Category:Questions On... Scripture, Mantras
Pages in category "Questions On... Scripture, Mantras"
The following 255 pages are in this category, out of 255 total.
- About the creation. I have read it from Bible too, about Adam and Eve. Do you think that it's true?
- According to Krsna consciousness philosophy, the first living being was Brahma, and in the Christian Bible it says Adam was the first man. So he wants to know if in Krsna consciousness scriptures there is any mention of Adam
- According to the Aquarian Gospel, Christ was in Jagannatha Puri?
- According to the Bhagavatam, the sun is also 93,000,000 miles away from the earth?
- All the Vedic literatures? Why would they be written down?
- Although, Srila Prabhupada, it's somewhat easy for us to convince that Srimad-Bhagavatam is the summary study of all the Vedic literatures, how can we take that Bhagavad-gita is the summary study?
- And also this Ujjvala-nilamani?
- And the purpose of sastra is to direct this minute independence so that it is not misused?
- And there are particular scriptural verses that speak about this (sraddha, faith)?
- And they told me also that this morning you had some brahminical initiation to the... Gayatri... How many people?
- And this (Gayatri) mantra. What's the purpose?
- And when you translate the texts that you use, they come from Caitanya?
- Another thing that's stated in the Bible, in the Christians' philosophy, they say that God created man out of His own image. It's stated in the Bible. So therefore man has a form, why not God? Because it's stated there in the Bible
- Are there any other prophecies in the Bhavisya Maha-Purana or in any other scriptures telling more accurately Jesus Christ's birthday?
- Are there any other Vedic scriptures that you believe speak to a situation that is greatly misunderstood today besides this?
- Are there many songs in there?
- Are we to believe in that by chanting the holy name of Krsna that we can attain a higher conscious level on this earth and attain self-realization without going through all the rigors of the old Vedas, scriptures?
- Are you there referring to references from the scriptures (that is explained very elaborately in the Bhagavad-gita: na jayate na mriyate va kadacin na hanyate hanyamane sarire)?
- Asato ma sama grad? You said, Prabhupada?
- At the beginning one, the word, and this word was God and this word was with God. So what is this word?
- Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu was written here, in this place?
- But how does this differ from the Hebrew scriptures? Hebrews also say the same thing, you know, that you have fallen down from the heaven and go back...?
- But Mahabharata describes all the continents even way before that, doesn't it (...the Vikings first discovered America, they said... From Scandanavia came, before Columbus)?
- But the world will never all become Krsna conscious, will they? There will always be different scriptures
- By this (there are degrees of light), you mean that those who adopt the teachings coming from the Koran or from the Bible is lesser light than from the Gita?
- By understanding this mantra, Hare Krsna, if you do not know any scriptures, you do not know srutis, mantras, anything, then has any effect at all?
- Can we find it (truth) only in the scriptures, in following all the regulative principles we're following day after day, or can we find also that truth by following our own path, by keeping our own freedom to do whatever we like?
- Concerning your questions about tantric sastras
- Could you tell me about the Hare Krsna mantra because it's so important to Krsna consciousness
- Did some time lapse between Vyasa's conception of the Srimad-Bhagavatam and the actual writing down of the Srimad-Bhagavatam. Was it passed orally, or was written down by Vyasa Krsna himself?
- Different Puranas have different Gitas, Prabhupada?
- Do you accept the supremacy of the Vedas, veda-pramanam?
- Do you believe in the Holy Bible?
- Do you find that in the translation from the thoughts and the Sanskrit to the English words, then from the English words to the mass of the people's heads, do you find that there is much loss?
- Do you have an opinion on the Hebrew scripture, the Kabbalah?
- Do you have plans, Srila Prabhupada, to comment on Ramayama in future?
- Do you have this, the Tenth Canto of the Bhagavatam?
- Do you recite this also, Caitanya-caritamrta?
- Do you teach Gayatri mantra to your disciples also?
- Do you think that the Hare Krsna chant could serve as an intermediary to link the religious tendencies of, both of Christianity and Muslim religions?
- Do you use Gayatri mantra also?
- Do you use the Judeo-Christian scriptures at all in your work?
- Does belief in any scripture whatsoever, such as the Bible or Koran...? Does belief in any scripture lead to salvation?
- Does he (Lord Brahma) become a pure devotee? Otherwise how he can see Krsna and reveal Brahma-samhita? Also he's the head of our disciplic succession. How can he be the head of our disciplic succession if he's not a pure devotee?
- Does karma-yoga mean to follow exactly the sastras?
- Does that (there is smaller particles than the atom) mean the electrons?
- Don't you think it's against the dharma-sastra (we are creating brahmanas in the western countries)?... Tell me why?
- Hare Krsna means what? "Brahman, please remove from me the... " Isn't it?
- Have any of your Godbrothers translated anything?
- Have you translated also the Bhakti-rasamta-sindhu?... All of it...? Or...
- Here it mentions Brahman, and as I understood omkara... My question is whether omkara is a representation...?
- How are the references made?
- How can the Vedas be considered eternal since they contain many historical references?
- How do we know which one of the meanings is used in this verse?
- How do you think about somebody in last few days defeated the existence of Mahabharata itself?
- How far the study of the scriptures helps us in being Krsna conscious?
- How is that they say that in some of the mantras they are cakras and all that?
- How many volumes is this one (Caitanya-caritamrta), when it's complete?
- How old are the oldest of the Vedic scriptures?
- How the Vedas can be 3,000 B. C. in age?
- I didn't understand that about one book?
- I don't think there's just one mantra, sir. I feel that the entire mantra would be Om. And so Hare Krsna Rama would be just one part of Om. Now, isn't that true?
- I have thought of doing Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati's Brahma-samhita. Do you think we could serialize it maybe in three or four Back to Godheads? Or could we print it ourselves in a little pamphlet? Or which do you think would be better?
- I noticed that someone in the temple was reading a book, The Divine Name. Is it all right to read it?
- I request, Swamiji, on what basis we can say that it is a different meaning or distorted meaning and not the meaning which the Gita says (but you understand in different way. That is difficulty. You create your own meaning)?
- I see. Then how to understand it (the difficulty is you do not understand even a line of Bhagavad-gita. Still, you say that you are student of Bhagavad-gita. This is difficulty)?
- I thought you quoted Christianity. But as far as the Christian faith is concerned, don't they quote their scriptures?
- I was going to ask you, Prabhupada, is that the moon planet that we see, is that the same moon planet that's mentioned in the sastras? The same planet?
- I'm not very familiar with the Hindu scriptures, but I have read some Upanisads, and there's the idea that somehow atman is Brahman? I don't understand that at all, so perhaps you could say something about that?
- If Hare Krsna is such a strong, powerful mantra, is there any reason to chant anything else?
- If LSD is a material attachment, then is not the sound, sabda, also a material attachment?
- If President Nixon had written a commentary on the Bible, no one in America would accept it. Then why should they accept Radhakrishnan's?
- If someone who does not believe in scriptures, um, what is his duty, and...?
- If the Bhagavad-gita is in the Mahabharata - that's itihasa - how did it get the name Upanisad, Gitopanisad?
- If the mantra itself has such power, does it matter where you receive it, where you take it?
- If the Vedic scriptures were written about five thousand years ago then how is it just only five hundred years ago somebody came to impart what was written five thousand years ago?
- If we have to read the literatures and experience these truths, it is not necessarily truth as such, but maybe the condition that we have been rendered to by listening?
- If you don't pronounce the Sanskrit prayers that are in the Srimad-Bhagavatam. Would there be any effect if they're not pronounced properly?
- In one of the purports in Bhagavatam you mention that first comes humility, then nonviolence and then tolerance... Is it also mentioned that in other places in our sastra?
- In other words, there's no set principle that only the works which you have already translated can be published by the BBT. If there is some worthy translation of a bona fide Vedic reference, if it's properly done, the BBT could publish it?
- In the Bhagavata Purana is there also provision for the Caitanya cult?
- In the glorifications of Rg Veda, (indistinct) example of glorifications of Krsna there?
- In the Upanisads, as you know, there are many cases in which the brahmanas had to go to the ksatriyas for knowledge. You remember?
- In the Vedas the maha-mantra is repeated Hare Rama, Hare Krsna. What is the significance of changing the order?
- In their evidences by which they base their dialectic discussions, have they regarded the Vedic scriptures?
- In this maha-mantra that you publicize, Hare Krsna, it is Krsna that is emphasized. (indistinct) emphasis His Bhagavata and other things are popularized. Is it corresponding...?
- Is he receiving a good interpretation from his disciplic succession or his bishop? Because there seems to be some kind of a discrepancy in the interpretation of the Bible. There's many different sects
- Is interpretation necessary or not?
- Is it (Bhagavad-gita) that simple and clear for everybody (if they do not know this is a tape recorder. What is interpreting? Everyone knows that this is a tape recorder. So what is interpretation? Interpretation required when you do not understand)?
- Is it like in mathematics, in chemistry, like they call formulas (the sutras)?
- Is it more beneficial for people to hear the Panca-tattva mantra than the Hare Krsna maha-mantra?
- Is it necessary from time to time to change the smrtis?
- Is it possible to find an American mantra?
- Is it to be taken, the references say to Putana, is this to be taken... physically or spiritually as a demonic power or what?... Where, is it the demoness Putana takes Krsna and Krsna sucks her breast?... Should it be taken literally or allegorically?
- Is it true that the Sri Krsna Caitanya mantra is more powerful than the maha-mantra?
- Is smrti more than just rules of conduct?
- Is there any other bhasya other than Baladeva-bhasya?
- Is there any reason why you teach your followers the Bhagavad-gita rather than the Bible?
- Is there anything in the Vedic literature which supports Darwin's theory?
- Is there some verse in the Bhagavatam which states that the Bhagavatam reciter must be a very qualified person?
- Isn't it really a matter for the devotee, that one person may find Hare Krsna is more beneficial to his spiritual progress, and yet somebody else, some other mantra may be more beneficial? Isn't it like just a matter of taste? Like judging a flower
- Isn't Om the total expression sound of nature?
- Isn't the sound, though, as good as the explanation (have the sound only. (Laughs) The explanation... I shall give you little explanation)?
- It (Genesis) says the earth is square?
- It is prohibited to consume, consume flesh, meat. It's because there is soul in the body and if we kill it, therefore we are doing a sin. I think it's because that we can't consume meat according to the Vedic literature. But what about plants, Swamiji?
- It is said that the soul glows with a light brighter than a thousand suns. In the Vedas. Yes?
- It says in the Bhagavad-gita that the om sound, omkara, is a representation of Krsna. Is it different from the Hare Krsna mantra?
- Maharaja, it is indicated in Ramayana that God is coming to this world as kali-avatara. It is correct? What is the indication of His coming?
- Many translations of the Bhagavad-gita and the Upanisads that professors or students have read are all impersonal. What is the best way to convince them that the Mayavada philosophy, or monism, is not the original Hindu tradition of understanding?
- Nistraigunya, traigunya-visaya veda nistraigunyo bhavarjuna. If there is a contradiction between the principles taught by Vedas and taught by Gita?
- Now, we've had two readings from your scriptures. Where did these scriptures comes from? Can you explain that briefly?
- Number of religious meetings, they start off with the Gayatri mantra three times, and at the end of the meeting they have a santipat. Now is there any real necessity for a religious meeting to start off with the Gayatri mantra and end with santipat?
- One of the first questions I want to put: Visnu Purana, it's very similar and very coincidental to the Srimad-Bhagavatam?
- Otherwise, om is only given to sannyasis (if you keep Krsna, that "This pranava is the sound representation of Krsna," then it is all right. If you think it is separately powerful than Krsna, that is nama-aparadha)?
- Prabhupada, I have heard from different sources that there is a vibration that is going on in the universe at all times. When they refer to this vibration, are they referring to the om, the sacred om vibration?
- Prabhupada, in this Vedic verse, tat tvam asi, is this where the Mayavadis, have begin their impersonal philosophy, "Thou art that," or...?
- Prabhupada, was the appearance of Lord Nrsimha-deva predicted in the sastras, in the Vedas, or does the Lord appear any time His devotees are in dire need for His protection?
- Pradyumna told me that it's available in Bengali (Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada's surya-siddhanta), Srila Prabhupada?
- Presently you do not receive information directly from Krsna. It comes through the succession from the books?
- Regarding Omkar
- Regarding your first question to explain the statement of Sri Isopanisad that "even though so many complete units emanate from Him, He remains the complete balance"
- Regarding your philosophical question, if the Bhagavad gita is part of Mahabharata which is considered smrti, how can we claim Bhagavad gita to be GITOPANISAD, or one of the Upanisads which are sruti?
- Regarding your question about Mantra 12 of Isopanisad...
- Regarding your question about the other mantras you have been given...
- Regarding your question about the verse in the prayers to the Spiritual Master...
- Sabda-brahman... One of the sources of knowledge or the only one?
- She says that God is known as antaryami, the witness in the heart. Does that mean that we can have a direct experience of God without going through the scriptures?
- She wants to know if it's the same thing to chant om or to chant "I am, I am"
- Since Krsna is the power that gives the demigods the ability to render everything, then why is it recommended in the Nectar of Devotion that a Vaisnava should worship Ganapati?
- Sir, may I know the meaning of the divine name Hare Krsna and Hare Rama? The real meaning of the divine name Hare Krsna, Hare Rama?
- Smrti cannot be changed?
- So do you want to quote this verse?
- So it's the complete text (the summary study of Srila Rupa Gosvami's Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu)?
- So the translation of it (sad gamaya)?
- So these scriptures have been in existence since we have, is what you're saying. What about other scriptures, other religions have got their scriptures. Do you believe, do you accept them?
- So what is the exact meaning of that verse, sraddha-sabde?
- Some people offer the reason that according to the Ramayana we follow Rama and Sita as God. Can you just inform us the real or tell us who is our, the most of our...
- Sometimes I forget, I cannot remember the scriptures, so what would be the best clue to always defeat them (the impersonalists)?
- Srila Prabhupada, how should they set out to prove it, though? We've proved it by giving scriptural evidence. But how should a scientist do it?
- Srila Prabhupada, I once was distributing some of your literature to a library, and the librarian said, "If these are five thousand years old, where is the proof of this? Do we have the copies that were written down five thousand years ago?"
- Srila Prabhupada, I remember once I heard a tape where you told us that we should not try to read the books of previous acaryas
- Srila Prabhupada, I want to make sure the meaning of Tad apy aphalatam jatam. Tesam atmabhimaninam. Jata means the species?
- Srila Prabhupada, in Nectar of Devotion you explain that there are three classes of devotees. And you say that the third-class devotee, he has belief but he cannot explain or give any support. This is like Christian...?
- Srila Prabhupada, in the Sri Isopanisad it is said that one must learn the process of nescience alongside with the process of self-realization... Pravrtti with nivrtti. How is that?
- Srila Prabhupada, in what sastra is that recipe given for gold?
- Srila Prabhupada, is the Bible..., we accept that as scripture, but is it all correct, or has it been mistranslated or...?
- Srila Prabhupada, we have any specific reference for acintya in the Vedic reference?
- Srila Prabhupada, when it is cited in the scriptures that Lord Brahma rides on a swan, a hamsa, is this, are we to take this to mean it is a real swan, or is it something symbolic?
- Srila Prabhupada, when we are preaching to Christian people or to Muslim people, is there advantage in being familiar with their scriptures or simply Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam?
- Srila Prabhupada, would you like to do the next verse?
- Swami, what is om?
- Swamiji, do you think that Bible, about the Adam, Adam is Brahma? It has been copied from the Indian philosophy to put it there in different name?
- Swamiji, does this chanting of mantra brings purity or following of your four instructions or regulations which you have told, or both?
- Swamiji, Janardana told me that from Vedic sources, you drew some conclusion that there are different universes visible? The stars are different universes?
- Swamiji, one thing I want to know. This sloka, from where you have got it, this sloka, lavanyam kesa-dharanam?
- Talking a lot about in trusting in God. What is the Sanskrit for trust? What word would be used in the sastras
- Tell me that knowledge by which I know everything, according to that..., that boy? In Upanisad?
- That (Genesis) is just some story. Why should we believe it? There's nothing else to believe. Why not believe this Darwin?
- That later-on Ramayana has caused some havoc... That later-on interpretation?
- That means this civilization must have felt the pangs of the modern sciences and then they must have lost it (three books: one is Akasa-patola, one is Kapota-vahi and Khapoda-vahi). No?
- That was found by Lord Caitanya, Prabhupada? The Brahma-samhita?
- The Bhagavad-gita says that Lord Brahma is a conditioned soul. Then how was it possible for him to impart the Vedas to a non-conditioned soul - Narada Muni?
- The example of the king that wanted to enter the heavenly kingdom and was opposed, is this in this book also? And he was opposed by the demigods?
- The final question which was asked by Tosana about the validity of the story of the sparrow and the ocean...
- The first mantra, Hare Krsna mantra, that's for, you say, that's to clean the mind of the material contam...?
- The Holy Bible is written by the holy spirit of mankind. Should we believe on the Bible or not?
- The impersonalists improperly emphasize tat tvam asi over the original omkara. I was wondering what are the significance of these two vibrations and what is their relationship to Krsna? What is tat tvam asi?
- The Krsna consciousness, its Vedic literature, they have some of the same books or also holy books for what we call Hindu religions, aren't they?
- The law in the Bible says, "Thou shalt not kill." But the federal law of the United States says you must go into the Army and kill. So which to follow? There is a difference. They both say opposite things
- The literal meaning of sutra is a condensed statement, Prabhupada?
- The more we understand Srimad-Bhagavatam, the more we'll understand the Caitanya-caritamrta?
- The question I have, Prabhupada is that before scientific advancement, many people would listen to, like, scriptural knowledge. But now they listen more to scientists
- The smrtis are based on the srutis?
- The stories of Krsna's pastimes in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, are they found in the Vedas also?
- The Vedas were from time immemorial?
- Then in the Bible, the beginning of it says that God created the heavens and the earth, and yet they say, give the description in Genesis as the way God created the heaven and the earth. Does this not conform with Brahma's work?
- Then that one word as a mantra, is it not... the highest sort of word?
- There's a tendency for someone who hears this verse to think that one should become callous to the sufferings of others
- These Bible and Koran, how did they get here? They were just inventions or what?
- These things, they are also in Manu-samhita?
- They (the Germans) couldn't chant those mantras though, could they? If they tried... Even if they tried, they wouldn't be able to chant the mantras
- They would say, How do you know God said that? Just because it is written in a book, how do you know?
- This (the ten tikas) is published?
- This is also a translation of it (Nectar of Devotion. It is translation from Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu of Rupa Gosvami) or...?
- This mantra we chant for Krsna and Rama both, but this movement glorifies the Krsna's pastimes and not much of Rama
- This verse, Srila Prabhupada, vasudeva sata devam, is also written by him (Sankaracarya)?
- We have other informations other than Srimad-Bhagavatam (I have got evidence, our Vedic literature)?
- Well, if Hare Krsna is the best one, what is the reason why we have to bother to even say anything else other than this one?
- What (other texts than the Gita, Krsna, Caritamrta, and Bhagavatam) do you recommend?
- What about quoting even Vaisnava literature that you haven't translated, like the Caitanya-caritamrta or cantos that you haven't translated?
- What about the statement: jnani tv atmaivam eva tvam?
- What about this Guru Grantha Saheb.(?) The philosophy which Guru Grantha Saheb has, what is that about?
- What about this position of Valmiki or Ramayana?
- What are some of the important shastric references in regard to developing an article on cheating?
- What are you reading? These are the commentaries? And this is the text?
- What are your views about silent meditation on one's, in one's own self, and this japa, gayatri-mantra?
- What chapter is this, Swamiji?
- What does that mean, Swamiji, that new prayer?
- What is Hare Krsna?
- What is the meaning of this mantra, Hare Krsna?
- What is the meaning of Vedanta?
- What is the outcome of continuous practice of the chant "Om?"
- What is the speciality of Vedic injunction compared to Hebrew scriptures?
- What language, master, was your books originally written in?
- What was the first sound, traditionally?
- When in the Bhagavad-gita it says that the maha-mantra cleanses the heart and soul, does that mean that when you just, like automatically say the word, will that cleanse your heart? Or should you try and remember Krsna with every word and every sound?
- When should the Gayatri be said?
- When we print this book (Brahma-samhita), should we distribute it freely? Should we distribute this book to the masses?
- Where do you have these eight commentaries? Are they found in this edition or...?
- Where do you.... You might think this unusual. Where does it come from, though?... What goes into this?
- Where does it (Omkara) have it's place in Krsna consciousness?
- Where does it say that Visnu..., I mean Krsna, is the source of Visnu from the srutis?
- Where in our scriptures is there mention of Lord Jesus Christ as recognized and what is the purport?
- Where is gayatri-mantra? Thread (where is gayatri-mantra sheet?)?
- Where is it (the ten tikas) printed?
- Where is that sloka you were quoting last night from that ending gokala?
- Where is the mention of that ten thousand years?
- Where is this (tandula-vrscika-nyaya), Srila Prabhupada? Is it in...
- Whether it's a secret mantra or an open mantra, it's all the name of God. So it doesn't really make much difference, does it, which one you sing?
- Who has written that? Srila Vyasa
- Who is the author of Mahabharata?
- Who is the speaker of Isopanisad?
- Who questions the Gita and the Upanisads?
- Why did Krsna have all the demigod worship put in the Vedas?... Vyasadeva put all the demigod worship in the Vedas
- Why does Srila Narada Muni condemn Srila Vyasadeva for compiling the Vedic Scriptures?
- Why don't we go back to Vedas, and then we will know the Bhagavad-gita also?
- Why don't you write some purports to that?... To Bhaktisiddhanta's Brahma-samhita?
- Why in the Rg Veda there is not even the name of Krsna?
- Why is it in the Vaivarta Purana, after traveling 8,400,000 species of life, we get this human form of life? Is that contradiction with the desire of the spirit soul?
- Why is Om not figured in your play?
- Why not start an authoritative group of Christians who chant Hare Krsna, who study the Bible and read the Bhagavad-gita?
- Why not? Have I no right to read?
- Why the four Vedas are written in a different type of sanskrit from classical?
- Why the Vedas allow us to eat the meat of goat and other animals?
- Will mantras lose their sanctity if they are not in Sanskrit?
- Will such a stand be acceptable to all sections of Hindus, and if so, how can the new smrtis come into being and who will give them sanction and sanctity?
- Will we know Krsna as well by thinking always how can we spread this Krsna consciousness? ... As much as if you study thoroughly the Vedas?
- Would it help if someone took the Bible and wrote a Vaisnava purport or tried to simplify it so that people could understand it? The language is difficult for the common man now to understand
- Would you accept conclusions from science that..., only if it agreed with the Vedic scriptures?
- You are a cultured man. You're educated... Did you not learn...? Who gave you the talent to translate your Vedic scriptures?... Who gave you the talent, father?
- You have asked about the compiler of Sri Brahma Samhita...
- You have asked for some song translations...
- You seem to be placing a lot of emphasis on books. Are you following any particular path of yoga, niyama-yoga...?
- You want (the verse) about the about the ksatriya or the brahmanas?
- You were saying don't bother, you know, don't bring the scriptures in, use common sense. But what part do the scriptures have in your religion? How important are they?
- Your authority for this statement is based in the Vedic literature?
- Your Divine Grace, there is Mukunda-mala-stotra by Kulasekhara Maharaja. Are there any translations of that in the English and other languages? (indistinct) ...slokas with you (indistinct) Krsna mantra?
- Your knowledge says that millions of years ago there were higher forms of living entities on this planet?