Category:Vaniquotes English Dictionary S-T-U
- Here are the statements where Srila Prabhupada explains the meanings of different English words throughout his books, lectures, conversations and letters.
Pages in category "Vaniquotes English Dictionary S-T-U"
The following 995 pages are in this category, out of 995 total.
- A good boy surrenders to his father means
- A gorgeous temple means
- A slight doubt means
- Absolute surrender means
- Absolute truth means
- Accept spiritual master means
- Acceptance of spiritual master means
- Accepting Krsna as the spiritual master means
- Accepting spiritual master means
- Accepting the Lord or His representative as one's savior means
- According to Patanjali's system, mysticism means
- Actual self-realization means
- Actually the platform of devotional service means
- Adding sense gratification means
- Advancement in self-realization means
- Advancement in the yoga system means
- Advancement of devotional service means
- All together means
- All-unlimited means
- Amongst the scientists this is an etiquette, not to talk of God. Everything science. Means
- Analytical study of the soul and body means
- Any other business (except taking shelter of the lotus feet of Krsna) means
- Arthadam, "In this life you can achieve the substance," that substance means
- Aryans, they are divided into three higher castes. Caste means
- Asuric tendency means
- At any time means
- At the present moment democracy means
- Atma in the material sense means
- Attaining scientific knowledge of the Personality of Godhead means
- Authorized songs means
- Avoid sleeping means
- Avoid taxation means
- Awakened stage means
- Bad things means
- Bhakti science means
- Bhakti system means
- Bhakti, the whole devotional service program means
- Bhakti-yoga system means
- Bhava stage means
- Big temple means
- Body means the senses; therefore my satisfaction means
- Bogus type of religion means
- Bona fide spiritual master means
- Brahma-bhuta stage means
- Brahma-bhutah stage means
- Brahma-bhutah status means
- Brahmacari system means
- Brahman-Paramatma ultimately means
- Brahmana pandita. He must be scholar. Scholar means
- Caste system means
- Chaste tongue means
- Cintamani stone means
- Civilized society means
- Classless society means
- Cobbler's science means
- Comparative study means
- Completely spiritualized means
- Conditional stage means
- Conditioned soul means
- Conditioned state means
- Consulting a bona fide spiritual master means
- Control of the senses means
- Controlling of senses means
- Controlling tongue means
- Convalescent stage means
- Covered portion (of sky) by cloud means...
- Cow sacrifice yajna means
- Credit side means
- Crossing the sea means
- Debit side means
- Deep sleeping means
- Deity worship in the temple means
- Desire tree means
- Desiring to become one with the Supreme means
- Deviation in the path of religious system means
- Devotional service in practice means
- Devotional service is rarely achieved. Rarely achieved means
- Devotional service means
- Devotional service to the Supreme Lord means
- Difference between self-realized stage and doggish stage means
- Difference between the inferior and superior means
- Different groups of saintly person means
- Different types of body means
- Dirty things means
- Disciplic succession means
- Do not trust means
- Do not understand means
- Don't produce cats and dogs. That is my request. Otherwise don't produce. Remain separate. Separate means
- Due to the presence of the spirit soul the body grows, means
- Each and every star means
- Each book sold means
- Eggplant tree means
- Eight million four hundred thousand bodies means
- Elevated in the impersonal stage means
- Endeavor to satisfy means
- Everyone on the same level means
- Everyone wants his own satisfaction means
- Everyone's servant means
- Everything is taking birth means
- Evolution of universe means
- Existence of the universe means
- Extensively touring means
- Faithful servant means
- Fall down from the spiritual standard means
- Fallen soul means
- Father and son relationship means
- Fifty-six times means
- Firmly fixed up means
- First six principles means
- Fixed up means
- Full self surrender means
- Full self-surrender means
- Full surrender means
- Fully spiritualized means
- Fully surrendered devotee means
- Fully surrendered means
- Generally adopted son means
- Give up means
- Give up necessities means
- Giving importance to the spiritual side means
- Go to university means
- Going up means
- Good conditioned soul means
- Good soul means
- Good trees means
- Gosvami title means
- Great sages means
- Great soul means
- Great suffering means
- Gross thing means
- Happiness to the modern standard means
- Hatha-yoga system means
- Hawaii is meant for tourists. Tourists means
- He saw means
- He's so shameless that he says that "I am God." God is so cheap. Means
- High technologist means
- Higher devotional service means
- Higher planetary system means
- Highest stage means
- His sons means
- Human society means
- I am as good as the Supreme Being means
- I am not there means
- I am sinful means
- I am Supreme means
- I see a man means
- Ideal state means
- If one can please a pure devotee of the Lord, such action means
- If there is no eating, then passing stool means
- If we enjoy sex life then we'll die. Die means
- If you save America means
- If you think, that thinking means
- Illicit sex means
- Impersonal understanding of Krsna means
- In devotional service surrender means
- In terms of Krsna consciousness means
- In the hotel also they were charging six rupees means
- In the same way means
- In the sastra it has been openly declared three times. Three times means
- Inauspicious things means
- Income tax means
- Indian tourists means
- Indulgence of sex life means
- Intimate unity means
- Intoxication means
- It cannot be seen means
- Madhyama-adhikari stage means
- Manisa means
- Marginal stage means
- Marriage system means
- Master of the senses means
- Material science means
- Material senses means
- Material society means
- Material stage means
- Material taste means
- Material things means
- Material thought means
- Materialistic society means
- Materialistic standard of living means
- Mature understanding of activity means
- Medical treatment means
- Mental speculator means
- Merging of the soul means
- Metaphysical thinking means
- Mixing up means
- More time means
- Moving temple means
- Much trouble means
- My survival means
- Offering worship to the Supreme Lord by praying means
- One Krishna book sold means
- One of the universes means
- One ounce of semina discharge means
- One service means
- One should surrender unto the Supersoul sitting within means
- One who speaks and writes for living means
- Oneness with the Supreme Lord means
- Original status means
- Our ISKCON Society married couples means
- Our so-called advancement of education means
- Our socialism means
- Our Society means
- Our surrender means
- Our theory of creation means
- Outside unclean means
- Over the tongue means
- Pancaratriki system means
- Parampara system means
- People think that advancement of civilization means
- Perfect human society means
- Perfect system means
- Perfected soul means
- Personal service to the spiritual master means
- Phenomenal study means
- Picked up means
- Placing the devotee into material troubles means
- Power of science means
- Present state of the world means
- Proper use means
- Prosecution of devotional service means
- Pure devotional service means
- Purification of the sense means
- Purified senses means
- Purifying the senses means
- Purusa synonymously means
- Real religious system means
- Real science means
- Real self realization means
- Real spiritual life means
- Real truthful means
- Real yoga system means
- Reclaim the fallen souls means
- Rectified spirit means
- Relative truth means
- Religious scripture means
- Religious system means
- Renunciation in devotional service means
- Representative of Sukadeva Gosvami means
- Right side means
- Roots upwards of a tree means
- Sacred thread means
- Sacrifice means
- Sadhu-guru test means
- Saffron colored dress means
- Sages means
- Saheb quarter means
- Saintly person means
- Salt means
- Salvation means
- Same body means
- Same family means
- Sanctioned means
- Sand means
- Sane means
- Sanity means
- Sankaracarya follower means
- Sanskrit great scholar means
- Sastric contraception means
- Satisfaction means
- Save means
- Saving means
- Savior means
- Scarcity of foodstuff means
- Science means
- Scientific advance means
- Scientific basis means
- Scientific brain means
- Scientific education means
- Scientific improvement means
- Scientific knowledge and your car, means
- Scientific knowledge means
- Scientific laboratory means
- Scientific means
- Scientist means
- Scriptural injunction means
- Scripture means
- Sea water means
- Searching after divine means
- Searching means
- Second birth means
- Second birthday means
- Second category means
- Second chance means
- Second class means
- Second initiation means
- Second life means
- Second means
- Second-class means
- Secular government means
- Secular means
- Secular state means
- Secure means
- Security means
- Seed means
- Seeing by the light of the sun means
- Seeing means
- Seeing the Lord means
- Seeing them equally means
- Selection of spiritual master means
- Self means
- Self-control means
- Self-deception means
- Self-discipline means
- Self-interest means
- Self-realization means
- Self-same body means
- Self-surrender means
- Selfish interest means
- Selling BTG means
- Sending boys to the school means
- Sense control means
- Sense enjoyment means
- Sense experience means
- Sense gratification civilization means
- Sense gratification means
- Sense means
- Sense objects means
- Sense pleasure means
- Senses means
- Sensible means
- Separate means
- Separated means
- Separation means
- Serious student means
- Seriously means
- Seriousness means
- Servant means
- Servant of desire means
- Servant of dog means
- Servant of the family means
- Service attitude means
- Service means
- Service of the body means
- Service to God means
- Service to humanity means
- Service with the tongue means
- Serving a Vaisnava means
- Serving means
- Serving the Absolute Truth means
- Serving your senses means
- Servitorship means
- Seven islands means
- Sex enjoyment means
- Sex indulgence means
- Sex life means
- Sex means
- Sex-life without exception means
- Shade means
- Shadow means
- Share market means
- Shaven-headed means
- Shaving head means
- Shelter of Him (Krsna) means
- Shining means
- Showing respect to the constable in the street means
- Sickness means
- Silence means
- Silent means
- Simple life means
- Simplicity means
- Simply by his implicit acceptance of the Lotus Feet of the Lord as the goal of his life means
- Simply decorating this body means
- Simply to cultivate Krsna consciousness favorably. Favorably means
- Sincerity means
- Sinful activities means
- Sinful activity means
- Sinful life means
- Sinful means
- Sinless means
- Six plates, eight puris means
- Six thousand dollars means
- Skepticism means
- Slaughterhouses means
- Slave means
- Sleep means
- Sleeping man means
- Sleeping means
- Slow and lazy means
- Slow means
- Smiling means
- Smoke means
- Snake means
- So much restriction means
- So-called advancement of civilization means
- So-called brahmana means
- So-called civilization means
- So-called cultivation of knowledge means
- So-called death means
- So-called democracy means
- So-called economic development means
- So-called education means
- So-called equal rights means
- So-called freedom means
- So-called household life means
- So-called human society means
- So-called humanitarian love means
- So-called humanitarian service means
- So-called immigration department means
- So-called independence means
- So-called jnani means
- So-called love means
- So-called material education means
- So-called meditation means
- So-called national education means
- So-called pleasure means
- So-called scientific education means
- So-called scientific improvement means
- So-called servant means
- Social work means
- Socialism means
- Society means
- Soil expert means
- Some of the girls, they loved Krsna, and a girl's loving means
- Some people means
- Some time means
- Son means
- Soul means
- Soul without the body means
- Soul-killer means
- Speaking means
- Special food means
- Special observance means
- Species means
- Speculation means
- Speculators means
- Speed of mind means
- Spiritual activities means
- Spiritual advancement means
- Spiritual affair means
- Spiritual anxiety means
- Spiritual bliss means
- Spiritual body means
- Spiritual communism means
- Spiritual consciousness means
- Spiritual culture means
- Spiritual death means
- Spiritual energy means
- Spiritual enjoyment means
- Spiritual enlightenment means
- Spiritual entities means
- Spiritual existence means
- Spiritual form means
- Spiritual hunger means
- Spiritual jealousy means
- Spiritual knowledge means
- Spiritual level means
- Spiritual master directs means
- Spiritual master means
- Spiritual meaning means
- Spiritual means
- Spiritual morality means
- Spiritual movement means
- Spiritual nature means
- Spiritual part means
- Spiritual perfection means
- Spiritual planets means
- Spiritual platform means
- Spiritual pleasure means
- Spiritual progress means
- Spiritual quality means
- Spiritual realization means
- Spiritual revolution means
- Spiritual seeing means
- Spiritual sense means
- Spiritual service means
- Spiritual side means
- Spiritual strength means
- Spiritual suhrt means
- Spiritual touch means
- Spiritual training means
- Spiritual understanding means
- Spiritual variegatedness means
- Spiritual world means
- Spiritualism means
- Spiritualistic means
- Spiritualized means
- Spiritually advanced means
- Spiritually inclined means
- Stagnation means
- Standard idea means
- Start means
- State law means
- Static means
- Steadiness means
- Steady means
- Stealing freedom means
- Stillness means
- Stool-eater means
- Stop breathing means
- Stop means
- Stopping the senses means
- Stops growing means
- Story means
- Strike means
- Strong government means
- Struggle for existence means
- Student life means
- Student means
- Study means
- Study of Bhagavad-gita means
- Subconscious means
- Subdue means
- Submission means
- Submissive means
- Subordinate means
- Substance means
- Subtle body means
- Subtle form means
- Success in life means
- Successful business means
- Successful life means
- Successful means
- Such attempt means
- Suffering means
- Suffering without knowledge, without remedy means
- Sugar cane means
- Sugar characteristic means
- Sugar means
- Suicide means
- Sun disappears means
- Sun globe means
- Sun is here means
- Sun is the eyes for all planets. All planets means
- Sun rays means
- Sunrise and sunset means
- Sunshine is here means
- Sunshine means
- Superficial means
- Superior arrangement means
- Superior energy means
- Superior nature means
- Superiority means
- Supraconsciousness means
- Supreme authority means
- Supreme Being means
- Supreme cause means
- Supreme consciousness means
- Supreme controller means
- Supreme judge means
- Supreme man means
- Supreme means
- Supreme planet means
- Supreme power means
- Supreme self means
- Surrender means
- Surrendering to Krishna means
- Surrendering to the spiritual master means
- Survival means
- Survival of the fittest means
- Survives means
- Symptoms of life means
- Systematic hearing means
- Systematic human society means
- Systematic society means
- Take charge means
- Take Sita and kill Rama means
- Taking another car means
- Taking himself as the Supreme means
- Taking part in these (Rathayatra) festivals means
- Taking shelter of these books means
- Talking means
- Taste means
- Tasting potassium cyanide means
- Tax means
- Teacher means
- Teachings of Bhagavad-gita means
- Technologist means
- Technology means
- Temple life means
- Temple management very nicely means
- Temple means
- Temple organization means
- Temple worship means
- Temporary body means
- Temporary means
- Ten hands means
- Ten thousand of years means
- Tendency means
- Tenth Canto means
- Test means
- Testimonial means
- That is real auspiciousness. Means
- That our senses are imperfect means
- That Sati quit her body means
- That the atheist does not believe in God means
- That the individual souls are everywhere means
- That the Lord is formless or impersonal means
- That the Lord is not present everywhere means
- That the Lord left His body means
- That there is a scarcity of money certainly means
- That there is delay means
- That they did not live at home means
- That tumultuous sound means
- The 'trees' means
- The actual purpose of studying Vedas means
- The age of Kali means
- The Aryan family means
- The beginning of yoga system means
- The combination of yuga means
- The computer machine can work for thousands of men. So thousands of men means
- The cure means
- The doer means
- The end of all suffering means
- The essence means
- The evolution of different types of body means
- The finger is not serving me means
- The first condition of love means
- The freedom soldier means
- The good quality means
- The government has given land means
- The Hare Krsna mantra means
- The head department means
- The hearing of Bhagavatam means
- The heart of Devaki means
- The highest of the mankind means
- The hippies are nothing but a group of madmen, that's all. Means
- The important section of society means
- The INA soldiers means
- The increase of motorcar means
- The instruction means
- The last snare of enjoyer means
- The living entity's declaring independence means
- The lower half of sakhya means
- The misery of taking birth means...
- The more we are advanced means
- The more we become so-called materially advanced, means
- The more you dance, the more you become light; means
- The original Bharata means
- The other side of the picture means
- The perfection of yoga system means
- The process of improvement means
- The renounced order means
- The sacrifice of cow recommended in the Vedic sastra means
- The satisfaction of one's senses and desires means
- The second quality of body means
- The sky creation means
- The sleeping condition means
- The so called democratic government means
- The soul being within the body means
- The soul enters another body means
- The Spiritual Master is never without His followers, so to serve the Spiritual Master also means
- The spoiling the life like cats and dogs means
- The sraddha stage means
- The struggle for existence means
- The study of Bhagavatam means
- The sun's appearance means
- The Supreme everything means
- The systematic way means
- The topmost transcendentalist means
- The vanaprastha order means
- The varnasrama college means
- The very fact that one should drink on the first Friday of each month means
- The very fact that the Mayavadi claims to be one with the Supreme Lord means
- The whole creation means
- The whole history of the world means
- The whole process of yoga means
- Their hopefulness means
- Their thinking means
- Theism means
- Theistic means
- Theologist means
- Theory means
- Theosophy means
- There is no alternative means
- Therefore means
- They are thinking to become fearless means
- They have adopted this spiritual life means
- They settled up means
- Third-class lawyer means
- Third-class means
- This gurukula means
- This institution means
- This is the time means
- This keli performance means
- This machine nonsense means
- This moon planet going means
- This movement means
- This teaching, this learning, means
- This tendency of artificial supremacy means
- This world means
- Those who are always chanting the holy name of God, they are in safety position. Safety position means
- Those who are going to be initiated, they should understand that chanting of the holy name means
- Those who are reading Bhagavad-gita unfavorably means
- Thou shalt not kill means
- Thousands of goddess of fortune means
- Three classes means
- Three divisions means
- Three elements means
- Three gunas means
- Three hundred dacoits there means
- Three lakhs means
- Three principles means
- Three rods means
- Three times means
- Three worlds means
- Threefold miseries means
- Throwing ball means
- Throwing potency means
- Thrown away means
- Tied up means
- Tiger life means
- To accept disciples means
- To accept God as son means
- To accept Krsna as father means
- To accept material possessions means
- To accept more material enjoyment means
- To accept sannyasa means
- To accept the Lord's prasada means
- To appreciate the creation means
- To attempt vasudeva-bhakti means
- To be forgetful of Krishna means
- To be free from all material association means
- To be in Krishna Consciousness means
- To be Krsna conscious means
- To be means
- To be one with the Supreme Lord means
- To be out of miserable condition means
- To be saved by God means
- To be self means
- To be under disciplinary activities means
- To become a bhakti-yogi means
- To become a great devotee means
- To become a husband means
- To become a lawyer means
- To become a life member means
- To become a perfect devotee means
- To become above the material principles means
- To become devotee of the Lord means
- To become disciple means
- To become disobedient to God means
- To become father means
- To become free from designation means
- To become free from material existence means
- To become godless means
- To become graduate means
- To become guru means
- To become her (Goddess Durga) maidservant means
- To become hippie means
- To become Krsna conscious means
- To become merged into the unlimited eternity of the Supreme Absolute means
- To become one with God means
- To become one with the brahma-jyotir means
- To become religious means
- To become sannyasi means
- To come to the fever degree, 107 or 8, means
- To commit mistake means
- To conquer the senses means
- To control the senses means
- To criticize them means
- To cut off all family affection means
- To deny God means
- To do what is good means
- To educate people in Krsna consciousness means
- To end material existence means
- To enjoy sex life means
- To enter the darkest region of material existence means
- To execute religious principles means
- To fix up the mind means
- To follow Caitanya Mahaprabhu means
- To follow in the footsteps of the Mahatmas means
- To follow the direction of Bhagavad-gita means
- To follow the instruction of Caitanya means
- To forget God means
- To get body means
- To get the assistance and help of a bona fide spiritual master means
- To get this hog's and dog's life means
- To get too much riches means
- To give charge means
- To give charity means
- To give respect to the police constable means
- To give service to the humanity means
- To give up all these bad habits means
- To give women independence means
- To glorify God means
- To go back to home, back to Godhead means
- To go to the real land means
- To have our own press means
- To hear about Krsna means
- To hear the activities of the Lord means
- To help oneself means
- To honor the spiritual master means
- To increase attachment for Brahman means
- To increase love of God means
- To insult a chaste woman means
- To keep elephant means
- To kill a child means
- To kill cows means
- To kill this demon means
- To know Brahman means
- To know God means
- To know one's constitutional position means
- To know the science of Krishna means
- To live apart from family life means
- To live here means
- To live in cottage means
- To live in the temple means
- To live in Vrndavana means
- To live with wife means
- To make life perfect means
- To make noise in front of the Deity means
- To make the best out of this bad bargain means
- To Mayavadis, ananda-maya means
- To meditate means
- To meditate upon the lotus feet of the Lord means
- To obey the imperfect person means
- To observe Ekadasi-vrata and Dvadasi-vrata means
- To offer Krsna Caitanya means
- To offer respect to anyone means
- To open the eyes means
- To pass the examination means
- To perform devotional service means
- To please Lord Jagannatha means
- To please the spiritual master means
- To produce this ghee means
- To promise to follow the four prohibitive rules and to daily chant sixteen rounds means
- To read Bhagavad-gita means
- To reject what is not good means
- To remain animal means
- To remain attached to this family life means
- To remain in household life means
- To save money means
- To see oneself means
- To see the sun means
- To serve everything means
- To serve maya means
- To serve the lotus feet of the Lord means
- To serve these sacred places means
- To study the Vedas means
- To suffer as dog or monkey means
- To supply food in the stomach means
- To take birth in rich family means
- To take shelter of the lotus feet of the Lord means
- To take shelter of the Spiritual Master means
- To take to Krishna consciousness means
- To think of Krsna always, means
- To travel to different places of pilgrimage means
- To understand Bhagavad-gita means
- To understand God means
- To understand the Param Brahman means
- To understand Vedanta-sutra means
- To understand Vedic literature means
- To walk over the water means
- To water the root of the tree means
- To work on the spiritual plane means
- To worship Panca-tattva means
- To worship the demigods means
- Tolerance means
- Tomorrow means
- Tongue means
- Tongue prostitution means
- Too little eating means
- Too much control means
- Too much eating means
- Too much intermingling of woman means
- Too much materially opulent means
- Too much mechanical means
- Too much sense gratification means
- Topmost knowledge means
- Touch the Deity means
- Touching the lotus feet of a spiritual master means
- Touchstone means
- Trade means
- Trained means
- Training means
- Transcendence means
- Transcendental life means
- Transcendental means
- Transcendental platform means
- Transcendental pleasure means
- Transcendental position means
- Transcendental subject means
- Transmigration means
- Transmigration of the soul means
- Transport means
- Traveling means
- Treatment of mind means
- Tree grows means
- Trial balance means
- Trident means
- True spirituality means
- Trust means
- Truth means
- Truthful means
- Truthfulness means
- Trying to cover the suffering by some nonsense means
- Tulasi dasa's Ramayana means
- Twelve authorities means
- Twelve hours of Brahma means
- Twelve years means
- Twenty-five dollars means
- Twenty-five years in a place means
- Twenty-four hours means
- Twenty-two rupees means
- Twice-born means
- Two birds means
- Two energies means
- Typewriter means
- Typhoid means
- Ultimate end means
- Ultimate goal means
- Ultimate goal of education means
- Ultimate knowledge means
- Ultimate supreme person means
- Ultimate transmigration means
- Ultimate yoga means
- Unalloyed devotion means
- Unalloyed love means
- Unalloyed means
- Unborn means
- Unchangeable means
- Uncivilized men means
- Unconditionally means
- Unconscious stage means
- Unconsciousness means
- Understand Bhagavan fully means
- Understand Krsna as He is. "As He is" means
- Understand these things means
- Understanding means
- Unemployed means
- Unfortunate means
- Uniformity means
- United Nations means
- Unity means
- Universal love means
- Universal means
- University education means
- Unknowingly means
- Unless one is very strong in body, old age means
- Unlimited means
- Unlimited mouths means
- Unmotivated means
- Unnatural means
- Unnecessarily we discharge semina means
- Unqualified guru means
- Unrestricted life means
- Unrestricted sense enjoyment means
- Unrestricted sense gratification means
- Unwanted association means
- Up means
- Upwards means
- Utilize human form of life properly means
- Utsaha is so important thing. Means
- Wasting your semina means
- We are also minute particles of God, shining. Shining means
- We are called vibhinnamsa, separated extension. Separated extension means
- We are teaching Krsna consciousness means
- We generally understand that old age means
- We have to get our body next according the superior, daiva. Superior means
- We keep the standard means
- We should be in love of God means
- We want to understand God through philosophy. "Through philosophy" means
- When Krishna says unto me, he means
- When things are clear, interpretation means
- White spot means
- Whole universe means
- Working without sleep means
- Worship the Deity or to worship Panca-tattva means
- Worshiping the Supreme Lord Visnu with devotion means