Jupiter | "Brhaspati-graha"
Pages in category "Jupiter"
The following 16 pages are in this category, out of 16 total.
- Above Angaraka by another 200,000 yojanas is the planet called Brhaspati-graha (Jupiter), which is always very favorable for qualified brahmanas. Above Brhaspati-graha is the planet Sanaiscara (Saturn), which is very inauspicious
- Above the sun planet, 1,600,000, there is the moon. And above that there is Venus, there is Jupiter, there is Mars - all difference of 1,600,000s of miles. So it is not possible to go to the moon planet
- According to the Vedic description of the planetary system, all the planets move from east to west. The sun, the moon and five other planets, such as Mars and Jupiter, orbit one above another
- At the time of the birth of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu the planets were situated as follows: Sani (Saturn) was in Vrscika-rasi (Scorpio) and Jyestha; Brhaspati (Jupiter) was in Dhanu-rasi (Sagittarius)
- Ominous planets such as Mars and Saturn shone brighter and surpassed the auspicious ones such as Mercury, Jupiter and Venus as well as a number of lunar mansions. Taking seemingly retrograde courses, the planets came in conflict with one another
- On the upper chin of the sisumara is Agasti; on its lower chin, Yamaraja; on its mouth, Mars; on its genitals, Saturn; on the back of its neck, Jupiter; on its chest, the sun; and within the core of its heart, Narayana
- Situated 1,600,000 miles above Jupiter, or 12,000,000 miles above earth, is the planet Saturn, which passes through one sign of the zodiac in thirty months and covers the entire zodiac circle in thirty Anuvatsaras
- Situated 1,600,000 miles above Mars, or 10,400,000 miles above earth, is the planet Jupiter, which travels through one sign of the zodiac within the period of a Parivatsara
- The hundreds and thousands of stars and the great planets such as the sun, the moon, Venus, Mercury, Mars and Jupiter are not clustered together because of the law of gravity or any similar idea of the modern scientists
- The moon planet is situated above the sun planet. They are not going to the moon planet; therefore they have stopped their propaganda. So above that moon planet there is Venus, there is Jupiter, there is Mars, and so many others
- These planets (such as the sun, the moon, Venus, Mercury, Mars and Jupiter) and stars are all servants of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Govinda or Krsna, and according to His order they sit in their chariots and travel in their respective orbits
- This planet (Jupiter) is always very inauspicious for the universal situation