Category:Cooperating With The Krsna Consciousness Movement
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Pages in category "Cooperating With The Krsna Consciousness Movement"
The following 82 pages are in this category, out of 82 total.
- Cooperate with the Krsna consciousness movement (Books)
- Cooperate with the Krsna consciousness movement (Conversations)
- Cooperate with the Krsna consciousness movement (Lectures)
- Cooperate with the Krsna consciousness movement (Letters, 1961-1970)
- Cooperate with the Krsna consciousness movement (Letters, 1971-1977)
- All governments should cooperate, pushing on this movement for humanity's sake
- All my disciples, because they have surrendered, so there is cooperation. Therefore this movement is increasing
- Always, twenty-four hours, cent percent, he will be absorbed in Krsna and at the time of death at once transferred there. This should be the process of life. Therefore we have taken this movement, Krsna consciousness. Join us. Cooperate with us
- B.R. Sridhara Maharaja has spared one entire nice house for my stay. He has also agreed to cooperate with our society. We shall observe his birthday ceremony tomorrow and the brahmacaris shall learn how to celebrate spiritual master's birthday
- Becoming a life member of this movement is not the necessary thing. Life membership is a side issue. We want people like you to co-operate with this movement. We want you to work for this movement
- By Caitanya Mahaprabhu's grace, with the cooperation of the Western youths, this movement is going on. I have traveled all over the countries, as I reported, and everywhere I saw, I was very much pleased that sankirtana is going on
- Every gentleman in your country is anxious about their children, and gradually if the richer section of the people or the government cooperates with us, we can expand this movement for total welfare of the younger generation
- Everyone should cooperate with this (Krsna consciousness) movement in order to bring about actual peace and happiness in the world
- He is very influential man and has rendered sincere service to my Guru Maharaja by translating many Goswami literatures in Telugu language, as well as in English. With his cooperation there is possibility of opening a branch in Bombay
- Here (in San Francisco) the Indians who have come from the Gujarat province, they are generally devotees of Lord Krishna. They are offering their willing cooperation. Especially I have come for this purpose, how to engage them in Krishna Consciousness
- Here in Vrindaban I have secured full cooperation of my god-brother Swami Bon, and he has very kindly offered me full tuition, room, boarding, etc., for at least ten students among my disciples, who may come for further study in the matter of K.C.
- I am trying single-handed, nobody is cooperating in India. They will throw millions of dollars in the gunpowder, but not for this Krsna consciousness movement
- I am very much obliged to you for your appreciation of my humble services by bringing to your country this movement. But actually it all depends upon your cooperation
- I am very much obliged to your country, USA. You are mostly cooperating with this movement. All of my students, they are mostly American young boys and girls. There are others also, but you are predominant; therefore I must thank you very much
- I am very much pleased that a learned scholar like you is prepared to cooperate with our preaching activities. If you kindly come in Calcutta along with your papers, I shall be very glad to meet you and talk with you on the subject matter
- I know that you are good preacher and sincere boy, and Revatinandana Maharaja is also sannyasi, so you work together with him and with the others in cooperative spirit to spread this Krsna Consciousness movement widely all over the British Isles
- I shall request you with all humility to co-operate with this mission and thus be benefited yourself. It is not the least exaggeration but actual fact and to become a member for this mission will to your own interest
- I shall specially request the Indians, especially His Excellency, kindly cooperate with this movement, and try to make successful your life and others' life. That is the mission of Krsna, advent of Krsna
- I think that devotees of Lord Krishna in India should come forward and cooperate with my missionary activities
- I think those who are Christian priests, they should cooperate with this movement, chant the name of Christ or Christo and stop animal killing. This is according to Bible
- I very much enjoyed my stay in Toronto and I hope that everyone there, all the devotees, especially amongst the Indian community, will co-operate to spread our movement
- I was thinking of opening a branch in Bombay of this International Society for Krishna Consciousness, and if you cooperate, we can attempt this important activity
- If people are trained to become Krsna conscious, then automatically everyone will be happy. Any one who will join, one, anyone who will hear, anyone who will cooperate - everyone will be happy
- If people try to understand this Krsna consciousness movement scientifically and philosophically, with their best knowledge and judgement, and try to cooperate, there will be peace all over the world
- If we get little cooperation from the authorities, we can push on this movement more solidly
- If you can cooperate with our troupe we can have many presentations from Krsna Leela, Ramayana, etc. We are attempting to establish the movement of pure devotional service to Lord Krsna all over the world, and we welcome your joining us in this endeavor
- If you take advantage of this Krsna consciousness movement cooperatively, it will be very, very good for the whole human society
- It is Krishna's desire that we should meet together and cooperate for the cause of Krishna Consciousness movement which is so badly needed throughout the world
- It is my desire that Indian Vaisnavas should be energetic in cooperating with this Krishna Consciousness movement in the Western countries
- Krsna consciousness is so universal and perfect that it can appeal to everyone, irrespective of his position; therefore I fervently appeal to you, all present in this meeting, to extend your cooperation for successful execution of this great movement
- Krsna consciousness movement is the only hope to give relief to the human society. So everyone should cooperate with this movement. Unfortunately, there are so many envious persons, they are writing against us, talking against us
- Krsna consciousness movement means we are creating brahmanas. So others, they should cooperate. Then their life will be also perfect
- Let us cooperate in this (KC) movement very nicely; here in this spot, New Vrindaban, the woman's business will be to take care of the children, cooking cleansing, and churning butter. Those who have the knowledge of typing can help in typing also
- Lord Caitanya's movement still awaits for being preached all over the world. And to broadcast anything all over the world, English language is the only medium of circulation. I shall be very much pleased if you kindly cooperate with this world movement
- Most scientific and authorized movement. Trying to place people in his original, constitutional position and cooperate for the service of Krsna. That is Krsna consciousness movement
- My only request is that you take some interest, active interest in this movement, try to understand it, and if you cooperate, the whole human society will be happy
- Our appeal to the Indian people, that "You should take seriously about this movement and try to cooperate with us." That will be glorification for Indian culture
- Our Krishna Consciousness Movement is not a Bharatiya artistic one. It is a program to solve all the problems of all the world. We are getting good response, so your cooperation will be welcome, but we are not interested in Bharatiya
- Our movement and your honor, we can cooperate for the good of the general people
- Our request is that don't take this (KC) movement as very sentimental or insignificant, it is the greatest science, greatest philosophy. Try to cooperate with us and you will be happy
- Ours is a cooperative movement, with Krishna and the advancement of Krishna's movement at the centre
- Since the KC movement going on at the present moment is genuine, perfect, authorized & follows in the footsteps of Prthu, anyone who cooperates with this movement or accepts its principles will get the same result as those who are actively propagating KC
- Since the KCM going on at the present moment is genuine, perfect & authorized & is following in the footsteps of Prthu, anyone who cooperates with it or accepts its principles will get the same result as the workers who are actively propagating KC
- So this bluffing, these cheating things are going on. And because we are unable to cheat and bluff, nobody cooperates with us. They want to be cheated and bluffed. That is the business
- That time has come. Let us cooperate and distribute this nice thing, Hare Krsna movement. People will be happy
- The human society is meant for liberal co-operation for this movement of all round perfection of the human society without any bar for class or nation or dogmatic faith
- The Krsna consciousness movement, therefore, can be well spread in the state of Manipura by the cooperative efforts of the Krsna conscious devotees
- The three purusas - Karanodakasayi Visnu, Garbhodakasayi Visnu and Ksirodakasayi Visnu - all have a relationship with the material energy, called maya, because through maya They create the material cosmos
- There are many Indians, but I have no Indian follower here. Of course, in India we have got. That's a different thing. But these, all these American boys, they are cooperating with me. That means they are taking this movement very seriously
- There is ample opportunity for spreading this original Indian cultural movement all over the world, and because you have interest in it, I shall be very glad to hear from you by return of post how you can cooperate in this world wide movement
- This (Krsna Consciousness movement) is the only movement for respiritualization of the whole world. And those who are intelligent, they should come forward and cooperate with this movement
- This is not only the duty of Indians (to spread the Krsna consciousness movement) but the duty of everyone, and we are very happy that American and European boys and girls are seriously cooperating with this movement
- This movement is to create sadhus. You have to cooperate. This incarnation of Krsna, Krsna and nama, Krsna's name, is the same: "There is no difference between Krsna's name and Krsna." Krsna has already come by this Krsna consciousness movement
- Today is very auspicious day. With great difficulty we have got now sanction. Now please cooperate with this attempt as far as possible
- Try to convince them (Tusta Krsna or Siddha-Svarupa Goswamis) to return to our Society and work cooperatively. That they have gone away is not good thing and it is a deviation from our line of parampara
- We are preaching the teachings of Bhagavad-gita all over the world. So we invite you also to join this movement. You have already the sense of Vedic culture. Now, if you cooperate with us fully, we can develop a very nice cultural movement here also
- We are trying our bit, this Krsna consciousness movement, to give education about this bhagavata-dharma and we are trying to present in so many languages. So we wish that you should cooperate, try to understand this philosophy
- We are trying our humble way to give this knowledge to the world. That is Krsna consciousness movement. And our request to everyone is that "You try to understand the philosophy and cooperate"
- We are very much grateful to you that you are kindly trying to cooperate with this movement and hear about Krsna
- We have rejected our own culture. Still we are leading people. There is chaotic condition. So this Krsna consciousness movement is to correct this mistake. So leaders like you should cooperate
- We have started this movement in a humble way, but we are inviting cooperation of people who are interested for the peace of the world
- We have started this movement, spiritual revolution, Krsna consciousness. So why don't you cooperate with us?
- We hope that all of you who are present here will try to cooperate with this movement, and let us meet at least so long as I am here. That will be very beneficial
- We invite, therefore, all kinds of serious men for the welfare of the human society to understand this great movement and if possible take part in it and cooperate with us. That will solve all the problems of the world
- We require some men only like your good self to co-operate with this movement. The necessary things in this connection will surely be supplied by Krishna. Simply we want some sincere worker like your honor
- We want people like you to co-operate with this movement. We want you to work for this movement. This is essential. You must know the philosophy and try to co-operate
- Work cooperatively for spreading this movement
- You continue to endeavor sincerely in Krishna Consciousness, being very careful to follow all of our principles very seriously and try to co-operate fully with this Hare Krishna movement in spreading the message of Lord Caitanya all over the world
- You have to see what is this method, Krsna consciousness movement. That we are prepared to serve you, to convince you, the first-class nature of this movement. Now if you are convinced, try to cooperate. And induce other leaders
- You must know it perfectly well what is God and how to trust Him. That science we are teaching, KC movement. The government should cooperate fully. There should be school, college, to understand what is God, how to trust. This movement should be started
- Your proposal to cooperate with this movement is very magnanimous, and I thank you for your suggestion. But before doing anything tangible, I wish to discuss with you in detail