Category:Prabhupada's Stories
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Pages in category "Prabhupada's Stories"
The following 140 pages are in this category, out of 140 total.
- A great dramatist, government officer. He wrote one book, Shah Jahan. That is very famous book for theatrical play. So in that Shah Jahan, means the king emperor Shah Jahan. Practically, the name which is given on the book, the hero title, he's the hero
- A hunter spread his net. So some little birds, they fell down in the net and they are crying
- A sawman was cutting wood by the saw. So at the end of business it was half cut so he pulled down a plug so that next day he will come and he'll again begin sawing. So went away. So one monkey came. So monkey sat down there and began to pull on the plug
- A thief asked: "So may I take some of your these ornaments? You are so rich." "No, no, no. My mother will be angry. I cannot..." Krsna as a child. So he became more and more eager for Krsna. And then, by Krsna's association, he had already become purified
- A vaisya will find out some business. He'll find out some business. So there is a practical story
- Alexander and the Cynic
- Alexander and the thief
- All the gopis, girls, before their marriage, they prayed to Katyayani that "You give me Krsna as my husband." So Krsna..., it is not possible socially, but Krsna makes such a plan that He accepted every one of them as His wife. That is vastrana-lila
- All those thousands of people assembled in the market, they have got their sleeping place. They have got their eating place. So by arrangement. There is arrangement. Similarly, there may be millions and millions of living entities; God has arrangement
- Because I have written some book, so I know what is the purpose of writing my book. You cannot know. My purpose you cannot know. There is a small instructive story in this - not story, fact - in this connection
- Bilvamangala and the prostitute Cintamani
- Bilvamangala Thakura voluntarily made himself blind
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu teaches us that actually, if you want something from God, that should be only begging for His service
- Cut coat tail is the latest fashion
- Even the lion cannot sleep; he has to work to eat
- From the rice, heaps of rice, one scorpion, small scorpion, is coming. The fact is that the parent of the scorpion, they put their eggs within the rice and, being fermented, the scorpion comes out, not that from rice the scorpion is coming out
- Gopal Banh said: "You can pass stool, but you cannot pass urine. If you pass urine, then I shall kill you." Passing stool without passing urine, how it is possible? "So you have come to pass stool. That you can do here, but don't pass urine"
- Gopis were approached: "Oh, Krsna is sick. They want, oh, dust of...?" Immediately: "Please take. Please take." She did not care that "We are going to hell by offering our dust of feet on the head of Krsna. Never mind. We shall go. Krsna will be happy"
- He (a thief) saw Krsna the same way as he was informed by the Bhagavata reader. Then he saw, "Oh, oh, you are so nice boy, Krsna." So he began to flatter. He thought that "Flattering, I shall take all the jewels"
- He (one European gentleman) said that "I find in this temple there is God." "Why? Why you conclude like that?" "That in every temple I saw, that the god, deity, is doing something. But here I see the God is enjoying. He has nothing to do"
- He went to the prostitute, and she was astonished: "Well, Bilvamaṅgala" - his name was Bilvamaṅgala - "how do you dare to come here like this?" Oh, he described, "Yes. I did this, I did this, I did this, I did this." Oh, the prostitute was astonished
- Her (Gandhari's) eldest son, Duryodhana, was advised to see the mother naked. She advised, "My dear son, tomorrow morning when you come to offer your obeisances to me, you come naked. I shall see you and you will be solidified just like iron"
- Her name was Cintamani. So the prostitute said, "My dear Bilvamangala, if you have got so intense love for me, oh, had it been for God, for Krsna, how would have been, your life, sublime." Oh, that struck him: "Yes." He at once left
- I saw one hotel man in Calcutta cutting the throat of a chicken; he was laughing and his son was crying
- I will give you one example how Krsna sometimes breaks His promise. It is very nice story
- I wish to narrate one short story, that one man, one boy, was attracted by a beautiful girl. So the girl does not agree, and the boy is persistent
- I'll cite one story. It is very interesting story. If you go to India, you'll find one nice temple in Orissa. It is called the temple of "Witness-Gopala," Saksi-Gopala, Witness-Gopala. This Gopala was situated in a temple at Vrndavana
- If you make propaganda, if he's not ghost, you can make him ghost. This is propaganda. This is called propaganda. By propaganda you can establish a false thing as real. That's all. This is going on. They know how to do it. They're expert
- In the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, there is a story... Not story. Fact. It is described there that one brahmana - he was a great devotee - he wanted to offer very brilliant service, arcana, in the temple worship. But he had no money
- It is called vrscika-tandula-nyaya. Vrscika means scorpion, and tandula means rice. So "Life is coming from matter" - this is called vrscika-tandula-nyaya
- It is called vrscika-tandula-nyaya. You know that? Vrscika-tandula-nyaya. Vrscika means scorpion, and tandula means rice. Sometimes we see some heaps of rice, the scorpion is coming. But that is not that the rice has given birth to the scorpion
- It is caught by the net of the hunter. So mother immediately jumped over it to save the children, and she was also captured. Then the father saw, "Now if I go to save them, I'll be captured. Let me go away. Let me take sannyasa. That's all"
- Jackal without tail is the fashion
- Jayananda looks like Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. (laughter) Yes. He was tall and stout and strong, Caitanya Mahaprabhu. (laughing) Yes. Very good
- Mirabhai challenged Rupa Gosvami, "I know that only Krsna is purusa here, and everyone is woman"
- Mr Chakravarti and the circus
- Mrgari the hunter
- Nature is so strong that you must die. "I am very strong." You may be very strong, that's all right. There is a, I mean to say, joking story that one man thought how to avoid death
- Now this Arjunacarya...that's a very nice story. When he was writing commentaries, oh, he thought, "How is that Lord will come Himself and deliver the goods? Oh, it is not possible. He might be sending through some agents"
- One boy, he went out of home and mixed with yogis for several years. Then, after some time, he came to his village, and all the friends and relatives gathered: "Oh, you have been so many years with yogis. What you have learned?"
- One day the king asked him, "Gopala, what is the difference between you and an ass?" So he immediately measured the distance from the king. He said, "It is three feet only, sir. The difference is only three feet." So everyone began to laugh
- One occupation which is not exactly fitting you, you do not know how to do it, so avyapare suvyaparam yo kartu... If one wants to act in a business in which he is unable to do, then he is killed just like this fool monkey
- Punar musiko bhava: "Again you become mouse. Again you become mouse"
- Shah Jahan
- She (one old woman) began to call God, "God, help me." And God came, "What you want?" "Kindly help me to get this bundle on my head." (laughter) Just see. God came to giving benediction, and she wanted to "Give this bundle again on my head"
- Simply wonderful
- Stag and the jackal
- That foolish person is killed just like this monkey. The monkey's business was not to imitate the sawman, but he wanted to imitate. The result was that he was killed. So that is not expertness
- The important visitor is waiting for one hour. So this is enjoyment. The Prime Minister is not the horse, but he is enjoying taking his grandchild on the back and he was playing like a horse and the grandchild was, 'Hut Hut Hut Hut'
- The lion asked the jackal: 'So who are you, sir?' 'I am sent by God to rule over you.' 'Oh' So they began to worship him as God, as leader. Then one day other jackals, they were crying, 'Wa, wa', but the jackals cannot stop. If others jackals cry
- The logic of the frog in the well
- The mother said, "My dear son, we are so poor, we cannot give anything. But if Krsna gives, He is dina-bandhu, the friend of the poor. So if He gives something to you, you can promise"
- The rabbit killed a big lion by intelligence
- The story of the learned scholar and the boatman
- The story of the potter. The potter is planning. He has got few pots and he is planning, "Now I have got these four pots and I will sell. I will make some profit. Then there will be ten pots. Then I'll sell ten pots, I'll make some profit"
- The thief who wanted to plunder child Krsna's jewels
- There are many stories. One of them I am citing. It is very interesting. Visvamitra Muni. Visvamitra Muni, he was a great king, ksatriya, but his priest, Vasistha Muni, he had great spiritual power. So he renounced his kingdom. He wanted to advance
- There is a cartoon picture in New York. One old man and his wife, sitting together. The wife is requesting the husband, old husband, "Chant, chant, chant," and the husband is replying: "Can't, can't, can't"
- There is a nice story about Sanatana Gosvami, of whom we are now studying. Sanatana Gosvami and Rupa Gosvami, two brothers, they went to Vrndavana for devotional service
- There is a story in Sanskrit, udarendriyanam. Udarendriyanam. There was a meeting of all the parts of the senses, that, "We are working, and the stomach is sitting idly, and he is simply eating. So let us get into strike. We shall not work."
- There is a story in this connection (be very much eager to see God). It is very instructive; try to hear. One professional reciter was reciting about Bhagavata, and he was describing that Krsna, being very highly decorated with all jewels
- There is a story Savitri-Satyavan. It is not a story. It is historical fact that one gentleman, he was a king's son, prince. His name was Satyavan. But he was to die at a certain age his horoscope said. But one girl Savitri, she fell in love with that boy
- There is a story that a mouse approached a saintly person
- There is a very humorous story that one man... He was a yogi
- There is a very nice interesting story that the big Prime Minister Gladstone...
- There is an instructive story about a saintly person blessing, "You may either live or die"
- There was a prostitute whose charges was one lakh of pieces of diamond. It doesn't matter, a big diamond or small diamond. That was her charges. So one man was suffering from leprosy
- These foolish scientific men, "You can speak, but if you use microphone, then I'll kill you." Yes. The Gopala Banh's policy. They would not say: "Not allow." But in a different way
- These sixteen thousand wives, how they became wives? You know the story, that many beautiful, sixteen thousand beautiful, I mean to say, king's daughters were kidnapped by the asura. What is the name of that asura? Bhaumasura
- This chaste girl would not allow the husband's body to go away. Then Yamaraja told, "It is my duty that I should take. You give it up. Otherwise, you'll be also punished." So she gave and she was following Yamaraja. So Yamaraja became compassionate
- This is gopi. It doesn't matter the whole world is going to hell, but if Krsna is satisfied, a devotee's prepared to do that. That is, that is called uttama bhakti
- Veri means lamb or sheep. If you can push one of them in the slaughterhouse, all of them enter. This is called veriya dasan. You haven't got to endeavor to push others. You just push one only. 'Fut, fut, fut, fut, fut, fut, fut', they all enter
- We are doing the same thing. When we go to God we ask Him, "Kindly give me the bundle on my head. My family become may happy. I may have a large amount of money to enjoy material things." We ask that. That is our foolishness
- We are simply dreaming. With few pots we are simply dreaming that "These pots will be increased into so many pots, so many pots, so many pots," then finished. Don't make imagination
- When Gandhari saw, she saw that he was not fully naked, so she regretted, "O my dear son, I asked you to come before me naked. Why you have got this...?" "No, Krsna advised." Then she began to smile, that "My attempt is failure." So Krsna knew it
- When he was arrested and he was being judged by Alexander, the thief pleaded that "What is the difference between you and me? You are a great thief. I am a small thief." So Alexander understood it and got him released, "Yes." This is generosity
- When I take this Bhagavad-gita book, I see one picture, that Krsna is so kind that He has taken the chariot driver, sarathi, of Arjuna. He is His devotee. So Sri Krsna is so kind that He can accept the position of a servant because Arjuna was ordering
- You can do it (to surrender to Krsna) immediately, but unfortunately you'll not do it. What can be done? There is a story, I may narrate it. One poor man was begging on the street, and Lord Siva and Parvati was passing as ordinary man
- A snake and a mouse were once caught in a basket. Now, since the mouse is food for the snake, this was a good opportunity for the snake
- About twenty-five years ago, there was a native prince in Jaipur. Every year he would go to the forest and face the tiger, without any weapon
- Anger causes frustration, as in the story of the unsuccessful fox and the "sour grapes." The living entity is then forced to pretend to be a renouncer. But at the bottom of such renunciation burns the great flame of greed and the desire for enjoyment
- I have seen that two brothers quarreling
- I remember in, long ago, about sometimes in 1936, my eldest son in Bombay - he was in school - he stood first. So his class friends became envious that "Here is a boy, he is coming from Bengal, and he has stood first." They wanted to fight with him
- I will give you a practical example: a man is deaf and he is calling wife
- I'll give you one practical example. In my householder life I was a drugstore businessman. So one Muhammadan gentleman, he was supplying me bottles
- I'll tell you another story about Mahatma Gandhi. My Guru Maharaja invited him in our matha
- In Calcutta there was a big professor, Colonel Megha, English professor. He was lecturing, and with in talking he said that in our country (England) that seventy-eight percent of the students are infected with syphilis...
- In front of our residence there was another neighbor. So the old man had his daughter-in-law. So she was beating her one child
- In Germany during the Second World War, many women went to the church to pray to God to get back their husband, son, or brother. But nobody came back. And they became atheist
- In my childhood I had got one tutor. So he was telling about his spiritual master. He was a yogi
- In the beginning of your life, you are immoral. You are disobeying the greatest authority. There is another example, a story, that a gang of thieves, they stolen some property from different houses
- Satyakama Jabala was born of a maidservant, but wanted to become a brahmana, and so he approached Gautama Muni for initiation
- Saubhari Muni he used to perform yoga practice within water
- Since the hunter lives a very ghastly life due to killing animals, and since he will go to hell when he dies, he is advised to neither live nor die
- So far as your fraternal quarrel is concerned, I may recite in this connection one story
- Some women were dressing to go to a fair, and when they were dressed, the fair was finished
- Story of Narada Muni and the cobbler
- The beautiful woman who separated her beauty
- The frog is perpetually within the well, and if somebody informs him that there is another big span of water, Atlantic Ocean, he simply calculates that "It may be a little more than this well, little more than this well"
- The gopis gave the dust of their feet for curing Krsna's headache
- The miners understood there is no newspaper in hell
- The monkey's business was not to imitate the sawman
- The sparrow who lost her eggs in the waves of the ocean
- The story begins, kanyakubje. Kanyakubja is still there in India. Perhaps you have heard the name of Kanpur. So that is within the Kanyakubja area. Kanyakubje dvijah: "There was a brahmana in Kanyakubja"
- The story of the father of many children and the bundle of sticks
- The workers, laborers, he (the Christian priest) was preaching amongst them that "Lord Jesus Christ will save you. If you don't take shelter of Lord Jesus Christ, then you'll go to hell"
- There is a drama in Bengali that in a house a doctor came to diagnose. There were two patients, the housewife and the maidservant
- There is a short story about a snake who became a devotee upon instruction by Narada, who instructed him not to bite anymore
- There is a story about a brahmana who was offering sweet rice to the Lord within his mind
- There is a story about a hunter who was converted into a great devotee under the instruction of Narada Muni
- There is a story of a man who was challenged whether he had any intelligence. He then began to look in his pocket
- There is a story, some blind men studying the elephant
- There is a very nice story. In our college days in logic class of Professor Purnachandra Sen, he cited a very nice example, that a student approached his teacher and the contract was that he wanted to become a law student, lawyer
- There is another story - it may be fact - that a boy was raised by his aunt very liberally
- There is story that in the Deity room, a lamp was burning
- There is the story of the bed bug
- There was a big rich man in Calcutta who could not eat
- There was a physician and his servant. So one day the physician was called by some person to treat his horse...
- There was a story in a medical journal. "Typhoid Mary"
- There was one Gopal Ban. So he was very cunning fellow
- To avoid Yamaraja, the superintendent of death, one man smeared his body with stool
- You have taken service from Radharani? Ohhh. You have murdered me. We don't want to take any service from Krsna, and He has taken the opportunity, sent us... We want to simply give our service, not any exchange
- You know the story? The jackal? He tried for the grapes, jumping, jumping, jumping. When it was failure, he said, "Oh, it is useless. It is sour, no use"