Category:Questions On... God Realization, Self Realization, Enlightenment
Pages in category "Questions On... God Realization, Self Realization, Enlightenment"
The following 278 pages are in this category, out of 278 total.
- And Mayavadis, they do not attain that impersonal realization?
- And to your mind is it possible to come to God consciousness through other means than yours?
- And what will it profit us if we get to know about Him (Krsna)?
- And when we understand that… (our movement begins when one understands that he is soul or something other than this body)?
- Are we to believe in that by chanting the holy name of Krsna that we can attain a higher conscious level on this earth and attain self-realization without going through all the rigors of the old Vedas, scriptures?
- Are you happy always in reflection?
- Are you referring to self-realization when you mentioned that Krsna consciousness? Are you referring to self-realization, cosmic consciousness?
- As far as I can gather, the self - no-self thing, Buddhism was denying that you're the atman, I think. Could you perhaps say something about that?
- As long as I continue my identity that "I am so and so, I am this body," or "I am a person, or atma seated in this body, or dwelling in this body," when I dislodge my body from atma, then what is the position?
- As the man's concentration through which progresses, how, in what forms he goes on seeing Him (you cannot see unlimited. That is His mercy, that He presents Himself before you in three dimension because you have no eyes to see Him)?
- At what age did you realize God?
- At what time did you have your own personal realization, Swamiji? At what age?
- Because they do not understand the difference between the soul and the body, that's why they don't understand what you are contributing… Do you think that...?
- Brahman realization for the devotee in the beginning is just that he realizes his constitutional position as servant of Krsna?
- But have they (devotees) met God?
- But how can we understand all this science and technology just by understanding Krsna, just by one book?
- But I'm trying to ask does he (the Presidential candidate) have to be Krsna conscious, involvement, in order to be God conscious?
- But is it possible to understand Krsna directly?
- But it is possible to man without the helping of God to realize his perfection?
- But now do you not think that Christianity and Islam accept this (when he is on the platform of Brahman realization, then he becomes jubilant, prasannatma, na socati na kanksati. That life is required, Brahman realization. That is education) as well?
- But that knowledge that Krsna is everything comes by Krsna's mercy, Srila Prabhupada?
- But there are some very intelligent men who are not spiritually enlightened, perhaps even men who understand that they are not, or the body is not all, the body is dead and there is something else. Why aren't these men spiritually aware?
- But you can come to God consciousness through a variety of paths?
- By argument you can convince a skeptic of the possibility of the existence of God, but the reality of Godhead can only be really realized... I mean has to be experienced or realized, does it not?
- By His grace, Krsna will show Himself to you?
- Can a true devotee come face-to-face with God through the teachings of Buddha, the teachings of Christ?
- Can drugs sometimes be used to help us for spiritual realization?
- Can I see God by becoming a Christian?
- Can realization be had through service without theoretical understanding?
- Can someone achieve self-realization without a guru or does he need a guru?
- Can these things be understood theoretically, Srila Prabhupada, or is realization required?
- Can we find the one in ourselves?
- Can we see Him, just as we see Lalaji? But with these eyes or the... (so our knowledge is very easy. We don't make any research. Here is Krsna says that He is the Supreme Personality - we accept it. That's all. It is very simple)?
- Can you become aware of this without Krsna consciousness (when one understands that this big machine (the body) is useless without the pilot (the soul))?
- Can you show me something about that visva-svarupa?
- Can you tell us the wonderful feeling of enlightenment to enter this spirit? We don't know how to exactly enter this spirit and travel as you travel
- Christ consciousness and Krsna consciousness, the words are so similar. Please combine the words, explain how the words came to us
- Could you discuss the various levels on the way to bliss consciousness? What happens to the body and the mind as one approaches bliss consciousness?
- Could you think of yourself? And when you think, you are thinking of Krsna?
- Did you say self-realization is realizing our identity with Brahma?
- Different stages? Are there different stages?
- Do people lose God consciousness as they grow older?
- Do the animals have no consciousness of God?
- Do we ever personally contact Krsna in Krsna consciousness?
- Do you ever feel Krsna's presence, or see Him?
- Do you feel also that if someone read the Bhagava...?... Bhagavad-gita and other books, that a person merely by reading these could attain knowledge of Krsna?
- Do you feel that those who've had genuine religious, spiritual understanding would not have that kind of argument?
- Do you have programs developed to educate mankind towards this God consciousness?
- Do you need to be involved in the Krsna movement to be God conscious?
- Do you see America getting more God consciousness?
- Do you teach self-realization? Do you initiate? Then you are an authority on initiation?
- Do you think if people had a deeper understanding of God... a spiritual consciousness...? Do you think it would solve the problems of...?
- Do you think meditation is a way to see God inside yourself?
- Do you think modern man must get better and know God or he will destroy himself?
- Do you think that the great mystics down the ages have actually seen this spark?
- Do you think that the message of Krsna consciousness or Krsna Caitanya is very different from the message of realizing God which is promulgated in other religions, for instance the Saiva religion or...?
- Do you think there will always be a few who understand (God)?
- Do you think your movement is the only way to come to know God?
- Does God speak to me, within me, whether I listen or not?
- Does Krsna consciousness make you aware of this, though (actually knowledge begins from that point, that "I am not this body." Just like a big 747 plane is running on, but there is the intelligent pilot)?
- Does the devotee go through these levels of understanding Brahman then Paramatma then Bhagavan? Does the devotee gradually go through these levels, or does he immediately realize Brahman when his service is perfect?
- First we have to believe it, and then we can see it?
- For the truth, since each one finds the truth in himself, does that mean that the truth is different for each person?
- From the ancient Vedic scriptures we learn that God is and He cannot be seen. However, in the Bhagavad-gita we learn that Lord Krsna is born as a human. Now, does this not work conflict to the ancient scriptures of the Vedic religion?
- Has anybody actually seen Krsna?
- Have you all seen Krsna?
- Have you ever found what you believe to be your self? Could you tell us what you found?
- Have you ever seen Krsna?
- Have you realized the highest truth yourself?
- Have you seen Krsna?
- Have you seen?
- He (the yogi) doesn't see the Supersoul with the gross senses, does he?
- He asked if anyone now has seen Krsna
- He is what (according to our philosophy, unless one has got perfect knowledge of his self-identification, he remains an animal)?
- He says his understanding is that this living force inside all of us is the spirit of God that is in every one of us?... But there must be something more than just these words. There must be some way of experiencing that, of realizing that?
- He wants to know if to be able to talk in that way you have met God, you have seen God, and if God has given you the authority for being seated on this vyasasana and receiving the obeisances of your disciples?
- He wants to know what are the characteristics of a person who has realized that he is not this body
- He was citing the instance of the four Kumaras who were traveling through the gates of the Vaikuntha world, but actually they were not completely God-realized...
- How can anyone in any part of the world understand that he is part of God?
- How can one inquire of you how to know Krsna? What is the process? How does one inquire of the spiritual master?
- How can we know ourselves through Krsna consciousness?
- How can we realize Krsna is satisfied?
- How can we realize the omnipresence?
- How can we recognize yogamaya?
- How can you be sure you have realized yourself?
- How can you focus your mind on God before you know what He is?
- How can you trust God if you don't know anything about Him? First you have to know something about God before you can trust Him.
- How could the mere repetition of words bring about God realization?
- How did Prakasananda Sarasvati see or think that Lord Caitanya was the Lord Narayana Himself when he only realized Brahman?
- How do you teach your disciples to become aware of this force which is no matter that makes matter alive?
- How does a preacher realize? How does a preacher come to realize?
- How does one get the experience of personal existence of God?
- How does one get to know the true spirit?
- How he becomes aware in himself as an experience, not as conclusion, because I realize that on the inner way it becomes important more and more to feel deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper realities?
- How is it opened, the eyes (naked soul is there, but you have no eyes to see it. Naked soul is there, but it is so small you cannot see it... But there is. There is no doubt about it)?
- How is that spiritual dimension realized (if you chant, then, gradually, you realize yourself that you are a spiritual being; you are not this body. Then his spiritual life begins. Actually human life is meant for spiritual realization)?
- How long does it take (to learn about God)? Well, can we do it? And what happens to me then?
- How many different paths are there for self-realization?
- How many of your disciples would have seen the vision of God in the sense of seeing the Lord given in their heart?
- How the simpler faith of a real Christian, that is not so advanced in knowledge of the Supreme Person, differs in ecstasy or the end result of God-consciousness?
- How to find the...? How to get to the atman, the inner body?
- How to realize Krsna?
- How to see Lord Krsna? Can anybody see Him by chanting the holy name Hare Krsna mantra? Is it possible for a human being in his short period of life?
- How we know about soul?
- I ask, how could you meet the Supreme being by chanting of worldly name, tuned on prayer...
- I heard it said that you have perfect enlightenment. If this is true, I'd like to know what does that mean?
- I know I will (die), but how can we realize that, come to the platform of realizing?
- I mean you say that people identify themselves, the body as the self... And that this is ignorance to identify the self with the body… But does that mean a sort of rejection of the body as unimportant?
- I mean... We can't understand Krsna with our mind
- I tend to approach from the other side and ask "Who am I?" and "What is this thing that I call myself?"
- I understand in fact that you are a pure devotee of Krsna. What does this mean? What do you mean by being pure? Does it mean that you have seen Krsna?
- I want to realize the soul. What is the shortest way?
- I would have to become a member of the Krsna movement (in order to see Krsna)?
- I would like to hear your explanation on how do you have seen the form of God, if you have had any enlightenment on this?
- I would like to know what divine grace impart unto Arjuna so that he could visualize the cosmic form of the Lord?
- I'm just asking the question whether or not the right question could be: "Who am I?"
- I've been studying Russian Elders in the Orthodox Church... They seem to have found the divine. I guess that's religion too. It seems to me both are, but perhaps you have a better definition than that?
- If a man become honest, if a man deals with others very nicely, moral, and so on, so on, so what is the use of becoming devotee, devotee of God?
- If a man does not understand God in this lifetime, is he still accepted by God?
- If a person experiences difficulty attaining a level of consciousness of God, how to counteract that?
- If Christian religion is teaching to understand God and to become obedient to God, then it is all right. If it is not teaching that then it is useless. Simply by stamping, "I am Christian," what do you gain by that?
- If one realizes the impersonal Brahman, what progress can be made here from this?
- If one simply goes on serving, engaging in all sorts of different activities for the satisfaction of Krsna, but he never, in this lifetime at least, has realization of Brahman, Paramatma or Bhagavan...?
- If someone accepts his dependence on God, then what is the second step?
- If someone comes along and joins you, do they see Krsna?
- If the devotee is situated on the platform of the brahma-bhutah, but he may not necessarily see everything as Brahman, does that mean that his realization is by intelligence, and by his activity, or what does that mean?
- If the essence of religion is to know God, how does He reveal Himself to you?
- If we accept that the senses, the body and the mind are not perfect, they're limited, then with what means are we to perceive God?
- If we have to read the literatures and experience these truths, it is not necessarily truth as such, but maybe the condition that we have been rendered to by listening?
- If you know who is God, accept it (you have to accept Krsna)?
- If, when we realize Krsna, then we have no more desire, then how can we desire...?
- In order for a body to perceive itself, it needs a mirror. But how does one body perceive its soul?
- In the Bhagavad-gita Krsna tells Arjuna there's more than one method of attaining consciousness of Him, and those methods are suited to various types of people. I wonder if you consider that the chanting method is just one or whether it's the only one
- In the Caitanya-caritamrta it states that to understand Krsna and to improve our relationship with Him we must understand the spiritual master. What is the best way to understand him?
- Is (the aim of yoga) to realize God?
- Is chanting absolutely necessary in the knowing (of God)...?
- Is chanting Hare Krsna such a yogic process for realizing this (not only in my heart, God is also within the atom. So this is the first information. And then, by yogic process you have to realize it. Paramatma realization) ?
- Is everybody who is a devotee of Krsna, initiated, do they all have perfect enlightenment?
- Is getting the soul out from this awkward position of matter a higher understanding than understanding the soul by itself?
- Is human birth superior in terms of self-realization? Is it superior to the demigods?
- Is it (understanding God) possible for poverty-stricken people, those who have to earn bread and money by the sweat of their brow?
- Is it a question of just understanding it (recognition of the spirit soul within this body, that is first education. Unless one understands this simple fact, there is no question of spiritual advancement)?
- Is it necessary to get to know the true self before knowing God?
- Is it not speculation to say that one knows God?
- Is it possible (and to your mind is it possible to come to God consciousness through other means than yours? - I say if it is possible, then it is all right)?
- Is it possible for a conditioned living entity to perceive the suchness or essence of anything
- Is it possible for a spirit soul never to regain the state of God consciousness?
- Is it possible to carry out that enquiry (about God) while you're engaged in activities?
- Is it possible to develop such kind of psyche (wherein one can can learn the aim of life within half an hour)?
- Is it possible to find Krsna in the Christian tradition or in Islam?
- Is it possible to see the Supreme?... With our own eyes?
- Is it to be understood that once the yogi sees the Narayana Form, his desires for travel and material perfections cease? (as did the desires of Dhruva Maharaja) Or do the yogis still persist in desiring to do wonders even after seeing Narayana Form?
- Is knowing the end of seeking?
- Is Krsna consciousness the knowing or the awareness of the Absolute?
- Is service to the Supreme Lord the same as realization of the Absolute Truth?
- Is that for one who is differentiating himself from this body? In other words, a person who has realized that there is field and there is knower, is he given that title or is the person who cannot make that distinction, is he also given that title?
- Is the only way to know Krsna through the Krsna consciousness movement?
- Is the real goal of life to know God?
- Is the seeing important?
- Is there any chance to understand how the Absolute think?
- Is there any subject matter to contact atma, or self, what we call?
- Is this ("you can see God in everywhere. But one must be Krsna conscious, God conscious. Then he'll see every moment, everywhere God, nothing but God") part of the God consciousness, that in everything is the God?
- Is this (Those who are not accepting God in lifetime, they will meet God, death. Death is another form of God) something where we can sort of experience death while we are still alive?
- Is this an association or this a vision (if I see every living being is son of God or Krsna, then that means I see God in every beings. Is there any difficulty to understand?)?
- Is this immediate, the reception of perfect knowledge?
- Isn't speech, which is the articulation of the intellect, the primary difference between man and the animals in the sense that is it not through words that one can come to understand God?
- It is a question of eyes and knowing, sir? So, sir, how do we prepare eyes to see (Krsna)?
- Not visualizing the presence of God everywhere?
- Now, how can you be so sure of that (you can realize the transcendence. The dog cannot. That makes you distinct)? Have you ever been in a dog's mind?
- Now, this American, Alpert, he came to a state of God consciousness, but he was very, very heavy on drugs. This can't be right, taking a drug?
- On the way there should be progress, inner progress. How to realize that there is a progress?
- One can understand the Supreme by studying himself. What does that mean? By analytical study of oneself one can understand the Supreme?
- One has to be sincere to understand this (that life is beyond this body)?
- Our aim of life should be the realization of God?
- Scientists, they have their mental process, but what is our process to understand this knowledge?
- She says that God is known as antaryami, the witness in the heart. Does that mean that we can have a direct experience of God without going through the scriptures?
- Should I be able to feel God inside me because my soul is a part of God?
- So for one who gives up sinful activities, does his sense of God consciousness become awakened?
- So how can the scientists arrive at vasudevah sarvam iti?
- So the best position is just remain silent until realization comes?
- So they ask us, "Have you seen God?"
- So we should simply try to understand Krsna?
- Somebody would not be honest without knowing God?
- Spinoza writes, "The more we understand individual objects, the more we understand God." Is this the proper process? Wouldn't you say that the more we understand God the more we understand individual objects?
- Srila Prabhupada, can drugs sometimes be used to help us for spiritual realization?
- Srila Prabhupada, can realization be had through service without theoretical understanding?
- Srila Prabhupada, could it be said that in a society where stress is placed on developing this understanding of God, people would naturally become disinclined for these so-called modern activities of sense gratification?
- Srila Prabhupada, have you realized God?
- Srila Prabhupada, in Bhagavad-gita it says that "Out of millions of men, only one may come to know Me, and of millions who know Me, only one can understand." What are ways...?
- Srila Prabhupada, in the Sri Isopanisad it is said that one must learn the process of nescience alongside with the process of self-realization... Pravrtti with nivrtti. How is that?
- Srila Prabhupada, is the purpose of human life to realize God?
- Srila Prabhupada, since presently we cannot see Krsna as He is as a person, how can we, how should we meditate on Him?
- Srila Prabhupada, then if I have Krsna's name and I understand that it is Krsna, then can I take it and go to the forest?
- Srila Prabhupada, you are seeing Krsna at every moment. Does this mean you are seeing Krsna in His two-armed form playing the flute at every moment?
- Swami, is there a chance that all your followers can realize the highest truth?
- Swamiji, I would like to ask you one question, and that is in this time of Kali-yuga, is it possible that a layman could see the Paramatma with his naked eye?
- Swamiji, you have seen Krsna?
- The article in Back to Godhead there was a question raised, that "What is purpose of life?" and it was stated that the purpose of life is to realize God. Could you kindly explain a little more on that?
- The progress of self-realization is a progress of inner experiences?
- The purport of verse number forty-two, it divides spiritual activities into two. Is this first division Paramatma realization and the second division is realization of the Supreme Personality of Godhead?
- The question in one sense is not whether it's Christian or Saivite or Vaisnavite but whether it is directed to a knowledge of God, a devotion to God or not. But you would feel that there, what, it is easier to reach that goal by worshiping Krsna?
- The relationship of mind to the soul, how the mind comes to know that it has or that there is a soul
- The thing that worries me is that how do people begin to understand that their basic principle might be wrong?
- The third one we are never talking about has to look to transparence of our body consciousness, to become transparent in a way that in our body and through our body we might look for the Absolute Truth?
- Then even Brahman has to be understood in relationship to Krsna?
- Then what does it mean gradual process, gradual advancement in transcendental realization?
- There are different techniques for reaching Christ consciousness or God consciousness or self-realization. What test do you recommend for finding out which technique is the best?
- There are many ways by which to know God, is it not?
- There is one difference between Eastern wisdom and Christian way to think that whereas in the Eastern way, we have to become rid of our body, to be liberate from our body, whereas Christian sense means to realize the spirit within the body?
- There will be no brain to understand God?
- They (devotees) can believe in Him, but have they met Him?
- They couldn't see the Lord face to face?
- They don't see how they can have faith if they have no knowledge of God. And they argue, "Well, I don't know God. So how can I have faith in Him?"
- They have no brain for understanding Krsna. That only comes from milk?
- This rich birth is important for self-realization?
- Those who have become Krsna conscious, they will see Krsna?
- Through this I can feel not only God outside, but God inside?
- To become God conscious do you think they have to become a devotee of Krsna consciousness?
- Was he (Vivekananda) not realized?
- We can have spiritual realization and still live in the material world?
- We don't deny that Krsna exists, but, well, you know... Can I see him?
- Well are you showing your devotees Krsna?
- Well, doesn't it mean that someone has to worship that person to be able to attain the enlightenment or Krsna consciousness?
- Well, how do you see the person? By understanding?
- What about yourself? How long have you had this understanding and awareness of God?
- What can be said about God realization?
- What does this mean, "thus he sees that beings are expanded everywhere"?
- What is a simple solution to understand soul? I would like to understand soul in a simplified form
- What is God realization?
- What is our method to realize the highest truth, the absolute truth?
- What is our process for coming to know God?
- What is realization (of God)?
- What is realization of the spirit soul?
- What is realization, Prabhupada? Realization belongs to the same category?
- What is realization?
- What is the difference between God consciousness and Krsna consciousness?
- What is the easiest way to see the Supreme Being with our own eyes?
- What is the form and what is the definition of soul, and how to know whether there is soul?
- What is the goal once one understands what is spirit and what is matter, what is the goal past that?
- What is the method of seeing God?
- What is the solution (to spiritual enlightenment)? Devotion to God...?
- What kind of yogic process must I do to find out, to feel this information, to feel the soul inside?
- What suggestions or comments do you have about achieving spiritual understanding?
- What type of piety is required to understand God?
- When a person becomes Bhagavan realized, is Supersoul in his heart (indistinct) form?
- When one becomes sinless, would he then experience the indwelling of God?
- When one is aware of that fact, that he is not the body?
- When we see Krsna in us, in our hearts, the moment Krsna comes, the moment that the link takes place with Krsna in our hearts...?
- When you try to realize Para-brahman, that is personal God; Brahman is impersonal God. Right, sir?
- Why didn't anyone see Krsna's universal form before Arjuna? Krsna said no one has seen before Arjuna. Why is that?
- Why doesn't he come to his senses there and then that "What have I done? Why don't I become God conscious?"
- Why is it so difficult to see Krsna? Why can't each of us see Him within?
- Will we know Krsna as well by thinking always how can we spread this Krsna consciousness? ... As much as if you study thoroughly the Vedas?
- With these truths, with these basic truths, do you think that is helping people realize themselves, or do they have to go into a more?
- Without God consciousness, there's no question of morality?
- Without religious, scientific, practical God consciousness, how can there be a civilization? How can anyone know that there's a difference between right and wrong or morality unless there is God consciousness?
- Would the intellect be helpful in knowing God?
- Would you explain something of the religious experience of God consciousness?
- Yet you say that there are several processes for knowing God. Is that right? That are written? And that only one can be used now?
- You conclude that when you become enlightened, you will see the God in form of human nature?
- You say, in your essay, Super Consciousness, that the topmost is to see Narayana Form and take dictation. In short the question is, is it true that the yogi who is travelling to planets and performing siddhis - has never seen Narayana?
- You see Him in three dimensions?
- You speak of knowing the creator. Jesus Christ said that "No man comes to the father" - and I always understood by this he speaks of the creator - "but by me." What do you think of Jesus Christ?
- Your Divine Grace, do you see meditation as a means to God realization?
- Your Divine Grace, when someone has a very little amount of God consciousness, he is a poor servant of God and doesn't love Him very much, do you see God as loving him still, and, say, wanting him to come to consciousness in helping him?