Category:Minutes (as in time)
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Pages in category "Minutes (as in time)"
The following 76 pages are in this category, out of 76 total.
- A brahmana boy cursed him (Pariksit) that "You shall die within seven days." So these 7 days there was life, there was some assurance that at least 7 days he would live. But for us, we do not know whether we shall live another 7 minutes or seven seconds
- A Krsna conscious person cannot bear to pass a minute of his life without being engaged in the service of the Lord. Therefore, his sleeping is kept to a minimum. His ideal in this respect is Srila Rupa Gosvami. BG 1972 purports
- A man-made satellite may orbit the earth in an hour and twenty-five minutes and thus complete one full day, although a day ordinarily takes twenty-four hours for those living on earth
- A pure devotee must engage in the service of the Lord twenty-four hours a day, without cessation; his life is so molded that at every minute and every second he engages in some sort of devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- According to Vedic astronomical calculations, day and night are each divided into thirty ghatikas (twenty-four minutes), instead of twelve hours
- Although Rahu attempts to attack both the sun and the moon, they are protected by Lord Visnu. Being very afraid of Lord Visnu's cakra, Rahu cannot stay in front of the sun or moon for more than a muhurta - forty-eight minutes
- Any intelligent man will understand what is religion, what is God, in five minutes. It doesn't require even five hours. In five minutes
- As far as time is concerned, we beg to subjoin a table of timings in terms of the modern clock. One laghu - 2 minutes; One danda - 30 minutes; One prahara - 3 hours; One day - 12 hours; One night - 12 hours; One paksa - 15 days
- As Govinda stroked His body, the Lord slept very nicely for about forty-five minutes, and then His sleep broke
- Being very afraid of Lord Visnu's cakra, Rahu cannot stay in front of the sun or moon for more than a muhurta (forty-eight minutes). The phenomenon that occurs when Rahu blocks the light of the sun or moon is called an eclipse
- By calculation it is found that one laghu is equal to two minutes. The atomic calculation of time in terms of Vedic wisdom may be converted into present time with this understanding
- Even children, who has no politics, no enmity, they fight for five minutes; again they are friends. So the fighting spirit is there. Now, how you should be utilized?
- Every living being is controlled by the laws of nature at every minute, just as a citizen is controlled by the influence of the state
- Every minute and every second we experience that living entities are going to the temple of death. Men, insects, animals, birds - everyone is going. This world, therefore, is called mrtyuloka - the planet of death
- Every minute I think of you and as you asked me to go to San Francisco while returning from India, I am trying to fulfill my promise. I am thinking of going directly to San Francisco
- He (My eldest son) could not sit down even for one minute. This is the nature. How can you stop your consciousness working? That is not possible
- He may have some temporary facilities, but the main problem is still there. Every minute, every second, people are dying and going to Yamaraja
- Hold classes at least five hours. As in the schools and colleges there are regular classes, forty-five minutes' class, then five or ten minutes' recess, again forty-five minutes' class, in this way, so we have got enough subject matter to study
- How long you will live? When the time of death comes, you will not live longer even by a moment. When a man is going to die, his life is finished. Can your injection, medicine, give one minute's life more? Is there any medicine?
- I am God. I can do anything. This is demonic attitude. Completely being dependent, as soon as the death comes, immediately we have to leave this position. "Sir, let me stay for one hour more." "No, not even a minute." This is our position
- I shall go by the staircase and reach the upstair at the end of the day when office will be finished, - then you can do that. But if you are intelligent, you shall take the advantage of the elevator; within a minute you go there
- If a goat is to be killed after five minutes but you give it a morsel of grass, it is happy because it is eating. Just like a child - even if you are planning to kill her or kill him, he is happy and laughs because he is innocent. That is ignorance
- If one hears one day, one minute, one second this vibration of chanting, it will act someday. Therefore this is the best welfare activity in the human society
- If somebody comes, "All right, you go on with your sense gratification. You simply meditate for fifteen minutes, and within six months you become God," these things are . . . these bluffs like this will be accepted very easily
- If somebody says, "Yes, it is all right. You go on with this (sex and intoxication). Simply meditate for fifteen minutes and you'll actually realize that you are God..." This is asuric
- If we can advertise that simply by reading this book (Bhagavad-gita) and meditating for fifteen minutes anyone can immediately get power, become successful in business and pass his examination, many people would be attracted to the book
- If you believe that by chanting Hare Krsna you'll be liberated, then why fifteen minutes? Why not fifteen hours? What is the loss there
- If you chant Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, what is the loss? Is there any loss? Then? Why fifteen minutes? Chant, kirtaniyah sada harih (CC Adi 17.31), as long as you can
- If you simply engage your mind on the lotus feet of Krsna, that is perpetual pranayama. Not for one hour, two hour, or a minute
- If you take advantage of the elevator, you reach immediately hundredth floor within a minute, but if you go step by step, step by step, it will take hours
- In our Indian family, if they want for puris and a little vegetable, it will be prepared in five minutes. Five minutes, immediately. My brother's wife, very nice wife, I saw, whenever I wanted some tiffin like that - within five minutes, immediately
- Indeed, pure devotees of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu even want to see the places He simply visited for only hours or minutes
- It is dangerous civilization. Dangerous. And anyone who will come and say: "Yes, you enjoy your senses and simply sit down for fifteen minutes, and you chant this one alphabet - bas. You finish your business." This is going on
- It is displayed in a very scientific way, we are seeing that "My child is growing." It is not growing. The actual fact is the child is a soul, and the soul is changing every minute the body. That is real understanding
- It is not that one may meditate for 15 minutes, and he becomes spiritually advanced, it is not possible. So the Krishna Consciousness movement is training people how to be absorbed in the thought of Krishna, 24 hours
- It is not that we should meditate for fifteen minutes and then engage in all kinds of nonsense. The more we serve, the more dedicated to Krsna we become; therefore a person should utilize whatever talents he has for Krsna
- It is the duty of householders to maintain the saints and sages, like the children. So a saint like Sukadeva Gosvami would hardly stay at the house of a householder for more than five minutes in the morning
- It will be very pleasing to learn that in the morning you are now studying from one and one half to two hours and in the evening you have class from forty five minutes to an hour, and you are stressing the importance of lecturing and preaching
- It's like ten minutes a day. "Keep your job. Keep your position in life. Do everything you're doing. Just ten minutes a day go to sleep. Say some mantra and sleep." So no one is very much upset by it
- O inaugurator of the material energy (Krsna), this wonderful creation works under the control of powerful time, which is divided into seconds, minutes, hours and years - SB 10.3.26
- Oh, don't try to understand in a minute. You read all these books. But attentively, if the child has form, the father must have form. There is no doubt of it. And what is that form? That you have to understand
- One has to learn it (Krsna Consciousness). We say how one becomes passed M.A. examination? That is not a thing to be learned in half an hour or fifteen minutes
- One minute before, the body was so important, and now, after one minute, the passing of the soul, it is useless; throw it away. Is it very difficult to understand?
- One minute, one can understand, there was something (the soul). And then you come to the guru, and guru teaches sastra. From sastra, immediately you can confirm
- Our yoga system is not like that, that we whole day, twenty-three hours and forty-five minutes, I engage myself in all nonsensical activities, and fifteen minutes I concentrate my mind, the meditation. That kind of yoga system is not here
- Ten minutes if you drive you have to follow so many rules and regulations. It is a ten-minutes' affair. And throughout your whole life you are irresponsible - you will not follow any rules and regulations? Is that very nice proposal? Is good intelligence?
- That is God's creation. Take..., take out one fish; within five minutes he'll die. And you put yourself in the water; within five minutes you will die
- The doctor cannot give me four minutes prolongation of life. When the life is ended, it is ended. Nobody can . . . any medicine, any physical, physiological treatment will not help. That is not possible
- The plate offered to the Deities must be kept 15-20 minutes so that the major portion of the foodstuffs will be remaining warm in the oven, and the devotees will therefore not be dissatisfied
- The sun is taking away our duration of life every minute, every hour, every day. But if we engage ourself in the topics of Uttama-sloka, that time he cannot take away
- The whole yoga system means training - our senses, our mind, our this, that, so many things - then we are fixed up in the self. Do you think that simply by fifteen minutes' meditation we realize? And do all nonsense all the day? No. It requires training
- They (in the villages) will take one napkin and wash the cloth, and India, tropical climate, here also, and spread it on the floor. Within five minutes it will be dry, and then change clothes
- They (the so-called meditators) think that by such contemplation or meditation they can become free, but it is seen that just three minutes after finishing such nonsensical meditation, they are immediately captured by the modes of material nature
- They have got money, they want to pay somebody some fees, and if he says that, "I'll give you some mantra and you will, fifteen minutes' meditation, within six months you'll become God," these things they want
- This age (Kali-yuga) is the age of bluffing and quarrel. Actually there is no possibility of attaining yoga perfection by such paltry proposals (meditating 15 minutes a day)
- This is our process, that you do not let even one minute go by without doing some sort of service for Krishna. Because as soon as there is a little gap of Krishna Consciousness, immediately maya makes an attack to grab us again
- Time is estimated according to the movements of the sun. Every minute, every second, every day, every night, month and every year of time can be calculated according to the sun's movements. But the sun is not independent, for it is under time's control
- Transcendentalists, who are naturally devotees of the Lord, are the real friends of the people in general, not the so-called public leaders who are unable to see what is going to happen five minutes ahead
- We cannot remain without varieties. That is not possible. If there is nobody here, and you sit down, make meditation, you can sit down for fifteen minutes or twenty minutes, then you will go away
- We do not know how people can be captivated by the bogus yoga system in which it is stated that simply by meditating fifteen minutes daily one can attain the perfection of becoming one with God
- We have got volumes of books written on this matter (KC), so you have to learn from those books. You have to undergo practical training, and then you will learn how to. It is not such a trifle question that in ten minute interview I can explain
- When others perform kirtana, nobody takes part. And they cannot continue that kirtana more than five minutes. But we can continue our kirtana for five hours
- When the Russians first of all started this sputnik, in one hour twenty-five minutes surrounded the whole world, orbit. So it takes ordinarily twenty-four hours, but when you go in the higher atmosphere, the time is different. This is scientific
- You have to become God conscious. Then you will understand what is God. It is not a so trifle thing you ask me and in one minute, you understand God. That is foolishness. You have to study the science of God. God is not so cheap
- You practice yoga just to become master of your senses. Not that officially I sit down, fifteen minutes' meditation, and next moment I am master of my senses. This is not yoga
- You should know the tactic how to sell without irritating. What your lecture will do for three minutes, but if he reads one page his life may be turned