must approach a bona fide spiritual master
- The Vedas give the direction tad-vijnanartham sa gurum evabhigacchet: (MU 1.2.12) in order to reach the perfection of life or to understand the real constitutional position of the living entity, one must approach the spiritual master
- The Vedic injunction is that in order to know that perfect knowledge, one has to approach the proper person, who is know as guru
- The Vedic wisdom advises that in order to solve the perplexities of life and to understand the science of the solution, one must approach a spiritual master who is in the disciplic succession. BG 1972 purports
- The word idhma-vaha refers to one who carries wood for burning in a sacrifice when approaching a spiritual master
- The word suklah refers to a person in the mode of goodness. If one wants to receive spiritual knowledge, he must approach a bona fide brahmana-guru, either in the disciplic succession or in a family of learned brahmanas
- There are many stories and incidents in Srimad-Bhagavatam that are described figuratively. Such allegorical descriptions may not be understood by unintelligent men; therefore it is the duty of the student to approach a bona fide spiritual master
- There is no necessity of approaching a spiritual master unless one is in need of solving the problems of life. One who does not know how to put questions before the spiritual master has no business seeing him
- Therefore, one must seek shelter of a bona fide spiritual master. Tasmad gurum prapadyeta: one must approach a guru
- This (the system of disciplic succession) is the bona fide Vedic system of receiving the process of devotional service, by which the Supreme Personality of Godhead is pleased. Therefore, to approach a bona fide guru, or spiritual master, is essential
- This is essential. Acaryopasanam. If you at all interested in the understanding of spiritual subject matter, then you must approach a bona fide spiritual master
- This is the process of accepting a spiritual master. One should approach a spiritual master, humbly submit to him and then inquire from him about one's spiritual progress
- This is the proper way to ask for knowledge. One does not approach the spiritual master with a challenging spirit. One should also be inquisitive to understand the spiritual science. It is not that one considers himself superior to the guru
- Those who are materially interested are called visayis (karmis), which indicates that they are very fond of sense gratification. Such visayis sometimes approach a famous guru and ask to become a disciple just as a matter of fashion
- Those who are misled by the illusory energy are never interested in approaching a spiritual master to make life successful
- Those who are serious about the knowledge of the transcendental world, which is far beyond the material cosmic creation, must approach a bona fide spiritual master to learn the science both directly and indirectly
- To know this science (of the Supreme Brahman, the Absolute Truth), one must approach a bona fide guru, a spiritual master who will initiate the disciple with the sacred thread so that he may understand the Vedic knowledge
- To learn transcendental subject matter, one must approach the spiritual master. In doing so, he should carry fuel to burn in sacrifice
- To receive Vedic knowledge, we must approach the proper guru. The guru's qualification is given in every sastra. In Srimad-Bhagavatam (11.3.21) it is said: One should not accept a guru unless one is inquisitive to know the ultimate goal of life
- To understand the Vedas, you must approach a guru. Otherwise, you cannot understand
- Vedas says, tad-vijnanartham: "In order to know that transcendental science," sa gurum evabhigacchet, "he must go to a guru. He must approach." A guru means not bogus guru. One who knows expert. But one has to do that. There is no other alternative
- Vedic injunction is that when approaching the spiritual master one must carry with him fuel to perform yajnas, or sacrifices
- Vidura was successful in approaching such a spiritual master like Maitreya, and he got the ultimate goal of life: bhakti unto Govinda. Thus there was nothing to be known further about spiritual progress
- We approach guru for hearing from him the truth. Just like child listens from the parents and he learns to speak, he learns to know what is what. The father says, "This is dish"; the child also says: This is dish
- We can only see the gross material body, and when this gross material body ends, we say that everything is finished. In order to understand these things, we have to approach a guru, just as Arjuna approached Sri Krsna
- We have to approach a spiritual master who is in the disciplic succession from Vyasadeva. Everyone may claim to be following Vyasadeva, but one must actually follow him
- We should approach the Supreme or the representative of the Supreme, just like the same example: when there is any controversy, we refer to the law book or to the lawyer, or we take the decision of the law court
- When a bona fide student approaches a bona fide spiritual master, he submissively prays to the spiritual master, "My dear lord, kindly accept me as your student"
- When one approaches a bona fide spiritual master, his second birth is there by advancement of spiritual knowledge, and that sacred thread is offered to him
- When one is actually interested in the transcendental science of the Absolute Truth, he should approach a spiritual master
- When one is interested in the transcendental subject matter of the Absolute Truth, he should be initiated. Such a person should approach a spiritual master in order to take diksa
- When one is perplexed by the difficult problems of life, to solve them one must approach a guru like Narada or his representative in the disciplic succession
- When the two sages, Narada and Parvata, went to the hunter's home, the hunter saw his spiritual master coming from the distance, and he began to approach him with great respect
- When we become puzzled with these material affairs, what to do - to do or not to do, this is the example - at that time we must approach a guru. That is the instruction
- Whether you have approached such spiritual master, that you can discuss
- Who is guru? Whom shall I approach? So the next line explains that approach such guru, srotriyam, who has heard from his guru perfectly, that guru. Who had no chance of hearing from perfect guru, he is not guru. This is called guru-parampara
- Why one should approach a spiritual master unless one is inquisitive to understand if there is anything beyond this material world? Otherwise there is no need of seeking a spiritual master
- You cannot jump over. You must go through the parampara system. You have to approach through your spiritual master to the Gosvamis, and through the Gosvamis you will have to approach Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- You do not know about Krsna, that is a different thing. But if you want to solve your problems, you must approach the guru. That is the Vedic instruction. This verb is used when you must: no excuse, gacchet, vidhilin
- You have to approach guru - guru means the faithful servant of God, Krsna - and take his word how to serve Him. Then you are successful
- You have to approach such guru. And who is that guru? Vaisnava. Not any ordinary person. Therefore anyone who is not Vaisnava, you should not approach
- You know, you have seen sacred thread, that sacred thread is the emblem that he has approached a spiritual master and his birth has, second birth has been performed
- You must approach to a person who knows by surrender, not by challenge. You cannot know about soul and God by this challenging spirit. You have to become a submissive, submissive. You have to accept a spiritual master who knows