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Pages in category "Europe"
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- Actually my ambition is to form a strong Sankirtana party and travel all over Europe, and then in Africa, Asia, India, and Japan, etc. This is my thought. Please try to give it effect
- All my best students are now in Europe
- All my students and followers in Europe and America, they are ninety-nine percent all young men, young girls. They are not old, rejected persons. They are the flowers of the country
- All of you there push on this movement in Germany which is the best country in Europe. The most intelligent class of men are there. Try to convince them about our philosophy. The German scholars are especially inclined toward Indian philosophy
- All our disciples in Europe, America, they were habituated to so many bad habits, and because they are chanting, they are now cleansed. So it is small-scale. If you propagate it large-scale, everyone will be cleansed
- All over Europe, America, Japan, Canada, Australia, I am traveling. Malaysia. And anywhere I have introduced this sankirtana movement - we have got different centers, about sixty centers - they have been received with great pleasure
- As I am getting old, I wish to retire from an active part. Of course, I shall be behind the scene, but I am thinking of writing a constitutional will on my return from Europe
- At present there are droughts throughout Europe & America, & people are suffering, but if people take this KC movement seriously, if they stop their sinful activities & chant Hare Krsna maha-mantra, all their problems will be solved without difficulty
- Because He is the father of all living beings, therefore there is response from Europe and America. Otherwise, what connection they have got? They have got their Jesus Christ or something else. But why they are attracted to Krsna
- Berlin is one of the most important cities in Europe and is one of the gateways to the communist world, and since your temple has a central location with good room space, everything is set for our preaching program
- Big, big men in Europe, very exalted position, they do not know even that there is life after death
- Europe, America, they work very diligently, hard, and they have got material prosperity. And the Eastern countries, they are not working, intelligent. From material point of view. From spiritual point of view that is another thing
- Europeans, American boys, they were addicted with illicit sex life. They were addicted for meat-eating. They were addicted drinking. They were addicted to gambling. Now they've given up everything
- Everyone will understand. Hare Krsna. That is proved. We are going to Africa. We are going to Canada, Europe, America. Everyone chants Hare Krsna. That is the language. When a young man and young woman loves one another, there is no question of language
- Fortunately our Hare Krsna movement all over the world, especially in the civilized world of Europe and America, has become very popular
- France is considered to have the most cultured people in Europe and if we can have some footing in France in the matter of Krishna Consciousness certainly this will be a great success
- GBC men should please help him (Harikesa Swami) in his efforts to win the case there as this case will decide the future of our movement there in Europe
- Greater India means India and outside also. And so far we collect records from the Mahabharata, part of Europe, also India. Up to Greek and Rome. Therefore it is called Mahabharata
- Here in Europe also the two wars was arranged by the German people, they were envious of the English people. So these wars are not right wars, righteous war
- Human civilization begins when there is religious conception of life. Therefore all over the world - it doesn't matter whether Europe, America or India or China, Japan - there is some kind of religion
- I am now organizing in Europe and America many farm lands so that my devotees can live there peacefully, grow their own foodstuffs, produce cloth, and save time for chanting Hare Krishna
- I am preaching especially in foreign countries, all over Europe, America, Japan, Canada, Australia, Malaysia, etc. I have introduced this sankirtana movement, and now we have centers around the world
- I am presently travelling through Europe and in the past weeks have held many programs in Rome, Geneva, Paris and now Germany. I, therefore, have no time to carefully study and decide on your proposals. The best thing is if you can come and meet with me
- I am traveling either in Europe, America, Africa, Canada, India, everywhere
- I am very glad to see the things are going on well in France and other places, and that you are there in Europe is a great relief for me
- I am very much ambitious for leading a Kirtana party, especially all over your state, and Europe. Hamsaduta is trying to organize this party
- I am very much anxious to know how far the residential quarter is constructed. Our deadline of completing the whole temple and residential building is the end of July. Whether it is possible? I want to know it definitely, before I go to Europe
- I am very much perturbed to hear you are suffering from maleria in Delhi. So don't be worried, you'll very soon recover, but I think it is a hindrance for you going to Europe. I therefore request you not to proceed to Europe immediately
- I am very satisfied with the work Harikesa Swami is doing there in Germany and Eastern Europe, therefore in order to encourage him and give him facility to rectify the situation in Germany, I have appointed him as acting GBC/BBT until the Mayapur meeting
- I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of 30/3/74 along with the French edition of Back to Godhead which is certainly a great pleasure for me. I can see by this publication and by your report that things are going on nicely in Europe
- I can see by this publication and by your report that things are going on nicely in Europe. All your programs are approved by me
- I can understand that people from many important cities of Europe and Africa are taking part in our Sankirtana movement, and you have got continuous engagements almost every night. This is very much encouraging
- I cannot stay here, neither in India. This is my position. Neither in my temple. This is my position. Nor India, nor America, nor Europe, nor any place
- I have a plan for opening 108 centers all over America, Europe, Canada, Japan, and Australia. I have got at present 26 centers. I have sent some of my devotees in Germany where people are more interested in this Hare Krsna movement
- I have already explained that our idea of religion means that like the sugar, it must be sweet. It is not that in Europe sugar is not sweet, in India it is sweet. Sugar, wherever it is, it is sweet. Similarly, the spirit soul is the same everywhere
- I have been away on a tour of Europe and America and upon returning to Bombay I have just gotten your letter. Therefore I have not replied sooner. I shall be coming to Vrndavana within a short time and we can talk there
- I have been invited by Australia & I am seriously considering visiting Moscow on my way to Europe, so my reaching at L.A. may take some more time, but I am always remembering about L.A. because I was very peacefully doing my translating work there
- I have felt the pulse of your country, not of your country, but throughout the whole western world, and younger generation, they are in need of this Krishna Consciousness movement. And I am therefore sending a branch to Europe, beginning from London
- I have got already invitations from many parts of Europe and they are appreciating my movement. Nobody feels reluctance in joining the chanting of Hare Krishna Mantra
- I have heard that in Europe there are many clubs. They go for gambling, and they lose everything, whatever, and they commit suicide. And the club proprietor throws him in the street. There is no law
- I hope during the month of October we shall open two branches in Europe
- I never said that you should go undercover for preaching in Eastern Europe. Everything should be done openly and very carefully. Krsna will protect your efforts
- I thank you for the copy of Easy Journey to Other Planets in the Finnish language. Now go throughout all of Europe with your travelling party and distribute my books profusely, just as the Radha-Damodara TSKP is doing in America
- I think that London is the most important center in Europe and the leadership must be very strong there, so I am asking Gurudas and his wife Yamuna to return there
- I travel all over United States. Then I will go to Europe. Then I will go to Africa. I have got my touring program for 4 months
- I understand from Janardana's letter that there is very good possibilities of spreading our Krishna Consciousness Movement there. So if Krishna desires, it will be possible to have three important centers in Europe very soon
- I was going to Europe via New York, I asked you to pick up some file "Vrindaban" ("Radha Damodara Temple") and you picked it. I told you that this file is very important and keep it carefully
- I will visit, Geneva, Rome, Stockholm, and three or four cities in Germany, each place for no more than four or five days. So since I will not have to return to India until August, after Europe I can go to Australia for your Rathayatra
- If I get opportunity I shall like to see that place, Switzerland, as I have heard that it is the best place in Europe. Anyway, let us see what Krsna desires
- If I say, "Krsna is the Supreme Lord," you may say, "Why is Krsna the Supreme Lord? Krsna is Indian." No. He is God. For example, the sun rises first over India, then over Europe. But that does not mean the European sun is different from the Indian sun
- If one wants to go from India to Europe, where the climatic condition is different, one has to change his dress accordingly. Similarly, a complete change of body is necessary if one wants to go to the planets of Vaikuntha
- If one wants to go from India to Europe, where the climatic condition is different, one has to change his dress accordingly. Similarly, a complete change of body is necessary if one wants to go to the transcendental planets of Vaikuntha
- If the USA, which is completely different from India, can accept this philosophy, I do not find any reason why Europe, which may be completely different from the USA, will not accept
- If we can open one centre in New York there is great potency for opening other centres also not only in America but also in Europe, Japan, China and many other places just to fulfill the desire of Srila Prabhupada and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- If you can arrange a meeting with the Pope then I can stop off there in Rome. So please inform His Holiness the Pope that I shall be returning to USA via Europe sometime after December 1
- If you can move with this Kirtana party, say a batch of 12 to 15 heads, all over the States, as well as Europe, I am sure we will be more popular than the so-called yogi Maharishi Mahesa
- Impossible - the Britisher replied. Yes, it is impossible, for in Europe or in America self-indulgence is the way of life from the very beginning
- In accordance with the evidence given in the sastra and the example set by Advaita Acarya, we give prasada to devotees regardless of whether they come from India, Europe or America
- In Africa, in Australia, in Canada, in Europe, in Asia - everywhere - as soon as they are understanding this (KC) philosophy, they are joining this movement. And it is not very difficult. We don't charge anything for selling Hare Krsna mantra
- In Europe and America boys and girls mingle unrestrictedly and have equal rights; therefore it is not possible to completely separate the men from the women
- In Europe and America there is presently no monetary scarcity. People are not poor, and if they follow these principles of Deity worship, they will advance in spiritual life
- In Europe and America they are now combining to oppose this Hare Krsna movement, that we are brainwashing him, controlling the mind by hypnotism
- In Europe, America, here also, so many frustrated young boys, they are coming to be practically of no value to the country. In America I see thousands of hippies, they are doing nothing. So what is the future of the country?
- In Europe, America, it has become a common affair to kill the child within the womb
- In Europe, Hitler unnecessarily picked up some war, & there was devastation all over the world. There was no gain. The Germany become defeated & bifurcated. So this leader could not do anything good to the nation, but unnecessarily picked up some quarrel
- In Europe, in America, the process of getting money is not the, like here, that I go to any gentleman, "Give us some donation." That is not possible. You cannot enter even one's house without introduction. Then you are trespasser
- In India still, they are not so degraded. You see. Even at night you can safely walk on the street. But in Europe, America, you cannot with confidence walk alone in the big, big streets
- In the beginning I was hopeless, that "Who will hear this movement? Simply 'no.' " And especially in this country, in Europe. So dull brain
- In Yadu-vamsa Krsna ordered all the devotee demigods to "Go and take birth there to help Me." Similarly, you were born in Europe, America, to help this. Otherwise you were devotees in your past lives. I have explained that in my recent writings
- In your Western country there is no question of poverty. You are all well-to-do. I have extensively traveled over America and Europe, especially America. They are very opulent
- India's position is different now. India has practically no milk, and no food. Due to our leaders' mismanagement, there is no milk. India is depending on your milk powder sent by Australia or by Europe. There is no milk
- Indians are coming in Europe and America to learn technology, but next generation will come here to learn spiritual science, to seek brahmins
- It has become a system in their country, the young boys and girls they live as friends without parents taking care of their being married. That has become a system, regular system in Europe and America
- It is not necessary that the rules and regulations followed in India be exactly the same as those in Europe, America and other Western countries. Simply imitating without effect is called niyamagraha
- Just like the staircase is there, but not in this country, in Europe and American countries, side by side, there is lift, elevator
- Just like these boys. They are coming from Europe, America. They are not Indians. But why they are sticking to this Krsna consciousness movement unless they are increasing their transcendental pleasure?
- Many devotees join our Krsna consciousness movement from Europe and America, but one should not therefore consider them European Vaisnavas or American Vaisnavas. A Vaisnava is a Vaisnava and should therefore be given all the respect due a Vaisnava
- Many monkeys in India were caught and sent to Europe so that their sex glands could serve as replacements for those of old people. Those who actually descend from the monkeys are interested in expanding their aristocratic families through sex
- Napoleon was conquering all over Europe, and he thought that he would be able to enjoy this. But where is Napoleon? The arch is there. That's all. This is the position
- Not only in India, all over the world, the churches also, they're dwindled. Now, Europe and America, so many churches are for sale. We have purchased so many churches because people have no more interest
- Nothing is difficult. For the time being it (spreading KC) is difficult, but in due course of time it will be very easy. Now who knew that in Europe and America or all over the world, Hare Krsna will go on?
- Now I have seen, while traveling in Europe, that all the rivers there have become nasty. In Germany, in France, and also in Russia and America I have seen that the rivers are nasty
- Now you should recruit men for our purpose from Europe as many as possible, in France, Germany, England, etc. All of you do everything conjointly, and at the same time try to organize the World Sankirtana Party
- Old history you will find that India, they had got their own ships for exporting spices to Greece and other countries of Europe. The history is there. And they were supplying muslin cloth, even just before the British period, Muslim period
- On one side of America is Europe and on the other side is Asia. So we can expand the Bhagavatam mission both wise. On one side towards England, Germany, Italy etc and on the other side towards China Japan etc
- On your way to India you can perform Kirtan in some important cities of Europe, and then go to Africa, Kenya
- One thing I observed in that article, there is publication of my name, Swami A.C. Bhaktivedanta. So this indicates that your tour in Europe is going to be very successful
- One thing is, we are observing here in Europe many, many hippies have become so disgusted with material life but they are also now so much degraded that they will not hear our philosophy, simply mocking
- One who is qualified, he gets very easily job in Europe or America, high salary. They get cheaper. Yes. What the Americans will accept for two thousand dollars, Indians will accept at seven hundred dollars
- Only hope is that you distribute books, as much as possible, whole Europe, whole America. If they come to some day, they will realize what is this value
- Our books are extensively distributed in the Western countries, especially in America & Europe. Even the ecclesiastical orders in these countries are appreciating the value of the KC movement & are ready to unite for the highest benefit of human society
- Our installation of Deities in America and in the wealthy countries of Europe should be carried out in terms of Sri Madhavendra Puri's activities
- Our London center is very important and it is already known all over Europe and what to speak of England. So try to develop this center to the best of your capacity
- Our movement is an epidemic. It will devour the whole of Europe and America
- Our sankirtana movement is increasing in every country. Europe, America, even in Africa, Canada, everywhere
- Overflood Europe with German books. I think that the German people are the heart of Europe, and your march will be followed by Bhagavan dasa in French language
- Regarding the members comprising the World Sankirtana Party, on the whole I wish that 40 members will go, one half from Europe and one half from America or as it may be suitable, there is no definite restriction
- Regarding World Samkirtan Party: now the best of my students interested in Samkirtana; namely Mukunda, Tamal, and yourself, are now in Europe
- Sapta-dvipa refers to the seven great islands or continents on the surface of the globe: (1) Asia, (2) Europe, (3) Africa, (4) North America, (5) South America, (6) Australia and (7) Oceania
- So here it is open secret, to keep a beautiful girl as secretary, everywhere in Europe and America. So where is purity? Purity? Marriage is a taboo, and keep secretary is very good job. And you can get secretary even free of charge. Rather, she will pay
- Some of the best students like you, Tamala, Mukunda, Syamasundara., and Jaya Govinda, are all now in Europe. Now you form a strong party for opening centers as well as organizing the World Sankirtana Party
- Someone of the GBC will come there and Brahmananda will be transferred to somewhere else. Perhaps he can go to Europe. If Brahmananda also falls then of course there will be trouble there. What can be done?
- Sriman Ranajit Sene, is a life member of our Society. He is going to visit Europe and America, so he should be received in every center as a life member. If he wants to stay in the temple he should be given facility
- The archaeological investigation has found so many relics, and in the Vedic literature we also find the mention of all the island, sapta-dvipa, seven islands. Seven islands means Asia, Europe, North America, South America, Africa, Australia and Oceania
- The brahmanas in India are sometimes very much against my movement because I train and accept brahmanas from Europe and America. But we do not care about their arguments, nor will any other reasonable man
- The Indo-European stock, they are also coming from the ksatriyas. From the history of Mahabharata, we can understand the Aryan families who migrated to Europe, they also belonged to this surya-vamsa or candra-vamsa
- The last two disastrous war was waged only for this (demoniac) industry. This is the cause. German, they are actually in Europe very intelligent, and their machine products and other things, they make very nice things
- The London party is going to New York today, and from there they will start for London, as soon as possible. That center is immediately necessary, because we have no center in Europe
- The more people will be materialistic, the world will be burdened. Therefore there must be war, pestilence, famine, to clear these rascals, clear out. You'll find these things. In Europe, every ten years, twenty years, there is a fight, war
- The President of the US, is considered to be the supreme man in the country, but as soon as there is some disturbance in Central Europe, he immediately has to call a meeting of his cabinet to consider how to deal with the situation
- There are different grades of intelligence. In Europe, America, they are intelligent, but their intelligence is utilized for material purposes. And in India their intelligence is utilized for spiritual purpose
- There are inhabitants in Africa and inhabitants in Europe, America, Australia, and the quality of man are different. Similarly, as we find different qualities of men on this planet, in other planets also there are different qualities of human being
- There are now ten devotees with me here and I expect 20 more men and women from the U.S. and Europe to come within a month
- These seven islands (of Earth) are still current, as Asia, Europe, Africa, America, Australia and the North and South Poles
- They are spending years. They are all European, Americans. They are not Indians. You go to Melbourne. We have got big branch. In Sydney we have got. In Europe. They are doing that. It requires training, proper training. Then it will be done
- They are trying to unite all nations, spending so much money. But here, we have attempted this Krsna consciousness movement. All parts of the world they have joined. From America, from Europe, Australia, Africa, India
- They are very much against me because, in my movement, I am making brahmanas from Europe and America
- This city is very nice. Not only this city, I am traveling all over the world. There are very, very nice cities in Europe, America and other countries also
- This is very encouraging news that Hamburg center is becoming more and more important. Hamsaduta is very anxious to open many branches in Europe and Germany. Please help and cooperate with him
- Two or three hundred years ago the land of America was not developed, but because some superior living entities from Europe came here, America is now very much developed. Therefore the cause of development is the superior energy
- We are having a GBC meeting and your presence is required. After the Mayapur ceremony when I am coming to Europe, I will stop in Tehran for two or three days
- We are not introducing caste system, that any rascal born in a brahmana family, he becomes a brahmana. We don't accept that. A man who is first-class trained up to become a brahmana, we accept him. It doesn't matter whether he is India, Europe or America
- We are preaching all over the world and you, my dear friends from Europe and America, you have taken this Krsna consciousness movement. Again I shall repeat the same logic. Andha-pangu-nyaya
- We are preaching Krsna consciousness. Suppose I have to preach Krsna consciousness in Europe or America. So because a sannyasi has to walk, therefore I shall walk throughout the whole life to go to America? This is foolishness
- We are printing Krishna literature almost in all languages of Europe, in English language, in Spanish language, in French language, in Swedish language, in Dutch and German language, and then Italian, we are publishing, and it is being sold like hotcakes
- We are trying to establish this brahminical culture, go-brahmana-hitaya ca. You'll be very much pleased that in a country where go-hatya is so prominent, now we have established so many farms in Europe and America
- We have come from America and Europe with forty disciples, mostly American, and we wanted to stay in the Birla Guest House at Mayapur during the Birthday Anniversary of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Unfortunately, Sri Bhakti Vilas Tirtha did not allow us to stay
- We have got about one hundred branches all over the world - Europe, America, Australia, and Far East, Middle East, India - everywhere we have got branches. And I am very much obliged to your country, USA. You are mostly cooperating with this movement
- We have got report from Europe, in Yugoslavia people are chanting Hare Krsna mantra even there, in Yugoslavia
- We have seen many practical examples of this, especially in Europe and America. Many students who come to us from rich and respectable families quickly lose all interest in material enjoyment and become very eager to enter into spiritual life
- We must print hundreds and thousands of books and distribute them at the same speed and thus we will have a great effect on the mass population of Europe and America
- We will conquer Europe with these books. I can only thank you again and again in sincere gratitude for producing this literature, and pray to Krsna to bless you with all spiritual advancement
- When you go to India, you let me know and I shall give you some introductory letters to Calcutta, Bombay, Delhi, Navadvipa, Jaipur, Kanpur, etc. Perhaps you have to visit Udaipur also. But in Europe wherever you go, you must arrange for opening a centre
- Where is Mandali Bhadra? I have not heard from him. What he is doing now? What has happened to ISKCON Press Europa? Since I have come to London, why I have not heard anything from him
- You Americans, you came from Europe, and now you have developed the whole America, very nice cities, towns, and very well developed. That is called the exploiting the resources
- You are all sincere workers, and they also are very sincere souls. So cooperate together nicely, and I hope our Hamburg center will very soon become the important center in Europe
- You are brought up in a different standard in Europe and America, and in India it may be difficult because you haven't got all the facilities. But you learn tolerance. Execute Krsna consciousness. That should be our business
- You cannot take any other name, chant & enjoy like that (Hare Krsna). It is practical experience. I am touring all over the world, three times in a year, & because this chanting is Absolute, everyone is joining - Europe, America, Africa, Japan, everywhere
- You don't bother about species. There are different forms. Just like in Europe the form is different from Africa or India
- You Europeans, Americans, you are also Aryans. Indo-European stock. Maharaja Yayati, grandson of Maharaja Pariksit, he gave to his two sons the portion of eastern Europe, Greek and Roman. That is the history, Mahabharata
- You must remain strong by following the four regulative principles, and chanting 16 rounds of japa daily, and go on distributing my books unlimitedly in Europe
- You will be glad to know that I have got now 8 branches, in USA, and Canada. Next, I am going to Europe and shall open branches in London, in Amsterdam, Munich, and Sweden, and that is my program
- Your money you can squander away. That is your business. But we request the authorities and the sane men that you take up this sankirtana movement, especially in America, and expand this to other parts of the world, Europe, Asia