Category:Pacific Ocean
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Pages in category "Pacific Ocean"
The following 51 pages are in this category, out of 51 total.
- A frog in a well was informed of the gigantic Pacific Ocean, and he began to puff himself up in order to understand or measure the length and breadth of the Pacific Ocean. Ultimately the frog burst and died
- A frog lives in a well, three feet, that's all. So if he's informed that there is Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, he becomes surprised - "How is that? What is that Pacific Ocean?" he will ask. He will try to measure Pacific Ocean from the well
- Because we are now in the material world, we do not see Krsna directly. Nonetheless, we can see Him indirectly. For example, if one sees the Pacific Ocean one can remember Krsna immediately, if one is advanced in spiritual life. This is called meditation
- Because we have got very limited knowledge. Atmavat manyate jagat. The same Dr. Frog. Dr. Frog is calculating in his own way, and he is puzzled how there can be an Atlantic Ocean or Pacific Ocean. Because he has never experienced, he has no idea
- By nature's law, by God's order, it (Pacific Ocean) does not come beyond its limit. Within the limit it is. But Caitanya Mahaprabhu says that there is an ocean of transcendental bliss, which is increasing
- Foolish policy. Just like the deaf man, he thinks everyone is deaf. You know that? This is psychology. Deaf man will think that everyone is deaf. Broadcast radio message in the Pacific Ocean, the aquatics they do not reply, that means there is no life?
- Frog may think himself that, "I am the proprietor of this well," but that will not give him right information what is Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean. Not only one, but there are millions and trillions of Pacific Oceans floating in the air
- I very much approve of your traveling widely throughout South Pacific, Australia, New Zealand zone, now you give all of the temple presidents your expert instructions and train them
- I was insisting, South Pacific organization
- If one thinks, "This mountain is the bone of Krsna," or if one thinks of the vast Pacific Ocean as Krsna's navel, one is in Krsna consciousness. Similarly, one may think of the trees and plants as the hairs on Krsna's body
- If you have got opportunity to travel and hold kirtana with your music group over the South Pacific, why not take advantage?
- In comparison to the universe there are millions and trillions of Pacific Oceans floating in the sky. So what is this Pacific Ocean in comparison to the universe
- In Nabadwip Dhama there is a railroad station called Samudragarh, and it is said that sometimes the ocean was there. So, on the Pacific Ocean, if you can establish New Nabadwip, that will be a great achievement
- In our idea, because we are very teeny, we can see this Pacific Ocean before us - "the greatest." But even in comparison to the universe, it is not even a drop of water
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam the material world is compared to a great ocean. Within this material universe there are millions and billions of planets floating in space, and we can just imagine how many Atlantic and pacific Oceans are there
- In this way (thinking waves cannot go beyond limit by Krsna's order) one can immediately remember Krsna, or God, who is so powerful that even the Pacific Ocean abides by His order. In this way one can think of Krsna, and that is Krsna consciousness
- It doesn't matter you are a very great swimmer. When you are in the Pacific Ocean, you are in danger. So similarly, when that very man is taken away from the Pacific Ocean and put into the land, then he becomes prasannatma, - Oh, I am saved
- It is my ambition that I want to establish at least 108 centers; beginning from Hamburg, crossing over the Atlantic to your country, USA, then the Pacific, covering Hawaii and reaching to Tokyo, Japan
- Madhudvisa is GBC man for South Pacific zone, so his direction must be followed by everyone and all of the devotees there should address their problems to him for his consideration
- Maharaja Yudhisthira ruled over the earth. Now, it is clearly stated, paridhyupantam: "Up to the limit of the seas." That means all the seas - the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, the biggest oceans, the Indian Ocean. That means the whole world
- Once upon a time they churned the whole ocean. The pot is the ocean, the Pacific Ocean, and the rod is Mandaracala Hill. And one side, the asuras, and the other side, the suras
- One may think, "The Pacific Ocean is such a vast mass of water, with many large waves, but although I am standing only a few yards from it, I am confident that I am safe
- Pacific Ocean is an insignificant drop of water within this material universe. Just like Caitanya Mahaprabhu said that this universe is just like a small mustard seed in the bag of a mustard seed
- Persons who cannot think of anything beyond the limit of their own power are like frogs in a well who cannot imagine the length and breadth of the great Pacific Ocean
- The attempt of the tillers in the paddy field to understand the cosmic manifestation and the cause behind such wonderful work can be compared to the endeavor of the frog in the well to calculate the measurement of the Pacific Ocean
- The frog-philosopher wanted to estimate the length and breadth of the Pacific Ocean by his experience of a well three cubic feet large, and he began to puff himself up to become as big as the Pacific Ocean, but at last he burst and died by this process
- There are millions and trillions of Pacific Ocean floating in the sky. That is God's creation
- There are millions of Pacific Ocean flying in the sky. So who is the proprietor? Sarva-loka-mahesvaram. Krsna says, "I am." You are not proprietor
- There are millions of planets, and there are millions of Atlantic and Pacific oceans. So who created this water with hydrogen and oxygen, and how it was supplied? That is our question
- There is a vast amount of water in the Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean. What quantity of chemicals was required? How many tons? So who supplied it? Somebody must have supplied it. So that is science. You can teach like that
- These philosophers, like the frog in the well who tried to estimate the measurement of the Pacific Ocean, like to take trouble over fruitless mental speculation instead of taking instructions from devotees like the original poet, namely, Brahma
- This Pacific Ocean is only one, insignificant. There are millions of Pacific Ocean flying in the sky. So who is the proprietor
- To our idea, we are thinking it (Pacific Ocean) is the greatest. This is called relative truth. This is scientifically truth, Professor Einstein's theory, relativity
- We are in the midst of the Pacific Ocean of this mayika world. Samsara-samudra. It is called samudra. So at any moment our boat can be topsy-turvied if we have no controlling power
- We ask every day, Who is the proprietor of the sea? They do not know. But Krsna said, I am the proprietor, sarva-loka-mahesvaram, not only of this sea. This Pacific Ocean is only one, insignificant. There are millions of Pacific Ocean flying in the sky
- We have explained several times. Kupa-manduka-nyaya. The frog within the well, he is calculating the dimension of Pacific Ocean. So by this dog, frog philosophical way, we can, we cannot understand what is God
- We have got these two big oceans, Atlantic and Pacific ocean. Just imagine that within this universe, millions and millions of planets are floating. How many Atlantic and Pacific oceans are there you can just imagine
- We have walked on the sea beach. So just at ten, one, three feet, away the big ocean, Pacific Ocean is . . . but we are certain that this Pacific Ocean cannot come beyond this limit. How we are certain? Because there is the order of Krsna
- We think something very great or greatest according to our capacity of understanding. We are very teeny, so we think that this Pacific Ocean, the greatest. The frog philosophy
- When coming from San Francisco I promised to Janaki and other girls that this time when I come back I shall first come to San Francisco. So I shall return by Pacific route and possibly make a break in the journey in Tokyo and Hawaii
- When there are very forceful currents in the river and some animal is thrown in, it will be washed away. Similarly, we are being washed away by the currents of material nature, which come one after another like big waves in the Pacific Ocean
- When we walk on the beach we are confident that although the Pacific Ocean is a great, vast mass of water, but we are certain it cannot come up to this. It is limited by the order of God: "You cannot go beyond this." So there is no vardhanam
- You cannot manufacture water unless you have hydrogen and oxygen. So, here is a vast - not only this Atlantic or Pacific: there are millions of planets, and there are millions of Atlantic and Pacific oceans
- You have got the quality of creative power, but you cannot compare yourself with the creative power of God. That is not possible. You can create in the laboratory, say, one pound of water, by mixing hydrogen and oxygen, but God has created Pacific Ocean
- You organize the center in such a way that we can in future open centers in Hong Kong, Tokyo, Fiji, Bangkok, Sydney, and New Zealand, and all neighboring Pacific islands
- You'll find in the Pacific Ocean in your front, the waves are constantly coming. It is never satiated. So Krsna's incarnation are also like that: incessantly coming, one after another. advaitam acyutam anadim ananta-rupam