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Pages in category "Sydney"
The following 21 pages are in this category, out of 21 total.
- I (Prabhupada) am so very much pleased to know that everything has been resolved so nicely, and Sydney center has moved to a larger and better location. All these are very good news, and I beg to thank you very much
- I am coming from India, and other parts there is drought. There is no rainfall; they are suffering for want of rainfall. But in Australia, especially in Sydney, I see there is good rainfall. So how the distinction can be adjusted?
- I am encouraged to hear from you that Melbourne Temple is even better than Sydney Temple, so I must surely come there to see it. Go on like this, transcendental rivalry, just like San Francisco and Los Angeles, this pleases me very much
- I have got ambition to start at least 108 centers. My disciples are already scattered from Hamburg to Tokyo, and from Tokyo to Sydney. And more youngsters are joining us daily in this movement
- I prayed like that in Sydney, I can't do anything good to them. But somehow or other I have brought them to You Sir. Now You make them Krsna conscious. Otherwise, how can I do anything? It is beyond my power
- I think in Sydney. Some boy, present, he was . . . "We have to supply food to the hungry who are dying without food, in starvation." Then when I asked him, "How many men you have seen dying out of starvation?" he could not reply
- I think you should apply your talent for painting nice pictures of Krishna and the acaryas in our line, and also you may help Mohadananda in designing work for his press operation there in Sydney
- In most cities of the Western world we have been arrested many times by the police, but we are nevertheless executing the order of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu by chanting on the streets of all the important cities, such as New York, London, Chicago & Sydney
- We are now introducing this Hare Krsna movement in great cities of the world like New York, London, Paris, Tokyo, Sydney, Melbourne and Auckland, and by the grace of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu everything is going on nicely
- We have four places which I have visited - Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland, and Jakarta. The preaching was very satisfactory. Sriman Amogha dasa is trying to learn the local language and print some books in the Dai Nippon branch here