Category:San Francisco
"San Francisco"
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Pages in category "San Francisco"
The following 92 pages are in this category, out of 92 total.
- After leaving your place I went to Chicago and then San Francisco and in both the places the Rathayatra ceremony was very successfully performed
- Although I am passing through critical stages of my health, still good reports from San Francisco, Montreal, and New York are giving me life
- Are you doing French translation work of our books? What about the program of French publication of Back To Godhead? I wrote you from San Francisco, but I have not heard any reply from you
- Even if you should desire to return to S.F. after two or three weeks, the $300.00 involved in flying is nothing compared to the millions in publicity value we are getting on the TV
- Every minute I think of you and as you asked me to go to San Francisco while returning from India, I am trying to fulfill my promise. I am thinking of going directly to San Francisco
- I am always encouraged to learn of your activities in the San Francisco temple, and I think that by the Grace of Caitanya Mahaprabhu you shall do very great service to His Sankirtana Movement
- I am always glad to know that you are there to help manage the affairs of the San Francisco center so I am glad that you have decided to remain there as president
- I am encouraged to hear from you that Melbourne Temple is even better than Sydney Temple, so I must surely come there to see it. Go on like this, transcendental rivalry, just like San Francisco and Los Angeles, this pleases me very much
- I am glad to learn that you are coming to San Francisco for the Rathayatra Ceremony, and I am so much obliged to you for contributing each month for the book fund
- I am going in a few days to San Francisco to speak at the San Francisco State University there on the topic of "Krsna Consciousness: The Best Alternative Life Style, the Ideal Community, the New Social Order"
- I am going to San Francisco on Wednesday 5th July, and on July 9th there will be Sri Sri Jagannatha Deva Rathayatra maha festival. I don't know how successful it will be, but the program is settled
- I am going today to New York and after one week I shall start for San Francisco. Some San Francisco boys who know German language are eager to help you and join you with Mrdanga
- I am so pleased that you are arranging for the Rathayatra Festival very nicely, and similarly in London, Buffalo, and what to speak of San Francisco, they are arranging. In San Francisco it is going to be unique thing in this world
- I am very happy to hear of the so many new boys and girls taking a sincere interest in this philosophy, and I am also very eager to meet with them when I come there to San Francisco
- I am very much pleased to read about Gargamuni's successful store in S.F. Yes, he is using his good selling ability to serve Krishna, and Krishna is pleased with him so He is giving him all aid to become successful
- I beg to enclose herewith some newspaper cuttings for your information how we have performed Rathayatra Ceremony in San Francisco, London, Buffalo, Boston and Ohio
- I beg to inform you that I have safely arrived as scheduled in San Francisco, and I am thinking fondly of you all
- I do not think living alone in Honolulu will be very good. If there is possibility of your living in the temple along with the other devotees, then live there. Otherwise you may also return, either in Los Angeles or San Francisco
- I have already informed you that some of the San Francisco boys are ready to go and join you. If required I shall ask Acyutananda to join you from India
- I have already written to Jivananda and Harsarani, and they are inclined to go to New Vrindaban but I have advised them to go to Hawaii after spending a short period in San Francisco training up the devotees there in Deity worship and Sankirtana Party
- I have no objections if your wife and you go to San Francisco and live there peacefully as man and wife concentrating your attention for Krishna Consciousness
- I have now opened three centres namely one in New York, one in San Francisco and one in Montreal (Canada). This branch is opened by one of my American disciples
- I have some lectures in the colleges, both in L.A. and S.F., and the other day I delivered lecture in San Francisco State College, and the students enjoyed the atmosphere very much
- I have taken quotation from good printing houses in San Francisco for Gitopanisad and it is estimated to cost about $11000.00 for five thousand copies case bound and golden title
- I hope by this time the San Francisco devotees have already started for London, and I shall be glad to hear if there is any news from them, or about them
- I remember the old days in San Francisco. Krsna has been so kind upon me to have sent so many sincere disciples to help me push on this Movement on behalf of my Guru Maharaj
- I require this (propaganda material) immediately for presenting to the Naturalization and Immigration office here (San Francisco) where I have to be present on the 2nd March 1967
- I shall be glad if our Indian friends in San Francisco, also come in the management of the local organization; I welcome it
- I started first in 1966, July, in New York. Then I started in San Francisco, then Boston, then at Montreal. Of course, I did not go everywhere. These boys, the sincere boys and girls who are helping me, who have joined this movement, they are doing
- I therefore request you & Gaurasundara to come to San Francisco during Rathayatra festival with sufficient mangos & you will see the Rathayatra & I have got some serious talks with Gaurasundara & yourself for organizing New Navadvipa
- I understand that the Lord Caitanya's Birthday procession was very, very nice and similarly in San Francisco also they took out a procession in the street, and it is understood that 4000 to 5000 people participated
- I will have to attend London festival this year because three times I have attended Rathayatra festival in SF and this time I have been very fervently requested to attend the London Rathayatra festival, where they are expecting 50,000 participants also
- I will let you know immediately when I know I will be going next to San Francisco. Of course, now I am in Los Angeles, and I have no serious business at present
- I would like to know who has done the advertising layout for the ad on page 98 and 99 of the brochure entitled, Association for Asian Studies, San Francisco, March 24-25, 1975
- If neither of you are very peaceful staying in San Francisco then it is not very good for Krishna Consciousness, and I think the conditions will be improved if you come to Los Angeles
- If there is actually a brahmacarini asrama organized by San Francisco devotees, it will be very nice to keep there Jadurani as the leader of the brahmacarinis. I am very glad that two other devotees are waiting for me
- If there is sale contract, my students here (SF) and in New york will be able to raise the fund very seriously. In the absence of any sale contract everything appears to be in the air and Mr. Taylor or his lawyer can change his word as he has already done
- If we can introduce successfully this Rathayatra Festival not only in San Francisco but also in New York and also in Montreal, then it will be a great success of my mission in this country
- If you come during the Rathayatra festival in San Francisco it will be a great pleasure for me. Brahmananda is also coming. So we shall have to chalk out the future program of our activities
- In 1967 I gave this idea to Syamasundara when I was in San Francisco. So it was promptly executed. Similarly last year in London also he promptly executed
- In my opinion your guiding the girls working under you for painting is very important, and if this business doesn't suffer, you can think of going to S.F. for organizing the asrama
- In San Francisco one of our friends told me that long ago he left his young children and went to another country. Recently a letter came from his grown-up son, and at once the father remembered his affection for him and sent some money
- It appears that this scientist has become very intelligent. Yes, try to meet with them somehow and make arrangement for them to meet with me when I come for the San Francisco Rathayatra. That will be very nice
- It is a fact that the hippies are our best clients. I had very good response in San Francisco during Rathayatra festival
- It is good credit for you that since you have gone there the San Francisco branch is going to purchase one house. You nicely arrange for that
- It is my desire that three places at the present moment namely San Francisco (New Puri), New Vrndavana and New Navadvipa should be especially organized for three great festivals; namely Janmastami, Rathayatra and Lord Caitanya's Birthday
- It is pleasing to me that the Gujarati ladies and gentlemen who are in San Francisco, they should take keen interest in this movement because superficially or from the historical point of view, Krishna was a Gujarati
- On the birthday of Lord Caitanya we have installed the deity Jagannatha (in three) in the temple of the San Francisco Branch & the celebration of feasting was nice last night. People are taking interest in the temple and are attending meetings regularly
- On this (initiation ceremony) occasion, when you have come here from San Francisco prepared to go to London, so my hearty welcome to you, and please do this missionary work very nicely and Krsna will be pleased upon you
- That you are engaged in street Sankirtana in San Francisco is fully approved by me
- The credit of opening our London branch will go to the San Francisco boys, headed by you. Of course, the girls also share the credit undoubtedly
- The idea of distribution of prasadam is long standing, and I suggested this from the very beginning of my missionary activities, both in New York and in San Francisco
- The idea of making San Francisco as New Jagannatha Puri is my transcendental dream, and if you fulfill this dream, I shall be so much obliged to you all
- The man known as Asoka Fakir, now living in San Francisco, is advertising himself that the members of our temple are all his disciples. This man has written me letter also, from which I can understand that he is a hodge-podge man
- The sales of Back To Godhead should be divided more evenly amongst our centers. Not that one or two temples do all of the selling and all of the others should simply sleep. Los Angeles can sell 1,500 copies, and similarly, New York and San Francisco
- The San Francisco temple, not being situated in a nice quarter, they are trying to remove to somewhere else. Now they have got a Berkeley temple. It is not my policy to close any temple, but if there is inconvenience, we change the place
- The suggestion of Mr. Kallman of Krishna Consciousness Kit is very nice. Please try to fructify this idea as soon as possible. As there is still time to get Bhagavad-gita ready published by MacMillan Co., Mr. Kallman may not come to S.F. so quickly
- This past weekend in San Francisco there was a gigantic Rathayatra Ceremony just on the order of the one held at Jagannath Puri, and at least 10,000 people were chanting and dancing along with us in full transcendental ecstasy
- Today we are holding our annual Ratha Yatra festival in San Francisco, They are expecting 25,000 people to participate. There are three raths each 45 feet high and weighing 10 tons. Mass prasadam will be distributed
- Trees living for many, many years? Near San Francisco I have seen a forest where there is a tree seven thousand years old. But what is the benefit? If one is proud of standing in one place for seven thousand years, that is not a very great credit
- We are not only establishing New Vrindaban, but there is New Navadvipa, New Jagannatha Puri. Yes. We have already started New Jagannatha Puri in San Francisco
- We have already installed the Sri Murtis of Lord Jagannatha, Balabhadra and Subhadra in the temple of San Francisco center and I wish to establish similar temple at Montreal
- We have got already fifteen branches as follows: New York City; Boston; San Francisco; Vancouver, B.C.; Canada; Honolulu, Hawaii; New Vrindaban, an ideal Krishna Consciousness community; and London, England; and Berlin, Germany
- We have got thirteen temples. Thirteen. One in this Los Angeles, one San Francisco, one in New York, one Santa Fe, one Buffalo, one Boston, one Montreal, one Vancouver, and Seattle, Columbus, and then London, Hamburg, in this way... Hawaii
- We should concentrate our energy in constructive work. The constructive work is preaching. So this Rathayatra festival is one of the items of our preaching work, and therefore it was introduced in both San Francisco and London
- When coming from San Francisco I promised to Janaki and other girls that this time when I come back I shall first come to San Francisco. So I shall return by Pacific route and possibly make a break in the journey in Tokyo and Hawaii
- Yes, the idea to make S.F. our headquarters, that is in my mind, but that church is not yet settled. The man is prolonging it. Actually, if you get the church I shall make that my headquarters, and I shall come there to your temple occasionally
- You are welcome in any of our temples there. As you may know, our most important temples are in New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, New Vrindaban, West Virginia, Philadelphia. So you are welcome to stay in any one of these temples
- You will be glad to know that Jayananda is purchasing a nice house for San Francisco & I hope I shall get the Permanent Visa also
- You will be glad to know that just yesterday I have come to San Francisco, at 3:00 local time yesterday afternoon. And here the Indians are very willing to cooperate with our temple activities
- You will be pleased to know that here the Sankirtana party, led by Tamala Krishna, is doing very nicely
- Your idea to go to San Francisco for a short time is nice. Yes, the San Francisco temple has deteriorated from its original position, so please try to reinstate it