Category:Sense Enjoyment
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Pages in category "Sense Enjoyment"
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- A conditioned soul and a liberated soul may apparently be on the same platform, but factually they are differently engaged, and their attention is always alert, either in sense enjoyment or in self-realization, respectively
- A devotee who actually wants to make progress in devotional service and go back home, back to Godhead, must lose interest in sense enjoyment and associating with persons who are after money and sense gratification. This is the advice of Lord Caitanya
- A living entity cannot steadily remain either in sense enjoyment or in renunciation. Change is going on perpetually, and we cannot be happy in either state, because of our eternal constitutional position
- A man who is simply attached to sensual enjoyment voluntarily accepts the miserable material existence and thus wanders after the will-o'-the-wisp of sense pleasure. He is certainly the most foolish man, for he drinks poison and puts aside the nectar
- A particular type of animal may have a strong tendency to enjoy one kind of sense enjoyment, but in the human form one can enjoy all the senses
- A patient must regain his health before he can truly enjoy sense pleasure again. Thus the aim of human life should not be to enjoy perverted sense enjoyment but to cure the material disease
- A pure devotee like King Kulasekhara neither desires sense enjoyment nor exerts himself to restrain his senses; rather, he tries only to engage himself in the transcendental loving service of the Lord, without any stop
- A pure devotee may be attracted to accumulating wealth just like an ordinary man, but the difference is that a devotee acquires money for the service of the Lord, whereas the ordinary man acquires money for his sense enjoyment
- A sannyasi's title is svami or gosvami, which means that he completely refrains from sense enjoyment
- A strong inclination for sense enjoyment is the cause of the material body. Without full knowledge one cannot be unattached to material enjoyment, but as long as one is not in that position one is not fit to return home, back to Godhead
- Above all others, the supreme controller is Krsna, who is known as Hrsikesa. The word hrsika means "senses." We are enjoying our senses, but ultimately the controller of the senses is Krsna
- According to the Visnu Purana, the material energy is called avidya, or nescience, and is exhibited in the fruitive activities of sense enjoyment
- Actually the living entity is not intended to achieve success in religious rituals, economic development or sense enjoyment. The living entity should not even desire success in liberation, what to speak of success in religion, economics & sense enjoyment
- After seeing that there is no happiness, he (the living entity) then plans to go further and further to another point. This is called mrga-trsna, and its basis is sense enjoyment in this material world
- All living entities have come into this material world to enjoy themselves. Consequently, the Vedas are given to regulate sense enjoyment
- All sense enjoyment is offered by the laws of nature according to the change of body. Deha-yogena dehinam - SB 7.6.3
- All these materialistic person, they are simply interested how to enjoy senses; therefore they are called dina-cetasam, cripple minded. They have no other idea. So to enlighten them it is the duty of the sannyasi to go from door to door
- Along with Candavega were as many female Gandharvis as there were soldiers, and all of them repetitively plundered all the paraphernalia for sense enjoyment
- Although the living being has the tendency to be illusioned by the material energy for sense enjoyment, he belongs to the antimaterial, or spiritual energy. In this sense the living being is the positive energy, whereas matter is the negative energy
- An ordinary man works for his own sense enjoyment, and when this principle of sense enjoyment is extended to include his society, nation or humanity in general, it assumes various attractive names such as altruism, socialism, communism, nationalism etc
- Ananda-cinmaya-sad-ujjvala-vigrahasya (Bs. 5.32). That ananda, or pleasure, is not the third-class ananda we enjoy with our bodily senses. Such bodily enjoyment is not ananda but illusion
- Antara may mean - greed, greed to acquire more money or enjoy more sense gratification. Finally, the word antara may also mean - atheistic ideas, by which one considers the temple Deity to be made of stone, wood or gold. All of these are impediments
- Anyone who is in the bodily concept of life, he is no better than animal. So our all morality, all social status, all politics, all philosophy, everything is on this bodily concept of life. We want to enjoy senses. Senses means different parts of the body
- As a result (of living under certain circumstances and enjoying under the spell of material nature), he (every living entity) is suffering different kinds of happiness and distress, under the illusion of sense enjoyment. BG 1972 purports
- As a woman, as an ordinary wife, Devahuti became attached to Kardama Muni in order to satisfy her sense enjoyment and other material necessities, but actually she associated with a great personality
- As far as happiness derived from sense enjoyment is concerned, it can be obtained automatically in course of time, just as in course of time we obtain miseries even though we do not desire them
- As far as happiness derived from sense enjoyment is concerned, it can be obtained automatically in course of time, just as in due course of time we obtain miseries even though we do not desire them
- As fools are attached to the flowers of poisonous trees without knowing the results of such attractions, similarly unenlightened men are attracted by such heavenly opulence and the sense enjoyment thereof. BG 1972 purports
- As long as one is entangled in sense enjoyment, or material enjoyment, it is not possible to understand the Absolute Truth. This is also confirmed in Bhagavad-gita - BG 18.54
- As long as one maintains any conception of sense enjoyment, his mind will be absorbed in karma, fruitive activity, and this will oblige him to transmigrate from one body to another
- As long as the bodily attachment for sensual enjoyment is encouraged, the individual spirit soul is forced to continue the repetition of birth and death on account of the material body, which is compared to garments subjected to the law of deterioration
- As long as the soul is attached to sense enjoyment, it is called parag-atma. BG 1972 purports
- As long as we desire to enjoy sense gratification, we create material activities. When the living entity acts in the material field, he enjoys the senses, and while enjoying the senses, he creates another series of material activities
- As one cannot stop a blazing fire by constantly pouring ghee upon it, one cannot satisfy oneself by increasing plans for sense enjoyment. The blazing fire is the forest fire of material existence. This forest fire occurs automatically, without endeavor
- As soon as he (a man) returns from the cremation grounds, he again engages in material activity for sense enjoyment. This is called smasana-vairagya, or markata-vairagya
- As soon as one desires to enjoy his senses, he puts himself under the control of material energy and automatically, or mechanically, is placed into the cycle of birth and death in various life-forms
- As soon as the living entity forgets his real, constitutional position of eternal servitorship to the Lord and wants instead to enjoy himself by sense gratification, he is captured by maya
- As there is no chance of rain from the sky in autumn, we shall not immediately have a chance to get a human body again if we spend our conserved energy for sense enjoyment
- At the fag end of life, we are disappointed, we are frustrated. Brdhya kala aula saba sukha pagala. When we cannot again . . . no more we can enjoy with our senses, then we become very much depressed
- At the present moment the whole civilization, throughout the whole world - everyone is trying to get more money. More money means more sense enjoyment. This is called pravrtti-marga
- At the present moment, there is no samskara, there is no training. The training is only for earning livelihood. No other training. How one can earn money and enjoy senses - that is the training at the present moment
- Because of his desire to enjoy the material world, the living entity is dressed with the material gross and subtle bodies. Thus he is given a chance to enjoy the senses. The senses are therefore the instruments for enjoying the material world
- Because of this surrender, he (a pure devotee) no longer has any attraction for wealth. Even if there is attraction for wealth, it is not for sense enjoyment, but for the service of the Lord
- Because our main business is sense gratification. So we cannot enjoy all these senses fully in one kind of body. There is some defect. Just like we are trying to gratify our senses by flying to another planet, moon planet
- Because the living entity cannot enjoy the life of the senses without being dovetailed with the Complete Whole, the misleading life of sense enjoyment is illusion
- Because the whole world is running on under the false impression of sense enjoyment, therefore He (Krsna) comes and advises, sarva-dharman parityajya - BG 18.66
- Because we do not know that there is a complete arrangement in nature for our maintenance, we make efforts to utilize the resources of nature to create a so-called complete life of sense enjoyment
- Beginning from Brahma down to the insignificant ant, everyone is full of material desires for sense enjoyment, and everyone is busy in sense gratification, but when thus engaged one cannot fully understand the value of krsna-katha
- Bhaktih paresanubhavo viraktir anyatra ca (SB 11.2.42). One who is advanced in devotional service has no attachment for material things for sense enjoyment, but for preaching, to spread the glories of the Lord, he accepts such things without attachment
- Brahma said, "We may be proud of being controllers of the senses, but here the residents of Vrndavana are so transcendental that they are not under our control. Actually they are enjoying their senses through service to You"
- By enjoying the senses one becomes fat. Therefore in spiritual advancement becoming fat is not at all satisfactory
- By nonrestricted sense enjoyment they are gradually going to the animal, lower grade of life. They cannot explain why there are so many varieties of life. They cannot explain
- By practicing the different sitting postures and controlling the vital air, one can control and restrain the senses from unrestricted sense enjoyment
- By reading and hearing Srimad-Bhagavatam as a scientific presentation, the conditioned souls will gradually be promoted to the higher status of transcendental knowledge after being freed from the illusory energy based on sense enjoyment
- By sense enjoyment they (conditioned souls) become victims of birth and death repeatedly and thus spoil human lives which are chances for going back to Visnu
- By sense enjoyment, nobody can become happy. Because we are in the material existence. And our senses are false senses. Real senses - spiritual senses. So we have to awaken our spiritual consciousness. Then by spiritual senses we can enjoy
- By showing mercy to all living entities, being satisfied somehow or other and controlling the senses from sense enjoyment, one can very quickly satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Janardana
- Demons, they do not believe in God or God’s service or next life. These are the demons. They are thinking that this is the chance for sense enjoyment
- Don't waste your time for improving sense enjoyment. That means wasting time. You cannot get more than what is destined to you. A dog or a cat cannot get more sense enjoyment than its body will allow
- Dry philosophical speculation is a subtle sense enjoyment of the mind. Sense enjoyment leads one to the path of darkness. Those who are self-controlled can make progress on the path of liberation from the conditional life of material existence
- Engagement of the purified senses in the service of the Lord is called bhakti. Hrsikena hrsikesa-sevanam bhaktir ucyate. One may enjoy the senses for many thousands of years, but unless one purifies the senses, one cannot be happy
- Even if by fruitive activity or worship of the demigods one is elevated to the higher planetary systems for sense enjoyment, his situation is condemned in Bhagavad-gita as antavat, perishable
- Even in the absence of certain manifestations in the subtle body, the objects of sense enjoyment may act. The example has been given of a nocturnal emission, in which the physical senses act even when the physical objects are not manifest
- Even in those who are apparently very educated, the same family attachment is there. They cannot give up the association of their families, even in old age or invalidity, for they are attached to sense enjoyment
- Even on this earth some are very eager to have somarasa to become strong and fit to enjoy sense gratifications. BG 1972 purports
- Every living entity is controlled by a supernatural force, and thus his sense enjoyment is also under the control of that supernatural force
- Every man everywhere is trying to obtain the greatest amount of sense enjoyment by various endeavors
- Everyone should take lessons from Prahlada Maharaja about how we are engaged in so-called temporary happiness through bodily exercises for sense enjoyment
- Everyone within this material world, beginning from Brahma down to the insignificant ant, is full of material desires for sense enjoyment, and everyone is busy in sense gratification
- Explained in Bhagavad-gita (BG 2.59): "The embodied soul may be restricted from sense enjoyment, though the taste for sense objects remains. But, ceasing such engagements by experiencing a higher taste, he is fixed in consciousness."
- Foolish persons accept the difficult path of karma-kanda for the sake of sense enjoyment, and those who are too much attached to sense enjoyment are called mudhas. It is very difficult for a mudha to understand the ultimate goal of life
- For a living entity to accept this cosmic manifestation as the field for his sense enjoyment is certainly illusory. This material world is the manifestation of the material energy of the Lord
- For a Vaisnava sannyasi, renunciation means not accepting anything for personal sense enjoyment. Devotional service means engaging everything for the satisfaction of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- For sense enjoyment one can act in any capacity of the social order, but if one follows the rules and regulations of his particular status, he can make gradual progress in purifying his existence. BG 1972 purports
- For those who are addicted to sense enjoyment, spiritual realization is not possible
- Generally the Lord does not fulfill anyone's material desires for sense enjoyment, but He awards such benedictions to worshipers of the Lord, for they ultimately come to the point of not desiring material enjoyment
- Generally, people are attached to sense enjoyment and so aspire for life on the heavenly planets. Therefore, they engage themselves in charitable or other pious activities
- Greatest amount of sense enjoyment
- Grhasthas (householders) who are under the influence of the external energy accept householder life for the purpose of sense enjoyment
- He (a hog) enjoys life by eating stool. Why? Because he has got a particular type of body. Deha-yogena dehinam. According to this body, we enjoy our senses
- He eats all kinds of nonsense and is condemned by his activities of sense enjoyment, If one really wants to progress in life, he must give up the ways of karma-kanda and jnana-kanda, fruitive activities and mental speculation
- Heart is full with varieties of sense enjoyment. Therefore by daily, regular worshiping Bhagavatam, we become free from the dirty things
- Here is the perfect sense gratification - Krsna and Radharani. Young boys and girls are similarly trying to enjoy their senses, but where is this propensity coming from? It is coming from Krsna
- How can I (the Girl) expect to unite with others, who are neither conversant about sex nor capable of knowing how to enjoy life while living or after death? Such foolish persons are like animals because they do not know the process of sense enjoyment
- Human life is meant for controlling the senses, for uncontrolled senses are the cause of material bondage. But for fools sense enjoyment is the pivot of life's activities
- Human life means developed consciousness for enjoying senses, that's all - which is the business of the animals
- I think it is good to remain financially poor because always we shall be able to pray Krishna, asking His help to execute His service. If all of a sudden we become very strong financially, Maya may dictate us for sense enjoyment
- I want to touch some soft place to enjoy the sense of this hand, touch sense. But if the hand is covered with gloves, I cannot enjoy that sense so nicely. You can easily understand
- If one is trained only according to the bodily conception of life, he simply leads a disappointed life because bodily sense enjoyment finishes within forty years or so
- If we are entangled with rajas-tamas, then our perpetual desire for lusty sense enjoyment and greediness will not stop. But if we give up these two qualities, the remainder quality means goodness, that sattve, you will get, at least, peace of mind
- If we do not follow strictly our regulative principles, routine work, then the whole scheme will be failure. Then, instead of Christianity it will be "churchianity." Everywhere this churchianity is going on. And the real aim is how to enjoy sense
- If we like, we can exist in the higher planetary system where the duration of life is very, very long, the sense enjoyment is very, very perfect, more than this world. This we can have
- If we teach our children simply for sense enjoyment, how they can be spiritually advanced? The result will be confusion. Therefore in your country the hippies are there - confusion
- If you say that we have got senses, so in order to keep the body fit, we have to give something for the enjoyment of the senses. That is accepted, yes. But don't aggravate it
- If you want from Krsna sense enjoyment, He will give you all facilities. But Krsna does not want. Krsna said, sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja (BG 18.66). That is His mission, that - You will never be happy in this process of pravrtti-marga
- If you want real life of eternal enjoyment, then you have to stop (sense enjoyment). If you don't stop, then you remain here
- If you want to enjoy senses, they are not very easily available. It is said that unless you become industrious, laborious, you cannot enjoy even this material world
- In all scriptures people are encouraged to act in a pious way so that they can enjoy sense gratification not only in this life but also in the next. For example, one is promised promotion to the heavenly kingdom of higher planets by pious activities
- In each and every species of life, the living entity gets a body to satisfy various senses, but he cannot enjoy all his senses at one time
- In his wanderings in the different species of life, the living entity may taste some type of enjoyment in one body or another, but full enjoyment of the senses cannot be obtained in any material body
- In Krsna reside (10) equality, (11) tolerance, (12) equanimity, (13) faithfulness, (14) knowledge, (15) absence of sense enjoyment, (16) leadership, (17) chivalry, (18) influence, (19) the power to make everything possible
- In material, conditional existence, the living entity gives power of attorney to his mind. As such, he is liable to be misdirected by his mind into enjoying sense objects. Srila Ambarisa therefore first engaged his mind upon the lotus feet of the Lord
- In materialistic life we cannot control our senses and mind. The mind is dictating, "Enjoy your senses in this way," and we are enjoying our senses. Materialistic life means sense gratification
- In spiritual life we can enjoy sense enjoyment which has no end
- In spite of regulated sense enjoyment, there is every chance of falling down; therefore any attachment for regulated sense enjoyment must also be avoided by all means. BG 1972 purports
- In the Bhagavad-gita (9.20-21) Lord Krsna states: those who seek sense enjoyment by adhering to the principles of the three Vedas achieve only repeated birth and death
- In the body the eyes, ears and nose are different places of attraction for sense enjoyment, and the streets for going hither and thither may be compared to different types of air blowing within the body
- In the completely satisfied stage of life, exhibited by full detachment from the world of sense enjoyment as a result of performing devotional service, one can understand the science of God in the liberated stage
- In the human form of life he gets an opportunity to enjoy all his senses pervertedly, but the result is that he becomes so harassed in his attempted sense gratification that he ultimately becomes morose
- In the material world we generally see that when a man who is poor and skinny gradually endeavors to earn money through business or some other means and he then gets the money, he enjoys the senses to his satisfaction
- In the minds of those who are too attached to sense enjoyment and material opulence, and who are bewildered by such things, the resolute determination for devotional service to the Supreme Lord does not take place
- In the minds of those who are too attached to sense enjoyment and material opulence, and who are bewildered by such things, the resolute determination of devotional service to the Supreme Lord does not take place - BG 2.44
- In the minds of those who are too attached to sense enjoyment and material opulence, and who are bewildered by such things, the resolute determination of devotional service to the Supreme Lord does not take place. BG 2.44 - 1972
- In the mode of passion, people become greedy, and their hankering for sense enjoyment has no limit. BG 1972 purports
- In the name of tyaga, renunciation, they have taken another kind of sense enjoyment - intoxication, unrestricted sex. So this is also another sense enjoyment. Bhoga and tyaga. Real enjoyment is devotion
- In these seven planetary systems, which are also known as the subterranean heavens (Bila-svarga), there are very beautiful houses, gardens and places of sense enjoyment, which are even more opulent than those in the higher planets
- In these verses (SB 4.29.18-20) the words mrga-trsnam pradhavati are very significant because the living entity is influenced by a thirst for sense enjoyment. He is like a deer that goes to the desert to search out water
- In this material world he (the living entity) tries to enjoy his senses to his best capacity
- In this material world, we come here to enjoy. Not enjoy, but to satisfy our senses. This is material life. But that is not the right process, to develop the sense enjoyment process
- In this our society also, you see thousands of men are standing, paying to see some dead body. Sense enjoyment. You see? But our men are not so rascal that they will stand for five hours to see some dead body
- Inauspicious things means the heart disease for sense enjoyment; this is inauspicious
- Indulgence in sense enjoyment through sexual intercourse is not allowed by the Vedic principles. One may follow the natural tendency for sex life only to beget children
- Influenced by the material consciousness of "I" and "mine," he begins to enjoy and suffer through his senses. Thus the living entity is entrapped
- Instead of becoming a pseudo-transcendentalist for the sake of wanton living and sense enjoyment, it is far better to remain in one's own business and execute the purpose of life. BG 1972 purports
- Instead of vibrating some nuisance sound for sense enjoyment, if the state arranges to distribute transcendental sound by resounding the holy name, fame and activities of the Lord, as authorized in the BG or SB, then a favorable condition will be created
- It is better that one engage whatever money and women he may have in his possession in the service of the Lord because sense enjoyment is not for the conditioned soul
- It is dangerous civilization. Dangerous. And anyone who will come and say: "Yes, you enjoy your senses and simply sit down for fifteen minutes, and you chant this one alphabet - bas. You finish your business." This is going on
- It is due to the living entity's forgetfulness of his eternal nature as eternal servitor of the Lord, and his false conception of being a so-called lord of the material nature, that he is obliged to enter into the existence of false sense enjoyment
- It is not difficult to compromise the real purport of the magnificent scriptural edicts by selfish motivations and cheating mentality. When this happens, people aspire for show-bottle religiosity, material gain, sense enjoyment, & impersonal liberation
- It is not that by spiritual advancement one gets material facilities to increase the income and increase the standard of sense enjoyment. This is karma-kandiya-vicara karma, to get the resultant action of our fruitive activities
- It is recommended that we should always keep in touch with the devotional service of the Lord so that the blazing fire of devotional service can gradually burn into ashes material desires and we can become liberated from the repetition of birth and death
- It is said in the Manu-smrti that lust cannot be satisfied by any amount of sense enjoyment, just as fire is never extinguished by a constant supply of fuel. BG 1972 purports
- It is said that on the moon the inhabitants are fit for greater sense enjoyment by drinking soma-rasa & the Pitrloka is obtained by good charitable work. So there are various programs for sense enjoyment, either during this life or in the life after death
- It is said, sukham aindriyakam: "Happiness derived from the sources which is not related with Krsna. . ." That is sukham aindriyakam. Actually you do that. When we enjoy sense pleasure, that is not for Krsna. That is material sense perception
- It is the duty of the ruler to satisfy them (the human beings) in their sense enjoyment as well as to elevate them to Krsna consciousness so that they all can ultimately return home, back to Godhead
- Janayaty asu vairagyam. A man is tested how much he has advanced in bhakti-yoga by his detachment from material enjoyment. If one is attached to sense enjoyment, at the same time he poses himself as a great devotee, that cannot work
- Jnanis, they say brahma satyam jagan mithya: "This world is false. There is no enjoyment. Actual enjoyment, to merge into the existence of Brahman." So that is also a subtle sense enjoyment
- Karma means these people, these worldly people are working hard, they are called karmis, because they are expecting some good result for sense enjoyment. That is called karma
- Karmis are simply full of desires because they try to enjoy sense gratification. They are not peaceful in this life, nor the next, during the past, present or future
- Kasyapa meant that householders living with wives enjoy the heavenly blessings of sense enjoyment and at the same time have no fear of going down to hell
- King Kulasekhara has written in his book Mukunda-mala-stotra (5) :I have no attraction for performing religious rituals or holding any earthly kingdom. I do not care for sense enjoyments; let them appear and disappear in accordance with my previous deeds
- King Puranjana had unlimited desires for sense enjoyment; consequently he traveled all over the world to find a place where all his desires could be fulfilled. Unfortunately he found a feeling of insufficiency everywhere
- Krsna consciousness does not stop them (people in general) in their propensity for material enjoyment, but simply regulates their habits in the life of sense enjoyment
- Krsna is so kind that He allows the sense-enjoying living entities a separate world created by Him to enjoy as they like, yet at the same time He appears in His personal form
- Krsna says that "If I do somebody special favor, then I make him poverty-stricken. I take away all his means of sense enjoyment." You see? That is stated in the Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Krsna says that stop work means stop working this nonsense work. What is that nonsense work? This material activities - sense enjoyment - it is nonsense. Why nonsense? Because it is animalistic
- Living entities also have partial independence, but by misuse of their independence, when the service attitude is transformed into the propensity for sense enjoyment, they come under the sway of lust
- Lord Siva said, "A person who possesses a human body but who cannot bring his senses under control is carried away by the waves of sensual enjoyment. As such, he cannot take shelter of Your lotus feet and thus engage in Your devotional service"
- Man is attached to many miserable conditions, but nevertheless he accepts his condemned position as one of happiness. Sense enjoyment is so strong for such a person that he cannot give it up, exactly as a worm in stool cannot give up the stool
- Many business concerns publicly advertise that topless girls are available in this club or in that shop. Thus women have become instruments of sense enjoyment in modern society
- Many people, far from following scriptural injunctions, ridicule the sacred texts and thus gradually slide down to a demoniac life of unrestricted sense enjoyment
- Marriage or the combination of a man with a woman is necessary for progeny, but it is not meant for sense enjoyment
- Material engagement means accepting a particular status for some time and then changing it. This position of changing back and forth is technically known as bhoga-tyaga, which means a position of alternating sense enjoyment and renunciation
- Material nature is an atmosphere meant only for the sense enjoyment of the conditioned soul, and it is created by the Personality of Godhead
- Material scientists have discovered many facilities for sense enjoyment and destruction, but they have discovered no solution to the problems of old age, disease, and death. They cannot make any machine that will check death, old age, or disease
- Materialistic men do not care for a married chaste wife. They take the wife only as an instrument for sense enjoyment, not as a means for devotional service
- Materialistic persons aspire for the sense enjoyment of heavenly pleasure in the heavenly kingdom, but devotees reject such material pleasure at once. The devotee does not even care for the post of Indra
- Materialists, who are especially interested in sense gratification, are given permission or license to enjoy sense gratification by executing the Vedic ritualistic ceremonies. That is called traigunya-visaya vedah
- Meditation, however, is simply a farce for those who have enjoyed life in sense gratification. As described in the Sixth Chapter of Bhagavad-gita, meditation (dhyana, dharana) is a difficult subject matter that one has to learn from his very youth
- Men are engaging in many sinful activities and becoming degraded by opening slaughterhouses, breweries and cigarette factories, as well as nightclubs and other establishments for sense enjoyment. In this way they are spoiling their lives
- Men with developed consciousness do not waste time making excursions, real or imaginary, to the moon. Such intelligent persons do not endeavor to achieve temporary sense enjoyment
- My dear friend, the five gardens are the five objects of sense enjoyment, and the protector is the life air, which passes through the nine gates. The three apartments are the chief ingredients - fire, water and earth
- My dear friend, when you enter such a body along with the woman of material desires, you become overly absorbed in sense enjoyment. Because of this, you have forgotten your spiritual life
- My dear Lord Sambhu, who within this material world but you can surpass My illusory energy? People are generally attached to sense enjoyment and conquered by its influence. Indeed, the influence of material nature is very difficult for them to surmount
- My dear Lord, after creating by Your own potencies, You enter within the creation in four kinds of forms. Being within the hearts of the living entities, You know them and know how they are enjoying their senses
- Narada and other great sages have sometimes stressed that since every conditioned soul has a bodily concept of life aimed at sense enjoyment, to restrict this sense enjoyment the rules and regulations for worshiping the Deity in the temple are essential
- Narada Muni continued: The city spoken of as Daksina-pancala represents the scriptures meant for directing pravrtti, the process of sense enjoyment in fruitive activities
- Narada said, "His (Krsna) transcendental form is full of knowledge which never becomes agitated by ignorance, pride, attachment, envy or sense enjoyment"
- Nivrtti-marga is the path of negating sense enjoyment, and pravrtti-marga is the path by which the living entities are given a chance to enjoy and at the same time are directed in such a way that they can go back home, back to Godhead
- No one can argue about when and how the conditioned soul became desirous of sense enjoyment, but the cause is there
- No one is independent in obtaining sense enjoyment, and everyone in this material world is after sense enjoyment
- Nobody's here? Where is Nanda Kumara? Sleeping? As soon as there is opportunity, sleep. One has to conquer over sleeping, eating, and sense enjoyment
- O brahmana, fully in knowledge of transcendence, you have nothing to do, and therefore you are lying down. It is also understood that you have no money for sense enjoyment. How then has your body become so fat?
- On the whole, during the four-month period of Caturmasya one should practice giving up all food intended for sense enjoyment
- Once these mind-clouding doubts disperse, one enters the doors of pure devotional service. Karmis and jnanis are also tainted by material desires - the desire to enjoy their senses and the desire for liberation, respectively
- Once you take up one body and enjoy as your body's senses dictate, you prepare another body by such sense enjoyment, and you get another body as you want it
- One cannot trace out the history of when the conditioned soul first desired to lord it over material nature, but in Vedic literature we always find that the material creation is meant for the sense enjoyment of the conditioned soul
- One should always keep this understanding in mind (even if one is promoted to Brahmaloka, if one is not freed from material bondage one must return to this planet earth) so as not to be allured by any kind of sense enjoyment, in this life or in the next
- One should definitely try to understand that sense enjoyment is not the ultimate goal of human life. Herein (SB 1.16.9) it is said that during the daytime one works "for nothing" because the aim is nothing but sense enjoyment
- One should mold his life in such a way that he cannot live in peace without drinking the nectar of the glorification of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari. One can be thus elevated by being disgusted with the taste for sense enjoyment
- One should never be encouraged in making a plan for sense enjoyment in the name of religious functions. Such diversion of the human energy results in a misguided civilization
- One should not enjoy his senses according to his lusty desires, but should restrict himself according to the regulative principles given in the Vedas
- One should not think that the demigods are powerful only in enjoying the senses; they are also powerful in such deeds as bringing life back to a dead body
- One tries to enjoy the five sense objects, namely form, sound, taste, aroma and touch, not knowing the actual goal of life, which is to satisfy the Supreme Lord
- One who engages this body for sense enjoyment, he is called krpana, miser. And one who engages this body for the service of the Supreme Lord, he is called brahmana
- One who enjoys his senses under the Vedic regulative principles does not become entangled in the actions and reactions of his activities
- One who is actually religious, he does not earn money for sense gratification. Na kamo labhaya hi smrtah. But at the present moment, the more we earn money, more we make prescription or program how to enjoy senses
- One who is demoniac has no knowledge of Vedic scripture, nor has he any faith; therefore he feels free to do anything for sense enjoyment, regardless of the consequences. BG 1972 purports
- One who is interested only in his present body and who tries to enjoy his senses to the fullest extent is understood to be engrossed in the mode of ignorance. His future is very, very dark
- One who is promoted to the higher planetary systems enjoys a longer duration of life and better facilities for sense enjoyment, yet one is not allowed to stay there forever
- One who is promoted to those higher planetary systems (as Maharloka, Janaloka, Tapoloka, etc.) enjoys a longer duration of life and better facilities for sense enjoyment, yet one is not allowed to stay there forever. BG 1972 purports
- One who is simply taking from father, "O God, give us our daily bread," and He is supplying, and eating and enjoying sense enjoyment, he is not real son. The real son is he who sacrifices his life for glorifying his father
- Only qualification required in this connection, he says, visaya chadiya, se rase majiya, mukhe bolo hari hari. We have to chant with faith and conviction; at the same time we should take care, we should be guarding against sense enjoyment
- Only the self-controlled can gradually be attached to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Self-controlled means not indulging in sense enjoyment more than is necessary. And those who are not self-controlled are given over to sense enjoyment
- Only those who are very intelligent take to sankirtana-yajna to fulfill all their desires, material and spiritual, whereas those who are lusty for sense enjoyment perform karma-kandiya-yajnas
- Our motive is sense enjoyment. Neither the wife is serving the husband, neither the husband is serving wife, but everyone is serving his senses
- Our senses are so strong, we have discussed many times, that even the greatest learned man falls victim to sense enjoyment
- Pairs of cakravakas and many other water birds nest in the lakes and always enjoy in a happy mood, making sweet, pleasing vibrations that are very satisfying and conducive to enjoyment of the senses
- People are being taught in this way, that "Work very hard day and night, earn money, and enjoy senses, nothing more." So this sort of civilization is condemned. The real civilization is that one has to control
- People are generally become religious to get some material benefit, dharma artha. And as soon as he gets material benefit, he enjoys his senses, kama
- People are generally preoccupied with these three concerns (religion, economic development, sense gratification) without interest in the path of liberation. Hiranyakasipu, the father of Prahlada Maharaja, was simply interested in gold and sense enjoyment
- People are trying to be very religious. That is good. Then economic. Dharma artha. Artha means economically very rich, opulent. Then kama, very expert in sense enjoyment. And then mukti. This is general demand
- Persons under the grip of Maya are simply mad after sense enjoyment, but our goal is to lose all desire for sense gratification and become simply mad after Krishna. This is the perfection of human life
- Persons who are a little above such gross materialists believe firmly in life after death and thus try to rise a little above the plane of gross sensory enjoyment of this one life. They try to accumulate something for the next life by acts of virtue
- Persons who are engaged in fruitive activities for sense enjoyment must perform the prescribed sacrifices because that is the only means to get free from the reaction of all sins committed by fruitive workers
- Persons who are simply interested in material enjoyment make plans to execute prescribed duties. They are interested in the three elevating processes of religious rituals, economic elevation and sense enjoyment
- Persons who are themselves under the control of supernatural power cannot believe that Lord Krsna is not under any control beyond Himself in the matter of sense enjoyment. They cannot understand that His senses are transcendental
- Philosophically inquire about the truth. Then undergo all kinds of austerities and penances for the sake of devotional service. Give up the endeavor for sense enjoyment and engage in the service of the Lord
- Prahlada Maharaja advises very nicely, "My dear friend," tat-prayaso na kartavyo yata ayur-vyayah param, "don't exert yourself for increasing the paraphernalia of sense enjoyment. That is simply wasting your valuable time, your valuable duration of life
- Prahlada Maharaja wanted to become a rajarsi, whereas Hiranyakasipu wanted him to become a king attached to sense enjoyment - grha-medhinam
- Pravrtti means here in this material world, anyone who has come, beginning from Lord Brahma down to the small ant, they have come on account of pravrtti, means for enjoying sense
- Pravrtti-marga means if you want to enjoy the senses whimsically, as much as you like, that is called pravrtti-marga. And the other marga, way is the crossing, the nivrtti-marga: no more sense gratification. That is called nivrtti-marga
- Pravrtti-marga means increasing the propensity of sense enjoyment. That is called pravrtti-marga. And there is another way, nivrtti-marga: decreasing the propensity for sense gratification
- Pravrtti-marga means sense enjoyment, and nivrtti-marga means spiritual advancement. In the life of animals and demons, there is no conception of nivrtti-marga, nor is there any actual conception of pravrtti-marga
- Princely order, they are after sense enjoyment. So he's blessed that, - Better you live forever, because after your death, you do not know what is going to happen to you. You are going to get a hellish life
- Puranjana used to live with his wife for sense enjoyment, and at night this very sense enjoyment was appreciated in different ways
- Puranjana, the living entity, wanders in different types of bodies, but everywhere meets frustration in his attempt to enjoy. In other words, the spiritual spark covered by matter cannot fully enjoy the senses in any circumstance in material life
- Pururava was a materialistic man, especially interested in enjoying the senses. Yajnas for enjoyment of the senses are called karma-kandiya-yajnas. Therefore, he decided to perform karma-kandiya-yajnas to fulfill his lusty desires
- Refraining from sensual enjoyment, one should voluntarily accept all sorts of difficulties for spiritual realization. This is called tapasya. An enjoyer of the senses can never realize God, godliness or the science of theistic knowledge
- Regardless of how many times he is punished, one who is attached to sense enjoyment will commit sinful acts again and again until he is trained to refrain from enjoying his senses
- Regardless of how these living entities appear, they are all busy in the pursuit of sense enjoyment
- Remaining in family life is a kind of concession for sense enjoyment. One should know that sense enjoyment is not required, but one has to accept sense enjoyment inasmuch as one has to live
- Rendering service to the materialists has the opposite effect. If anyone offers service to a gross materialist, or a person engaged only in sense enjoyment, then by association with such a person the door to hell is opened
- Sages said, "By the process of enjoying the senses of the material body, the spirit soul is covered, and his consciousness becomes materially contaminated. It is due to material consciousness that one cannot understand the SP of Godhead, Krsna"
- Satisfaction of the mind can be obtained only by taking the mind away from thoughts of sense enjoyment. The more we think of sense enjoyment, the more the mind becomes dissatisfied. BG 1972 purports
- Sense enjoyment is also allowed to the lower animals by the law of nature, and thus a human being is also destined to a certain amount of sense enjoyment according to his past or present life
- Sense enjoyment must be there (in Krsna consciousness), but that is spiritual sense enjoyment, purified sense enjoyment. We are training people in that way, that we don't stop your sense enjoyment, but enjoy it in its purified state
- Silence means that one is always thinking of self-realization. The person in Krsna consciousness observes perfect silence in this sense. Control of the mind means detaching the mind from sense enjoyment. BG 1972 purports
- Since the body is a great city, there must be various arrangements such as lakes and gardens for sense enjoyment. Of the various parts of the body, those which incite sexual impulses are referred to here (SB 4.25.17) indirectly
- So by sense enjoyment, nobody can become happy. Because we are in the material existence. And our senses are false senses. Real senses - spiritual senses. So we have to awaken our spiritual consciousness
- So long one will be engaged in sense enjoyment in different varieties, he will have to remain within this material world
- So long we'll continue this propensity of sense enjoyment, you'll have to accept body. That is birth and death. So long. Therefore, the process should be how to make zero all these propensities. That is perfection. Not to enhance it
- So long you live, you live very joyfully by enjoying your senses. This is atheistic principle
- Sometimes the so-called rsis and yogis, they also say, "Yes, when you have got the senses, it is meant for enjoyment. Why it should be stopped?" Yes. Really it has to be stopped
- Sometimes these living entities want to enjoy their senses, and therefore they are placed in the material world to become false lords under the dictation of the senses
- Sometimes we commit so many criminal activities to satisfy our senses, because we want money. So palita durnidesah. My conscience says, "You don't do it." But, because I want to enjoy my senses, I must do it
- Sometimes, after spending lots of money, one may acquire another woman for some extra sense enjoyment. Unfortunately, the object of sense enjoyment, the woman, is taken away or kidnapped by another debauchee
- Spiritual realization cannot be attained by materialistic persons. For those who are addicted to sense enjoyment, spiritual realization is not possible
- Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has sung: We are trying to be happy through sense enjoyment, but actually that so-called enjoyment is like food that is too hot and causes burning in the heart
- Srila Rupa Gosvami recommends: anasaktasya visayan yatharham upayunjatah. One should not be attached to sense objects, but should accept sense enjoyment as much as required, no more
- Such a person (of fruitive activities and mental speculation) eats all kinds of nonsense and becomes condemned by his activities of so-called sense enjoyment
- Such pretenders (who make a show of meditation while actually dwelling upon sense enjoyment) may speak on dry philosophy in order to bluff sophisticated followers, but according to this verse (BG 3.6) these are the greatest cheaters. BG 1972 purports
- Such restraint (reducing the tendency for sense enjoyment) automatically develops in the course of one's executing devotional service. Thus one who is already engaged in devotional service need not restrain his senses artificially
- Suppose I cover your tongue with some cloth & then I give you one rasagulla. Can you taste it? What you'll taste? There are so many things. If you cover the senses, the real senses, & try to enjoy with that covering, what you'll enjoy?
- Svayambhuva Manu, the husband of Satarupa, was by nature not at all attached to enjoyment of the senses. Thus he gave up his kingdom of sense enjoyment and entered the forest with his wife to practice austerities
- Tapasya means to undergo voluntarily some inconveniences of this body. Because we are accustomed to enjoy bodily senses, and tapasya means voluntarily to give up the idea of sense gratification. That is tapasya
- Thanks to the culture of nescience, befooled men have created their own nations within these planets in order to grasp sense enjoyment more effectively for these few years
- The aim of human life should not be to enjoy perverted sense enjoyment but to cure the material disease. Aggravation of the material disease is no sign of knowledge, but a sign of avidya, ignorance
- The author of Sri Caitanya-caritamrta (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) asserts with authority that sexual love is a matter of personal sense enjoyment
- The best thing is that you have enjoyed sense life in so many varieties of life, as cats, as dogs, as demigods, as tree, as plants, as insect. Now, in this human form of life, don't be captivated by sensuous life. Just try to understand Krsna
- The body is taken as the pancala-desa, or the field of activities wherein the living entity can enjoy the senses in their relationship to the five sense objects, namely gandha, rasa, rupa, sparsa and sabda
- The brahma-bhuta stage of life is also known as the atmarama stage, in which one is fully self-satisfied and does not hanker for the world of sense enjoyment
- The cause of the material creation is described here (in SB 3.20.2) very lucidly. The first cause is daiva, or the destiny of the conditioned soul. The material creation exists for the conditioned soul who wanted to become a false lord for sense enjoyment
- The conditioned soul has to accept all these conditions simply to enjoy sense gratification in this world. Although people declare themselves great scientists, economists, philosophers, politicians and sociologists. they are actually nothing but rascals
- The conditioned soul sometimes personally appreciates the futility of sense enjoyment in the material world, and he sometimes considers material enjoyment to be full of miseries
- The conditioned souls, who have come to this material world for sense gratification, are allowed to enjoy their senses under certain regulative principles. If they violate these regulations, they are judged and punished by Yamaraja
- The culture of vidya, or transcendental knowledge, is essential for the human being. Sense enjoyment in the diseased material condition must be restricted as far as possible
- The demoniac accept that the enjoyment of the senses is the ultimate goal of life, and this concept they maintain until death. BG 1972 purports
- The desire for lordship is the material disease of the living being, for under the spell of sense enjoyment he transmigrates through the various bodies manifested in the material world
- The devotees of the Lord are released from all kinds of sins because they eat food which is offered first for sacrifice. Others, who prepare food for personal sense enjoyment, verily eat only sin. BG 3.13 - 1972
- The devotees of the Lord who voluntarily take the responsibility of raising the foolish materialistic sense enjoyers are as confidential to the Lord as Lord Brahma
- The devotees, they are, even though they are not forgotten, but they are not interested in sense enjoyment. They are interested in Krsna. That is the difference. This is maya and Krsna
- The eleven senses are the soldiers. Being engrossed in sense enjoyment, the living entity, seated on the chariot, hankers after fulfillment of his false desires and runs after sense enjoyment life after life
- The embodied soul may be restricted from sense enjoyment, though the taste for sense objects remains. But, ceasing such engagements by experiencing a higher taste, he is fixed in consciousness
- The embodied soul may be restricted from sense enjoyment, though the taste for sense objects remains. But, ceasing such engagements by experiencing a higher taste, he is fixed in consciousness. BG 2.59 - 1972
- The entanglement of the living entity in sense enjoyment is very nicely explained in these verses - SB 4.29.18-20
- The essence of household life is sense enjoyment, and as long as one engrosses his mind in working hard for sense enjoyment one becomes bound by the reactions of fruitive activities. This ignorance of self-realization is the greatest defeat in human life
- The few religious deeds that the demons perform are merely a show; they are meant only to flatter their false ego and bring them more recognition and respect. They perform them only for their own sense enjoyment and are invariably acts of violence
- The flickering mind will hover on the platform of mental speculation for sense enjoyment, and one will have to transmigrate from one type of body to another because the mind is trained only in relation to the material elements or sense gratification
- The foolish worker will untiringly continue to hear of the sense-enjoyable tidings of the flickering mundane world, but will have very little time to hear about the eternal living force that moves the material world
- The four principles of life allow one to live according to religious principles, to earn money according to one's position in society, to allow the senses to enjoy the sense objects according to regulations, and to progress along the path of liberation
- The happiness one enjoys in this way (by sense enjoyment) is like the pleasure of embracing a young woman in a dream; for some time it may be pleasing, but actually the basic principle is false
- The heavenly planets were generated from the top of His head, and the Apsaras from His sense enjoyment. May that supremely powerful Personality of Godhead be pleased with us
- The illusion of maya is at once dissipated as soon as one's full energy is converted in the service of the Lord instead of in sense enjoyment
- The irresponsible life of sense enjoyment was unknown to the children of the followers of the varnasrama system. The boy was even injected with spiritual acumen before being placed by the father in the womb of the mother
- The kingly happiness of material enjoyment generally drags one to the lowest grade of life, namely degradation to animal life, because of unrestricted sense enjoyment
- The kings and executive heads of government in the Vedic age never accepted their positions for sense enjoyment. Such exalted kings, who were known as rajarsis, ruled only to maintain and protect the kingdom for the welfare of the citizens
- The krpanas, the fools who are just the opposite of brahmanas, are not satisfied by repeated sensuous enjoyment. Those who are dhira, however, who are sober and who tolerate this itching, are not subjected to the sufferings of fools and rascals
- The ladies had lost their sense of enjoyment. They could not encourage the fighting between the strong and the weak
- The living entities are subjected to the pains and pleasures of material enjoyment, whereas the Supreme Personality of Godhead, knowing their plans for sense enjoyment, is aloof from them
- The living entity wants to enjoy different types of material opulences, and to this end nature has given him various holes in his body that he can utilize for sense enjoyment
- The Lord resides in everyone's heart, and because all living entities who come to this material world do so in order to fulfill their desire for sense enjoyment, the Lord directs the living entities to enjoy their senses
- The Lord says in Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.11): "I am sex that is not contrary to religious principles." Sexual intercourse ordained by the Supreme Personality of Godhead is dharma, a religious principle, but it is not intended for sense enjoyment
- The Lord simply witnesses and gives the living entity sanction for sense enjoyment. It is the Paramatma also who gives the intelligence by which the bees can construct a hive, collect honey from various flowers, store it and enjoy it
- The mammonist philosophy of work very hard and enjoy sense gratification is condemned herein (in BG 3.16) by the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- The material body is meant for sense enjoyment, whereas the spiritual body engages in the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- The material desire for sense enjoyment is the cause of our falldown in this material world, and thus we suffer the threefold miseries and continuous birth, death, old age and disease
- The material enjoyments of youth are especially pleasing to a person who has no spiritual training. If one is trained only according to the bodily conception of life, he simply leads a disappointed life because bodily sense enjoyment finishes
- The material life means sensual activities, nothing more. Whatever advancement of civilization we are creating, that means we are simply creating artificial sense enjoyment. That's all
- The material miseries are without factual existence for the soul. Yet as long as the conditioned soul sees the body as meant for sense enjoyment, he cannot get out of the entanglement of material miseries, being influenced by Your (Krsna) external energy
- The materialistic men want to work hard and enjoy fruitive results for sense enjoyment. Thus they are committing many types of sins at every step of life
- The mind may suggest that by visaya-bhoga, or sense enjoyment, one can become happy, but when one becomes advanced in Krsna consciousness, he does not derive happiness from material activities
- The modern civilization is simply increasing the paraphernalia of sense enjoyment. There is no arrangement for advancement of spiritual knowledge. That is the defect of modern civilization
- The modern civilization, they are increasing the sense enjoyment process, making life more and more complicated, because the real motive of human life is to develop devotional service to the Lord
- The mystic yogis simply try to control the senses by practicing the eight divisions of yoga-yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, etc. - and the jnanis try by mental reasoning to understand that sense enjoyment is false
- The nitya-baddha, or the eternally conditioned souls, have the sense of individuality or ahankara, which dictates them sense enjoyment, which they are unable to have constitutionally
- The original energy inspires a devotee, and thus he engages all his bodily limbs in the service of the Lord. The same energy, as external potency, engages the ordinary nondevotees in material activities for sense enjoyment
- The other regulated system, to become very religious man or expert money-hunter or accumulation of money, dharma, artha, and sense enjoyment - the whole world is appreciating these men, who is a religious man, who satisfies his senses
- The present society is just like animals. They have no faith, what to speak of this faith or that faith. That is the position. They are simply after sense enjoyment
- The primary sense enjoyment is eating, sleeping, sex life and defense. So where there is want of these four facilities? The birds have got these facilities
- The process is that give up the idea of sense enjoyment. That is required. That is real renunciation. "I shall not use it for my sense gratification. I shall utilize it for Krsna's service." That is Krsna consciousness
- The process of restriction from sense enjoyment by rules and regulations is something like restricting a diseased person from certain types of eatables. The patient, however, neither likes such restrictions, nor loses his taste for eatables. BG 1972 pur
- The rogues exact taxes from the citizens for their own sense enjoyment, and in the future the people will be so much harassed that according to Srimad-Bhagavatam they will flee from their homes and country and take shelter in the forest
- The roots, which are subsidiary, are the by-products of different varieties of suffering and sense enjoyment. Thus we develop attachment and aversion. BG 1972 purports
- The ruler of this planet should know that all the inhabitants, especially human beings, have come to this material world for sense enjoyment
- The sastras advise that a living entity should accept only those sense-enjoyable objects necessary for the upkeep of the material body and reject those that are just for sense gratification. In this way he will reduce the tendency for sense enjoyment
- The second stage of perfection is to become materially rich. The third stage of material perfection is the attainment of complete sense enjoyment
- The sense enjoyment of all animals, men and demigods within the purview of the material universe is controlled by the supernatural force called the prakrti, or daivi-maya
- The sense enjoyment of the demigods is sometimes disturbed, but the residents of these planets enjoy life without disturbances. Thus they are understood to be very attached to illusory happiness
- The sense enjoyment spirit has been current a very long, long time, owing to material association. BG 1972 purports
- The sense is there, but if it is artificially covered, then even the facility is there, I cannot enjoy the sense perfectly. Similarly, we have got our senses, but our senses are now covered by this material body
- The span of human life is scheduled for about a hundred years, although it is gradually decreasing. Thanks to the culture of nescience, befooled men have created their own nations within these planets in order to grasp sense enjoyment
- The subsidiary roots are attachments and aversions, which are byproducts of different varieties of suffering and sense enjoyment
- The sum and substance of the conditioned soul's sense enjoyment is that as soon as he forgets his primary duty, to render service to the Lord, he creates an atmosphere of sense enjoyment, which is called maya; that is the cause of material creation
- The swine who eat the soil do not care to accept sweetmeats made of sugar and ghee. Similarly, the foolish worker will untiringly continue to hear of the sense-enjoyable tidings of the flickering mundane force that moves the material world. BG 1972 pur
- The two ears are situated on the northern side and the southern side. The ear on the southern side is very strong and is always anxious to hear about sense enjoyment
- The Vedas prescribe two different types of occupation for the human being. One is called the pravrtti-marga, or the path of sense enjoyment, and the other is called the nivrtti-marga, or the path of renunciation
- The word asanga (in BG 15.3-4) is very important in this connection because the attachment for sense enjoyment and lording it over the material nature is very strong. BG 1972 purports
- The word go means "senses." We are looking for sense gratification, and if we associate with Krsna we shall enjoy our senses abundantly, just like the gopis who are dancing with Krsna. Thus there is no scarcity of sense gratification
- The yoga system means to control the senses. Now yoga system has become a means of making the senses strong to enjoy. At the present moment, the so-called yoga system is a exercise for making the body strong and senses strong
- There are different modes of enjoyment according to the body. People are searching after sense enjoyment on this planet, on other planets, here, there and everywhere. Their main object is to gratify the senses. That is called bhukti
- There are many heavenly planets to which they (those materially attached) aspire just to achieve more and more material happiness by getting a long duration of life and the paraphernalia for sense enjoyment
- There are many pretenders who refuse to work in Krsna consciousness but make a show of meditation, while actually dwelling within the mind upon sense enjoyment. BG 1972 purports
- There are some who want sense enjoyment, and others, the salvationists, who are seeking liberation. The salvationists also have some desire, the desire to be free from this material entanglement
- There are two ways of living. One way of living is called material enjoyment, or sense enjoyment. This is one way of life. In Sanskrit it is called pravrtti-marga: how to enjoy more, more, more, more, more. This is called pravrtti-marga. That is going on
- There is a chance of their being liberated, but nevertheless the conditioned souls, not taking advantage of this opportunity, continue in a life of sense enjoyment, and thus they are punished by birth and death again and again. This is the law of nature
- There is no prohibition against meeting the proper needs of the senses, but unnecessary sense enjoyment is detrimental for spiritual advancement. Therefore the senses should be restrained from unnecessary use. BG 1972 purports
- There is no restriction against living with a wife and children, but life should be so conducted that one may not go against the principles of religion, economic development, regulated sense enjoyment and, ultimately, liberation from material existence
- These numberless plants and creepers resemble persons who dry up in severe penances for some material gain but then achieve their objectives and become luxuriously fat, nourished by sense enjoyment
- These thirteen or fifteen years of life (the period of youth from age sixteen to thirty) are years in which one can very strongly enjoy the senses
- These three principles (adhibhutam, adhidaivam, and adhyatmam) act as prominent features, namely as raw material, its regular supplies, and its use in different varieties of material creations for sense enjoyment by the bewildered entities
- These weeds (in devotional service) are material enjoyment, merging of the self in the Absolute without separate individuality, and many other desires in the field of religion, economic development, sense enjoyment and emancipation
- They (conditioned souls) are mostly engaged in sense enjoyment under the pretension of religiosity, knowledge or salvation. They are still more blind in the present age of quarrel, or Kali-yuga
- They (foolish men) are all after sense enjoyment, and to get a little facility for sense enjoyment they are attracted to worship empowered living entities known as demigods. BG 1972 purports
- They (men with developed consciousness) apply their conserved energy for the sake of spiritual cultivation. They discharge religious duties for the satisfaction of the Supreme Lord, and not for personal sense enjoyment
- They (people) aspire for an eternal body because even though they engage in sense enjoyment, that sense enjoyment is not eternal
- They (the devotees of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu) have completely given up sense enjoyment to engage fully in the service of Lord Sri Krsna and dedicate their lives and souls to serving Krsna without material desires
- They (the living entities) also have partial independence, but by misuse of their independence, when the service attitude is transformed into the propensity for sense enjoyment, they come under the sway of lust
- They (the living entities) also have partial independence, but by misuse of their independence, when the service attitude is transformed into the propensity for sense enjoyment, they come under the sway of lust. BG 1972 purports
- They have been engaged in the lives of hogs and dogs, work very hard, get some money & enjoy for sense gratification. This is not human civilization. So following their own mental concoction they automatically fall down into the dark region of existence
- They think, "I have got this material body, I have got some senses, let me enjoy the senses to the best possibility." But you cannot do it, because it is false, it is not real. Real senses, unless you feel sensation
- Thinking must be there, but if you think of this body - how to keep it very comfortably, how to enjoy senses, how to have more money, how to have more men or women, how to see naked dance, how to do, how to this, how to this - then you are demon
- This (enjoying the senses and practicing yoga) is condemned here by Kardama Muni; he says that such material pleasures are available for cats and dogs in a hellish condition
- This false thinking (thinking himself the enjoyer) is a result of contemplation on sense enjoyment
- This is paropakara movement, to do welfare to others, not like cats and dogs, simply bring money and sense enjoy. This is not human life. Human life is for paropakara. People are in ignorance, without any knowledge of God
- This kingdom is my property, and let me enjoy for my sense enjoyment
- This restraint (reducing the tendency for sense enjoyment) cannot be imposed by force; it must be voluntary
- Those who are elevated in the living condition, they want to become religious or economically very prosperous, dharma-artha, and good facilities for sense enjoyment
- Those who are too attached amidst the pinpricks of muddy householder life are compared to the cranes that stand on the bank of the river for some sense enjoyment despite all the inconveniences there
- Those who are trying to enjoy the senses to the utmost are called karmis, above them are the jnanis, who try to conquer the urges of the senses, and above them are the yogis, who have already conquered the senses
- Those who take pleasure in sense enjoyment, or those who are fixed in material bodily welfare work, are called karmis
- Thus a jnani is considered superior to a karmi because he at least refrains from the blind activities of sense enjoyment. This is the verdict of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Thus perplexed by various anxieties and bound by a network of illusions, one becomes too strongly attached to sense enjoyment and falls down into hell. BG 16.16 - 1972
- To concentrate the mind, one must observe a life of celibacy and not fall down. One must undergo the austerity of voluntarily giving up sense enjoyment. One must then control the mind and senses, give charity, be truthful, clean and nonviolent
- To practice yoga, as suggested here (in BG 8.12), one first has to close the door of all sense enjoyment. This practice is called pratyahara, or withdrawing the senses from the sense objects. BG 1972 purports
- Too much enjoyment of any of the senses (not only sex) results in sinful activities. Therefore one has to become a svami or gosvami at the end of his life
- Unintelligent persons who thirst for sense enjoyment and who worship various demigods are no better than animals in the human form of life. Because of their animalistic propensities, they fail to worship Your Lordship
- Unless one is able to follow the do's and the do-not's, restricting oneself from sense enjoyment, it is not possible to be firmly fixed in Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- Unless one is transcendentally situated, it is not possible to cease from sense enjoyment. BG 1972 purports
- Unrestricted sense enjoyment is not allowed in the human form of life by the laws of nature. If one enjoys his senses unrestrictedly, he leads a sinful life. The animals do not violate the laws of nature
- Unrestricted sense enjoyment is the cause of material encagement, but one who follows the rules and regulations of the revealed scriptures does not become entangled by the sense objects. BG 1972 purports
- Unrestricted sense enjoyment means sinful activities. Illicit sex is sex that violates the laws given in the scriptures. When one violates the laws of the scriptures, or the Vedas, he commits sinful activities
- Vairagya means renunciation, and phalgu means without any value or little, very little. Why should we give up this world? But the process is that give up the idea of sense enjoyment. That is required
- Visnu worship is the ultimate aim of human life. Those who take the license of married life for sense enjoyment must also take responsibility to satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Visnu, and the first stepping-stone is varnasrama-dharma system
- Visnu-maya means sense enjoyment, which is transient and miserable. Those who are entrapped by visnu-maya utilize advancement of knowledge for sense enjoyment
- Vyasadeva's encouragement in sense enjoyment in some form or other is a great barrier for spiritual advancement because the people in general will not agree to renounce material activities which hold them in material bondage
- We are all after happiness, but we do not know how to enjoy happiness. We want to enjoy our senses, but it is not possible with these covered false senses. The senses must be opened, and that is the process of purification
- We are establishing different centers, not for sense enjoyment, but for good association of devotees
- We can particularly observe how the human being is engaged for nothing in the great cities and industrial towns. There are so many things manufactured by human energy but they are all meant for sense enjoyment, and not for getting out of material bondage
- We do not know the value of life, how nature is working, how we are changing our body. No education all over the world. Simply making plans how to eat, how to sleep, how to enjoy senses, how to defend, that's all. This is animal life
- We have also stated that material bondage means accepting one body and creating another. Krsna, through nature, will give us full facility to enjoy our senses
- We have voluntarily come into this material world for sense enjoyment, and in sense enjoyment we have forgotten our supreme father, God. The material nature's duty is to give us simply miserable condition of life
- We must be educated how to control the senses, how to control the senses. Therefore while eating, we are reminded that this eating is... If you do not take it as prasadam, then eating is sense enjoyment
- We should find fault with this process of repetition of birth and death. People are now being educated in this way that there is no more life. You have got this life and you enjoy the senses as far as possible
- We want liberation. Then mahat-seva: we have to take shelter of mahatma. And, if you want to go to the darkest region of material existence, then yositam sangi-sangam (SB 5.5.2), sense enjoyment
- We want sense enjoyment, but not these covered senses. We are spiritual. We have got spiritual body. That body is now covered with this material garment; therefore it is covered. The senses are covered. With covered senses, you cannot enjoy
- Whatever we are getting for our sense enjoyment, that is with the sanction, the Supreme Person. The paramatma feature is madhyama purusa. He is purusottama
- When one reaches the topmost position of material opulence, the tendency for renunciation is natural. There are two tendencies in this material world - bhoga - sense enjoyment and tyaga - renunciation of this material world
- When the cosmic manifestation reappears, all the silent living beings within the womb of material nature come out and engage in sense enjoyment, thereby growing luxuriously fat
- When the hog enjoys senses without any discrimination, you become attracted: "Very nice. Why not get this facility?" That is your fault - you become attracted
- When the sense gratificatory activities are performed under sinful conditions, they are called ku-visaya, bad sense enjoyment
- When, by that process (of satisfying the senses), they become confused or frustrated in fulfilling the maximum amount of sense enjoyment, they try to become one with the Supreme, which is, according to their conception, mukti, or liberation
- While in the subtle body, we create many plans to enjoy sense gratification. These plans are recorded in the spool of one's mind as bija, the root of fruitive activities
- With this idea in mind (that the king should satisfy his citizens in their sense enjoyment and elevate them to Krsna consciousness), the king or government head should rule the world. In this way, everyone will be satisfied. How can this be accomplished
- Without consciousness, there is no feeling of pleasure. Because of consciousness we can enjoy life by applying our senses in whatever way we like. But as soon as consciousness is gone from the body, we cannot enjoy our senses
- Without great endeavor, those with a poor fund of knowledge cannot give up sense enjoyment, especially in relation to sex, because a beautiful woman bewilders even the most learned man
- You give medicine to a diseased man to cure him just to make him able to enjoy senses. That's all. But Krsna consciousness movement is that you give him medicine so that he can get out of the clutches of this material entanglement
- You have got money, and you are enjoying sense enjoyment, and as soon as this body will be finished, no more your control. Then you are completely under the control of material nature
- You try to satisfy your senses, that is flickering and that is temporary. But actual sense enjoyment is spiritual sense enjoyment that has no end, that has no limit. Brahma-saukhyam tad anantam (SB 5.5.1), unlimited