Category:Questions On... Meditation
Pages in category "Questions On... Meditation"
The following 58 pages are in this category, out of 58 total.
- A vipra means he has the twelve qualifications, and he also has the qualification of faith. I don't understand exactly what it means when Prahlada Maharaja says that I should be meditating on a follower who has no faith in God or God watching him
- And what are you doing now, sort of a meditation?
- Any other type of concentration (meditation) you do?
- Apart from (indistinct) quality of Lord Rama, are there a few other things which could be included while you are worshiping or devoting or meditating on...?
- Do you practice meditation in your center?
- Do you sit and meditate alone? What do you do with your mind as it wanders? Do you think of something? Do you put it on something or do you let it wander by itself?
- Do you think meditation is a way to see God inside yourself?
- Do you think transcendental meditation is beginning to help...?
- Does the method include meditation? What... How do you go about this process?
- Does your method include meditation, austerity of various sorts in addition to no alcohol, no drugs?
- Doesn't that make us a rather exclusive group of people? If only those who are completely pure can engage in service, that means only people like us who have time to sit and meditate...
- I believe, obviously, you would have ways, methods of becoming God conscious, Krsna conscious. What...? Sort of a meditation? Chanting? Or...?
- I carry a picture of him, the leader of, in our movement. (indistinct) meditating on the master. And I try to live up to it, to the teachings. Would you like to see that picture?
- I have known some people who have meditated, and they don't know how to meditate, and they try to meditate, on the astral, and they contact the incarnate souls in the astral world. And sometimes they get ahold of the wrong one. How can one avoid this?
- I'm wondering if there's any similarity between meditation and hypnosis?
- If meditation without chanting was at one time successful, why is it now deficient?
- In the Eleventh Chapter of the Gita the Lord has shown His virat-darsana. He has shown Brahma, Visnu, Mahesa, etc. They are all in Him. Subordinate to Him. They are subordinate to Him. Therefore (one should) meditate on Krsna, the only Hare Krsna?
- In the SB first chapter of the 2nd canto it says that the gross materialists can begin meditating on the syllable om and then try to contemplate the universal form. That is not recommended for this age, right?
- Is meditation part of your philosophy?
- Is yoga part of meditation?
- It's a pity and we have to be very open and very friendly to them. I gather this. And your method is meditation and prayer, if I understand it well?
- So just by meditating on the person Krsna, all other truths become known?
- So many people who stop performing prescribed duty to engage in so-called meditation, actually they are committing sinful activity? Is this actually sinful activity to attempt such meditation like that?
- So we are trying to use their endorsements and then make it very specific that "Therefore to meditate using the Hare Krsna, this is healthy." So why are you attacking us?
- Srila Prabhupada, since presently we cannot see Krsna as He is as a person, how can we, how should we meditate on Him?
- Srila Prabhupada, sometimes we try to meditate on Krsna, when we chant Hare Krsna, sinful memory from our past life is coming. How is this to be understood that Krsna says, "From Me the memory comes"
- Suppose this yogi, he has not got full knowledge, he does not know of Krsna, and therefore he is meditating on Paramatma, and he attains Vaikuntha. Is it possible that because he hadn't got full knowledge...?
- Supposing hundred pure saintly Krsna conscious people are meditating or discussing or just serving together, and there comes somebody, some dusta who drops a bomb, and at the end of all...?
- The question is suppose this yogi, he has not got full knowledge, he does not know of Krsna, and therefore he is meditating on Paramatma, and he attains Vaikuntha. Is it possible that because he hadn't got full knowledge...
- Their (Transcendental Meditation) philosophy is that "If you continue meditating, one day automatically you'll give up these things. So why do it prematurely?"
- Today, is it wise to practice this kind (fixing the life air between the eyebrows) of meditation?
- Well in this sense Fichte is closer to Krsna consciousness than most impersonalists, because most impersonalist advocate inaction and meditation on the void, but,... how can you have action without action directed toward a person or toward...?
- What about meditating?
- What about the other kind (of meditation)?
- What are your views about silent meditation on one's, in one's own self, and this japa, gayatri-mantra?
- What do you do with your eyes (during meditation)? Close your eyes?
- What is fit for lay people? Which form should we meditate upon?
- What is real meditation?
- What is the main purpose of meditation?
- What is your opinion of yoga and Zen? Do you incorporate any of their principles? Such as meditation for example?
- What's the name of that yogi who meditated for sixty thousand years?
- When making arati offerings, is it proper to meditate on the different parts of the Lord's Body?
- When we chant japa in front of the Deity, does that correspond to this verse of meditating on the Lord limb by limb?
- You mentioned about how like, if you meditate a lot and you really, well, you feel something, that you should do something...?
- You see all these trends today to learn meditation. It's only one longing to feel something and not only to believe. That is the situation now very much in Germany, isn't it so?
- Your Divine Grace, do you see meditation as a means to God realization?