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Pages in category "Praying"
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- A poor man may go to church and pray - My dear Lord, please give me some money
- After Daksa's head was replaced by the goat's head, he was as intelligent as he had previously been. He prayed very nicely to satisfy Lord Siva and Lord Visnu, which is not possible for a goat to do
- After profusely offering obeisances unto Lord Visnu, the devotee should offer respectful obeisances unto mother Laksmi, the goddess of fortune, and pray as follows
- Agnidhra prayed to Purvacitti that her glances at him would be auspicious, not futile. In other words, he prayed that she would become his wife
- Alas! How fortunate this woman is! I pray at her feet that she favor Me with her great eagerness to see Lord Jagannatha
- Alas, just look at me! I am so unfortunate. I approached the lotus feet of the SPG, who can immediately cut the chain of the repetition of birth and death, but still, out of my foolishness, I prayed for things which are perishable
- All of the devotees all over the world are simply praying now. They have been placed into great transcendental anxiety, Srila Prabhupada. They are simply praying for your recovery. Do you think that this powder has been successful
- Amsuman said to Lord Kapiladeva the Supreme Personality of Godhead "Because You are beyond even the direct and indirect intelligence of Lord Brahma," he prayed, "unless we are enlightened by Your Lordship it will not be possible for us to understand You"
- Any human being who prays like Brahma, and who thus worships Me, shall very soon be blessed with the fulfillment of all his desires, for I am the Lord of all benediction
- Any saintly person would come, my father would simply say, "Give blessings to my son that he may become a Radharani's servant." That was my father's prayer. He never prayed that "My son may become very rich man."
- As a result of his (Nasaratsa's, son of Nawab Hussain Shah) sinful activities (against the Vaisnavas), one of his servants from the Khoja group killed him while he was praying in the mosque
- As long as we have to remain within this material world due to our material contamination and wander from one type of body to another and from one planet to another, we pray that we may associate with those who are engaged in discussing Your pastimes
- Because of this (son-in-law of Sarvabhauma criticized Caitainya while He was eating sumptuously), Sathi's mother cursed him by praying that Sathi would become a widow. In other words, she cursed her son-in-law to die
- Being weak Kunti prayed to be free from such bondage of family affection
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura says, "When the universe becomes ecstatic, my desire is satisfied. I pray unto the lotus feet of Rupa Gosvami that this chanting of harer nama (CC Adi 17.21) may go on nicely like this
- Bharmyasva prayed to his sons, "O my sons, please take charge of my five states, for you are quite competent to do so." Thus his five sons were known as the Pancalas. From Mudgala came a dynasty of brahmanas known as Maudgalya
- By praying, it is expected that one should have mercy of God. So what is the test that he has got the mercy of God?
- By the influence of maya, the external energy, one forgets everything just after birth. Therefore the child is praying that he prefers to remain within the womb rather than come out
- By the worship of Sudaksina, Lord Siva was very much pleased, and he wanted to give a benediction to his devotee. Sudaksina's purpose was to kill Krsna, and therefore he prayed for a specific power by which to kill Him
- Daksa prays, "One may think of You (God) as personal, impersonal or imaginary, but I wish to pray to Your Lordship that You fulfill my desires to see You as You actually are
- Diti prayed: He (Siva) is so great that if he likes he can immediately destroy my pregnancy, but by his mercy he can also fulfill my desire that my pregnancy not be spoiled
- Diti replied: O my husband, I have now lost my sons. If you want to give me a benediction, I ask you for an immortal son who can kill Indra. I pray for this because Indra, with the help of Visnu, has killed my two sons Hiranyaksa and Hiranyakasipu
- During World War II it was reported that many wives of the German soldiers went to church to pray for their husbands' safe return, but when they found they had been killed in battle, they became atheistic
- Fallen into a pool of blood, stool and urine within the abdomen of his mother, his own body scorched by the mother's gastric fire, the embodied soul, anxious to get out, counts his months and prays
- Far from My heart have I abandoned irreligion (adharma) and nondevotional activities. They do not appeal to Me. Due to all these transcendental qualities, people generally pray to Me as Rsabhadeva, the Supreme P of God, the best of all living entities
- For the satisfaction of Sri Madana-gopala and Govindadeva, we pray that this book, Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, may be offered to Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Hayasirsa Purana states, "I simply pray to be an eternal servant at Your lotus feet. Kindly oblige me and give me this benediction"
- He (Kesava Kasmiri) began to pray, and Mother Sarasvati informed him that, - He (Caitanya Mahaprabhu) is God, my husband. So you speak means I speak. So how can I defeat my husband
- He (Samika Rsi) directly prayed for pardon from the Supreme Lord, who alone can undo a thing which is impossible to change. The appeal was made in the name of a foolish boy who had developed no intelligence at all
- He (Yudhisthira) prayed that since all material activities are performed by the mind in terms of actions and reactions of the material senses, and since he was going back to Godhead, the mind 1) would wind up its material activities
- He (Yudhisthira) prayed that since all material activities are performed by the mind in terms of actions and reactions of the material senses, since he was going back to Godhead, the mind 2) would be turned towards the transcendental service to the Lord
- He immediately descended from his palanquin and fell flat on the ground with his head at the lotus feet of Jada Bharata in such a way that he might be excused for his insulting words against the great brahmana. He then prayed as follows
- Hindus, they also pray, go to some demigod, or Krsna. Mostly they go to demigod, especially to Lord Siva, because Lord Siva's name is Asutosa. If you please Lord Siva, it is very easy. He's very easily satisfied
- Hiranyakasipu prayed for supremacy over the entire universe and requested the eight yogic perfections, such as anima and laghima
- Hiranyakasipu was afraid of being killed by someone else in another land. There are many other planets, higher and lower, and therefore he prayed for the benediction of not being killed by any resident of any of these planets
- His (Atri Muni's) very inquiry about whom he had called indicates that he was in doubt about the constitutional position of the Lord. Therefore he prayed to all three, "Kindly let me know who is the transcendental Lord of the universe
- How many offspring did that great yogi beget through the princess, who was endowed with eightfold perfection in the yoga principles? Oh, pray tell me this, for I am eager to hear it
- However, our lives here will one day be finished. We pray that at that time, if any merit remains from our pious activities, we may again take birth in Bharata-varsa as human beings able to remember the lotus feet of the Lord
- I am encouraging now cow killing or animal killing, and when by nature's law, the turn comes upon me to be killed, if I pray I want to stop it, how it can be stopped?
- I pray not to be allowed to take birth in such a condemned place - where there is no opportunity to remember Krsna's lotus feet
- I pray that you kindly glance at me with your causeless mercy. If you do so, I can be relieved from sinful activities brought about by insulting you
- I prayed for only one son, but now I see that there are forty-nine. How has this happened? My dear son Indra, if you know, please tell me the truth. Do not try to speak lies
- I shall have no perturbation, but I pray that all this may not give rise to pride, as if I were the Supreme
- I took permission from Srila Vrndavana dasa Thakura by praying at his lotus feet, and upon receiving his order I have attempted to write this auspicious literature
- If we adhere to the lotus feet of the six Gosvamis and pray for their mercy, all impediments will be annihilated, and the transcendental devotional desire to serve the Supreme Lord will be fulfilled
- If we stick to our determination and pray for the mercy of the director of intelligence sitting within the same bodily tree, like a bird sitting with another bird as explained in the Upanisads
- If you are self-sufficient, why go to church and pray, "God, give us our daily bread"?
- If you want to save him, you should all pray together at the lotus feet of Jagannatha
- In the bhakti-yoga system there are nine different processes: hearing, chanting, remembering, serving, worshiping the Deity in the temple, praying, carrying out orders, serving Krsna as friend and sacrificing for Him
- In the execution of material dharma, or religion performed for material gain, people generally go to a church or a temple and pray, "God, give us our daily bread." Actually, this need not be asked for, for bread is already provided for everyone
- In the Padma Purana another instance of pure devotion is found. There it is recorded that the king, although the most elevated of human beings, was begging from door to door and was even praying to the candalas, the lowest members of human society
- In this mantra the living entity prays to enter the spiritual kingdom of God after relinquishing his material body and material air
- Instead of being pleased that Lord Krsna had come, they began to pray for Lord Buddha, who is the ninth incarnation, because Lord Buddha stopped the ritualistic ceremonies and sacrifices recommended in the Vedas in order to discourage animal killing
- It appears that Rukmini was a very popular princess, and all the citizens, out of intense love for her, prayed for her best fortune
- It is My vow that if one only once seriously surrenders unto Me, saying "My dear Lord, from this day I am Yours," and prays to Me for courage, I shall immediately award courage to that person, and he will always remain safe from that time on
- It is said that the dacoits in Bengal used to worship the goddess Kali for fulfillment of their sinful desires to plunder others' property, but they never went to a Visnu temple because they might have been unsuccessful in praying to Visnu
- It is said there (Brahmanda Purana) that Anasuya, the wife of Rsi Atri, prayed before the Lords Brahma, Visnu and Siva
- It is very difficult to satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but in my case, although I (Dhruva) have satisfied the Supersoul of the whole universe, I have prayed only for useless things
- Krsna is very strict. But the devotees are very lenient. Krsna doesn't want to speak even with demons. But the devotees are so kind, they go to the demons and pray, Kindly hear. Kindly hear about Krsna
- Krsna said, "They are praying for further advancement in spiritual life through Your personal association. Generally, living entities in the mode of darkness obtain the bodies of trees"
- Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami was not actually a direct disciple of Srila Rupa Gosvami, but he followed the instructions given by Rupa Gosvami in the BRS. He therefore acted according to the directions of Rupa Gosvami & prayed in every chapter for his mercy
- Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu teaches us to pray in this way (CC Antya 20.32, Siksastaka 5): ayi nanda-tanuja kinkaram, patitam mam visame bhavambudhau, krpaya tava pada-pankaja-sthita-dhuli-sadrsam vicintaya
- Lord Jesus Christ, he also prayed for the sinful persons. So this is very good. If we struggle hard to push this movement, then, even we, you don't get any follower, Krsna will be satisfied
- Lord Krsna is very fond of tulasi leaves and buds. Because tulasi buds are usually offered up to the lotus feet of Krsna, a devotee once prayed to the tulasi buds to give him some information about the lotus feet of the Lord
- Lord Siva is praying again and again for the purification of body, mind and activities through the purification of knowledge and action under the pure directions of the Vedas
- Lord Siva prays that his auspicious position continue eternally by virtue of the Lord's mercy upon him. The Supreme Lord is all-perfect, and the Lord instructs that one who worships Him also becomes perfect
- Lord Siva prays to be engaged both in mind and in action in the devotional service of the Supreme Lord according to the direction of the Vedas. This is the process for purifying false egotism. Cetah means "knowledge
- Lord Siva prays to Lord Aniruddha as the sun-god, who is the controlling deity of the external material elements which constitute the construction of the material body
- Lord Siva prays to the controller of the mind, Lord Aniruddha, to be pleased to help him engage his mind on the lotus feet of the Lord. It is stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.34): man-mana bhava mad-bhakto mad-yaji mam namaskuru
- Maharaja Pariksit was certainly going back to Godhead, but even if he were not to go back, he prayed for a pattern of life which is the most perfect way in the material world
- Maharaja Yudhisthira, whose enemy was never born, performed his daily morning duties by praying, offering fire sacrifice to the sun-god, and offering obeisances, grains, cows, land and gold to the brahmanas
- My father also trained me and instructed me to his best capacity, and he prayed for me that Radharani may be pleased upon me, and I think by my father's blessings and grace, I may have come to this position
- O King, we wish all good fortune for you. You have no son, but if you pray at once to the SL and ask for a son, and if you execute the sacrifice for that purpose, the enjoyer of the sacrifice, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, will fulfill your desire
- O mother earth, you were raised by the Supreme Personality of Godhead in the form of a boar because of your desiring to have a place to stay. I pray that you kindly vanquish all the reactions of my sinful life. I offer my respectful obeisances unto you
- Of these five (the cows, brahmanas, women, children and old men), the brahmanas and cows are especially mentioned in this verse (SB 3.16.10) because the Lord is always anxious about the benefit of the brahmanas and the cows
- Often when a man is distressed, he will go to church and pray, "Oh my Lord, I am in difficulty. Please help me." Although he is praying for some material necessity, such a man is still to be considered pious because he has come to God in his distress
- One cannot achieve the mercy of the goddess of fortune unless one prays both to her and to the supreme enjoyer, the Personality of Godhead
- Oppressed by the weight of your full-grown breasts, your waist becomes fatigued, and your clear vision grows dull, as it were. Pray braid your comely hair
- Ordinary people pray to goddess Durga for material wealth, fame, profit, strength and so on
- People are generally inclined to execute religious principles to make economic development. Just like in your Christian religion they go to church and pray, "Oh God, give us our daily bread." That is mainly economic development
- People generally pray for material benefits: "O God, give us our daily bread. Give me nice position. Give me nice wife, nice following or this or victory," so on, so on, so on, simply for material enjoyment
- People generally pray to be promoted to the heavenly planets because they have no information of Vaikunthaloka
- Persons who go to the demigods and pray for advancement in sinful activities are considered to be bereft of all intelligence
- Praying at the lotus feet of Sri Rupa and Sri Raghunatha, always desiring their mercy, I, Krsnadasa, narrate Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, following in their footsteps - Adi-lila
- Praying at the lotus feet of Sri Rupa and Sri Raghunatha, always desiring their mercy, I, Krsnadasa, narrate Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, following in their footsteps - Antya-lila
- Praying at the lotus feet of Sri Rupa and Sri Raghunatha, always desiring their mercy, I, Krsnadasa, narrate Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, following in their footsteps - Madhya-lila
- Praying to the demigods to achieve the favor of Krsna is not irregular, and Rukmini was fully absorbed in thoughts of Krsna
- Prthu prayed, "If I have no chance for this honey of transcendental bliss, then I shall never ask for liberation or this so-called spiritual emancipation"
- Ravana was a great devotee of Lord Siva and was praying to Lord Siva, "Please come save me from this danger." But Lord Siva did not come
- Rukmini desired to have Krsna for her husband and therefore prayed that the deity (Durga) be pleased with her and bless her with that benediction. Since she desired only Krsna, her worship of the demigods is not condemned
- Saints are very rarely seen in the houses of householders, and Maharaja Pariksit prayed to him (Sukadeva) to instruct him as soon as possible. The householders also should be intelligent enough to get some transcendental information from visiting sages
- She (Devahuti) reminded him (Kardama Muni) that for a chaste woman to have a child by a great personality is most glorious. She wanted to be pregnant, and she prayed for that
- Since Siva, or Rudra, is himself the controller of egotism, he indirectly wants to be purified by the mercy of the Lord so that his real egotism can be awakened. Of course, Rudra is always spiritually awake, but for our benefit he is praying in this way
- Since the predominating deity of the sun is an expansion of Lord Aniruddha, Lord Siva also prays to the sun-god in this verse - SB 4.24.36
- Skanda Purana said, "Tulasi is auspicious in all respects. Simply by seeing, simply by touching, simply by remembering, simply by praying to, simply by bowing before, simply by hearing about or simply by sowing this tree, there is always auspiciousness"
- So we should pray to Bhaktivinoda Thakura that - We are your grandchildren, great-grandchildren, so we have got some right to beg some mercy from you
- Some of the gopis who prayed to become wives of the Lord returned to their respective positions after their desire was fulfilled
- Sri Isopanisad points toward this direction, praying for the removal of the hiranmaya-patra, the dazzling covering of the Lord
- Srila Bilvamangala Thakura prayed in his Krsna-karnamrta: "My dear Lord, if I have unflinching devotion to You, You become manifest before me personally
- Srila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami offers his respectful obeisances to Srimati Radharani, taking a straw in his mouth. Indeed, he prays - O Gandharvika, Srimati Radharani, just as Lord Krsna never rejects a surrendered soul, please don't reject me
- Sukadeva prays for the mercy of the Lord, not only for being helped personally in presenting the truth, but also for helping others to whom he would like to speak
- The bhakti-yoga process is practiced by the devotees in different methods like hearing, chanting, remembering, serving the lotus feet of the Lord, worshiping, praying, rendering service in love, becoming friendly, and offering all that one may possess
- The child prays that it is better to remain within the womb of darkness and be constantly absorbed in Krsna consciousness than to get out and again fall a victim to the illusory energy
- The demigod of the moon is he who divides time, and he is the king of all the residents of the universe. We therefore pray that he may remain our king and guide, and we offer him our respectful obeisances
- The demigods indirectly prayed that Lord Siva counteract the kalakuta poison, which was spreading throughout the universe
- The demigods prayed to Brahma: Please look upon us mercifully, for we have fallen into a miserable condition; because of the darkness, all our work has been suspended
- The demigods prayed: O Lord, You never deviate from Your vow, which is always perfect because whatever You decide is perfectly correct and cannot be stopped by anyone - SB 10.2.26
- The doormen said: It is quite apt that you have punished us for neglecting to respect sages like you. But we pray that due to your compassion at our repentance, the illusion of forgetting the SPG will not come upon us as we go progressively downward
- The elderly brahmana prayed, "My dear Lord Gopala, I have taken shelter of Your lotus feet, and therefore I request You to please protect my religious principles from disturbance and at the same time save my kinsmen from dying"
- The gopis had prayed to the goddess Katyayani to have Krsna as their husband. Now Krsna was fulfilling their desire by expanding Himself in as many forms as there were gopis and enjoying them exactly like a husband
- The Gosvamins are praying, in their mature stage, when they were living at Vrndavana, they were praying in this way: Where, Radharani, where You are? Where are Your associates? Where You are, Nanda-suno, the son of Nanda Maharaja, Krsna?
- The great sage Maitreya continued: My dear Vidura, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the protector of surrendered souls, being thus addressed by the Pracetas and worshiped by them, replied, "May whatever you have prayed for be fulfilled"
- The great sage Maitreya said: While the citizens were thus praying to the most powerful King Prthu, the four Kumaras, who were as bright as the sun, arrived on the spot
- The human soul further prays: The living entity is put under the influence of material nature and continues a hard struggle for existence on the path of repeated birth and death
- The personified Vedas continued to pray, "Because You are the ultimate controller of creation, maintenance and dissolution. You are the controller of the three worlds, Bhuh, Bhuvah and Svah; You are the controller of the fourteen upper and lower worlds"
- The personified Vedas continued to pray, "Thus Krsna consciousness becomes fixed in the heart of a devotee"
- The personified Vedas continued to pray, "Thus they (Intelligent persons) are immediately freed from the contamination of the material qualities; they do not have to undergo severe penances and austerities for advancement in spiritual life"
- The Siddhas prayed: Like an elephant that has suffered in a forest fire but can forget all its troubles by entering a river, our minds, O Lord, always merge in the nectarean river of Your transcendental pastimes
- The wives of the demigods, regretting the absence of their husbands, began to pray for the appearance of Lord Buddha, the ninth incarnation of Krsna in the age of Kali
- Their (the gopis) simple presentation was so pure that Lord Krsna immediately became pleased with them. All the unmarried gopis who prayed to Katyayani to have Krsna as their husband were thus satisfied
- There are instances of foolish penance undertaken by demons like Hiranyakasipu, who performed austere penances to become immortal and kill the demigods. He prayed to Brahma for such things, but ultimately he was killed by the SP of Godhead. BG 1972 pur
- There are nine processes of devotional service - hearing, chanting, remembering, serving, worshiping the Deity in the temple, praying, carrying out orders - and one should always keep engaged in at least one of these nine processes
- There are nine processes of devotional service recommended - hearing, chanting, remembering, worshiping, praying, serving, engaging as a servitor of the Lord, establishing friendly relations with the Lord, offering everything to the Lord
- There are the material world and the spiritual world. The sages pray: "Both worlds are bewildered by Your different energies
- They had no knowledge of the Lord's reality, and they cried, "May victory attend You! Pray dispatch him. Play no more with him"
- They prayed: O creator of the universe, we are glad; what you have produced is well done. Since ritualistic acts have now been established soundly in this human form, we shall all share the sacrificial oblations
- This is the sum total meaning of this Hare Krsna mantra. Simply praying, "Please engage me," that is real profit. Not that, "Please give me, instead of hundred dollars, give me thousand dollars." No. This is not pure devotion
- This method (bhakti-yoga) includes nine items: hearing, chanting, remembering, serving, worshiping the Deity, praying, carrying out orders, serving Krsna as friend and sacrificing everything for Him
- Thus having prayed, he became silent, as if tired from his activities of penance, knowledge and mental concentration
- We pray in that kesava dhrta-buddha-sarira. The meaning is that He appeared as Lord Buddha, being compassionate on the animals, who were being tortured by the human being
- When all the higher and lower planets became too hot to live on, the demigods, being disturbed, left their abodes in the higher planets and went to see Lord Brahma, praying to him that he curtail this unnecessary heat
- When I prayed to the Lord for permission, a garland from His neck immediately slipped down
- When Krsna was on the lap of His mother, the demon Putana appeared before His mother and prayed to nurture the child in her lap. Mother Yasoda agreed, and the child was transferred onto the lap of Putana, who was in the garb of a respectable lady
- When Sunahsepha was brought into the sacrificial arena, he prayed to the demigods for release and was released by their mercy
- When the Yamuna was threatened like this, she became greatly afraid of the power of Balarama and immediately came in person, falling at His lotus feet and praying
- Whenever a devotee worships Lord Siva, he prays to Lord Siva to achieve the favor of Krsna, and he does not request material profit. In Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.20) it is said that generally people worship demigods for some material profit
- While Dhruva Maharaja was absent from his home, not only did he undergo severe austerities in the forest of Madhuvana, but at home also his mother (Queen Suniti) prayed to the Supreme Lord for his safety and good fortune
- While He was passing in the northern direction all the celestial denizens known as Caranas & Gandharvas, as well as the munis & the damsels of the heavenly planets, prayed & offered Him all respects. The ocean offered Him oblations & a place of residence
- While He was passing in the northern direction, all the celestial denizens known as Caranas and Gandharvas, as well as the munis and the damsels of the heavenly planets, prayed and offered Him all respects
- While Rukmini was praying, she presented a variety of items before the deity (Durga), chief of which were water, different kinds of flames, incense, garments, garlands and various foods prepared with ghee, such as puris and kachoris
- With tears in his (Hiranyakasipu's) eyes, his whole body shivering, he began praying in a humble mood, with folded hands and a faltering voice, to satisfy Lord Brahma
- Without any training there is a natural attraction due to the sex impulse. This is a material example, but the devotee is praying that he may develop a similar spontaneous attachment for the Supreme Lord
- Yamuna prayed "I forgot Your (Balarama) glorious, exalted position, but now I have come to my senses, and I remember that You hold all the planetary systems on Your head merely by Your partial expansion Sesa. You are the sustainer of the whole universe"
- Yamuna prayed, "My dear Balarama, You are the most powerful personality, and You are pleasing to everyone"
- Yamuna prayed, "My dear Lord (Balarama), please know that I am a soul surrendered unto You, who are very affectionate to Your devotees. Therefore please excuse my impudence and mistakes, and, by Your causeless mercy, may You now release me"
- You must be loitering in this forest to shoot those arrows at someone, but I cannot understand whom. My intelligence is dull, & I cannot combat you. Indeed, no one can equal you in prowess, & therefore I pray that your prowess will be for my good fortune