Category:Vaniquotes English Dictionary J-K-L
- Here are the statements where Srila Prabhupada explains the meanings of different English words throughout his books, lectures, conversations and letters.
Pages in category "Vaniquotes English Dictionary J-K-L"
The following 399 pages are in this category, out of 399 total.
- A good boy surrenders to his father means
- A low life means
- A moment lost of this life means
- Above the law means
- Absence of light means
- Accepting Krsna as the spiritual master means
- Accepting the Lord or His representative as one's savior means
- Actual learning means
- Actual love means
- Advanced life in Krsna Consciousness means
- Advancement of Krsna consciousness means
- All-knowledgeable means
- Animal killer means
- Animal life means
- Any other business (except taking shelter of the lotus feet of Krsna) means
- Association with the Lord directly means
- Atheistic view of life means
- Attaining scientific knowledge of the Personality of Godhead means
- Daily life means
- Depend on Krsna means
- Devotee's kingdom of God means
- Devotion for Lord Krsna means
- Devotional life means
- Devotional service to Krsna without deviation means
- Devotional service to the Supreme Lord means
- Different kinds of authorities means
- Distribution of literature means
- Divine life means
- I am this Hare Krsna movement means
- I do not know means
- I don't know means
- If one can please a pure devotee of the Lord, such action means
- If you water the leaf means
- Impersonal understanding of Krsna means
- Impure life means
- In Kali-yuga, a sannyasi means
- In Kali-yuga, a very expert man means
- In this Kali-yuga, husband and wife relationship means
- Increasing life means
- Indulgence of sex life means
- Inhumanity means
- Kali's government means
- Kananam means
- Karma-kandiya life means
- Kill means
- Killing a snake and scorpion means
- Killing by God means
- Killing means
- Killing of cows means
- Killing the son of Dronacarya means
- King is coming means
- King means
- Kingdom means
- Kingdom of God means
- Knowing Krsna in truth and fact means
- Knowing the personality of Gaurasundara means
- Knowingly means
- Knowledge means
- Knows means
- Krishna's energy means
- Krsna attraction means
- Krsna conscious family means
- Krsna conscious government means
- Krsna conscious life means
- Krsna conscious means
- Krsna conscious society means
- Krsna consciousness acceptance means
- Krsna consciousness movement means
- Krsna consciousness preaching means
- Krsna consciousness yoga system means
- Krsna does not die means
- Krsna family means
- Krsna involved means
- Krsna is all-powerful means
- Krsna is maintaining means
- Krsna name means
- Krsna philosophy means
- Krsna science means
- Krsna sound vibration means
- Krsna understanding means
- Krsna worship means
- Krsna's appearance means
- Krsna's energy means
- Krsna's real identification means
- Krsna's representative means
- Lac means
- Lamentation means
- Last stage of Kali-yuga means
- Laughing means
- Law means
- Law order energy means
- Lawbook means
- Lawbooks means
- Laws of material nature means
- Laws of nature means
- Lawyer means
- Lawyer, representative of the law, means
- Layman means
- Lazy intelligent means
- Leader means
- League of Nations means
- Learned man means
- Learned means
- Learned scholar means
- Learning means
- Leave means
- Leg division means
- Legal sex means
- Legislative assembly means
- Lemon means
- Less intelligent means
- Let me see means
- Let there be creation means
- Liberal means
- Liberated class means
- Liberated life means
- Liberated means
- Liberated person means
- Liberated soul means
- Liberated stage means
- Liberation from Maya means
- Liberation means
- Liberty means
- Life equal to matter means
- Life force means
- Life in the heavenly planets means
- Life means
- Life member means
- Light means
- Like means
- Liking means
- Limited means
- Liquid means
- Little more eating means
- Living body means
- Living condition means
- Living entities means
- Living entities who are criminals means
- Living force means
- Living man means
- Living means
- Logic means
- Logy means
- Lonely life means
- Looking forward means
- Lord Brahma is a conditioned soul means
- Lord Caitanya's movement means
- Lord family means
- Lord means
- Loss of appetite means
- Loss of eyesight means
- Lost appetite means
- Lotus feet of Krsna means
- Lotus-eyed means
- Love means
- Love of God means
- Love of Godhead means
- Love of humanity means
- Love symptoms means
- Lowborn means
- Lower class of people means
- Lower condition of life means
- Lower grade means
- Lowest of the mankind means
- Lust means
- Luxury means
- Manava-janma means
- Many varieties of life means
- Married life means
- Material condition of life means
- Material consciousness of life means
- Material life means
- Material nature's duty is to give us simply miserable condition of life means
- Materialistic life means
- Materialistic standard of living means
- Materialistic way of life means
- Maya cannot go to Krishna means
- Mayavadi idea is that liberation means
- Meaning of life means
- Mother language means
- Partially knowing God means
- Past life means
- Perfect knowledge means
- Perfect knowledge of the Absolute Truth means
- Perfect Krsna consciousness means
- Perfection of life means
- Pious life means
- Political leader means
- Political life means
- Previous life means
- Prison life means
- Purchase land means
- Purchasing jewels means
- Pure knowledge means
- Pure life means
- Pure love means
- Ramacandra is ideal king means
- Real household life means
- Real knowledge means
- Real law means
- Real leader means
- Real liberation means
- Real life means
- Real love means
- Real moral law means
- Real purpose of life means
- Real religious life means
- Real spiritual life means
- Religious life means
- Renounced order of life means
- Risky life means
- Sanskrit language means
- Scientific knowledge and your car, means
- Scientific knowledge means
- Scientific laboratory means
- Second life means
- Seeing by the light of the sun means
- Sex life means
- Sex-life without exception means
- Simple life means
- Simply by his implicit acceptance of the Lotus Feet of the Lord as the goal of his life means
- Sinful life means
- Slow and lazy means
- So-called cultivation of knowledge means
- So-called humanitarian love means
- So-called love means
- Some of the girls, they loved Krsna, and a girl's loving means
- Soul-killer means
- Spiritual jealousy means
- Spiritual knowledge means
- Spiritual level means
- State law means
- Student life means
- Success in life means
- Suffering without knowledge, without remedy means
- Supreme judge means
- Surrendering to Krishna means
- Symptoms of life means
- Take Sita and kill Rama means
- Tama life means
- Temple life means
- That the Lord is formless or impersonal means
- That the Lord is not present everywhere means
- That the Lord left His body means
- That they did not live at home means
- The first condition of love means
- The government has given land means
- The last snare of enjoyer means
- The living entity's declaring independence means
- The lower half of sakhya means
- The more you dance, the more you become light; means
- The spoiling the life like cats and dogs means
- The very fact that the Mayavadi claims to be one with the Supreme Lord means
- They have adopted this spiritual life means
- Third-class lawyer means
- This teaching, this learning, means
- Thou shalt not kill means
- Tiger life means
- To accept Krsna as father means
- To accept the Lord's prasada means
- To advance in Krsna consciousness means
- To be forgetful of Krishna means
- To be in Krishna Consciousness means
- To be one with the Supreme Lord means
- To become a lawyer means
- To become a life member means
- To become devotee of the Lord means
- To become Krsna conscious means
- To educate people in Krsna consciousness means
- To enjoy sex life means
- To get this hog's and dog's life means
- To go to the real land means
- To hear about Krsna means
- To hear the activities of the Lord means
- To increase love of God means
- To keep elephant means
- To kill a child means
- To kill cows means
- To kill this demon means
- To know Brahman means
- To know one's constitutional position means
- To know the science of Krishna means
- To live apart from family life means
- To live here means
- To live in cottage means
- To live in the temple means
- To live in Vrndavana means
- To live with wife means
- To make life perfect means
- To meditate upon the lotus feet of the Lord means
- To please Lord Jagannatha means
- To remain attached to this family life means
- To remain in household life means
- To serve the lotus feet of the Lord means
- To take shelter of the lotus feet of the Lord means
- To take to Krishna consciousness means
- To understand Vedic literature means
- Too little eating means
- Topmost knowledge means
- Touching the lotus feet of a spiritual master means
- Transcendental life means
- We are teaching Krsna consciousness means
- We have published so many, about fifty books - only on Krsna. The publication means
- We keep the standard means
- We must prepare ourself for the next life, means
- We should be in love of God means
- We violated the orders of Krsna, and that criminality means
- Whatever limited circle, you just become guru and deliver them. Deliver means
- When Krishna says unto me, he means
- When these materialistic persons are disgusted, then they want liberation. Their liberation means
- Woman left alone means
- Women's liberation means
- Worshiping Lord Siva means
- Worshiping the Supreme Lord Visnu with devotion means