Dr. Patel: Today the world is dominated by Aryans, all over practically. Except in Central Africa.
Prabhupāda: Today the whole world is dominated by demons.
Dr. Patel: Today. The Aryans have become demons.
Prabhupāda: Yes. That... Anyone can become demon. A demon can become Aryan, and Aryan can become demon by culture. That is one...
Dr. Patel: Yes, yes. A brāhmaṇa can be generated to Rāvaṇa state.
Prabhupāda: Yes. That is the Aryan culture.
- yasya hi yad lakṣanaṁ
- proktaṁ varṇābhivyañjakam
- yady anyātrāpi dṛṣyeta
- tat tenaiva vinirdiṣet
- (SB 7.11.35)
That who is Aryan? These are the symptoms of Aryan. If the symptoms are found in Mexico, they are Aryan. That is verdict of Nārada. Yady anyātrāpi dṛṣyeta tat tenaiva vinirdiṣet (SB 7.11.35). We are doing that. They are coming from mleccha family, but they have practiced to become brāhmaṇa, they are brāhmaṇa. This is Aryan culture.
Dr. Patel: But they are Aryans originally.
Prabhupāda: No, no. This you are calculating from the skin.
Dr. Patel: No, no skin. From the blood group. (laughter)
Prabhupāda: Blood or skin, the same thing. The same thing. The same thing.
Dr. Patel: All the Aryans have got B blood group in majority of them.
Prabhupāda: Skin comes from the blood. You know better than..., medical practitioner.
Dr. Patel: Skin is nourished by blood. It comes from something else.
Prabhupāda: So that is not the way. When there is symptoms... The symptom is... First symptom is that he must know that he is not body, and he must know what is God. Then it is Aryan civilization.
Dr. Patel: Ātma-niṣṭha and īśvara-niṣṭha.
Prabhupāda: Hm. And yasyātmā-buddhiḥ kuṇape tri-dhātuke, sa eva go-kharaḥ (SB 10.84.13). That is animal.
Dr. Patel: Kuṇape is a dead body. Kuṇape tri-dhātuke.
Prabhupāda: Yes. It is dead. What is this body? It is already dead. Just like motorcar. It is dead lump of matter. So long the driver is, it is moving. Similarly, the body is dead. So without understanding of spiritual identification, simply decorating this body means aprāṇasya hi dehasya mandanam loka-rañjanam. This is going on, loka-rañjanam, just to captivate some foolish person that they are advanced in civilization. What is that civilization? But we can understand, this civilization and the dog, there is no difference. There is no difference.
Dr. Patel: Now there will be no difference because there is just like dogs, the society, no marriages and all those... We talked yesterday. There are facts. That is going on everywhere.
Prabhupāda: Yes. Na te vidu svārtha-gati hi viṣṇu durāśay ye bahir-artha-māninaḥ. Bahir-artha, bodily concept, this is bahiḥ. And antar is the soul. So they are bahir-artha-māninaḥ. These rascals are bahir-artha-māninaḥ, simply studying this body externally, bahir-artha-māninaḥ. Very nice words, selected words, are used in Bhāgavata.
Dr. Patel: Yes, sir, this body and the soul are complimentary. If there is no body, soul cannot reside anywhere. And if there is no soul, body will die.
Prabhupāda: No. That is another side of bodily conception. Soul is without... Asaṅgo 'yaṁ puruṣaḥ. "The soul has nothing to do with this material world."
Dr. Patel: That's right. You are absolutely right, sir.