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Pages in category "Faith"
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- Drdha-niscayah means
- Faith means
- Faith means unflinching trust in something sublime. When one is engaged in the duties of Krsna consciousness, he need not act in relationship to the material world with obligations to family traditions, humanity, or nationality. BG 1972 purports
- Increased faith means
- Purpose of executing religious faith means
- Sraddadhana means
- Sraddha means
- Visvasa means
- A vipra means he has the twelve qualifications, and he also has the qualification of faith. I don't understand exactly what it means when Prahlada Maharaja says that I should be meditating on a follower who has no faith in God or God watching him
- According to the Sanskrit language, religion is not a kind of faith, but it is a prescribed form of duty to be discharged by the respective divisions of human society, ultimately rising to the platform of KC or God consciousnes
- Actually the faith to perform acts is called knowledge. The inspiration to work is the same if it comes from the scripture or from the instruction of the spiritual master. BG 1972 purports
- Actually we should serve God and then everything will be taken care of. This is not some sectarian faith but it is eternal truth
- Adau sraddha tatah sadhu-sangah (Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu 1.4.15). Spiritual life begins, first of all, sraddha, some faith. Just like you are coming here, kindly, to hear me. You have got little faith. This is the beginning
- Anyone who hears the narration of Dhruva Maharaja, and who repeatedly tries with faith and devotion to understand his pure character, attains the pure devotional platform and executes pure devotional service
- Anyone who once meditates upon Me (Lord Kapiladeva) with faith and affection, who hears and chants about Me, surely goes back home, back to Godhead
- Anyone who once meditates upon Me with faith and affection, who hears and chants about Me, surely goes back home, back to Godhead
- Arjuna next asks: "What is the destination of the man of faith who does not persevere, who in the beginning takes to the process of self-realization but who later desists due to worldly-mindedness & does not attain perfection in mysticism?" - Bg. 6.37
- Arjuna then understood that the brahmana had lost all faith in the ksatriya kings. Therefore, to encourage him, Arjuna spoke as if criticizing even his friend Lord Krsna
- As it is described in the English dictionary, religion means a kind of faith. But it (Krsnaism) is not that type of religion. It is a compulsory fact. Just like sugar is, compulsorily must become, sweet. If sugar is not sweet, that is not real sugar
- As it is described in the English dictionary, that it is a kind of faith. Faith I may accept - suppose Hindu faith or Christian faith. So you may accept or not accept. But religion does not mean like that. Religion means you must accept
- Because Rantideva perceived the presence of the Supreme Godhead everywhere, and in every living entity, he received the guest with faith and respect and gave him a share of the food. The brahmana guest ate his share and then went away
- Because such betrayals (betraying the confidence of a living entity who takes shelter of him in good faith) now go unpunished by the government, all of human society is terribly contaminated
- Bhagavata-dharma is not a faith. It is a fact, characteristic of the human being. Bhagavata means in relationship with God, Bhagavan, bhagavata-tattva
- By faith we make association with the devotees, and by association with devotees we become inclined to be initiated. And after actual discharging the duties of initiation, one becomes freed from things which are not wanted
- Devotee, without any knowledge he becomes devotee. That faith, only faith. The devotee advances. Jnanam ca yad ahaituki (SB 1.2.7). Later on, they become automatically full of knowledge because they have strong faith
- Dharma does not mean a particular type of faith. Faith is different thing. Faith is followed blindly or by social custom or something else. Faith is different. But dharma, either you change social custom, country, time, space, it cannot be changed
- Dharma generally meant occupational duty. We have several times explained, the English dictionary, dharma is explained as faith. So faith may be changed. But actually, what is meant by dharma, that is constitutional position
- Dharma is not a kind of faith, religion is not a kind of faith, but it is a duty, varnasrama-dharma. So that duty we are forgetting, and therefore we are coming to the level of animals
- Dharma means the natural characteristic. That is dharma. We don't mean dharma is a certain type of faith. No. Faith or no faith, the characteristics must be there. Just like salt. It has got a particular type of taste
- Doctor is also as good a scientist as you are. If you do not have faith in the doctor, why do you claim people to have faith on you? Where is the proof that you'll be able? Why you are asking us blindly to follow you
- Don't go anywhere else. Take this faithfully, the orders of guru. You are singing daily. Ar na koriho mane asa. This is faith, strong faith
- Due to faith a person associates with pure devotees, and by such association he develops devotional service. As devotional service develops, his misgivings diminish
- Due to our ill faith, we do not know what is happiness
- Either you change your faith or don't change your faith, your character is still to serve, will continue. That is the reality. That is sanatana. Sanatana means eternal
- Endowed with such a faith, he seeks favors of a particular demigod and obtains his desires. But in actuality these benefits are bestowed by Me alone. BG 7.22 - 1972
- Even if a man has faith and strives for perfection in the yoga system, Arjuna points out that he may not attain this perfection due to - worldly-mindedness
- Everyone is executing his occupational duty. I give this meaning, "Dharma means occupational duty." It is not a sentiment, faith. Occupational duty. That is called dharma. Brahmacari's dharma, grhastha's dharma, vanaprastha's dharma - occupational duty
- Everyone with common sense can understand that, "What philosophy?" Here they see practically character, philosophy, devotion, faith, strict discipline. Any gentleman will appreciate
- Faith - "I believe in this, I may not believe in this" - that is different thing. But law means you must. There is no question of you believe or not believe. You believe or not believe, it doesn't matter. Law is law
- Faith is attained by the discharge of devotional service, and by chanting "Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare," which cleanses one's heart of all material dirt. BG 1972 purports
- Faith is created according to one's sense. It is not very essential. If there is something positive, you have faith in the negative, so it doesn't matter
- Faith is required, but to the right person. Then it will be all right
- Faith is very essential, and one who hasn't got such faith, for him, it is stated here that vinasyati. Vinasyati means he is put into the wilderness of this material world
- Faith may be wrong, belief may be wrong. That perfect knowledge can be received from the perfect source. So God is perfect. God is perfect. And one who follows the path of God, he is also perfect
- Faith, you may have faith something. I may have faith something. I may believe you or you may not believe me. That is not religion. Religion "I do not believe in God"
- Firm conviction to execute the order of the Lord is known as faith
- First of all faith, the next step is to associate with devotees. But devotees must be sincere devotee, otherwise what will be the effect of such asociation? Adau sraddha tatah sadhu-sango. Then, gradually he will be inclined to become one of the devotees
- For one hesitant in taking to Krsna consciousness, not even this material world will be happy, and what to speak of the next life. The material world is already miserable, but if one has no faith it will be more miserable
- I (Krsna) am in everyone's heart as the Supersoul. As soon as one desires to worship some demigod, I make his faith steady so that he can devote himself to that particular deity
- I am in everyone's heart as the Supersoul. As soon as one desires to worship the demigods, I make his faith steady so that he can devote himself to some particular deity. BG 7.21 - 1972
- I am very glad and proud that you have so much appreciated the character, discipline and devotional service to the Lord of my six young disciples who are working there with faith and confidence
- I can accept the ritualistic process tomorrow of the Christian faith; or a Christian may take another ritual - but his business, to serve the superior, that does not change
- I learned that British people, they like Indian physicians. They have got faith that these people treat carefully
- I may change my faith. I am Christian or I am Hindu, I may change myself to become a Muhammadan or Christian or Hindu. But my real occupational duty to render service to others, that cannot be changed. That is the real enunciation of religion
- I will request you to study what is bhakti, what is pure devotion, what is Vasudeva. Everything is there. It is a science, great science. It is not sentiment, neither it is so-called religious faith
- I'm explaining that verse: dharmasya glanir bhavati. This is dharmasya glanih: pollution of duty. dharma means duty. dharma is not a kind of faith. In English dictionary it is said religion means a faith. No, no. It is not
- If a leader is actually kindhearted and deserves to be the object of a living entity's faith, how can he punish or kill a foolish person who has fully surrendered in good faith and friendship?
- If one is cultivating his life like hogs and cats and dogs - the behavior is also like that and remaining in that position - so his faith & one who is advanced, who is worshiping Deity & having three times bath & chanting mantras, HK, they are not equal
- If one understands the Supreme Lord through devotional service with faith in the disciplic succession and then advances further, he awakens his natural love for God, and then his success in life is assured
- If one, with faith, follows some rules which are not mentioned in the scriptural injunctions, what is his position? This doubt of Arjuna is to be cleared by Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- If the land is the property of somebody, so whose property is the sea? But there must be somebody. That is faith. Common sense. But they have no common sense even
- If we put a letter into a mailbox, it will go to its destination because the mailbox is authorized. Similarly, if we worship an authorized image of God, our faith will have some effect
- If we turn our attention to fit with the Christian people, or any other religious sect, I think it will not be very much fruitful because nobody will change his faith even though he is given scientific or archeological evidences
- If you accept this conclusion of Mine, being unattached to material enjoyment, adhering to Me with great faith and thus becoming proficient and fully aware of knowledge and its practical application in life, you will achieve the highest perfection
- If you become mundane moralist, or if you become mundane philosopher or if you stick to the ritualistic process of your particular faith, then there is no hope of reaching to the Absolute Truth
- If you say that, "I have manufactured my own law," that will not be accepted. Similarly, you cannot manufacture a kind of dharma, or faith. No. Dharma, or the system of religion, can be given by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- In brahminical culture a brahmana's transcendental position is eternally maintained because the injunctions of the Vedas are accepted with faith, austerity, scriptural conclusions, full sense and mind control, and meditation
- In the beginning your inquisitiveness that "I want to understand," that is faith. Then next stage is association of persons who know, sadhu-sanga. Then initiation. Then disappearance of all misgivings. Then steady faith
- In the Caitanya-caritamrta it is said that one should have complete conviction that simply by serving the Supreme Lord Sri Krsna he can achieve all perfection. That is called real faith. BG 1972 purports
- In the course of the narration, I have also told about the drama by the poet from Bengal. Although he was ignorant, because of his faith and humility he nevertheless obtained shelter at the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- In the presence of Lord Krsna and others, the brahmana began to accuse Arjuna: "Everyone see my foolishness! I put my faith in the words of Arjuna, who is impotent and who is expert only in false promises. How foolish I was to believe Arjuna"
- ISKCON is a non-lucrative organization, whose purpose is to promote the well-being of human society by drawing its attention to God. We are a non-sectarian society, and our members include people from Christian, Jewish and Moslem as well as Hindu faiths
- It (Krsna consciousness movement) is not a sectarian religious movement, faith or sentiment. It is actually scientific movement. Here are many scientists present. They are also taking very serious view of this movement
- It is clearly said (samyak sraddhaya) that with great faith one should receive knowledge from the spiritual master and with great faith execute the performance of service
- It is cultural movement, educational movement. It is not so-called religious movement. Religious movement is sentiment. Generally, religion is taken as a kind of faith but it is not a kind of faith
- It is the duty of the son to depend upon his father without asking anything from him. The good son has faith that the father knows best how to benefit him. Similarly, a pure devotee does not ask anything from the Lord for material benefit
- Just like a child has faith in his parents. So that is not an artificial thing. That is fact. And parents are trustworthy to the child - there is no doubt about it - by nature
- Just like Krsna spoke this Bhagavad-gita five thousand years ago, but still it is adored all over the world. Not only in India, but all over the world. Bhagavad-gita is known in any country, irrespective of religion or faith
- Kasyapa Muni continued: If you (Diti) perform this ceremony called pumsavana, adhering to the vow with faith for at least one year, you will give birth to a son destined to kill Indra
- Krsna Consciousness is not a faith, such as the Hindu or Christian faith, but it is a science. When Krsna says Dehino smi yatha dehe…, the principle is that the soul is different from the body
- Krsna says that He comes when there is a decline in dharma. The Sanskrit word dharma has been translated into English as "faith," but faith has come to mean a religious system that goes under the name of Christian, Moslem, Hindu, Buddhist, etc
- Maha-jano yena gatah sa panthah: "We have to follow in the footsteps of great authorities coming down in the parampara system." If we approach a bona fide acarya and keep faith in his words, spiritual realization will be easy
- Materialistic persons who attach all their faith to the Vedic rituals are described in Bhagavad-gita
- Materialists who are addicted to experimental knowledge and the so-called "scientific method" cannot place their faith in the chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra
- Mood of faith
- Most of them (the demons) do not know them (the scriptural rules), and even if some of them know, they have not the tendency to follow them. They have no faith, nor are they willing to act in terms of the Vedic injunctions. BG 1972 purports
- Mostly people are attached to the particular faith and its ritualistic method. They consider this is, Veda-vada-ratah partha nanyad astiti vadinah (BG 2.42). They think that performing these rituals of a particular religion & faith, that is all; no more
- My dear devotees, please hear from me, for I insist again and again: please keep faith in these three and render service to them without hesitation
- Narayan said, "He (Siva) has become the leader of the ghosts and hobgoblins. Therefore I cannot put any faith in his words"
- Not necessarily in every case the boy is rich man or educated. If he's healthy and if he can work, he'll take charge. Then fortune, faith
- Nowadays people have taken dharma, religion, as a kind of faith
- Of course, faith is the basic principle of everything. If you have no faith, then you cannot make progress in any line of action
- On the conclusion of the All Religious Conference held at Bombay very recently, I may submit that nothing practical has come out of it for uniting the different faiths of the world
- On the other hand, anyone who takes to the process of devotional service and has faith that the lotus feet of the Lord are safe boats to cross that ocean is certain to cross very easily and comfortably
- One becomes fixed in devotional service, and his faith cannot be shaken by any material allurement
- One should associate with devotees, chant the holy name of the Lord, hear Srimad-Bhagavatam, reside at Mathura and worship the Deity with faith and veneration
- One should engage oneself in the practice of yoga with determination and faith and not be deviated from the path. One should abandon, without exception, all material desires born of mental speculation and thus control all the senses on all sides
- One should engage oneself in the practice of yoga with undeviating determination and faith. One should abandon, without exception, all material desires born of false ego and thus control all the senses on all sides by the mind. BG 6.24 - 1972
- One should follow the principles of revealed scriptures with faith and thereby be raised to the platform of knowledge
- One should follow the principles of revealed scriptures with faith and thereby be raised to the platform of knowledge. Only this knowledge will help one become promoted to the transcendental platform of spiritual understanding. BG 1972 purports
- One should hear the Gita from the devotee because at the beginning of the Fourth Chapter it is stated that the Gita can only be perfectly understood by devotees. Hearing the Gita from devotees, not from mental speculators, is called faith. BG 1972 pur
- One should maintain his faith that "Krsna will give me protection. And my duty is to serve Him." That's it
- One should not make the mistake of thinking that dharma is a created faith. In its proper sense, dharma cannot be divorced from the living entity at all
- One should study the Vedas with faith, not only for one's personal knowledge, but for the sake of spreading this knowledge and these activities through real faith in the words of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and the Vedas
- One should take prasadam with great faith and should chant the holy name of the Lord and worship the Deity in the temple, always remembering that the Deity, maha-prasadam and the holy name do not belong to the mundane platform
- One who becomes inquisitive to hear, so sradda susrusoh. Susrusoh means one who is very inquisitive to hear - at the same time, to render service. These two qualifications. Susrusoh. Sraddadhanasya (SB 1.2.16), with faith. Vasudeva-katha-rucih
- One who betrays the confidence of a living entity who takes shelter of him in good faith, whether that living entity be a human being or an animal, is extremely sinful
- One who has full knowledge in the Vedas and firmly fixed up in Brahman, God, you put your faith there. Otherwise there will be disaster
- One who has got this much faith, strong faith, that Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This faith, not flickering; firm faith, "Yes, Krsna is the Supreme Personality . . ." That is called sraddha
- One who has preliminary faith is called a kanistha-adhikari, or a neophyte. The neophyte, however, can become an advanced devotee if he strictly follows the regulative principles set down by the spiritual master
- One who hears or describes it with faith & devotion is no longer doomed to hellish life because this historical narration has the potency to vanquish all sinful reactions, regardless of his having a material body & of how sinful he may have been
- One who hears these pastimes of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu with great faith will surely very soon attain the lotus feet of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- One who hears this narration of Lord Gopala with faith and love very soon attains the lotus feet of Lord Gopala
- One who is demoniac has no knowledge of Vedic scripture, nor has he any faith; therefore he feels free to do anything for sense enjoyment, regardless of the consequences. BG 1972 purports
- One who is expert in logic and in understanding the revealed scriptures, and who always has firm conviction and deep faith that is not blind, is to be considered a topmost devotee in devotional service
- One's intelligence, mind, faith and refuge
- Only those who engage in devotional service with love and faith receive the necessary intelligence from the Supreme Personality of Godhead so that gradually and progressively they can advance to the abode of the Personality of Godhead
- Our position is to follow in the footsteps of great authorities like Sankaracarya, Ramanujacarya and Caitanya Mahaprabhu. If we keep our faith by executing our duties and following in their footsteps, success is guaranteed
- Our religion is not faith. It is science. That is the fault. Fanaticism of Christianism, Muhammadanism, has created this godlessness. But Vedic knowledge is not that. It is really knowledge
- Parama Koruna, 1969 Jan 16 - My dear brother, just try to worship these two Lords, Caitanya and Nityananda, sudrdha visvasa kori', with faith and conviction
- People interested in material activities, which are expounded in the Vedas, are intent on performing material sacrifices and placing faith in their material activities. For such people, spiritual advancement is definitely not manifest
- Prasraya means affection, humility, faith, a demand for some special concession, or indulgence in such a concession
- Recently newspapers are reporting that faith in a personal God is diminishing. This means that people are becoming more and more foolish. This is natural in Kali-yuga, for as the age of Kali progresses, bodily strength, memory and mercy diminish
- Religion - is not the exact translation of the word dharma. Religion is understood in English dictionary as a kind of faith. But dharma does not mean that. Dharma means your characteristic, which you cannot change
- Religion consists of the laws of God. People who do not know this think that religion means faith
- Religion is described in the English dictionary as "A kind of faith." Actually, religion does not mean. The Sanskrit word dharma, that dharma means characteristic. It is not a kind of faith. Characteristic, or occupational duty
- Religion is not a kind of faith, but it is a duty, that duty we are forgetting, and therefore we are coming to the level of animals. Because the cats and dogs, they have no duty
- Religion is not kind of . . . in the dictionary it is said, "Religion is a kind of faith." No. It is a permanent, I mean to say, arrangement. It is not the faith
- Religion means to know the real law, how this world is going on, what is the law. That is religion. Religion is not a sentiment. They have made it a kind of faith
- Religious, the meaning of religion in the English dictionary is different from what we mean by religion, that in the dictionary it is said: "Religion is a kind of faith." Faith may be wrong or right, but religion cannot be wrong or right
- Similarly, when we offer anything with devotion and faith, what we offer does not belong to us, nor does it enrich the opulence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. But if one offers whatever he has in his possession, he becomes a recognized devotee
- Simply by accepting this (BG 4.9) truth on faith, one can, without a doubt, attain liberation. The Vedic version, "tattvamasi," is actually applied in this case. BG 1972 purports
- Simply professing a kind of faith is not a sign of religiousness. One must act according to religious principles, and by his personal example he should teach others. Such a person is to be understood as religious
- Simply the preliminary faith, that is very good, but unless that faith is increased more and more, then there is no progress
- So dharmah svanusthitah pumsam. In the human society, there is always some kinds of religious institution. That is called dharma, faith
- Spiritual culture is not dogmatic faith but it is based on philosophy, reason and culture. This can be introduced very easily through convenient methods of music, dance and refreshment which are acceptable by all grades of human being
- Sraddha, this faith, means so strong faith that one will know it perfectly well that simply by worshiping Krsna, everything is there. That is the beginning of faith. Otherwise there is no faith. And without faith there is no beginning
- Srila Sukadeva Gosvami replied: My dear King, you have spoken correctly. However, after capturing animals, a cunning hunter does not put faith in them, for they might run away
- Such nondevotees are compared to chained animals, for they are not able to go beyond the jurisdiction of the formalities of a certain type of faith. In the Bhagavad-gita they are condemned as veda-vada-rata
- Susrusoh means one who is very inquisitive to hear - at the same time, to render service. These two qualifications. Susrusoh. Sraddadhanasya (SB 1.2.16), with faith. Vasudeva-katha-rucih. For him the taste for hearing krsna-katha is very easy
- Sva-karma or sva-dharma, the same thing. The word dharma, as it is explained in the English dictionary, "a kind of faith," actually dharma does not mean that. Dharma means your occupational duty, the characteristic
- The "religion," word "religion," translation of the Sanskrit word, dharma, is not perfect. Is not perfect. Religion is a kind of faith. That we can change. But dharma, dharma means your occupational duty. You cannot change. You have to execute it.
- The beginning is the faith. And now, as you make your faith intensified, so you become progressive in the spiritual point
- The brahmana said, "I consider your promise to be like that of an inexperienced child. I cannot put my faith in your promise"
- The brahmanas, the cows, Vedic knowledge, austerity, truthfulness, control of the mind and senses, faith, mercy, tolerance and sacrifice are the different parts of the body of Lord Visnu, & they are the paraphernalia for a godly civilization - SB 10.41.1
- The cobbler answered (to Narada Muni), "If, within a small seed there can be a big tree like this, is it difficult to accept that the Lord is pushing an elephant through the eye of a needle." So this is called faith
- The company is authorized and the airline is authorized, so faith is created. Without faith we cannot take one step forward in the ordinary course of our life. Faith we must have, but it must be faith in that which is authorized
- The deer has put its faith in me, just as a good man who has a natural interest in good behavior forgets the misbehavior of a cunning friend and puts his faith in him. Although I have proved faithless, will this deer return and place its faith in me?
- The demons had developed affection for Mohini-murti and a kind of faith in Her, & they were afraid of disturbing their relationship. Therefore they showed respect and honor to Her words & did not say anything that might disturb their friendship with Her
- The dictionary definition, sentimentalism is the faith
- The faith begins from the tongue. "Why?" People will be surprised. "Faith must begin from the mind, from the eyes. And why it is said tongue?" They do not know
- The five kinds of fire are conceived of as the heavenly planets, clouds, the earth, man and woman, and the five kinds of sacrificial offerings are faith, the enjoyer on the moon, rain, grains and semen
- The fortunate inhabitants of Pitrloka, who preside over the funeral ceremonies, made Aryama into a calf. With great faith they milked kavya, food offered to the ancestors, into an unbaked earthen pot
- The great soul Bali Maharaja became a disciple of Sukracarya and began to serve him with great faith, offering everything he had
- The Hindu, Muslim or Christian in all circumstances is servant of someone. Thus, to profess a particular type of sect is not to profess one's sanatana-dharma. The rendering of service is sanatana-dharma. BG 1972 Introduction
- The human society is meant for liberal co-operation for this movement of all round perfection of the human society without any bar for class or nation or dogmatic faith
- The intentions of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu are so deep that one can understand them only if he has complete faith in service to the lotus feet of the Lord
- The kind of faith (of a devotees of God) is different from the faith of an impersonalist who wants to merge into the Brahman effulgence in order to benefit by cessation of repeated birth and death
- The misguided man accepts the material condition as everlasting. One must give up his faith in material things and give up attachment for them. Then one will be sober and peaceful
- The present caste system - which we have localized within a particular part of the world and then within a particular sectarian faith - is undoubtedly wrong and a perversion of the natural, universal caste system
- The previous two verses (CC Madhya 8.68 & 69) are included in the Padyavali (13, 14), an anthology compiled by Srila Rupa Gosvami. Verse 69 refers to devotional service in faith, and verse 70 refers to devotional service rendered out of intense greed
- The principles of religion are not the dogmas or regulative principles of a certain faith. Such regulative principles may be different in terms of the time and place concerned. One has to see whether the aims of religion have been achieved
- The principles of religion, namely austerity, cleanliness, mercy and truthfulness, as we have already discussed, may be followed by the follower of any faith
- The professional reciter of Srimad-Bhagavatam and the pseudodevotees whose faith is based on one week's hearing are different from Sukadeva Gosvami and Maharaja Pariksit
- The resultant artificial faith and existence are only material. BG 1972 purports
- The Sanskrit word visvasta-ghata refers to one who breaks faith or causes a breach of trust. The mass of people should always feel security because of the government's protection
- The single path in understanding the transcendental nature of Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare is the chanting of these names with faith and adherence
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is known as Akincana-gocara, for He can be achieved by a person who does not put his faith in material possessions
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Those who fix their minds on My personal form and are always engaged in worshiping Me with great and transcendental faith are considered by Me to be most perfect
- The word dharma means "duty." Although the word dharma is often translated as "religion" and religion is generally defined as a kind of faith, dharma is not in fact a kind of faith
- The word dharma-pratipaksah ("opponents of religious principles") refers not to a particular faith, but to varnasrama-dharma, the division of society, socially and spiritually, into four varnas (brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya and sudra) and four asramas
- The word sattva, or faith, is very significant in this verse (BG 17.3). Sattva or faith always comes out of the works of goodness. BG 1972 purports
- The word visvasa means - faithful, and a visvasi is a person in whom one can place faith. Sri Bhaktivinoda Thakura states that during the Muslim reign in Bengal, there was a secretariat entitled visvasa-khana
- There are many religious sects or faiths all over the world. But our this Krsna consciousness movement, which is called bhagavata-dharma . . . means relationship with God and execution of our duties in that relationship. That is called bhagavata-dharma
- There are many things to criticize in the matter of any faith, and if we divert our attention to such activities we shall simply create more opposite elements and waste our time
- There are varieties of men. Some of them are in good quality, some of them are in quality of passion, some of them are in the quality of ignorance. Therefore they have got different types of faith also
- There is a mystery about all the different activities of sacrifice, and one should know this mystery. Sacrifices sometimes take different forms according to the particular faith of the performer. BG 1972 purports
- There is no need to turn from Hindu to Mohammedan to Christian or some other faith and thus become a renegade and not follow the principles of religion. The Bhagavatam religion urges following the principles of religion
- There is no such word as "Hindu religion," at least in the Vedas. The religion is translated into Sanskrit as "characteristic." Religion is not a kind of faith. Just like chemical composition. Sugar is sweet - that is religion
- There is rules and regulation, or the method how you can develop, increase your attachment for Krsna. So the first thing is adau sraddha, faith that, - If I become Krsna conscious, I will be happy. That is my goal of life
- There is some difference of meaning between "religion" and dharma. Religion and dharma. Religion is a faith, but dharma is the original characteristic of the living entity
- There is way to understand why God is trustworthy. It's not the question of faith. It is a fact
- There may be some discouragement at first, but the word kalena, meaning "in due course of time," indicates that if we simply persevere we will be successful. Faith is required, as stated in the verse - BG 4.39
- These are the first qualifications. Then controlling the mind and the senses, simplicity, full knowledge, and practical application of knowledge, and faith in the Vedas and the spiritual master
- They (the brahmanas) began to condemn themselves after seeing the faith and devotion of their wives
- They (the second class krsna conscious men) are superior to the third class who have neither perfect knowledge of the scriptures nor good faith but by association and simplicity are trying to follow. BG 1972 purports
- They (unfortunate people without faith in God) are hesitant and cannot stay fixed in the devotional service of the Lord. Thus faith is a most important factor for progress in Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- They say, "Faith begins from the tongue." "No," it is surprising. How is that? But it is a fact
- This hari-kirtana, this is the simple process recommended in this age, and if we sincerely do it without any offense and with faith, then seeing of God is not difficult for a devotee
- This is called unflinching faith. In spite of seeing my respectful superior abominable, not willingly, but by accident, still, I should not withdraw my respect
- This is the blessing of Lord Ramacandra (If one is sinful, by chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra with devotion and faith he will certainly be freed from all sinful activities), who has appeared in this age of Kali as Lord Gaurasundara
- This Krsna consciousness movement is an educational propaganda. Don't take it as a sectarian faith or religion
- This narration of the devastation of Varanasi by Krsna's disc weapon, is transcendental & auspicious. Anyone who narrates or hears this story with faith & attention will be released from all sinful reactions. This is the assurance of Sukadeva Gosvami
- This part of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's pastimes is most confidential. One can derive benefit quickly only by faith; otherwise, by arguing one will always remain far away
- This perfect knowledge can be achieved by a person who is already engaged in devotional service with faith, steadiness and full detachment, and who is always absorbed in thought of the Supreme. He is aloof from material association
- This prasadam has been made available only as a result of many pious activities. Now taste it with great faith and devotion
- This regulating process (trying to know the Absolute Truth) is commonly known as a system of faith or religion
- This temple worship or accepting some authority, either you accept Krsna or you accept Lord Jesus Christ or Jehovah or Lord Buddha or Guru Nanak, that is a different, I mean to say, kinds of faith, but this acceptance of authority is there in everywhere
- Those belonging to some sectarian faith will wrongly consider that sanatana-dharma is also sectarian. BG 1972 Introduction
- Those who are advanced in spiritual life do not put faith in the mind. Indeed, they always remain vigilant and watch the mind's action
- Those who are attending this meeting, they have got a little faith: "All right, let us go to this meeting. They are talking about something about God. Let us hear." This is called faith, little faith. So you have to increase this faith. That is required
- Those who are hesitating, those who have no faith, oh, it is very difficult for them. We have to accept. Because the method is standard, and it is given by the highest authority, Krsna, so we must have such faith
- Those who are in charge of the religious department - their duty is to keep people enlightened in the real mission of life. But if they're also doing sense gratification, how long they can cheat others? Therefore people have lost faith in religion
- Those who do not know this principles (religious principles) but who simply attach their faith to the Vedic rituals are called veda-vada-ratah
- Through good association, one begins to hear and chant and observe the regulative principles of devotional service with faith, attachment and devotion and thus becomes engaged in the transcendental service of the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- Throughout the Bhagavad-gita Lord Krsna teaches that one should give up all other processes of self-realization and fully surrender unto Him. That is faith
- Thus (by professing a particular faith or religion) we have chosen a center of attraction that many others cannot share with us - because for them, our center of attraction is not all-attractive
- To accept any kind of religion or faith means to nullify these five kinds of vargas. Hard work, foaming, fearfulness, frustration, and ultimately, death. That is the purpose of dharma
- To come to this platform of spontaneous attraction, you have to execute some other formulas. What is that? That as you are coming here with some faith, sraddha, or respect, "Here is a temple," so you should come. You should come regularly
- To forbid such habits of the prakrta-sahajiyas, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has excluded their material intelligence by using the word visvasa - faith
- To Serve the Spiritual Master with Faith and Confidence
- Today I am Hindu; I can become Christian tomorrow. You are Christian; you can change your faith tomorrow. So religion... In Sanskrit word religion does not mean faith. Religion means the original characteristic. That is called religion
- We are giving the right information how human being can be really happy. This is end. It is not religious sentiment. Religion means a kind of faith
- We are not teaching any kind of faith. Unfortunately, maybe due to the slackness of this movement, people have lost all faith in religious movement. Maybe there are many reasons. But it cannot be left aside
- We don't ask blindly, just like one follows some faith or type of religion blindly, and after some times they give it up. No
- We find different types of faith in this world, and there are different types of religions due to different types of faith. BG 1972 purports
- We have to accept the Bhagavad-gita or any other Vedic literature in good faith. These Vedic literatures are the only source of knowledge about the Lord. We must understand that we cannot comprehend the Absolute Truth by the speculative process
- We know that the paraphernalia to perform the sacrifice is well collected by you with great faith & care and is not polluted. Our chanting of the Vedic hymns is also not deficient in any way, for all the brahmanas & priests present here are expert
- We practice and preach svabhava dharma but not that dharma which is taken as a matter of faith. The svabhava dharma of every living creature is to become a servant
- We want unification of Hindu and Muslim. Unification of all faiths and peoples and the method is being done by our Krishna Consciousness Movement
- What is depending on faith, that is not dharma, that is not religion. The quality which you cannot change, that is religion
- When a person offers something in sincere faith and love that is always welcome either by big or small men
- When faith and devotion are developed, they become transformed into the worship of the Deity, chanting of the holy name and living in a holy place like Mathura and Vrndavana
- When King Uttanapada heard that his son Dhruva was coming back home, as if coming back to life after death, he could not put his faith in this message, for he was doubtful of how it could happen
- When one's faith reaches the stage of transcendental knowledge, the performer of sacrifices should be considered more advanced than those who simply sacrifice material possessions without such knowledge. BG 1972 purports
- When one's intelligence, mind, faith and refuge are all fixed in the Supreme, then one becomes fully cleansed of misgivings through complete knowledge and thus proceeds straight on the path of liberation. BG 5.17 - 1972
- When that faith is very much concentrated, then one can understand Krsna. Visvasa sabde sudrdha-niscaya, krsne bhakti kaile sarva-karma krta haya (CC Madhya 22.62). This is called strong faith, or firm faith
- When that faith matures, in course of time, it is called love of God. This love is the ultimate goal of the living entities. One should, therefore, take to Krsna consciousness directly. That is the message of this Seventeenth Chapter (BG). BG 1972 pur
- When we raise our unmixed faith to the lotus feet of Krsna, everything is revealed. Krsna says in BG 7.1: "Now hear, O son of Prtha, how by practicing yoga in full consciousness of Me, with mind attached to Me, you can know Me in full, free from doubt"
- Where are we to keep our faith? In the authority. We should not book our ticket with an unauthorized company. Faith must be in Krsna, the speaker of Bhagavad-gita
- Wherever there is fire, there is heat and light. Therefore heat and light is the dharma or religion of fire. That means fire cannot change its dharma. As this dharma, as we generally understand by the word faith, that we can change
- Whether one is liberated or not liberated, one should execute the instruction of the spiritual master with great faith
- With faith and reverence the prostitute associated with Haridasa Thakura, who personally treated her material disease by chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra
- Yamaraja is in charge of ruling of the sinful persons. Dharmasya sasanam. Dharma means the laws of God. It is not a sentiment, faith. You believe or not believe, what does it matter? You believe or not believe in the government laws - it must carry on
- You can understand God simply by service. There is no other way. And the faith begins from the tongue. You see? Therefore it is advised that you chant and take prasada. Then faith will come
- You may have faith in Hinduism; tomorrow you may have faith in Christianism. Or you may have faith in Christianism, tomorrow in Muhammadan . . . This kind of faith is not Krsna consciousness
- You may have some faith, but the law is different. So faith, a dogmatic faith, is not religion. To know the real law, this is definition of religion
- Your constitutional position as part and parcel of God is never to be changed. You may accept a faith as Christianity or accept a faith, Mohammedanism. That is a mental situation