Category:Questions On... Liberation, Salvation
Pages in category "Questions On... Liberation, Salvation"
The following 143 pages are in this category, out of 143 total.
- A devotee is only supposed to want service, and sometimes he very much wants to be liberated to be finished with all this difficulty, isn't it?
- A devotee must work for everybody's liberation?
- After death no death?
- Are they less fallen (the jivas in brahmajyoti) because they are doing some service by lighting it up?
- But as I understood it, you were encouraging death as a form of liberation. Isn't that my understanding? That that was the ideal?
- But how does this differ from the Hebrew scriptures? Hebrews also say the same thing, you know, that you have fallen down from the heaven and go back...?
- But Krsna will always be there if we want to go back?
- But those devotees will eventually go there. Those kind of devotees like devotees of Sita-Rama, they will also attain the spiritual sky in their various positions?
- Can I ask a question? Am I to understand that women cannot go back to Godhead without being reincarnated to the male?
- Can only a few pure devotees deliver others
- Can the desire to go back to Godhead be sense gratification?
- Can you explain the ways of papa-nirvanam?
- Can you please explain that it is our only way out for salvation?
- Could they (liberated souls) ever misuse it (their independence) ?
- Could you give them by name, the five kinds of liberation? In English?
- Demigods are not liberated?
- Did Kamsa also achieve the grace? He was immediately transferred to the spiritual planets after he was killed?
- Do (the jivas in vegetables that are offered to Krsna) they just get liberation or do they go directly to Krsna? They go to Krsna or do they only get liberation? Do they go to Goloka Vrndavana? What kind of liberation?
- Do the liberated souls also seek after this Krsna consciousness? Those who have become free
- Do we have to completely leave the world? We cannot stay within the world and sanctify ourselves?
- Do we have to liberate ourselves from karma in order to achieve Krsna?
- Do you just keep changing bodies indefinitely or does it end?
- Do you think that every human being will become liberated?
- Does a devotee lose some of his individuality in that...?
- Does belief in any scripture whatsoever, such as the Bible or Koran...? Does belief in any scripture lead to salvation?
- Does that (they will come, after much trouble, much enquiry, they will come to the same conclusion, vasudevah sarvam iti) mean that everybody is ultimately on the way back home? Back to Godhead?
- Does that mean that once one enters the material world, there's only progress in going back to Godhead, although it may be slow, over many lifetimes?
- Does the condition of being entrapped, enhance the understanding of liberation?
- Does the word nirvana mean Krsna?
- Has my soul ever been liberated? If I was once liberated...
- He gets the body? Does he get the body (Krsna's pure devotee, he's not in the material world. In the spiritual world)?
- He says there must be some higher knowledge that you know that can actually liberate people. He is looking for that. He wants to know what is that
- He says why do you put so much emphasis on the personalism after liberation because it seems like to him that the ideal perfect thing would be the unity rather than having something separate?
- He wants to know how can we live in this material world without becoming entangled?
- How can we get to Krsna? How do you get to Krsna?
- How can we relieve ourselves of material pain and live in spiritual pleasure?
- How can you get back to Godhead...?
- How do we attain our spiritual body?
- How do we free ourself from maya?
- How do you feel about self-expression, art, as a path back to Godhead?
- How do you measure your liberation from the laws of nature?
- How is it that after they (Devaki and Vasudeva) gave birth to Krsna this time they went back to Godhead?
- How these devotees are finding salvation for others?
- I don't understand. I don't see how man in one life can achieve a level of consciousness that he could sit with Krsna. Don't you have to go through a change, I mean, according to what you do in your life?
- If a neophyte devotee is with determination endeavoring for purification but he were to meet with death as he is still influenced by the lower modes, although he is seriously trying, then does he take another birth or does he go to Krsna?
- If all living entities were delivered by the Krsna consciousness movement, what would happen then? The universe would be devoid of living entities
- If Krsna is unlimited, why did he not manifest Himself all over the world so that all living entities would have equal chance to go back home?
- If one has fallen so far that he has taken the body of a fly or a mosquito, can he still return to Krsna?
- If one is fortunate enough to revive his natural position in the spiritual sky, how can he keep from falling down again?
- If that yogi quits his body in that condition (tad-gatena manasa pasyanti yam yogina), does he attain a Vaikuntha planet?
- If we have not already achieved perfection, then how can the soul achieve the perfection? It seems that he has to reincarnate slowly in time to achieve the perfection
- If we want we can come to the spiritual world and return? Fall down?
- If you chant Hare Krsna maha-mantra and not follow the regulations, not reading your books, can you go back to Godhead?
- If you must have a spiritual body in order to go back home, she asks, is it only with this Hare Krsna mantra and by taking prasada that we achieve that body?
- If you're devoted enough can you gain release from birth, death, and old age completely in one life?
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam you have said that... It's stated that Vyasadeva was afraid when Suta Gosvami was born that he would leave home because he was already a liberated soul
- In the case of Jaya and Vijaya, who fell down and took the role of demons, after three births as demons, they were supposed to go back to the spiritual world. So after the three births in this universe, were the same pastimes going on in other universes?
- Initiated devotee, and he follows those four regulative principles and chants sixteen rounds, will he go back to Godhead?
- Is a pure devotee eternally liberated and if so is he at any time a conditioned soul?
- Is getting the soul out from this awkward position of matter a higher understanding than understanding the soul by itself?
- Is it possible for a person to return to the spiritual world without taking initiation from a bona fide spiritual master?
- Is it possible for any spirit not ultimately, after his various transmigrations through bodies, is it possible for any spirit never to regain contact with the Lord?
- Is it possible for one to make it in this life? Is it possible that one falls down?
- Is it possible to achieve liberation with other religious...?
- Is it possible to escape the conditions of being in the body?
- Is it so, that in Srimad-Bhagavata it is also written, many really great men want to be here in Kali-yuga, because it is easier to be for salvation?
- Is that (in the morning, as soon as you get up, you remember that you have to do so many things. That means it was already there) just like the impersonalists? They go up into the brahma-jyotir, but they have desire. So they have to come back down
- Is that a guarantee for going home, if someone leaves their body in the dhama?
- Is the final goal of transcendence, then, immortality?
- Is there any example of this ascension into heaven? Didn't Arjuna...
- Is there any way for a Christian, without the help of a spiritual master, to reach the spiritual sky through believing in the words of Jesus Christ and trying to follow his teachings?
- Is this your last body? If so, how do you know?
- Isn't brahma-jyotir temporary in the fact that you can come back down to the earth? Back to the material world?
- It is said in the Bhagavad-gita that if one thinks at the time of death, if he thinks of Krsna, he goes to Krsna. What if one thinks of his spiritual master?
- It is said that once you achieve the Godhead, once you go back to Krsna, that you don't fall down. But it is also said that we come from there originally. If we came from there, how did we fall if we were already there?
- On one hand he says that we don't want to be delivered from this material ocean, we just want to serve. Then in one of the other slokas he pleads with Krsna to deliver him from this ocean of death and fix him up as one of the atoms of His lotus feet
- One can't become a universal being, but he can see the whole universe. Can you explain how that is?
- Otherwise, it's the same subtle body... (subtle body can be finished when you are liberated from material bondage)?
- Our desire to enjoy, we achieve these bodies; and our desire to achieve Krsna brings us to our natural position?
- Prabhupada, can a person go back to a spiritual planet without initiation?
- Prabhupada, can you explain a little more about Ratha-yatra? Anyone who takes part in Ratha-yatra, are they liberated?
- Prabhupada, how can one know whether he'll be going back home to Godhead in this life?
- Prabhupada, I read in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, Volume Three, that when one becomes a liberated soul, he attains perfect freedom, and even sometimes that freedom is on the same level as Krsna or even more than Krsna
- Prabhupada, you said that devotees, after becoming fully pious, have to take another birth in the material world and in somewhere where Krsna is performing His pastimes, before going back to Vaikuntha?
- She wants to know what's the best activity to perform to go back to Godhead
- She's asking does that mean that one does not integrate himself with the whole when he becomes evolved?
- So how can one be out of this cakra?
- So your question is whether one can enter this kingdom of God with this body?
- Soul will not merge into that light, Krsna's light?
- Srila Prabhupada, they think that liberation means that you can do anything you like, that you are free from any moral or ethic... ?
- Suppose someone is situated as Visnuduta. He may change his taste?
- Swamiji, if our rasa with Krsna is eternal, and we want to have the rasa of lover with Krsna, is it possible to change? If our rasa is like father to son, we can never become lover?
- Swamiji, is bhakti-marga enough to have liberation?
- Swamiji, there is no salvation for this country?
- Taking that person, when material things cease, what happens to him?
- That means those who are to follow you are not liberated?
- That's the whole idea of moksa (God, therefore, teaches us how to get out of this body)?
- The impersonalist in the brahma-jyotir, is his will in a dormant state also?
- The living entity can purify himself and become eligible to enter into the spiritual world and Krsna, but can he still fall as an expansion of the marginal energy?
- The nirvana conception of life is just before Brahman?
- The soul is going on always, changing one body to another body, then how the soul is liberated?
- Then again he will not get material body?
- Then what is the aim of bhakti if you are not going to merge with Paramatma?
- There is one difference between Eastern wisdom and Christian way to think that whereas in the Eastern way, we have to become rid of our body, to be liberate from our body, whereas Christian sense means to realize the spirit within the body?
- There's no question of independent liberation?
- They don't take their pleasure in being there in the brahma-jyotir?
- This is a question that sometimes a devotee has asked me. If a yogi does attain a Vaikuntha planet, but by his constitutional nature he is meant to be associated with Krsna in Goloka...
- This refers to someone who has attained Brahman realization, that he must fall down because he does not take shelter at Krsna's lotus feet. Does this also refer to someone who has attained Paramatma realization?
- We are eternally conditioned, but as soon as we surrender to Krishna do we then become eternally liberated?
- We leave the universe. But then we are associating directly with Krsna and Arjuna?
- Were they liberated souls? The thief?
- What determines whether a devotee goes to a Vaikuntha planet or to Goloka Vrndavana?
- What happens to the mind, intelligence and false ego when the soul is liberated?
- What is it all leading to? A state of liberation from material things?
- What is the easiest method of attaining moksa while in family life?
- What is the position of a person who takes to devotional service with the idea of liberation?
- What is your belief in eternal life, and how do you attain perfection to eternal life?
- What kind of liberation does the family of a pure devotee get?
- What kind of salvation?
- When Lord Christ appeared he seemed to be conditioned in his growth. Was he a specific incarnation or a conditioned soul who became liberated?
- When we get to the spiritual sky, we'll always be able to remember how horrible it is down here? We'll always be able to remember how terrible it is in the material world?
- Which is more important, to go back to Godhead or spread Krsna consciousness?
- Why did God arrange for the pleasures of sense gratification if He wants us to go back to home, back to Godhead?
- Why do we want to transcend?
- Why not we just let things take their natural course of events if everyone's going back to Godhead ultimately?
- Why, if the devotee is struggling very hard to be free of the clutches of Maya, then how can he not be interested in such liberation?
- Will not transcendence be an illusion too?
- Will there come a time when all these conditioned souls will become liberated?
- Yeah, within one material life (gain release from birth, death, and old age)? You necessarily don't have to return?
- Yes, we have lost. That is right. And we are gaining it again. The heaven is lost; heaven may be regained. (laughs) What is that, Milton's?
- You asked if we will remember the earth, when in Vrindaban...
- You very clearly explained to me once in a letter that if the spirit soul then goes into the brahma-jyotir, he is considered still fallen. Still fallen. Does that means the whole brahma-jyotir is composed of fallen souls?
- Your devotees say that you aim to get beyond the stage of material existence. I don't quite pick up what your process was for doing this, and could you tell me what the end result is once you do get beyond this
- Your Divine Grace, do you think that chanting the Hare Krsna mantra is the only way to achieve liberation?
- Your first question if someone has a relationship with Lord Krsna on Krsnaloka, does he ever fall down?