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This category has the following 31 subcategories, out of 31 total.
Pages in category "Cooperation"
The following 161 pages are in this category, out of 161 total.
- Cooperation (Books)
- Cooperation (Conversations, 1968-1973)
- Cooperation (Conversations, 1974-1975)
- Cooperation (Conversations, 1976)
- Cooperation (Conversations, 1977)
- Cooperation (Lectures)
- Cooperation (Letters, 1947 - 1969)
- Cooperation (Letters, 1970 - 1971)
- Cooperation (Letters, 1972 - 1973)
- Cooperation (Letters, 1974 - 1977)
- A faithful wife is supposed to cooperate with her husband in fulfilling all material desires so that he can then become comfortable and execute spiritual activities for the perfection of life
- A part of a machine cooperates with the whole machine; a part of the body cooperates with the whole body. The hands, feet, eyes, legs & so on are parts of the body, but they are not actually the enjoyers. The stomach is the enjoyer. BG 1972 Introduction
- A rebellious son, however, stubbornly refuses the cooperation of the loving father and thus suffers all sorts of miseries. The Lord, therefore, sends His bona fide representatives to all parts of the material creation
- Above the mind is the seventeenth element, the soul, the living being himself, who, in cooperation with the other sixteen, enjoys the material world alone. The living being enjoys three kinds of situations, namely happy, distressful and mixed
- All this strife amongst the classes is due to lack of Krsna consciousness. Indeed, there is not even a possibility of cooperation unless there is Krsna consciousness. Krsna consciousness is absolutely essential for harmonizing all facets of human society
- America has the money, so this is co-operation between the blind men and lame men. This will be a good name to your country, that Americans are building such nice buildings. It will make good relations between India and America
- As soon as the cooperation between the four classes of men in society stops and the basic principles of spiritual culture are neglected, the social structure of humanity becomes a second edition of animal life
- As you are going to restore order in the temple I am always with you because Srila Jiva Goswami's temple is my heart and soul. I think with your cooperation I shall be able to render some genuine service to the Gosvamis Who are staying in the temple
- Because the laborer cooperates, therefore demoniac persons they take advantage and make unnecessarily increase of artificial demands of the body. Better one should be satisfied with agricultural produce than go into large cities
- Because the living entity is classified as marginal energy and is of the same quality as the internal energy, it is quite natural for him to cooperate with the internal energy
- Besides that, due to your old age you have become greatly troubled. My dear friend, I see that you are not very firm, nor very strong and stout. Aren't your fellow carriers cooperating with you?
- Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, at the time of his departure, requested all his disciples to form a governing body and conduct missionary activities cooperatively. He did not instruct a particular man to become the next acarya
- Both the King & the subjects were happy in discharge of worldly duties, thus protection of the citizens & enjoyment of natural life, with full cooperation of material nature, followed in Yudhisthira's reign & his worthy descendants like Maharaja Pariksit
- By the cooperation of all classes of human beings, the sacrifice recommended in this age, namely the sacrifice of congregational chanting of the holy name of the Lord, may be executed for the common welfare of all the people of the world
- By the cooperation of material nature, which is considered to be prakrti, and the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is considered the purusa, all the affairs of the universe are going on nicely in their proper order
- By the good grace of the Lord one may also cooperate and join in the chanting
- Cooperation between men and women for worshiping God
- Cooperation is essential for the proper functioning of the institution of varnasrama
- Cooperation is possible to be made either by life, wealth, intelligence or words. Every one has got some of the above assets of the above four principles, and we can engage them in the service of the Lord
- Cooperation on the basis of Bhagavad-gita
- Cooperatively
- Everyone searches after some dear friend, some sweet friend. Why? We want the cooperation of a dear friend who will help us. This is part of the struggle for existence, and this is natural
- Everything (in Russia) is going on simply on threatening. You see there is no heart to heart cooperation. Therefore everyone we saw, they were morose
- Having won his kingdom and observed the birth of one grandson competent to continue the noble tradition of his family, Maharaja Yudhisthira reigned peacefully and enjoyed uncommon opulence in cooperation with his younger brothers
- He (God) is known as the constant companion of the living being because the Paramatma fully cooperates with the atma
- He (Visvamitra) picked a quarrel with Vasistha Muni when he was a ksatriya king and performed a great sacrifice in cooperation with Matanga Muni and thus was able to vanquish the sons of Vasistha
- Here in this Bhagavad-gita, it is ordered that the human society must be divided into four divisions, and they should cooperate for understanding God
- Herein (SB 1.2.13) the statement of Bhagavatam is that the highest aim of life or the highest perfection of the institution of the varnasrama-dharma is to cooperate jointly for the satisfaction of the Supreme Lord
- How you can make classless society? There must be divisions. There must be classes, color, colorful. So it has to be scientifically arranged, how all classes can cooperate for one purpose and they develop very nicely in Krsna consciousness
- Human civilization begins when they take Krsna's instructions: catur-varnyam maya srstam guna-karma-vibhagasah (BG 4.13). Divide the whole human society into four divisions and let them cooperatively act for the benefit of God. That is civilization
- I am asking you personally, along with Tamala Krsna Goswami to whom I am sending a copy of this letter, to bury the hatchet and join together to push on this movement cooperatively
- I hope that everyone there, all the devotees, especially amongst the Indian community, will co-operate to spread our movement in Toronto and establish a very nice temple
- I wanted to talk with you of improvement of the Uddharana Dutta Thakura Path. I know you are managing the establishment so nicely till now but still further improvement can be done if you cooperate with us
- If black men read our books, it will be a great achievement. As your President Lincoln gave the blacks equal rights, let us cooperate with them
- If Gaudiya Mission is prepared to cooperate with me, I am prepared to accept this cooperation in any condition
- If I go there in London it may be possible for me to take the management of the temple because she is very much eager to have my cooperation. So I am asking your opinion after consulting amongst yourselves whether I shall go as invited by her
- If Mr. George Harrison cooperates with us, certainly we shall be able to deliver something sublime to the world by joint endeavor
- If Prthu Maharaja, as a perfect king, were elevated to the heavenly planets, the citizens who cooperated by approving of his methods would also be elevated with him
- If the different castes or social sections, although apparently differently occupied in different activities, nevertheless act in full cooperation, then the Lord is pleased. This is the idea of the institution of four varnas and four asramas
- If the government or the chief of the executive power, the king, is just to the point, dharmena, as it was said, "Abiding by the religious principles, ruling over the country," then everything, even natural elements, they become cooperative
- If the members of different asramas and varnas cooperate fully in Krsna consciousness, then society is well protected by the Lord, without doubt
- If you can arrange with their cooperation to exchange 1000 record albums for 20 pairs of Murtis, it will be a great service to the society
- If you take up the matter seriously, I can help you also very seriously in cooperation with all important gentlemen who will arrive at Japan from every corner of the world. Please therefore think of a programme for execution by your good Foundation
- In 1306 (A.D. 1899), through the cooperation of the famous Balarama Mullik of Hugli, who was a subjudge, and many rich suvarna-vanik community members, the management of the temple (where Uddharana Datta Thakura worshiped) improved greatly
- In India a husband is still called pati-guru, the husband spiritual master. If husband and wife are attached to one another for advancement in Krsna consciousness, their relationship of cooperation is very effective for such advancement
- In our body there is the head, the arm, the belly and the leg. So we are all cooperating for upkeep of the body. Similarly, if either as a brahmana or as a ksatriya or as a sudra we keep up in mind that we have to serve Krsna, we become perfect
- In responsive cooperation, the Lord reveals Himself in proportion to one's surrender. That which is revealed to one who fully surrenders is different from what is revealed to one who surrenders partially
- In the body the most important substance is the life air, but that also is neither the listener nor the speaker. Beyond even the life air, the soul also can do nothing, for the Supersoul is actually the director, in cooperation with the individual soul
- In the present social status, we find that we are existing in these four divisions (brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas, sudras), but there is no cooperation. Everyone is dissatisfied
- In this (persecution) he (Kamsa) had the cooperation of demons like Pralamba, Baka, Canura, Trnavarta, Aghasura, Mustika, Arista, Dvivida, Putana, Kesi, Dhenuka, Banasura, Narakasura and many other demoniac kings on the surface of the earth - SB 10.2.1-2
- It is essential that girls as well as boys be trained to discharge spiritual duties so that at the time of cooperation both will be benefited. The training of the boy is brahmacarya, and the training of the girl is chastity
- It is not possible to be happy independantly, just as no one part of the body can be happy without cooperating with the stomach. BG 1972 Introduction
- It is very good news that there are persons there who want to cooperate to help us start a Varnasrama College Project and that they may supply us land for living as an ideal community producing our own food from the land
- Just as a student is elevated from a lower class to a post-graduate class, the divisions of labor (catur-varnyam) are created to elevate us from the lowest stages of consciousness to the highest stage of KC. This process is a process of cooperation
- Just like one has to be educated from the lower class to the postgraduate class, similarly, this division of labor is there just to elevate one from the lowest stage of consciousness to the highest stage of Krsna consciousness. So that is a cooperation
- Maharaja Yudhisthira's younger brothers were acting as his ministers and commanders of state, and there was full cooperation between the perfectly religious brothers of the King
- Man can produce fruits and flowers, grains, take the substance, and the rejected portion give to the animal. She gives you milk. You require milk. This is cooperation
- No part of society is unimportant, provided there is cooperation. But there must be division, first class, second class, third class, fourth class. There must be division
- Now here is a second chance (to cooperate together) and without undergoing a long series of correspondence with Govind Maharaj, I am directly writing you about my intention
- O Lord, You need no support, and although You have no material body, You do not need cooperation from us
- One nourishes the tree by watering its root, and one nourishes the body by feeding the stomach, for if the body is to be kept in a healthy state, then the parts of the body must cooperate to feed the stomach. BG 1972 Introduction
- One should voluntarily cooperate with persons who are already engaged in the transcendental devotional service of the Lord
- One thing you should know, that at the present moment we are united chronologically, historically, by economic development, by scientific advancement, but still we are fighting one another. In spite of our willingness to cooperate, there is fighting
- Our only appeal is that all book sellers, all publishers, may come forward and cooperate with us and distribute the transcendental literature in the unique form. They will find something sublime, and we'll be benefited
- People must co-operate. If not, then they will have to suffer. So, I am very glad that you have come forward, being one of the leaders of the cultural community
- People will accept it (Krsna consciousness movement), there will be cooperation among the Indian people and among the other people of the world, and the mission of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu will then be fulfilled
- Please accept our prayers for your well being. Our society wishes to thank you for your kind cooperation in the past, regarding CCP application and import of books
- Pradyumna's chariot was being driven by the son of Daruka. According to Vedic military principles, the chariot driver and the hero on the chariot must cooperate during the fighting
- Purvacitti did not remain permanently with Maharaja Agnidhra. After cooperating in his household affairs, she left Maharaja Agnidhra and all nine sons and returned to Brahma to worship him
- Sense perception is the cause of feeling all sorts of happiness and distress. Form, taste, odor, sound, and touch are different sense perceptions, which render happiness or distress in cooperation with the mind
- Since I have come here I did not hear from you. Hope you are doing well with full cooperation of your elderly God brothers
- So constant association and working cooperatively with devotees is the prime and easy method to relearn our original good habit of Krsna Consciousness
- So kindly cooperate with him (Bali Mardan) as much as possible, and that will please me very much
- Solidarity
- Sometimes he may be difficult to live with, but good manager means he is able to satisfy everyone and live in cooperative manner with all the devotees, so if you manage things nicely he can do tremendous work
- Sriman Sudama Das Adhikary has gone to your country carrying the message of Bhagavad Gita and I am so glad to learn that you two boys are co-operating with him in this great mission
- Such adjustments of the air are all made possible by the cooperation of the principles of purusa - male and prakrti - female
- Take hand's business, take leg's business, and combine them cooperatively. Then the body will be nice. If the leg says "Why hand will type? I shall type," that's not possible. "Legs, all right, you walk, and hands that you type." Then combine together
- The central figure of creation and of enjoyment is the Supreme Lord, and the living entities are cooperators. By cooperation they enjoy. BG 1972 Introduction
- The different limbs of the body cannot enjoy life independently; they must cooperate with the whole body and supply food to the stomach. In so doing, all the different parts of the body enjoy equally in cooperation with the whole body
- The entire social structure of varna and asrama is a cooperative system meant to uplift all to the highest platform of spiritual realization
- The four orders of social life, as designed in the varnasrama system, are very scientific and cooperative. In student life one is taught the primary principles of the human form of life
- The government should be so conducted that automatically one is elevated to Krsna consciousness. King Prthu therefore wanted his citizens to cooperate fully with him, for if they assented, they would enjoy the same profit as he after death
- The human society must be divided into four section, and they should work combinedly, cooperatively. Then there will be peaceful condition for realization of the goal of life, back to home, back to Godhead
- The Karanodakasayi, Garbhodakasayi and Ksirodakasayi forms of Narayana all create in cooperation with the material energy. In this way They are attached to maya
- The laborer class, who are neither intelligent nor powerful, can help by physical services to the other higher classes and thus be benefited by their cooperation
- The living being himself, who, in cooperation with the other sixteen (the five senses of perception, the five working senses, the five objects of the senses and the mind), enjoys the material world alone
- The master or king and his subordinates should be interdependent. Through cooperation, both of them can be happy
- The material, external energy (maya), who cooperates with Me in creation and who is manifested in the three modes of nature, will not be able to bewilder you any longer
- The other day when coming to your country I met a secretary of the Japanese government in Tokyo. I wanted to explain to him that he should cooperate with this movement, but he said, - Oh, we cannot cooperate with any religious movement
- The servants of God come to propagate God consciousness, and intelligent people should cooperate with them in every respect. By serving the servant of God, one can please God more than by directly serving the Lord
- The soul can merely act in cooperation with the Supersoul because it is the Supersoul who gives him directions to act or not to act
- The sudras are the common laborer class. In a properly run society, all of these classes (brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas, sudras) are required. If they cooperate in their progress toward Krsna consciousness, there is no strife amongst them
- The Supreme Lord is both the creator and the enjoyer, and the living entity, being part and parcel of the Supreme Lord, is neither the creator nor the enjoyer, but a cooperator. He is the created and the enjoyed. BG 1972 Introduction
- The Supreme Lord is the enjoyer & the creator & we, as subordinate living beings, are meant to cooperate to satisfy Him. This cooperation will actually help us, just as food taken by the stomach will help all other parts of the body. BG 1972 Introduction
- The varnasrama college is required to train people who is able to become a brahmin who is able to become a ksatriya, who is able to become . . . in this way division must be. And according to the quality and work there must be division for cooperation
- The Vedic injunction is divided that one class should be brahmana, one class should be ksatriya, one class should be vaisya, another should be sudra. In this way they should cooperate for the ultimate benefit of life
- The Western countries, they might have advanced in material technology, technical knowledge, but they have no knowledge about the science of God. That is lacking. So the East and West, they should cooperate
- The Yadus offered sincere obeisances by touching their heads to the ground. The Yadus or any enlightened family in Vedic culture are trained for attainment of human perfection by total cooperation of service between different divisions of social orders
- Then the various professional duties in household life were inaugurated, and the method of maintaining a livelihood without anyone's cooperation by picking up rejected grains
- There are four social orders for cooperation in the endeavor for liberation from material existence
- There is full cooperation and spiritual advancement amongst all the different orders of society. And when there is no such cooperation, the members of society will fall down. That is the present position in the kali-yuga, this age of quarrel
- There must be division of work. So you take from . . . when there is necessity of brain work, you take help from him. And when there is need of the walking, take leg, help from the leg. It is a cooperation
- There must be intelligent class of men, brahmin. They are called intelligent class of men. Catur-varnyam maya srstam (BG 4.13). The society must be divided into four classes for cooperation
- These (satyam samo damas titiksa arjavam) qualities must be there in the society, some way or other. And they should cooperate. That is the perfection of society
- These intelligent Britishers could understand, "Now it is no more possible. With whose cooperation, we shall kick?" Then they made a friendly settlement. Friendly means "Divide it so that they'll perpetually fight, and let us go"
- These marriage things are done very psychologically, scientifically, so that they may become happy, and then, in peaceful mind, combine together, good cooperation, they make progress, spiritual. This is the plan, varnasrama-dharma
- They (Nepal) have got a sentiment of Hinduism. So with their cooperation, a little foreign exchange, you can establish a stronghold there. It will be a great service
- This cooperation (of four social orders) is essential for the proper functioning of the institution of the four social orders and the four spiritual orders of life. This Vedic varnasrama system is generally known as the caste system
- This kind of family life is very suitable. This is wanted. His wife is very nice girl. And she is good devotee. So if wife is favorable, then everything is favorable. Household life means cooperation with wife
- To effect the perfection of human life there is cooperation between men and demigods, sages, denizens of the Pitrloka, devotees of the Lord and the scientific system of varna and asrama orders of life
- We are conducting Krsna consciousness. But if the government cooperates that a certain number of students must be trained up scientifically what is the meaning of God, that will be very much beneficial to the state or to the country
- We are world-wide organization, and we must have the cooperation of the government authorities, so we shall not create any unnecessary misunderstandings by avoiding government requirements
- We invite everyone, every gentleman, every sane man, to come and cooperate with us. This is a nice mission. We shall be glad to cooperate for the good of all people of the world
- We should cooperate. The hand and leg should cooperate for maintaining the whole body. Similarly, everyone should use his talent for satisfaction of Krsna. That is perfection. Not compete with one another. That is mistake
- We should produce immense food grain, both for the animals and for men. And there should be cooperation. Just like the cow and bull. The bull helps ploughing. That is the original system. Now they have invented tractors
- We want cooperation
- Whatever is done by a great nation or a great man is followed by ordinary persons, so it is my mission to distribute the treasure house of India's transcendental knowledge to the whole world, and your cooperation in this connection will be a great asset
- Whatever Krsna says, you do it. That is cooperation. Then it will be successful
- When the living entity prefers to cooperate with the external energy, he is put into difficulty. By the process called pratyahara (diversion), yoga diverts our energies from the external to the internal
- When the poor man dovetails his desires with those of the rich man and when there is cooperation between the poor man and the rich man, or between the big and the small man, then the enjoyment is shared equally. That is like bhakti-yoga
- When there is complete cooperation among different individual souls, the Supreme Personality of Godhead as Supersoul, Paramatma, being one in every individual soul, is pleased and gives them all protection
- When they (the four varnas) are regulated for cooperation among communities according to the Vedic principles, then there is peace and spiritual advancement
- When your consciousness is dovetailed in cooperation with the supreme consciousness, then you are transcendental to the position of this illusory stage
- Will you kindly let me know what Guru Nanakji has said about Lord Krishna and Lord Rama in his Granth Sahib? How we can cooperate with the sikh community?
- With the cooperation of the elderly members of the family, he performed the bathing ceremony (abhiseka) for Lord Ramacandra with the water of the four seas and with other substances, just as it was performed for King Indra
- Without the gopis, these pastimes between Radha and Krsna cannot be nourished. Only by their cooperation are such pastimes broadcast. It is their business to taste the mellows
- Worship of God is reserved for God only, not for anyone else. But the exchange, cooperation, between men and women for worshiping God, that is essential. Not that woman should be worshiped like God, or man should be worshiped like God
- You are blind by material advancement, and India has got spiritual advancement, but for want of money they cannot Move. So you take this lame man, you blind, on your shoulder, and cooperation will be good for the whole world
- You cannot make everyone of the same class. No. That is not possible. You have to use your intelligence in such a way that these four division can work cooperatively and become perfect
- You were to start for London by the beginning of November, if Miss B gives us her cooperation and Kirtanananda is successful in his mission you will reach there timely
- You will be glad to know that just yesterday I have come to San Francisco, at 3:00 local time yesterday afternoon. And here the Indians are very willing to cooperate with our temple activities