Category:Philosophy of Krsna Consciousness
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Pages in category "Philosophy of Krsna Consciousness"
The following 132 pages are in this category, out of 132 total.
- If you want really peace, if you want to be happy, take to this philosophy, Krsna consciousness
- It has been our practical experience that the first instruction of our spiritual master infused us with Krsna consciousness so that now we are at least on the path of Krsna consciousness and can understand the philosophy
- Our philosophy of Krsna consciousness
- A great scientist who has physical knowledge of this fire, if he touches also fire, he'll get . . . he is also burnt. So Krsna consciousness is so nice that you accept without understanding any philosophy or science about it - this, it will act
- A person who is intelligent and able to understand the philosophy of Krsna consciousness naturally gives up everything and takes to the shelter of Krsna
- All devotees, especially preachers, must know the philosophy of Krsna consciousness so as not to be embarrassed and insulted when they preach
- All of the sentiments expressed in all of your letters are just according to the Vaisnava parampara. This means that you are understanding the Krishna Consciousness philosophy rightly and I am very pleased
- Anyone who understands the philosophy is benefited. It does not mean that a Krishna Conscious person has to leave a legacy as far as possible, but at the end it depends on a particular person's fortune to accept it or reject it
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura wanted that European and American people may understand the philosophy of Caitanya cult and take part in it. That was his desire
- BTG is especially meant to give some facility to our students, to train them to write articles on the philosophy of Krishna consciousness
- By the grace of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, you are trying to understand this Krsna consciousness philosophy, and there is no difficulty; everything is there in our Bhagavad-gita
- From any point of view, human society can be reformed by the Krsna consciousness movement; therefore one who spreads this philosophy of Krsna consciousness for the benefit of all conditioned souls in the universe is perfect in pure devotional service
- From Rayarama's letter it is clear that Kirtanananda has not rightly understood Krishna Consciousness philosophy & it appears that he does not know the difference between impersonal & personal features of Krishna
- Here is Lord Caitanya's order. Whether we do understand or not understand, if we simply submissively give aural reception to these messages of Krsna, then gradually we shall understand the whole philosophy and science of KC. This is the summary
- How can I give up anger? But I use anger only for Krsna. So we do not leave anything, but we utilize everything for Krsna. That is our Krsna consciousness philosophy
- I (Prabhupada) am sure if he sees me it will not be difficult to convince him about this Krsna Consciousness philosophy because after all he is your son. I do not know his present address, otherwise I would have called him here directly
- I am especially enthusiastic for our Krishna Consciousness philosophy or the teachings of Lord Caitanya to be advanced for the benefit of the learned circle and in this connection your well received expose at the university is encouraging
- I am glad that you attended our class at Montreal and tried to understand the philosophy of Krishna Consciousness. It is neither sectarian nor dogmatic
- I am glad to hear that you are determined to fight maya and take up this Krishna Consciousness philosophy. So go on reading my books and attending the temple regularly. By this process your spiritual life will develop
- I am so glad to learn that you are an educated boy and coming to our Temple and trying to understand our Krishna Consciousness philosophy very seriously. It is very good sign. Try to continue this attitude
- I am so much pleased that you are studying seriously our Krishna Consciousness philosophy. Please continue with your sincere efforts for Krishna
- I am very glad that you are preaching steadily our Krishna Conscious philosophy and this should be done in defiance of all the atheistic propagandas which are so much current
- I am very glad that you are seriously trying to understand our Krishna consciousness philosophy
- I am very glad to see you in this temple. Please try to understand our philosophy of Krsna consciousness. We have got books, and at the same time we have got the simple method, chanting of Hare Krsna, in which even a small child can take part
- I am very much pleased to learn that you are trying to find out some place where I can give two or three times a week lecture-classes to university students in the philosophy of Krishna Consciousness or Bhagawat Dharma
- I appreciate your sincere interest in this Krishna Conscious philosophy and this Sankirtana movement of Lord Caitanya. I have also heard how you typed Sri Sri Brahma Samhita and I am very pleased with your sincere service
- I beg to inform you that many of my American disciples have become seriously interested in the philosophy of Krishna Conscious. They want to come to Vrindaban to study the Krishna philosophy as authorized and explained by the Gosvamis
- I wish to leave some of my spiritual children who have so kindly joined me in faith and respect so that they may work, and this philosophy of Krishna Consciousness may be broadcast all over the world
- I've written many books already which are full of different aspects of this deep philosophy of Krishna Consciousness. I request you to study them carefully & you'll find a treasure house of scientific information in relation to the ultimate goal of life
- If one takes to this philosophy of Krsna consciousness and develops love of Godhead, then he can see God at every moment, in every step, in every thing. He's not, for a single moment, is out of the sight of God
- If people accept this philosophy of Krsna consciousness, then the reflection - this material world is the reflection of the spiritual world - everything will be satisfactory, everything will be peaceful, everything will be glorious
- If the parents of our devotees study the philosophy of Krishna consciousness there is no doubt they will benefit equally as their children are now doing
- If the people of the world accepts this philosophy, Krsna consciousness, there is no more higher and lower level. Samah sarvesu bhutesu (BG 18.54). Samah means equal - all living entities on the same level
- If the world is false, why are they attracted to welfare activities? The philosophy of Krsna consciousness maintains that this world is not false but that it is temporary
- If this philosophy (Krsna consciousness) is accepted, the failure of the United Nations to unite all nations will be sufficiently compensated all over the world by a great Krsna consciousness movement
- If you do not know the philosophy of Krsna consciousness, if you simply mark your body with tilaka and kanthi, then you are not proper servant, you are not qualified
- If you do not take Krsna consciousness seriously in this human form of life, then you must know that you are drinking poison knowingly. Don't neglect it. Try to understand. It is based on science, philosophy, sastra, knowledge. It is not a blind faith
- If you don't believe in the simple method, if you want to understand this philosophy through science and philosophy, we have got books, about one dozen books, four hundred pages each, to explain this science of chanting Hare Krsna mantra
- If you follow the prohibitive rules: no meat eating; no intoxication, no illicit sex life & no gambling & regularly chant 16 rounds of beads daily & try to understand this philosophy by reading our books, then surely you will make rapid advancement in KC
- If you study my books very carefully, then I am sure you will find out the means for applying this Krsna Consciousness philosophy in all spheres of life. There is no limitation. Simply it requires a little common sense practicality
- If you want to tender the highest humanitarian service, you should all be conversant with God consciousness and raise people to understand this philosophy
- In Africa, in Australia, in Canada, in Europe, in Asia - everywhere - as soon as they are understanding this (KC) philosophy, they are joining this movement. And it is not very difficult. We don't charge anything for selling Hare Krsna mantra
- In my books I have tried to explain clearly this simultaneously one and different philosophy acinta beda beda tattva propounded by Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. But sometimes it happens that this philosophy is given a self-interested interpretation
- In my books the philosophy of Krishna Consciousness is explained fully so if there is anything which you do not understand, then you simply have to read again and again
- In order to remain steadily fixed in Krishna consciousness there must be a sound philosophical understanding. Otherwise it will become only sentiment
- In our books there is no biography of anyone. We are interested in the philosophy. It is called vijnana, science
- In the human society, this is not meant for working so hard, like an ass, like an hog, simply for sense gratification. This is Krsna consciousness philosophy. Nayam deho deha-bhajam nrloke
- Inform them: "Take this Krsna consciousness philosophy. Your nationality will be first class."
- It is fact: if one is fortunate enough, then he can understand this Krsna consciousness philosophy by the grace of Krsna and guru
- It is my ambition, as foretold by Lord Caitanya, that the people of the world will be happy under the banner of Krishna Consciousness, and let us try our best for this greatest philosophy of life
- It is not a question of following this religion of that religion. It is a question of philosophy of life. Our Krishna consciousness philosophy is practical, easier, and based on sound reasoning and philosophy
- It is not that we merge into that consciousness. In one sense we "merge," but still we keep our individuality. That is the difference between impersonalist philosophy and Krsna conscious philosophy
- It is not the philosophy of this Krsna consciousness movement to disengage people from their activities. One should engage in his occupation, but one should never forget Krsna
- Krsna consciousness is not for the fools. It is not for the fools. Highly intelligent class of man, he can understand the philosophical aspect of Krsna consciousness. But the thing is so attractive that even a child, even a fool is attracted
- Krsna Consciousness is the topmost philosophy also, the highest knowledge of educational experience, so try to impress this aspect of offering the perfect scientific understanding of everything as it is, not the temporary and unsatisfactory
- Krsna is just like sunlight, and maya is just like darkness. So what darkness will do in sunlight? You keep yourself in sunlight, darkness will fail to act upon you. This is the whole philosophy of Krsna consciousness
- Not understanding properly the philosophy of Krsna consciousness, even by sentiment - "Let me also dance and chant like these people, the saffron-colored, shaved-head people are doing. Let me do that" - so once dancing with them will never go in vain
- Now you apply yourself to this task very seriously and become learned in all the aspects of our Krishna Consciousness philosophy and take this opportunity in this lifetime to go back to Home, back to Godhead. That is my request
- One should give up the artificial process of philosophical speculation to arrive at the real goal of life, but one should submissively hear about the philosophy of KC, which is generally inculcated in Srimad Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam
- One who joins with an ulterior purpose, to get material benefit or personal gratification, will never be able to grasp the philosophy of this (Krsna consciousness) movement
- Our Krsna consciousness philosophy, is not based on this platform, that plant life is not sensitive and animal life is more sensitive or human life is more sensitive
- Our philosophy of Krsna consciousness is the same, but instead of becoming one with Krsna, we depend on Krsna. That is actual oneness
- Our request is that don't take this (KC) movement as very sentimental or insignificant, it is the greatest science, greatest philosophy. Try to cooperate with us and you will be happy
- Our system is very simple, and at the same time very hard also. It is very hard for the unfortunate, but for the fortunate it is very easy. There is no difficulty to accept this philosophy
- Please print as many books as possible, this is my real pleasure. By printing these books of our Krsna Conscious philosophy in so many different languages we can actually inject our movement into the masses of persons all over the world
- Please try to understand the philosophy of Krsna Consciousness in a nutshell: Every living entity has a dormant propensity to love somebody other who is very excellent in his opinion
- So far Krsna Consciousness philosophy is concerned, it is now tested by my last three years' experiment that this philosophy will be accepted in any part of the world irrespective of caste, creed, color, and language
- So that philosophy, Krsna consciousness, we are trying to distribute all over the world, and they are accepting. This is the first time in the history of the world that foreigners, they are becoming devotees of Krsna
- So try to understand this philosophy of Krishna Consciousness by reading our books and literatures, discussing amongst the devotees and chanting Hare Krishna Mantra as much as possible
- Take this (Krsna Consciousness) philosophy nicely, understand it, and preach. You will be victorious everywhere. Because we can challenge anyone. If you know the trick, Krsna consciousness, you can challenge
- Thank you for understanding this Krsna Consciousness philosophy more and more. Now that you have a little taste, kindly keep it as the most valuable asset of life
- That is the sublime philosophy of Krishna Consciousness understanding; implicit faith in Krishna and Spiritual Master. This will make your steady progress towards the Ultimate Goal of back to Home, back to Godhead
- The "communal form of Krsna Consciousness" which you mention is not approved by me. It is all concoction. My Guru Maharaja condemned this practice. We must stay together and vigorously preach the Krsna Consciousness philosophy to the world
- The difficulty is that people are not educated to understand this simple philosophy. They think that advancement of civilization means increasing sense gratification
- The first day I arrived we had talks about two hours with the Beatles, but because they are materially very rich, it is little difficult for them to understand Krishna Consciousness philosophy
- The Pancaratra system includes methods of temple worship, and the Bhagavata system includes the spreading of Krsna conscious philosophy through the recitation of Srimad-Bhagavatam and the discussion of philosophy with people who are interested
- The philosophy is very simple, but unless one is fit or appropriate person, he cannot understand. No. So in the material world we are materially diseased; therefore it is very difficult for us to understand this Krsna consciousness philosophy
- The philosophy of Krsna consciousness is to become the servant of the servant of the servant of the Lord
- The preachers of the Krsna consciousness movement go from town to town, village to village. Why? What is their purpose? To preach, to chant, so that people may get the opportunity to hear this philosophy and take it seriously - grnanti
- There are thousands of my disciples, European and American; their background is not Hindu culture, and still they are accepting this Krishna Consciousness philosophy
- There is direct process. But if somebody wants to understand this Krsna consciousness philosophy through Vedanta philosophy, through Upanisads, so they are prepared. They are prepared. Therefore we are publishing so many books
- There is immense potency of preaching the philosophy of KC under the guidance of Lord Caitanya, and I wish that all my Godbrothers should go to different parts of the world and preach this sublime message everywhere, because that is the His desire
- There is no department of knowledge how the living entities are working, how they are being transmigrated, they are falling down. A very risky civilization. So people should try to understand this KC philosophy very seriously if they want their own good
- They (British people) had very good opportunity. Still they have got opportunity. So my request is that let us study this philosophy and science and if possible introduce it to the human society. That is our proposal
- They (materialistic persons) admit themselves into some cultural institution for the sake of name only, especially in this age. Such persons also cannot understand the philosophy of Krsna consciousness
- This (the glorification of the holy name of God) is found in the Sixth Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam, an epic work by Vyasadeva describing the pastimes of Lord Krsna and elaborating on the philosophy of Krsna consciousness
- This chanting of Hare Krsna is transcendental vibration, sound. Sound is the origin of all creation. So this transcendental sound, if you vibrate, you will understand very quickly this philosophy of Krsna consciousness
- This college program is very good, and you should continue in this way, giving all these student an opportunity to learn this Krishna consciousness philosophy and culture
- This important instruction by Lord Krsna to the gopis can be utilized by all devotees engaged in Krsna consciousness. The whole philosophy is considered on the basis of inconceivable, simultaneous oneness and difference
- This is our philosophy, Krsna consciousness preaching. You don’t require any high type of philosophical speculation or this or this ism, that ism, that ism - no. Simple truth. That’s all
- This is the outlines of the philosophy, that people, without knowledge of his identification, they are misled, being misled. And that is very risky
- This KC movement through music, philosophy, spiritual culture, and personal behavior culminating in ideal character of the devotees. All these heavenly contributions combined together will certainly bring about a major change in the life of Western people
- This KC, it is not a blind faith, it is based on reason, it is based on argument, it is based on philosophy, it is based on authority. So the faith required. If I purposely draw my faith without any reason, without any philosophy, then I am unfortunate
- This Krsna consciousness movement is better engagement of life. So as soon as one understands this philosophy, he gives up the lower engagement and comes to this Krsna consciousness
- This Krsna consciousness movement is meant for the rascal number one, & we always canvassing, soliciting, "Please take to this." Not that we have invented something. As Krsna said to Arjuna that - This philosophy, this Krsna consciousness philosophy
- This Krsna consciousness philosophy includes spiritual variety. People sometimes misunderstand this variety to be material, and they hanker for nirvisesa, nirakara, void
- This Krsna consciousness philosophy is very bona fide and most essential philosophy. Madman cannot understand, but that does not mean the process of treatment should be stopped. No
- This Krsna consciousness philosophy is very easy because we do not manufacture ideas. We take the ideas and the words delivered by the Supreme Person, Krsna, or His incarnation or representative
- Those who are completely established in Krsna conscious philosophy and who therefore understand the aim of life will never take to the activities of the materialistic dog race
- Those who are in the lower status, they have not developed such consciousness that, "I have to preach the philosophy of God consciousness or Krsna consciousness to others." They are simply satisfied themself
- Those who are interested in the science and philosophy of Krsna consciousness, they can read all these books. Otherwise, one can chant Hare Krsna. That will also help
- To understand Krsna is not so easy, but if you follow the mahajana, if you try to understand the philosophy through the parampara system, then you'll realize Krsna and your life will be successful
- Try to understand the philosophy and the science of Krsna consciousness. Don't be misled by sense gratification
- Try to understand the philosophy of Krsna consciousness movement. And even though you have no time to understand this philosophy through books of knowledge, you can simply join with us for chanting and dancing this Hare Krsna mantra
- Try to understand this philosophy. Don't be mislead. It is not a sectarian religion. It is the fact. Nitya-siddha krsna-bhakti sadhya kabhu naya - CC Madhya 22.107
- We are not sentimental, simply chanting and dancing. We have got more than two thousand volumes of books. If you want to learn it through science, philosophy, it is also there. Otherwise, the simple method - simply chant Hare Krsna
- We are offering to everyone everything that is nice: nice food, nice family life, nice music, nice philosophy, nice association. Only a rascal will not accept this gift of Krishna Consciousness
- We are trying our humble way to give this knowledge to the world. That is Krsna consciousness movement. And our request to everyone is that "You try to understand the philosophy and cooperate"
- We can create Vrndavana by the mercy of Krsna, if we chant Hare Krsna. Perfect this Krsna consciousness; try to understand the philosophy behind it. It is a science, not a bluff. We can speak from any angle of vision
- We discuss this Bhagavad-gita only for understanding that we are not blindly following a principle. It is a science. It is based on philosophy and science. But we have made the process easy, that's all, by following great stalwart personalities
- We must stay together and vigorously preach the Krsna Consciousness philosophy to the world. That is the real spirit of Lord Caitanya's Movement
- We put this philosophy (Krsna consciousness) to your judgement, and you judge it scrutinizingly with your all intellects, and you'll find it sublime. And if you find it sublime, then why not put it to the world?
- We request you all to come every day and try to understand this philosophy of Krsna consciousness based on Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, Vedanta-sutra, Ramayana, Mahabharata, all authentic scriptures
- When a person is not contaminated by the above-mentioned faults yet at the ultimate issue is not interested in the service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, or if he is a nondevotee, he also cannot understand the philosophy of Krsna consciousness
- When these young boys are fully ready, vast preaching will take place in these Western countries through them. I remind them that I am old. "At any time I may have to say namaskara to Yamaraja, so you all try to understand this KC philosophy properly"
- When you drive your car you always chant "Hare Krishna" and when I was by your side I could understand how heartily you have accepted the philosophy of Krishna Consciousness. Krishna is very kind to all but He is especially kind to his sincere devotees
- Without being trained in the philosophy of Krsna consciousness, it is not advisable to chant the holy name of Krsna in a secluded place where one may acquire only cheap adoration from the innocent public. BG 1972 purports
- You are all fortunate, or you are so kind, that you have joined this movement despite all these obstacles in this country. Not in this; all over the world. So don't be disappointed. Go on preaching this philosophy of Krsna consciousness
- You are all intelligent boys and girls. You try to understand this Krsna consciousness philosophy with all your reason or argument. But try to understand it seriously. Don't make it a farce. That is the object of life
- You are an intelligent boy, and I want to train you very nicely so that you will be able to preach this great Krishna Conscious philosophy with conviction, and help to deliver all the spiritually-starving souls in this age
- You are intelligent boys and girls. You have taken this Krsna consciousness movement. Try to understand more philosophically and distribute all over the world. That is my request
- You can take part in such classes and present the subject matter in such a way that it may at first appear like socio-political-philosophical affairs, but actually introduce our Krishna Consciousness philosophy. That requires tactful handling
- Your quotations from our Vaisnava sastras are very nice and I request you thoroughly to study all of our literatures very thoughtfully and try to understand the sublime import of this Krishna consciousness philosophy