Category:Radharani's Separation from Krsna
Pages in category "Radharani's Separation from Krsna"
The following 34 pages are in this category, out of 34 total.
- After His separation from Vrndavana and the innocent rural cowherd boys, girls, ladies and others, they all felt shock throughout their lives, and the separation of Radharani, the most beloved cowherd girl, is beyond expression
- At Akrura’s request, Krsna and Balarama left the house of Nanda Maharaja for Mathura. At that time the mind of Srimati Radharani was disrupted, and She became almost mad because of extreme separation from Krsna
- Because Krsna had gone to Mathura, Srimati Radharani was very much affected, and She expressed Herself thus - My dear Lord, because of Your separation My mind has become overly agitated. Now tell Me, what can I do
- Because of separation from You (Krsna), all the gopis, especially Radharani, appear like dried-up water holes under the scorching heat of the sun
- Being always absorbed in the ecstasy of Srimati Radharani, Sri Caitanya felt the same separation from Krsna that Radharani felt when Krsna left Vrndavana and went to Mathura. This ecstatic feeling is very helpful in attaining love of God in separation
- Being greatly afflicted by the pain of separation from Krsna, Srimati Radharani said, I suffer exactly like someone almost dead from cholera. To be giving Me so much pain, this fever must be very strong indeed
- Being greatly afflicted by the pain of separation from Krsna, Srimati Radharani said, This fever (of separation from Krsna) produces more distress than poison, and it is more piercing than a thunderbolt
- Lalita wrote Krsna the following letter on Srimati Radharani’s behalf: My dear Krsna, Srimati Radharani has fallen unconscious on the ground, Her mind greatly agitated by Her separation from You
- Lamenting for Krsna Radharani said, I must condemn Providence, for he has caused Me so many tribulations by separating Me from Krsna
- My dear Radharani, in separation from Krsna You are now as still as the most beautiful tree, whose gracefulness is not blocked by any covering of leaves. Your tranquil mood makes You appear to be completely merged in Brahman realization
- My dear Srimati Radharani, I (Krsna) am always subservient to the loving affairs of all of you. I am under your control only. My separation from you and residence in distant places have occurred due to My strong misfortune
- Radharani did not express Her personal unhappiness at being separated from Krsna. She wanted to evoke Krsna's feelings for the condition of all the others in Vrndavana-dhama - mother Yasoda, Maharaja Nanda, the cowherd boys, the gopis, the birds and bees
- Radharani sleeps in Her room with the aroma of pride, and when She lies down in Her bed, the transcendental variety of Her loving ecstasies is like a jeweled locket in the midst of Her necklace of separation
- Radharani tells Her friend, "I am now unable to see Him, it would be good for Me to be a blind woman." This is another instance of disappointment due to separation from Krsna
- So when Radharani was always weeping for Krsna because of His separation, there was no chance of Her getting any sleep for Herself
- Srimati Radharani in distress spoke thus, "Oh, what shall I say of My distress? After I met Krsna My loving propensities sprouted, but upon separating from Him I sustained a great shock, which is now continuing like the sufferings of a disease"
- Ten bodily transformations resulting from separation from Krsna (Srimati Radharani's different traits)
- That love is being shown by Caitanya Mahaprabhu: "Where is Krsna? Where is Krsna?" That's Radharani's separation, love in separation. So love means without any return, without any sense gratification, without any consideration
- The doctrine of transcendental enjoyment by Krsna cannot be mixed up with the doctrine of transcendental feeling of separation from Krsna in the role of Radharani
- The loving affairs of Radha & Krsna are transcendental manifestations of the internal pleasure-giving potency. Although They are one in identity, previously They separated Themselves. Now these two identities have again united, in the form of Caitanya
- There is the following statement in the Hamsaduta: "One day when Srimati Radharani was feeling much affliction because of Her separation from Krsna, She went to the bank of the Yamuna with some of Her friends"
- This song (CC Madhya 3.114) was composed to commemorate the separation of Krsna from Radharani during Krsna’s absence in Mathura. It is thought that this song was sung by Srimati Radharani when Krsna returned. It is technically called Mathura-viraha
- This verse (of CC Adi-lila 6.68) appears in Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 10.47.21), in the section known as the Bhramara-gita. When Uddhava came to Vrndavana, Srimati Radharani, in complete separation from Krsna, sang like this
- Whatever the cause may be, Radharani said, that affection between You and Me has mixed Us in oneness. Now that it is the time of separation, I cannot see the history of the evolution of this love
- When Sri Krsna left Vrndavana and accepted the kingdom of Mathura, Srimati Radharani, out of ecstatic feelings of separation, expressed how Krsna can be loved in separation. Thus devotional service in separation is central to this verse - CC Madhya 4.197
- When Srimati Radharani was very much agitated due to feeling great separation from Krsna, She spoke a verse to Visakha explaining the cause of Her great anxiety and restlessness
- While Radharani was talking with the bee and the bee was flying hither and thither, it all of a sudden disappeared from Her sight. She was in full mourning due to separation from Krsna and felt ecstasy by talking with the bee