Acyutānanda: entities in not non-manifested matter? Are there any living entities in non-mani...
Prabhupāda: No, therefore it is non-manifested. There is no living entities. It is simply covering.
Acyutānanda: So the living entities only appear within the universe, not outside the universes.
Prabhupāda: Yes. No, in the spiritual world there are living entities.
Acyutānanda: But in the...
Prabhupāda: Yes, in the covering, in the...
Acyutānanda: Is there some part of Lord Śiva that is there in between?
Prabhupāda: Not in between. That is also after that. Sadā-ṣiva. Just on the border, on the border.
Bhāgavata: On the border. Before you reach earth, the element of earth.
Prabhupāda: Yes. On the border between spiritual world and material world.
Bhāgavata: On the Virajā River? That is where Kailāsa-dhāma is.
Prabhupāda: Yes.
Yaśomatīnandana: Are there different Kailāsa-dhāmas like is there any Kailāsa-dhāma in a particular universe also?
Prabhupāda: Yes. There is. Just like there is Vṛndāvana, similarly, there is Kailāsa-dhāma. (break)
Acyutānanda: There are many other planets on the earth level?
Prabhupāda: Yes.
Acyutānanda: But Kṛṣṇa only comes to this planet?
Prabhupāda: Yes.
Acyutānanda: So this is very special planet.
Prabhupāda: Yes. Vṛndāvana.
Acyutānanda: And every time Lord Kṛṣṇa appears, original Kṛṣṇa appears, does Lord Caitanya appear on the following Kali-yuga?
Prabhupāda: Yes.
Acyutānanda: Every time.
Prabhupāda: Yes. (break)