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Pages in category "Time"
The following 1,309 pages are in this category, out of 1,309 total.
- Beyond time
- Crushed by the wheel of time
- My backache is almost cured by this time. I don't feel any inconvenience. I am walking as usual, and sometimes I am galloping the hills, defeating the young boys and girls
- My Guru Maharaja, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saravati Thakura, predicted that the time would come when the people of the world will learn Bengali to read Sri Caitanya-caritamrta
- There is consideration, desa-kala-patra: desa means situation, and kala, time, and patra, and the subject
- Timing
- A body is given to us by the superior power, and the duration of life is also fixed up. Even the greatest scientist, he cannot increase a moment's time for his life
- A devotee is always anxious to see that his time is not wasted in anything which is not connected with Krsna
- A doctor may order, "In the morning, take this medicine; in the evening, take that medicine." It is not a change of the doctor's orders. It is simply that according to the time, the doctor's orders call for a particular medicine
- A dying man comes under the clutches of death and lies down, surrounded by lamenting friends and relatives, and although he wants to speak with them, he no longer can because he is under the control of time
- A fig tree does not immediately yield fruits, but in time the fruits are available. Similarly, Ajamila's devotional service grew little by little, and therefore although he committed very sinful acts, the reactions did not affect him
- A hog begets, at a time, one dozen children. What you beget? You are afraid of begetting one child even. This contraceptive method. But they are not afraid. They beget one dozen children at a time, twice in a year
- A Krsna conscious person, fully engaged in self-realization, has very little time to falsely possess any material object. For maintaining body and soul, he does not require unfair means of accumulating money. BG 1972 purports
- A ksatriya or a rich man is sometimes visited by persons who are in need of money. When they are asked for a donation, it is the duty of the possessor of wealth to give in charity in consideration of the person, place and time
- A man in the mode of passion wants to work very hard to derive some benefit, but he does not know that time will never allow him to enjoy anything permanently
- A man is allowed to keep more than one wife because he cannot enjoy sex when the wife is pregnant. If he wants to enjoy sex at such a time, he may go to another wife who is not pregnant. These are laws mentioned in the Manu-samhita
- A man is allowed to keep more than one wife because he cannot enjoy sex when the wife is pregnant. If he wants to enjoy sex at such a time, he may go to another wife who is not pregnant. These are laws mentioned in the Manu-samhita and other scriptures
- A man's destiny is therefore ascertained by the birthtime constellation of stars, and a factual horoscope is made by a learned astrologer. It is a great science, and misuse of a science does not make it useless
- A particular body is given to the living entity for a particular type of activity. This process is going on perpetually, from a time which is impossible to trace out
- A person who appropriates another's legitimate wife, children or money is arrested at the time of death by the fierce Yamadutas, who bind him with the rope of time and forcibly throw him into the hellish planet known as Tamisra
- A person who is searching after the Supreme Absolute Truth, the Personality of Godhead, must certainly search for it up to this, in all circumstances, in all space and time, and both directly and indirectly
- A pure devotee of the Lord follows in the footsteps of the great devotees like Narada and Prahlada and engages his whole time in glorifying the Lord by the process of kirtana. Such a preaching process is transcendental to all material qualities
- A small child may not know anything, but simply by seeing the Deity, chanting and dancing, he is benefited. Temples are meant to give everyone a chance to advance in Krsna consciousness one step at a time
- A small child, the baby comes out from the mother's womb. Within the womb, when he's in suffering, he prays to God, This time kindly release me. Now I shall begin bhagavad-bhajana
- Abhadra means the nasty things which we have accumulated within our heart since time immemorial. The beginning is that, "I am this body," this conception. This is animal conception - I am this body
- Abodha-jata, these rascal fools, born foolish. He does not inquire about the self-realization, so whatever he is doing, it is all defeat, he is spoiling his time, because he does not know. Atma-tattvam, the science of self-realization
- Absolute time is continuous and is unaffected by the speed or slowness of material things. Time is astronomically and mathematically calculated in relation to the speed, change and life of a particular object
- Acarya gives some way for simple understanding. The same conclusion, but according to the time, circumstances, they give a very easy method to understand. That is acarya
- Accidentally the doorkeepers (Jaya and Vijaya) were cursed. It was the Lord's desire to send them to the material world, not perpetually, but for some time
- According to Acarya Baladeva Vidyabhusana, the Sanskrit word kala used herein (BG 8.23) refers to the presiding deity of time. BG 1972 purports
- According to astronomical calculations, the time in which he (Nanda Maharaj) took a bath was considered demoniac
- According to seasonal changes you'll get fruits, flowers and drugs and everything. During Maharaja Yudhisthira's time all these things were being supplied by nature because Maharaja Yudhisthira was Krsna conscious
- According to solar calculations, a month is equal to the time the sun spends in one constellation; two months constitute one season, and there are twelve months in a year
- According to some authorities, the present tense is also used to indicate the nearest margin of time from the past. In that sense, the present tense is applied to the reign of Maharaja Pariksit here. For a continuous fact, also, present tense can be used
- According to Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura, hamsa-saranam refers to the cottage in which saintly persons live. Generally saintly people live in a remote place in the forest or in a humble cottage. However, we should note that the times have changed
- According to the country, according to the position, time, religious instructions are there
- According to the time, circumstances, different types of philosophies are there. Just like Jesus Christ. He is advising, - Thou shall not killing
- According to the Vedic civilization, a human being must be trained up to become dvija, or take his birth second time. This is human civilization
- According to time and circumstance, they combine so that in dreams we see something wonderful that we have never experienced. For instance, we may see an ocean on the peak of a mountain. Or we may see that the ocean has dried up
- According to time, according to place, according to the audience, they (who comes as representative of God) may speak, speak something which is, which may be different from the Vedic conclusion, but they are accepted as powerful incarnation
- According to Vedic astrological calculations, the twenty-four hours of a day and night are divided into sixty dandas. The days are again divided into 3,600 palas. The sun disc can be perceived in every sixty palas, and that time constitutes a danda
- According to Vedic calculations, there are three causes of creation - time, the ingredient and the creator
- According to Vedic society, there is a suitable auspicious time for sex life, which is called the time for garbhadhana
- Activities of the Lord are principally of two varieties. One concerns the mundane manifestation of the material creative force, and the other deals with His pastimes in the form of different incarnations in terms of the time and place
- Actually his (who has become Krsna conscious) mind is cleansed by his transcendental connection with the lotus feet of the Lord. At such a time one is enlightened by the loving service of the Lord
- Actually no one wants to pay income taxes - even government men themselves try to avoid these taxes - but at unfavorable times income taxes are exacted forcibly, and the taxpayers become very morose
- After about a week, the tiger will get the chance to catch an animal, and because it does not get fresh food daily, it will keep the carcass in some bush and eat a little at a time
- After developing a taste for such things (chanting and remembering Krsna), one should try to live in Vrndavana and pass his time constantly remembering Krsna's name, fame, pastimes and qualities under the direction and protection of an expert devotee
- After experiencing the inhabitable time of the three modes of material nature, known as two parardhas, Lord Brahma closes the material universe, which is covered by layers of earth, water, air, fire, ether, mind, ego, etc., and goes back to Godhead
- After giving up your this body, you have to accept another body. Then what is the value of material knowledge? This time you may have this human form of body, next time you may not have
- After reading the verse, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was overwhelmed by ecstatic love. At that very time, Rupa Gosvami returned, having finished bathing in the sea
- After saying this, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu took Brahmananda Bharati with Him to His residence. From that time on, Brahmananda Bharati remained with Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- After saying this, Yadunandana Acarya took Raghunatha dasa with him and went out. By that time all the watchmen were deeply asleep because it was the end of the night
- After Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and all the Vaisnavas cleansed the temple for the second time, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was very happy to see the cleansing work
- After the air is created, interaction of sky and air, touched by time and the external energy of the Lord, produces electricity
- After the Battle of Kuruksetra, Pariksit Maharaja, who was still in the womb of his mother, was the last remaining descendant of the Pandavas, and in mature time, when he was born, only his grandfathers were still alive
- After the death of Dantavakra, just as at the time of Sisupala's death, in the presence of all the persons standing there a small particle of spiritual effulgence came out of the demon’s body and very wonderfully merged into the body of Lord Krsna
- After the incarnation of the first purusa (Karanarnavasayi Visnu), the mahat-tattva, or the principles of material creation, take place, and then time is manifested, and in course of time the three qualities appear
- After the interaction of electricity with air and sky, mixed with time, external energy and the Lord's glance over them, the water is produced
- After thus instructing the King, the Supreme Personality of Godhead immediately disappeared. Then King Satyavrata began to wait for that time of which the Lord had instructed
- After uttering the word 'atmaramah' fifty-eight times and taking 'ca' in a sense of aggregation, one may add the word 'munayah.' That will mean that great sages also render devotional service to Lord Krsna. In this way there are fifty-nine meanings
- After World War I an armistice was signed, and there was a short period of peace, but World War II soon came, and now that that is over they are making preparations for World War III. This is the function of time (kala) in the material world
- Again let me offer my respectful obeisances unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead. O my Lord, I offer my obeisances hundreds and thousands of times with all affection because by Your personal pastimes You plunge the gopis into an ocean of nectar
- Ahaituky apratihata. Of course, for those who are engaged in fruitive activities on the material platform, the times and seasons mentioned above (in SB 7.14.24) are extremely congenial
- Akrura continued, "My dear Lord Krsna, this time You have appeared in the home of Vasudeva as His son, with Your plenary expansion, Sri Balarama. Your mission is to kill all the atheistic royal families and destroy their huge military strength"
- Alas, the time has already come when the leaders, whom ordinary men regard as beacons, are themselves mostly atheists at the bottom of their hearts and are against the principles laid down by Godhead
- All classes of devotees should combine to distribute the Hare Krsna maha-mantra without consideration of the time, place or situation
- All electrical energies are received from the powerhouse, and as soon as the powerhouse stops supplying energy, the bulbs are of no use. In a moment's time such energies can be generated or withdrawn by the supreme will of the Lord
- All happiness in the material world has a beginning and an end, but happiness in Krsna is unlimited, and there is no end. In order to get this happiness we simply have to sacrifice a little time and chant Hare Krsna
- All of a sudden he (Nrsimhananda) broke his meditation and told the other devotees that this time Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu would not go to Vrndavana but would travel only as far as the place known as Kanai Natasala
- All of these seasonal times are considered extremely auspicious for humanity. At such times, one should perform all auspicious activities, for by such activities a human being attains success in his short duration of life
- All the big gigantic planets, including the sun, are being controlled by the force of air, as the clouds are carried by the force of air. Similarly, the inevitable kala, or time, controls even the action of the air and other elements
- All the devotees began to chant the Hare Krsna mantra very loudly in the Lord's ears, and after a considerable time Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu regained consciousness
- All the kings and other great personalities born in those yugas had now departed from memory into obscurity. This is the way of time as it moves through past, present and future
- All the planets are of different types, and each is controlled by a different kala-cakra, or schedule of eternal time. The time of the earth planet is not applicable to other, more elevated planets
- All the strength of time cannot hamper the activities of a devotee, for a devotee takes complete shelter under the lotus feet of the Lord. For this reason only is a devotee free from formidable time
- All the time, Lord Rsabhadeva has been stressing devotional service, and now He is concluding by saying that all the senses should be engaged in the Lord's service
- All the Yadus and Vrndavana residents had been very eager to meet, and when they actually came forward and met, they embraced one another to their heart's satisfaction and remained in embrace for a considerable time
- All these are considered the qualified Brahman. The mixing element, which is known as time, is counted as the twenty-fifth element
- All these inauspicious days & nights are not passing, for I have not met You. It is difficult to know how to pass all this time. But You are the friend of the helpless & an ocean of mercy. Kindly give Me Your audience, for I am in a precarious position
- All these subject matters (the Supreme Lord, the living being, nature, time and space and the process of activity) are concisely discussed in the Bhagavad-gita, & later the subject matters are elaborated in the Srimad-Bhagavatam for further enlightenment
- All these sun's time, twenty-four hours, they are present even in this hour. You have to know by telegram or telephone. So if it is possible for the material thing, sun, so how much it is possible for God? This is called raja-vidya, king of knowledge
- All these symptoms (of transcendental activities) are not awakened simultaneously; they act according to the exchange of transcendental relationships. Sometimes one symptom is prominent, and at another time another is prominent
- All we have to do is spare a little time and chant Hare Krsna, but we are not even ready for this much tapasya
- Also describe Deity worship, wherein one should offer food to Krsna at least five times daily and in due time place Him on a bed
- Also please explain the duration of time between creation and annihilation, and that of other subsidiary creations, as well as the nature of time, indicated by the sound of past, present and future
- Although one comes here, stays for a brief time and then goes away, he has the foolish notion that he is the lord of the world. The whole world moves under this impression. BG 1972 purports
- Although one is being carried away by the waves of the river of time, one may eventually reach the shore
- Although Parasurama was very proud, having rid the earth of the royal order twenty-one times, he was defeated by the Lord, who appeared to be a ksatriya of the royal order
- Although Rukminidevi, the first queen of Lord Krsna, knew that brahma-muhurta is the most auspicious time in the entire day, she would feel disgusted at the appearance of brahma-muhurta because she was not very happy to have Krsna leave her side in bed
- Although superficially the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the living entity, material nature and time appear to be different, nothing is different from the Supreme. But the Supreme is always different from everything. BG 1972 purports
- Although the Lord acts within time, whether sattva-guna, rajo-guna or tamo-guna is prominent, one should not think that the Lord is under time's control. Time is within His control, for He creates time to act in a certain way
- Although the Supreme Lord, Visnu, is always equal to both of us - namely, the demigods and the demons - this time, being devoutly worshiped by the demigods, He has taken their side and helped them kill Hiranyaksa
- Although the thunderbolt revolved around Vrtrasura's neck with great speed, separating his head from his body took one complete year - 360 days, the time in which the sun, moon and other luminaries complete a northern and southern journey
- Although the words 'atmaramas ca' would be repeated six times, simply by adding the word 'ca,' five 'atmaramas' are deleted
- Although they have a long duration of existence, all the manifestations of the material world - namely the time element, the living entities, the Vedas and the gross and subtle material elements - are created at some point
- Although Vasudeva had promised to hand over every child to Kamsa, this time he wanted to break his promise and hide the child somewhere. But because of the Lord's appearance in this surprising four-armed form, He would be impossible to hide
- Although we are intimately related with friends and family members, we are unable to stay together because of our varied past deeds and the waves of time - SB 5.10.25
- Always engaged in taking care of the child and calling his name, Narayana, Ajamila could not understand that his own time was now exhausted and that death was upon him
- Among all kinds of killers, time is the ultimate because time kills everything. Time is the representative of Krsna because in due course of time there will be a great fire and everything will be annihilated. BG 1972 purports
- Amongst the karma-kanda experts, the expert jataka-vipras were good astrologers who could tell all the future history of a born child simply by the astral calculations of the time (lagna)
- Amongst the karma-kanda experts, the jataka expert vipras were good astrologers who could tell all the future history of a born child simply by the astral calculations of the time (lagna)
- An intoxicated person does not know that all these dreams are within the limits of time and will therefore come to an end. Because he is unaware that these dreams will not continue, he is said to be in illusion
- Ananta, a direct incarnation of the Lord, has unlimited mouths, and with each mouth He has been trying to describe the glories of the Lord for an unlimited span of time, yet the glories of the Lord remain unlimited, and He therefore never finishes
- Another gopi said, "Krsna has killed His enemy, & He has victoriously achieved the kingdom of Kamsa. Maybe He is married with a king's daughter by this time & living happily among His kinsmen & friends. Why should He come to this village of Vrndavana"
- Another gopi said, "My dear friends, what is the use of talking about Krsna? If you are at all interested in passing time by talking, let us talk on some subject other than Him"
- Another time, while absorbed in the ecstasy of the gopis, he (Srila Gadadhara dasa Prabhu) carried a jug filled with Ganges water on his head as if he were selling milk
- Antakasi-lulitat: by the sword of time one is cut from his exalted position within this material world, and he comes down again
- Anxiousness for time to pass is called impatience, and when one sees something wonderful one is said to be struck with wonder. Impatience may be caused by being struck with wonder, and so impatience and being struck with wonder can be synonymous
- Any householder devotee who is working full-time (with his wife) as a sankirtana book distributer, of temple managerial duties, artist, cook, etc. shall be provided food, shelter, and other bare minimum necessities by the temple itself
- Anyone who takes birth in rich family, he should remember that - Krsna has given me this chance that I have no material problem. So I have got enough time. Let me chant Hare Krsna
- Anything material seen for a number of times ultimately becomes unattractive by the law of satiation
- Arjuna fears that at the time of death, those who are in Krsna consciousness will forget the Supreme Lord because at such a time body functions are disrupted and the mind may be in a panic-stricken state. BG 1972 purports
- Arjuna prepared to go to the forest with his bow and infallible arrows. He dressed himself with suitable protective garments, for he was to practice for the time when he would be killing many enemies on the battlefield
- Arjuna wanted to see Krsna in His universal form, which, although a transcendental form, is just manifested for the cosmic manifestation and is therefore subject to the temporary time of this material nature. BG 1972 purports
- As described in Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 9.5.16), Durvasa Muni, a great mystic yogi who considered himself very elevated, envied Maharaja Ambarisa, who was known as the greatest devotee of the time
- As far as possible live, for we have got rooms like that. Live there and take little prasadam, and fully devote time how to advance in Krsna consciousness. That is success of life. So it is authorized by the sastras
- As far as time is concerned, we beg to subjoin a table of timings in terms of the modern clock. One laghu - 2 minutes; One danda - 30 minutes; One prahara - 3 hours; One day - 12 hours; One night - 12 hours; One paksa - 15 days
- As far as time is concerned, we beg to subjoin a table of timings in terms of the modern clock. One truti - 8/13,500 second; One vedha - 8/135 second; One lava - 8/45 second; One nimesa - 8/15 second; One ksana - 8/5 second; One kastha - 8 seconds
- As far as we are concerned, we cannot explain them (the subject matters of physics, chemistry, mathematics, astronomy, time and space) very thoroughly in terms of technical knowledge
- As I am repeatedly placing before you with all humbleness that this movement is very, very much essential, not only at the present moment, but also all the time
- As in the previous year, they all washed the Gundica temple when the time for Ratha-yatra arrived
- As indicated in this verse (SB 7.5.54) by the word krta-ksanaih, at the opportune moment when it was possible to preach about Krsna consciousness, Prahlada Maharaja used the time as follows
- As long as you are not flourishing, you should make a truce with the demons and asuras, who are now being favored by time
- As one has to take bath after using the toilet, so one has to wash himself with water after sexual intercourse, especially when at a forbidden time
- As soon as one is fixed up with KC & begins to love Krsna, then he doesn't want to love anything more. "Now I am fully satisfied." So otherwise, we'll have many questions, many answers, so long we are not self-realized, and our time will be spoiled
- As soon as one is grown up, reaching youthful time, the sex desire is very strong, very strong
- As soon as Saturday is over and Sunday comes, they again begin their sinful activities, expecting to be forgiven the next Saturday. This kind of prayascitta, or atonement, is condemned by Pariksit Maharaja, the most intelligent king of his time
- As soon as the living entity becomes situated in his constitutional glory and begins to enjoy the transcendence beyond time and material energy, he at once gives up the two misconceptions of life and thus becomes fully manifested as the pure self
- As soon as the time is ripe, or as soon as one has developed perfect Krsna consciousness, he should leave home, even though all his duties may not be fulfilled
- As the brahmanas chanted the Vedic hymns and performed the ritualistic ceremonies for the second time, Nanda Maharaja again gave them huge quantities of grain and many cows
- As the son cannot repay the father, so I cannot repay the obligation I owe to you, but my sincere blessings are always upon you because you have tried to help me in a very critical time
- As time passes, it is calculated in terms of years. One year contains 360 days, and the soldiers of Candavega herein mentioned (in SB 4.27.13) represent these days
- Asat means which will not stay, nonpermanent, for the time. Just like we have accepted this body. This is asad-graha. This body will not stay. Everyone knows, but still, I am too much attached to this body. This is called asad-graha
- Asita: There was a king of the same name, but herein (SB 1.9.6-7) the Asita mentioned is the Asita Devala Rsi, a great powerful sage of the time
- At a time beyond memory, after agitating the material nature into three qualities, the Supreme Personality of Godhead placed the semen of innumerable living entities within the womb of that material nature
- At home they (Gosvamis) had more time to sleep, but when they went to Vrndavana they were sleeping only one half-hour to two hours only. At the present moment, when a man becomes old, he requires more rest but according to Vedic civilization, no more rest
- At lunchtime Aghasura appeared by the arrangement of yogamaya, so that for the time being they (the cowherd boys) could stop their activities and take lunch
- At night offer puris, milk and other nice preparations should be offered also. In the morning offer fruits and during the day time nice dhal, chopaties, etc. Sometimes special preparations can be offered on Sunday - Kachories, sweet balls
- At no time can we be as great as Krsna, although we are the same qualitatively. No one is equal to God, and no one is greater than Him
- At such a time (after giving birth to many children and becoming older and older) the wife becomes detestable to the very man who accepted her in her younger days
- At such a time (that even after enjoying the company of the beloved (Lord), the devotee feels that his enjoyment is insufficient), the lover sees the beloved in different ways. Such a development of ecstasy is called anuraga
- At such a time (when a devotee is perplexed) the Supersoul immediately appears, provided the devotee is purified in heart by following the directions of the spiritual master
- At such a time (when one becomes attached to the God and surrenders to Him) he can understand that Lord Sri Krsna's mercy is everything, that He is the cause of all causes and that this material manifestation is not independant from Him. BG 1972 purports
- At such a time a devotee makes friends with another devotee, and his engagement in material activities ceases completely. At that time, he attains the favor of the Lord and loses his faith in material civilization, which begins with varnasrama-dharma
- At such a time it is to be understood that the ruler, or the government, is dead. All of these misfortunes happened due to the death of King Vena. Thus the saintly persons became very anxious for the safety of the people in general
- At such a time one can understand who the Supreme Personality of Godhead is and what His maya is
- At such times He would be greatly morose and would cry, "Alas, where is Vrndavana? Where is Krsna, the son of the King of the cowherd men? Where is that person who plays the flute"
- At such times of slight appearance, no consideration is given to it; as when one is eating some palatable dishes, if one also eats a small blade of grass, he will not taste it, nor will he care to distinguish what its taste is like
- At such times, the ecstatic symptoms of kila-kincita are awakened. First there is jubilation in ecstatic love, which is the root cause of these symptoms
- At that time (during death) our stout and strong body and our intelligence - which don't care for anything - are vanquished
- At that time, Raghunatha dasa began inviting Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to his house with great attention for two days every month
- At the appropriate time, one's next body is immediately chosen, and both the individual soul and the Supersoul transfer to that particular bodily machine. This is the process of transmigration
- At the auspicious time for the appearance of the Lord, the entire universe was surcharged with all the qualities of goodness, beauty and peace. The constellation Rohini appeared, as did stars like Asvini - SB 10.3.1-5
- At the end of Manu's time there is not necessarily a devastation, but at the end of the Caksusa-manvantara, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, by His illusory energy, wanted to show Satyavrata the effects of devastation
- At the end of this time, all the members of the Yadu dynasty tried to please the inhabitants of Vrndavana to their hearts’ content
- At the present moment, human beings have become exactly like animals. They do not know the meaning of apavarga, liberation. Yet there was a time when people understood that human life was meant for apavarga
- At the present time a group of so-called devotees maintain that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is the enjoyer and that they are enjoyers as well. They have actually deviated from devotional service to the Lord
- At the time of cosmic annihilation, when everything, manifested and unmanifested, is annihilated by the force of time, the 5 gross elements enter into the subtle conception, and the manifested categories enter into the unmanifested substance - SB 10.3.25
- At this time, Candrasekhara and Tapana Misra both heard blasphemous criticism against Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and felt very unhappy. They came to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's lotus feet to submit a request
- Athato brahma jijnasa: "Now is the time to inquire about the Absolute Truth." The human form of life is especially meant for this purpose, and therefore the Vedanta-sutra very concisely explains the human mission
- Auspicious time for sex life
- Balance time we should save for enhancing our Krsna consciousness, or spiritual consciousness, so that after this body we haven't got to take another material body, but we go back to home, back to Godhead. That should be the motto of human life
- Balance time, utilize for Krsna consciousness. And if you have got temple, it is very happy life. Just for your food work little, and balance time engage yourself in Krsna consciousness. This is ideal life
- Balarama's eyes are naturally reddish, and when He became agitated and angry His eyes became more reddish. This time He challenged Rukmi and made a bet of a hundred million coins
- Because Krsna is vibhu, the greatest, He includes everything, even past, present, and future time, and He is all-pervading, present everywhere
- Because people will go on with their rascal civilization, natural consequences will be there. You better take advantage of whatever time you have got and become fully Krsna conscious and go back to home
- Because spiritual culture has been stopped all over the world, there is now an emergency, and therefore it is now time to train those who are considered lower and condemned, so that they may become brahmanas and take up the work of spiritual progress
- Because the ksatriyas, the men of power in government, were performing sinful activities, Lord Parasurama, on the plea of retaliating for the murder of his father, rid all the ksatriyas from the face of the earth twenty-one times
- Because the red Indians, they had no sufficient intelligence, they could not make America like present time. Lack of intelligence. So we are manufacturing so many things industrially, but the intelligence is also given by Krsna
- Before engaging in sexual intercourse, both the husband and the wife must consider their mental condition, the particular time, the husband's direction, and obedience to the demigods
- Before one's next death comes, as long as one's body is strong enough, one should quickly adopt the process of atonement according to sastra; otherwise one's time will be lost, and the reactions of his sins will increase
- Beginning from the sun down to the atom, all bodies are under the influence of the kala-cakra, or the orbit of eternal time, and each of them has a scheduled orbital time of one samvatsara
- Being covered by the effects of time, the scriptures are practically lost, and it becomes very difficult to understand or follow them
- Being ordered by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vasudeva prepared to take his son (Krsna) from the delivery room, and exactly at that time, a daughter was born to Nanda and Yasoda. She was Yogamaya, the internal potency of the Lord
- Being self-satisfied, Maharaja Prthu executed his duties as perfectly as possible according to the time and his situation, strength and financial position. His only aim in all his activities was to satisfy the Absolute Truth. In this way, he duly acted
- Being so insulted, he (Jayadratha) went to Gangotri in the Himalayas and undertook a severe type of penance to please Lord Siva. He asked his benediction to defeat all the Pandavas, at least one at a time
- Betting was with gold coins, and Balarama first of all challenged with one hundred coins, then one thousand coins, then ten thousand coins. Each time, Balarama lost, and Rukmi was victorious
- Bhagavad-gita deals with Prakrti (material nature) and time (the duration of existence of the whole universe or the manifestation of material nature) and karma (activity). BG 1972 Introduction
- Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, one of the greatest astrologers of his time
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura suggests that during the time of conjugal enjoyment, the attachment might be compared to Cupid himself. However, during the period of separation, Cupid becomes a messenger of highly elevated love. This is called prema-vilasa-vivarta
- Bharata Maharaja ruled the whole planet (it was called Bharatavarsa and the Vedas were also written that time), but gradually the planet was divided up. So the dharma of Vedic culture should not simply be considered Indian or Hindu in a sectarian sense
- Bhismadeva was known all over the universes, and during his time interplanetary travel was effected by finer methods than the futile endeavors of mechanical spacecraft
- Bhismadeva, who was the best amongst the eight Vasus, received and welcomed all the great and powerful rsis who were assembled there, for he knew perfectly all the religious principles according to time and place
- Bible begins, "God is the supreme authority," and Bhagavad-gita concludes, "You surrender." Where is the difference? Simply the description is according to the time, society, and place and people
- Birds, beast, you will find the pigeons, the dogs, they are enjoying sex at least four times in a hour. So there are men also like that. So here in this material world the sex life is this top pleasure. But it is very abominable
- Bodily comforts means to eat, sleep, to have sense gratification and to defend. So that is being done by the animals also, in their own way. So if we simply devote our time for these animal necessities of our life, then we are no better than animals
- Both by rising & setting, the sun decreases the duration of life of everyone except one who utilizes the time by discussing topics of the all-good Personality of Godhead
- Both by rising and by setting, the sun decreases the duration of life of everyone, except one who utilizes the time by discussing topics of the all-good Personality of Godhead
- Both Navadvipa and Varanasi were celebrated for their highly educational activities. At the present time these cities are still inhabited by great, learned scholars, but Varanasi is especially a center for Mayavadi sannyasis who are learned scholars
- Both the conditioned soul and the material nature act within the time factor, but the Lord is not subject to the actions and reactions of time, for time has been created by Him
- Both the Kazi and the landholders were under the control of the governor of Bengal, which at that time was known as Suba-bangala
- BTG broadcasting exclusively everything about the Supreme Personality of Godhead. These topics about Godhead are delineated in a manner for understanding of any common man & it is high time that people of the world should now know about the Supreme Truth
- Busy-ness is so important that Prahlada Maharaja says, kaumara acaret prajno: (SB 7.6.1) "Beginning from childhood, one should work for self-realization." One should not lose a second's time. So that is Vedic civilization
- But Krsna replied, "My dear father, don't delay. The sacrifice you propose for Govardhana and the local brahmanas will take much time"
- By calculation it is found that one laghu is equal to two minutes. The atomic calculation of time in terms of Vedic wisdom may be converted into present time with this understanding
- By concentrating one's attention on the transcendental form of Krsna, who is all-pervading and beyond time and space, one becomes absorbed in thinking of Krsna and then attains the happy state of transcendental association with Him. BG 1972 purports
- By His (God's) incarnation and potential activities, the complete ingredients of creation, namely time, space, cause, result, mind, the gross and subtle elements and their interactional modes of nature - goodness, passion and ignorance
- By making one's bodily necessities secondary, one can primarily devote his time to the cultivation of Krsna consciousness through the chanting of the holy names of God
- By minimizing bodily necessities, one can primarily devote his time to the cultivation of Krsna consciousness through the chanting of the holy names of God. Pure devotional service means engaging all the senses of the body in the service of the Lord
- By nature's arrangement the crowing of the cocks warns of the brahma-muhurta hour. There is no need of alarm clocks: as soon as the cocks crow early in the morning, it is to be understood that it is time to rise from bed
- By reformatory method one is initiated for the second time or second birth. Then he is educated by the Vedic literature. Just like we have got so many books. After initiation, one becomes bona fide student to study all these Vedic literatures
- By that time I shall be in Boston, and I shall examine you personally then I shall do the needful. In the meantime, you can sit down silently, and increase your number of chanting. That is your work for the time being
- By the force of time one attains whatever material happiness is available within the fourteen worlds, just as one attains distress in due course of time. But since spiritual consciousness is not attained in this way, one should try for it
- By the order of Lord Krsna, His potency yogamaya came with Him and exhibited different activities according to the time and circumstances. Karyarthe sambhavisyati. Yogamaya acted differently to execute different purposes desired by the Lord
- By the order of the Supreme it (sun) does not move even one ten-thousandth of an inch from where it should be. It always rises exactly at the correct time. Why? There must be some discipline, some obedience, some order
- By the request of Jagannatha Misra the brahmana cooked for a third time, but for a third time the Lord (Nimai) came before him & began to eat the food, although the child had been locked within a room & everyone was sleeping because it was late at night
- By the time he came to the Ananda-matha from Badarikasrama, Madhvacarya had finished his commentary on the Bhagavad-gita. His companion Satya Tirtha wrote down the entire commentary
- By the time you find out petrol in moon planet, your petrol will be finished. Then what you will do? Just see? Foolish attempt
- By this time you have experience of our Indian standard of life and your standard of life in America, so you will have to take little trouble to adjust their habits. And as you will be the head Brahmacary you should learn to tolerate
- Canakya Pandita says that even a slight fraction of time cannot be purchased with millions of dollars, and therefore even a moment of time lost without profit must be calculated as the greatest loss in life
- Certainly your glancing upon me today has very much agitated my mind. Your smile, which is full of shyness but at the same time lusty, is agitating the most powerful cupid within me. Therefore, O most beautiful, I ask you to be merciful upon me
- Charity performed at an improper place and time and given to unworthy persons without respect and with contempt is charity in the mode of ignorance. BG 17.22 - 1972
- Charity performed at an impure place, at an improper time, to unworthy persons, or without proper attention and respect is said to be in the mode of ignorance
- Cheating sannyasis and yogis have existed since the time of Prthu Maharaja's sacrifice. This cheating was very foolishly introduced by King Indra. In some ages such cheating is very prominent, and in other ages not so prominent
- Child Pariksit was not observing a living being who is limited by time and space
- Citraketu wanted to do this (offer prayers to God), but he was unable because of loving ecstasy. Therefore he had to wait for a considerable time before be could offer prayers
- Combined, these are called tritayatmaka, the three causes (time, the ingredient and the creator). Everything in this material world is created by these three causes. All of these causes are found in the Personality of Godhead
- Conditioned soul has very little time to cultivate attachment to hearing the nectarean words of the Supreme Personality of Godhead because he is always disturbed by the bodily necessities such as hunger and thirst
- Constitution may be little different, but obedience to the state is absolute necessity. Similarly, religion may be different according to time, country, position, understanding, but obedience to God must be there. Otherwise it is not human civilization
- Cow protection practically solves the problems of sustenance & the greater portion of time of the devotees, being not engaged in the frantic scramble of materialistic competition for food & shelter, is kept engaged in the pursuit of spiritual perfection
- Desa-kala to mean according to time and country. In the Western countries there is no River Yamuna or Ganges - water from such sacred rivers is not available. Does this mean that the arca worship should for that reason be stopped?
- Destiny fixed the time for Maharaja Bharata's enjoyment of material opulence at one thousand times ten thousand years. When that period was finished, he retired from family life and divided the wealth he had received from his forefathers among his sons
- Devaki prayed - (After cosmic annihilation) the mahat-tattva enters, by the force of time, into the nonmanifested total material energy, the total material energy enters into the energetic pradhana, and the pradhana enters into You - the SP of Godhead
- Devaki said, " I also know for certain that You have descended to annihilate all kinds of miscreants who have been misled in the course of time"
- Devastating time, which controls even the celestial demigods by its manifestations of past, present and future, does not act on the transcendental plane
- Devotional service is open for everyone, regardless of caste, creed, time and country. This Krsna consciousness movement is functioning according to this principle
- Devotional service which is rendered by the devotee in this lifetime can never be destroyed by time. Such spiritual assets remain unchanged, being beyond the influence of time
- Dharma does not mean a particular type of faith. Faith is different thing. Faith is followed blindly or by social custom or something else. Faith is different. But dharma, either you change social custom, country, time, space, it cannot be changed
- Dhaumya was present even during the exile of the Pandavas & used to advise them in circumstances when they were perplexed. He instructed them how to live incognito for one year, & his instructions were strictly followed by the Pandavas during that time
- Dhruva Maharaja was determined to achieve the benediction of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and therefore Narada advised him to go back home for the time being, and in mature time he could try to practice devotional service
- Dhruva Maharaja was the great-grandson of Lord Brahma. This indicates that Dhruva Maharaja's time was in the Satya-yuga in the beginning of creation
- Dhruva Maharaja, who was a great charioteer and certainly a great bowman also, immediately began to kill them (the greatly powerful heroes of the Yaksas from Alakapuri) by simultaneously discharging arrows three at a time
- Diti knew well that her request might be rejected because of the untimely situation, but she pleaded that when there is an emergency or a distressful condition, there is no consideration of time or situation
- Diti was so lusty that she forced her husband to copulate at a time which was inauspicious, and therefore the demons were born to create disturbances
- Don't chant Hare Krsna maha-mantra with any motive. That is not good. Even if you chant with motive, that will take little time to become pure devotee, but better without any motive. As a matter of duty, you chant regularly
- Don't spoil your life simply for sense gratification or so-called advancement of material civilization. You should utilize your time how to make advancement in Krsna consciousness
- Don't think you are, we are, every one of us, independent. No. No independent. And after death you are completely under the grip of material nature. That time you cannot say, "I don't care for anyone." No, you have to care
- Due to his material inebriety, the living entity in the marginal position becomes entangled with the inferior energy, matter. At such a time he forgets his spiritual significance
- During (the night of Brahma) this time no living beings or species remain manifest, although spiritually they continue to exist. This unmanifested stage is called avyakta
- During bedtime also the singers sing songs in relationship with the pastimes of the Lord, with sahnai accompaniment, and the householders gradually fall asleep remembering the glories of the Lord
- During Krsnadasa' time there was no Radharani deity, Madan Mohan was alone. Radharani was later introduced. The temple of Madan Mohan was formerly on high level, that is, the original old temple
- During my Guru Maharaja's time, even a person was coming from a brahmana family, he was initiated according to the pancaratrika system taking him to be a sudra. So the birthright brahmanism is not applicable at the present moment
- During the reign of Caksusa Manu there was a king named Satyavrata, who was a great pious ruler. To save him, the Lord appeared as the fish incarnation (Matsya) for a second time
- During the summer time you should utilize this program of Sankirtana and book distribution vigorously. Attention diverted to incense business is not a very good sign. We should give all our energy for distributing BTG
- During the time of cow-stealing in Virata-nagara, he (Trigarta) was able to arrest Maharaja Virata, but later Maharaja Virata was released by Bhima. In the Battle of Kuruksetra he also fought very valiantly, but at the end he was killed by Arjuna
- During the time of cow-stealing in Virata-nagara, Susarma was able to arrest Maharaja Virata, but later Maharaja Virata was released by Bhima
- During the time of Rajivalocana, there was a scarcity of finances for the worship of the Jagannatha Deity, and it is said that the Nawab of Dacca, whose name was Shah Suja, donated 1,185 bighas of land (about 395 acres) in the Bengali year 1060
- During the time of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati, this temple was managed by the mother-in-law of Sasibhusana and his brother-in-law Narayana-candra Ghosa
- During the time of Svayambhuva Manu, these sons all became the demigods collectively named the Tusitas. Marici became the head of the seven rsis, and Yajna became the king of the demigods, Indra
- During the time of the Pandavas free contact between man and woman was allowed in certain conditions only
- During these times there are considerable crowds all over the city. There are about 5,000 temples in Vrndavana City
- During these times, there are certain special rules and regulations which are strictly followed
- During this time, a Vaisnava named Krsnadasa came to see Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. He was a householder belonging to the ksatriya caste, and his house was located on the other side of the Yamuna
- During this time, all the devotees from different parts of Bengal, and especially from Navadvipa, arrived in Jagannatha Puri
- During this time, Raghunatha Bhattacarya, the son of Tapana Misra, gave up all his duties and left home, intending to meet Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Duryodhana arranged for Durvasa and his men to reach the place of the Pandavas just when the Pandavas' lunchtime was ended, so that the Pandavas would be caught without sufficient means to feed such a large number of guests
- Each GBC man can act as my secretary for one month at a time as I originally planned. In this way you will all be trained up nicely
- Each time he had to return home disappointed. Each time, the princely order of the Yadu dynasty arrested Jarasandha in the same way and again released him in an insulting manner, and each time Jarasandha shamelessly returned home
- Each time Ramananda Raya suggested something, Lord Caitanya rejected it, requesting a better method for spiritual development
- Each time someone reads some solid information about Krishna his life becomes changed in some way
- Each time the gorilla would bring out a tree to strike Balarama, He would tear it to pieces by striking it with His club & the gorilla would clutch another tree from another direction & attack Him. As a result of this fighting, the forest became treeless
- Either materially or spiritually, one should be very alert in utilizing the time which he has at his disposal. A conditioned soul lives in a particular body for a fixed measurement of time
- Either this Christian or Muhammadan, Buddhist religion, Jain religion, this religion, that religion, this "ism," that "ism," they have got history. History, it is limited, within the limited time. But this Vedic religion has no beginning or end
- Emperor Pariksit received the information of his death in time, and he at once left his kingdom and family and sat down on the bank of the Ganges to fast till death
- Endeavors merely for sense gratification or material happiness through economic development are not to be performed, for they result only in a loss of time and energy, with no actual profit
- Even if one falls down sometimes, if one becomes sincere, thinking, "From this time I shall remain Krsna conscious and execute His orders," then Krsna will help him
- Even if we are able to do something temporarily beneficial, time will see that the good project is frustrated in course of time
- Even in our daily life, so many things come and go in which we have no hand, but we have to suffer or tolerate them without remedial measure. That is the result of time
- Even the greatest scientist, he cannot increase a moment's time for his life. That is not possible
- Even the learned sages become disturbed in their intelligence when they see that You take shelter in a fort although You are the controller of invincible time, and that You enjoy householder life surrounded by many women although You enjoy in Your Self
- Even there is some disagreement at times, that is not taken very seriously. In this way, in mature life they become happy. I want to introduce this system of arranged marriages in the Western countries, amongst my disciples at least
- Even third-class devotees who have no literary knowledge or no time to read Srimad-Bhagavatam or Bhagavad-gita get the opportunity to hear about the pastimes of the Lord
- Even though during the time of dissolution all the conditioned living entities remain merged within the spiritual existence of the Lord, as if in deep sleep, their original desires to lord it over the material nature do not subside
- Even when the Lord’s transcendental existence is disguised by space, time and thought, however, pure devotees of the Supreme Lord can see Him in His personal features beyond space, time and thought
- Even within this material world you cannot minimize the longest distance of time and space. But spiritually it is possible. That is the difference between matter and spirit. Just try to understand this
- Every living being is limited by time and space. Even though a living being is qualitatively one with the Lord, quantitatively there is a great difference between the Supreme Soul and the common individual soul
- Every material thing deteriorates, and like a broken machine or an old piece of cloth the body becomes useless after a certain length of time
- Every material things deteriorate, and it becomes useless at certain length of time. Any machine, any cloth. Therefore it has been taken as dress. But unfortunately modern universities, educational system, they do not know anything about this
- Every scripture is made according to the time, atmosphere, persons - so many things there are conditional. Therefore we sometimes find differences in one scripture from another
- Everyone has to bear the actions and reactions of time as long as one is within the conditions of the material world
- Everyone is afraid of the activities of time, but a devotee who knows that the time factor is another representation or manifestation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead has nothing to fear from the influence of time
- Everyone wants to lead the medical science. It is time to give greatest relief from disease, but they cannot stop disease or death. That is the problem
- Everything covered by the influence of maya is within the limited boundaries of space, time and thought. Even the greatest manifestation we can conceive, the sky, also has limitations
- Everything happening within time, which consists of past, present and future, is merely a dream. That is the secret understanding in all Vedic literature
- Everything is controlled by the supreme kala, a forceful representative of the Lord within the material world. Thus Yudhisthira should not be sorry for the inconceivable action of time
- Everything is created. This table is created. You cannot say that it has come naturally. This form may be created or it exists at a certain state of time, but the energy is never created
- Everything is nicely going on. The sun is rising in due time. The moon is rising in due time. The seasons, seasons are changing. There is nice organization. So is it not a bona fide inquiry to - What is the purpose of this organization
- Except for the grhasthas, or the householders, everyone is supposed to engage in the spiritual advancement of life, and therefore the brahmacari, the vanaprastha and the sannyasi have very little time to earn a livelihood
- Expert jataka-vipras (good astrologers who could tell all the future history of a born child simply by the astral calculations of the time) were present during the birth of Maharaja Pariksit
- Factually this is all due to the supreme will of the Lord, the Personality of Godhead. Sometimes people kill one another, and at other times they protect one another
- Fasting twice or four times a month is a sort of austerity which may be voluntarily accepted for spiritual realization only, and not for any other purposes, political or otherwise
- Feelings of separation or meeting with Krsna are different stages of love of Godhead. These feelings develop in time when a person seriously engages in devotional service
- Fight with maya means to drop thousand and millions of books into the lap of the conditioned souls. Just like during war time the Bombs are raining from the sky like anything
- Five items-time, worship, offering of respect, offering of oblation into the fire and offering of food to a brahmana-comprise purascarya. This and other rituals are mentioned in the hari-bhakti-vilasa, the authoritative book of directions
- For coming to Australia, fifty years ago it would have taken six months. Now we come six hours. The process coming is there. By scientific method, the space and time has been shortened
- For composing I think Rayarama has not given you the right time. It must be ready within one and a half months after the machine is there. By rough calculation, one can compose at least 10 pages per day, so for 400 pages it takes utmost 40-45 days
- For example, it may be said that one should chant the Hare Krsna mantra at least 100,000 times daily on his beads. But if this is not possible, then one must minimize his chanting according to his own capacity
- For one who is too entangled in material life, it takes a little more time to come to the standard point, but even such a materially engrossed man is raised to the spiritual platform very quickly
- For performing sacrificial ceremonies, one requires sacrificial ingredients, such as flowers, leaves and straw, along with the sacrificial altar and a suitable time - spring
- For the sake of creation, maintenance and annihilation according to time, He accepts different forms as incarnations either in the mode of goodness, the mode of passion or the mode of ignorance
- For the time being just try to train up this nice older woman who is staying with you. Give her all facilities and instruction for understanding our Krsna consciousness way of life
- For the time being, let us produce magazines in English and Hindi languages and perhaps at some later time we may be able to print in local languages our BTG also
- For twenty-four years, Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu remained at home, and whatever pastimes He performed during that time are called the adi-lila
- Forgetfulness is the nature of the living entity. We cannot even remember what we were doing at this exact time yesterday or a week ago. If we cannot remember this, how is it possible to remember what happened in our previous lives
- Formal acceptance of sannyas, as required for all old men, means that one should retire from materialistic life, and devote his time and energy for the service of the Lord
- Formerly he had killed one brahmana, Visvarupa, out of circumstantial anger, but this time, following the advice of the sages, he killed another brahmana purposely. Therefore the sinful reaction was greater than before
- Formerly the kings (rajas) were great saintly persons. They were not ordinary people engaged in drinking and dancing. They were all rsis (sages), up to the time of Maharaja Pariksit
- Formerly there was no watch, but you still they used to keep time by the movement of the sun on a dial, just making some marks on the stone
- Formerly, before Vyasadeva, say, five thousand years ago, before that time there was no need of written literature
- Formerly, when there were responsible kings, up to the time of Dvapara-yuga, when Lord Krsna was present, the king was liable to be blamed for the untimely death of a child in the presence of his parents
- From a practical point of view, as I have not yet finished Srimad Bhagawatam and we have got now 100 branches, so by the time I am finished with Bhagawatam there must be at least 1000 branches. I have worked alone, now you are so many
- From Bhagavad-gita we must learn what God is, what the living entities are, what prakrti is, what the cosmic manifestation is and how it is controlled by time, and what the activities of the living entities are. BG 1972 Introduction
- From ethereal existence, which evolves from sound, the next transformation takes place under the impulse of time, and thus the subtle element touch and thence the air and sense of touch become prominent
- From material point of view, one cannot understand that one plus one equals one, & one minus one equals one. It requires a little time to understand this axiomatic truth. But in time such truths will become revealed to you without any mental speculation
- From now on if someone takes the leading post, he must agree to stick and not go away just because it is difficult from time to time. That is ideal leader
- From time to time, Advaita Acarya and others would invite Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu for home-cooked rice and varieties of vegetables
- Gandharvas are both male and female. This indicates that both men and women lose their life-span imperceptibly by the force of time, which is herein (SB 4.27.13) described as Candavega
- Generally, a man is born as an ordinary being, and by the purificatory processes he is born for the second time. When he sees a new light and seeks direction for spiritual progress, he approaches a spiritual master for instruction in the Vedas
- Generally, the sacrifice is offered with clarified butter and grains, but with the progress of time, human society has produced varieties of goods by transforming materials supplied by God's material nature
- God is neither Hindu nor Muslim nor Christian. God is God. God is one. But according to time and climate, condition, the method of approaching God may be different, but the ultimate end is how to love God or how to serve God
- Goodness in the material world also at times becomes contaminated by touches of the modes of passion and ignorance. In the Vaikunthaloka, it is unalloyed goodness only
- Gopinatha Pattanayaka replied, 'There is no money I can immediately give you in cash. Please give me time. Gradually I shall purchase and sell my gross goods and in this way fill your treasury'
- Gopinatha Pattanayaka would collect some and pay some, spending it at will, but I would not consider this very seriously. This time, however, he was put into trouble because of a misunderstanding with the prince
- Gopis lament: "My dear Krsna, during the daytime when You go out into the forest of Vrndavana with Your cows, we consider one moment to be twelve years, and it is very difficult for us to pass the time"
- Gopis said, "Krsna may have forgotten us in the midst of the cultured women of Dvaraka, but as far as we are concerned, we still remember Him by collecting flowers & sewing them into garlands. When He does not come, we simply pass our time by crying"
- Great personalities and sages who are able to see everything clearly through the eyes of the revealed scriptures and possess vision of the three phases of the time element, namely past, present and future
- Guru Maharaja foretold. He told my Godbrothers, Sridhara Maharaja and others, that "He'll do the needful when time comes. Nobody requires to help him." He told in 1935. And after all, this was true
- Haridasa Thakura replied, "I shall accept you without fail, but you will have to wait until I have finished chanting my regular rounds on my beads. Until that time, please sit and listen to the chanting of the holy name"
- Haridasa Thakura then expressed his desire, "If I could just get a solitary place near the temple, I could stay there alone and pass my time"
- Hariscandra was certainly very much attached to his son. Because of this affection, he asked the demigod Varuna to wait. Thus Varuna waited and waited for the time to come
- He (a person) attempts to act fruitively for personal gain or sense gratification, after attempting fruitive activities for a considerable time, when he is frustrated he becomes a philosophical speculator and thinks himself to be on the same level as God
- He (Daksa) was aggrieved because Narada Muni had misled his sons for a second time. He wanted to prove that Narada Muni, although dressed like a sadhu, was not actually a sadhu; he himself, although a householder, was a greater sadhu than Narada
- He (God) is nityah sasvatah - eternal, permanent. Everything passes through time's phases of present, past and future, yet the Lord is always the same
- He (Hiranyakasipu) guarded against all kinds of time, space and countries because he was afraid of being killed by someone else in another land
- He (Indra) dared not pick up his weapon again. Vrtrasura, however, encouraged him, saying, "Take up your thunderbolt and kill your enemy. This is not the time to lament your fate"
- He (Krsna) is beyond the existence of limited time and space, and because He is transcendental to time and space He cannot be covered by the illusion of maya, whose activities are limited
- He (Krsna) is the controller of this material nature and of all living entities. He is also the controller of inexhaustible time, and He is full of all opulences and all potencies. BG 1972 purports
- He (Krsna) is transcendental, and that He is above the domination of the modes of material nature and above the influence of time and space. BG 1972 purports
- He (Lord Visnu) was being worshiped by time, space, the cosmic manifestation, reformation, desire, activity and the three qualities of material nature. Lord Visnu, Brahma also realized, is the reservoir of all truth, knowledge and bliss
- He (Maharaja Pariksit) did not want to interfere with the current of the time, but he prepared himself to meet death very cheerfully and very properly
- He (Nanda Maharaj) entered deep into the water of the river, but he was arrested immediately by one of the servants of Varunadeva. This servant brought Nanda Maharaja before the demigod Varuna & accused him of taking a bath in the river at the wrong time
- He (The great sage Maitreya) just gives a hint of His unlimited time by the standard of the life of Brahma. The entire duration of the life of Brahma is calculated to be less than a second of the Lord's time, and it is explained in the Brahma-samhita
- He (the Lord) is not working under the control of time. The creation of the material world is one of the Lord's pastimes. Everything is fully under His control
- He (the Supreme Lord) mentions that in the form of time He devours also. He is the annihilator, the killer of all. When there is creation, He develops all from their original state, and at the time of annihilation He devours them. BG 1972 purports
- He (the Supreme Personality of Godhead) is transcendental to space, time and thought; although He appears within them, He exists transcendentally
- He (Vijitasva) received this title from Indra, and it refers to the time when Indra stole Maharaja Prthu's horse from the sacrificial arena. Indra was not visible to others when he was stealing the horse, but Maharaja Prthu's son Vijitasva could see him
- He (Yudhisthira) has always invited the heavenly King, Indra, to take part in the yajnas (sacrifices). Because King Indra was thus absent so often from Sacidevi, she had to pass much of her time pining over Indra's absence, with her cheeks upon her hands
- He counted the chants on the fingers of both hands, and after he had finished chanting one thousand times, he would make a mark on his body
- He forgets that before him is time, which is taking away his life-span with the passing of day and night. He does not see the gradual diminishing of his life, nor does he care about the superintendent of death, who is trying to kill him from behind
- He himself (a husband) is dependent on time, fruitive results and the modes of nature, which are all subordinate to You (Lord Kamadeva)
- He is not separated from us by time or space but is present everywhere. Seated on His carrier, Garuda, He is worshiped by means of mystical yogic power by those who have achieved freedom from agitation. Let us all offer our respectful obeisances unto Him
- He knows how to deal according to time, person and country, and He sees through the scriptures and authoritative books. He is very clean and self-controlled
- He passed his time, which lasted seventy-one cycles of the four ages (71 x 4,320,000 years), always thinking of Vasudeva and always engaged in matters regarding Vasudeva. Thus he transcended the three destinations
- He was unable to utter any of the letters of the alphabet to offer the Lord suitable prayers because his voice was choked in ecstasy, for a considerable time
- Hearing these proposals made by other devotees of the Lord, mother Saci said to the devotees, "How many times shall I get the chance to see Nimai again"
- Herein (BG 4.1) we find the history of the Bhagavad-gita traced from a remote time when it was delivered to the royal order, the kings of all planets. BG 1972 purports
- Hiranyakasipu said: My dear Prahlada, my dear son, O long - lived one, for so much time you have heard many things from your teachers. Now please repeat to me whatever you think is the best of that knowledge
- His (Hiranyakasipu's) decision was that since the self (atma) and time are both eternal, if he could not occupy that post (of Lord Brahma) in one lifetime he would continue to execute austerities life after life so that sometime he would be able to do so
- His (Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya's) father was a very much celebrated man of the name Mahesvara Visarada. It is said that Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya was the greatest logician of his time in India
- His (the atheist Kapila's) conceptions of so-called conditioned and liberated life are materialistic, and he refuses to accept the importance of immortal time. All such statements are against the principles of the Vedanta-sutra
- His Divine Grace, my spiritual master, somehow or other liked me, that I should take up this responsibility. And on the first day I met him, I was at (that) time a very young man, a nationalist, and engaged in a very responsible office
- Hogs and dogs, they are always busy. So this human form of life is not meant for that purpose. Jivasya tattva-jijnasa. Earn money, but... Be comfortable, but utilize time - tattva-jijnasa, athato brahma jijnasa. That is your aim of life
- How much time it requires to surrender to Krsna? Immediately you can do that. Surrender means you surrender and work as Krsna says. That is surrender. What Krsna says to do? Man-mana bhava mad-bhakto mad-yaji mam namaskuru. Four things
- Human life should be utilized only for chanting and reading Vedic literatures. The International Society for Krishna Consciousness is publishing many books so that people can utilize their time properly by reading them and make their lives successful
- I (Bharata) was successful in my attempt, so much so that my mind was always absorbed in devotional service. However, due to my personal foolishness, my mind again became attached - this time to a deer
- I (Prabhupada) am greatly pleased to hear from you that you have increased the selling books five times more in Chicago centre. That is very good news to me
- I am born in particular type, particular time or particular country, I cannot render service to Krsna - that's not a fact. Anywhere, any part of the world, any part of the universe, any man, in any condition, he can serve Krsna. There is no impediment
- I am busy in my propaganda work and I cannot just divert my attention in this account business. So far the 15 cases of books, I have several times submitted the invoices and each time they are rejected. So I am fed up with this business
- I am glad that you are very serious about Krishna consciousness even at such a young age. This is the instruction of Prahlada Maharaja who was a young boy like yourself. He said that now is the time to become Krishna conscious no matter what is one's age
- I am preaching in the Western countries. So nobody has checked, the government has not checked, because the time is not so cruel. Although in that Western country, Lord Jesus Christ was crucified
- I am sexually inclined, but I cannot do it. This is not the time. - That is tapasya
- I am so glad to receive your letter dated 15th March, 1971. I am so glad to learn that you are in Bombay and are eager to see me. I have therefore fixed up time on Tuesday at 9:00 A.M. It will be very pleasant to see you from 9:00 A.M. to 10 A.M
- I am very glad that your wife Mona is gradually understanding Krishna Consciousness. Women are generally less intelligent. Give her time & scope & she will turn out a very good assistant for your life. Convey my blessings for her
- I am very glad to see that you have detected the deficiency in our educational system, but still there is time before complete ruination if we take seriously this Krsna Consciousness Movement
- I am very much pleased that you are interested in my scheme at Jyotisar, I think that I shall require your help when this plan is in action. If you have time you can come to Vrindaban to discuss some important matters
- I beg to inform you that it is now high time to revive the divine consciousness of mankind, the people in general, modern leaders, philosophers, and religionists - considering the deteriorated world situation in every respect
- I do not think you should spend your time at this stage of life in trying to learn so many different local languages. That is not practical
- I further understand that the attack was for the second time. Here in Mayapur there are reports of dacoity at least once, twice in a month surrounding our place. So we have now taken two guns under regular license from the government
- I have been invited by Australia & I am seriously considering visiting Moscow on my way to Europe, so my reaching at L.A. may take some more time, but I am always remembering about L.A. because I was very peacefully doing my translating work there
- I have heard with great pleasure how in only one month's time you have distributed 50,000 Bhagavad gita As It Is in the Japanese language. I think there has never been a case in history when so many religious books were distributed in such a short time
- I have just received invitation today from Harivilas prabhu inviting me to come to one Hare Krsna Festival in Paris around that time also, so I am considering very seriously
- I have read in some book - that Aquatic Gospel? - that formerly, during Lord Jesus Christ's time, some meeting were held occasionally among all religious people, all religious people. And in one meeting some Hindu's name was there; he is very prominent
- I hope by this time the San Francisco devotees have already started for London, and I shall be glad to hear if there is any news from them, or about them
- I offer my respectful obeisances unto the full-moon evening in the month of Phalguna, an auspicious time full of auspicious symptoms, when Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu advented Himself with the chanting of the holy name, Hare Krsna
- I shall be very happy if you would kindly come and see me here. I am scheduled to leave Hawaii on the morning of Feb. 9th, so if you could possibly come before that time it would be very nice
- I simply want things to be developed which we have got, not to make so many big big plans and changing all the time, that is not very practical
- I surrender unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead, descended in the form of Kapila, who is independently powerful and transcendental, who is the Supreme Person and the Lord of the sum total of matter and the element of time
- I thank you very much for your invitation to the wedding of your son. I shall be very pleased to attend if I will be in Bombay during that time
- I think you may introduce the ceremony of strolling the Deities round about the temple. If not every evening, then it can be done at least one day per week at a fixed up time
- I understand that Mukunda is leading now a nice Kirtana party in the streets, and there is good response. The time is fast approaching when we will have to perform such public Kirtana in all the important cities of the world
- I wish that You not show me this closing chapter of Your pastimes. Before that time comes, kindly let my body fall down in Your presence
- I wrote one time, standard of morality. We have got very simple formulas from the statement of sastras
- If a boy is whiling away his time by playing, you can understand, "This boy is being spoiled." Similarly, by the direction of the scripture, you can understand what is the destination of a certain person
- If a conditioned soul does not take advantage of this opportunity, after the dissolution of this material world he enters into the body of Narayana and remains there in deep sleep until the time of another creation
- If government men are opposed to a person, that person will be bereft of all his riches, which he has accumulated with great care over a long period of time
- If I am trained in KC, then I am the sane man, I am not a madman, because I know what is my position, what is God, what are other living entities, what is this world, what is this material nature, what is this time, what are these activities
- If I do not know what is the cause of my material bondage, then how we can take remedy? This is the cause, pumsah striya mithuni-bhavam etam. Desire is there. As soon as one is grown up, reaching youthful time, the sex desire is very strong, very strong
- If many men join the sankirtana movement, they may follow in the footsteps of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and form different parties according to the time and the number of men available
- If multiplied billions of times, the transcendental pleasure derived from impersonal Brahman realization still could not compare to even an atomic portion of the ocean of bhakti, or transcendental service - Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu 1.1.38
- If one arranges to feed many brahmanas or relatives during the sraddha ceremony, there will be discrepancies in the time, place, respectability and ingredients, the person to be worshiped, and the method of offering worship
- If one can perceive God, he is transcendental to all material demands. We are always dissatisfied in the material world in circumstances that won't continue; happiness is temporary, and temporary plight also will not exist for much time
- If one gives charity for some return, that is passion. And if somebody gives in charity in an improper place and time, without respect and to an unworthy person, just like the Bowery man, that is ignorance
- If one is expert in the study of the Vedas but does not surrender to a spiritual master or Visnu, all his cultivation of knowledge is but a waste of time and labor
- If one keeps himself spiritually fit and thinks of himself as an eternal servant of the Supreme Lord, he will be successful at the time he has to give up the material body
- If one returns to the SPG (yad gatva na nivartante (BG 15.6)), one need not reenter the limits of time. Therefore, devotees who have taken shelter of the lotus feet of the Supreme Lord can sleep very peacefully with this assurance from the SP of Godhead
- If someone does go and preach, taking all risks and allowing all considerations for time and place, it might be that there are changes in the manner of worship, but that is not at all faulty according to sastra
- If the brain should he taxed, it should be taxed for Krsna or God. This is the proper utilization of time. There is no scarcity of bread in the Kingdom of God
- If the history of such a vast period of time was recorded chronologically, how many pages would it have to be? Therefore, only the most important incidents are selected and described in the Mahabharata
- If the king's mind is fully controlled, all his family members and governmental officers are subordinate to him. His provincial governors present taxes on time, without resistance, and what to speak of lesser servants?
- If the spiritual master's orders allow a grhastha to engage in sex life at a particular time, then the grhastha may do so; otherwise, if the spiritual master orders against it, the grhastha should abstain
- If the sun rises at 5:30 in the morning, at 5:30 in the evening twelve hours have been taken away from the duration of our lives. We will never get this time back
- If the yogi is perfect, he can select the time and place for leaving this material world, but if he is not so perfect, then he has to leave at nature's will. BG 1972 purports
- If there is lack of knowledge, or if there is forgetfulness, everything will be spoiled in time. So especially you must encourage the students to read our books throughout the day as much as possible
- If there is time and if your population has got sufficient food grains, then you can try to grow other fruits and vegetables for exporting. The first necessity is that you should be self-sufficient. That is God's arrangement
- If we cannot understand Krsna by reading BG and sastra. Krsna therefore giving us the very easiest method. All right, you cannot understand me, you are drinking water every day, four times, three times, you just remember this taste is Krsna
- If we examine how much time He devoted to killing and how much time He devoted to protecting, we shall find that He devoted more time to killing
- If we search to see who the father of our father is, and who his father is, and so on back, if it were somehow possible to trace our ancestry back through time, we would arrive at the Supreme Father, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- If you are confined in a room alone, you may go on, you may engage yourself in reading some particular book or in some particular thought, but still, you cannot remain alone for all the years and all the time
- If you are engaged in that activity, somehow or other, for preaching Krsna's name and fame, then that is the proper use of your energy and time
- If you are interested in the skin, if you are interested in the flesh, so at least wait for the time the animal will die. There is no doubt about it. So at least let him, let her die natural death. Why you should kill?
- If you are spending so much time with individuals they must first admit that they do not know who they are and they do not know who is God. These two things are completely lacking in modern educational systems
- If you chant twenty-four hours very easy thing - Hare Krsna mantra, that means this time cannot be taken away by the sun
- If you do not want to give your time and energy full time for translating and editing the Hindi work, unless there is some compensation of money, then what can I do?
- If you engage yourself full time in preaching then there won't be any other time for these other activities. You should approach the other Vaisnavas in a very humble state of mind
- If you find time you can visit our Krishna Balarama Temple in Vrindaban at Raman Reti which has now become the best attraction in Vrindaban
- If you have got time, if, if you haven't got to do anything else, you can continue, (laughter) sixteen hundred. It is not mechanical
- If you spoil time, so valuable, that valuable consideration that you cannot get it back in exchange of money . . . therefore it is valuable
- If you try to water one leaf after one leaf after one leaf, your time will be spoiled, and the tree will dry. This is the position. Everyone is trying to give service, but because there is missing the root, Krsna, everything is spoiled
- If you want really peaceful life, then you have to make your material necessities simplified and engage your time for spiritual cultivation
- If you want to purchase something, once or twice you may be cheated. A third time, you are very intelligent. So even despite being cheated, you should try to find out who is the real preacher. That requires little intelligence
- If you want to transfer the Trust to the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, the Society will do everything for the improvement of the Temple and also engage you as paid whole time manager on behalf of the Society
- If You, out of Your mercy, send one of Your outer garments to the King, the King would live hoping to see You some time in the future
- Ignorant of their real master, the foolish workers waste their valuable time serving mammon. Unfortunately, they never surrender to the supreme master of all masters, nor do they take time to hear of Him from the proper sources. BG 1972 purports
- Illusioned by the material energy, people are so engrossed in subject matter for sense gratification that they have very little time to understand the question of self-understanding. BG 1972 purports
- Immediately he becomes cured, of course, by hearing, provided one hears properly. But it is not possible, because we are associated with this material contamination. It requires little time
- In Africa, there are millions of elephants, and each elephant is eating at least eighty-two pounds at a time. But who is supplying the food? They have no economic problem. They have no bank balance
- In any case, by the time he is somewhat grown up and has assimilated our instructions or served our spiritual master, he will change in his intelligence. Thus there need be no cause for anxiety
- In British time there was no begging at least. Now their independence means they are begging. So these are all false notions. Nobody is independent. He is dependent in some way or other under the laws of nature
- In Central Park, it is full of rubbish things always. You go; it is a garbage. Why? There is no worker. And on the other side we see so many young men, they are not working, simply idling time
- In course of time (he who comes to the shelter of a great Vaisnava) falls down because of immature understanding, he is not actually fallen, for his having engaged in Krsna consciousness is a permanent asset
- In different ages, in different time, different types of medicines and vaccines are recommended, but in this age, Kali, it is so dangerously contaminous that no other process of medicine will act. What is, then, the rescue? The only medicine is harer nama
- In due course of time, the impregnated material energy was manifested first as the total material ingredients. Everything takes its own time to fructify, and the word kala-coditat, "influenced by time," is used herein - in SB 3.5.27
- In every millennium, Krsna appears in a different form, either as white, red or yellow, but this time He personally appeared in His original, blackish form and, as predicted by Garga Muni, exhibited the power of Narayana
- In former times there were many fools like you who did not conquer the six enemies that steal away the wealth of the body. These fools were very proud, thinking, "I have conquered all enemies in all the ten directions"
- In full samadhi he worshiped the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Nara-Narayana, who is Krsna in His plenary expansion. By doing so, in course of time Maharaja Nabhi was elevated to the spiritual world known as Vaikuntha
- In Hebrew literature time is accepted, in the same spirit, as a representation of God. It is stated therein: "God, who at sundry times and in diverse manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets
- In His sonnet, Advaita Prabhu first offered His obeisances hundreds and thousands of times unto the lotus feet of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. He then submitted the following statement at His lotus feet
- In India there are many places very suitable for spiritual advancement. Still they are existing from the very, very old times, historical time
- In Maharaja Yudhisthira's time, you will find from SB that people were so happy that there was no excessive heat or excessive cold, and nobody was anxious; everyone was free. That is the first duty of the government, to see every citizen is happy
- In my (Bhismadeva) opinion, this is all due to inevitable time, under whose control everyone in every planet is carried, just as the clouds are carried by the wind
- In old age, at the time of death, the throat sometimes becomes choked with mucus or blocked by air. At such a time the sound vibration of Hare Krsna, the maha-mantra, may not come out. Thus one may forget Krsna
- In our Krishna Consciousness Society we have full engagement twenty-four hours a day. Every moment of our time is always busily engaged in the service of the Lord. This is called the incessant flow of devotional service
- In our Krsna consciousness movement after six months or a year, he (who has got first initiation with hari-nama and chanting at least 16 rounds a day) is initiated for the second time and given the sacred thread with the regular sacrifice and rituals
- In spite of her being a princess, Parvati undertook all kinds of tribulations to associate with Lord Siva, who did not even have a house, but was sitting underneath the trees and passing his time in meditation
- In spite of her being a princess, she (Parvati) undertook all kinds of tribulations to associate with Lord Siva, who did not even have a house, but was sitting underneath the trees and passing his time in meditation
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 3.25.38) the Lord says: Persons who are satisfied with the idea of becoming My adherents alone. They consider that I am their soul, I am their God, and I am their supreme goal. My dear mother, time does not act on such devotees
- In Stotra-ratna (46), Yamunacarya writes: I long for the time when I shall engage fully in Your transcendental loving service without any desire for material satisfaction and without being confined to the mental plane
- In that aerial mansion, Devahuti, in the company of her handsome husband, situated on an excellent bed that increased sexual desires, could not realize how much time was passing
- In that transcendental state of labdhopasanti, there is no supremacy of devastating time, which controls even the celestial demigods who are empowered to rule over mundane creatures
- In the Bhagavad-gita, five important factors of knowledge have been delineated pertaining to (1) the Supreme Lord, (2) the living being, (3) nature, (4) time and space and (5) the process of activity
- In the Brahma-samhita it is stated that the sun is the eye of the Supreme and it rotates in its particular orbit of time
- In the course of time, when the subtle forms are transformed into gross forms, they become the objects of touch. The objects of touch and the tactile sense also develop after this evolution in time
- In the form of Marici, the SPG creates progeny; becoming the king, He kills the thieves and rogues; and in the form of time, He annihilates everything. All the different qualities of material existence should be understood to be qualities of the SPG
- In the higher planetary system, the moon planet, according to sastra, they, they live for ten thousands of years. Divya means our six months, their one day. In the higher planetary system, the time is different. That is acknowledged by Professor Einstein
- In the Kali-yuga there is very little time to go step by step. Otherwise, there are twenty different types of religious scriptures, vimsati-prakasa, dharma-sastra. So who will read, and who will try to understand? There is no time
- In the line of royal succession in the family of Maharaja Yudhisthira, all the kings, without exception, were the wisest men of their times, and so also it is foretold about Maharaja Pariksit and his son Maharaja Janamejaya, who was yet to be born
- In the lower animals sometimes the father-mother eat the offspring, but in the history of human society it has not come into notice that the father and mother eating the offspring. But time has come when the mother is killing offspring
- In the material world one may become very tired if he works all the time, but if one works in Krsna consciousness, he can chant Hare Krsna and engage in devotional service twenty-four hours a day and never get tired
- In the morning our first business should be to beat the mind with shoes a hundred times. and, before going to bed, to beat the mind a hundred times with a broomstick. In this way one's mind can be kept under control
- In the performance of a sacrifice, there are seven transcendental means to obtain the mercy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead: (1) by sacrificing valuable things or eatables, (2) by acting in terms of place, (3) by acting in terms of time
- In the present age there are so many TB patients and TB hospitals, but formerly this was not so because the time was not so unfavorable
- In the previous time, this cow sacrifice was actually being done. That's all right. But that was not for killing. That - to give the cow, the old cow or bull, a new life. By the power of mantra
- In the previous time, this cow sacrifice was actually being done. That's all right. But that was not for killing. That - to give the cow, the old cow or bull, a new life. By the power of mantra, just to give evidence of the Vedic mantras
- In the process of glorifying the Lord there should be no restriction of time and space. This is called sanatana-dharma or bhagavata-dharma
- In the process of karma-kanda, it is recommended that one renounce physical pleasures for a time; so a karmi may sometimes be called an ascetic
- In the Second Chapter of the Bhagavad-gita (BG 2.12), wherein the Lord says: Never was there a time when I did not exist, nor you (Arjuna), nor all these kings; nor in the future shall any of us cease to be
- In the spiritual sky there is no change because time has no influence. Consequently, the influence of maya, the total external energy, which induces us to become more and more materialistic and forget our relationship with God, is also absent there
- In the spiritual world everything can speak, everything can move, everything can hear, and everything can see in fully blessed existence for eternity. The situation being so, naturally space and time have no influence there
- In the spiritual world there is undoubtedly time, but it has no control over activities. Time is unlimited, and the spiritual world is also unlimited, since everything there exists on the absolute plane
- In the summertime we may feel pleasure from contact with water, but in the winter we may shun that very water because it is too cold. In either case, the water is the same, but we perceive it as pleasant or painful due to its contact with the body
- In the Varaha Purana the following offenses (in Deity worship) are mentioned: (g) to go to the toilet during the time of worshiping the Deity, (h) to offer incense without offering flowers, (i) to worship the Deity with forbidden flowers
- In the Vedic scriptures, the cow is described as a mother. Therefore she is a mother for all time; it is not, as some rascals say, that in the Vedic age she was a mother but she is not in this age
- In this age people are so fallen that what they will understand Vedanta, and who has got the time to read Vedanta? So better take the education of Vedanta directly as Krsna says, vedais ca sarvair aham eva vedyah
- In this latter place (Pandarapura) He (Caitanya) spiritualized one Tukarama, who became from that time a religious preacher himself
- In this material world, activities for material enjoyment which are considered to be pious are also sinful. For example, one sometimes gives something in charity to a needy person with a view to getting back the money four times increased
- In this way he stayed immovable in one place for one hundred years by the calculations of the demigods. After this time, he developed pure devotional attraction for Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and remained fixed in that position
- In this way Srila Rupa Gosvami passed his time in close association with Haridasa Thakura by discussing the pastimes of Lord Krsna in great happiness
- In this way the sandalwood pulp was smeared over the body of Gopinatha until the whole stock was finished. Madhavendra Puri stayed there until that time
- In this way, as I add the word 'ca' to one word after another, I make a compound. Thus the different names of atmaramas can be taken fifty-eight times
- In this way, Rukmini compared the position of Rukmi with that of Krsna and very feelingly pleaded with her husband not to kill her brother just at the auspicious time of her being united with Krsna, but to excuse him
- In those days (during the time of Daksa) this (the place where the River Sindhu (now the Indus) meets the Arabian Sea) was the site of a holy lake named Narayana-saras, where there were many saintly persons
- In time, great scientists may be able to count all the atoms of the universe, all the stars and planets in the sky, and all the particles of snow
- In time, material scientists may also know how we can communicate with the Vaikuntha world
- In Vedic times spiritually cultured people used to do everything for the sake of Visnu. They used to earn wealth according to their capacity for the service of Visnu
- In your country there is great need for Krsna consciousness. They are not after economic development. They have seen much of economic development. Now it is time for them to take to this Krsna consciousness and they will be happy
- Indeed, you inspire the yajnic brahmanas to perform the rituals mentioned in the three Vedas. Being the Supreme Soul, the Supersoul of all living entities, you are beginningless, endless and omniscient, beyond the limits of time and space
- Industrial civilization will fail. They are manufacturing simply cars. The time is approaching very swiftly when there will be no more demand for cars
- Inform Sanatana Gosvami that I am coming to Vrndavana for a second time and that he should therefore arrange a place for Me to stay
- Instead of finding time to hear about Krsna, the householders, after working hard in offices and factories, find time to go to a restaurant or a club
- Insurmountable time even brings about the death of Brahma, so what to speak of other demigods like Indra, Candra, Surya, Vayu & Varuna? The astronomical influence directed by the different demigods over mundane creatures is also conspicuous by its absence
- Intelligent yogis do not wish to waste their time within this material world at all; they do not care for the material facilities in higher planetary systems, but are interested in going directly to the spiritual sky, back home, back to Godhead
- Is He going to quit His earthly pastimes, as Devarsi Narada indicated? Has that time already arrived?
- Isvara (the Supreme Lord), jiva (the living entity),prakrti (nature), eternal time and karma (activity) are all explained in the Bhagavad-gita. Out of these five, the Lord, the living entities, material nature and time are eternal. BG 1972 Introduction
- Isvara, jiva, prakrti. And then time - what is the time factor, past, present & future. & then there is karma, activity. These five things, primary principles of philosophical speculation or philosophical understanding, are very clearly stated in the BG
- It (the Bhagavad-gita) is nicely presented by the Lord Himself for all who have very little time to go through the vast Vedic literatures like the Upanisads, Puranas and Vedanta-sutras
- It appears from this statement that all these symptoms (greed, anger etc) of degraded society were unknown to the people of the time, and it was astonishing for them to have experienced them with the advent of the Kali-yuga, or the age of quarrel
- It appears that in the time of Maharaja Prthu all the people on the surface of the globe were his subjects. Most of them - in fact, almost all of them - were engaged in devotional service
- It appears that mother Yasoda and Rohini could not be separated from Krsna and Balarama even for a moment. They used to pass their time either by taking care of Them or by chanting about Their pastimes. Thus mother Yasoda and Rohini looked very beautiful
- It is a fact that at this time I do not want to open any further Centers. It is a question of timing
- It is a question of time only
- It is a very good idea to have a meeting at the Mayapur meeting time to thoroughly discuss the Bhaktivedanta Institute. So please do the needful. It will be a great service if you can organize such an Institute in the U.S.A
- It is better to use one's time for advancement in the spiritual life of Krsna consciousness. One should not waste his valuable life as a human being. It is better to utilize this life for developing KC, without ambitions for so-called happiness
- It is calculated that if a second is divided into 1687.5 parts, each part is the duration of a truti, which is the time occupied in the integration of eighteen atomic particles
- It is My vow that if one only once seriously surrenders unto Me, saying "My dear Lord, from this day I am Yours," and prays to Me for courage, I shall immediately award courage to that person, and he will always remain safe from that time on
- It is nice to hear that your ministers visa is being processed. In the meantime you can just wait. You will be the right person to be in charge of the temple. Krishna is giving you time for being perfectly trained up
- It is said by Canakya Pandita that a father is an enemy when he is too much in debt, a mother is an enemy if she marries for a second time, a wife is an enemy when she is very beautiful, and a son is an enemy when he is a foolish rascal
- It is said in BG that self-realized souls who have exactly identified themselves with the interest of the SL can generally leave the material body during the time of the fire-god's effulgence and when the sun is in the northern horizon
- It is said that in spite of being at the confluence of the rivers Ganges and Yamuna, Prayaga was never flooded until the appearance of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, at which time the city was overflooded by love of Krsna
- It is therefore the duty of every man - in every country, in every circumstance and at all times - to approach a bona fide spiritual master, question him about devotional service and listen to him explain the process
- It requires much time, energy, knowledge and resources to execute the purposes of the Vedas. This is hardly possible in this age. BG 1972 purports
- It should be understood, that this process (of realizing God by going by stages by realizing the impersonal Brahman effulgence and then Paramatma and finally coming to the last stage of realizing the Supreme Personality of Godhead) takes more time
- It was during this time that both Tapana Misra and Candrasekhara Acarya were feeling very sorry about the strong criticism against Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and they came together and prayed for the Lord to meet the Mayavadi sannyasis
- Jambavan had been a great devotee of the Lord since the time of Lord Ramacandra, so he did not take the valuable jewel (Syamantaka) as something he very much needed. He gave it to his young son to play with as a toy
- Jarasandha attacked Krsna many times, and each time, of course, he was defeated
- Jarasandha was the king of Magadha Province (known at present as Bihar State). Thus by his diplomatic policy, Kamsa consolidated the most powerful kingdom of his time, under the protection of Jarasandha
- Jarasandha was very powerful, and having been defeated seventeen times, he might vengefully kill the members of the Yadu family or arrest them and take them to his kingdom
- Jesus Christ said, "You nonsense, stop killing." Then there will be time we'll understand one day Krsna. So the first instruction is to stop sinful activities; then he'll be qualified
- Just as springtime in the present indicates the nature of springtimes in the past and future, so this life of happiness, distress or a mixture of both gives evidence concerning the religious and irreligious activities of one's past and future lives
- Just like in your Christian religion you may not understand all the Biblical injunctions or you may not have the time, but you'll simply, if you follow the ideal life of Lord Jesus Christ, then you get the same result
- Just like sun is rotating, or we are rotating, similarly, Krsna is there. At a certain interval of time we see Him in this universe. He is present always, but at a certain interval... Just like the motorcar passes
- Just one and a half hours before sunrise. If the sunrise varies, then the waking time also should vary
- Kaca, the son of the learned celestial priest Brhaspati, had been a student of Sukracarya, from whom he had learned the art of reviving a man who has died untimely. This art, called mrta-sanjivani, was especially used during wartime
- Kala, or time is the synonym of nature and is the transformed manifestation of the principles of material creation
- Kali-yuga is very strong. Time is very strong, that even coming in contact with Krsna consciousness, they are falling
- Kamsa was very anxiously waiting because of the prophecy that the eighth child of Devaki would kill him. This time, naturally, he was awake and waiting, and when the watchmen approached him, he immediately took action to kill the child
- Karma is not eternal. Therefore we stated that of the five items (isvara, jiva, prakrti time and karma) four are eternal, whereas karma is not eternal. BG 1972 Introduction
- Karma is not eternal. Therefore we stated that of the five items (isvara, jiva, prakrti, time and karma) four are eternal, whereas karma is not eternal
- Kasyapa has already told his wife Diti to wait for a while, and now he warns her that failure to consider the particular time will result in punishment from the ghosts and evil spirits who move during this time, along with their master, Lord Rudra.
- Kasyapa Muni was not in the renounced order of life. Therefore he is addressed here (in SB 8.16.11) once as brahman and another time as grhamedhin
- Kasyapa wanted to impress this fact (Siva places ghosts in the wombs of women, who engage in sex regardless of time) upon Diti so that she might wait for a while
- Kasyapa warned his wife that because Lord Siva would see their sex indulgence, the time was not appropriate
- King Bharata was the Emperor of the world, and since his time this planet is known among the demigods as Bharatavarsa. Formerly it was known as Ilavartavarsa. BG 1972 purports
- King Malayadhvaja executed austerities and penances for thirty-six thousand years. After this time, he became fixed in the devotional service of the Lord
- King Nanda said, "When he (Garga Muni) came to perform the name-giving ceremony, he said that this boy descends in different periods of time in different colors and that this time He has appeared in Vrndavana in a blackish color, known as krsna"
- Krsna and Balarama were immediately received by Their affectionate mothers, Yasoda and Rohini, who, according to the time's demands, began to fulfill the desires of their affectionate sons
- Krsna indicates that if one is able to leave his body at a particular time, he can become liberated, never to return to the material world. On the other hand, he indicates that if one dies at another time, he has to return
- Krsna is acting everywhere by His energy. This kala, this time, is another form of Krsna. Just like Krsna has got various forms, advaitam acyutam anadim ananta-rupam - Bs. 5.33
- Krsna is described by Kuntidevi as eternal time. Everything takes place within time, but our time calculations of past, present, and future are relative
- Krsna is not for a particular society or particular religious community or particular country or particular time. No. Krsna is the leader of all men for all the time in all the countries, worlds & universes. He is not a sectarian Personality of Godhead
- Krsna said, "Some of you (the gopis) must have babies by this time, although you are very young. You must have left your small babies at home, and they must be crying. Please immediately go back home and just feed them with your breast milk"
- Krsna says that "I am the Supreme." We accept it. That is hearing. And if you interpret, "Oh, Krsna means this, Kuruksetra means this," that mean you're spoiling your time. Why this, that? As it is, hear as it is
- Krsna says that if one simply puts philosophical theories for some utopian ideas, "Now time is coming which will be like this, like that." No. Time is there already. You cannot manufacture time like this or like that. It will go on
- Krsna's knowledge is so perfect that He remembers all the incidents of His appearances some millions and billions of years in the past, but Arjuna's memory and knowledge are limited by time and space, for he is an ordinary human being
- Kunti is remembering how Krsna saved her and her sons one time after another. This is smaranam, thinking of Krsna. - Krsna, You are so kind to us that You saved us from many great dangers. Without You there was no hope
- Kurus said, "When the time for dissolution comes, You (Balarama) close up the whole cosmic manifestation within Yourself. At that time, nothing remains but Yourself lying in the Causal Ocean as Maha-Visnu"
- Laksmana said, "At that time the vibration of ‘Jaya! Jaya!’ was heard all over the world, and from the sky came sounds of drums beaten by the denizens of heaven"
- Lalayanti. Sometimes a mother lifts her child, and when the child falls in her hands, the child laughs, and the mother also enjoys pleasure. Yasoda used to do this, but this time Krsna became very heavy, and she could not bear His weight
- Later, understanding that the time for offering the sacrifice had passed, Renuka feared a curse from her husband. Therefore when she returned she simply put the waterpot before him and stood there with folded hands
- Learned scholars accept this Parasurama as the celebrated incarnation of Vasudeva who annihilated the dynasty of Kartavirya. Parasurama killed all the ksatriyas on earth twenty-one times
- Less disease (in the country). Less brain-taxing. Everything is less. So balance time, utilize for Krsna consciousness. And if you have got temple, it is very happy life. Just for your food work little, and balance time engage yourself in K.C.
- Let me know when is the best time for my coming there. Of course the mango season is best, so please inform me so I can make out my schedule, and you can make all arrangements
- Let us produce magazines in English and Hindi languages and perhaps at some later time we may be able to print in local languages our BTG also. But for that there must be many, many subscribers
- Like Dhruva Maharaja, we should always think of Krsna, and when we attain perfection we shall see Krsna before us. This is the process. We should not be too hasty. We should wait for the mature time
- Like small particles of sand, bodies come together and are separated by the force of time, and people falsely lament for unification and separation. Unless one knows this, there is no question of happiness
- Lord Balarama and the gopis enjoyed transcendental pastimes together every night for two months, and time passed so quickly that all those nights appeared to be only one night
- Lord Brahma had gone away for only a moment of his time, but when he returned, a year of human time had passed. On different planets, the calculation of time is different
- Lord Brahma lives for one hundred years according to time on the Brahmaloka planet, but one day of Brahma is equal to millions of years on this planet. Similarly, the days on the heavenly planets are equal to six months on this planet
- Lord Brahma lives only for the duration of one breath, and according to our time scale 4,320,000,000 years constitute only twelve hours for Brahma, & he lives one hundred of his years - CC Intro
- Lord Brahma only lives for the duration of one breath, and according to our time scale 4,320,000,000 years constitute only twelve hours of Brahma, and Brahma lives one hundred of his years
- Lord Brahma, a human being and an ant all live for one hundred years, but their lifetimes of one hundred years are different from one another. This world is a relative world, and its relative moments of time are different
- Lord Kapila the incarnation of Godhead appeared as the son of Kardama Muni long, long ago, during the time of Svayambhuva Manu; the modern age is the age of Vaivasvata Manu
- Lord Krsna answered Mucukunda, "Perhaps you know that My incarnation Anantadeva has unlimited mouths, and for an unlimited time He has been trying to narrate fully about My name, fame, qualities, activities, appearance, disappearance and incarnations"
- Lord Krsna as He is appears once every twenty-four hours of Brahma's time (or after a lapse of 8,640,000,000 solar years) in each and every universe, and all His transcendental pastimes are displayed in each and every universe in a routine spool
- Lord Krsna drinks the juice from these coconuts, and sometimes the coconuts are left drained of juice. At other times the coconuts remain filled with juice
- Lord Krsna then asked all the boys to go again, but this time to the wives of those brahmanas engaged in sacrifices. He also informed them that these wives were great devotees
- Lord Siva said: The end of the millennium is the time for Your anger. Now that this insignificant demon Hiranyakasipu has been killed, O my Lord, who are naturally affectionate to Your devotee, kindly protect his son Prahlada Maharaja
- Madhvacarya for the second time visited Badarikasrama. While he was passing through Maharashtra, the local king was digging a big lake for the public benefit
- Madhvacarya gives an example concerning a tree and a tree in fire. Both trees are the same, but they look different because of the time factor. The time factor is under the control of the Supreme Lord, & therefore the Supreme Lord is different from time
- Maharaja Khatvanga, being in favor of the brahminical culture, wanted to utilize one moment's time by fully surrendering unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Maharaja Pariksit then began to rule over the world as a great devotee of the Lord under the instructions of the best of the twice-born brahmanas. He ruled by those great qualities which were foretold by expert astrologers at the time of his birth
- Maharaja Pariksit, now your duration of life is limited to seven more days, so during this time you can perform all those rituals which are needed for the best purpose of your next life
- Maharaja Pariksit, who at the time of death was fortunate to have met Sukadeva Gosvami, inquired from Sukadeva Gosvami about the path of liberation at that crucial time. Sukadeva Gosvami very much appreciated his question and congratulated him
- Maharaja Prataparudra's subordination before Lord Jagannatha made him a powerful king, so much so that even the great Pathan in his time could not enter into Orissa on account of the powerful Maharaja Prataparudra
- Maharaja Yudhisthira would not be satisfied, even though he was instructed by the greatest personalities of the time
- Maitreya said: When the equilibrium of the combination of the three modes of nature was agitated by the unseen activity of the living entity, by Maha-Visnu and by the force of time, the total material elements were produced
- Man professes to belong to a particular type of faith with reference to particular time and circumstance and thus claims to be a Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist or any other sect. Such designations are non-sanatana-dharma. BG 1972 Introduction
- Manu spoke the secret of BG to his son Iksvaku. So now that system is lost. Kalena mahata: by the great power. Kala means time. Time has got his influence, very great influence. Time's business is, whatever you make, time will try to kill it. That's all
- Many people unnecessarily talk of the daily happenings in the newspapers and pass the time without any profit. A devotee, however, does not indulge in unnecessary talks of politics or economics
- Material nature is electrified by the supreme authority, and the conditioned soul, within the limits of time and space, is trapped by awe of the material manifestation
- Maya dictates, "Oh, why you are spoiling your time?" But the process is very simple, hearing. But maya will not allow him to accept this simple process
- Mayavadi sannyasis neither chant nor dance. Their technical objection is that this method of chanting and dancing is called tauryatrika, which indicates that a sannyasi should completely avoid such activities and engage his time in the study of Vedanta
- Meanwhile, following the dictations of mature time, the hunter, who was very carefully hidden in the distance, released his arrow, which pierced the body of the kulinga bird and killed him
- Meanwhile, Jarasandha again attacked Mathura, this time with bigger divisions of soldiers, numbering twenty-three aksauhinis
- Members of the so-called educated class ask, If one is busy all the time rendering devotional service to Lord Krsna, how is one to maintain himself and his family
- Men in the mode of goodness have an introspective mind, and after a regulative struggle for existence they retire at a ripe old age and engage their time in cultivating the human spirit
- Men with a poor fund of knowledge only accept the history of the world from the time of Buddha, or since 600 B.C., and prior to this period all histories mentioned in the scriptures are calculated by them to be only imaginary stories. That is not a fact
- Merging into the existence of the Absolute is as temporary as living in the celestial kingdom. Both of them are controlled by time; neither position is permanent
- Metaphysically, time is distinguished as absolute and real
- Modern scientists agree that the timing arrangement in higher planetary systems is different from that of the earth
- Modern scientists have stopped their brainwork by discovering the theory of uncertainty, but factually for a living being there cannot be any brain activity which is not checked by time and space limitations
- Morning is the best time to hold spiritual services. The great sages offered the speaker of the Bhagavatam an elevated seat of respect called the vyasasana, or the seat of Sri Vyasadeva
- Mother Yasoda sent Rohinidevi to call Rama and Krsna from Their play, since it was the right time for lunch. Therefore Rohinidevi went to call Them, breaking Their engagement in play
- Mother, if she marries for the second time in spite of presence of children, she is enemy. And in Western countries it is very common affair
- Mucukunda continued, "As soon as the allotted time is over, Your Lordship immediately ends all the activities of our material dreams. As the time factor, You end all our activities, as a hungry black snake swiftly swallows up a small rat without leniency"
- Mucukunda continued, "Due to the action of cruel time, the royal body which was always decorated with golden ornaments during life & which moved on a chariot drawn by beautiful horses or on the back of an elephant nicely decorated with golden ornaments"
- Mucukunda continued, "My dear Lord, we come under the full control of this inevitable time not only after death but also, in a different way, while living"
- Mukti does not take so much time that you have to undergo so much severe austerities and go to the jungle and go to the Himalaya and meditate and press your nose and so many things. It doesn't require so many things
- My account number is 12410, but I see on the receipt the number is noted as 12416. In the future you should be careful about the number. In the meantime you rectify this mistake with the bank when you get time
- My dear Dhruva, the SPG is ever existing, but in the form of time, He is the killer of everything. He has no beginning, although He is the beginning of everything, nor is He ever exhaustible, although everything is exhausted in due course of time
- My dear King Pracinabarhisat, at this time the daughter of formidable Time was seeking her husband throughout the three worlds. Although no one agreed to accept her, she came
- My dear Lord, now I have complete experience concerning the worldly opulence, mystic power, longevity and other material pleasures enjoyed by all living entities, from Lord Brahma down to the ant. As powerful time, You destroy them all
- My dear mother, Devahuti! O emblem of peace! My weapon, the disc of time, never vanquishes those for whom I am very dear - for whom I am the Supersoul, son, friend, spiritual master, well-wisher, worshipable Deity and desired goal
- My health is not yet recovered, but it is improving very slowly. So, I have been advised to stay here for at least four months, June, July, August and September. After that time it may be possible for me to go to Hyderabad
- My Lord, all obeisances unto You, who are eternal, beyond time's limits of past, present and future. You are inconceivable in Your activities, You are the master of the three modes of material nature, and, being transcendental to all material qualities
- My mother has forgotten all those instructions because of the long duration of time that has passed and because of her being a woman and therefore less intelligent; but the great sage Narada blessed me, and therefore I could not forget them
- My plan is for preaching with your help. You arrange for everything, and I shall talk about Krishna Consciousness for any length of time, anywhere. That is my mission
- Mystics who are advanced in yoga practice can arrange the time and place to leave the body. BG 1972 purports
- Naisthika-brahmacari - throughout the life, celibacy. But that is not possible in this age, neither it is possible to become a brahmacari. The time is changed, this age. Therefore you can control your lusty desire by Krsna consciousness
- Naisthika-brahmacari. But if he's unable, then he's allowed to marry. That is called grhastha life, householder life. Because between twenty-five years to fifty years, this is the youthful time, so his lusty desires are very strong
- Narada contemplated that the two demigods (Nalakuvara and Manigriva) should remain for 100 years, in the time of the demigods, in the form of trees, & after that they would be fortunate enough to see the S. P. of God face to face, by His causeless mercy
- Narada continued: My dear King, when Puranjana became so attracted and impatient to touch the girl and enjoy her, the girl also became attracted by his words and accepted his request by smiling. By this time she was certainly attracted by the King
- Narada informed him that the Yadus were the most powerful. Thus informed, Kalayavana attacked the city of Mathura at the same time that Jarasandha tried to attack it for the eighteenth time
- Narada Muni continued: What I referred to as the chariot was in actuality the body. The senses are the horses that pull that chariot. As time passes, year after year, these horses run without obstruction, but in fact they make no progress
- Narada Muni has already described the desa (place) and kala (time). The kala has been described in verses twenty through twenty-four (SB 7.14.20-24), beginning with the words ayane visuve kuryad vyatipate dina-ksaye
- Naturally one who is always engaged in devotional service of the Lord has very little time to sleep. Sleep is a necessity of the body, not the spirit soul, and therefore as one advances in devotional service one's propensity to sleep decreases
- Neither cause nor effect existed in the beginning; they emanated from the Supreme Personality of Godhead, as did the energy of time. This is stated in the Vedanta-sutra - janmady asya yatah
- Neither Lord Buddha nor Sankaracarya is to be blamed. The time required such an explanation for the understanding of various types of atheists
- Never mind it takes little time to make progress, our process is slow but sure, and we are confident that if we continue in this way we shall go one day back to home, back to Godhead
- No extraneous effort is required for the maintenance of the universe. It's at its own time, fixed up by the energy of the complete whole, and when the time is complete, these temporary manifestations will be annihilated by the complete arrangement
- No one can be undisturbed unless he is perfectly spiritually realized, at which time one neither hankers nor laments for anything
- No one can check the progess of time. As an animal tamer tames animals according to his will, time also adjusts things according to its own will. No one can supersede the arrangement made by supreme time
- No one can surpass the time representation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead by material power, by the counsel of ministers, by intelligence, by diplomacy, by fortresses, by mystic mantras, by drugs, by herbs or by any other means
- No one knows where time began and where it ends, and it is time only which can keep a record of the creation, maintenance and destruction of the material manifestation
- No one other than the Supreme Personality of Godhead, as the localized Paramatma, the partial representation of the Lord, is directing all inanimate and animate objects. He is present in the three phases of time-past, present and future
- No other unit in the universe need make an extraneous effort to try to maintain the universe. The universe functions on its own time scale, which is fixed by the energy of the Complete Whole, and when that schedule is completed
- Not only must one chant, but he should also offer whatever foodstuff is available in his part of the world, according to time and convenience
- Now I (Arjuna) am attracted to those instructions imparted to me by the Personality of Godhead (Govinda) because they are impregnated with instructions for relieving the burning heart in all circumstances of time and space
- Now in this life let me restrict the four principles of animalistic life - eating, sleeping, defending & mating - and let me devote my time to developing Krsna consciousness. In this way my life will be successful - every intelligent man should say this
- Now India there is scarcity, scarcity of foodstuff. But the same India was producing so much grains, even during British time, that many thousands and thousand tons of rice were being exported from India to other countries
- Now is the time for the members of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness to distribute krsna-bhakti all over the world and thus follow the orders of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Now is the time to invoke the mode of goodness of the living entities who have accepted material bodies. The mode of goodness is meant to establish the Supreme Lord's rule, which will maintain the existence of the creation
- Now it is opening, beef shop, big, big beef shop. This time has already come, gradually, and it will be increasing. Unless you take to Krsna consciousness
- Now, by the laws of nature, the time is coming when dictatorship will put the citizens into more and more difficulty
- Nowadays Naxalites are coming. It is the time, Kali-yuga
- O great sage (Narada Muni), time annihilates everything in due course, so how is it that this subject matter, which happened prior to this day of Brahma, is still fresh in your memory, undisturbed by time?
- O inaugurator of the material energy (Krsna), this wonderful creation works under the control of powerful time, which is divided into seconds, minutes, hours and years - SB 10.3.26
- O King (Nanda Maharaja), by the passing of time, land and other material possessions are purified; by bathing, the body is purified; and by being cleansed, unclean things are purified - SB 10.5.4
- O King Pariksit, I (Sukadeva Gosvami) have now described to you the fourteen Manus appearing in the past, present and future. The total duration of time ruled by these Manus is one thousand yuga cycles. This is called a kalpa, or one day of Lord Brahma
- O King Pariksit, the demigods, taking advantage of a favorable opportunity presented by time, attacked the army of the demons from the rear and began driving away the demoniac soldiers, scattering them here and there as if their army had no leader
- O King Pariksit, upon seeing Devayani with a nice son, Sarmistha once approached King Yayati at the appropriate time for conception. In a secluded place, she requested the King, the husband of her friend Devayani, to enable her to have a son also
- O King, as small particles of sand sometimes come together and are sometimes separated due to the force of the waves, the living entities who have accepted material bodies sometimes come together and are sometimes separated by the force of time
- O King, Hiranyakasipu was extremely angry, but since he was a great politician, he knew how to act according to the time and situation
- O Lord who has assumed the form of time! O resting place of all the planets moving in different orbits! O master of all demigods, O Supreme Person, I offer my respectful obeisances unto You and meditate upon You
- O Lord, O supreme eternal, by expanding Your plenary portion You have created the subtle bodies of the living entities through the agency of Your external energy, which is agitated by time
- O my Lord, everything within material nature is limited by time, space and thought. Your characteristics, however, being unequaled and unsurpassed, are always transcendental to such limitations
- O My Lord, O Supreme Personality of Godhead, O friend of the helpless! You are the only ocean of mercy! Because I (Bilvamangala Thakura) have not met You, My inauspicious days and nights have become unbearable. I do not know how I shall pass the time
- O purest of the brahmanas, please also explain the cause of the different durations of time, both short and long, as well as the beginning of time, following the course of action
- O supremely chaste mother, I (Krsna), the same personality, have now appeared of you both (Devaki and Vasudeva) as your son for the third time. Take My words as the truth - SB 10.3.43
- O Vidura, while searching in that way about his existence, Brahma reached his ultimate time, which is the eternal wheel in the hand of Visnu and which generates fear in the mind of the living entity like the fear of death
- Of course, as soon as she is married she can attempt to get a child, but she must surrender to her husband, confident that her child will develop and be born in due time
- Of letters I (Krsna) am the letter A, and among compound words I am the dual compound. I am also inexhaustible time, and of creators I am Brahma
- Old age is the notice of the arrival of death served by cruel time, and no one can refuse to accept either summon calls or the supreme judgment of eternal time
- On his (Durvasa Muni's) arrival at the door of Maharaja Yudhisthira, he was at once well received, and the King requested him to finish his noontime religious rites in the river, for by that time the foodstuff would be prepared
- On the higher planets, it is possible to live for incredibly long lifetimes. The time calculation on these planets is indicated by Sri Krsna: sahasra-yuga-paryantam ahar yad brahmano viduh ratrim yuga-sahasrantam te 'ho-ratra-vido janah
- On the mundane platform all relationships are relative. Our relationship with Krsna, however, is eternal and not subject to time and circumstance
- Once upon a time, my (Narada Muni) poor mother, when going out one night to milk a cow, was bitten on the leg by a serpent, influenced by supreme time
- One boy, he went out of home and mixed with yogis for several years. Then, after some time, he came to his village, and all the friends and relatives gathered: "Oh, you have been so many years with yogis. What you have learned?"
- One can indulge in hearing the mental speculators, but such hearing cannot endure for any length of time. One will be exhausted very soon from hearing such hackneyed ways of thinking, and no one in the world can be satisfied
- One can just imagine how little time must have elapsed while Bhagavad-gita was being spoken. All the warriors on both sides were poised to fight, so there was very little time indeed - at the utmost, one hour
- One cannot remain there for a very long time. Life on the moon is said to last ten thousand years according to calculation of the demigods. The demigods' time is calculated in such a way that one day (twelve hours) is equal to six months on this planet
- One cowherd boy said, "Krsna killed the Putana demon exactly as eternal time kills a living creature in due course"
- One devotee said, "I am nicely educated, but my education has simply been used in government service. I have not considered formidable time, stronger than anything else, which creates and annihilates everything"
- One dissolution is at the end of Brahma's day, and one is at the end of Brahma's life. Brahma dies at the end of two parardhas, at which time the entire material universe is dissolved
- One has to consider the particular time, country and conveniences. What is convenient in India may not be convenient in the Western countries
- One Manu lives for a duration of time calculated to be an aggregate of seventy-one yuga cycles, each of which equals 4,300,000 years
- One may forget that he has to die, but death never forgets. Death comes always at the right time
- One may sit down at some holy place and devote his whole time and energy to hear and repeatedly chant the holy scriptures left by the great acaryas like the six Gosvamis of Vrndavana
- One must be pure hearted. And if they are still inclined to remain Christian, they can go. There is no need of raising controversial points and thus wasting each other's time
- One must first become very mature in devotion and thus receive the approval of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Only at such a time may one actually sit down peacefully in a solitary place to chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra and remember the lotus feet of the Lord
- One must see the Deity with great devotion. 23) One must offer aratrika at different times. 24) One must hear about the Lord and His pastimes from Srimad-Bhagavatam, the Bhagavad-gita, and similar books
- One should definitely know that all material ingredients, activities, time and modes, and the living entities who are meant to enjoy them all, exist by His mercy only, and as soon as He does not care for them, everything becomes nonexistent
- One should not be disturbed by the tricks of eternal time. Even the great controller of the universe, Brahmaji, is also under the control of that time
- One should not fear death. Rather, one should prepare oneself for the next birth. One should utilize one's time in this human form to end the process of birth and death
- One should not grudge being controlled by time despite being a true follower of religious principles
- One should not think that Daksa received the favor of the Lord by receiving the facilities for unlimited sex. Later verses will reveal that Daksa again committed an offense, this time at the lotus feet of Narada
- One should take prasada at scheduled times and should not eat in restaurants or sweetmeat shops simply to satisfy the whims of the tongue or belly. If we stick to the principle of taking only prasada, the urges of the belly and tongue can be controlled
- One time while King Citraketu was traveling in outer space on a brilliantly effulgent airplane given to him by Lord Visnu, he saw Lord Siva, surrounded by Siddhas and Caranas
- One who cannot understand this difference between the soul and the Supersoul, or God and the living entities, is certainly still in the entanglement of the cosmic machinery and thus must still await the time when he will be free from bondage
- One who offers the results of his activities to the Supreme Personality of Godhead is actually a sannyasi and yogi. Cheating sannyasis and yogis have existed since the time of Prthu Maharaja's sacrifice
- One word in this verse (of SB 8.6.19) has two readings - kalena and kavyena. Kalena means "favored by time," and kavyena means "favored by Sukracarya," Sukracarya being the spiritual master of the Daityas
- One's friends, one's mother, one's mother's father and the President are all guests of time. When this knowledge is accepted, then there will be peace
- One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. In this way, gradually the senses develop, and by the time seven months, everything is complete and the living entity's consciousness come back
- Only when one can understand that there is no difference between the Supreme and His name can one be situated in Krsna consciousness. At such a time one no longer needs to make grammatical adjustments
- Ordinarily one cannot change the course of one's due happiness and distress by plan. Everyone has to accept them as they come under the subtle arrangement of kala, or invincible time
- Our duration of life is measured, and no one is able to enhance it even by a second against the scheduled time ordained by the supreme will. Such valuable time, especially for the human being, should be cautiously spent
- Our humble request to you all is that henceforward you please chant Hare Krsna mantra whenever it is possible. You have got enough time, and there is no rules and regulation, there is no fee, and see how much you are benefited
- Our imperfect senses cannot think of the greatness of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, nor can we bring Him within the limitations of time or our thinking power. His position is accordingly described by the word ullanghita
- Our Indian friends, puffed up with concocted notions, criticize, "This has not been done. That has not been done." But they forget this instruction of Narada Muni to Dhruva Maharaja. One has to consider the particular time, country and conveniences
- Our past and future are not very difficult to understand, for time is under the contamination of the three modes of material nature. As soon as spring arrives, the usual exhibition of various types of fruits and flowers automatically becomes manifest
- Our power to think about space and time is also limited. Time is eternal; we may imagine billions and trillions of years, but that will still be an inadequate estimate of the extent of time
- Our religion is not a part time transcendental recreation. We live in God
- Our repetition of birth and death is taking place within time, and according to the influence of the modes of nature, we are receiving various types of bodies and being subjected to various conditions
- Our workers are all dedicated souls and they are engaging in activities on the spiritual platform. If sometimes you could find the time, perhaps we could meet together and we can talk
- Out of the five subjects, the Supreme Lord, the living entity, nature, and time and space are eternal, but the living entity, nature and time are under the direction of the Supreme Lord, who is absolute and completely independent of any other control
- Out of their great feelings of friendship, the inhabitants of Vrndavana remained there for a considerable time with the members of the Yadu dynasty
- Out of these (the Supreme Lord, the living being, nature, time and space and the process of activity), the Supreme Lord and the living being are qualitatively one
- Outside the garden, when it was time to pull Jagannatha's car, all the workers called gaudas tried to pull it, but it would not move forward
- Over the course of time the Vedic path has been attacked by philosophers like Carvaka, Buddha, Arhat, Kapila, Patanjali, Sankara, Vaikarana, Jaimini, the Nyayakas, and many others - the list of non-Vedic speculators grows daily, without restriction
- Over the course of time the Vedic path has been attacked by philosophers like the Saguna Saivas, the Brahmas, the Aryas, and many others - the list of non-Vedic speculators grows daily, without restriction
- Over the course of time the Vedic path has been attacked by philosophers like the Vaisesikas, the Sagunists, the empiricists, the Pasupata Saivas, and many others - the list of non-Vedic speculators grows daily, without restriction
- Pariksit Maharaja got seven days' time that, "You shall die within seven days." We have no even one second's guarantee. This is our position. But still, we are so much attached
- Past, present and future are different features of time to indicate the duration of life for the universe and all its paraphernalia, including the different living beings in different planets
- Patasaha (of CC Adi 17.195) refers to the king. Nawab Hussain Shah, whose full name was Ala Uddin Saiyad Husen Sa, was at that time (A.D. 1498-1521) the independent King of Bengal
- Perhaps with a great deal of time, effort, and money a few men may be able to reach other planets by material means - spaceships, space suits, etc. - but this is a very cumbersome and impractical method
- Please also explain the regulations for offering respects to the forefathers, the creation of the Pitrloka, the time schedule in the planets, stars and luminaries, and their respective situations
- Please let me know what is the necessity of learning Devanagari script. We are transliterating all our books - Srimad-Bhagavatam, Bhagavad-gita, Brahma Samhita, etc. - in Roman type, So why you should waste your time in learning Devanagari script?
- Please stay for five or seven days and kindly cleanse my polluted mind. After that much time, my mind will certainly be pure
- Please take care of the bill of Lading for clearing the Mrdangas. I think the ship Jaladuta must be reaching New York by this time
- Please, therefore, leave for the North immediately, without letting your relatives know, for soon that time will approach which will diminish the good qualities of men
- Pradhana is not the time element because in the time element there are actions and reactions, creation and annihilation
- Pregnancy takes place only in lower-grade life. Animals like dogs and hogs become pregnant twice a year, and each time they beget at least half a dozen offspring. Even lower species of life such as snakes give birth to hundreds of young at one time
- Presenting various pleas for the gopis, Srimati Radharani sometimes sends the gopis to Krsna just to enable them to associate with Him directly. At such times, She enjoys a happiness ten million times greater than that enjoyed through direct association
- Pride is due to illusion, for although one comes here, stays for a brief time and then goes away, he has the foolish notion that he is the lord of the world. He thus makes all things complicated, and he is always in trouble. BG 1972 purports
- Pundarika Vidyanidhi initiated Gadadhara Pandita for the second time, and on the day of Odana-sasthi Pundarika Vidyanidhi saw the festival
- Radharani continued, "I say, 'My dear friends, you are asking Me to be patient, saying that Krsna is an ocean of mercy and that some time in the future He will accept Me. However, I must say that this will not console Me"'
- Radharani said, "Because I could not see the beautiful form of Krsna to My heart's content, when I again see His form I shall decorate the phases of time with many jewels"
- Radharani said, "My dear friend, as soon as I think of Krsna the cowherd boy attached to some other woman, I become stricken with fearfulness and the hairs on My body stand up. I must be very careful that Krsna will not see Me at such times"
- Raghunatha dasa thought, "This is the greatest opportunity to go away because this time there are no servants or watchmen with me"
- Ramananda Raya inquired, "How have you introduced the assembly of the players?" Rupa Gosvami replied, The players assemble at a suitable time under the heading of pravartaka
- Real purpose is how one will take to spiritual consciousness, or Krsna consciousness. Keeping one's aim to that point. Some concession may be given as far as possible, keeping pace with the time, circumstances
- Regarding Paramatma Das, I think he should simply push on with his school work as much as it may be necessary and the remainder of the time he may spend with the devotees in our Krsna Conscious activities
- Regarding Ratha-yatra, we shall chose the most favorable time to hold our celebration
- Regarding Sanskrit, you can learn it in your leisure time. For Indians it is not difficult to learn Sanskrit
- Regarding the condensation of KRSNA book, I have read it and it is very nice. Try to work on it as time permits; and in the meantime, you can have some xerox copies made, then later on we shall find opportunity to print it
- Regarding the horoscope, it is a nice idea and if I meet a good astrologer I shall try to get one for your little child. I'm glad that you have sent me the exact time and date of birth, this will help
- Regarding the temple not being finished on time, that is your responsibility. What can I do?
- Regardless of time or place, one who chants the holy name, even while eating or sleeping, attains all perfection
- Regardless of what you (the Yamadutas) have done this time, henceforward you should not approach such devotees; otherwise you will be killed by the club of Lord Visnu. This is my (Yamaraja's) warning
- Relative truth is not truth in all the three phases of eternal time. Time is divided into past, present and future. Krsna is Truth always, past, present and future
- Religious principles begin from the time one surrenders to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Residing in outer space, which is in the middle of the universe, between Bhuloka and Bhuvarloka, the sun rotates through the time circle of the zodiac, represented by twelve rasis, or signs, and assumes different names according to the sign he is in
- Rivers, tributaries, ponds, reservoirs and the mind are all perturbed. Butter no longer ignites fire. What is this extraordinary time? What is going to happen?
- Rukmini continued, "Who is that young woman who has accompanied him? How have they met? Remembering my own son, who was stolen from the maternity home, I can only guess if he is living somewhere, he might have grown by this time to be like this boy"
- Samba: He was present during the Rajasuya-yajna of Maharaja Yudhisthira. When all the Vrsnis were assembled during the time of Prabhasa-yajna, his glorious activities were narrated by Satyaki before Lord Baladeva
- Samba: One of the great heroes of the Yadu dynasty and the son of Lord Sri Krsna by His wife Jambavati. He learned the military art of throwing arrows from Arjuna, and he became a member of parliament during the time of Maharaja Yudhisthira
- Sanatana Gosvami was dear to all pure devotees of his time
- Sanatana Gosvami was ordered by Sri Caitanya to live at Jagannatha Puri for one year. When he returned to Vrndavana after that time, he again met Rupa Gosvami, and both brothers remained in Vrndavana to execute the orders of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Sanatana means eternal, always and everywhere. Bhagavata means pertaining to Bhagavan, the Lord. The Lord is the master of all time and all space, and therefore the Lord's holy name must be heard, glorified and remembered everywhere in the world
- Sankaracarya distorted the meaning of the Brahma-sutra because he had a motive to serve. He wanted to establish Vedic knowledge in place of the atheistic knowledge spread by Lord Buddha. All these necessities are there according to time and circumstances
- Sankarsana is the first expansion of Vasudeva, and because He appears by His own will, He is called svarat, fully independent. He is therefore infinite and transcendental to all limits of time and space. He Himself appears as the thousand-headed Sesa
- Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya first introduced Janardana, saying, "Here is Janardana, servant of Lord Jagannatha. He renders service to the Lord when it is time to renovate His transcendental body"
- Seeing Hiranyakasipu coming forward bearing a trident in his hand like personified death, Lord Visnu, the best of all mystics and the knower of the progress of time, thought as follows
- Seeing the movements of time, those who are cognizant of the real truth neither rejoice nor lament for different circumstances. Therefore, because you (Indra) are jubilant due to your victory, you should be considered not very learned
- Sex indulgence is so enjoyable for materialistic people that when they engage in such activities they forget how time is passing. Saint Kardama and Devahuti, in their sex indulgence, also forgot how time was passing by
- She (Gandhari) was the most beautiful girl of her time, and she was equally qualified by her womanly qualities, which endeared every member of the Kaurava court
- She (mother Yasoda) saw (within Krsna's mouth) the time allotted for the living entities, she saw natural instinct and the reactions of karma, and she saw desires and different varieties of bodies, moving and nonmoving - SB 10.8.37-39
- She (Yasoda) has forgotten that it is the Supreme Personality of Godhead who has appeared before her as a little child. This relationship of attachment is very sublime. It requires time to understand
- She had gone to bring water from the Ganges, but when she saw Citraratha, the King of the Gandharvas, sporting with the celestial girls, she was somewhat inclined toward him and failed to remember that the time for the fire sacrifice was passing
- Similarly, material nature appears to the material scientist to act and react in a wonderful manner, but in reality it cannot act without the agitator, time, who is the representation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Simply by blinking his eyes, time personified can destroy the entire cosmic manifestation, but he has nothing to do with the devotee
- Since all these pastimes (Krsna's appearance, His boyhood activities, His youth) are present in one or another of the myriad universes at any given time, they are called eternal
- Since brahmananda is also defeated by the transcendental bliss derived from devotional service, then what to speak of the temporary blissfulness of elevating oneself to the heavenly planets, which is ended by the separating sword of time?
- Since creation takes place when rajo-guna is prominent, the Lord creates the necessary time to give facilities for rajo-guna. Similarly, He also creates the necessary times for maintenance and annihilation
- Since every second of human life is important, an enlightened man should be very careful to utilize time very cautiously
- Since he (Maharaja Pariksit) still had seven days at his disposal, he could easily take advantage of the time to prepare himself for the next life
- Since I (Yamunacarya) have begun my life to serve Krsna, since that time, whenever I think of sex life I spit on it
- Since it is enjoined in the sastras that prasada should immediately be taken, there is no restriction of time and space; the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead must be followed
- Since Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is the controller of everything, when He appears He is not within the limitations of material time
- Since that (Battle of Kuruksetra) time, this movement is current in India, supported by great Acaryas like Ramanuja, Madhya, and Visnu Swami, and Nimbarka
- Since that time (of Surasena Maharaja), the city of Mathura had been the capital of all the kings of the Yadu dynasty. The city and district of Mathura are very intimately connected with Krsna, for Lord Krsna lives there eternally - SB 10.1.28
- Since that time, Maya Danava has been protected by Lord Siva, and therefore he falsely thinks that he need not fear the Sudarsana cakra of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Since that time, my tongue also always vibrates the sound "Hari, Hari." I have no desire to say it, but still my tongue says it. I do not know what to do
- Since that time, no male had entered that forest. But now King Sudyumna, having been transformed into a female, began to walk with his associates from one forest to another
- Since the devotees are always attached to Me, they are never vanquished by the agents of time
- Since there is no sunshine in those subterranean planets, time is not divided into days and nights, and consequently fear produced by time does not exist
- Since time immemorial, the sannyasa order has carried the tridanda. Later Sankaracarya introduced the ekadandi-sannyasa
- Sisupala said, "I see here that although many stalwart personalities are present in this assembly, the influence of time is so strong that they have been misled by the statement of a boy (Sahadeva) who has foolishly spoken about Krsna"
- Sisupala said, "In spite of all endeavors to the contrary, the time element executes its own plan without opposition. For example, one may try his best to live, but when the time for death comes, no one can check it"
- Smaranam means trying to understand more and more about the Supreme Lord, and pada-sevanam means engaging oneself in serving the lotus feet of the Lord according to the time and circumstances
- So far material condition, He (Caitanya Mahaprabhu) had His very affectionate mother. He was the only son of His mother; all brothers and sister died. And His wife Laksmi-priya died first, then He married, second time, Visnu-priya. So very happy life
- So if it is the deluded who despise Lord Krsna, then is it not time for Dr. Radhakrishnan himself to admit that he is guilty of this crime? Let him realize how he has abused the "Lord of all existences," equating Him with a mere mortal
- So Krsna is so friendly that He always lives with us just to turn our face towards Krsna. Isvarah sarva-bhutanam hrd-dese arjuna tisthati. What is His business? He is simply waiting for the time when we shall turn our face to Krsna. That is His business
- So long we are in the jurisdiction of three modes of material nature, up to that time we shall disagree with one another and there will be trouble. Therefore the Vaisnava religion is meant for the peaceful person
- So Narada Muni became astonished that he, he was a learned scholar and brahmana, and he would take so much time, and the cobbler would be liberated in this life
- So our intelligence is, if we have to work for others and sacrifice this body for others, why not for Krsna? That is our philosophy. If I am whole time, whole duration of life for you, I am working for others... Others means, ultimately, my senses
- So that regulative principle may be a little, little different from my country to your country or my Veda to your Bible, but that does not matter. That is made according to the time, condition and the mentality of the population
- So the speaker and the audience were bona fide in this meeting where Bhagavatam was being recited for the second time. That should be the standard of recitation of Bhagavatam, so that the real purpose can be served without difficulty
- So we should be very careful about our time. Don't spoil time. That is our request. Don't spoil time like animals. They have no responsibility because there is gradation. After this life, they get another life
- So yoga practice is approved process, but it requires long, long period, time, and the time is not at all suitable in this age. And persons are differently cultured. They are eating everything, they are drinking everything, smoking
- So-called human society is generally engaged at night in sleeping and having sex and during the daytime in earning as much money as possible or else in shopping for family maintenance. People have very little time to talk about God
- Some lower planets, however, are vanquished after the end of one day of Brahma and are again created during the next day of Brahma. On the upper planets, time is calculated differently
- Some of the religions are on the group of goodness; some of them are on the group of passion; some of them are in the group of ignorance. But everyone's aim is to make some link with the SPG. But it is executed according to the time, circumstances
- Sometime ago you asked my permission for accepting some disciples, now the time is approaching very soon when you will have many disciples by your strong preaching work
- Sometimes all of the cowherd friends of Krsna, along with Balarama, danced together in some ceremony. At these times the garlands on Their necks would move, and They would begin to perspire
- Sometimes in a dream we see something never experienced or heard of in this life, but all these incidents have been experienced at different times, in different places and in different conditions
- Sometimes the conditioned soul tries to save himself from inexorable time and thus takes shelter of some bogus savior
- Sometimes the mode of goodness defeats passion, and at other times the mode of ignorance defeats goodness and passion. In this way there is always competition for supremacy. BG 14.10 - 1972
- Sometimes they paint the picture of God as very old man. Because He is the original person, so by this time He must have become very old. This is imagination. This is not actually the form of the Lord. The form of the Lord is there in the Brahma-samhita
- Sometimes, by good fortune, the bird can taste it, but at other times he unfortunately cannot and therefore almost dies of thirst
- Sometimes, due to business, Ramacandra was absent from His capital for a full week & could not be seen by the citizens during that time. Because of his vow (fast until he saw Ramacandra), the brahmana could not take even a drop of water during that week
- Sometimes, in our leisure time, we can see, "Oh, this is my finger, and this is my hand. This is my ear, and this is my nose. Everything is mine, but what I, what I?" I am feeling this is mine, and that I am. Simply a little thought is required
- Sovereignty over the three worlds is very insignificant because whatever material opulence one may possess lasts only for an age of Manu, which is but a tiny fraction of endless time
- Span of time
- Sputniks and astronauts are going very high, and here on earth people are clapping; but after just a brief time they come down again. However one may clap, he cannot do more than that
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has said that it is very difficult time, kalau. It is not Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's version; it is the Vedic version. Simply chant Hare Krsna mantra. This will clarify your heart
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu performed His customary daily duties, and at the usual time He went to see Lord Jagannatha in the temple
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu remained unconscious for a long time. Meanwhile, the time for offering prasadam to Lord Jagannatha came, and the Bhattacarya tried to think of a remedy
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu speaks clearly of one's becoming liberated from the varnasrama-dharma, the most exalted system of human civilization. At such a time one feels himself to be perpetually the servant of Lord Krsna
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mind was absorbed in ecstatic love at Jagannatha Puri, but when He passed along the road on the way to Vrndavana, that love increased a hundred times
- Sri Krsna, in His Paramatma feature, lives in the hearts of all living beings in both the transcendental and mundane creations. As the Paramatma, He witnesses all actions the living beings perform in all phases of time, namely past, present and future
- Sri Uddhava said: My dear Vidura, the sun of the world, Lord Krsna, has set, and our house has now been swallowed by the great snake of time. What can I say to you about our welfare?
- Sri Yamunacarya has prayed as follows: "My dear Lord, I know that the gigantic universe and gigantic space and time within the universe are covered by the ten layers of the material elements, each layer ten times larger than the previous one"
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, one of the greatest astrologers of his time, gives information from the Siddhanta-siromani that this universe measures 18,712,069,200,000,000 x 8 miles. This is the circumference of this universe
- Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura advised: "My friend, you are being washed away in material nature's waves of time. Please try to understand that you are the eternal servant of the Lord. Then everything will stop, and you will be eternally happy"
- Srila Gaura Kisora das Babaji was unable to sign his name, and yet he became the spiritual master of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Maharaja, the most erudite learned scholar of His time
- Srila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami was the son of a big zamindar of his time
- Srimad-Bhagavatam clearly states that He (Krsna) left the battlefield in spite of having ample military strength. Even without His militia, He alone would have been sufficient to defeat the army of Jarasandha, as He had done seventeen times before
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is Srila Vyasadeva's last, mature contribution, and one should read and hear it in an assembly of realized souls while engaging in devotional service. At such a time one can be liberated from all material bondage
- Srimati Radharani was very careful this time not to say anything against Krsna. "My dear friend, I welcome you," She said. "Krsna is so kind that He has again sent you"
- Subuddhi Raya stayed for some time at Naimisaranya. During that time, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu went to Prayaga after visiting Vrndavana
- Such a big ocean, vast water, it is just on the brink, no more. It is so organized. The sun is rising exactly in time, astronomically. The astronomical watch is one ten-thousandth part of a second. It is so accurate
- Such a combination of atoms into different bodies creates the calculation of material time. The sun is the central point for calculating all different durations
- Sunrise, midday, sunset and midnight occur in all those places according to specific times, thus engaging all living entities in their various occupational duties and also making them cease such duties
- Superficially we engage from four o'clock in the morning till ten o'clock at night, and that is resting time. But when one is advanced in devotional service, while sleeping he also serves Krsna
- Suppose they're making research, find out petrol on the moon planet. But say it takes forty to fifty years: by that time your personal petrol will be finished. You cannot move; you cannot stop all nonsense. Then what you will do?
- Tactfully, according to place, time, and surroundings, try to push on this Sankirtan cult as far as possible and Krishna will be very very much pleased upon you
- Temporary time-serving devotional service is not accepted as pure devotional service. Actual devotional service continues even after liberation. BG 1972 purports
- That original spiritual disciplic succession (coming from Krsna to the sun-god) was broken, but now we can receive the same message by studying Bhagavad-gita. In Bhagavad-gita Krsna speaks to Arjuna just as in a far distant time He spoke to the sun-god
- That time has come. Let us cooperate and distribute this nice thing, Hare Krsna movement. People will be happy
- The 360 days and 360 nights combine to become the 720 soldiers of Candavega (time). One has to fight these soldiers throughout one's lifespan, beginning with birth and ending with death. This fight is called the struggle for existence
- The above statement by Krsna seems apparently to be of an envious nature, but according to different pastimes, places and times this quality is accepted as a great characteristic
- The adjustment is that all these incidents (killing Sankhacuda, chastising Kaliya, rasa dance) would take place in the future, after the time when it was being foretold by Brahmaji to Narada
- The animals are not restricted. But nowadays, better animal is restricted. They have got a time for sexual intercourse. But these, these animals, the four, two-legged, two-hands animal, they have no restriction. Any time. Less than animal
- The animals have their due time for sexual intercourse, but the human being has no regular time for such activities
- The beginning injunction of the Vedanta-sutra is: athato brahma jijnasa - Now is the time to inquire about Brahman
- The Bhagavad-gita can be consulted in all critical times, not only for solace from all kinds of mental agonies, but also for the way out of great entanglements which may embarrass one in some critical hour
- The Bhattacarya said, "One should eat the maha-prasadam of the Lord immediately upon receiving it, even though it is dried up, stale or brought from a distant country. One should consider neither time nor place"
- The Bible is also sastra. Koran is also sastra but they are spoken according to the time, according to the circumstances
- The body given up by Brahma took the form of the evening twilight, when the day and night meet, a time which kindles passion
- The body is subject to six kinds of transformations. It takes its birth in the womb of the mother's body, remains for some time, grows, produces some effects, gradually dwindles, and at last vanishes into oblivion. BG 1972 purports
- The bore in the copper measuring pot must be made with a probe weighing not more than four masa and measuring not longer than four fingers. This regulates the diameter of the hole. The pot is submerged in water, and the overflooding time is called a danda
- The Brahma-samhita clearly describes Brahman, "The living entities, space, time and the material elements like fire, earth, sky, water and mind constitute the total cosmic manifestation, known as Bhuh, Bhuvah and Svah, which is manifested by Govinda"
- The brahmana (who used to fast until the time he sees Lord Ramacandra) received the Deities (of Sita-Rama) from Sri Laksmanaji and worshiped Them faithfully as long as he lived
- The brahmana, therefore, did not exert himself for more material happiness; instead, he used his time for advancement of Krsna consciousness. Externally he appeared very poor because he had no rich clothes and could not provide rich clothes for his wife
- The calves are actually supposed to be released when their mothers are milked, but Krsna would release them before that time, and naturally the calves would drink all the milk from their mothers
- The cause for which they work, the place where they work, the time when they work, the matter due to which they work, the goal of life they have considered final, and the process for obtaining this goal - all are nothing but manifestations of Your energy
- The celebrated English king wanted to order time and tide, but the time and tide refused to obey his order. Therefore one is a false king in the material world, and Dhrtarastra was particularly reminded of this false position
- The change of time. Now it is nine o'clock in the watch. Now, this nine o'clock, this is now night. The morning nine o'clock is still existing somewhere. Similarly, Krsna's lila, Krsna's pastime, is going on. Everything is going on at the same moment
- The city of Hastinapura stands today on the bank of the Yamuna, & the statement of Srimad-Bhagavatam that Yudhisthira went to bathe in the Ganges indicates, therefore, that during the time of the Pandavas the river Yamuna was also known as the Ganges
- The clock goes on, tick-tick, tick-tick, tick-tick. As soon as the tick-tick stops, then whole thing is lost. Similarly, our breathing is going on, tick-tick, tick-tick, tick-tick, a fixed time
- The common man, if he has no time to worship the Lord, may at least engage his hands for a few seconds in washing or sweeping the Lord's temple
- The complete Bhagavatam was heard by Maharaja Pariksit and chanted by Sukadeva Gosvami. Maharaja Pariksit inquired from Sukadeva because Sukadeva was a greater spiritual master than any great yogi or transcendentalist of his time
- The conception of servitude to Sri Krsna generates such an ocean of joy in the soul that even the joy of oneness with the Absolute, if multiplied ten million times, could not compare to a drop of it
- The conditioned soul in the material forest is sometimes swallowed by a python or crushed. At such a time he is left lying in the forest like a dead person, devoid of consciousness and knowledge
- The conditioned soul is sometimes attracted to the little happiness derived from sense gratification. Thus he has illicit sex or steals another's property. At such a time he may be arrested by the government or chastised by the woman's husband
- The controlling time has different dimensions in relation to particular physical embodiments. There is a time for atomic dissolution and a time for the universal dissolution
- The days have been compared to the soldiers of Candavega. Night is generally a time for sex enjoyment
- The dead son immediately replied (to the question of Caitanya that why he was leaving the house of Srivasa) - I was living in this house as long as I was destined to live here. Now that the time is over, I am going elsewhere, according to Your direction
- The demigod of the moon is he who divides time, and he is the king of all the residents of the universe. We therefore pray that he may remain our king and guide, and we offer him our respectful obeisances
- The demigods are expanded parts and parcels of the Supreme Lord Visnu, and they are embodied by time, external energy and partial consciousness of the Supreme
- The demigods live in the heavenly planets for months, years and ten-thousands of years according to demigod time, and then again, after the results of their pious activities are exhausted, they fall down to this earth
- The demigods own their material possessions only within the limits of time
- The demigods said: Beloved Visvarupa, may there be all good fortune for you. We, the demigods, have come to your asrama as your guests. Please try to fulfill our desires according to the time, since we are on the level of your parents
- The demigods saw Lord Siva sitting under that tree, which was competent to give perfection to mystic yogis and deliver all people. As grave as time eternal, he appeared to have given up all anger
- The demons and Daityas were favored in both ways, and therefore the demigods were advised by the Supreme Lord to execute a truce for the time being, until time favored them
- The demons of the time tried to obstruct the sankirtana movement started by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- The devas are celebrated for fighting with the asuras perpetually. In such fights the asuras were always defeated, but this time the demigods were defeated. Why? The reason, as stated here (SB 6.7.22), was that they had offended their spiritual master
- The devotee Prahlada says - My dear friends, this is the time, in this young age, to prosecute Krsna consciousness - SB 7.6
- The devotee realizes how much history and historical persons are useless products of flickering time
- The devotees arise in the morning, here in New Vindavan they are getting up by four o'clock. But in your country the people are not accostumed to this, and it will take a little time to get them used to it
- The differences are characterized by the substance, nature, predisposition, time and activity. You should know that all these are simply mechanical manifestations created by material nature
- The differentiation among varieties of life and their suffering and enjoyment is explained by some to be the result of karma. Others say it is due to nature, others due to time, others due to fate, and still others say that it is due to desire
- The distinction of the Lord is that His activities are all transcendental, & He is able to do anything and everything without being deterred by limitations of time and space. He can enjoy His transcendental happiness regardless of material considerations
- The division of gross time is calculated as follows: two atoms make one double atom, and three double atoms make one hexatom
- The duration of Kali-yuga is 432,000 years, and although only 5,000 years of it have passed, already we find so many difficulties, and the more we grow into this Kali-yuga, the more the times will be difficult
- The duration of one's life cannot be saved. But if one is engaged in devotional service, his time cannot be taken away by the sun
- The duration of time of three lavas is equal to one nimesa, the combination of three nimesas makes one ksana, five ksanas combined together make one kastha, and fifteen kasthas make one laghu
- The duty of human life is to understand God, Krsna. In the Vedanta-sutra, the first aphorism is athato brahma jijnasa. Athah, "therefore." Because we have got this human form of body, so this is the time for inquiring about the Absolute Truth
- The earth was formerly called Ilavrta-varsa, but gradually as time passed it was divided by national boundaries
- The entire cosmos is created by Durga in cooperation with Lord Visnu in the form of kala, time
- The example given in this regard (in SB 7.9.31) - vasukalavad asti-tarvoh - is very easy to understand. Everything exists in time, yet there are different phases of the time factor - present, past and future. Present, past and future are one
- The fact was that Nanda Maharaja wanted to take a bath in the river Yamuna early in the morning before the sunrise, but somehow or other he was a little too early, and he bathed at an inauspicious time. Consequently he was arrested
- The fear of death is the action of the kala, or the time factor, which represents the influence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Time is destructive. Whatever is created is subject to destruction and dissolution, which is the action of time
- The female relatives, whose eyes were flooded with tears out of anxiety for Krsna, came out of the palace. They could stop their tears only with great difficulty. They feared that tears would cause misfortune at the time of departure
- The fifth incarnation, named Lord Kapila, is foremost among perfected beings. He gave an exposition of the creative elements and metaphysics to Asuri Brahmana, for in course of time this knowledge had been lost
- The First Chapter describes how Rupa Gosvami met Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu for the second time and how the Lord heard his two dramas (Vidagdha-madhava and Lalita-madhava)
- The first time I was known as Prsnigarbha, born of Prsni and Sutapa, in the next birth I was Upendra, born of Aditi and Kasyapa, and now for the third time I am born as Krsna from you, Devaki and Vasudeva
- The foolish worker will untiringly continue to hear of the sense-enjoyable tidings of the flickering mundane world, but will have very little time to hear about the eternal living force that moves the material world
- The forbidden time for sexual intercourse would be noted by Lord Siva, and Diti would meet with proper punishment by giving birth to a child of ghostly character or a godless impersonalist. Kasyapa foresaw this, and thus he warned his wife Diti
- The force of time is very strong, and everything is being destroyed by something else - just as one animal is being eaten by another animal. Time scatters everything, exactly as the wind scatters clouds in the sky
- The four ages of earth (Satya, Treta, Dvapara and Kali) last only twelve thousand years according to the time scale of the upper planets. Such a length of time multiplied by one thousand constitutes one day of Brahma, and one night of Brahma is the same
- The four different sects of these monasteries (established by Sripada Sankaracarya) are known as Anandavara, Bhogavara, Kitavara and Bhumivara, and in course of time they have developed different ideas and different slogans
- The fourth restriction is that you cannot take part in gambling or some unnecessary sporting because you have to utilize your time
- The gorilla, being bereft of all trees and stone slabs, now stood before Balarama and waved his strong fists. Then, with great force, he began to beat Lord Balarama's chest with his fists. This time Lord Balarama became most angry
- The great King Maharaja Bharata began to think: Alas, this helpless young deer, by the force of time, an agent of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, has now lost its relatives and friends and has taken shelter of me
- The great ocean of material nature is tossing with the waves of time, and the so-called living conditions are something like foaming bubbles, which appear before us as bodily self, wife, children, society, countrymen, etc
- The great politician-pandita named Canakya said that even one moment of time cannot be returned even if one is prepared to pay millions of dollars. One cannot calculate the amount of loss there is in wasting valuable time
- The great sage Maitreya has given a considerable description of the time of different dimensions, beginning from the atom up to the duration of the life of Brahma. Now he attempts to give some idea of the time of the unlimited Personality of Godhead
- The great sage Vyasadeva saw anomalies in the duties of the millennium. This happens on the earth in different ages, due to unseen forces in the course of time
- The greatest loss in life is passing time without understanding Krsna
- The gross materialist can practically see that his material gain is limited only to time and space, either in this world or in the other
- The guru advises, "Better remain all through brahmacari. No botheration." So he's trained properly, but still if he has desire, then he's allowed to become a grhastha. That is also for a limited time
- The happiness of the gopis increases ten million times when they serve to engage Sri Sri Radha and Krsna in Their transcendental pastimes
- The householder should come out of his home during noontime and call out for anyone who is hungry to please come and take the food. Only if no one comes in answer to his call can the chief of the household take his meals
- The idea is that local devotees must manage the local temple. In case of emergency, the other temples may help, but that should not be continued, for all the time
- The idea is that material happiness and misery are available in all planetary systems in the course of time, but the highest achievement, devotional service, cannot be attained anywhere without endeavor
- The idea is that the time which you are devoting here in this Krsna consciousness temple, this time the sun cannot take away. This is becoming your asset. Plus. It is not minus
- The illusion is that the conditioned soul does not try to understand his spiritual identity. He is more interested in his external body, which is only a flash and which will be finished as soon as the time is designated
- The impersonal conception of the Supreme Absolute Truth, as described in this chapter (of BG 12), is recommended only up to the time one surrenders himself for self-realization. BG 1972 purports
- The important thing now for GBC members is that they go on working. It is not important to hold a meeting for passing resolutions etc. The best time and place is Mayapur on Lord Caitanya's Appearance Day
- The incarnations of Visnu, who appear at different ages and times, are never to be compared to the conditioned souls. The visnu-tattvas are not to be compared to deities like Brahma and Siva, nor are they on the same level
- The ingredients and cause of the material cosmic manifestation are described as follows: O my Lord! Time, activity, providence and nature are four parts of the causal aspect (maya) of the external energy
- The ingredients of matter are counted as twenty-three. All are combined together by the influence of time and are again dissolved in the course of time
- The injunction niyamitah smarane na kalah includes desa, kala and patra - place, time and the individual. Therefore anyone may chant the Hare Krsna mantra, without consideration of the time and place
- The intense heat of its effulgence, meant for killing non-Vaisnavas, is unbearable to Rahu, and he therefore flees in fear of it. During the time Rahu disturbs the sun or moon, there occurs what people commonly know as an eclipse
- The King (of Magadha, Jarasandha's father) was very happy to see the queens bearing children, but when the ripe time approached, the queens delivered one child in two parts, one from each of the queens' wombs
- The King said: "To transgress the laws of respectful behavior toward the brahmanas is certainly a great offense. On the other hand, if one does not observe the breaking of the fast within Dvadasi's time, there is a flaw in one's observance of the vow"
- The kings continued: "We were so fooled that we became the cause of death for others, forgetting our own impending death. But, dear Lord (Krsna), the force of the time element, which is Your representative, is certainly insurmountable"
- The learned Kasyapa said: Because of your mind's being polluted, because of defilement of the particular time, because of your negligence of my directions, and because of your being apathetic to the demigods, everything was inauspicious
- The living entities are eternally small fragments of the supreme spiritual whole. As a part can never be equal with the whole, so a living entity, as a minute fragment of the spiritual whole, cannot be equal at any time to the Supreme Whole
- The living entities are the enjoyers of the material ingredients, time, modes, etc., because they want to lord it over the material nature
- The living entity forgets his identity when he comes in contact with material nature and becomes conditioned. At such a time he identifies himself as a product of the material nature
- The living entity is eternal: he can never be subjected to the limits of time, as are his gross and subtle bodies. The cosmic manifestation is never false, but it is subject to change by the influence of the time factor
- The living entity, nature and time are under the direction of the Supreme Lord
- The Lord appears in this universe like the sun and again leaves our sight at another time
- The Lord concluded, "Now, therefore, please reduce the fixed number of times you chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra." Haridasa Thakura replied, "Kindly hear my real plea"
- The Lord continued: My dear mother, devotees who receive such transcendental opulences are never bereft of them; neither weapons nor the change of time can destroy such opulences
- The Lord is eternally manifested by His internal potency or spiritual energy just like the sun and its rays in the clear sky, but at times He creates the material energy, as the sun creates a cloud in the clear sky
- The Lord is not under the limitations of time
- The Lord reminded Vasudeva and Devaki of two other incarnations in which He had appeared as their son. He had appeared as Prsnigarbha and Vamanadeva, and now this was the third time He was appearing as the son of Devaki to fulfill their desire
- The Lord told Devaki - This time I have appeared in My original form as Sri Krsna
- The Lord was always with him (Maharaj Pariksit), even from the time when he was helplessly lying in the womb of his mother and was attacked by the blazing brahmastra weapon of Asvatthama
- The Lord's ecstatic love increased a thousand times when He visited Mathura, but it increased a hundred thousand times when He wandered in the forests of Vrndavana
- The Lord, the living entity, material nature and time are all interrelated and are all eternal. BG 1972 Introduction
- The Lord, who is behind the motion of the cosmos, is called avyakta-bandhu. Everything is within the limits of time, but time moves under the direction of the Lord, who is therefore not within time's limit
- The mahat-tattva is chiefly in the mode of ignorance, and it generates the false ego. It is a plenary expansion of the Personality of Godhead, with full consciousness of creative principles and time for fructification
- The marriage relationship is not for sex. Of course, that is the way in this age. So, such wife may marry for the second time, what can be done? Vedic marriage is not for sex
- The material body is perishable by nature. It may perish immediately, or it may do so after a hundred years. It is a question of time only. There is no chance of maintaining it indefinitely. BG 1972 purports
- The material energy is a potency of the Lord which is displayed in time, accepting the three qualities of goodness, passion and ignorance in the forms of Visnu, Brahma and Siva
- The material ingredients are activated by the force of time, and thus the three material modes of nature are manifested
- The material success of the karmis is destined to be destroyed; similarly, the impersonal realization attained by the jnanis is also destroyed in the course of time
- The members of the assembly addressed the Lord: O exclusive shelter for all who are situated in troubled life, in this formidable fort of conditional existence the time element, like a snake, is always looking for an opportunity to strike
- The method of inducing the audience to become more and more eager to hear by praising the time and place, the hero and the audience is called prarocana
- The method of worship - chanting the mantra and preparing the forms of the Lord - is not stereotyped, nor is it exactly the same everywhere. One should take consideration of the time, place and available conveniences
- The mixing element, which is known as time, is counted as the twenty-fifth element
- The modern science admits that everything is relative. Relative world - according to the body, according to the time. Relative world, not absolute
- The modes of material nature (goodness, passion & ignorance), as well as material time, have no influence on the Vaikuntha planets. On those planets the liberated associates of Krsna live eternally, & they are worshiped both by the demigods & the demons
- The more one reads Bhagavad-gita the more he gets the appetite to read and understand it, and each time he gets new enlightenment. That is the nature of the transcendental message
- The more we engage our time, nityam bhagavata-sevaya, the dirty things becomes cleansed, gradually. Just like when you are hungry, you are given foodstuff, you eat. The more you eat, your hunger is satisfied. You'll feel strength
- The most suitable time to leave the body and not return is being explained by the Lord in these verses (BG 8.23-28). BG 1972 purports
- The Nagapatnis said, "We are praying that he (Kaliya) may be excused this time. Our dear Lord (Krsna), we are offering our loving service unto You because we are all eternal servitors of Your Lordship. You can order us to do whatever You please"
- The narration of Krsna's naughty childhood activities would be presented to mother Yasoda in the form of complaints. Sometimes Krsna would enter the house of a neighbor, & if He found no one there, He would release the calves before the time to be milked
- The natural gifts such as grains and vegetables, fruits, rivers, the hills of jewels & minerals, and the seas full of pearls are supplied by the order of the Supreme, and as He desires, material nature produces them in abundance or restricts them at times
- The necks of the gopis became tinted with red due to their desire to enjoy Krsna more and more. To satisfy them, Krsna began to clap His hands in time with their singing
- The next day Lord Caitanya asked Ramananda Raya to allow Him to return to Jagannatha Puri. "We can remain together the rest of our lives at Jagannatha Puri and pass our time in discussing Krsna"
- The next impediment to devotional service is prajalpa, talking of mundane subject matter. Many people unnecessarily talk of the daily happenings in the newspapers and pass the time without any profit
- The opening words of the Vedanta-sutra proclaim: Now is the time to inquire about Brahman
- The ordinary man who is neither Krsna conscious nor a devotee of Krsna, he cannot explain Bhagavad-gita. Whatever they are explaining, they are simply spoiling their time and others' also, big, big scholars - I do not wish to discuss - simply misled
- The others are welcomed because it is understood that in course of time, if they continue on the path to God, they will become as good as the man of knowledge
- The Pancaratrika system acts on the sudra class of men, supposedly the population of the Kali-yuga, and it is the prescribed purificatory process suitable to the age and time
- The particular medicine is recommended by the doctor, not by your whims. Sruti and smrti cannot be changed, but they may recommend a particular process at a particular time
- The perfect yogis or mystics can leave the material body at their own sweet will at a suitable time and go to a suitable planet desired by them
- The Personality of God is not a dead stone, nor is He inactive, as is poorly thought by some schools. He moves with the progress of time, & therefore He knows all about the past & future, along with His present activities. There is nothing unknown to Him
- The physical elements, nature, the original cause, culture, destiny and the time element are all material causes. Agitated by these material causes, the eleven functions transform into hundreds of functions and then into thousands and then into millions
- The place, the time, the cause, the purpose, the activity and the ambition were all the same for both the demigods and the demons, but the demigods achieved one result and the demons another
- The politicians have very little time to think of the welfare of the citizens, whom they oppress with heavy taxes in the form of income tax, sales tax and many other taxes
- The prasadam of Lord Krsna is to be eaten by gentlemen as soon as it is received; there should be no hesitation. There are no regulative principles concerning time and place. This is the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The principles of religion are not the dogmas or regulative principles of a certain faith. Such regulative principles may be different in terms of the time and place concerned. One has to see whether the aims of religion have been achieved
- The process of creation and annihilation is called anadi, or without reference to date regarding the time the creation first took place, because the duration of even a partial creation is 8,640,000,000 years
- The process of devotional service entails hearing, chanting and remembering the holy name, form, pastimes, qualities and entourage of the Lord, offering service according to the time, place and performer, worshiping the Deity, offering prayers
- The process of the exhaustion of the duration of life exists for every one of the living beings, including Lord Brahma. One's life endures for only one hundred years, in terms of the times in the different planets
- The prostitute replied, "First let me have union with him once; then the second time I shall take your constable with me to arrest him"
- The psychological effects of various peoples, places, and times have led us to designate ourselves as Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, Congressites, Luddites, Socialists, Bolsheviks, and so forth
- The purpose of building very high temples is to give people a chance to see them from a distant place. This system is carried on in India whenever a new temple is constructed, and it appears that it is coming down from a time before recorded history
- The real process is to control the senses. So try to control the senses as far as possible and utilize your time for advancing Krsna consciousness
- The real purpose is to realize God. So that (many Chinese, many Japanese, Africans and Canadians are chanting) is being done. So we have to accept the method recommended for a particular age and time. Then we become successful
- The regulative principles may differ from country to country or from scripture to scripture, but that doesn't matter, for they are made according to the time and circumstances and the mentality of the people
- The rest of one's time should be devoted to engaging in the transcendental loving service of the Lord. In this way one can attain relief from the reactions of material activity
- The revealed scripture advises that, "You have to maintain your body. That's all right. But for simply material comforts you should not devote time more than it is absolutely required." That means don't increase your bodily necessities
- The sage Maitreya said: In a former time, the leaders of the universal creation performed a great sacrifice in which all the great sages, philosophers, demigods and fire-gods assembled with their followers
- The sastra says that controller or ruler is the same, and the Sanskrit synonym is isvara. Isvara means controller or ruler. So there are different kinds of controllers according to time, sphere
- The sastra says: "No other method will be successful." Kalau nasty eva nasty eva nasty eva gatir anyatha (CC Adi 17.21). Karma, jnana, yoga. So therefore three times stressed, nasty eva. "By karma you will not be successful." Time is different
- The scripture says the same thing, but it is adjusted according to time, circumstances, audience. So if you simply read scripture, srutayo vibhinna - there are Rg Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda, so many - you cannot come to conclusion. Neither by argument
- The scriptures, however, supply the clue for understanding the real position, but men are reluctant to take lessons from the scriptures created by the Lord for different places and times
- The servants of God are to be respected as God by the devotees who actually want to go back to Godhead. Such servants of God are called mahatmas, or tirthas, and they preach according to particular time and place
- The sinful man taken to the Yamaraja, he is put into suffering, the same principle as a prisoner. He has to suffer for a time, six months or one year or sometimes more than that, just to atone for his sinful activities
- The sixty-four regulative principles (of devotional service) are as follows: (34) To offer respect to the spiritual master and the Supreme Lord by standing up at the appropriate time. (35) To follow the spiritual master or the Supreme Lord in procession
- The special significance of these histories is that they are all connected with activities of the Lord in a different time and atmosphere
- The Srimad-Bhagavatam says, "Our duration of life is being diminished by the sun, beginning from its rising until the time it sets." Daily we are losing the duration of our lives
- The story of the deliverance of the brahmana: By the request of Jagannatha Misra he (the brahmana) cooked for a second time, but when he was meditating the child (Nimai) again came before him and began to eat the food, again spoiling the offering
- The subject matter of Bhagavad-gita is to know five things, to know what are these living entities, what is God, what is nature, and what is time, and what is work
- The subject matters of physics, chemistry, mathematics, astronomy, time and space dealt with in the above verses of Srimad-Bhagavatam are certainly very interesting to students of the particular subject
- The suggestion of Mr. Kallman of Krishna Consciousness Kit is very nice. Please try to fructify this idea as soon as possible. As there is still time to get Bhagavad-gita ready published by MacMillan Co., Mr. Kallman may not come to S.F. so quickly
- The sun & moon rise exactly on time, without deviating even one ten-thousandth of a second, & the seasons change in the same way, bringing fruits & flowers. In this way the entire cosmic manifestation is going on in a very orderly, systematic way
- The sun is existent in every part of the solar system, but he becomes visible at a scheduled time and so also becomes invisible at another scheduled time
- The sun is present everywhere and anywhere all over the solar system, but it so appears that in a particular place the sun appears in the morning and also disappears at some fixed time in the evening
- The sun is rising exactly in the time; the moon is rising exactly in the time; they are illuminating; they are appearing, disappearing; everything is going on, seasonal changes - so if things are going on so nicely, how you can say: God is dead
- The sun is rising in time, the moon is rising in time, the seasonal changes are taking place in time, the planets are moving. Everything is in order. How you can say that God is dead
- The sun is taking away our duration of life every minute, every hour, every day. But if we engage ourself in the topics of Uttama-sloka, that time he cannot take away
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is all-pervading, but He is also manifested in different types of bodies which arise from a combination of material nature, time, desires and occupational duties
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Time I am, the great destroyer of the worlds, and I have come here to destroy all people. With the exception of you (the Pandavas), all the soldiers here on both sides will be slain
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, by His inconceivable supreme energy, time, causes the interaction of the three modes of material nature, and thus varieties of energy become manifest
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, the controller of the material and spiritual energies, who is certainly the creator of the entire cosmos, creates the time factor to allow the material energy and the living entity to act within the limits of time
- The system of Krsna consciousness was first narrated to the sun-god, the sun-god explained it to his son Manu, Manu explained it to his son Iksvaku, and the system is current on this earth from that very remote time. BG 1972 purports
- The teacher (acarya) has to consider time, candidate and country. He must avoid the principle of niyamagraha - that is, he should not try to perform the impossible. What is possible in one country may not be possible in another
- The tension between the father-in-law and son-in-law persisted for a considerable time. Sati, therefore, had not gone to her father's house for a long while
- The time calculation on these (higher) planets is indicated by Sri Krsna: "By human calculation, a thousand ages taken together is the duration of Brahma's one day. And such also is the duration of his night." - BG 8.17
- The time duration needed for the integration of three trasarenus is called a truti, and one hundred trutis make one vedha. Three vedhas make one lava
- The time durations of day and night as well as months and years are different in the different planets, stars and luminaries
- The time early in the morning, one and a half hours before sunrise, is called brahma-muhurta. During this brahma-muhurta, spiritual activities are recommended
- The time element is Your representation. My Lord, O Supreme, no one can conquer You. As for me, however, I am being crushed by the wheel of time, and therefore I surrender fully unto You. Now kindly take me under the protection of Your lotus feet
- The time factor is the most important element, above all others, because the material manifestation is effected by the agitation of time. Thus natural phenomena come into existence, and as soon as phenomena appear, fruitive activities are visible
- The time factor, who causes the transformation of the various material manifestations, is another feature of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Anyone who does not know that time is the same Supreme Personality is afraid of the time factor
- The time for administrative rectification and the time for Lord Sri Krsna's appearance coincided at the end of the last Dvapara-yuga. Therefore when Sri Krsna appeared, Visnu, the Lord of maintenance, merged with Him
- The time he takes to travel entirely around the spheres of heaven, earth and space at these three speeds is referred to, by learned scholars, by the five names Samvatsara, Parivatsara, Idavatsara, Anuvatsara and Vatsara
- The time is fast approaching when we will have to perform such public Kirtana in all the important cities of the world
- The time limitation even of the sun is of no concern, and so what to speak of the Supreme Lord who is the creator and controller of the sun
- The time was appropriate for the body to be burned, but the queens, not allowing it to be taken away, continued lamenting for the dead body, which they kept on their laps. In the meantime, the sun completed its movements for setting in the west
- The time was there some years ago when Australia would not allow any colored men to enter, but now you have allowed Caitanya Mahaprabhu to enter Australia and inundated the whole country with Hari Nama Sankirtana
- The time was very short, and naturally Sukadeva Gosvami could have gone directly to the Tenth Canto to make a shortcut of the whole thing, as generally done by the professional reciters
- The total material energy is generated from the body of Krsna, and at such a time the entire cosmic manifestation is visible. When Krsna winds up His energy, everything vanishes
- The universal affairs are going on so nicely, with the sun rising just on time, the seasons changing, and the seasonal fruits and flowers making their appearance. Thus there is no mismanagement
- The universal form of Krsna, which is a temporary manifestation, and the form of time which devours everything, and even the form of Visnu, four-handed, have all been exhibited by Krsna. Krsna is the origin of all these manifestations. BG 1972 purports
- The unmanifested forces of time are so powerful that they decay all matter in due course
- The unmanifested forces of time are so powerful that they reduce all matter to oblivion in due course
- The varsa-satam, or one hundred years, are relatively different according to time, person and circumstances. As far as human beings are concerned, the calculation given here (SB 7.6.6) is right for the general public
- The Vedanta-sutra says, athato brahma jijnasa: - Now, in the human form of life, is the time to inquire into what is the Supreme Brahman
- The Vedic ceremonial paraphernalia, the suitable place, the suitable time, the different grades of articles for performing the ritualistic ceremonies, the Vedic hymns, the process of sacrifice, the priest who is able to perform the sacrifice, the fire
- The Vedic principle has got garbhadhana-samskara. To beget a child, it requires also reformation - time, mentality, situation. So . . . not like cats and dogs
- The whole material civilization is based on animalism. Therefore now they are coming as naked animals. The basic principle of the civilization is animalism. Now... It was covered by the progress of time. Now they are coming to be naked animals, that's all
- The word agraha means “not to accept.” We should not follow regulative principles without an effect, nor should we fail to accept the regulative principles. What is required is a special technique according to country, time and candidate
- The word pratyuditah is very significant (in SB 6.2.21). The servants of Yamaraja are so powerful that they can never be hindered anywhere, but this time they were baffled and disappointed in their attempt to take away a man they considered sinful
- The word samvatsara, meaning "the progress of time," is significant. Day after day, week after week, fortnight after fortnight, month after month, year after year, the living entity becomes entangled in the chariot's progress
- The yogi is able to quit his body by his own choice of time and can attain any planet he desires by turning the present body into ashes by self-made fire
- The yogis accept the eternity of the Supreme Person in one of their mantras - sa purvesam api guruh kalanavacchedat: Such a person is always supreme and is not influenced by the element of time
- The yogis also at times take to chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, but their purpose is different from that of the bhaktas. In all processes - karma, jnana or yoga - bhakti is required. That is the purport of this verse - SB 4.31.12
- Their (foolish persons) only profit is to take the trouble of going and coming back, just as at present many material scientists are spoiling their time by trying to go to the moon planet and again coming back
- Then the government took all the horses for a proper price, a time was set for payment of the balance, and Gopinatha Pattanayaka was released
- Then the great hero, Vijitasva, the son of King Prthu, again took the horse and returned to his father's sacrificial arena. Since that time, certain men with a poor fund of knowledge have adopted the dress of a false sannyasi
- There are different periods in your country called summer, winter, fall, spring. They are coming by rotation. Similarly, there is rotation of time which is divided into four millenniums called Satya-yuga, Treta-yuga, Dvapara-yuga, and Kali-yuga
- There are fourteen Manus in one day of Brahma, and this time calculation is also taking place in other universes
- There are many subduing principles, but time wears down all things in the material universe and so represents Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- There are many varieties of approaches which are recommended for different types of living beings in different times and at different places. Consequently, the numbers of revealed scriptures are innumerable
- There are millions of elephants in African jungle. They eat at a time fifty kilos. But they're getting their food. Similarly, a small ant, he's also getting his food. So the supreme eternal has arranged food, or the economic problems are solved by nature
- There are unlimited conditioned souls who are bereft of Lord Krsna’s service. Not knowing how to cross the ocean of nescience, they are scattered by the waves of time and tide
- There are various details to be observed in the performance of sacrifices. They are known as desa, place; kala, time; prthag-dravya, the different detailed paraphernalia; mantra, hymns; tantra, scriptural evidences
- There are waterfalls flowing from the hills of the forest, but sometimes water does not flow from them. So the waterfalls are not like ordinary rainfall. They are compared to great reformers, who speak or do not speak, as the time require
- There is a gulf of difference between the Lord and the individual living being. The Lord is mentioned herein (SB 1.12.11) as the supreme living being unlimited by time and space
- There is a prescription that one should go during this time, maghamela, and live in the confluence, on the bank of the confluence of Gaìga and Yamuna and at least three days he must live. Then he becomes eligible to enter into the heavenly kingdom
- There is a story of a little boy, about five years old, named Dhruva, who belonged to a royal family. In the course of time his father, the king, tired of his mother and deposed her as his queen
- There is a temple of Lord Siva there (in Vedagiri), and the deity is known as Vedagirisvara. Two birds come there daily to receive food from the temple priest, and it is claimed that they have been coming since time immemorial
- There is a time for the annihilation of the body of the human being, and there is a time for the annihilation of the universal body. Also, growth, development and resultant actions all depend on the time factor
- There is control by time all over the space within the universe, as there is control by time all over the planets
- There is every chance of failure on the yogic path when a great sage like Visvamitra Muni falls down due to material allurement. Although the muni fell for the time being, he again resolved to go on with the yoga process, and this should be our resolve
- There is no cause of lamentation because the living entity can neither be killed as he is, nor can the material body, which cannot be saved for any length of time, be permanently protected. BG 1972 purports
- There is no harm if the devotees chant in the temple during the time when the Deities are resting
- There is no question of improvement (upon Krsna's words). But sometimes, according to time, circumstances, country, candidate, there is some trick or some ways . . . real business is one must take to Krsna consciousness
- There is no question of separation between husband and wife until the time when the husband takes sannyasa. At that time the wife cannot remain with the husband
- There is no rigid fixture of time, and anyone can chant the holy name with attention and reverence at his convenience. The Lord is so kind to us that He can be present before us personally in the form of transcendental sound
- There is nothing extraneous; nor is there anything needed. This manifestation has its own time fixed by the energy of the supreme whole, and when its time is complete, these temporary manifestations will be annihilated. BG 1972 Introduction
- There is ordinarily no need for Narada Muni to stay in one place for more than the time he requires to preach. Since by his own free will he is already traveling all over the universe, the curse of Kalakanya is described as fortunate
- There is scarcity of anna - grains. That will increase more and more. It will so increase that now you are getting anna by paying high price, but time will come when even if you are prepared to pay price, there will be no more anna. That time is coming
- There is still time, and if the inhabitants of Bharata-varsa take this movement of Krsna consciousness seriously, the entire world will be saved from gliding down to a hellish condition
- There may be discrepancies in pronouncing the mantras and observing the regulative principles, and, moreover, there may be discrepancies in regard to time, place, person and paraphernalia. But when Your holy name is chanted, everything becomes faultless
- There may be small differences according to country, time, and circumstance, and according to scriptural injunction - in the message of all religious reformers or acaryas
- There will be another temple opening ceremony in Hyderabad by August, 1976, and probably I shall return by that time. Kindly try to meet me when I return and we shall talk more when we meet
- Thereafter the Personality of Godhead glanced over the sky, partly mixed with eternal time and external energy, and thus developed the touch sensation, from which the air in the sky was produced
- These (ritualistic ceremonies) must be observed according to time and circumstances and the directions of the sastra
- These are simply combinations of different experiences in time and space. Sometimes we may see a golden mountain, and this is due to our having experienced gold and mountains separately. In the dream, under illusion, we combine these separate factors
- These hairs of the Lord (Varahadeva) later grew as green grass, and the sages used to worship the Lord with that grass after the time when the Lord killed the demon Hiranyaksa
- These servants (dayitas) of Lord Jagannatha take care of the Lord from the day of the Snana-yatra up to the time the Lord is carried from the throne to the Ratha car
- They (people of the present day) are only busy to keep their position of prestige and monetary gain. They have very little time to think of the welfare of the citizens
- They (the regulative principles) are made according to the time and circumstances and the mentality of the people. But the principle of regulated control is the same. Similarly, the government sets down certain regulations to be obeyed by its citizens
- They (the smrtis) cannot be changed. Nothing can be changed. But according to the time, you have to apply the principles properly. For instance, in Kali-yuga the smrti order is kirtanad eva krsnasya mukta-sangah param vrajet
- They are attempting so much to go to the moon planet. But we are doubtful whether they are actually going. But no benefit has been derived by this excur. . . Simply you have spoiled your energy, time and money
- They don't know that such a husband cannot actually give protection to them or their children. Nor can he protect their wealth or duration of life, for he himself is dependent on time, fruitive results & modes of nature, which are all subordinate to You
- They live very auspiciously and do not fear death from anything but death's established time, which is the effulgence of the Sudarsana cakra of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- They need about 8 devotees to work full-time who are dedicated and would like to assist in the opening of the restaurant
- They think only that the time, the small duration of life, if you can somehow or other gratify our senses, that is perfection of life. This is called ignorance, mudhah
- They will dance and they will chant. And you also, if you try it you will never get tired. Because it is not material. In the material world if you chant anything, any favorite name for three, four, or ten times, you will get tired
- This (sanction a particular application for a particular time and place) was done by Lord Sri Krsna Caitanya. When he appeared five hundred years ago, he sanctioned the application of sruti-smrti because He's a genuine authority. He's a genuine acarya
- This (SB 4.17.34) refers to the time when Lord Krsna appeared as the supreme boar, Varaha, and rescued the earth, which had been merged in water
- This age called Kali, it is not very good time. Simply disagreement, fighting, quarreling, misunderstanding
- This age called Kali, it is not very good time. Simply disagreement, fighting, quarreling, misunderstanding. This age is full of that, all these happenings. Therefore to come to the spiritual platform is very difficult in this age
- This arca-murti, it is not idol worship. You practically try to understand. If it was idol worship, then these boys and girls, they are American boys and girls, intelligent, educated, they should not have spared so much time for worshiping one idol
- This artificial life is not actual life. We are perceiving. Suppose there have been no rain for one or two years. There is a time when for hundreds of years there will be no rain. You have to wait for that time. That time is coming at the end of Kali-yuga
- This devotional service is a sort of cultivation. It is not simply inaction for people who like to be inactive or devote their time to silent meditation
- This direct process of bhakti-yoga is recommended for this age because people haven't got sufficient time to execute all the paraphernalia any other system of yoga
- This element of time, which extends for many millions of years, is but another form of Lord Visnu - SB 10.3.26
- This energy (time) is called Kali and is represented by the dark destructive goddess generally worshiped by persons influenced by the mode of darkness or ignorance in material existence
- This fact (Caitanya spiritualized one Tukarama, who became from that time a religious preacher himself) has been admitted in his abhangas, which have been collected in a volume by Mr. Satyendra Nath Tagore of the Bombay Civil Service
- This gigantic manifestation of the phenomenal material world as a whole is the personal body of the Absolute Truth, wherein the universal resultant past, present and future of material time is experienced
- This human form of life is meant for austerity, and austerity means controlling sex, food intake, etc. In this way time can be saved for spiritual activity, and one can purify himself both externally and internally. Thus both body & mind can be cleansed
- This is called theism, believing in the sastra. Any sastra. All sastras, according to time, circumstances, people, there're different sastras
- This is Gaudiya-Vaisnava philosophy. It requires time. So the activities of Krsna, the rascals, if they simply see that "Krsna is enticing Arjuna to fight; therefore Krsna is immoral," that is, means wrong vision
- This is our preaching process, that - Flattering you hundred times, falling down on your feet, I am speaking one thing. Please hear
- This is the only process of this age. Simply you hear this chanting, Hare Krsna, and hear, and if you have got time you can read books. That is also hearing
- This is the very easiest method. Chant Hare Krsna maha-mantra. Sit down as much time as you can devote. The Lord is at your home. It is a great fortune. So do this, both, all family together
- This kind of life, without any responsibility, and carried away by the waves of time, is the tenth-class life. This is tenth-class life, ignorance
- This knowledge (process of evolution) has existed since the Vedic time, and all these sequences are disclosed in Vedic literature; the theory of gradual evolution or anthropology is not new to the Vedas
- This knowledge has existed since the Vedic time, and all these sequences are disclosed in Vedic literature; the theory of gradual evolution or anthropology is not new to the Vedas
- This manifestation has its own time fixed by the energy of the supreme whole, and when its time is complete, these temporary manifestations will be annihilated by the complete arrangement of the complete
- This material time, it is called kala. Kala means death. Or kala means the black snake. The black snake destroys. As soon as touches anything, it is destroyed
- This material world is only a perverted reflection of the spiritual world, where everything is manifested without inebriety. There everything is in its original existence, free from the domination of time
- This means that he gave 900,000 chariots. And he (King Nagnajit) gave a hundred times more horses than chariots, or 90,000,000 horses, and a hundred times more menservants than horses
- This means that the brahmana expressed his ecstatic loving symptoms in different ways at different times. But in each instance, because of ecstatic love, the brahmana merged himself in the ocean of happiness and became situated in pure love
- This mutual exchange of attraction is known as manobhava, or Cupid. Krsna's mind and My mind have merged together. Now, during this time of separation, it is very difficult to explain these loving affairs
- This particular time is most inauspicious because at this time the horrible-looking ghosts and constant companions of the lord of the ghosts are visible
- This process entails hearing, chanting and remembering the holy name, form, pastimes, qualities and entourage of the Lord, offering service according to the time, place and performer, worshiping the Deity, offering prayers
- This sanatana-dharma, the eternal religion, is never established just for one particular people, place, or time. It is for this reason that sanatana-dharma is also termed all-pervasive
- This serious devotional service can develop by hearing for long periods of time. Chanting and hearing is the beginning of the process of devotional service
- This subject matter, which the religionists delineate according to different countries, times, and people, is more or less aimed at the objective of the Absolute Truth
- This supreme science was thus received through the chain of disciplic succession, and the saintly kings understood it in that way. But in course of time the succession was broken and therefore the science as it is appears to be lost
- This time Balarama immediately caught hold of the legs of the ass with one hand and, wheeling him (Dhenukasura) around, threw him into the treetops. While he was being wheeled around by Balarama, the demon lost his life
- This time I (Caitanya) must go (to Vrndavana). Will you (Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya and Ramananda Raya) please give Me permission? Save for you two, I have no other resort
- This time Lord Caitanya stayed at the house of Candrasekhara, although he was regarded as a sudra or kayastha, for the Lord, as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is completely independent
- This time rainfall is very beneficial for crops. This is the way of living. You perform yajna, there will be rain. And as soon as the ground is moist, you can produce anything, whatever you want
- This time the living entity was supposed to have been the son of Maharaja Citraketu and Queen Krtadyuti because according to the laws of nature he had entered a body made by the King and Queen. Actually, however, he was not their son
- This time when the Lord lay down, He occupied the entire doorway. Govinda could not enter the room, and therefore he made the following request
- This time, Jarasandha thought that Krsna and Balarama were very much afraid of his military strength and were fleeing the battlefield. He followed Them with all his chariots, horses and infantry
- This time, the cows immediately forgot their position as soon as they saw the calves below Govardhana Hill, and they ran with great force, their tails erect and their front and hind legs joined, until they reached their calves
- This type of mentality (desire to live forever) was exhibited by Hiranyakasipu, but when the time was ripe, the Lord personally killed him within a second
- This verse (1.2.10) of Srimad-Bhagavatam proceeds directly from the Vedanta-sutra - athato brahma jijnasa: "Now is the time to inquire about the Absolute Truth." Here the very same thing is explained
- This verse (of CC Madhya 15.237) was spoken (in SB 11.6.46) by Uddhava to Krsna. This was during the time when Uddhava-gita was spoken. At that time there was disturbances in Dvaraka & Krsna decided to leave the material world & enter the spiritual world
- This verse is an explanation of the night of Brahma, which is the effect of the influence of time in touch with an insignificant portion of the modes of material nature in darkness
- Those who are advanced, they also dream Krsna consciousness. Of course, that requires time to make little advancement. But after all, dream is the activities of the mind
- Those who are busy rendering service to the parts and parcels, leaving aside the whole, only spoil time and energy, as one does when watering the leaves of a tree without watering the root
- Those who are not unalloyed devotees & who depend instead on such methods of spiritual realization as karma, jnana & hatha-yogas must leave the body at a suitable time & thereby be assured whether or not they will return to the world of birth & death
- Those who are not unalloyed devotees must leave the body at a suitable time and thereby be assured whether or not they will return to the world of birth and death. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are too dull, it takes little time. But give them chance: Chant, chant, chant, chant! Cleanse, cleanse, cleanse! But when it is properly cleansed, then he will be ready. Arjuna's decision was not to fight. Now he says, "Yes." That is required
- Those who are unfortunate will find time to hear ordinary social and political topics, but when they are invited to attend an assembly to hear Srimad-Bhagavatam, they are reluctant to attend
- Those who want to live forever without changing their material bodies should not waste valuable time with topics other than those relating to Lord Krsna and His devotees
- Thus altogether Krsna's sons numbered 16,108 times ten. One should not be astonished to hear that Krsna had so many sons. One should always remember that Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead and that He has unlimited potencies
- Thus Bhismadeva was known all over the universes, and during his time interplanetary travel was effected by finer methods than the futile endeavors of mechanical spacecraft
- Thus Brahma is the creator, Visnu is the maintainer, and when the time for annihilation arrives, Siva will finish everything - CC Intro
- Thus the time the sun takes to rotate through half of outer space is called an ayana, or its period of movement (in the north or in the south)
- Thus they (Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Ramananda Raya) met time and time again, sitting in a secluded place and jubilantly discussing devotional service by the question-and-answer process
- Thus we hold continuous activities in devotional service twenty-four hours daily. This is called sato vrtti, or following in the footsteps of the previous acaryas who expertly filled every moment of time with Krsna conscious activities
- Time and space are two correlative terms
- Time can control only those who are body conscious, even up to the Satyaloka or the other higher planets of the universe
- Time cannot deteriorate or interfere with the conditions in the spiritual world, where different manifestations of the Lord are the recipients of the worship of different living entities in their constitutional spiritual positions
- Time cannot deteriorate or interfere with the conditions in the spiritual world, where different manifestations of the SP of Godhead are the recipients of the worship of different living entities in their constitutional spiritual positions
- Time deteriorates even the body itself, which is the medium for all sensual satisfaction, but even when a man becomes old and invalid, his desires are strong enough to dictate that he go here and there to satisfy the desires of his senses
- Time for sexual intercourse
- Time has nothing to do with the relativities of things; rather, everything is shaped and calculated in terms of the facility offered by time
- Time is a representation of the Lord, and it reminds us also that we must surrender unto the Lord. The Lord speaks to every conditioned soul as time
- Time is a subduing principle
- Time is compared here (SB 3.21.18) to a big wheel which has 360 joints, six rims in the shape of seasons, and numberless leaves in the shape of moments. It rotates on the eternal existence, Brahman
- Time is compared to a sharp razor. A razor is meant to shave the hair from one's face, but if not carefully handled, the razor will cause disaster. One is advised not to create a disaster by misusing his lifetime
- Time is destruction, and all manifestations are to be vanquished by the desire of the Supreme Lord. That is the law of nature. BG 1972 purports
- Time is divided into past, present and future. Krsna is Truth always, past, present and future. In the material world, everything is being controlled by supreme time, in the course of past, present and future
- Time is estimated according to the movements of the sun. Every minute, every second, every day, every night, month and every year of time can be calculated according to the sun's movements. But the sun is not independent, for it is under time's control
- Time is eternal, and in the material world one passes through different phases of his eternal life
- Time is figuratively described here (in SB 4.27.12) as Candavega. Since time and tide wait for no man, time is herein called Candavega, which means "very swiftly passing away
- Time is insurmountable. The time one is allotted, even if it be millions of years, is quickly gone
- Time is not subject to any form of psychology, nor are the moments objective realities in themselves, but they are dependent on particular experiences
- Time is the basic measurement of the activity of our senses, by which we calculate past, present and future; but in factual calculation, time has no beginning and no end
- Time is the energy of the Lord and acts in her own way by the direction of the Lord
- Time is the potency of the almighty Personality of Godhead, Hari, who controls all physical movement although He is not visible in the physical world
- Time is very bad at the present moment everywhere, especially in India. Of course, India's original culture is all right. But unfortunately, our modern leaders, they are killing the original culture. They want to introduce Western culture
- Time passes swiftly; Candavega's powerful soldiers of Gandharvaloka very swiftly carry away all the days of our life
- Time was growing short. Kalayavana was already besieging Mathura from all sides, and it was expected that the day after next, Jarasandha would also come, equipped with the same number of divisions of soldiers as in his previous seventeen attempts
- Time will come in this age when there will be no food, and man will kill man and eat. That time is coming. They are now killing animal, but animal lives on the grass and grains. When there will be no grass, no grains, where they will get animal?
- Time, it may be any time, but the knowledge is eternal. Just like Krsna spoke five thousand years ago to Arjuna and some forty millions of years ago to the sun god. So time is different
- Time, nature, prakrti (as cause and effect), the mind, the material elements, false ego, the modes of nature, the senses, the universal form, complete independence and the moving and nonmoving beings appear subsequently as His opulences
- To become restless in the contact of women and wealth is not an astonishment, because every living being is associated with such things from remote time, practically immemorial, and it takes time to recover from this foreign nature
- To pacify King Indra, Brhaspati assured him that the time would certainly come, for Brhaspati could see that in the future Bali Maharaja would defy the orders of Sukracarya in order to pacify Lord Visnu, Vamanadeva
- Transcendental subject matter is so nice that no one becomes tired of hearing or speaking. Others, who are not devotees, may think, "How can people devote so much time simply to talks of God
- Under His vigilance all the laws of material nature is going on. Exactly in time the sun is rising, the moon is rising. Everything is going on minutely, very nicely
- Unfortunate people find enough time to hear idle social and political conversations, but when invited to attend a meeting of devotees to hear Srimad-Bhagavatam they suddenly become reluctant
- Unfortunately, in this age everything is mismanaged. People forget the aim of life, and at such a time the Supreme Lord Himself comes
- Unfortunately, those who are not in Krsna consciousness are carried away by the strong power of time without their knowledge, as clouds are carried by the wind
- Unless one is a preacher, there is no need to travel all over the world. A person can stay in one place and execute devotional service suitably according to time and circumstance
- Unless providence is in our favor, we shall not be able to gain victory. Therefore we must wait for that favorable time when our defeating them will be possible
- Unless you are perfect in knowledge, you cannot say that you are in knowledge. Time, everyone has got the chance. In time he will be in perfect knowledge. There is no disagreement. But so long he is imperfect, he must admit that he is imperfect
- Until that time (realize perfectly that the living being is spirit soul), the duality continues, and the conception of man and woman also continues. In this stage, one should be extremely careful about mixing with women
- Until that time, there can be no peace and prosperity for us, because we are not situated on the plane of sanatana-dharma, or the eternal religion of the soul
- Up to this time (one year), even Balarama was captivated by the bewilderment that covered Brahma
- Usa and Aniruddha lived together in the palace, and day after day Usa's love for Aniruddha grew four times upon four. Usa pleased Aniruddha with valuable garments, flowers, garlands, scents and incense
- Usually, we do not see any difference between the body of a child and the body of a boy or young man because we know that these changes are due to the action of the time factor. There is cause for fear for a person who does not know how time acts
- Uti: the urge for creation, or initiative power, that is the cause of all inventions, according to the necessities of time, space and objects
- Value of time is so great that one moment of your life lost, it cannot be returned even in exchange of millions of dollars. Therefore every moment should be properly utilized
- Vasudeva continued to Nanda Maharaja: Our family assembly may be very nice while we are living together, but after some time, in the course of the waves of time, we are separated
- Vasudeva said, "The different material phases that are manifest from the beginning to the end of the cosmos under different formulas of time are also Your Self because You (Krsna and Balarama) are both the cause and effect of this manifestation"
- Vasudeva was lamenting because he and Nanda Maharaja could not live together. Yet how could they live together? Vasudeva warns that all of us, even if intimately related, are carried away by the waves of time according to the results of past karma
- Vedanta-sutra explains this brahma-jijnasa. Athato brahma jijnasa. Athato - Now it is the time for you to enquire about your Brahman realization, of your Brahman life
- Vivasvan means the president of the sun globe, and his son is Manu. This is the time. This time is going on. It is called Vaivasvata Manu period. Vaivasvata means from Vivasvan, the son of Vivasvan. He is called Vaivasvata Manu
- We also receive information from Srimad-Bhagavatam that in this age of Kali the time is quickly approaching when a relative will kill another relative for a small farthing
- We are changing our forms of life many, many million times, but the time is there. So the calculation of past, present, future is relative according to the duration of my life
- We are eternal, but we have been under the clutches of birth and death. This is the influence of time. Not that time is changing, but the influence of time is changing
- We are followers, rupanuga. We are followers of the Gosvamis. So their behavior, sankhya-purvaka-nama-gana-natibhih kalavasani-krtau. The whole time, 24 hours, was used in Krsna consciousness by chanting Hare Krsna mantra regularly on fixed up big beads
- We are in this material world, say, for fifty years, sixty years, hundred years. That is temporary. In the unlimited time, a duration of life, say of hundred years, that is nothing. Even, not even a point
- We are now growing in volume all over the world dealing with public money. People have respect for our movement. Now it is time for GBC members to be very very careful so that people may not point out any black spot in the behavior of our society
- We are sometimes surprised that a mortal body can live for such a long time. The explanation of this longevity is given here by the word yoga-siddha
- We cannot add a moment, nor can we get a moment back. If time is money, we should just consider how much money we have lost. However, time is even more precious because it cannot be regained. Therefore not a single moment should be lost
- We discussed the different grades of life: first class, second class, third class, fourth class, fifth class, sixth class. So this kind of life, without any responsibility, and carried away by the waves of time, is the tenth-class life
- We have been continuously committing sinful activities since time immemorial, and we do not know when this began, but this life is meant for rectification of all the mistakes that we have committed
- We have extended many branches and sub-branches of this philosophy of the belly in various directions, and thus we have hardly any time to understand the philosophy of gaining eternal life - for which we are perpetually struggling life after life
- We have given time, sixteen rounds. But you are not Haridasa Thakura that you'll be able to chant whole day and night. If without working, if you chant, that is the highest state. That you cannot do. Then you sleep, that's all
- We have got nine holes: this nostril, the ear, mouth, the eyes, the genital, the rectum, the navel. We have got nine holes. These nine holes develop. In this way, the body is formed. In seven months' time, the body gets consciousness back
- We have information from the Bhagavad-gita that the Lord appears at particular intervals to adjust a time-worn spiritual culture
- We have information of Lord Brahma's duration of life from the BG: 1,000 times the duration of the four ages, or 1,000 x 4,320,000 years, constitute Brahma's 12 hours. Similarly, one moment of Brahma's time is equal to one year of our solar calculation
- We have nothing to do other than listen, and by listening carefully, enlightenment is sure to come. Krsna will surely help, for He is seated within. We only have to make the effort and spare a little time
- We have to work very hard and with intelligence and sincerity for this movement. It is a great movement undoubtedly but it takes a little time to convince the higher section of the society
- We in this material world are called conditioned souls, who have forgotten our eternal servitorship to the Lord. Our time is lost in serving maya, the illusory energy. So by chanting this Hare Krsna, we can get rid of this illusory energy
- We shall not live forever with this body. The animals also, they'll also not live forever. The body will be finished after certain period of time
- We should always remain in full understanding, that whether our time is being properly utilized in Krsna consciousness. Then we are saved. Otherwise we are under the clutches of maya
- We should always remember that this eternal religion of the soul is never bound by any physical limitation of people, place, or time
- We should know what is God. We should know what we are, living entities. We should know what is this material nature. We should know what is time, and we should know what are our real activities
- We should not consider going back to Godhead a plaything. We must take it seriously, as enjoined in the scriptures. For a strict follower, the result is sure and certain, and when the time is right the result will come of its own force
- We should utilize this time to make solution of the life that we are repeatedly dying and again accepting another body. So how they will understand unless they come to the proper guru?
- What is the purpose of saying: "in that direction where Hari is situated?" During Hiranyakasipu's time, his influence was everywhere, but he could not force his influence into the places where the Supreme Personality of Godhead had His pastimes
- What Krsna says and does is not limited by time and space
- What was previously explained as Candavega, powerful time, is covered by days and nights, named Gandharvas and Gandharvis. The body's life-span is gradually reduced by the passage of days and nights, which number 360
- Whatever is being done, it is being done by the expert management of Krsna. The sun is rising exactly in the time, and it is setting exactly in the time. And the temperature - everything is managed so expertly under the order of the Supreme
- Whatever pleasure I get from tasting My love for Srimati Radharani, She tastes ten million times more than Me by Her love
- Whatever we find in this material world is born of the Absolute Truth, but here it is pervertedly reflected in time
- When a child is born his form is small, but in the course of time that form changes into a larger form, the body of a boy, and then the body of a young man
- When a ksatriya prince is married, at least a dozen maidservants of similar age are given along with the bride. After giving the cows & maidservants, the King enriched the dowry by giving 9,000 elephants and a hundred times more chariots than elephants
- When a living entity is within the womb, his gross body, the ten sense organs and the mind are not fully developed. At such a time the objects of the senses do not disturb him
- When a person is fully engaged in devotional service, he is favored by the Lord, who bestows His causeless mercy. At such a time, the awakened devotee gives up all material activities and ritualistic performances mentioned in the Vedas
- When advanced living entities lived for such lengths of time, it was possible to execute this meditational system of yoga
- When all the members of the royal assembly, including King Ugrasena, heard this message (Paundraka invited Krsna to a battle) sent by Paundraka, they laughed very loudly for a considerable time
- When all these elements were unmixed, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the origin of creation, along with time, work, and the qualities of the modes of material nature, entered into the universe with the total material energy in seven divisions
- When both husband and wife follow the regulative principles of austerity, they remain silent and are not agitated by sex impulses. At such a time both husband and wife are benefited spiritually
- When Caitanya Mahaprabhu's first wife died, His mother requested Him to marry for a second time. He was twenty years old and was going to take sannyasa at the age of twenty-four, yet by the request of His mother, He married
- When Caitanya was dramatically enacting the song, He would sometimes fall behind in the procession. At such times, Lord Jagannatha would come to a standstill. When Caitanya Mahaprabhu again went forward, Lord Jagannatha's car would slowly start again
- When Devaki became pregnant for the seventh time, a plenary expansion of Krsna known as Ananta appeared within her womb
- When devotional service is executed on the transcendental platform of pure goodness, it is like a sun-ray of love for Krsna. At such a time, devotional service causes the heart to be softened by various tastes, and one is then situated in bhava (emotion)
- When friends would request, "My dear Prahlada, just play. This is tiffin hour," so he said - No, no, no, no. My dear friends, kaumara acaret prajno dharman bhagavatan iha. Immediately. We are now young boys. This is the time to learn
- When he (a man) earns millions of dollars daily, he should have engaged himself, his time and energy, how to understand God, what is the purpose of life. Because he has no economic problem
- When he (Madhvacarya) met Vyasadeva (for the second time), he received from him the salagrama-sila known as Astamurti. After this, he summarized the Mahabharata
- When I finished performing mystic yoga for one thousand years, you asked me upon whom I was meditating. Now, here is that Supreme Person to whom time has no entrance and who the Vedas cannot understand
- When in wintertime one takes a stone from the fire, sometimes smoke disturbs the eyes and other parts of the body, but still one must make use of the fire despite disturbing conditions. BG 1972 purports
- When it was time for the Lord to go to bed, Svarupa Damodara stayed nearby, but when Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu saw the quilt and pillow, He was immediately very angry
- When Krsna appeared before the boys, they thought, "Krsna has returned within a minute." They began to laugh, thinking that Krsna was not willing to leave their lunchtime company
- When Krsna, smiling, looked at the faces of the gopis, the beauty of their faces became a hundred times enhanced. When He was enjoying them in their midst, He appeared just like the full moon surrounded by millions of shining stars
- When Lord Brahma returned after a moment of time had passed, he saw that although by human measurement a complete year had passed, Lord Krsna, was engaged just as before in playing with the boys and calves, who were His expansions - SB 10.13.40
- When Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu played in dramatic performances in the house of Srivasa Pandita, Vakresvara Pandita was one of the chief dancers, and he danced continuously for that length of time - seventy-two continuous hours
- When one advances in research work by studying a limited substance within the limits of space and time, one is amazed by the various wonderful cosmic manifestations, and naturally one goes on hypnotically accepting the path of research work
- When one approaches pure devotional service after realizing Brahman, one becomes attracted by pure devotional service. At such a time, by rendering devotional service, one gets a spiritual body with purified senses
- When one becomes anxious for time to pass, that is called impatience, and when one sees something wonderful one is said to be struck with wonder
- When one gets the opportunity of a suitable auspicious time and place, one should, with love, offer food prepared with ghee to the Deity of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and then offer the prasada to a suitable person - a Vaisnava or brahmana
- When one is unsuccessful in achieving his desired goal of life, when one finds no fulfillment in his present occupation, when one finds himself in reversed conditions and when one feels guilt - at such a time one is said to be in state of lamentation
- When one thereby becomes completely purified of all material contamination, there develops an attachment and taste for devotional service. This taste and attachment, when gradually intensified in the course of time, becomes love
- When Prajapati Daksa was lamenting for his lost children, Lord Brahma pacified him with instructions, and thereafter Daksa begot one thousand more children in the womb of his wife, Pancajani. This time his sons were known as the Savalasvas
- When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu asked Gadadhara Pandita to remain at Jagannatha Puri and engage in Gopinatha's service, Gadadhara Pandita replied, "One renders service to Gopinatha a million times simply by seeing Your lotus feet"
- When Srila Ramananda Raya inquired about the arrangement for introducing the assembly of players in the drama, Rupa Gosvami replied that when the players first enter the stage in response to the time, the introduction is technically called pravartaka
- When the animation takes place, the living entities revive their own natural activities under the spell of time and energy, and thus the varieties of living beings are manifested. The Lord is ultimately the cause of all animation in the material world
- When the brahmana came to accuse the King of Dvaraka for the ninth time, Arjuna happened to be present with Krsna
- When the coconuts were brought, there was little time to offer them because it was already late. The servant, holding the container of coconuts, remained standing at the door
- When the creation is completely terminated - when there is no existence of the Vedas, no existence of material time, and no existence of the gross and subtle material elements
- When the entrance of the actors is set in motion by the arrival of a suitable time, the entrance is called pravartaka
- When the King put Gopinatha Pattanayaka on the canga, messengers came four times to inform Me about the incident
- When the living entity comes to his real consciousness, he approaches Krsna with a frank and open heart to achieve His shelter. At such a time he prays to Krsna to be engaged in His transcendental loving service
- When the living entity comes to his senses by the mercy of the Lord, he is awarded devotional service. Thus he is saved from the clutches of maya. At such a time he can see his eternal friend, the SPG, and become free from all lamentation and hankering
- When the Lord (Caitanya) desired to appear for another reason, the time for promulgating the religion of the age also arose
- When the Lord saw that there was no time for the Pandavas to counteract the brahmastra of Asvatthama, He took up His weapon even at the risk of breaking His own vow
- When the material world is created for such misguided living entities, they create their own karma, fruitive activities, and take advantage of the time element, and thereby they create their own fortune or misfortune
- When the nectar of Krsna's pastimes is sprinkled on Srimati Radharani, all Her friends, the gopis, immediately appreciate the pleasure a hundred times more than if they were sprinkled themselves. Actually this is not at all wonderful
- When the nectar of Krsna's pastimes is sprinkled on that creeper, the happiness derived by the twigs, flowers and leaves is ten million times greater than that derived by the creeper itself
- When the pot is placed on water, the time before the water overflows in the pot is called one danda
- When the Russians first of all started this sputnik, in one hour twenty-five minutes surrounded the whole world, orbit. So it takes ordinarily twenty-four hours, but when you go in the higher atmosphere, the time is different. This is scientific
- When the Supreme Personality of Godhead approaches as death, or the supreme controller of time, He takes everything away
- When the time came for the King (Nrga) to give up his body, he was taken before Yamaraja, the superintendent of death, who asked him whether he first wanted to enjoy the results of his pious activities or suffer the results of his impious activities
- When the time came, the pregnant mother Sitadevi gave birth to twin sons, later celebrated as Lava and Kusa. The ritualistic ceremonies for their birth were performed by Valmiki Muni
- When the time element is present, there is the certainty of destruction, but when there is no time element - past, present or future - then everything is eternal
- When the time was mature for the appearance of the Lord, the constellations became very auspicious. The astrological influence of the constellation known as Rohini was also predominant because this constellation is considered very auspicious
- When the time was mature for the appearance of the Lord, the constellations became very auspicious. The astrological influence of the star known as Rohini was predominant
- When the time was ripe, when Sudyumna, the king of the world, was sufficiently old, he delivered the entire kingdom to his son Pururava and entered the forest
- When time agitates the neutral state of material nature, material nature begins to produce varieties of manifestations. Ultimately it is said that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the cause of creation
- When we are on the material platform, there are different types of religions - Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and so on. These are instituted for a particular time, a particular country or a particular person
- When we throw ourselves at the feet of God, we come under His protection, and from that time on there is no fear for us
- Whenever he (Prahlada Maharaja) found an opportunity, when the teacher was out of the classroom, he used to say - My dear friends, let's chant Hare Krsna; this is the time to begin Krsna consciousness
- Whenever there are discrepancies in the human society - tadatmanam srjamy aham - at that time He appears. Paritranaya sadhunam vinasaya ca duskrtam (BG 4.8). This is the program. And when He comes, the time is fixed
- Whenever you find time please read my books
- While the couple (Kardama Muni and Devahuti), who eagerly longed for sexual pleasure, were enjoying themselves by virtue of mystic powers, a hundred autumns passed like a brief span of time
- While thus being observed by the child, the Supreme Lord Personality of Godhead, the Supersoul of everyone and the protector of the righteous, who stretches in all directions and who is unlimited by time and space, disappeared at once
- Why these things are going on, marching and chanting japa, insufficient milk, too strict enforcement of time schedules, hitting the small children?
- With their earnings they (Vedic people) used to acquire eatables, and the eatables were cooked for the worship of Visnu. Then the meal offered to satisfy Visnu became prasadam - "the Lord's mercy", the remnants of His meal - and could be accepted by them
- Within the jurisdiction of the time element, everyone enjoys or suffers the result of his own karma. As, when the wind blows, small particles of dust fly in the air, so, according to one's particular karma, one suffers or enjoys material life
- Without any investment of your money, without losing your time, if you get some spiritual profit, why don't you take this Krsna consciousness movement? That is our plea
- Worship of demigods may be useful for a limited time, but the result is antavat, perishable
- Yajna means satisfying the Lord. Just like we are chanting this Hare Krsna mantra. It is yajna, sacrifice. At least we are sacrificing little time
- Yamaraja has very little time to take leave from his responsible office of punishing the wrongdoers. There are more wrongdoers than righteous men
- Yes, 15 minutes is sufficient time for the offering to remain on the altar. You do not need to lay down Lord Jagannatha on a bed, by mantra you say my dear Lord please take rest
- Yes, the Bhagavata Dharma discourses here in New Vrindaban are going on very nicely and daily several hundred devotees and guests are coming to hear, and it is truly a wonderful time
- You (Raghunatha dasa Gosvami) may see Me (Caitanya) at Nilacala, Jagannatha Puri, when I return after visiting Vrndavana. By that time you can think of some trick to escape
- You can please come and hear how they are chanting and dancing. Little . . . just spare a little time - half an hour or one hour - you will be benefited undoubtedly
- You don't waste your time simply under some false impression of economic development. Don't waste your time. You cannot get more, you cannot get less. That is already there. So you utilize your time for understanding Krsna
- You have to be purified. It does not take much time. Within six months you will realize your progress. But you have to follow the regulative principles. Then it will be all right. Just like these boys and girls are doing
- You have to take their (the sruti-smrti) particular recommendation for the particular time, just as Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu did when He urged His followers to heed the injunction of Brhan-naradiya Purana - 3.8.126, CC Adi 17.21
- You haven't got to engage your major portion of time for this purpose. Because according to your body, the necessities are already there
- You know very well that I went to India this time empty handed but we spent there not less than five lakhs Rupees during my 10 month stay and all the money was collected simply on the strength of our books and literatures
- You must see that the brahmanas are given sufficient time to read the books
- You should teach the children perfectly Sanskrit and English instead of spoiling time and money
- You were ready to bear my passage expenses from India to South America. And as I could not get the No objection certificate I had to postpone the journey. This time there is no such question & the passage expenses to Japan are far less than South America
- You will be glad to know that just yesterday I have come to San Francisco, at 3:00 local time yesterday afternoon. And here the Indians are very willing to cooperate with our temple activities
- Your body, my body, in youthhood it is very beautiful, and in due course of time it will be ugly like me. So this is the work of the time. Similarly, nature's way, there are four ages: Satya-yuga, Treta-yuga, Dvapara-yuga, Kali-yuga. Seasonal changes
- Your Lordship, I offer my respectful obeisances unto You who are indefatigable time and the enjoyer of all sacrifices. Although I am situated in an abode which will continue to exist for a time duration of two parardhas
- Your progress should be steady on the spiritual platform. So we shall discuss this point more. The time has passed. So Prahlada Maharaja will explain that why one should offer everything to Krsna. That we shall discuss in the next meeting
- Your proposal for laying down the foundation stone in March is very much wise. I think by that time there will be sufficient progress made to inaugurate the new temple at that time