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Pages in category "Dallas"
The following 41 pages are in this category, out of 41 total.
- I am always eager to hear that Gurukula is going well so be very vigilant that this program with the older boys in New Vrindaban as well as all levels of teaching at Dallas are just to the standard as I introduced it
- I am now on world tour. I left Bombay on Jan. 24th, 1975 and traveled to Hong Kong, Japan, Hawaii, Los Angeles, Mexico City, Caracas, Miami, Atlanta, Dallas, New York, London, and now I am at our Tehran center
- I am traveling all over the world. I am going to see how things are going in Dallas or New Vrindaban and another . . . so my touring is natural. I have started this movement. I want to see that it is going on nicely
- I do not wish that Gurukula should be closed down in Dallas. So you kindly arrange to send your child back to Gurukula. One thing is at least for the time being, you must arrange to pay the tuition for your child
- I have just received one letter from Mohanananda in Dallas and he wants to purchase a very large property very much suitable for our purpose
- I have just returned from Dallas Gurukula school, and the young students there require to learn Sanskrit language. So I think you may purchase minimum fifty copies of the primary Sanskrit book for learning Sanskrit language
- I have today informed my centers at New York and Dallas to receive Mr. & Mrs. Malkani and arrange for their accommodation
- I said from the very beginning that we should not move, but you proposed moving, so now you are proposing staying at Dallas. So it is all right, stay at Dallas and develop there
- If you go back to Dallas school and demonstrate to the other teachers there just the proper way to instruct and discipline the students nicely, that will be a great service
- In our school at Dallas, the students are learning English and Sanskrit, and through these two languages they are studying all our books, such as Srimad-Bhagavatam, Bhagavad-gita As It Is and The Nectar of Devotion
- ISKCON, International Society for Krishna, we have already opened a Gurukul in Dallas, Texas. There is much progress in that
- Not only one child. We have got hundreds of children in Dallas, they are being trained up. They are being trained up. They are becoming godly from the very beginning of life
- Now I am in Dallas and the climate here is very suitable with plenty of good sunshine. I shall remain here for a few days and if my health improves there will be no need for my going back to India
- Now that the Dallas Gurukula has been closed we have opened many smaller regional Gurukulas on some of our farming communities, such as our farms in Vancouver, Pennsylvania, and also Mississippi as well as others
- Now we are at the Dallas school and it is very nice place and just suitable for educating your son here when he becomes old enough, at least four or five years old
- On my world tour, I have received your letter redirected to New York City. I started from Bombay on the 24th of Jan., then via Hong Kong, Japan, Hawaii, Los Angeles, Mexico City, Caracas, Miami, Atlanta, Dallas, New York, and London
- Our children in Dallas school should be trained because I want that a new generation of devotees shall carry on this great mission successfully
- Raya continued speaking to Lord: I see before You a golden doll, & due to its presence Your complexion has become golden. Yet I see that Your complexion is dark. Will You please explain why I am seeing You in this way? Please tell me without reservation
- Regarding the ISKCON Gurukula presently situated in Dallas - The Gurukula must be based on the principle of renunciation; vairagya vidya nija bhakti yogam
- Small children, they learn better these things from their mother and women in general. So I thing that some mothers of our children should go to Dallas and take charge of teaching the children, especially how to play nicely the pastimes of young Krishna
- So far you are concerned, I am especially stressing the importance of our Dallas Gurukula for training up the next generation of Krishna Consciousness preachers. This is the most important task ahead
- Take the children to the temple every day and bring them up in Krishna Consciousness, and when they are old enough you may send them to our new school in Dallas. There is no question of losing father, now they shall have dozens of fathers and mothers
- That school (in Dallas) is very, very important business, and the best man must be found out for taking charge there and developing it nicely, and if he sticks and works hard to build it up, that will please me very much
- The importance of the school in Dallas cannot be overestimated, both for our ISKCON movement, and for the outsiders as well, indeed it is important for the whole world
- The important members of ISKCON should give careful attention to our Dallas school, where children are being taught Sanskrit and English to become perfect brahmanas
- Tomorrow I am going to Dallas because the weather here in Los Angeles is not good for my health. It is too cold and cloudy. So I am going to Dallas to get some sunshine. If the weather there is not suitable, I may come at once to Caracas
- We are creating a new generation for becoming devotee at Dallas
- We are teaching in our Dallas children simply to learn Sanskrit. They have nothing to do anything else. They are not going to be technologist or servant of everyone. No. We want some generation who can preach Krsna consciousness
- We have got our school, Dallas. We are teaching the small children to make the boys first-class men, as it is enunciated in the Bhagavad-gita, and woman to become very faithful and chaste. That's all
- We have opened our gurukula asrama in Dallas. We are teaching from the very beginning of life small children how to become brahmacari. That is required