Category:Questions On... God
Pages in category "Questions On... God"
The following 337 pages are in this category, out of 337 total.
- And He (God) comes in bodily form?
- And how to surrender to God, how to do this?
- And if the person rejects that love, does He (God) still love him?
- And we as human beings, are we part of that (God in three aspects) too?
- Another thing that's stated in the Bible, in the Christians' philosophy, they say that God created man out of His own image. It's stated in the Bible. So therefore man has a form, why not God? Because it's stated there in the Bible
- Are not all the poor, and miserable, and the weak, God? Why not worship the living God first?
- Are not also the evil qualities in man existent in God too?
- Are there not enough people chanting to their God or to the one God?
- Are these bad conditions or ailments not part and parcel of God?
- Are you a Bhagavan?
- Are you God?
- Aren't we all the sons of God?
- Aren't we the images of God?
- At that time He acted like a magician, that God. How can He reduce it into writing?
- At the beginning one, the word, and this word was God and this word was with God. So what is this word?
- Because for me, God is merely a word. How can you explain God with a word?
- Before the birth of Lord Krsna, was God existing?
- But can God be defined? We haven't got a definition of God. I challenge you... You cannot. Intellectually, you cannot analyse things
- But can God protect? Even Jesus Christ, he was killed
- But do you think that really God love human beings and...?
- But God can communicate differently?
- But Guruji, giving those who are in need, is not giving to God?
- But I am God, right? I am God. You are God too
- But if man is small and imperfect, how can he execute God's perfect orders for a perfect government?
- But if that energy (God's energy) is perfect, how can it violate?
- But if this energy (the spiritual energy, everything is ever-existing) was never created, then what is the need for a creator?
- But then God in His essence is Atman, Brahman, not Krsna. Is that what you're saying?
- But then who created the creator?
- But they may say "Where did God come from?"
- But to whom did God give the seed (material nature is the mother, and God is the father)?
- But we are so insignificant. Why should God waste His time talking with us?
- But why give names to Him? Why give names to that God?
- But why only the name Krsna?
- But why should He (God) create them (the jivas) in the first instance?
- But why would God want to keep the living entities in darkness?
- But you are me and I am you. We are both God. Right?
- Can anybody create anything with this mystic power, any idol of God or any idol of devotee or anything, and then turn them to..., just a good mission to turn them to God?
- Can I say about my concept of God and philosophy?
- Can the name of God be pronounced, uttered?
- Can we, can you say a bit more of that, just for the tape? You were saying that religion is obeying the supreme controller
- Can you say what is God?
- Christ says that he's the Almighty. What is your opinion?
- Christ's general teaching was that they should not worry for anything because God is supplying to everyone, even the birds and beasts. So why should they (the preachers) worry? Just go out and preach. That was his basic teaching to his twelve apostles
- Could it be, Srila Prabhupada, that this sanction of wine drinking be from God? Could that sanction come from God? Do we think that is possible?
- Do you believe in love of God, and that God is a person? Some people say that God is not a person, and we say God is a person
- Do you believe that God is pleased by your prayer and helps the world because of your prayer?
- Do you believe that Jesus and Buddha and Krsna are manifestations of the same God?
- Do you believe that the soul and God is one as Ramanuja and Sankaracarya says, or as Madhvacarya says...
- Do you mean Krsna is Absolute, and Krsna is everything? Then why does Krsna have a specific form?
- Do you mean the perfectness is to become God or to become the man?
- Do you need to have a name and address and occupation for God?
- Do you say that God has nothing to do? But He has lots of energies, and it is the energy that creates beautiful things? How is the energy ordered?
- Do you think if a person is to be a real believer in God he has to also worship Krsna or speak of Him?
- Do you think that my father is in any way different in his parentage of me from God in His parentage of me?
- Does God need service?
- Does Krsna mean God?
- Does Lord Rama or Lord Caitanya forget?
- Does religion or God, can give you eternal life?
- Doesn't everyone derive strength (from God)?
- Every time I make lot of rats, I'm asking for rat souls. Why then I can do it? When I can, or when I want them to be here, they will be here, not on the will of God
- Everybody knows God, but what's His name and how can we tell that He's God?
- Everyone has to learn from someone. Who has informed God of all knowledge?
- Everything is not God?
- God (no, no, they must have some name of God. "I am" is not the name. That is false conception. -They say it's something very personal.- No. When you ask name, that is personal)?
- God created man?
- God has not created us imperfect?
- God has taken the shape of a Narasimha Swami and then He finishes him by tearing his stomach. And then He takes all the intestines and pushes out. What is the significance and how this is actually, what it is meaning?
- God has to go to burden this one (I will have to preach, bringing men from America and Europe. Nobody is coming here. Everyone is talking big, big) also?
- God is a state of mind?
- God is all-loving?
- God is independent?
- God is not love?
- God is person?
- God seems to depend on human history. God is not transcendental but is manifest in the world... But does the history of man necessarily make any sense? Hegel saw it as progressing, as man, here again is evolution...
- Grace of God (the chance theory is the grace of God)?
- Has God also devised the most perfect government?
- Has God put the suffering here for us to experience so that we will want to give up material lives and get closer to Him? Is it punishment?
- He (God) doesn't get hungry or thirsty?
- He (God) doesn't supply his bread to everybody unless... People die, do they not?
- He (God) knows before creating people, they'll sin. Then why does He create them?
- He holds your hand and gives that hand to God. That is guru. That is what I think. Am I right in a way?
- He is asking if it is possible for them to chant the name God, that in fact is not really a name, by the name Krsna, because according to what you are explaining, God is Krsna. So can they chant the name of Krsna?
- He says no one can hate God, but what about Kamsa and others?
- He says that if God is a person, how can we understand, as there's a common saying that God is and also is not?
- He says, "It is not so much that God is in everything but rather that everything is in God."... What is this position?... Why should it be more one way than the other?
- He's (God) not omniscient?
- How can God be controlled by His own energy, illusory energy?
- How can God be localized?
- How can he be supreme if he can fall down?
- How can one understand God's love?
- How can there be any truth separate from the Lord?
- How can this practically be applied to American society, this idea of trusting God? How would things change?
- How can we understand the difference between personality and individuality? And if God expands Himself in everything, then He must be inside all of His creation?
- How can you trust God if you don't know anything about Him? First you have to know something about God before you can trust Him.
- How could God, who is perfect, be lonely?
- How could Visnu appear from the nostril of Brahma?
- How could you reconcile these two: He is formless, and He has form. He has form and yet infinite?
- How do we know when God is pleased?
- How do you feel God inside you?
- How do you know if you have satisfied God?
- How do you know that "Krsna" is a name of God?
- How do you know that a name (of God) is approved?
- How does it matter what people call Krsna, whether they call Bhagavan or Visnu or what, Krsna? If it is just only one God. We are talking removing Krsna from Gita but putting Bhagavan there instead of Krsna. How does it matter?
- How does one distinguish between what is a false God...?
- How is a human being going to continue in this world if it has to exist, and if the initiative is not left to the human being, as you say that God is there and God has to be accepted?
- How we can satisfy God?
- I am son of God. And what about Krsna? He says...
- I asked earlier about the nature of atman, now the nature of Brahman?
- I asked him the purpose of God of creating men, and if He is all love, He is all, nothing happens without His will, what is His purpose in creating men, and then these men, which he created, and claimed to be beloved by Him, suffers?
- I believe that Krsna is the Supreme God, so don't get me wrong, but since you mentioned Christ, was he an incarnation of Krsna? Was Jesus Christ sent here by Krsna from...
- I believe that there's God in everybody, but why are some people so evil?
- I don't understand exactly how Krsna consciousness is different than the other religions. Like in Christianity, Judaism and Moslem they have the idea that a person can pray and sometimes chant, communicate with God, understand His way
- I guess if you have the idea of prapatti, of surrender... this is a way to God directly?
- I have always been taught since I was a little kid to love God and then I will love everything. Is God Krsna?
- I only say is it not possible for things to be dedicated to God without actually being placed on the altar in that way?
- I should now request you, Your Divine Grace, if God wills everything?
- I understand that our souls are also part of God, as a drop of water is part of that ocean. How... Is there any knowledge or information of how we incurred this first separation from God?
- I would like to put a question about the relation between Krsna, as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and Paramatma and Brahman. Which is the relation between these concepts?
- I've read some of the Upanisads where they say that atman is Brahman?
- If a man does not understand God in this lifetime, is he still accepted by God?
- If all the land belongs to God, then who decides who will distribute it to the people?
- If Christ was the son of God, the good son, how is that he didn't, he never mentioned Krsna by name? Sometimes they criticize us like that: "Why is there no mention of Krsna in the Christian Bible?"
- If every moment we are killing in breathing and walking and doing so many things, and then it says, "Thou shalt not kill," so then hasn't God given us an instruction which is impossible?
- If God Himself comes to teach to someone in this world, and if he has learned from God directly and he is satisfied that he has learned, can he, a few minutes afterwards, forget and depart in a very ridiculous way from what God has taught him?
- If God is a person with eyes, legs, He stays in one place?
- If God is all-good, why does He permit so many wars to go on?
- If God is everything, then why don't you, not loving one by one? Why...(if you love God, then you can love everybody. Because God is everything)?
- If God is everywhere, why His presence not felt by everybody?
- If God is known by many different names, though, is it not possible, then, to know God then in many different ways, in many different traditions?
- If God is meant to be propitiated, then why is it that we have so many things for our enjoyment? You say that everything is for God's enjoyment.
- If God is not an idea but He's substance, how do you mean that, substance? How do you define substance?
- If God is perfect, why didn't He make us perfect?
- If God is so powerful, why does He let me fall. Why doesn't He save me, save me from my own foolishness. Why doesn't He...?
- If God is to uplift the soul of all the persons, all the livings, why there is a chaotic situation?
- If He is giving us intelligence, why doesn't He give us enough intelligence so that we could be God conscious?
- If man be part and parcel of God, how do you explain the evil deeds of man?
- If one has to obey the state and go to war, how is that the same as obeying God?
- If our first concern should be to serve God, or Krsna, then why should there be a movement
- If Prahlada Maharaja is such a great devotee, and a devotee will always say, "Nothing is mine," then why does he say, "O my God"? Why does God become his?
- If the name of God is not material, how is it possible to pronounce it materially, with our material tongue?
- If the soul is inside me, then should I be able to feel God inside me?
- If there is God, how can there be suffering and disease
- If there is no God, then it doesn't matter what I do. But there is God, and He knows what I am going to do at every moment, then it doesn't matter what I do either. He knows what I am going to do, so what does it matter? I can do anything
- If there's another way to go to God. If there is another way?
- If we be the parcels of God, then what about prarabdha? We are suffering from pain and pleasure...
- If we glorify God every day, all the time, then is God going to give us something back, something in return for our service?
- If we see a phenomenon like the rain falling or anything, and we want to apply the test that will prove that God is the cause of that phenomenon, what test do we apply?
- If you follow the essence of any religion, is that the law of God?
- If you have love for God, why you are coming to church?
- If you're identifying love, however, with the sabda Krsna, what of those people who identify love with the sabda Allah?
- In other words, Krsna is the voice of your God then?
- In our Christian faith the love of God is joined with the love for man. Are you also interested with this love for man, for our rivals?
- In the Gita it is said that God helps those who help themselves. Now, how do we determine what we should...?
- In the Vaikunthas, surrounding Narayana is Vasudeva, Sankarsana, Pradyumna and Aniruddha?
- In what respect do you consider yourself different from God?
- In what way is God concerned with the moral or immoral actions of man? Is God indifferent to them, or has He simply set the laws of nature in motion and allowed men to follow their own course and reap the fruit of their own karma?
- Is God perfect?
- Is God the one energy you speak of?
- Is He (God) a person?
- Is He coming again (he has got many names. Still, He acts to teach us. That is explained in the Bhagavad-gita. He's so kind, but as soon as He comes to teach us, we take Him as ordinary man)?
- Is it by prayer to God that you help the world?
- Is it necessary that God should be worshiped in particular form only?
- Is Ksirodakasayi Visnu present in non-living entities, like rocks, matter?
- Is not Krsna a God of compassion?
- Is not Rama a God?
- Is that ("...we are one with God, but so far the power and position is concerned, He is too big, the great. We are subordinate. This is our position. That is the right conclusion") really the right conclusion?
- Is that the same psychology that they, they only know of material body, so when they think of God, they think that God has material body also?
- Is that the significance, then, of the festival, to remind people of God?
- Is the fact that America is now the dominant nation also God's will?
- Is the God of love, does He punish man?
- Is the sun to be considered a representation of God?
- Is there a spirit opposed to the divine spirit?
- Is there any philosophy, doctrine, creed, or, for that matter, ritual that can bring God down to the point of a human thought?
- Is there anything on earth that is God?
- Is this example proper, that a son is being well taken care of by the father, but sometimes he's thinking, "I can enjoy more some other way" (Krsna says, You give up all these nonsense plans. Come to Me)?
- Is this God's plan or our plan?
- Is... This picture of Sri Visnu, it's the person who you worship or...?
- Isn't Brahman the source of the light?
- Isn't there also this other one (eternity), when, for instance, Christ says, "I am before Abraham was," this "I am." There is one kind of eternity which has nothing to do with past and future at all, which is beyond past and future?
- Isvara is different from Brahman?
- It becomes a belief rather than a logic now, then, for when we think about the God. You were saying everybody has father, so why God, in exception, He hasn't got a father?
- It is just like the concept that if God is all-merciful, why He is so impartial, somebody making happy, somebody making suffering?
- It is possible to attain that affection of love for God... without taking part in this Krsna consciousness movement?
- It is wrong to petition God?
- It's difficult for people to understand that God can speak to a man. They question, "How can God speak to some man?"
- Means what is God and Krsna? Is there any difference?
- My idea of God is on the consciousness of the whole world, of all that we could possibly envisage, its consciousness is, that's God, and we're the little bits of it. But would you tell me...?
- My next question is, I don't think God is opposed to sex
- O.K. Now, is the Absolute internal or external?
- Oh, that's the basis for morality (if you obey God, then all the laws are also included. That is the universal morality. " Just become My servitor, always think of Me, just offer obeisances unto Me," that is morality)?
- Okay, there is God, and He has placed us in this world, and He has created the world also, and He has made these things very, very enjoyable, sex life, and this and that. So why not enjoy if God has created it?
- Otherwise where does the impersonal idea come from (God is there, but he is refusing to accept. Just like the impersonalist: unless you have got personal understanding, how will you try to make it impersonal? The first is personal)?
- People argue that "God has placed us in this world, and that He's left us in darkness, so therefore He's played a trick on us." What is our argument against this?
- Prabhupada, are all living entities, always under the protection at all times of the Supreme Lord, the Personality of Godhead, at all times?
- Prabhupada, in the Christian faith there is the idea that God made it possible for life to be created. He made it possible for the processes of the universe to continue. Is this the same with Krsna?
- Prabhupada, is it possible that a living entity, a jiva soul, can have pastimes in relation to God?
- Regarding your final question about Laksmiji, does she has conjugal relations with Lord Narayana?
- Regarding your first question to explain the statement of Sri Isopanisad that "even though so many complete units emanate from Him, He remains the complete balance"
- Regarding your question that "the devotees are more kind than the Lord because they understand the purpose of the Lord"...
- Regarding your questions about various names of God...
- Roman Catholics don't agree with you on that (we are asking, "Chant the holy name of God"), do they? Roman Catholics have their own God
- Say we say that Krsna is God. Right? Then do you believe that there are other ways, apart from the way that you're going, to get to Krsna?
- Science almost denies the existence of God in order to exist, doesn't it?
- So a man can can never become Bhagavan?
- So couldn't the scientists say that it's God's will that when there is a...?
- So even God cannot predict when the living entity will come back to Him?
- So God is an individual then?
- So God's plan is unfolding itself everywhere, whether we understand it or not?
- So if in India they want to glorify God by calling Him the All-attractive One, and that word is Krsna, then what is the wrong?
- So what on earth is God? Is there anything on earth that is God?
- So who is supreme, Lord Siva or Lord Rama?
- So you completely write off anybody who says that there should be a step of faith. And would you, in other words... So you would say that science can prove that God exists?
- Some people offer the reason that according to the Ramayana we follow Rama and Sita as God. Can you just inform us the real or tell us who is our, the most of our...
- Some people would say, "If everything is a creation of God, then why do you have such a..., why do you present this body as such a horrible thing?"
- Somebody even asked me about what is material and what is spiritual, Prabhupada. I said that whatever is in connection with God is spiritual and whatever is not in connection with God is material. Is that right?
- Sometimes people ask that "If God is so great, then why doesn't He just come and destroy all the evil?"
- Sometimes people ask what is, what is God's ultimate goal?
- Spiritual master is the mercy of God?
- Sri Bhaktivedanta, how is it that the Absolute, which is so, at this point, for me, beyond human comprehension, how can it take this form of Krsna-Radha?
- Srila Prabhupada, I was asked a question by a man. He asked that Lord Siva... Lord Ramacandra was praying to Lord Siva in the Ramayana, and so he's taking Lord Siva as being God. And we didn't have a clear answer to him
- Srila Prabhupada, throughout the Western theology, there is a conception of the wrath of God, God's anger at man's disobedience or his unwillingness to follow God and live by God's commandments
- Srila Prabhupada, when we speak of parts and parcels of God, does it mean that we were there with God before we came to this world?
- Suffering and pain leads people to God, doesn't it?
- Surely, if we live naturally we will be obeying God's law?
- Swamiji, Siva is not another name of God?
- Swamiji, then the rascals could say, "If God is everything, why does He reject some things? If God is everything, why does He accept some things and reject other things"?
- That (my definition of God) is beside the point. I am asking the Swami who is God?
- That four-handed form is not complete perfection of Krsna consciousness?
- That is right, Prabhupada, that the impersonalist is devoid of the Supreme Personality of Godhead?
- That man's logic is so tiny, pea brain, and God's logic is so great, so how can actually man discuss the logic of God?
- The body is not part of God?
- The Christians say that there is soul, and they say that there is God, so then wouldn't our question be: "What is the relationship of the soul to God?"
- The example that if God is supplying, then why doesn't He supply the underprivileged countries? Just like in some places like India people are starving. So why doesn't He supply places like that?
- The guru should be accepted as representative of God?
- The perfect person that is going to speak to me is God?
- The soul is eternally existing with God in some form?
- The supreme living entity, he doesn't have to practice yogic power?
- Then (there must be one living force for the whole cosmic manifestation. So He is also individual; I am also individual. But He is great; I am small.) we can ask "What is that great?"
- There's no question of the making of gods?
- They counter that if God is all-powerful, He can do anything. So why not He can create a soul and that soul can then be eternal from that point?
- They say he (the father) has passed away. But what is passed away?
- They want to know: is God the transcendence?
- They will say, "Well, how do we know that Krsna is God?"
- This is a French nun, and she wishes to know whether for us Christ is the son of God or is He God Himself or what is the identity of Lord Jesus Christ?
- We are in God, and God is in us?
- Well the next proposition is that if God is there, then let Him stay there, and we are here, let us stay here. Why do we have to be concerned with Him?
- Well, his question it is why must we do something to become God when we're already God?
- Well, how can a person not believe (in God)?
- Well, if God is the creator of everything and is so dear to everyone, why then has He caused so much suffering?
- Well, isn't God just a craftsman also?
- Well, then they want to say that if nature can't be self-existing, how can God?
- Well, who is the supreme father's father?
- What about (because Krsna is Bhagavan. Bhakti means our transaction with Bhagavan) those who would worship Rama, say?
- What about the idea that God does not exist?
- What about the idea that God is evil?
- What can be said (in regards to the name of God being Krsna or Jehovah)?
- What do you feel is the greatest order of God?
- What do you understand by that word God?
- What I want to know is what you feel your relationship to God is?
- What I want to know is who is Lord Siva, Visnu and Brahma? Whether these three of them are gods?
- What if someone says, "Siva is God"?
- What if they (the theologians) say, "We agree there's one God, but we do not agree that His name is Krsna" or "We do not agree..."
- What if they say Caitanya Mahaprabhu was a devotee, He worshiped the Supreme Lord, kirtana, but His disciples say He's God?
- What is God (1969)?
- What is God?
- What is God? Is it the Christian God? What is God? What is your definition of God? Is He a Christian God or pure?
- What is that concept (of God) first, please?
- What is the difference between God and ourselves and what is the relationship?
- What is the example of sound of God in this world?
- What is the God that these other religions believe in?
- What is the meaning of God?
- What is the relationship between man and God?
- What is the secret to learning to love God?
- What is your conception of God?
- What is your understanding of God? Is He something apart from us, or are we all together God? Do you know?
- What should the soul do if he cannot imitate God?
- What you might term the ongoing communication of God in revealing Himself and in further making known His will for man at different stages of his own life, say, in his spiritual life, and, in different stages of history and in different cultures?
- When a man becomes Krsna conscious, could you say that he has become like a god or godlike?
- When Krsna is the only God in the world, the creator of the whole universe, then why the existence of Jesus Christ and Allah? Why should not only one God for all? Why Christians and Muslims are not accepting Krsna as God?
- When Lord say whatever the sins being committed are going to be committed all by only His will and wish, then why a person should be hated as a cruel person, and to kill him, and why God should take a other and do all these things?
- When they say there is no God, sometimes we say, "How do you know?"
- When we say Krsna, are we speaking about God or an incarnation of God? How to define it?
- When we use the word "God," it has cash value?
- Where did we lose the contact with God?
- Where is He (God)?
- Who created maya, man or God?
- Who is God's father?
- Who is God?
- Who is God? Who is God?
- Who is Siva? Siva is he not a god?
- Who is the supreme father's father?
- Who is Visnu?
- Who told God?
- Why are we evil? Why doesn't God make us good?
- Why at all this started? Why at all, say millions, trillions years back, how it started that God created this world?
- Why can't we have sense gratification and God also at the same time?
- Why did God arrange for the pleasures of sense gratification if He wants us to go back to home, back to Godhead?
- Why did God create death in order to stop our enjoyment?
- Why do we have to think of God? Why do we have to forget about the material world?
- Why doesn't God force me to surrender?
- Why doesn't He (God) force us to be good?
- Why doesn't He save me from thinking like that (He's protecting. He says, "You rascal, don't desire, surrender unto Me." But you are rascal, you do not do this)?
- Why God created sinful activities?
- Why God make some animals who eat other animals? There is a fault in the creation because... It is a fault in the creation?
- Why has God permitted me to do such a horrible thing (destroy the earth)?
- Why is maya so strong if our purpose is to be with God?
- Why not (you are me and I am you. We are both God)?
- Why should one accept this Krsna as God?
- Why should one be distinguished from another if they are both eternal (as God is eternal, so you are also eternal)?
- Why should one pray to God?
- Why should we adore the idol if God has no form?
- Why should we go and tire ourself or make effort? If we are in trouble, oh, just wait for the God to come down to the earth and He will help us and do what we need or defend us?
- Why we should sacrifice everything to Him?
- Why would God want to keep the living entities in darkness?
- Why would someone take less? Why would someone choose Visnu and not Krsna if they know that Krsna is cent percent and Visnu is ninety-four percent?
- With due respect, I want to know the God knows that He is God and dog knows he is dog?
- With Krsna can one say that Krsna is the form that presents itself, of Godhead, which presents itself to man, and Bhagavan is the essential aspect?
- Worshiping Visnu is also material?
- Would God sanction activities in the factory, technological, scientific world?
- Would it be more practical if you write a separate booklet or a pamphlet for Russians who have never heard about God or the existence of God as Krsna?
- Would it not be better for them to leave the father and devote their status, instead, to the Lord?
- Would you agree that God is just a concept?
- Would you say that He (God) loves the person that is doing wrong?
- Would you say that Krsna is God or Krsna is love?
- Yes, there may be God, but what does it matter what I do? He is controlling everything. What do I have to say?
- You are not particularly interested in what particular name this God has?
- You say that we have eternal relationships with the Supreme?
- You were saying yesterday how foolish it is to think that God is creating planets without putting any life on them. The scientists are saying there is no life on any planet. Then why would He create a planet unless there was life on it?
- You're not supposed to ask from God anything for yourself. So you can ask from God maybe things to help improve your consciousness?
- You're saying that "Something cannot come from nothing."... So therefore this explosion (big bang) came from God. But then where did God come from?
- Your Divine Grace, are we all equal in sight of God?
- Your Divine Grace, since religion is one, do you think man will enter into a golden age in which he will accept one God?