Category:Questions On... Other Planets
This category contains questions dealing with other planets, in either the material world or spiritual world
Pages in category "Questions On... Other Planets"
The following 138 pages are in this category, out of 138 total.
- Above the world or in the world (is there any hell)?
- According to the Bhagavatam, the sun is also 93,000,000 miles away from the earth?
- Also different planets (for the 400,000 different species of human life)?
- And it (the moon) does not go all around other planets?
- Are Siddha-lokas like angels, Prabhupada?
- Are the moon's phases due to the planet Rahu, Srila Prabhupada?
- Are there any other earthly planets of this type where human beings are staying? Why the information is not given about that? About the other earthly planets also (why not? In Bhagavata there is all information)?
- Are there different Kailasa-dhamas like is there any Kailasa-dhama in a particular universe also?
- Are there lines of disciplic succession on planets all over the universe or only on these middle planets, like Earth?
- Are they (the stars) self-luminating like the moon?
- Aren't the planets in this universe the sun's energy, a product of the sun's energy?
- But do they (men living in other planets) not come here sometimes to visit us or we cannot go there?
- But does that light (coming from the snakes which have got jewel on the head) also keep them healthy (the people in those seven other planets where the sunshine does not go)?
- But it's possible that an animal may disappear from one planet, but still be on another planet, though, like that?
- But what if you are reincarnated into other planets? Is it less painful, or is it the same procedure?
- But what is that sun?
- Did the people who said they went to the moon, did they go to another planet?
- Did they go to some other planet (than the moon), Prabhupada?
- Do the rays of the sun actually take away our life?
- Do the Vedic histories refer to this planet only?
- Do you feel that astronauts did land somewhere, but it was some other planet?
- Do you mean (in the sky there are millions of miles land of copper, gold) other planets, Srila Prabhupada?
- Does it have to do anything with the distance? As the sun is recorded first (nobody could answer, a simple question... According to Vedic astronomical calculations, sun is first)?
- Does Jesus Christ reside in the Vaikunthas or Brahmaloka?
- Does Krsna speak the Bhagavad-gita in the hellish planets?
- Does such a comet (comet Kohoutek) affect consciousness as well as matter?
- Does that (it is stated in the Bhagavata, the moon is 1,600,000 miles...) mean that the earth is farther from the moon than from the sun?
- Does that means all the planets are fixed in relationship to each other as well (Gita says, urdhva-mulam adhah-sakham. The pole-star in the... And we see at night everything is moving. As a bunch it is moving)?
- Does the heat of the sun increase or decrease through the ages?
- He (Vivasvan) will stay as long as the sun... He is present?
- How are they able to perpetuate such an enormous hoax (ask all scientists this simple question. Why, all over the world, Sunday, sun first and moon second? Why? And Saturday last. All of you could not answer this question)?
- How can any body live in the sun?
- How can I explain how the light and heat from the single sun in this universe is able to reach so far? Is it a question of the receptivity of different planets?
- How can the sun itself be different from it's energy?
- How does it attack (Rahu planet comes to attack the sun and the moon)?
- How is it that they made such a big mistake (there are many planets invisible. So there is a Rahu planet which comes in front of the moon planet, and that is called eclipse. I think they are going to that Rahu planet, not to the moon planet)?
- How is the Ganges flowing through the planetary systems?
- How is the moon behind the sun?
- How long would the planets float if it was put in the hands of a scientist?
- How many brilliant stars are there in this Universe?
- I have read in your Easy Journey to Other Planets that no matter how many endeavors they make, they will never reach these other planets. Is this...?
- I remember reading that Krsna told Arjuna he can go to the sun planet by worshiping Him. Why does He say that?
- If the planets, they have always been floating, but the stones of Lord Ramacandra has put in the ocean, they are still not... Where are they?
- If you come to the Brahmaloka, do you have to come back to the earth planet?
- In each universe there is a Vrndavana and a Mayapur. That means in each universe there's a planet earth like this planet?
- In our planetarium, Srila Prabhupada, we want to actually show the different qualities of life on the different planetary systems also?
- In Siddhaloka there are angels? That means angels?
- In Vrndavana you were explaining about the sun, that the sun is not fire, but the living entities there have glowing bodies. So how do they glow?
- In your books you talk about Brahmaloka, which, I suppose is heaven
- In your teachings you say the sun is the only self-illuminous body in the universe, whereas the scientists say that there is many millions of stars that are in the sky that are also self-illuminous
- Is (the polestar) the center of the universe?
- Is it cheating to teach that it is supposed that the sun is 93,000,000 miles away?
- Is it possible to do some experiments (everywhere there is living entity. It is impossible to conclude that on other planets there is no living entity. It is not possible)?
- Is it possible to visit other planets?
- Is that Rahu planet closer than the moon to the earth?
- Is the earth also spinning?... Or is it simply the sun's movements that causes the day and night, everything?
- Is the sun going around the earth?
- Is the sun to be considered a representation of God?
- Is their calculation for the distance of the sun wrong also?
- Is there a Christ-loka?
- Is there a difference between...? Just like we have fire here, is it different from the glowing there (the sun)? You said the sun is not fire
- Is there Deity worship on other planets?
- Is this continual reincarnation only occurring on this earth, or does it occur on other planets?
- Is this isolation a characteristic only of the lower and middle planetary systems? In the higher planetary system, systems, is there so much isolation?
- It says in the Bhagavatam exactly what the distance (of the sun)?
- On the Viraja River? That is where Kailasa-dhama is
- On this planet we have certain elements, like iron, water, or sand. Could there be other elements on other planets, new elements?
- One devotee asked me, "If the scientists don't know anything about the universe, then how is it they can predict exactly when there is going to be an eclipse of the sun or the moon for hundreds of years in advance?"
- Only hell is located in one place or a prada(?) is located in another place? Do you think so, Swamiji?
- She asks you where these hellish worlds are?
- She wants to know how we know this (that the hellish worlds, are different planets)?
- So how can you prove that (the different planets' situation)?
- So I'm wondering how Lord Caitanya's movement is going on on other planets other than this planet. Is there some organized sankirtana?
- So it (Rahu planet) is bigger than the sun?
- So just by becoming first-class men you can go to the heavenly planets?
- So Rahu covers sometimes the sun and sometimes the moon?
- So the sun is the center (of the universe) or the polestar?
- So we would not be able to see any traces of a civilization (in heavenly planets)?
- So, if ordinary man went to some other planet through his sputnik, would he be able to see the demigods?
- Srila Prabhupada, are the planets shaped liked balls or more like plates? Because they're called dvipas, "islands." Their roundness is the roundness of a plate or like a ball?
- Srila Prabhupada, at night, when we see in the sky that moon, that is the same moon that is above the sun?
- Srila Prabhupada, do we say that they've gone to Rahu simply to placate them?
- Srila Prabhupada, if the kings were taught to govern the whole universe, does that mean all the worlds, all the worlds in the universe?
- Srila Prabhupada, what is your explanation why the sun changes colors?
- Swamiji, is there any hell, or rather this is hell...?
- That (Brahmaloka) is actually a physical planet?
- That means the distance, then, from the earth (distance, whatever it may be. But the sun is first, then moon, then Mars, then Jupiter, then like that)?
- That there is another world and that you go there or you come back and all. This is a belief, isn't it?
- That's the point, what we have seen about this planet (you've explained that even if not here then it (dinosaurs) must be on another planet)?
- The comet doesn't really bring the bad effect. It simply is a symptom. Is that it?
- The earth and the sun are always the same distance apart?
- The higher planetary systems are closest to the sun?
- The highest is Satyaloka, no?
- The moon's glowing is due to reflecting the sun or it is fiery just like the sun (but with a cooling atmosphere around it)?
- The seven planetary systems, do they correspond to the seven colors and the seven jewels of the yogi?
- The sun doesn't change?
- The sun is a reflection of the brahma-jyotir?
- The sun is different than Vivasvan?
- The upper planetary systems, are they bigger than the lower ones? In other words, sun is bigger than the earth, the moon is bigger...
- The Visnudutas, they had spiritual bodies, spiritual forms. Are they traveling through all the planets or only where there are devotees?
- Their body have..., they have wings (there is Siddhaloka, they can go from one planet to another without any machine, without any vehicle. Siddhaloka means, just like the yogis, they can go)?
- There are many other planets on the earth level?
- There must be living entities then on the comet. Yes, Srila Prabhupada?
- They (other moons) are just planets?
- They all (the planets) move together?
- They could go to another planet?
- This dark Rahu planet, this is closer?
- We see practically that the moon also moves, across the sky. Just like the sun does. So the sun has an orbit?… And the moon has an orbit also?
- We were discussing this morning about the species of life. We understood that there is actually all the species of life on this one planet, or some species don't exist here?
- Well situated? Even though there's no sun? (there are seven other planets; there sunshine does not go, but they are very well situated)
- Well, Swamiji, if you want, you can answer this or not. Have you been to other planets?
- What are the Pitrloka, Martyaloka and this...?
- What are the stars exactly, they're other planets or...?
- What is that (just like the sun is sarva-vyapaka. Is it not?)?
- What is that Pitrloka actually?
- What is the explanation of an eclipse?
- Where is the origin of this image of the sun? Is this a Vedic sastric explanation?
- Within this universe are there other planets similar to the earthly planet where the inhabitants are getting the same, similar material bodies?
- Would one see gross form on a subtle planet?... Like the moon planet is heavenly planet. They're supposed to have subtle bodies there. So would there be any gross forms?
- Yesterday I met a devotee from New York who said that there were many people present at the festival from other planets and that you could see them. Is that true?
- You believe you can transmit that to other planets?
- You told to that gentleman that the scientists, they thought that they have been on the moon planet, but does that actually mean they went to another planet than the moon planet?
- You were saying yesterday how foolish it is to think that God is creating planets without putting any life on them. The scientists are saying there is no life on any planet. Then why would He create a planet unless there was life on it?
- You were talking about the higher planets?
- Your second question about spacemen from other planets...