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Pages in category "Hand"
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- Ahastani sahastanam: those who are devoid of hands are prey for those who have hands
- Handloom
- Handwork
- If you want to smoke ganja, you smoke in your own hand. Why you capture my hand and smoke?
- The residents of Vaikuntha have four hands decorated with a conchshell, wheel, club and lotus flower
- The test is in your hand
- A boy should not go to the girl's father and ask for the hand of his daughter in marriage. That is considered to be humbling one's respectable position
- A child, for instance, will naively put his hand in a fire because of ignorance. He is thus burned immediately, for the fire is impartial and does not allow any special consideration for the innocent child. It will simply act as fire
- A fully surrendered soul always remains untouched by the hand of maya. Otherwise it is not possible
- A godless civilization detached from the transcendental loving service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is just like a detached hand or leg. Such parts and parcels may appear like hands and legs, but they have no efficiency
- A man bound by the hands and feet cannot free himself-he must be helped by a person who is unbound. Because the bound cannot help the bound, the rescuer must be liberated. BG 1972 purports
- A man is sitting on the ass. And his hand just on the front of the gadha, ass, he's putting some grass. And the gadha is thinking, "I will eat this grass," he's going forward. But the grass is also going forward. This is very instructive
- A part of a machine cooperates with the whole machine; a part of the body cooperates with the whole body. The hands, feet, eyes, legs & so on are parts of the body, but they are not actually the enjoyers. The stomach is the enjoyer. BG 1972 Introduction
- A person who cannot see is called blind, one who cannot walk is called lame, one who has no hands is called helpless, one who cannot speak is called dumb, and one who cannot hear is called deaf
- A real yogi can become smaller than the smallest, lighter than the lightest and bigger than the biggest. Whatever he wants he can produce immediately in his hand
- A sane man will think, "If this hand is ultimately controlled by Krsna, then it is meant for Krsna." This is a commonsense understanding. I claim, "This is my hand, this is my leg, this is my ear." Even a child will speak this way
- A woman is called yosit. In spiritual advancement, association with yosit is always restricted because if one is like a play doll in the hands of yosit, then all his spiritual advancement is at once stopped
- Acarah means he learns from the sastra how we should live, that, preliminary, that you must take bath, you must wash your hands after eating or you must take bath after evacuating. So many things are there
- According to the estimation of Daksa, Siva was unclean in habits and not worthy to have the hand of his daughter, Sati, who was so enlightened, beautiful and chaste
- According to the Hayasirsa Pancaratra, Narayana and others are also presented differently as holding the weapons in different hands
- Actually all the senses are acting because Krsna is acting. As soon as Krsna desires that these senses will not work, it will not work. So in spite of your claim that this is my hand, this is my eyes, this is my mouth, it will not work
- Actually we want that every American have a copy of BTG in his hand
- Actually, Krsna had purposely taken His wife Satyabhama with Him so that she could collect the parijata with her own hand. But the denizens of the heavenly planets, including Indra, were very irritated
- Advaita Acarya, greatly pleased, began to dance, saying - His (Lord Caitanya's) affection for Me is so great that He wanted to save Me from the hands of the Mayavadis
- After all the devotees finished accepting prasadam and had washed their hands and mouths, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu decorated each of them with a flower garland and sandalwood pulp
- After appearing from the fire of sacrifice, he (the demon) stood wielding the trident in his hand. Instigated by Sudaksina, the demon proceeded toward the capital city, Dvaraka, with many hundreds of ghostly companions
- After constructing a bridge over the ocean by throwing into the water the peaks of mountains whose trees and other vegetation had been shaken by the hands of great monkeys, Lord Ramacandra went to Lanka to release Sitadevi from the clutches of Ravana
- After departing from Isana, Sanatana Gosvami began traveling alone with a waterpot in his hand. Simply covered with a torn quilt, he thus lost all his anxiety
- After eating, the two brothers washed Their hands and mouths. Then Raghava Pandita brought flower garlands and sandalwood pulp and decorated Them
- After eating, you (Diti) should not go out to the street without having washed your mouth, hands and feet
- After everyone had finished his lunch and washed his mouth and hands, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu personally decorated everyone with flower garlands and sandalwood pulp
- After giving up the two lambs, the Gandharvas shone brightly like lightning, thus illuminating the house of Pururava. Urvasi then saw her husband returning with the lambs in hand, but he was naked, and therefore she left
- After hearing the auspicious and pleasing words of the planet earth, the King accepted them. He then transformed Svayambhuva Manu into a calf and milked all the herbs and grains from the earth in the form of a cow, keeping them in his cupped hands
- After performing this sacrifice, Vasudeva felt so satisfied that there was no limit to his happiness. All the members of his family were with him, and in their presence he caught hold of the hands of Nanda Maharaja and addressed him thus
- After removing all the paraphernalia of worship, one should offer them water to wash their hands and mouths, and then one should worship them again
- After repeating obeisances for a long time, Brahma stood up & smeared his hands over his eyes. Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura comments that the word locane (in SB 10.13.64) indicates that with his two hands he wiped the two eyes on each of his four faces
- After saying this, He directed me toward Vrndavana by waving His hand. Then He disappeared with His associates
- After saying this, he made them all eat the various cakes and condensed-milk preparations. After feeding them, he offered them water to wash their hands, feet and mouths
- After seeing her son so engaged, she very silently approached Him from behind. Krsna, however, saw her coming toward Him with a stick in her hand, and He immediately got down from the grinding mortar and began to flee in fear
- After talking with his charioteer, the son of Daruka, Pradyumna could understand the real circumstances. Therefore he refreshed himself by washing his mouth and hands
- After the business of deity worship was finished, Rukmini caught hold of the hand of one of her girlfriends in her own hand, which was decorated with a jeweled ring, and left the temple in the company of the others
- After this, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu carefully delivered some prasadam into the hands of Govinda to be given to Haridasa Thakura
- After this, they (the hunter and his wife) began to feel ecstasy and began to dance and sing Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. They raised their hands and danced with their clothes flying
- Ajamila saw three awkward persons with deformed bodily features, fierce, twisted faces, and hair standing erect on their bodies. With ropes in their hands, they had come to take him away to the abode of Yamaraja
- Akrura thought, "When Krsna & Balarama are pleased with my behavior, certainly They will take my hand, receive me within Their home & offer me all kinds of respectable hospitalities, & They will surely ask me about the activities of Kamsa & his friends"
- All are existing in and on the Supersoul. Therefore the Supersoul is all-pervading. The individual soul, however, cannot say that he has his hands, legs and eyes everywhere. That is not possible. BG 1972 purports
- All his (the conditioned soul's) other senses - his hands, his legs, his belly, his genitals, his mind, etc. - are so susceptible to the attraction of the objects of enjoyment that he cannot restrain himself
- All of Lord Caitanya's followers used to dance with raised hands. If someone dances with ecstasy, that is all right, but it is better to dance with raised hands
- All of us are tied very tight, hands and legs, and we are thinking we are free, independent. By the laws of material nature... Still, we are thinking that we are independent
- All raw materials was being taken away, and this necessities of India, especially cloth, was being supplied. And the local weavers, their hands cut off. So many thing
- All the devotees headed by Kasisvara and Govinda linked hands and formed a second circle around the Lord
- All the devotees kept their hands raised over the prasadam distributed to them, for they did not want to eat without seeing the Lord eat first
- All the devotees took prasadam, filling themselves to the brim. Thereafter, chanting the holy name of Hari, they stood up and washed their hands and mouths
- All the devotees within the temple began to wash. Each one had a broom in his hand, and in this way they cleansed the temple of the Lord
- All the family members can sit down together and simply clap their hands and chant the maha-mantra. Somehow or other, everyone can manage to perform such a yajna & distribute prasada to the people in general. That is quite sufficient for this age of Kali
- All the horses fell, their necks severed, and the chariots fell also, along with their flags and the fighters and drivers on the chariots. Almost all the infantry soldiers fell on the field of battle, their heads, hands and legs cut off
- All those princesses were lodged in different apartments, and the Lord simultaneously assumed different bodily expansions exactly matching each and every princess. He accepted their hands in perfect rituals by His internal potency
- Although he dressed the two young girls and decorated their bodies with his own hand, he remained unchanged. Such is the mind of Srila Ramananda Raya
- Although I am in the renounced order of life and Damodara is a brahmacari, he still keeps a stick in his hand just to educate Me
- Although I claim, "It is my hand, and I shall use it," when it is paralyzed I cannot do anything. Therefore, I should understand that although I possess this hand by the grace of Krsna, I am not its controller. This is Krsna consciousness
- Although one of his arms was severed from his body, Vrtrasura angrily approached King Indra and struck him on the jaw with an iron mace. He also struck the elephant that carried Indra. Thus Indra dropped the thunderbolt from his hand
- Although the asuras, the godless demons, struggle for existence, they are directly attacked by the goddess Durga, who is well equipped with ten hands with different types of weapons to punish them
- Although the living entity has many holes in his body, he nonetheless has to work with his hands and arms
- Although the living entity is the master of many other senses, when he has to go somewhere, do something or touch something, he has to use his blind legs and hands
- Although the Lord was victorious, His competitors asked the hand of the princess, and thus there was a fight. Well equipped with weapons, the Lord killed or wounded all of them, but He was not hurt Himself
- Although Visvamitra Muni was engaged in practicing mystic yoga with closed eyes, his transcendental meditation was broken when he heard the tinkling of bangles on the hands of Menaka
- Although you are claiming, "It is my hand. I shall use it," but when it is paralyzed, you cannot do anything. Therefore I may have possessed this hand by the grace of Krsna, but I am not the controller. That is Krsna consciousness
- Amogha wanted to see Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu eat, but he was not allowed to enter. Indeed, the Bhattacarya guarded the threshold of his house with a stick in his hand
- Animals, they have no hands. So the primitive life, so they become food for the primitive natives or uncivilized man. They kill some animals and eat. And why civilized man do so? He can produce his food. God has given him land. He has intelligence
- Another friend would then come up from the rear and cover Krsna's eyes with his hands. Krsna would always feel very happy by such dealings with His confidential friends
- Another thing I request is that everything in the Temple should be kept nice and clean. Everyone should wash hands before touching anything of Krishna's
- Any great man of the material world is, after all, a conditioned soul. He is bound by his hands and feet by the ropes of material nature, and still the foolish conditioned soul thinks of himself as free to act by his whimsical sentiments
- Anyone can sit down with his family, clap hands and chant Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. This sankirtana is very easy to perform
- Anything which can be engaged in the service of the Lord should not be given up. This is our philosophy. Should not be given up. We do not say, "Oh, money is material. I do not touch. My hand becomes turned up.'' No
- Arjuna, however, desired to gain Subhadra's hand himself
- Arya-samaj means one who knows his duty, how to do it in proper time. So ksatriya, his duty is to fight, to defend from the hands of the enemy. So he was declining to fight, so He chastised him, - Non-Aryans. You are not Aryan
- As a result of this severe punishment (the king would immediately chop off the hands of a thief) there were practically no theft cases within the kingdom. Even if someone left something on the street, no one would touch it
- As a result of this severe punishment (the king would immediately chop off the hands of the thief) there were practically no theft cases within the kingdom
- As he thought of Subhadra and her beauty, Arjuna became more and more captivated with the idea of marrying her, and with a plan in mind he dressed himself like a Vaisnava sannyasi, carrying a tridanda in his hand
- As long as a child is alive we can take it along by one hand, but when the child is dead it is heavy. So now we are heavy, but when we are spiritually advanced we will be free from impediments
- As long as it (money) is in one's hand, it is better to spend it for a good purpose. If one spends it for bad purposes, he becomes entangled, but if he spends it for good purposes, he gets good in return. This is very clearly stated in Bhagavad-gita
- As one cannot approach the heavenly planets simply by the strength of his arms (for who can touch the heavenly planets with his hands?), one cannot imitate the wonderful activities of Maharaja Bharata. No one could perform such activities in the past
- As protector of the brahmanas, you always protect the regulative principles they follow, just as a cowherd boy keeps a stick in his hand to give protection to the cows
- As soon as I take this Bhagavad-gita in my hand I see the picture that Arjuna is asking Krsna to place his chariot in the warfield, and Krsna is driving the chariot by his order. So this is creating some feeling in me
- As soon as Krsna desires that these senses will not work, it will not work. So in spite of your claim that this is my hand, this is my eyes, this is my mouth, it will not work
- As soon as my money is gone out of my hand, I have no control
- As soon as Yayati accepted Devayani's hand, they could be regarded as married. Because Devayani was enamored with the hero Yayati, she requested him not to change his mind and let another come to marry her
- As soon as you surrender to Krsna immediately you are mukta. Immediately, instantly. It is in your hand. You follow Krsna's instruction, do the needful, you are mukta. Chant Hare Krsna
- As stated in the Vedic scriptures, the first-class process is to call the bridegroom to the home of the bride and hand her to him in charity with a dowry of necessary ornaments, gold, furniture and other household paraphernalia
- As the discus began to revolve in the Lord's hands and the Lord contended at close quarters with the chief of His Vaikuntha attendants, who had been born as Hiranyaksa, a vile son of Diti, there issued from every direction
- As the fight began, they (Krsna and the Gopis) splashed water on one another. Then they fought hand to hand, then face to face, then chest to chest, teeth to teeth and finally nail to nail
- As usual by the grace of Lord Krsna he (Arjuna) was able to emerge very successful in the princely fight and thus gain the valuable hand of Krsna, or Draupadi
- As we increase attachment for Krsna, attachment for this material world will automatically diminish. Attachment for Krsna and the material world cannot go hand in hand
- As you depend on me I similarly depend on you, parasparatam. The brahmanas and ksatriyas should cooperate, that is the Vedic civilization. The hands and legs should cooperate with the brain in order for the whole society to work properly
- At that time (when one is actually enlivened by the spiritual energy) his hands, legs, ears, tongue, mind, genitals - everything - engage in the service of the Lord. Such an enlightened devotee no longer has any material activities
- At that time, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu let all the elephants go free and placed the car's ropes in the hands of His own men
- At the end of Kali-yuga when the power of government is transferred to the hands of ministers elected from the lowborn sudra class or those less than them, at that time the Lord will appear as the supreme chastiser
- At the same time, Krsna also found the lion killed by Jambavan, who is generally called Rksa. It was found that the lion had been killed by the hand of Rksa without the assistance of any weapon
- At the time of death, your destiny is not in your hands - it is in the hands of nature. It is not our duty to speculate on what material body we are going to get next
- At the time of dissolution, Lord Siva's hair is scattered, and he pierces the rulers of the different directions with his trident. He laughs and dances proudly, scattering their hands like flags, as thunder scatters the clouds all over the world
- Baby Krsna had been placed underneath a hand-driven cart, and while He was kicking His legs, He accidentally touched the wheel of the cart, and it collapsed
- Balarama also embraced Akrura. Taking him by the hand, Krsna and Balarama brought him to Their sitting room, where They offered him a very nice sitting place and water for washing his feet
- Banasura appeared before Lord Krsna, who was seated on His chariot, with different kinds of weapons in his one thousand hands. Very much agitated, Banasura splashed his different weapons upon the body of Lord Krsna like torrents of rain
- Because at the time of death he (Ajamila) chanted the name of Narayana, although he was calling not for the Supreme Lord Narayana but for his son named Narayana, he was saved from the hands of Yamaraja
- Because I am part and parcel of Krsna, so everything belongs to Krsna. Therefore, with my hands, with my legs, with my eyes, I cannot do anything except serving Krsna
- Because I wanted to use my hand in so many ways, Krsna has given it to me: "All right, take this hand and use it." So it is a gift from Krsna
- Because it has been offered to Me with devotion and love - that is required. Therefore we do not allow anyone to cook who is not a devotee. Krsna does not accept anything from the hands of a nondevotee. Why should He accept? He is not hungry
- Because the King was able to make everyone happy for sense gratification, primarily by the touch of his hand, his name was Santanu
- Because they were brahmanas, saintly person, they did not like the killing business in their own hand. That was the system. A brahmana will not kill. A brahmana, simply by cursing, he can kill
- Because you have got leg and hand, therefore the coat has got leg and hand. You can . . . everyone can understand. It is very easy. So the original, the spirit soul, has got form. Therefore the cloth has been cut into form. It is very easy to understand
- Before the Almighty Lord any powerful living being is just like a toy lion in the hands of a playing child
- Before this marriage of Satya with Krsna, there had been many competitive engagements with the bulls of King Nagnajit, and many other princes of the Yadu dynasty and of other dynasties as well had tried to win the hand of Satya
- Being a most fallen soul, I was victimized by the illusory energy and have become like a dancing dog led around by a woman's hand. Now I shall give up all lusty desires and free myself from this illusion
- Being an impersonalist, Prakasananda Sarasvati used to explain the Absolute Truth as being without hands, legs, mouths or eyes. In this way he used to cheat the people by denying the personal form of the Lord
- Being pleased with Banasura, he (Siva) said, "Whatever you desire you can have from me, for I am very much pleased with you." Banasura replied, "My dear lord, if you please, you can remain in my city just to protect me from the hands of my enemies"
- Being pleased, the Lord sent Sanatana Gosvami back to Vrndavana. After that, He was fed wonderfully by the hands of Sri Advaita Acarya
- Being thus assured by the great sage Narada Muni, the hunter broke his bow, immediately fell down at the saint's lotus feet and fully surrendered. After this, Narada Muni raised him with his hand and gave him instructions for spiritual advancement
- Besides her (Devahuti's) personal beauty, she was the daughter of Emperor Svayambhuva and sister of King Uttanapada. Who could refuse the hand of such a girl?
- Bhagavad-gita informs us that in this body there is a proprietor. I am the proprietor, and others are the proprietors of their bodies. I say, "My hand," but not "I hand." Since it is "my hand," I am different from the hand, being its owner
- Bhagavad-gita means the knowledge given by the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself. Not secondary knowledge; first-hand knowledge
- Bhakti-yoga is the highest quality of perfection to be achieved by the intelligent person in lieu of performing a large quantity of spiritual activities. A handful of real paddy is more valuable than heaps of paddy skins without any substance within
- Bhaumasura thus came to see that none of his tricks would act upon Krsna, and he became aware that all his attempts to kill Krsna would be frustrated. Yet he tried for the last time, taking a trident in his hand to strike Him
- Bhaumasura, by the grace of Lord Siva, he got one thousand hands. And he wanted to fight, but he was so powerful that nobody would dare to come before him to fight
- Brahmacaris or grhasthas who have taken the vow of celibacy as described (SB 7.12.12) should not indulge in the following: applying powder or ointment to the eyes, massaging the head with oil or the body with the hands, seeing a woman or painting her
- Brahmacaris or grhasthas who have taken the vow of celibacy as described above should not indulge in the following: applying powder or ointment to the eyes, massaging the head with oil, massaging the body with the hands
- Brahmin initiation means to be very clean, inside and outside. Inside by chanting the glories of the Lord, and outside by bathing regularly. Washing hands and mouth after eating
- By further transformation of the mode of passion, the sense organs like the ear, skin, nose, eyes, tongue, mouth, hands, genitals, legs, and the outlet for evacuating, together with intelligence and living energy, are all generated
- By nature's arrangement, animals that cannot use their front legs as hands are meant to be the food of animals like tigers, which have claws; and four-legged animals like deer and goats, as well as food grains, are meant to be the food of human beings
- By subduing seven bulls whose noses were not pierced, the Lord achieved the hand of Princess Nagnijiti in the open competition to select her bridegroom
- Captivated conditioned souls have no information of the Lord who is the primeval cause. Nor have they information that the parts and parcels of the body, being detached from the whole body, are no longer the same hand or leg as when attached to the body
- Carrying pure kusa grass in his hand, the brahmacari should dress regularly with a belt of straw and with deerskin garments. He should wear matted hair, carry a rod and waterpot, and be decorated with a sacred thread, as recommended in the sastras
- Catching his hand, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu took Sanatana Gosvami inside and made him sit on an elevated place next to Him
- CB Madhya-khanda 13.388-390 says: "Even if one is as strong as Lord Siva, who carries a trident in his hand, one will nonetheless fall down from his spiritual position if he tries to insult a Vaisnava. That is the verdict of all Vedic scriptures"
- Combine together & it will be nice body: the leg will walk, the hand will protect, the head will give instruction, and the belly will get energy by eating food. Those divisions are required. Not that everyone is all. No, there must be division of labor
- Consider my hand, for example. I claim, "This is my hand. I can fight you with a good fist." I am very much proud. But I am not the controller; the controller is Krsna, because if He withdraws my hand's power to act, the hand will be paralyzed
- Danam isvara-bhavah. On one hand, ksatriyas have the propensity to rule, but on the other they are very liberal with charity. When Maharaja Yudhisthira gave charity, he engaged Karna to take charge of distributing it. Karna was very famous as Data Karna
- Devaki said, "My Lord, I request You to save me from the cruel hands of Kamsa, the son of Ugrasena. I am praying to Your Lordship to please rescue me from this fearful condition because You are always ready to give protection to Your servitors"
- Devayani would have immediately replied (while taking Devayani out of the well, King Yayati certainly appreciated her youthful beauty, and he might have asked which caste she belongs to), "We are already married because you have accepted my hand"
- Dhruva Maharaja said: My dear Lord, You are all-powerful. After entering within me, You have enlivened all my sleeping senses - my hands, legs, ears, touch sensation, life force and especially my power of speech
- Don't be misled. Isa-tantrya, by the laws of nature, we are bound up tight, hands and legs. We are not independent. You cannot do anything independently. You are completely under the clutches of material nature
- Draupadi was the most beautiful daughter of King Drupada, and when she was a young girl almost all the princes desired her hand. But Drupada Maharaja decided to hand over his daughter to Arjuna only and therefore contrived a peculiar way
- Durga means this is like a fort. We are kept within this, and the superintendent is Durga. Therefore Durga's picture is ten hands, ten directions, with different kinds of weapon protecting
- During the fratricidal war amongst the descendants of Yadu, he (Pradyumna) died at the hand of Bhoja, another king of the Vrsnis. After his death, he was installed in his original position
- Duty of the hands and legs
- Dvivida was as powerful as ten thousand elephants. Sometimes he would go to the seashore, and with his powerful hands he would create so much disturbance in the sea that he would flood the neighboring cities and villages
- Early in the morning, the gopis used to go to the bank of the Yamuna to take a bath. They would assemble together and, holding one another's hands, loudly sing of the wonderful pastimes of Krsna
- Encouraging him again and again, Ramacandra Puri fed him sumptuously, but when Jagadananda had washed his hands and mouth, Ramacandra Puri began criticizing him
- Even after drinking water we should wash hands
- Even if a woman does commit some sinful activity, no one should place his hand upon her. And what to speak of you, dear King, who are so merciful. You are a protector, and you are affectionate to the poor
- Even in our daily life, so many things come and go in which we have no hand, but we have to suffer or tolerate them without remedial measure. That is the result of time
- Even one hundred years ago in the state of Kashmir in India, the king was so strong that if a thief were arrested in his kingdom and brought before him, the king would immediately chop off the hands of the thief
- Even the river Yamuna, being desirous of embracing the lotus feet of Krsna after hearing the transcendental vibration of His flute, broke her fierce waves to flow very nicely with lotus flowers in her hands, to present them to Mukunda with deep feeling
- Even though a rich man's wife has glittering bangles made of gold on her hands, she must engage herself in rendering service to the Lord
- Even though the hand is working one way and the leg is working in another way, since the purpose is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, they are all one. This is not to be confused with the statement by the Mayavadi philosopher that "everything is one
- Every part of our own body, such as the mouth, hands, thighs and legs, is meant to render service to the whole. That is their constitutional position. In subhuman life the living entities are not conscious of this constitutional position
- Everyone engages in work with his hands, legs and other senses just to achieve a certain goal according to his concocted ideas
- Everyone has to test himself that, "How far I have advanced?" That means "How far I have become detached with material contamination." That's all. The test is in your hand. And if you are sincere, then you should test yourself
- Everyone is like a play toy in the hands of the illusory energy and is acting as she moves him. One should come to Krsna consciousness to release oneself and also to release others
- Everyone is sure to die, for no one is excused from the hands of death, which is but a feature of the Supreme Personality of Godhead (mrtyuh sarva-haras caham) - BG 10.34
- Everyone knows that in the body, the stomach is the enjoyer. Not the hands, legs, eyes, ears. These are there simply to help the stomach
- Everything is mine - my eyes, my finger, my hand. My, my, my, and what is the I? The I is that consciousness, in which I am thinking, - This is mine
- Everything is open. Not that government says that you become a criminal and he prefers somebody, "You become a high-court judge" No. Everything is in your hand. If you like, you can become so
- Fearful with awe and veneration, all present touched their hands to their heads and prepared to offer their prayers to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Adhoksaja
- Fearing that the Lord would injure His finger by writing in this way, Svarupa Damodara checked Him with his own hand
- Foolish leaders may have some respect from the people at the end of life, but that does not mean that such leaders will be immune to the natural laws under which everyone is tightly bound by the hands and feet
- Formerly I have also spoken of two blind associates. These associates should be understood to be the hands and legs. Being helped by the hands and legs, the living entity performs all kinds of work and moves hither and thither
- Formerly there were no printing presses or printed books (during Catanya's time). All books were handwritten. Precious books were kept in manuscript form in temples or other important places, and anyone who was interested in a book had to copy it by hand
- From sun planet the message of Bhagavad-gita was handed down to the chief man of this planet, the father of the mankind, Manu. Just like in your scripture also it is said Adam and Eve, similarly Manu
- From the Mahabharata we understand that Bhagavad-gita was spoken to Arjuna some 5,000 years ago. Before Arjuna, the teachings were handed down by disciplic succession, but over such a long period of time, the teachings became lost - BG 4.2-3
- Gadadhara Pandita's behavior was very pleasing to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's heart. Nevertheless, the Lord took his hand and spoke to him, displaying the anger of love
- Gajendra was immediately freed of all material ignorance and bondage because he had been touched directly by the hands of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Garga Muni continued to say, "My dear King of Vraja, in His previous births this child many times protected righteous persons from the hands of rogues and thieves whenever there was political disruption"
- Garuda, the carrier of the Lord, snatched away a nectar pot from the hands of the demigods in heaven in order to liberate his mother, Vinata, from the clutches of his stepmother, Kadru, the mother of the serpents
- Generally, when we think of service, we think of our hand and legs, that "By..., I can render service with my hands, with my legs." No. The science of understanding God - the service begins with the tongue
- Genital has become my master, the tongue has become my master, the hand has become my master, the leg has become my master. So I am the servant of so many masters. So my position is very precarious
- God never says "I am God, Krsna. I am your friend. You sit down idly & I shall do everything." He never said that. He said "You must fight." That is our duty, not that God has given us hands & legs & you sit down idly & let God do it. This isn't devotion
- Guiding the hand of the student, he (the teacher) instructs him how to write the letters of the alphabet (a, a, i, etc.) by writing big letters on the floor
- Hand weavers
- Handless
- Handless animal is the food for the animal with hands
- Haridasa was punished at the hands of the Kazi by being beaten in twenty-two marketplaces. Similarly, Lord Jesus Christ was crucified, and Prahlada Maharaja was put through so many tribulations
- Have you got any power to revive this working power of this hand? No. You have not. One hand will work; another hand will stop. Who stops? - These things are to be taught. How can I deny?
- Having dropped the thunderbolt from his hand in the presence of his enemy, Indra was practically defeated and was very much ashamed
- Having grown weak and thin because of strictly following the principles of the vow, Diti once unfortunately neglected to wash her mouth, hands and feet after eating and went to sleep during the evening twilight
- He (Ajamila) was extremely pleased by their (Visnudutas) presence, for he had seen them save his life from the hands of the servants of Yamaraja
- He (Atri Rsi) began to offer prayers to the three deities, who were seated on different carriers - a bull, a swan and Garuda - and who held in their hands a drum, kusa grass and a discus. The sage offered them his respects by falling down like a stick
- He (Bahulasva) placed them (Krsna's lotus feet) on his lap and, while massaging the feet with his hands, began to speak about the glories of the Lord in a sweet voice
- He (Dantavakra) carried only a club in his hand, but he was so powerful that when he moved, everyone felt the earth tremble
- He (Jayadratha) was also present in the svayamvara ceremony of Draupadi, and he desired very strongly to have her hand, but he failed in the competition. But since then he always sought the opportunity to get in touch with Draupadi
- He (Kamsa) then called for Akrura, one of the descendants in the family of Yadu, in which Krsna was born as the son of Vasudeva. When Akrura came to see Kamsa, Kamsa very politely shook hands with him
- He (King Nabhi) entrusted Him into the hands of learned brahmanas, who would guide Him in administrating the government
- He (King Satrajit) accepted the jewel in his hand, but he remained silent, bending his head downwards, and without saying anything in the assembly of the kings and chiefs, he returned home with the jewel
- He (Krsna) got down from the bedstead, lifted her (Rukmini) up by her hands and, placing His cooling hands on her face, smoothed the scattered hair on her head
- He (Krsna) is being served by many thousands of goddess of fortune. Then what is this value of this leaf and flower and fruit? But still, He says, tad aham asnami, "Yes, I eat them." And once God eats from your hand, then your life is successful
- He (Krsna) is exactly like a well wishing father who does not give much wealth into the hand of his immature son, but who, when the son is grown up and knows how to spend money, gives him the whole treasury house
- He (Krsna) was simply walking on foot. Kalayavana had come to fight with Krsna, and yet he had sufficient principles not to take up any kind of weapon. He decided to fight with Him hand to hand. Thus he prepared to capture Krsna and fight
- He (Nrsimhadeva) killed the king of the demons (Hiranyakasipu), who challenged the Lord with a club in his hand, by placing the demon on His thighs and piercing him with His nails, rolling His eyebrows in anger and showing His fearful teeth and mouth
- He (Pradyumna) refreshed himself by washing his mouth and hands, and after arming himself properly with bows and arrows, he asked his charioteer (Son of Daruka) to take him near the place where Salva's commander in chief was standing
- He (Salva) again rushed toward Lord Krsna. When Salva ran swiftly to attack Krsna with his club, Lord Krsna cut off his hand, which fell to the ground with the club
- He (the common man) can feel that the hand, the leg, the head, the hair and the limbs are all his bodily parts and parcels, but as such the hand, the leg, the head, etc., cannot be identified with his self
- He (the living entity) does not know that after death he will be thrown into the hands of a very strong material nature that will force him to accept a certain type of body according to his present work. This body may not even be a human body
- He (the poorest man) lives peacefully still, in the village, although he hasn't got very gorgeous dress and motorcar. But he's peaceful. You'll find still. Sometimes, about ten years ago, I was in Ahmedabad. I saw one poor man, pulling cart, hand cart
- He (the Supreme Personality of Godhead) can enjoy anything through any part of His body, and therefore He is omnipotent. The limbs of a material body can perform only a particular function; for example, the hands can hold but cannot see or hear
- He (the transcendentalist) remains always separate from the mundaners, even though his material senses such as the hands, legs, eyes, and so on are engaged in temporary material activities
- He (Vrkasura) immediately decided to place his hand on the head of Lord Siva. Thus Lord Siva was put into an awkward position because he was endangered by his own benediction to a demon
- He (Yudhisthira) has always invited the heavenly King, Indra, to take part in the yajnas (sacrifices). Because King Indra was thus absent so often from Sacidevi, she had to pass much of her time pining over Indra's absence, with her cheeks upon her hands
- He counted the chants on the fingers of both hands, and after he had finished chanting one thousand times, he would make a mark on his body
- He does not know that he is bound up, hands and legs, by the laws of nature, and he is trying to solve it by his own method of material civilization. That is the mistake
- He lay there with Ananta as His bed. Lord Ananta is a divine serpent having thousands of heads, thousands of faces, thousands of eyes and thousands of hands and feet. He is the seed of all incarnations and is the cause of the material world
- He said, "I am a famous exorcist, and I know how to rid you of this ghost." He then chanted some mantras and placed his hand on top of the fisherman's head
- Head, hands, legs and indeed the entire body have grown on the basis of the soul. If the soul is within, the body, head, hands and legs grow, but otherwise they do not. A dead child does not grow up, for the soul is not present
- Hearing this, all the devotees covered their ears with their hands, got up and went about their respective duties
- Hearing this, Jagadananda Pandita immediately became very angry and took a cooking pot in his hand, intending to beat Sanatana Gosvami
- Her business is to cut off the heads of the demons. She is carrying one head in this hand, and in this hand she's carrying a chopper, and her business is to cut the heads of the demons. But she's also the agent of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Her eyes were restless due to youthful pride, Her breasts were like water jugs, Her thighs resembled the trunks of elephants, and She carried a waterpot in Her hand
- Here (In the material world) our activities are controlled by different demigods; even if we move our hand and leg, the action is controlled by the demigods
- Hiranyakasipu replied: You rascal, you are trying to minimize my value, as if you were better than me at controlling the senses. This is over-intelligent. I can therefore understand that you desire to die at my hands
- His (Krsna's) name is anumanta. Without His sanction, you cannot have anything. Just like I am moving this hand. It is by His sanction. As soon as He stops His sanction, immediately paralyzed
- His (the Supersoul's) name is Paramatma, not atma, and He is transcendental. It is distinctly clear that the atma and Paramatma are different. The Supersoul, the Paramatma, has legs and hands everywhere, but the individual soul does not. BG 1972 purports
- His body had all good features, he was stout and strong like a lion, and he was decorated with bangles. In his hand he carried a jug filled to the top with nectar
- His body is decorated with the Srivatsa, the Kaustubha jewel and a flower garland, and His hands hold a conchshell, disc, club and lotus flower. Devotees like Narada always think of Him within their hearts
- His left leg was placed on his right thigh, and his left hand was placed on his left thigh. In his right hand he held rudraksa beads. This sitting posture is called virasana. He sat in the virasana posture, and his finger was in the mode of argument
- His mental and bodily strength as well as the boon conferred upon him had made him proud. He feared death at the hands of no one, and there was no checking him
- His red stick moving in His hand, He seemed like a maddened lion. All around the four sides of His feet were bumblebees
- His younger brother left behind him some minor children, and Dhrtarastra became the natural guardian of them, but at heart he wanted to become the factual king and hand the kingdom over to his own sons, headed by Duryodhana
- Holding in her (goddess Durga's) hands a bow, a trident, arrows, a shield, a sword, a conchshell, a disc and a club, and being praised by celestial beings like Apsaras, Kinnaras, Uragas, Siddhas, Caranas and Gandharvas - SB 10.4.10-11
- How can you save yourself, not become a cockroach? Because the body is changing. That is in other's hand, Karmana daiva-netrena (SB 3.31.1). By superior supervision. It is not your choice
- How is she (Prakrti) working? Just like a shadow. Below our hand is its shadow, and as our hand moves, the shadow moves. Behind all manifestations there is motion. I have sometimes given the example of the shunting of the big cars in a railway line
- How one is spiritually advanced will be tested how he has acquired all the good qualities. Not that a yogi talking with a cigarette in hand
- However, their weapons fell from their hands and struck their own bodies. When some of the Bhattatharis were thus cut to pieces, the others ran away in the four directions
- Human society must be divided into four classes of men. Just like in our body, there are four different departments: the brain department, the hand department, the belly department, and the leg department. You require all these
- I (Vasudeva) promise that when she (Devaki) gives birth to the sons from whom your fear has arisen, I shall deliver them all unto your hands - SB 10.1.54
- I am entrusting this huge task to all of you for working together cooperatively for doing something wonderful. I can understand that you are responsible and cool-headed along with the others, so you take the hand in reconciling all differences
- I am given the hand to use it for my purpose, for my eating, for my collecting. But actually it is not my hand
- I am in due receipt of your short note which was hand-delivered to me by Dr. Wolf. I won't have the opportunity to visit Atlanta on this tour, however, I shall be in New York from July 9th - July 20th. You can see me in New York if it is possible for you
- I am Indian, and after my death I shall become Indian? No. There is no guarantee. Today I am American, and after death I shall become a...? No. That is not in your hand. After death your so-called boastfulness, pride - everything finished
- I am old and troubled by invalidity. I am almost blind and deaf, my hands tremble, and my mind and intelligence are unsteady
- I am praying always to Krishna that the boys and girls who have stretched their helping hand in this country in this connection may always be in good health and continue to assist me in my missionary activities
- I am taking care of this body, I am taking of this hand, this leg, this head because there is intimate relationship with this body. Suppose if your head is in danger, I am not going to protect. But when my head is in danger, I prepared to give life
- I consider my hand as a part of my body. Now, it is moving in its own way. "As I want, let my hand be moved. Let my legs be moved. Let my eyes be opened and see." So, I am dictating, and these parts are working
- I have come with this body given by God, open-handed, without any asset. And I shall pass away from this world leaving this body open-handed. So actually nothing belongs to me. It is simply maya, illusion
- I have now become too old and disturbed by invalidity. While I write, my hands tremble. I cannot remember anything, nor can I see or hear properly. Still I write, and this is a great wonder
- I offer my respectful obeisances unto You, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who have two heads (prayaniya and udayaniya), three legs (savana-traya), four horns (the four Vedas) and seven hands (the seven chandas, such as Gayatri)
- I saw one husband and wife pulling on a thela, hand-cart, with great load, and the small child is on the load. That means their child. They are laborer class. But ordinary laborer class, poor man, but they are living husband and wife and children happily
- I say that it is "my" body. I then extend that possessive concept and say, "It is my hand, my leg," and further, "It is my bank balance, my son, my daughter
- I speak of this hand as "my hand" because I can work with this hand and move it according to my desire. But I am not the controller of your hand. If I desire to move your hand, that is not in my power; that is in your power
- I want to touch some soft place to enjoy the sense of this hand, touch sense. But if the hand is covered with gloves, I cannot enjoy that sense so nicely. You can easily understand
- I'm claiming it is my hand: "I shall give you a good fist on your . . ." I'm very much proud. But I am not controller. The controller is Krsna. If He withdraws the power of the activity of your arm, you become paralyzed
- Iccha-sakti, this potency of will, supreme will, and the potency of supreme hand and the potency of supreme knowledge, these three things are conducting all affairs in this material world
- If a child has in his hands something that he is eating but we give him something better, he will throw away the inferior thing and take the better thing
- If he (the individual soul) thinks that although under ignorance he is not conscious that his hands and legs are diffused all over, but when he attains to proper knowledge he will come to that stage, his thinking is contradictory. BG 1972 purports
- If he simply knows that "This hand belongs to Krsna," then he is far, far greater than any Vedantist
- If I close my eyes, I cannot see with my ears. But about the Supreme Personality of Godhead it is said that He can see with His ears, He can see with His hand, and He can hear with His hand. He can do anything from any part of His body. That is spiritual
- If Krsna, attracted by the beauty of some other woman, wants to enjoy with her but is unhappy because He cannot get her, I fall down at her feet, catch her hand and bring her to Krsna to engage her for His happiness
- If one associates with a sudra, a foolish person who is like a dancing dog in the hands of a woman, then he cannot make any progress
- If one supplies water to the root of a tree, all the parts of the tree, such as the leaves and branches, are automatically satisfied, and if one supplies food to the stomach, all the limbs of the body - the hands, legs, fingers, etc. - are nourished
- If some form of fear arrives, one should first wash his hands & legs clean & then perform acamana by chanting this mantra: om apavitrah pavitro va sarvavastham gato 'pi va-yah smaret pundarikaksam sa bahyabhyantarah sucih/ sri-visnu sri-visnu sri-visnu
- If somehow or other we place some literature in someone's hand, he becomes fortunate
- If the fingers of the hand think that they should take the food themselves instead of giving it to the stomach, then they will be frustrated. BG 1972 Introduction
- If the hand thinks, "Oh, now I have some nice sweets. Now I can eat," the hand will ultimately be frustrated. It is the duty and nature of the hand to place the food in the mouth. In this way the hand is nourished; otherwise everything is spoiled
- If the hands, legs, eyes, nose and so on do not endeavor to provide food for the stomach, but themselves try to enjoy the eatables collected by them, then there will be a maladjustment of the whole body
- If the members of the assembly thought that Citraketu had blasphemed Lord Siva, they would certainly have left at once, blocking their ears with their hands
- If there are enough qualified devotees on hand to care for Lord Jagannatha, then certainly He should come there. So make nice arrangements for Him
- If we ask a child, "What is this?" he will say, "It is my hand." But regardless of what we claim, actually it is not our hand; it is given to us
- If we place our hand before a light, we can see its shadow move on a wall. Similarly, material nature is working due to the touch of spirit soul
- If we supply food to the stomach, we do not have to feed the eyes, hands and legs separately. Similarly, if we worship Krsna, the source of everything, no other worship is necessary
- If we worship the hand of a person, we intend to satisfy the person himself. If we massage a person's legs, we do not really serve the legs but the person who possesses the legs
- If you all, my right-hand men, are doing things without consulting me and making such big big changes within our society without getting my opinion and the opinion of all the GBC members then what can I do?
- If you can provide yourself by independent handwork then you can give up your present job, otherwise you continue with your job, even it is nonsense
- If you cover your body with blanket, the hands and legs are invisible. But you are not the blanket. So the trees and plants, they are more covered. They are not in full manifestation. The human form is the full manifestation of the soul
- If you dig on the western side, there is a ghost who will create such a disturbance that your hands will not even touch the treasure
- If you dig up a small quantity of dirt on the eastern side, your hands will immediately touch the pot of treasure
- If you or I pinch my body, I feel pain because the consciousness is there. But when the consciousness will not be there, if I cut my hand or cut your hand, you will not protest
- If you simply say that, "I shall keep my head only," that is not possible. If you say that, "I should keep my legs only," no, that will not do. If you say that "I shall keep my hands only," no, that will not do
- If you study yourself, what I am, am I this body, I am this hand, I am this finger, I am this hair? Go on studying, one day it will, you will come to the point of understanding, but it will take many, many years
- If you, by innocence, put your hand on the fire, so fire will not excuse you. So innocence is no excuse. You have to be learned. Therefore we are here to give proper education to the people
- If your preaching work is strong, then your management of temple affairs will also become automatically very strong. Just like if the head wills it, the hand will move
- Impersonalists generally pose themselves as incarnations of God to foolish persons who have no knowledge of Vedic wisdom. If such foolish men have any knowledge at all, it is more dangerous in their hands than ignorance itself
- In a dream Madhavendra Puri saw the very same boy. The boy came before him and, holding his hand, took him to a bush in the jungle
- In a film spool, you will find so many bodies. One hand is like this, one hand is like this, one hand is like this, and when they are taken together, it moves like this. This is the film
- In any case, the money does not stay in one place. It passes from one hand to another. Ultimately no one can enjoy the money, and it remains the property of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- In every living entity these propensities (desires, ambitions and so on) exist because he is a living entity. When materially contaminated, however, one is put into the hands of material misery (janma-mrtyu jara-vyadhi) - BG 13.9
- In flattering a woman to bring her under control, in a marriage ceremony, in earning one's livelihood, when one's life is in danger, in protecting cows and brahminical culture, or in protecting a person from an enemy's hand, falsity is never condemned
- In flattering a woman, in joking, in a marriage ceremony, in earning one's livelihood, when one's life is in danger, in protecting cows and brahminical culture, or in protecting a person from an enemy's hand, falsity is never condemned
- In great agitation, the maidservant struck her breast with both hands and cried loudly in regretful words. Hearing her loud voice, the Queen immediately came, and when she approached her son, she saw that he was suddenly dead
- In His hands He held a disc, conchshell, sword, shield, arrow, bow, rope and club - in each hand a different weapon, all brilliantly shining. His garments were yellow and His bodily hue deep bluish
- In Kashmir about hundred years ago. If somebody has stolen, cut his hand. Bas. He cannot steal any more. So one cutting hand means finish. In that part of the world, no more stealing
- In modern society the prajas are not protected from the hands of thieves and miscreants. The modern democratic state, which has no ksatriyas, is a government of the vaisyas and sudras, and not of brahmanas and ksatriyas as formerly
- In my case it has become practical. Everything He has taken in ten hands, and now He is giving in ten hands. I am practically experiencing
- In order to properly receive Lord Balarama, they (Kurus) all took in their hands auspicious paraphernalia for His reception and went to see Him outside the city gate. According to their respective positions, they welcomed Lord Balarama
- In other words, Krsna wanted the hand of Satya from the King without fulfilling the condition of defeating the seven bulls
- In our own bodies we do not show any actual difference in our treatment towards the hands or legs. Each and every part of the body is important, although the mouth is the most important of the bodily parts
- In some religious principles, they take the religious scripture in one hand and another hand, sword: "You accept this scripture; otherwise, I cut your head." This is also another preaching
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam it is stated, jivo jivasya jivanam: "One living entity is food for another." (SB 1.13.47) Animals without hands are food for animals with hands, such as ourselves. Animals with no legs are food for animals with four legs
- In studying one's own body, one must ask himself whether his head is his soul, his fingers are his soul, his hand is his soul, and so on. In this way, one must gradually reject all the material elements & the combinations of material elements in the body
- In the Battle of Kuruksetra he (Bhurisrava) was especially engaged in a fight with Satyaki, and he killed ten sons of Satyaki. Arjuna cut off his hands, and he was ultimately killed by Satyaki. After his death he merged into the existence of Visvadeva
- In the course of a month, a head is formed, and at the end of two months the hands, feet and other limbs take shape
- In the material world the devatas and asuras are always contending, and the devatas are always saved from the hands of the asuras by the Lord. Both of them are under the control of the Lord
- In the Vedic process the research work is already done; it is complete, and it is simply handed down by disciplic succession from teacher to student
- In this mellow of devotional service in ghastliness, the sub-ecstatic symptoms are spitting upon the consideration of one's past life, contorting the face, covering the nose and washing the hands
- In this way (heavily striking each other), all of the clubs used by Jarasandha and Bhimasena became ruined, and so the two enemies prepared to fight with their strong-fisted hands
- In this way all the five Pandava brothers enjoyed the fraternal friendship of Krsna in transcendental mellow. Of the five Pandavas, Arjuna is the most intimately connected with Krsna. He has a nice bow in his hand which is called Gandiva
- Indeed, Amogha continued slapping his face over and over until his cheeks were swollen. Finally Gopinatha Acarya stopped him by catching hold of his hands
- Indeed, the car began to move automatically, and the devotees simply carried the ropes in their hands. Since it was moving effortlessly, they did not need to pull it
- Indra, the King of heaven, carries a thunderbolt in his hand and is very strong, yet Garuda, the carrier of Lord Visnu, was able to snatch nectar from his mouth
- Intelligence to counteract the hard struggle for existence is assisted by the senses for acquiring knowledge, and the living energy maintains himself by manipulating the active organs, like the hands and legs
- Is there any upper hand, superior judgment, that one is put in the condition of standing tree and one is put in the beautiful human body, freely moving? There must be, because we are all living entities. We are simply put in different dresses
- Isvara Puri, the spiritual master of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, performed service to Madhavendra Puri, cleaning up his stool and urine with his own hand
- It (the knowledge of Bhagavad-gita which is given by Krsna to sun-god Vivasvan) was handed down from time immemorial from Vivasvan by disciplic succession
- It is here (SB 4.29.57) stated that such people become bewildered (rsayo 'pi hi muhyanti). To save oneself from the hands of these karma jada-smartas, one should strictly follow the instructions of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- It is like a charitable person who opens his treasury for distribution and who does not discriminate whether the charity is needed or not. He gives in charity openhandedly
- It is not to make it null and void. No. The hand is there, but if you engage your hand in cleansing the temple, then you are transcendental
- It is said in the scriptures that spiritual life is just like handling a sharpened razor. If we handle it nicely we become cleanly shaved, but a little inattention causes bloodstain
- It is said that saints have been able to hear the vibrating strings of the vina in the hands of Narada, who is always singing the glories of Lord Krsna
- It is sometimes understood that a person becomes lusty just by hearing the tinkling of bangles on the hands of women or the tinkling of ankle bells, or just by seeing a woman's sari. Thus it is concluded that woman is the complete representation of maya
- It is understood that these verses (Brahma-samhita) were written by Brahma, and when Lord Caitanya was traveling in South India He picked up this book from a temple, hand-written, and He delivered to His devotees. So it is very authorized book
- It is up to us to become divine or demon. To go back to home, to back to Godhead, is in our own hand. Now we have to practice it
- It is very simple to understand. Suppose this hand, my hand, but how long it is hand? So long it is attached to the service of the body. If this hand is cut off from this body, it may be called hand, but it has no meaning
- It is Your natural characteristic to accept defeat at the hands of Your devotee. There is also another glory of Yours, which I ask You to hear attentively
- Jambavan at once felt relieved from the fatigue of the great fight. Lord Krsna then addressed him as King Jambavan because he, and not the lion, was actually the king of the forest, having killed a lion with his bare hands, without a weapon
- Jarasandha said, "As far as Bhimasena is concerned, I think he is a suitable competitor to fight with me." King Jarasandha immediately handed a very heavy club to Bhimasena, he himself took another, and all of them went outside the city walls to fight"
- Just as by clapping the hands one can cause many birds to fly away, similarly the birds of all sinful activities which are sitting on the body can be made to fly away simply by dancing and clapping before the Deity of Krsna
- Just as the eye is always protected by the eyelid, they are protected by the sons of Prtha, who snatched back their rightful kingdom from the hands of their enemy Duryodhana, just as Garuda snatched nectar from the mouth of Indra, the thunderbolt carrier
- Just as there are five kinds of air functioning within the body, and so many organs - the hands, legs, tongue, genitals, rectum, etc. - all working differently
- Just like hand. Hand is the part of your body. When there is attack, you first of all spread your hand. So this is ksatriya's business. When somebody is coming to attack you, you don't put your legs, you put your hands
- Just like I am speaking before you. As soon as I, the spirit, leave this body, this body can no more speak, can no more can shake the hands and move the hands and so on. Everything stopped. So just try to understand, this is matter and spirit
- Just like ordinary animals, they have got four legs, no hand. So these four-legged animals is the food for the two-legged animals. Ahastani sahastanam. Uncivilized men means two-legged animals. They are animals, but two-legged
- Just like packed the child remains within the womb of the mother. It is very, very painful. But by the grace of God he lives. Otherwise it is suffocating. Just imagine if you are put in a airtight box, tied up, hands and legs. How long you can live?
- Just like your coat and shirt cannot have hands and legs without you having your hands and legs; similarly, this material body which is considered as dress means it has developed on the personal body of the spiritual form. This is called savisesa-vada
- Just now everything is going on, but after my demise it may be taken away from your hand
- Kalindi said: "Knowing me to be performing austerities with the desire to touch His feet, He came with His friend Arjuna and accepted my hand. Yet I am but a maidservant engaged in sweeping the floor of the house of Sri Krsna"
- Kamsa appeared with great force in the maternity room, and in spite of Devaki's pleas that the child be saved, the demon forcibly snatched the child from Devaki's hands and dashed the child against a rock
- Kardama Muni said: Those who have not worshiped the gracious feet of the goddess of fortune cannot even perceive her (Devahuti), yet she has come of her own accord to seek my hand
- Kesava is described differently as holding the lotus, conch, club and disc, and Madhava is described as holding the disc, club, conch and lotus in His hands
- King Bhismaka was not enthusiastic about handing his daughter (Rukmini) over to Sisupala, but he was obliged to accept the marriage settlement due to his affectionate attachment for his eldest son (Rukmi), who had negotiated it
- King Indra is described here (in SB 4.19.10) as bhagavan, which is generally used in reference to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. In this case, however, King Indra is addressed as bhagavan because he has so much power in his hands
- King Nabhi enthroned Him as the emperor of the world to give protection to the general populace in terms of the Vedic religious system. To do this, he entrusted Him into the hands of learned brahmanas, who would guide Him in administrating the government
- King Nanda said, "He (Garga Muni) also said that formerly this boy saved the world from an unregulated condition, and He (Krsna) saved all honest men from the hands of the dishonest thieves"
- King Vena was supported by the saintly persons just to protect the citizens from the hands of rogues and thieves, but after his ascendance to the throne, he became a source of trouble to the sages
- Kirtanam actually means "describing." We can describe with music, words, pictures, etc. Sravanam goes hand in hand with kirtanam, for unless we hear, we cannot describe
- Krsna addressed her, "O tall young woman, who are you? Tell Me, for whom are you carrying this sandalwood pulp in your hand? I think you should offer this sandalwood to Me, and if you do so I am sure you will be fortunate"
- Krsna addressed Pradyumna, "You can look straight at Me, and you can place your hands on My body without any hesitation"
- Krsna continued, "In spite of this rigid regulative principle, I am asking you for the hand of your (King Nagnajit's) beautiful daughter (Satya) just to establish our relationship in return for your great reception of Me"
- Krsna quickly caught the two hands of Canura and began to wheel him around, and simply by this centrifugal action, Canura lost his life
- Krsna said, "My dear King of the demons (Bali), mother Devaki is very anxious to see these six dead sons again, and she is very much aggrieved on account of their early death at the hand of Kamsa"
- Krsna's appearance does not mean that He has become different. The nice example is set here by Baladeva Vidyabhusana: just like a valuable stone. You take in your hand, you find sometimes yellow, sometimes red, sometimes white, like that
- Krsna's friends told Him, "My dear friend, as soon as I heard the sound of Your flute from within the forest, my hands became almost motionless and my eyes became full of tears. So much so, in fact, that I could not recognize Your peacock feather"
- Krsna, the PG, confirms in the BG, only those who cultivate transcendental knowledge in relation to the eternal spirit soul and without being disturbed by temporary happiness and distress will be able to escape the cruel hands of old age, and disease
- Krsna, the PG, confirms in the Bhagavad-gita, only those who cultivate transcendental knowledge in relation to the eternal spirit soul and without being disturbed by temporary happiness and distress will be truly happy by gaining eternal, spiritual life
- Kumari, or unmarried girls untouched by the hand of any member of the opposite sex, are auspicious members of society
- Laksmana said, "I carried in my hands a golden necklace bedecked with jewels, which glittered at intervals. My curling hair encircled my face, which shone with a bright luster due to the reflection of my various earrings"
- Lalayanti. Sometimes a mother lifts her child, and when the child falls in her hands, the child laughs, and the mother also enjoys pleasure. Yasoda used to do this, but this time Krsna became very heavy, and she could not bear His weight
- Lamenting in grief for the death of her husband, the most chaste Renuka struck her own body with her hands and cried very loudly, "O Rama, my dear son Rama!"
- Legs should be engaged for preaching work going or going to the temple. Hands should be engaged for cleansing the temple. In this way, if you are engaged always your senses, you are perfect. You are the greatest yogi
- Let your daughter's desire for marriage, which is recognized in the Vedic scriptures, be fulfilled. Who would not accept her hand? She is so beautiful that by her bodily luster alone she excels the beauty of her ornaments
- Liberation entails freedom from all false conceptions. It is not that upon liberation one acquires ten hands. In Srimad-Bhagavatam liberation is defined as muktir hitvanyatha-rupam
- Life and death is not in your hand. You don't think that stopping this or increasing this, you'll be able to stop all inconveniences
- Like Lord Visnu, the residents of Vaikuntha have four hands decorated with a conchshell, wheel, club and lotus flower
- Long ago, when Lord Siva was dancing in his celebrated fashion called tandava-nrtya, for which he is known as Nataraja, Banasura helped Lord Siva in his dancing by rhythmically beating drums with his one thousand hands
- Lord Brahma compared himself to a little child within the womb of his mother. If the child within the womb plays with his hands and legs, and while playing touches the body of the mother, is the mother offended with the child? Of course she isn't
- Lord Brahma throwing off bodies is just like if there is some dirt on my body and I throw it off, a little disgustedly. Just like if our body becomes dirty many insects gather, and we remove these insects with one hand and throw them away
- Lord Parasurama, the best of fighters, released enough arrows with only one bow to cut to pieces immediately all the arrows and bows in the hands of Kartaviryarjuna
- Lord Rsabhadeva's hands, feet and chest were very long. His shoulders, face and limbs were all very delicate and symmetrically proportioned
- Lord Siva, with his trident in hand, dances over the rulers of the different planets, and his hair is scattered, just as the clouds are scattered over all directions in order to plunge the different planets into incessant torrents of rain
- Lord Visnu was sitting on Garuda, a big aquiline bird, and was carrying in His hand a disc, Brahma was sitting on a swan and had in his hand kusa grass, and Lord Siva was sitting on a bull and carrying in his hand a small drum called a damaru
- Maharaja Ambarisa always engaged his mind at the lotus feet of Krsna, his words in describing the spiritual world and the S P of Godhead, his hands in cleansing and washing the Lord's temple, his ears in hearing topics about the Supreme Lord
- Maharaja Ambarisa always engaged his mind in meditating upon the lotus feet of Krsna, his words in describing the glories of the Lord, his hands in cleansing the Lord's temple, and his ears in hearing the words spoken by Krsna or about Krsna
- Maharaja Bharata, the son of Dusmanta, had the mark of Lord Krsna's disc on the palm of his right hand, and he had the mark of a lotus whorl on the soles of his feet
- Maharaja Drupada well knew that only Arjuna or alternately Karna could successfully carry out the plan. But still he wanted to hand his daughter to Arjuna
- Management, that is in your hands. Who will give you management? You have to manage local - local men
- Many demigods such as Lord Brahma seek the pleasure of the goddess of fortune, but the goddess of fortune herself, with a lotus flower in her hand, is always ready to render service to the Supreme Lord
- Many hundreds of male and female carnivorous demons, completely naked and carrying tridents in their hands, then appeared, crying the slogans "Cut them to pieces! Pierce them!"
- Material science can discover the nuclear bomb to accelerate the process of death, but it cannot discover anything that can protect man from the cruel hands of old age, disease and death
- Matter can never work automatically, without a living hand, and therefore we must admit the existence of God, the supreme living being, behind the laws of nature
- Maya is very strong & we can fall a victim at her hand at any moment. The only means of protecting us from the attack of maya is to be fully Krishna Conscious
- Mother Laksmi, the goddess of fortune, having been properly celebrated with an auspicious ritualistic ceremony, began moving about, holding in her hand a garland of lotus flowers, which were surrounded by humming bumblebees
- Mother nature is described as Goddess Durga, and she has got a trident in her hand. That is punishment. Three kinds of miserable condition: adhyatmika, adhibhautika, adhidaivika
- Mucukunda continued, "When I come back victorious, all subordinate kings may come and offer their respects, but as soon as I enter the inner section of my palace, I myself become an instrument in the hands of the queens"
- Mukunda Datta took the palm leaf from the hands of Jagadananda before he could deliver it to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- My (Arjuna's) whole body is trembling, and my hair is standing on end. My bow Gandiva is slipping from my hand, and my skin is burning. BG 1.29 - 1972
- My dear King, on the heart of Lord Murari he saw religion; on the chest, both pleasing words and truthfulness; in the mind, the moon; on the bosom, the goddess of fortune, with a lotus flower in her hand; on the neck, all the Vedas & all sound vibrations
- My dear Lord, as soon as the King heard Your holy name, he was immediately overwhelmed by great ecstatic love. Catching my hand, he displayed all the symptoms of love
- My father used to say, "When Krsna takes your money or possession in ten hands, how you can protect it with two hands? And when He give you in ten hands, how much you can take in two hands?"
- My hand can take pleasure when it is attached to my body and serves it. It does not take pleasure in serving another's body. Because we are part of Krsna, our pleasure is in serving Him
- My hand can take pleasure when it is attached with my body. My hand can take pleasure when it serves my body. It does not take pleasure by serving your body
- My Lord (Krsna), when Jarasandha is killed, queens of all the imprisoned kings will be joyful at their husbands' being released by Your mercy that they will sing Your glories, being as pleased as the gopis were when released from the hands of Sankhacuda
- Nalakuvara & Manigriva said: May our hands and other limbs be engaged in Your service and our minds always be concentrated at Your lotus feet and our heads always bowed down before the all-pervading universal form of Your Lordship
- Nanda Maharaja was thinking of Krsna's safety from the hands of demons like Putana and Sakatasura, and because he possessed such a son, he thought of himself as most fortunate
- Nanda tells Yasoda, "Never mind, all auspiciousness to my son! I shall raise this hand which is as strong as a pillar, and I shall kill the Kesi demon, just to give freedom from all anxieties to the inhabitants of Brajamandala"
- Narada was born from the deliberation of Brahma, which is the best part of the body. Vasistha was born from his breathing, Daksa from a thumb, Bhrgu from his touch, and Kratu from his hand
- Narayana said, "If you ((Vrkasura) still have faith in the words of Lord Siva, my dear King of the demons, then why don’t you make an experiment by putting your hand on your own head"
- Nature has given a body that..., just like a tailor can give me a set of dress, but the dress, when I put on, the dress looks like a man, with hands and legs. But dress is nothing; it is simply outward covering of a man, a living entity
- Nawab Hussain Shah entrusted the whole kingdom in Sanatana Gosvami's hand, "You manage, whatever you like." Because he knew that, Here is a trustworthy man. He'll do very nicely
- No one in the princely order could defeat the seven bulls, and therefore no one could claim the hand of Satya. The seven bulls were very strong, and they could hardly bear even the smell of any prince
- No! There is possibility, but he does not come. Just like after putting your hand in the fire, you never put it again if you are really intelligent. So those who are going back to Godhead, they become intelligent
- Nobody can manufacture a police department and force you to obey. Because it is one of the important department of government, therefore as soon as there is police hands up, you have to stop
- Nobody has to go to university to learn how to eat, how to sleep, how to have sex life, how to defend. Nobody hasn't got to. It doesn't require education. It is already there. If you attack me, I shall immediately defend with my hand. You see? Natural
- Nonetheless, due to his (thief's) habit, he could not keep his hands off the baggage (of pilgrims). So he picked up one person's bag and placed it in another place, and then another person's bag and placed it elsewhere
- Not many days before, say, about hundred years ago in Kashmir, if a thief was caught, burglar was caught, and he was proved that he has committed theft, the king would personally cut off, chop off his hand. The punishment was so severe
- Now I wish to engage in the service of the lotus feet of the SPG and to serve just like the goddess of fortune, who carries a lotus flower in her hand, because His Lordship, the SPG, is the reservoir of all transcendental qualities
- Now, thanks to the machine, one does not even have to move his hand. So this is considered progress. However, we learn from the sastras that human life is not meant for sense enjoyment but for tapasya. That is Vedic civilization
- Nowadays it has become a cheap fashion to accept any rascal as an incarnation of God, but from this incident we can see that Lord Brahma personally examined the hands and feet of King Prthu for specific signs
- O beautiful woman, when you strike the bouncing ball against the ground with your hand again and again, your lotus feet do not stay in one place
- O friends, just think of His wives, whose hands He has accepted. How they must have undergone vows, baths, fire sacrifices and perfect worship of the Lord of the universe to constantly relish now the nectar from His lips (by kissing)
- O King, the demons, aggravated by their usual anger, took their lances and tridents in hand, and against the will of Bali Maharaja they pushed forward to kill Lord Vamanadeva
- O King, when the great hero Vrtrasura saw Indra, his enemy, the killer of his brother, standing before him with a thunderbolt in his hand, desiring to fight, Vrtrasura remembered how Indra had cruelly killed his brother
- O son of the Pandu dynasty, when Mandara Mountain was thus being used as a churning rod in the ocean of milk, it had no support, and therefore although held by the strong hands of the demigods and demons, it sank into the water
- Of the senses that are working, the hands and legs are very important, but they have no eyes to see. This means that in the hands and legs there are no holes
- On hearing this sarcastic reply by the talkative Jarati, all the cowherd girls present there began to laugh very loudly and clap their hands. This laughter, accompanied by the clapping of hands, is called atihasita
- On one hand Gopinatha Pattanayaka was unable to clear his debt even by selling all his possessions, but on the other his salary was doubled, and he was honored with the silken wrapper
- On the one hand they (so-called swamis) enjoy variegatedness in matter, and on the other they deny spiritual variegatedness to the Absolute. Because they are pledged to the theory of monism and impersonalism
- On the one hand we realize that all our perceptions and activities are conditioned by arrangements of material nature, yet we also ordinarily feel and say, "I am perceiving" or "I am doing
- Once it was found that an asura took a benediction from Lord Siva by which the asura would be able to kill someone simply by placing his hands on that person's head. Such benedictions are possible to receive from the demigods
- One astrologer sometimes he read my hand. He said in Hindi, "Your hand speaks that your order will be executed"
- One can measure the temperature of matter by touching with the hand, and one can measure the weight of an object by lifting it with the hand and thus estimate its heaviness or lightness
- One cannot remain with only one leg, one hand or only one side of the body. He must have two sides. Similarly, according to nature's way, husband and wife should live together
- One cowherd boy said, "When He (Krsna) was only three months old, He was sleeping underneath a hand-driven cart. Being hungry for His mother’s breast, He began to cry and throw His legs upwards"
- One European gentleman, who went to Calcutta and visited several temples, noted that in the temple of the goddess Kali, the deity had a very ferocious figure, with a chopper in hand, and was cutting off the heads of demons and wearing them as garland
- One gopi imitated a hand-driven cart, and another gopi lay down beneath the cart and threw up her legs, touching the wheels of the cart, as Krsna did to kill the demon Sakatasura. One gopi imitated child Krsna and lay down on the ground
- One may argue, "When we analyze the body we find a head, hands, legs, a belly, blood, bones, urine, stool and so on, but after everything is considered, where is the existence of the soul?" A sober man, however, avails himself to Taittiriya Upanisad 3.1.1
- One of the gopis raised her hand with her covering garments and said, "Now don't be afraid of the torrents of rain and severe hurricanes. I'll save you!" In this way she imitated the lifting of Govardhana Hill
- One should enter the temple after taking a bath. In other words, one should be very clean. (4) One should not offer obeisances to the Lord with one hand
- One should not at any time associate with a coarse fool who is bereft of the knowledge of self-realization and who is no more than a toy animal in the hands of a woman
- One should not avoid bowing down before the Deity. 4) One should not enter the temple to worship the Lord without having washed his hands and feet after eating. 5) One should not enter the temple in a contaminated state
- One should not bow down on one hand. 7) One should not circumambulate in front of Sri Krsna. (The process of circumambulating the temple is that one should begin circumambulating from the Deity's right-hand side of the temple and come round
- One should not circumambulate demigods before the Deities. (6) One should not spread his legs before the Deity. (7) One should not sit down before the Deity with his legs crossed, nor should one touch his legs with his hands
- One should not sit before the Deity holding the ankles, elbows or knees with his hands. 10) One should not lie down before the Deity of Krsna. 11) One should not accept prasadam before the Deity. 12) One should never speak a lie before the Deity
- One should not touch the Deity before he has completed taking bath. 28) One should not decorate his forehead with the three-lined tilaka. 29) One should not enter the temple without washing his hands and feet
- One should observe silence and then place the eight-syllable Visnu mantra on the parts of his body and place the twelve-syllable mantra on his hands
- One should offer one’s hand to the Lord. (62) One should take the Deity to His bed. (63) One should wash the feet of the Lord and then sit Him on the bed. (64) One should place the Lord on the bed and then massage His feet
- One should own as much as he immediately needs. There is no need to keep a big balance at hand, along with the fear that it may be plundered by the government or by thieves
- One who goes to the Ganges does not mind the foam and dirty things floating in the water. With his hand, he pushes away such nasty things, bathes in the Ganges and gains the beneficial results
- One who is smaller or weak, he is enjoyed by the stronger. That is the nature, you will find. The goat, the cows, they are animals. We are also animals, or living entity. But those who have got hands, they eat the animals who have no hands
- One who measures four cubits in height and in breadth by his own hand is celebrated as a great personality
- Only by His (Krsna) merciful strength was I able to vanquish all the lusty princes assembled at the palace of King Drupada for the selection of the bridegroom. With my bow and arrow I could pierce the fish target and thereby gain the hand of Draupadi
- Opposing princes continued, "As puppets dance in the hands of a magician, we are all dancing by the will of the Supreme, and according to His plan alone we suffer distress or enjoy happiness. We should therefore be equipoised in all circumstances"
- Other princes supporting the King of Kalinga and Rukmi were also captured, and Balarama beat them with His club, breaking their legs and hands. They did not try to retaliate but thought it wise to run away from the bloody scene
- Others joined the conspiracy because they were disappointed in not having the hand of Satyabhama. Some of them incited Satadhanva to kill Satrajit and take away the jewel
- Our five senses of action, namely (1) hands, (2) legs, (3) speech, (4) evacuation organs and (5) reproductive organs are supplied to us by various arrangements of gross or subtle forms of natural energy
- Our hands and legs are all bound by the strong ropes of goodness, passion and ignorance. Are we therefore to abandon hope? No, for here Sri Krsna promises that whoever surrenders unto Him is at once free
- Our, this Gaudiya-sampradaya, Caitanya Mahaprabhu's descendants, our line of God-realization is that separation, feeling of separation. Not that we have got Krsna within our hand. No
- Out of grief and anger, Viduratha was breathing very heavily, and just to avenge the death of his brother (Dantavakra) he appeared before Lord Krsna with a sword and a shield in his hands. He wanted to kill Krsna immediately
- Out of many hundreds and thousands of such empiric philosophers, only a handful actually attain liberation
- Pancaratriki-vidhi and bhagavata-vidhi go hand in hand. By participating in these two processes, the neophyte can gradually attain the intermediate stage
- Pariksit Maharaja's question was how to be freed from falling down into hell or into the hands of the Yamadutas. In reply, Sukadeva Gosvami is citing this old historical example (of Ajamila) to convince Pariksit Maharaja of the potency of bhakti-yoga
- People have become so degraded in this age that on the one hand they restrict polygamy and on the other hand they hunt for women in so many ways
- Please always talk about Krishna amongst you two sisters, and enjoy life. This is very good opportunity that you are talking and painting about Krishna, so that your mind, hand, and attention are all absorbed in Krishna samadhi
- Practical effectiveness (of chanting) will be explained by Sukadeva Gosvami through the history of Ajamila, who was freed from the hands of the Yamadutas simply because of chanting the holy name of Narayana
- Practically, it is in your hands now to manage things, so I can translate and write books
- Practice washing hands after eating and wash with soap and water after toilet
- Prahlada Maharaja, a five-year-old boy, had to undergo a great deal of suffering at the hands of his father, who was torturing him for being a devotee
- Prahlada Maharaja, his (Hiranyakasipu's) legitimate son, was to have inherited this vast property, but because of his impudence, he was going to die at his father's hands
- Preaching is like the head of our KC Society - if the head is removed, the whole body dies. Managing is the hands, which work nicely if the head is healthy
- Presently I am claiming, "This is my hand." But what is this? The hand could be paralyzed immediately. This is conditioned life, and how can we improve it
- Pururava, stricken by the sharp words of Urvasi like an elephant struck by its driver's pointed rod, became very angry. Not even dressing himself properly, he took a sword in hand and went out naked into the night to follow the Gandharvas
- Raghava Pandita then saw that the servant touched the ceiling above the door and then touched the coconuts with the same hand
- Raghunatha dasa thought, "How shall I be able to get free from the hands of the watchmen? How shall I be able to go with Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to Nilacala"
- Raising my hands, I declare, "Everyone please hear me! String this verse on the thread of the holy name and wear it on your neck for continuous remembrance
- Ravana could not carry off Sitadevi in her original form. As soon as she was touched by Ravana's hands, she gave him a material form, but she maintained her original form beyond his vision
- Real knowledge is that hand is hand, leg is leg, body is body, and yet all together they are one
- Regarding your proposal that recommendations for initiations should be approved by the GBC members, that is not a good idea. Such recommendation is for the local President to make from first hand observation
- Religion means how to get that eyes, how to get that hand, how to get that leg, so that I can appreciate God. That should be the process of human civilization. Not that how I can compete with tiger, how I can compete with cats and dogs
- Riding on palanquins nicely decorated with silks, flags and golden lace, the sixteen thousand queens followed their exalted husband, Lord Krsna. The infantry soldiers carried shields, swords and lances in their hands and acted as royal bodyguards
- Rukmini continued, 'By these activities, perhaps I have pleased the S P of God, Narayana. If this be so, I wish that You, Krsna, the brother of Balarama, please come here, catch hold of my hand so that I shall not be touched by Sisupala & his company'"
- Rukmini was very eager to get the opportunity to serve her husband, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. She therefore wanted to serve the Lord personally and took the handle of the camara from the hand of a maidservant and began to move the fan
- Sambara felt the words of Pradyumna as if they were a kick. He immediately took his club in his hand and appeared before Pradyumna to fight
- Sambhu, Lord Siva, is the greatest of all Vaisnavas. On one hand he is the worshipable object of the dull demons, and on the other he is the best of all Vaisnavas, or devotees, and he has a sampradaya called the Rudra-sampradaya
- Santanu, who in his previous birth was known as Mahabhisa, had the ability to transform anyone from old age to youth simply by touching that person with his hands
- Sarasvati is the goddess of music and learning, and in one hand she holds a musical instrument called a vina
- Sastra says, "Here is the soul." The Yamaraja is snatching, dragging the soul, not his leg or hand. There's no business. As soon as the soul is gone, the leg and hand and everything becomes a lump of matter, that's all. What is the use of it?
- Satyabhama said, "After getting back the Syamantaka jewel, he (Satyabhama's father) thought it wise to rectify his mistake, so although he had promised others my hand in marriage, he submitted the jewel and me at the lotus feet of Krsna"
- Satyabhama was so beautiful and qualified that Satrajit, in spite of being asked for her hand by many princes, was waiting to find a suitable son-in-law. By the grace of Krsna he decided to hand his daughter over to Him
- Saying this, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu grasped the hand of Raghunatha dasa and entrusted him to the hands of Svarupa Damodara Gosvami
- Scorpions, cobras, poisonous drugs and other animals whose bites are poisonous took the opportunity to drink whatever little poison had fallen and scattered from Lord Siva's hand while he was drinking
- See to it that it rests in the hands of a competent lawyer before Gargamuni must go to Bombay, that will give me great relief
- Seeing a stick in the hand of the son, the younger brahmana fled. The next day, however, he gathered together all the people of the village
- Seeing Devayani naked in the well, King Yayati immediately gave her his upper cloth. Being very kind to her, he caught her hand with his own and lifted her out
- Seeing Hiranyakasipu coming forward bearing a trident in his hand like personified death, Lord Visnu, the best of all mystics and the knower of the progress of time, thought as follows
- Seeing Srivasa Thakura standing before the King, Haricandana touched Srivasa with his hand and requested him to step aside
- Seeing that Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya was firmly fixed in the cult of Vaisnavism, Gopinatha Acarya, his brother-in-law, began to dance, clap his hands and chant, "Hari! Hari"
- Seeing the rope in the hands of mother Yasoda, the Lord bowed down His head and began to weep just like a child, and tears rolled down His cheeks, washing off the black ointment smeared about His beautiful eyes
- Sense perception of material objects by the mundane senses, such as the eye, ear, nose and hand, always produces definitely perverted knowledge
- Several times we have discussed this point, that this hand, this work of my hand, is a kind of energy of my body. Now, this hand is meant for working for this body. Similarly, mamaivamso jiva-bhutah jiva-loke sanatanah - BG 15.7
- She (Devaki) prayed - I request You (Visnu) to save me from the cruel hands of the son of Ugrasena, Kamsa. I am praying to Your Lordship to please rescue me from this fearful condition because You are always ready to give protection to Your servitors
- She (goddess Durga) was decorated with nice garments and flower garlands and ornaments; in her eight hands she held a bow, lance, arrows, sword, conchshell, disc, club and shield
- She (Laksmana) was also forcibly married by Krsna, who took her in the same way that Garuda snatched the jar of nectar from the hands of the demigods. Krsna kidnapped this girl in the presence of many other princes in the assembly of her svayamvara
- She (Rukmini) dropped her hand bangles and the fan she was using to fan the Lord. Her hair became disarrayed, and she fainted and fell suddenly, appearing like a banana tree knocked down by high winds
- She (the younger sister of Visnu, Goddess Durga) was decorated with nice garments and flower garlands and ornaments; in her eight hands she held a bow, lance, arrows, sword, conchshell, disc, club and shield
- She brought different kinds of golden ornaments, including armlets, necklaces, anklets and bangles for the hands
- Simply by chanting "Narayana," immediately from Vaikuntha the servants of Narayana came, and they saved him from the hands of Yamaduta
- Simply try to hear about God from authorized sources - then one day you will be able to conquer God within your hand
- Since the gorilla was striking Him with his hands, Lord Balarama would not strike him back with His own weapons, the club or the plow. Simply with His fists He struck the collarbone of the gorilla
- Since the gorilla was very angry, he took another tree in his hands and struck Lord Balarama's body. Again Lord Balarama tore the tree to pieces, and the fighting continued
- Since the Lord is absolute, the services are also absolute; even though the hand is working one way and the leg is working in another way, since the purpose is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, they are all one
- Sisupala raised his hand and spoke very strongly and fearlessly against Lord Krsna in such a way that Lord Krsna could hear him distinctly
- So the common sense is that if my hand is the property of Krsna, why it should be used for me? It should be used for Krsna. This is good sense. Suppose something belongs to somebody else. If you use it for your purpose, that is illegal, not lawful
- So the test is within our hand. If during mangala-arati we feel laziness, that means I'm not yet spiritually advanced. And if one feels enthused, "Now it is time for mangala-arati. Let me stand up, let me do this," then it is spiritual. Anyone can test
- So the work is in your (my leaders) hands. Let me be free now to translate books, that is my desire
- Sober and tolerant and well equipped with paraphernalia for fighting, Bali Maharaja moved before Indra on the great battlefield. King Indra, who always carries the thunderbolt in his hand, rebuked Bali Maharaja as follows
- Some gopis undid their hair and kept it in front of them as dresses to cover the lower portions of their bodies and used their hands as bodices to cover their breasts
- Some nice presentation should be always given. Not that you go empty handed. It is customary to make a presentation to the Deity and Spiritual Master
- Some of the friends of Sri Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, massaged His feet, and others whose sinful reactions had been destroyed fanned Him with hand-held fans
- Some of them, who thought that they could not properly take action against Sisupala, left the assembly in protest, covering their ears with their hands in order not to hear further accusations. They left the meeting, condemning the action of Sisupala
- Sometimes there are other symptoms, like rubbing the two hands, clacking the teeth, clamping the lips, moving the eyebrows, scratching the arms, lowering the head, breathing rapidly, uttering strong words, nodding the head
- Sometimes we see that even they do not wash hands after eating. Even after drinking water we should wash hands. That is suci. Suchi means purest
- Sometimes, in our leisure time, we can see, "Oh, this is my finger, and this is my hand. This is my ear, and this is my nose. Everything is mine, but what I, what I?" I am feeling this is mine, and that I am. Simply a little thought is required
- Spirit soul, he has got hands and legs and everything. That is body. Form means hands and legs, not without form
- Spiritual life does not mean you have to grow four hands and four legs. No. Simply you have to give up these tendencies of vyavayamisa-madya-seva (illicit sex life and intoxication). Therefore sastra gives you training how to
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu called all His devotees together and, holding them by the hand, humbly informed them, "You are all more dear to Me than My life. I can give up My life, but to give you up is difficult for Me"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu gave Vijaya dasa the name Ratnabahu ("jewel-handed") because he copied many manuscripts for Him. The twenty-eighth branch was Krsnadasa, who was very dear to the Lord. He was known as Akincana Krsnadasa
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "'Krsna, the son of Nanda Maharaja, is my life and soul.' By this statement I am sold into the hands of the descendants of Gunaraja Khan'"
- Sri Ramananda Raya personally bathed girls, touching them and washing them with his own hands, yet he remained calm and passionless, as a great devotee should be. Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu certified that this was possible only for Ramananda Raya
- Sri Sukadeva Gosvami continued: After the demons heard the words of Mohini-murti, who had spoken as if jokingly, they were all very confident. They laughed with gravity, and ultimately they delivered the container of nectar into Her hands
- Sri Sukadeva Gosvami continued: Thus enlightened by the instructions of Narada and Angira, King Citraketu became hopeful with knowledge. Wiping his shriveled face with his hand, the King began to speak
- Srivasa Thakura then began to dance in ecstatic love. He vibrated sounds by slapping his armpits with the palms of his hands, and he laughed very loudly
- Such a universe may be gigantic, but it can be measured, just as we measure our body as seven spans. Generally everyone's personal bodily measurement is calculated to be seven spans of his hand
- Such transcendentally beautiful ladies, their hands playing with lotuses and their leg bangles tinkling, are sometimes seen sweeping the marble walls, which are bedecked at intervals with golden borders, in order to receive the grace of the SPG
- Sudama thought, "How can I appreciate my obligation to Him? When I was tired, Rukminidevi, the goddess of fortune, began to fan me, holding the camara whisk in her own hand. She never considered her exalted position as the first queen of Lord Krsna"
- Sukadeva Gosvami also exchanged the greetings and reception by embrace, shaking of hands, nodding and bowing down, especially before his father and Narada Muni. Thus he was offered the presidential seat at the meeting
- Sukadeva Gosvami said, "He (Ambarisa) engaged his hands in washing the temple of the Lord. He engaged his ears in hearing of the transcendental glories of the Lord. He engaged his eyes in seeing the beautiful Deity in the temple"
- Sukadeva Gosvami said, "When she was churning butter and tightly holding the rope, the bangles on her hands and the earrings on her ears were moving, and from the nice decoration in her hair the flowers were slackening and falling down"
- Sukadeva Gosvami said: Hearing the straightforward, instructive words of Vrtrasura, King Indra praised him and again took the thunderbolt in his hand. Without bewilderment or duplicity, he then smiled and spoke to Vrtrasura as follows
- Sukadeva Gosvami said: When Lord Visnu was thus requested by Lord Siva, who carries a trident in his hand, He smiled with gravity and replied to Lord Siva as follows
- Suruci, the younger mother of Dhruva Maharaja, seeing that the innocent boy had fallen at her feet, immediately picked him up, embracing him with her hands, and with tears of feeling she blessed him with the words, "My dear boy, long may you live!"
- Svayambhuva Manu continued: O wise man, I heard that you were prepared to marry. Please accept her hand, which is being offered to you by me, since you have not taken a vow of perpetual celibacy
- Take hand's business, take leg's business, and combine them cooperatively. Then the body will be nice. If the leg says "Why hand will type? I shall type," that's not possible. "Legs, all right, you walk, and hands that you type." Then combine together
- Take the example of a dead man. The senses, the hands, the nose, the sense organs, and everything is there, but now he cannot enjoy. The dead body, it cannot enjoy. Why? This requires intelligence
- Taking a trident in his hand and making the surface of the earth tremble with his footsteps, that blazing creature came before Maharaja Ambarisa. But the King, upon seeing him, was not at all disturbed and did not move even slightly from his position
- Taking the container of nectar in Her hands, She first approached the demons, satisfied them with sweet words and thus cheated them of their share of the nectar
- Taking this opportunity, Indra touched the elephant with his nectar-producing hand, thus relieving the animal's pain and curing its injuries. Then the elephant and Indra both stood silently
- That day, a brahmana extended an invitation to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. When Govinda accepted only five gandas' worth of vegetables and a fourth of a pot of rice, the brahmana, in great despair, struck his head with his hand and cried, "Alas! Alas"
- That will be awarded to you by superior judgement, that "This man has done like this; he should get a body like this." That is not in your hand. That is not in your science. The real science is how to stop this business. That is being advised in BG
- The ability to talk can be perfected only by describing the transcendental qualities of the Lord. The ability to work with one's hands can be successful only when one engages himself in the service of the Lord with those hands
- The animal which has no hands - just like goats and others: they have only legs - so they are food for the animals with hands. Ahastani sahastanam. That is the law of nature
- The Bana demon had many hands, and Krsna was cutting off these hands one after another
- The bangles and bracelets on her (mother Yasoda's) hands tinkled as they touched each other, and her earrings and breasts shook. There were drops of perspiration on her face, and the flower garland which was on her head scattered here and there
- The Bhattacarya offered a carpet for the Lord to sit upon, and both of them sat there. Then Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu opened the prasadam and placed it in the hands of the Bhattacarya
- The blazing fire of material nature is supervised by Durga. Often she is portrayed with weapons in her hands. She has ten hands, and each holds a different type of weapon. This indicates that she is ruling all ten directions of this universe
- The bodily parts would be working against the interest of the body as a whole. By such foolish activities, the hands, legs, and so on could never improve their respective positions
- The body has five working senses, namely the hands, the legs, the tongue, the rectum and the genitals. By taking full advantage of these working senses, the body enjoys material life
- The brahmana is called suci. He is always clean, taking three times bath, cloth washed, mouth, hands, legs, all clean, with tilaka. That is brahmana. Saucam
- The brahmana is compared with the brain of the body. Unless there is brain, what is the use of these hands and legs? If one's brain is cracked, madman, he cannot do anything
- The brahmanas are the teachers and spiritual masters, the ksatriyas protect the citizens from the hands of thieves and miscreants, and the vaisyas are in charge of production and distribution
- The brain is most important part of the body, this head. If you cut the head of a man, then, in spite of possessing the arms, belly and legs, he is dead man. But if you cut the hand or the leg, he can live, and the brain can work
- The brain of scientist created by somebody, that is not in your hand. You cannot create another similar brain. That is not possible
- The brain will give direction, the hand will give protection. Everything is required. Therefore we have named this "Krsna conscious society." "Society" means all classes of men required
- The camara with which she (Rukmini) was serving Krsna immediately fell from her hand. Her brain and memory became puzzled, and she lost consciousness
- The caretakers of the bow, who were standing by watching, became very angry, and with their respective weapons in hand they rushed toward Krsna, shouting, “Arrest Him! Arrest Him! Kill Him! Kill Him!” Krsna and Balarama were surrounded
- The child does not know that the money actually belongs to the father, nor does he know that he had best hand it to his father, for he simply does not know how to use it
- The child immediately slipped out of his (Kamsa's) hands, went up into the sky and appeared with eight arms as the younger sister of Visnu
- The child Krsna, simply by the mercy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, was somehow or other rescued from the hands of the Raksasi Putana, who was determined to kill Him - SB 10.11.24
- The child, Yogamaya-devi, the younger sister of Lord Visnu, slipped upward from Kamsa's hands and appeared in the sky as Devi, the goddess Durga, with eight arms, completely equipped with weapons - SB 10.4.9
- The chivalrous princes assembled there were so overwhelmed by Rukmini's beauty that they became almost unconscious and fell from their horses and elephants. Full of lust, they hopelessly desired Rukmini's hand, comparing their own beauty to hers
- The common man, if he has no time to worship the Lord, may at least engage his hands for a few seconds in washing or sweeping the Lord's temple
- The conception of the Absolute without hands and legs and the conception of the Absolute with hands and legs are apparently contradictory, but they both coincide with the same truth about the Supreme Absolute Person
- The condition (to have Draupadi's hand) was that out of the princely order, one must be able to pierce the fish's eyes through the wheel of protection, and no one would be allowed to look up at the target
- The deity presiding over the hands is Indra, and the presiding deity of movement is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Visnu. Visnu appeared on the appearance of the legs of the virat-purusa
- The demon (Vrkasura), however, wanted to become immortal by killing everyone with the touch of his hand. Lord Siva could understand this, but because he had promised, he gave him the benediction
- The demon Vrkasura approached Lord Siva to place his hand on Lord Siva's head. Lord siva was so afraid of him that his body trembled, and he fled from the land to the sky and from the sky to other planets, until he reached the limits of the universe
- The description of the Yamadutas is there, that twisted face and very ugly-looking, very fierceful, and with ropes in the hand. So naturally Ajamila was very afraid
- The devotees headed by Srivasa are His smaller limbs. They are like His hands, face and eyes and His disc and other weapons
- The distance between one hand and another when one spreads both his arms is called a vyama. This comes to about eight feet. Thus each of the rivers was about forty feet wide, making a total of about two hundred feet
- The egocentric attitude is a manifestation of the Rudra principle in the heart, wherein krodha (anger) is generated. This anger develops in the heart and is further manifested through various senses, like the eyes, hands and legs
- The emotions resulting from this condition (of stunned) are joy, fear, astonishment, moroseness and anger. In this condition, the power of speech is lost and there is no movement in the hands and legs. Otherwise, being stunned is a mental condition
- The eyes cannot work, therefore it is blind, similarly, the hand cannot work, the leg cannot work, the tongue cannot work, because at the last stage when this mechanical arrangement of this body will stop to function, that is called death
- The father supplies the money in the hands of the mother and mother expends for the children, similarly, God is the supreme father of the whole living entities, and the material nature is the agent of the Supreme Lord, and she produces food for you
- The finger and the hand are meant to act in the interests of the whole body; as soon as I want the hand to come here, it comes, and as soon as I want the finger to play on the drum, it plays. This is the natural position
- The following are some of the offenses to be avoided: (a) to offer obeisances on one hand, (b) to offer obeisances with one's body covered, (c) to show one's back to the Deity
- The force of divine energy is uncheckable; no one has any hand in it, and thus there is no cause of grief
- The friend of Nanda Maharaja said, "Just imagine how wonderful it is! On one hand He is only a boy of seven years, and on the other hand there is a huge hill like Govardhana Hill, and He lifted it so easily"
- The girl Purvacitti was playing with a ball in her hand, and the ball seemed like nothing but another lotus flower captured by her lotuslike palm
- The god of death entered His anus with the organ of defecation, but the virat-purusa could not be spurred to activity. The god Indra entered the hands with their power of grasping and dropping things, but the virat-purusa would not get up even then
- The gopis, headed by mother Yasoda and Rohini, chanted the names of Visnu to give Krsna's body full protection from all evil influences. They washed their hands and feet and sipped water three times, as is the custom before chanting mantra
- The gopis’ breasts are compared to cakravakas and their hands to red lotuses protecting them. This is a wonderful instance of reverse analogy
- The gorilla was striking Him with his (Dvivida's) hands, Balarama would not strike him back with His own weapons, club or plow
- The great hero, the son of Prthu, chased him (Indra) again. But when he saw that Indra was carrying in his hand a staff with a skull at the top and was again wearing the dress of a sannyasi, he still chose not to kill him
- The great sage Narada overheard this news, and understanding all the activities of Dhruva Maharaja, he was struck with wonder. He approached Dhruva, and touching the boy's head with his all-virtuous hand, he spoke as follows
- The hair that dropped from that body (the body of Lord Brahma, that he gave up) transformed into snakes, and even while the body crawled along with its hands and feet contracted, there sprang from it ferocious serpents and Nagas
- The hand and the leg serve the body; similarly, as part and parcel of the Supreme Lord, every living entity is bound to serve the Supreme Lord in his healthy condition
- The hand is the hand & the leg is the leg, but when both of them engage in the service of the whole body, there is no such distinction as "hands" & "legs," for all of them belong to the whole body & all the parts working together constitute the whole body
- The hand is working very nicely, but if the hand is paralyzed or Krsna withdraws the power, then your hand is useless. You cannot restore it. Therefore you are not master of your hand
- The hand of a body is a complete unit only as long as it is attached to the complete body. When the hand is severed from the body, it may appear like a hand, but it actually has none of the potencies of a hand
- The hands and heads are gone of the human society. So there is confusion, because there is no head who can give you good consultation how life should be led, how we should make progress in life, how we shall fulfill our human mission of life
- The hands and legs of the infantry soldiers floated just like different kinds of fish, the hair of the soldiers floated like seaweed and moss, and the floating bows of the soldiers resembled waves of the river
- The hands of the gopis, which resembled red lotus flowers, arose from the water in pairs to obstruct the bluish flowers
- The hands, legs, eyes, nose, and so forth are all parts of the complete whole that is the body
- The hands, the nose, the eyes, the other sense organs and all the bodily parts may be present on a dead man, but he cannot enjoy. Why not? The enjoying energy, the spiritual spark, has left, and therefore the body has no power
- The hands, though decorated with glittering bangles, are like those of a dead man if not engaged in the service of the Personality of Godhead Hari
- The hands, though decorated with glittering bangles, are like those of a dead man if not engaged in the service of the PG Hari
- The Hanuman policy is: "Take out Sita from the hands of Ravana and get her seated by the side of Rama." The same Sita. Sita means Laksmi. So Laksmi means Narayana's property, God's property
- The head may be very important part of the body, but you cannot neglect the legs. If you want to keep the body in fitness, then the brain must work nicely, the hand must work nicely, the belly must work nicely, and the legs also must
- The history of the Jagannatha temple in Mahesa is as follows. One devotee of the name Dhruvananda went to see Lord Jagannatha, Balarama and Subhadra at Jagannatha Puri, wanting to offer food to Jagannathaji that he had cooked with his own hands
- The hunter's body was blackish. He had reddish eyes, and he appeared fierce. It was as if the superintendent of death, Yamaraja, were standing there with a bow and arrows in his hands
- The impersonalists, they do not develop body. They simply remain as spirit particle. That is their idea. But we Vaisnava, we want to serve Krsna, therefore we require hands, legs and mouth and tongue, everything. So we are giving such body
- The ingredients of matter are counted as twenty-three: the total material energy, false ego, sound, touch, form, taste, smell, earth, water, fire, air, sky, eye, ear, nose, tongue, skin, hand, leg, evacuating organ, genitals, speech and mind
- The inhabitants of a particular Vaikuntha planet have the same arrangement of symbols in the hands
- The innocent cowherd women thought that she (Putana) was the goddess of fortune appearing in Vrndavana with a lotus flower in her hand. It seemed to them that she had personally come to see Krsna, who is her husband
- The kapalika mendicants are tantric materialists who carry skulls in their hands. They are not Vaisnavas and have nothing to do with spiritual life; therefore they are untouchable
- The King will consider all embodied living entities as dear as his own self, and he will always be increasing the pleasures of his friends. He will intimately associate with liberated persons, and he will be a chastising hand to all impious persons
- The ladies in the Vaikuntha planets are as beautiful as the goddess of fortune herself. Such transcendentally beautiful ladies, their hands playing with lotuses and their leg bangles tinkling, are sometimes seen sweeping the marble walls
- The legs move forward because the eyes see what is in front of them, and the hand touches because the eyes see touchable entities. Similarly, every living being acts according to the direction of the Supersoul, who is situated within the heart
- The legs move, the hands supply food, the teeth chew and all parts of the body are engaged in satisfying the stomach because the stomach is the principal factor that nourishes the body. Therefore everything is given to the stomach. BG 1972 Introduction
- The Lord achieved the hand of mother Sita, who was equally as endowed with transcendental qualities of form, beauty, behavior, age and nature. Indeed, she was the goddess of fortune who constantly rests on the chest of the Lord
- The Lord asked him, "Where is Krsna, My life and soul? Please show Me Krsna." Saying this, He caught the doorkeeper's hand
- The Lord very easily lifted the mountain with one hand and placed it on the back of Garuda. Then, He too got on the back of Garuda and went to the ocean of milk, surrounded by the demigods and demons
- The lotus flower, which sometimes also appears in the hand of Laksmi, is a symbol of blessings
- The lotus stems were friends of the gopis and therefore helped them by offering them lotus leaves. The lotuses pushed their large, round leaves over the surface of the water with their hands, the waves of the Yamuna, to cover the gopis' bodies
- The mass of people in general are tools in the hands of the modern politicians and leaders of the people. If there is a change of heart of the leaders only, certainly there will be a radical change in the atmosphere of the world
- The Maya's agents does not let go even Krishna, then what to speak of Krishna's devotees. They will act in their own way, but as Krishna miraculously saved Himself from the hands of all these demons, similarly, He will always save His devotees
- The mind of a person in Krsna consciousness also acts in a similar way (activities of the gross body are reactions of the mind). The tongue chants Hare Krsna, the maha-mantra, the hands are raised in ecstasy, and the legs dance in Krsna consciousness
- The mischievous demon Balvala began to shower torrents of stool and urine and other impure substances on the arena of sacrifice. After this onslaught, the demon himself appeared with a great trident in his hand
- The offenses in Deity worship are : (d) to offer prayers in an unclean state, not having washed one's hands after eating, (e) to offer obeisances with one hand, (f) to circumambulate in front of the Deity, (g) to spread one's legs before the Deity
- The offenses in Deity worship are: (h) to sit before the Deity while holding one's ankles with one's hands, (i) to lie down before the Deity, (j) to eat before the Deity, (k) to speak lies before the Deity, (l) to address someone loudly before the Deity
- The other day I saw you both Krsna & Subala standing together, & you were keeping your hand upon Krsna's shoulder, & both of you were joyfully smiling. When I saw this in the distance, my eyes at once became overflooded with tears
- The palace of the King was surrounded by walls made of marble with many engravings made of valuable jewels like sapphires, which depicted beautiful women with shining jewel lamps in their hands
- The part-and-parcel hands and legs are called the body, but the body as the whole unit is neither the hands nor the legs
- The pastimes of the Lord (Krsna), beginning from His birth at the prison house of Kamsa up to the mausala-lila at the end, all move one after another in all the universes, just as the clock hand moves from one point to another
- The Personality of Godhead Sri Rama displayed such a spirit of chivalry during His marriage. He broke the strongest bow, called Haradhanur, and achieved the hand of Sitadevi, the mother of all opulence
- The primordial matter, or prakrti, material nature, consisting of three modes, generates four groups of five. The fourth group is the five working senses: speech, hands, feet, anus and genitals
- The proprietor is Paramatma. I am given the chance to use it, so my senses, so-called my senses, that is not my senses. I have not created my hand. The hand is created by God, or by Krsna, through the agency of this material nature
- The ripened fruit of the Vedic tree drops from one hand to another without being broken by falling suddenly from a high branch down to the earth
- The sage Maitreya continued: Thus Daksa, seeing Lord Siva sitting as if against him, washed his hands and mouth and cursed him in the following words
- The same hand, legs, heads, coat, pant, everything is lying there. Why do you say that your father has gone away? That means the real father he has never seen. He has seen the illusion of his father
- The senses interact with the sense objects, like the ear for hearing, eyes for seeing, nose for smelling, tongue for tasting, hand for touching, and all of them are thus engaged in activities outside the self. BG 1972 purports
- The seva, the service, begins from the tongue, service. Not with the hand but with the tongue. If you simply chant Hare Krsna, this is seva, and if you take prasadam, then your business begins immediately
- The smelling instrument, the nose, can engage in smelling the flowers offered to the lotus feet of the Lord, the hands can engage in cleansing the temple of the Lord, etc
- The soldiers' (Jarasandha's party) hands were severed along with their bows and arrows and clubs; arms were piled upon arms, thighs upon thighs, and horses upon horses
- The SPG said: You shall be able to see Me there in My usual feature with conchshell, disc, club and lotus in My hand. Because of your transcendental bliss due to always personally seeing Me, you will have no further bondage to fruitive activities
- The stomach will eat; you simply work. But if the stomach is allowed to eat, then automatically the hands and legs will be happy
- The stoppage of the blood's circulation is perceived when the hands and feet lose heat. One tests whether a body is alive or not by feeling the heart's palpitations and the coldness of the feet and hands
- The strong hand of Maya is insurmountable as it is stated in the Bhagavad-gita. But if one sticks to Krishna Consciousness with firmness, then he can easily surmount
- The Supersoul exists in His all-pervading form, & in Him exist all the living entities, beginning from the first great teacher, Brahma, down to the small ants. There are unlimited heads, legs, hands & eyes, & unlimited living entities. BG 1972 purports
- The Supreme Lord Krsna, being completely controlled by the gopis, sang and danced just like a puppet in their hands
- The Supreme Person, Krsna, is the central point, and all of us are His parts and parcels, just as hands and legs are parts and parcels of the whole body
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is pleased with His consort, the goddess of fortune, who carries a lotus flower in her hand
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead stood with His lotus feet almost touching the ground while He rested the front of His hand on the raised shoulder of Garuda, the enemy of the snakes
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, is naturally very much affectionately inclined to His devotees. When He heard Srutadeva's prayers of pure devotion, He was very much pleased and immediately caught his hands and addressed him
- The supreme worshipable Deity is Narayana. The demigods are recommended secondarily for worship in relation to Narayana because the demigods are assisting hands in the management of the universal affairs
- The test is within our hand. If during mangala-arati we feel laziness, that means I'm not yet spiritually advanced. And if one feels enthused, "Now it is time for mangala-arati, let me stand up, let me do this," then it is spiritual
- The two brothers, Sakara Mallika & Dabira Khasa, very humbly submitted that due to their abominable activities they were now bound by the neck & hands & had been thrown into a ditch filled with abominable, stoollike objects of material sense enjoyment
- The Vedic 'apani-pada' mantra rejects material hands and legs, yet it states that the Lord goes very fast and accepts everything offered to Him
- The Vedic mantra maintains that the Absolute Truth has no legs and no hands and yet goes faster than all and accepts everything that is offered to Him in devotion. The latter statements definitely suggest the personal features of the Lord
- The Vedic system is not fatalistic. It is fatalistic only in the sense that one's material destiny cannot be changed. But your spiritual life is in your hands
- The Visnudutas are worshiped with respectful obeisances by the demigods and are always very alert to protect the devotees of the Lord from the hands of enemies, from natural disturbances and from all dangerous conditions in this material world
- The Visnudutas protect the devotees of the Lord from the hands of enemies, from envious persons and even from my jurisdiction, as well as from natural disturbances
- The voidists, they say sunyavadi. They say, "There is no God." And the impersonalists, they say that there is God, but there is no head, there is no leg, there is no hand, there is no mouth, there is no, no, no... Ultimately, what is their God?
- The whole material world is working by pushing the button. Don't think it is going on automatically or accidentally. These are all rascaldom. There is hand in everywhere
- The woman's face was decorated by broad, beautiful, restless eyes, which moved as the ball bounced here and there from Her hand
- Their (the cowherd women's) ears were decorated with pearl rings, their necks were decorated with jeweled lockets, their lips and eyes were decorated with different kinds of lipstick and ointment, and their hands were decorated with nice golden bangles
- Then one should touch kusa grass and sit gravely and silently, facing north. When completely purified, one should touch the mantra composed of eight syllables to the eight parts of his body and touch the mantra composed of twelve syllables to his hands
- There are different parts of the body. Some of them are considered as inferior and some of them are considered superior. Even two hands. According to Vedic civilization, right hand is the superior hand, and left hand is the inferior hand
- There are false ego, intelligence & the unmanifested stage of 3 modes of nature. Then there are 5 senses for acquiring knowledge: the eyes, ears, nose, tongue and touch. Then 5 working senses: voice, legs, hands, the anus & the genitals. BG 1972 purports
- There are many such instances of calamities, and in each of them Vidura gave protection to the Pandavas on one hand, and on the other he tried to restrain his brother Dhrtarastra from such intriguing policies
- There are ten senses - five active senses and five knowledge-acquiring senses. The active senses are the power of talking, the hands, the legs, the evacuating outlet, and the generating organ
- There are various senses, of which the ear is the most effective. This sense works even when a man is deep asleep. One can protect himself from the hands of an enemy while awake, but while asleep one is protected by the ear only
- There is an instance of a great devotee of Lord Siva who obtained a boon from Lord Siva that the head of whomever he touched with his hand would come off its trunk
- There is explosion of big, big mountains when there is dynamite, and the dynamite is given by some person. So how explosion can take place without the hand of somebody else, some living entity?
- There must be systematic division of the work. Everyone should work. The brain will work, the hand will work, the belly will work, the leg will work, but the direction should be from the brain
- There was picking up, dragging and pushing, and then the legs and hands were locked together. All the arts of wrestling were perfectly exhibited by the parties as each tried his best to defeat his opponent
- Thereupon, Sanatana Gosvami took the seven gold coins in his hands and went to the landlord. Holding the gold coins before him, he spoke as follows
- These hands and legs are there because originally we are spirit soul, we have got hands and legs. This is the proof that we are not formless
- These rascals say nirakara. Nirakara means there is no God. Say frankly that there is no God. Why do you say, "Yes, there is God, but He has no head, no tail, no leg, no hand"? So what is there? So this is another cheating
- These rascals, they are tied with the laws of material nature, hand and legs, and they are thinking they are free to do anything and everything without any consultation of sastra
- These symptoms were exhibited by Arjuna when he saw Krsna's universal form on the battlefield of Kuruksetra. His confusion was so strong that his bow and arrows fell from his hand, and he could not perceive anything clearly
- These threefold miseries are miseries suffered by mental calamity at the hands of the demigods (such as freezing wind and scorching heat), miseries offered by other living entities, and miseries arising from the mind and body themselves
- They (Gopis) were perplexed because on one hand they were attracted by the beauty of Krsna, and on the other they needed Krsna to drive away the demon of such attraction
- They (the people of Kundina) prayed to the Personality of Godhead, "Our dear Lord, if we have performed any pious activities with which You are satisfied, kindly be merciful upon us and accept the hand of Rukmini"
- They are little animals with four hand, two legs, two hand, hand animals. That's all. Yes. Rejected them. Vedic civilization rejected them, mlecchas and yavanas. But they can be reformed. The process is the same
- They did not know the secrets of these portents and thought that the dissolution of the universe was at hand
- They have not been able to demonstrate that life comes from matter. Let them take chemicals in their laboratory and produce even a small insect with hands, legs, and eyes
- They held clubs in their hands, and they were dressed in very attractive garments with helmets and were decorated with necklaces, bracelets and earrings
- This appearance with eight hands is as real as the four-handed form
- This Brahma-samhita was accepted by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who copied it when He toured South India. Formerly there were no presses to print these literatures, and these important Vedic writings were written by hand
- This demigod is described in the Vedas: vajra-hastah purandarah. Indra rules the water supply with a thunderbolt in his hand
- This is daily affair, taking bath & go early in the morning to evacuate, then wash your hand. Not required, soap. You can take the dirt from the earth & wash your hand nicely, then take your bath & change your cloth, washed cloth, then go to some temple
- "This is my body. This is my hand. This is my leg. This is my country. This is my mother. This is my father. This is my school." "This is my," I know. I have the concept of "my." But who is conceiving "my"? We have no information where it is
- This King, being uniquely powerful and heroic, will have no competitor. He will travel around the globe on his victorious chariot, holding his invincible bow in his hand and appearing exactly like the sun, which rotates in its own orbit from the south
- This life is preparation for the next life. You can prepare. It is in your hand. It is in your hand. God has given you the superior intelligence better than the animals
- This material world, is existing on the spiritual prakrti. You can calculate what is your this body. This body is existing on the spiritual body. Just like your shirt. The shirt is existing on your actual hand
- This Sankirtana Party and our Book Department are very, very important; they are our right and left hands, so everything should be done very carefully and in remembrance that this is Krishna's business that we are executing
- This siddhi is called prapti, or acquisition. With this prapti-siddhi, the perfect mystic yogi can not only touch the moon planet, but he can extend his hand anywhere and take whatever he likes
- This son of Vyasadeva was only sixteen years old. His legs, hands, thighs, arms, shoulders, forehead and the other parts of his body were all delicately formed. His eyes were beautifully wide, and his nose and ears were highly raised
- Those who are devoid of hands are prey for those who have hands; those devoid of legs are prey for the four-legged. The weak are the subsistence of the strong, and the general rule holds that one living being is food for another
- Those who are devoid of hands are prey for those who have hands; those devoid of legs are prey for the four-legged. The weak are the subsistence of the strong, and the general rule holds that one living being is food for another - (SB 1.13.47)
- Those who have had their arms cut off will have to work with the arms of Asvini-kumara, and those whose hands were cut off will have to do their work with the hands of Pusa. The priests will also have to act in that manner
- Though the modern astronauts go to the moon with the help of spaceships, they undergo many difficulties, whereas a person with mystic perfection can extend his hand and touch the moon with his finger
- Thousands of hands splashed water, and the gopis saw Krsna with thousands of eyes. With thousands of legs they came near Him, and they kissed Him with thousands of faces. Thousands of bodies embraced Him
- Through bhakti-yoga, one’s hands touch the hidden treasure without difficulty
- Through the nose we can smell, by the eyes we can see, by the ears we can hear, and in this way we gather knowledge. Similarly, there are the karmendriyas, the working senses - the hands, legs, genitals, rectum, mouth and so forth
- Throughout the entire day and night, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu directly relished Krsna's beauty, fragrance and taste as if He were touching Krsna hand to hand
- To establish yourself. "Yourself" means you are part and parcel of the Supreme. So just like my hand. Some way or other, if my hand becomes paralyzed, it is not working. And as soon as it is established with this body, then it will work
- To get past the toll collectors along the way, Madhavendra Puri was supplied with the necessary release papers from government officers. The papers were placed in his hand
- Today you may be proprietor of a big house, big motor car, but after death you don't know, you have to accept a body, and it may be you become a cockroach in the car or in the house. That is not in your hands
- Under a false egoistic sense, since he (the living entity) is constitutionally unable to do so (becoming Krsna, the supreme enjoyer), any more than the hands, legs, eyes, and so on can individually function as a complete, whole body
- Unfortunately the communists do not know how to solve the problem of wealth and its distribution. Consequently when the wealth of the capitalists falls into the hands of the communists, no solution results
- United Nation, they should keep a class of men who should act as brain. Then it will be all right. Without brain, simply legs and hands working, no direction, that is not very good
- Uniting the hands of the bride and bridegroom is a system perpetually existing in all societies
- Unless people see the ideal men, how they will follow? The brahmana is compared with the brain of the body. Unless there is brain, what is the use of these hands and legs? If one's brain is cracked, madman, he cannot do anything
- Unless rogues, thieves and other demoniac people in a state are afraid of the executive head, who rules the kingdom with a strong hand, there cannot be peace or prosperity in the state
- Unless the Supersoul is present, it is not possible for the hands and legs to be active. The S P of Godhead is so great, independent and perfect that even without having any eyes, legs and ears, He is not dependent on others for His activities
- Upananda said, "Just consider Putana and Krsna. It was simply by the grace of Lord Hari that Krsna was saved from the hands of such a great demon"
- Upon hearing Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, all the Bhattatharis came running from all sides with weapons in their hands, desiring to hurt the Lord
- Upon saying this, Advaita Acarya supplied water to the two Lords so that They could wash Their hands. The two Lords then sat down and, smiling, began to eat the prasadam
- Vasudeva replied to his sister, "My dear sister (Kuntidevi), do not be sorry, and do not blame me in that way. We should always remember that we are all only toys in the hands of providence"
- Vasudeva thought: Even if a son is born and I deliver him to Kamsa, Kamsa may die at his hands, for by providence anything could happen. It is very difficult to understand how things are managed by providence
- Vasudeva was bound to deliver Krsna to the hands of Kamsa because he had promised to turn over all his children. But out of his great love for Krsna he broke his promise, and the Lord was very pleased with Vasudeva for his transcendental mentality
- Vasudeva’s wives, dressed with nice garments and ornaments and golden necklaces, approached the arena of sacrifice carrying in their hands the required articles to offer in the sacrifice
- Vidura was anxious to know whether, after winning back their own kingdom from the hands of Duryodhana, the younger brothers were still living happily under the care of the elder brothers
- Virabhadra tore off the mustache of Bhrgu, who was offering the sacrificial oblations with his hands in the fire
- Was this a dream I saw, or was it reality? I saw fearsome men with ropes in their hands coming to arrest me and drag me away. Where have they gone?
- We (senses hands legs) are working day and night, and this rascal (belly) is eating simply. So we shall noncooperate. We shall not work. - That's all right. Resolution was passed. So they stopped working, next meeting they saw that, - We are becoming weak
- We are different parts and parcels of Krsna, God, we must act accordingly. Just like my hand. If the hand is in proper place, he can act nicely. But if I cut the leg and make hand, then it is all lost. One must act according to his qualification
- We are not dull matter. We have got our flexible hands and legs to work. People think that "These Krsna conscious men, Hare Krsna people, they are escaping." What is that, escaping? We are not escaping. We are practically taking the real activities
- We are part and parcel of Krsna, and Krsna is all-powerful. He says, "I will give you protection." Just like I am giving protection to my hands and legs, so what about Krsna? Krsna also prepared
- We are proud, "I have got my hand. I have got my eyes." What is the use of your eyes? Unless God helps you to see, what is the value of your eyes?
- We are representatives of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the creator of the whole universe, who carries in His hand the bow named Sarnga. We have been specifically deputed to take you to the spiritual world
- We are so controlled that we are not even free to blink our eyes. We may be moving our hands very freely, but at any moment they can be immediately paralyzed
- We are trying to give them solid personification of the Absolute Truth. Here also, India, they are spoiled by these Mayavadi. Now it is in your able hands. You are resourceful, intelligent. Spread this Vaisnava philosophy and challenge this Mayavada
- We can only touch with our hands or skin, but Krsna can touch just by glancing. We can only see with our eyes, we cannot touch or smell with them. Krsna, however, can smell and also eat with His eyes
- We can serve Hrsikesa, the master of the senses, through the senses. We are part and parcel of Krsna, just as the hand is part and parcel of the body. Similarly, our senses are also part and parcel of the spiritual body of Krsna
- We can touch only with our hands or skin, but Krsna can touch just by glancing. We can see only with our eyes; we cannot touch or smell with them. Krsna, however, can smell and also eat with His eyes - CC Intro
- We cannot see Krsna with our material eyes, nor hear about Him with material ears, nor touch Him with our hands; but if we engage our tongue in His service, He will reveal Himself, saying - Here I am
- We do not know, after eating, we have to wash our hand. We are taking the handkerchief and finished. So this kind of brahmana, what they will do? That is not even a civilized man
- We do not say, "I am this finger" or "I am this hand." Rather, we say, - This is my finger, this is my head, this is my leg, etc
- We don't say: "Oh, money is material. I do not touch. My hand becomes turned up." No. We don't say all these nonsense philosophy. We know the money, laksmi, is Krsna's property, so it should be engaged in Krsna's service
- We have lost our faith in the traditional Vedic knowledge handed down from the Guru to Chela or from the father to the son, although such system of Deductive Knowledge from the authority is the most perfect form of knowledge
- We have our hands and legs, but our hands are different from our legs. The hand cannot act like the leg, nor can the leg act like the hand. The ears can hear but the eyes cannot, and the eyes can see but the ears cannot
- We have to receive first-hand perfect knowledge; then our life will be successful. Not defective knowledge. Knowledge received from a living being, as we are, that is imperfect; always imperfect - because we are deficient
- We may have the same money in our hands, but as soon as we think that we are the proprietor, we are under the influence of maya. One who is situated in the consciousness that everything belongs to Krsna is an actual learned man
- We say also "my body," "my finger," "my head," "my hand." And where is that "I"? You are simply thinking, "My, my, my, my," but where is that "I"? But they have no brain
- We shall use our hand in cleansing the temple, in playing the instruments, karatala, for chanting. So, ear for hearing Krsna's pastimes, nose for smelling the flower offered to Krsna
- We should cooperate. The hand and leg should cooperate for maintaining the whole body. Similarly, everyone should use his talent for satisfaction of Krsna. That is perfection. Not compete with one another. That is mistake
- What is that Durga? Durga is the material nature, very powerful. Srsti-sthiti-pralaya-sadhana-saktih. She has got the power of creating, maintaining and dissolving. She is so powerful. You have seen Durga's picture. She has got ten hands
- What is this soul? The soul is a part of the Supreme Lord. As we want to protect the hand or the finger because it is a part of the whole body, similarly we try to save ourselves because this is the defending process of the Supreme
- What the hands and legs will do if there is brain, if there is no brain? So at the present moment there is scarcity of brain in the whole human society. Therefore, it is in the chaotic condition
- Whatever he (a yogi) wants, he can immediately produce in his hand, and he can travel wherever he desires. Kardama Muni was such a perfected siddhi-yogi
- When 2) the ears are engaged in hearing His (God's) glories, the hands engaged in cleaning the temple of the Lord, the legs engaged in visiting His temples then only can the transcendental senses become satiated & eternally free from material engagement
- When a man takes his work in his own hand, it is sure to be done. So all of you encourage them
- When a ripened fruit comes from the upper part of the tree onto the ground by the process of being handed down from a higher branch to a lower branch by persons in the tree, the fruit does not break
- When a smiling person claps his hands and leaps in the air, the smiling expression changes into atihasita, or overwhelming laughter. An example of atihasita was manifested in the following incident
- When Akrura also refused to give him shelter, Satadhanva decided to deliver the Syamantaka jewel into the hands of Akrura. Then, riding on a horse which could run at great speed and up to four hundred miles at a stretch, he fled the city
- When Bali Maharaja saw the expert military activities of Indra, he could not restrain his anger. Thus he took up another weapon, known as sakti, which blazed like a great firebrand. But Indra cut that weapon to pieces while it was still in Bali's hand
- When Caitanya Mahaprabhu went to the temple of Jagannatha, Kasisvara, being very strong, cleared the crowds aside with his hands so that Caitanya Mahaprabhu could pass untouched
- When everyone offered respect to Krsna by standing up, Sisupala remained in his seat, but as he became angrier at Krsna's being honored, he stood up suddenly, raised his hand and spoke very strongly and fearlessly against Lord Krsna
- When he (Yudhisthira) was sitting on the throne surrounded by his friends, Duryodhana came to the palace with his younger brothers. Duryodhana was decorated with a helmet, and he carried a sword in his hand
- When he was dying he also saw that three ferocious persons, very fearful persons with rope in their hands, very fearful, he saw. Sometimes dying man cries because he sees that "Somebody has come to take me to Yamaraja." He sees, and he is very fearful
- When his arrows were cut to pieces, Kartaviryarjuna uprooted many trees and hills with his own hands and again rushed strongly toward Lord Parasurama to kill him
- When it (the matter) is fully developed, with hands and legs, consciousness, at seven months, then child wants to come out
- When it was known to the King of Kosala that Krsna had come to ask the hand of his daughter, he was very much pleased. With great respect and pomp, he welcomed Krsna to the kingdom
- When Krsna saw Kubja hesitating to come before Him, He immediately caught hold of her hand, which was decorated with bangles. With great affection, He dragged her near Him and made her sit by His side
- When Lord Caitanya described the superexcellence of Krsna's conjugal attraction, He felt transcendental ecstasy, and, catching the hands of Sanatana Gosvami, He began to proclaim how fortunate the damsels of Vraja were
- When Lord Krsna went to the city of Sonitapura to fight with Bali's son Bana and to cut off all his hands, Uddhava, being separated from Krsna and thinking of His fight, was almost completely stunned into unconsciousness
- When one considers his body - his head, his hands and so on - one can certainly understand the difference between the spirit soul and the body. No one says, "I head." Everyone says, "My head"
- When one is situated in his original constitutional position, that is called mukti. Mukti does not mean that you get a big head or big hand. No. Mukti means knowledge
- When Prahlada's mother, Hiranyakasipu's wife, Kayadhu, was under the protection of Narada, she prayed for the protection of her son from the enemy, and Narada Muni gave assurance that Prahlada Maharaja would always be saved from the enemy's hands
- When Ramananda Raya fell to the ground unconscious, Caitanya Mahaprabhu touched his hand, and he immediately regained consciousness. But when he saw Lord Caitanya in the dress of a sannyasi, he was struck with wonder
- When Ravana came to kidnap mother Sita and she saw him, she took shelter of the fire-god, Agni. The fire-god covered the body of mother Sita, and in this way she was protected from the hands of Ravana
- When some of the gopis became very tired from dancing and moving their bodies, they placed their hands on the shoulders of Sri Krsna. Then their hair loosened and flowers fell to the ground
- When somebody comes to attack you, first of all your brain gives you dictation, "Now this man is coming to attack you. You spread your hand." So immediately my hand spreads and I want to protect myself. So these are called ksatriya class
- When someone's wealth falls into the hands of his enemy, the money becomes the enemy's friend. Then the enemy can use it for his own purposes. Indeed, he can even use it to harm its previous owner
- When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's associates saw such impudence exhibited by the maidservants of the goddess of fortune, they covered their faces with their hands and began to smile
- When the (cowherd) boys were thus engaged, Krsna would immediately join them, and catching their hands, He would enjoy their company and laugh and praise their activities
- When the ball leaped from Her hand and fell at a distance, the woman began to follow it, but as Lord Siva observed these activities, a breeze suddenly blew away the fine dress and belt that covered her
- When the bridegroom, Sisupala, came there with his party with the desire to marry Rukmini, Krsna all of a sudden swept her from the scene, stepping over the heads of all the princes there, just as Garuda carried away nectar from the hands of the demons
- When the citizens received the news of the Lord's (Krsna) arrival, they all felt unlimited happiness and came to welcome Him, taking gifts in their hands to offer
- When the demigods, headed by Lord Siva, were offering respectful prayers to Krsna, describing the glorious opulences of the Lord, Arjuna stood before Him with his hand on His shoulders and brushed the dust from His peacock feather
- When the frustrated princes of the other dynasties heard that Krsna was successful in getting the hand of Satya by subduing the bulls, naturally they became envious
- When the hand moves, it does not move out of its own accord, but by the endeavor of the whole body. BG 1972 purports
- When the hunter chanted the Hare Krsna maha-mantra before his spiritual master, his body trembled and tears welled up in his eyes. Filled with ecstatic love, he raised his hands and began to dance, waving his garments up and down
- When the King travels all over the world, other kings as well as the demigods, will offer him all kinds of presentations. Their queens will also consider him the original king, who carries in His hands the emblems of club and disc & will sing of his fame
- When the Lord was on the lap of His mother, He would at once stop crying as soon as the ladies surrounding Him chanted the holy names and clapped their hands. This peculiar incident was observed by the neighbors with awe and veneration
- When the mind's anger is expressed through the hand, there is fighting. When it is expressed through the leg, there is kicking. There are so many ways in which the subtle activities of the mind are expressed through the various senses
- When the most powerful Indra became angry and took his thunderbolt in hand to kill Maharaja Bali, the demons began lamenting - Alas, alas
- When the porters, who happened to possess a disposition quite unpalatable to the Lord, saw the sages, they blocked their way with their staffs, despising their glories, although the sages did not deserve such treatment at their hands
- When the sankirtana movement thus started, no one in Navadvipa could hear any sound other than the words "Hari! Hari!" and the beating of the mrdanga and clashing of hand bells
- When the Supreme Person desired to perform varieties of work, the two hands and their controlling strength, and Indra, the demigod in heaven, became manifested, as also the acts dependent on both the hands and the demigod
- When there are ample earthly flats to lie on, what is the necessity of cots and beds? When one can use his own arms, what is the necessity of a pillow? When one can use the palms of his hands, what is the necessity of varieties of utensils?
- When there is flat grass cushion, why should you ask for bedding? When you have got natural pillow, this hand, why you ask for a pillow? Then when there is river, so much water, why do you stock water?
- When they (student of Krsna consciousness) are dressed with saffron-colored cloth, with tilaka on their foreheads and beads in their hands and on their necks, they look exactly as if they come directly from Vaikuntha
- When they (the gopis) placed their hands on Krsna's shoulder they became overwhelmed by the fragrance of His body, which emanated from the lotus, other aromatic flowers and the pulp of sandalwood
- When they are dressed with saffron-colored cloth, with tilaka on their foreheads and beads in their hands and on their necks, they look exactly as if they have come directly from Vaikuntha
- When this body was made in the womb of my mother, it was just like a small pea, and from that pea, different holes came out, then hand came out, leg came out, the fingers came out
- When this hand becomes paralyzed, I am claiming, "my hand" - I cannot use it because the power of the hand is withdrawn by the proprietor
- When we keep our association with Krishna every activity is proper and liberating but if we should dissociate ourselves from the Lord's Mercy then like a hand which is severed from the body we become ugly and useless
- When you have to do something, you have to tax your brain. That is the business of the brain. When you have to protect yourself, your hands will be required. If somebody comes to attack you, you immediately expand your hand or take some weapon to protect
- Whenever a ksatriya wants to marry a very beautiful and qualified daughter of a great king, he must fight his competitors and emerge victorious. Then he is given the hand of the princess in charity
- Where am I, a small creature of seven spans the measure of my own hand? I am enclosed in the universe composed of material nature, the total material energy, false ego, ether, air, water and earth
- While carried by the constables of Yamaraja, he is overwhelmed and trembles in their hands. While passing on the road he is bitten by dogs, and he can remember the sinful activities of his life. He is thus terribly distressed
- While chanting the mantra (om namo narayanaya), beginning with the syllable om, one should touch his hands to eight parts of his body, starting with the feet & progressing systematically to the knees, thighs, abdomen, heart, chest, mouth & head
- While Krsna danced, some of the cowherd boys sang and others played on flutes; some bugled on buffalo horns or clapped their hands, praising Krsna, "Dear brother, You are dancing very nicely"
- While Krsna was joking with Rukmini in Dvaraka, she was full of distress, fear and lamentation. She had also lost her intelligence. She dropped her hand bangles and the fan she was using to fan the Lord
- While the priests of the Bhrgu dynasty and their disciples talked and argued in various ways, the SPG, Vamanadeva, holding in His hands the rod, the umbrella and a waterpot full of water, entered the arena of the asvamedha sacrifice
- While thus being bathed, the goddess of fortune maintained her original style, with a lotus flower in her hand, & she appeared very beautiful. The goddess of fortune is the most chaste, for she does not know anyone but the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Who is writing good hand, that is a secondary question. The teacher's duty is to see that everyone is engaged in handwriting work
- Whoever fully surrenders unto Krsna can be saved from the cruel hands of material nature. The conditioned soul, however, sometimes wants to take shelter of a demigod, man-made god, pseudo incarnation or bogus svami or yogi
- Whoever your husband may be, simply by understanding that you are so faithful to him, he will come to possess all opulences. I think you must be the goddess of fortune, but I do not see the lotus flower in your hand
- With great faith they worship the Supreme Personality as the Supersoul according to ritualistic ceremonies handed down in the three Vedas, such as agnihotra and similar higher and lower fruitive acts, and according to the process of mystic yoga
- With his hands on the shoulders of Haricandana, King Prataparudra could see Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu dancing, and the King felt great ecstasy
- With his thunderbolt named Sataparvan, Indra simultaneously cut to pieces Vrtrasura's club and his remaining hand
- With Krsna grasping him by the throat, Trnavarta choked, unable to make even a sound or even to move his hands and legs. His eyes popping out, the demon lost his life and fell, along with the little boy, down to the ground of Vraja - SB 10.7.28
- With sword in hand, intelligent men cut through the binding knots of reactionary work (karma) by remembering the Personality of Godhead. Therefore, who will not pay attention to His message
- With words saturated with love and affection, Devayani said to King Yayati: O great hero, O King, conqueror of the cities of your enemies, by accepting my hand you have accepted me as your married wife
- Within the body is the atma, the soul, whereas the various parts of the body like the hands and legs are external
- Within the heart. If you push your hand within his heart, you'll find he has got all desires for material enjoyment. That is called phalgu vairagya. On the surface there is no water; sand. But within, oh, there is flow of water, going on
- Within your coat and shirt, so long you are there, the hand of your coat appears to be moving. Actually, the shirt or coat has no body, but because the original body is moving we see the shirt and coat is also moving
- Without further deliberation, the demon Vrkasura approached Lord Siva to place his hand on Lord Siva’s head
- Without this (qualification) one is unfit for service. But in devotional service the only qualification required is surrender. Surrendering oneself is in one's own hand. If one likes, surrender immediately, without delay, that begins his spiritual life
- Working with the five material elements (panca-bhutas), as well as with our five knowledge-gathering senses like the eyes, ears and tongue and our five active senses like the hands and legs, we become involved in the material condition
- Yasoda and Rohini chanted: My dear Krsna, may Lord Cakradhara protect Your front; may Lord Gadadhara protect Your back; may Lord Madhusudana, who carries a bow in His hand, protect Your right side; may Lord Ajana protect Your left side
- Yasoda cried, "O my dear son! My dear son!" And she slapped her breasts with her two hands
- Yet in Krsna's pastimes the red lotuses, which are the hands of the gopis, protect their cakravaka breasts. This is a metaphor of contradiction
- Yogamaya and Krsna were born simultaneously, and Vasudeva replaced Yogamaya with Krsna and took Yogamaya away. When she was brought to Mathura and Kamsa attempted to kill her, Yogamaya slipped out of his hands. She could not be killed
- You are asking for honey, I give you a bottle of honey. And you think that "I have now got the honey. Let me lick up the bottle." So honey is there in his hand, but he does not know how to taste it. He is licking on the bottle. So how he will taste it?
- You are talking and painting about Krishna, so that your mind, hand, and attention are all absorbed in Krishna samadhi, and tongue chanting Hare Krishna. This is first class samadhi, and the highest position of the greatest yogi
- You are very sincere boy trying your best to serve Krishna and by His Grace you are quite fit for this business, and considering all these points, I have entrusted Back To Godhead in your hand. Because this paper is the beginning of my spiritual life
- You can move your hand if you like. So I am not the controller of your body, and you are not the controller of my body, but the Supreme Soul is the controller of your body and my body and every body
- You can test yourself whether you have got full attachment for Krsna. If not, you are not in samadhi. The test is in your hand
- You cannot order, "Give me the body of Brahma, give me the body of Indra or a king or something exalted." That is not in your hands or in my hands; that will be judged by the superior agency of God, Krsna, and you will be given a body
- You have another group of Protestants, the gospel of wealth Protestants, who say that if you are truly holy, then it is better that the money be entrusted to your hands than to a man who is unholy
- You have got your head, you have got your hand, you have got your leg, you have got your coat, you have got your pant, but do you know where you are?
- You pinch your body, you feel pain. Why? Because there is consciousness. Therefore consciousness is permanent. And as soon as the consciousness is gone, you chopped up your hand, no response
- You should personally take the Lord to these newly constructed houses. Day and night you should engage in His service with a stick in your hands
- You study any part of your body, you will find that the part of body belongs to you. You'll say: "It is my leg, my hand, my hair, my nose." So many things "my." Then where is the "I"? That is called jnana, knowledge. Everything is "my," but where I am?
- You will talk with him about improvement of our New Navadvipa scheme, and we will cooperate with you in all respects. If you want more hands, that will also be given
- Your ideas about influencing the leaders of society, yes, that must be done. But political power is not in their hands actually, factually speaking. It is the common people who elect the leaders of your country
- Your senses are all imperfect. No senses are perfect. You can use the senses under certain condition only. I'm claiming, "This is my hand," and as soon as there is some nervous disability it is paralyzed, finished