Category:Questions On... Surrender, Obedience, Renunciation
Pages in category "Questions On... Surrender, Obedience, Renunciation"
The following 154 pages are in this category, out of 154 total.
- A devotee becomes more surrendered because the influence of the modes, the three modes, becomes diminished, or is the influence just changed from ignorance and passion to goodness?
- All that karma is erased as soon as he surrenders to Krsna?
- Although a devotee feels helpless in the hands of Krsna, still, in order to execute his duty, he must be very strong... How does he reconcile those two?
- And can one not directly surrender to Krsna through his own feelings and heart and...?
- And how to surrender to God, how to do this?
- And it is sure to go through in this life if you try this (take shelter of the Supreme Personality of Godhead)?
- And what do you mean by surrendering, sir?
- And why should they object if we decide to surrender to one authority?
- As your students, we are trying to hear in that way. Now when we go and preach and we tell, if we tell a man, "First of all, you surrender before you'll be able to understand," then what, what question is there of preaching?
- At what point is a householder to know when he should leave his family or her family?
- But a renunciation of something?
- But are you asking people, if they accept your teachings, to retreat from the world, like for instance, the people who are surrounding us now?
- But don't we do that also (Caitanya Mahaprabhu was interested only on the spiritual platform. He had no idea of material side. He rejected material side)?
- But how they have forgotten this is the greatest, I mean, mystery to me. Because the sadhus voluntarily, I mean, embrace poverty?
- But if we tried to do that, wouldn't it be sort of artificial (they go in the village for begging little food, that's all. Just like you can live in this forest. And what you will eat? Two capati. So you can go and beg. That's all)?
- But it (prapatti or surrender) is not yoga. It is different from yoga?
- But the innocent souls, they're not surrendered to Krsna?
- But when I surrender my karmas to Almighty... Then those karmas don't affect...?
- But why do you blame us for not surrendering when we see that even Krsna's devotees can't surrender to Him? They come to us and ask us for money for these books. Why don't they give them away?
- But you ask a great deal of people. So why do you think they're willing to give?
- Can a person become Krsna conscious only by renouncing, or can he do both, continue his life and also become Krsna conscious?
- Can we withdraw our independence, can we request Krsna to force us to surrender to Him, due to our conditioning?
- Can we, can you say a bit more of that, just for the tape? You were saying that religion is obeying the supreme controller
- Can you explain more about the Stita-dhi Muni, the undisturbed sage? In the purport you explain how he is neither attached nor detached. What is that, that he is neither one or the other?
- Can you explain subordination again?
- Chanting His names, surrendering to Him, feeling love for Him, doing service. Is that not or would that not take one person to...?
- Do you have children? You just left them?
- Does a person have to experience enough frustration to give up this process of...(chewing the chewed)?
- Does it mean that the initiative from the human being is completely surrendered to the almighty God? And if you surrender, is there any initiative left for the human being?
- Does Krsna know the time, or does He direct the living entity at some certain time to surrender or is this the will of the living entity?
- Does Krsna know when the living entities are going to surrender unto Him? If He knows, then how does the living entity have choice?
- Does somebody forget his wife completely then?
- Does that mean he (a dedicated disciple) must give up his family, and come and live here?
- Does the devotee who surrenders keep his individual taste for different things? Does he keep his individual likes and dislikes?
- Does this mean that a person should turn his attention from the world, from his surrounding?
- Does your method include meditation, austerity of various sorts in addition to no alcohol, no drugs?
- Especially Indian people, you know, they say, "Well, if I surrender to Krsna, who will feed me?"... But because in India people know that they should surrender to Krsna, no?
- Even if we don't surrender to Krsna in this life, will everyone surrender to Krsna? Will everyone go back to Godhead eventually?
- He (Jackie Vaughn) says we're in the world, but how can we be aloof from it? How can we not be a part of it?
- He (Maharaja Pariksit) repeatedly addressed and questioned the bull thus: O son of Surabhi, who has cut off your three legs? In the state of the kings who are obedient to the laws of the Supreme Personality of God, Krsna, there is no one as unhappy as you
- He asked if you're pleased if your disciples do things like Sharma, if they, like, go to live in trees and do artificial renunciation?
- He says that legions of sadhus, such white men, persons from West, become sadhus, then who will do this job of earning a living?
- How a man such as yourself, in such a high position and such hierarchy was able to leave all this in order to bring this message to others?
- How did the gopis surrender unto Krsna? You said they surrendered everything. How did they do it?
- How do we know when we should accept this (voluntary) adversity?
- How do you agree to this (to act according to the whims of Krsna)?
- How does he (the sadhu) live in the woods without a spiritual master and learn?
- How does one surrender to Krsna?
- How does one surrender?
- How is a human being going to continue in this world if it has to exist, and if the initiative is not left to the human being, as you say that God is there and God has to be accepted?
- How long we have to surrender?
- How one surrenders? What is meaning of surrender?
- How to give up this tea and coffee to which we are so much habituated?
- How to surrender?
- I asked about a man not knowing what his duty was, and you spoke of the highest duty of giving up all to Krsna and becoming detached from the fruits of your action. But suppose the question is What shall I become - a shopkeeper, a teacher, a carpenter?
- I guess if you have the idea of prapatti, of surrender... this is a way to God directly?
- I have a question, Srila Prabhupada. At what point is a householder to know when he should leave his family or her family?
- I heard that if you pass stool more than once a day you become a bhogi? You are called a bhogi?
- I mean (what do you mean by retired life?) are you giving up your position as spiritual leader?
- I mean to my mind. It (the cause of nonretirement) may be another cause also. I don't know. What do you think? Lack of proper education?
- If a man reaches his maturity of years and leaves a western school, and he has the words which say "Know thyself," may he reject his family ties?
- If I say, I pray to God, "O Lord Krsna, I surrender unto You." So is..., maya will not touch me? I will not be affected by this material infection?
- If I'm trying to get people to chant, that's all I can do. And if that will purify them, then surrender will come. How can I force someone to surrender?
- If one surrenders to a spiritual master, what then is their relationship to Krsna?
- If one surrenders, how to know that Krsna has accepted?
- If this mist of material nature is temporary, then why bother to disentangle oneself from something transitory?
- If we are supposed to be spiritualists, then why do we have so many cars, why do we have so many watches, why do we have so many different things that they can see are there within the temple?
- In daily life, I mean, like our practical life, how saranagati could be...?
- Is that considered attempting to become Krsna conscious, simply to give up, say, material sense enjoyment?
- Is there a difference in the quality of service between a person who is, just accepts outright Krsna, service to Krsna, and one who wants to scrutinize and inquire more and more about it?
- Is there such a thing as a sincere atheist... who benefits by austerity?
- Is this kind of extinction the purpose behind chastity (voluntary and complete chastity is the first step in asceticism or the denial of the will to live. It thereby denies the assertion of the will)?
- It is what? Sarva-dharman parityajya?
- No, but that is not a specific thing (Krsna's business). But if somebody's carrying out a particular duty, does he have to renounce that...?
- No, no. Stop this. Just try to understand. If you are not surrendered to me you have no right to ask me anything
- Now it's true that a soul must evolve through perhaps many lifetimes in order to reach the point at which he is ready to attempt renunciation. Right?
- On a social scale as well (the best method is to surrender unto Krsna, and all problems are solved)?
- Once you surrender to God, will you still have to look for an authority to guide you, or Krsna helps you to find Him?
- Only then he's Krsna conscious person (he has no other business than to serve Krsna)?
- Should we become detached from the results of our activities, or should we become simply attached to the Lotus Feet of Krishna?
- Sir, what is the difference between renunciation and surrender?
- So let's say someone is in a very degraded condition of life, modes of ignorance, passion. Their mind is always disturbed. Is surrender to Krsna.... Is it possible that it can be independent even of the mind?
- So one who has surrendered, what is his thinking and acting, how he lives in the world?
- So penance and austerity, that it is not really suffering? What does suffering involve?
- So what is the position of tyagis, persons who are simply trying to renounce material life? Do they... Are they considered on the devotional path, or do they have to fall down into lower species of life?
- So when we say that we have finished all responsibility by surrendering to Krsna, that doesn't mean that we've abandoned execution of duty, does it?
- Someone might say - But if one is surrendered why should Krsna give him trouble?
- Sometimes people ask, "If I surrender to God, give everything to God, then how will the state go on, how will the work, the factories, how would all that go on?
- Srila Prabhupada, then if I have Krsna's name and I understand that it is Krsna, then can I take it and go to the forest?
- Srila Prabhupada, what does it mean practically to surrender unto Krsna?
- Srila Prabhupada? Trying to satisfy Krsna's senses and not our own senses, that is the principle of renunciation. How can one develop and cultivate renunciation
- Srila Prabhupada?... What do we mean by renunciation?
- Suppose for one who's not completely surrendered, how will he make choices? For example, suppose that there seem to be two different ways of serving Krsna...
- Suppose I want to surrender to God, to Krsna. How I will do it?
- Supposing any person, he renounces everything, his material property, and if he just came to Krsna consciousness. Can he live?
- Swamiji, I get two thoughts. Number one: having acquired a family, I am willing to renounce, but would I not be running away from the responsibility, in the name of Lord Krsna, for the bringing up and educating the children?
- Swamiji, to be of service to Godhead is it necessary to renounce the regular life?
- The fact that you are not drinking for a year doesn't mean to say that you have overcome the intoxicant urge if that is in you, although you know it is wrong. But couldn't it be the difference between appearance and reality?
- The fifth scene is renunciation of household life... This is at age...? This is considerably later then. This is about ten years later
- Their (Transcendental Meditation) philosophy is that "If you continue meditating, one day automatically you'll give up these things. So why do it prematurely?"
- Then what was the necessity for the Pandavas to suffer when they had themselves surrendered to the Lord Krsna, and they have suffered?
- Then what you'll surrender?
- There are two, two functions in the tongue, one is (indistinct) and one is (indistinct)? So which one (indistinct). Preaching is a form of tapasya?
- There should be right surrender?
- There's also the story of that Maharaja Khatvanga, who found out that he only had a minute to live. What did he do, that he...? You say that he surrendered at once
- They will naturally perform some tapasya?
- They're forced to lead a very spartan way of life, though, aren't they? Why is this necessary?
- This idea of freedom and independence, is it possible for anyone theoretically to surrender to Krsna at any time?
- This surrender is made or it happens?
- To find sraddha, or faith to surrender. To surrender, one must have something to surrender to. What is that?
- To give up matter through the chanting of Hare Krsna, to make this contact by using the words of matter, how...?
- Was it difficult for you to give up what you had been doing in order to devote full time?
- We are eternally conditioned, but as soon as we surrender to Krishna do we then become eternally liberated?
- We see that every great saint personality has surrendered to Krsna, even Mahatma Gandhi?
- What about those who are just possessing enough to maintain their bodies?
- What happens when women are not subordinate to men?
- What is meant by absolute surrender? How are we to satisfy ourselves having done so?
- What is the "renounced order"?
- What is the beauty of having emptiness?
- What is the best way to gradually get them detached?
- What is the meaning of the giving up of the fruition of action?
- What is the necessity of renouncing everything?
- What is the ultimate goal of tapasya?
- What is the value of accepting this sacrifice for the human being? Can it be accepted as a kind of masochism?
- What should I do if I'd like to preach more and become free from my family entanglements?
- What's the meaning of surrender and how one should do it?
- When one is surrendering to Krsna, how does he discriminate between being tactful and, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, compromising in his speech?
- When the fruit comes, should we give it up?
- When we surrender that means we don't ask any question. So when we are inquisitive, then we ask more questions. How do we blend these two things?
- When you come into this movement, you come in from on the outside, in the material world and so on. Do you, as some monks do in monasteries, do you give all your wealth, all your possessions, everything, as it were, to the movement?
- When you say surrender, it means surrender of fruits of the action?
- Where is this consciousness of surrender come in human life? At what stage it can come?
- Why doesn't God force me to surrender?
- Why is it that a devotee falls down, that he wants to surrender to Krsna and again he falls back to the material world to become a false enjoyer?
- Why should I strive for something so difficult, such a philosophical understanding, when I can live very happily with this body?
- Why should we join your movement? Why should we give up studying such beautiful music and art and literature?
- Why shouldn't the word surrender be cancelled in the Bhagavad-gita where Krsna says to Arjuna, "You should give up all types of religion and surrender unto Me"? Why shouldn't this word be cancelled, the word surrender?
- Why we should sacrifice everything to Him?
- Would it not be better for them to leave the father and devote their status, instead, to the Lord?
- Yes, and if they receive-they'll take anything, they are so renounced. So isn't that more spiritual?
- Yesterday, you said that Krsna appreciates when a devotee accepts voluntary adversity. How do we know when we should accept this adversity?
- You can see the Deity as too strong, repressive, taking away your freedom, your own wishes and so you can come to hate the Deity
- You mean I should leave everything and start a farm?
- You say that we have a choice, that either we can surrender to Krsna, or we can remain under the control of the external energy. Those in the mode of passion and ignorance, do they have any choice?
- You were saying everyone is inquisitive for happiness, but shouldn't that be purified? Shouldn't we give up all desire for happiness?
- Your Grace, you said I needn't give up my job, but may I look forward to the time when I may give up my job?