Category:Propagating the Krsna Consciousness Movement
Pages in category "Propagating the Krsna Consciousness Movement"
The following 89 pages are in this category, out of 89 total.
- A devotee knows how to engage himself and others in the service of Krsna completely, as well as all the wealth of the world in the matter of propagating Krsna consciousness. Rest assured
- A devotee may be engaged in earning money, but he uses that money for propagating the Krsna consciousness movement by constructing large temples and establishing worship of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Actually, our living conditions can be minimized as far as possible. Simply we should live for propagating Krishna Consciousness. That is our life
- As soon as one is favored by the mercy of the spiritual master and the Lord, one is immediately given all the power necessary to write books and propagate the Krsna consciousness movement without being hampered by material considerations
- At present by the grace of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, His cult is being propagated all over the world
- By chastising Junior Haridasa, the Lord set the standard for acaryas, or the heads of institutions propagating the Caitanya cult, and for all actual devotees. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu wanted to maintain the highest standard
- By Krishna's Grace you are all five good souls there, and Krishna will give you immense strength to propagate this Krishna Consciousness Movement in your country, Germany
- Distribution of books means propagation of our mission. If we can distribute KRSNA book in thousands upon thousands, automatically the Krsna Consciousness Movement will be spread up. You have rightly drawn the attention of the GBC on this point
- During these four months, saintly persons who are accustomed to travel from one place to another to propagate Krsna consciousness remain at one place, usually a holy place of pilgrimage
- Eternal peace and prosperity will be established only when there is vigorous propagation of this eternal religion of the living spirit soul. For then only shall we be relieved of physical transformations such as birth, death, disease, and old age
- Even in my broken health I shall stay in U.S.A. and try to propagate my mission through my disciples
- Every acarya has a specific means of propagating his spiritual movement with the aim of bringing men to Krsna consciousness. Therefore, the method of one acarya may be different from that of another, but the ultimate goal is never neglected
- Everyone should be prepared to propagate this movement (of Krsna consciousness). As instructed by Lord Caitanya, one should be humbler than the grass on the ground and more tolerant than the tree
- Everyone should engage full time for various propaganda work of the Krishna Consciousness Movement and maintain themselves by the little profit made by book selling and literature distribution
- I am a Sannyasi and my mission of life is to propagate the idea of cultivating spiritual vision of life which alone can bring about peace and prosperity of the human society
- I am also trying to get one secretarial office in the Church Center of the United Nations, with a view to confer with the heads of the United Nations, both political and ecclesiastical, to propagate our Krishna Consciousness
- I am always very much enthusiastic to open branches, so if another branch can be opened for propagating Krishna Consciousness, it is always welcome. If we have got opportunity to open such branch, we must take advantage
- I am appealing to everyone, especially intelligent boys like you, to take up the propaganda work of Krishna Consciousness Movement very seriously, and it will be a great service to the human beings
- I am busy in my propaganda work and I cannot just divert my attention in this account business. So far the 15 cases of books, I have several times submitted the invoices and each time they are rejected. So I am fed up with this business
- I am getting more and more enthused that my spiritual children are growing to Krishna Consciousness, and I can hope each one of you in future will be able to propagate this transcendental message
- I am pleased to learn that your center and the Vancouver center are cooperating together to propagate this movement
- I am so pleased that Devananda is doing marvelous work in propagating our Krishna Consciousness movement by lecturing in the Boston University, and he is being paid $25 per lecture
- I am sure that because you are in serious and sincere attitude of service to Krishna, He is giving you all good counsel to propagate these transcendental activities
- I beg to inform you that one gentleman has allowed me to sit down in his office for propaganda work in Bombay city and I am seeking your help in this matter
- I consider that London Temple is one of our most important centers for the propagation of this Krishna Consciousness movement, therefore I am always concerned that it is running smoothly
- I have already made experiment in this matter and I think there is good prospect for propagating the particular culture of how to love God, all over the world specially in these days of forgetfulness
- I have to propagate this mission, Krsna consciousness, so I am not so much attached to the rules and regulations, but I am attached to the preaching work
- I thank you very much once more for the trouble you are taking for me. This is all for Srila Prabhupada's service. Finally don't mind all the trouble which I give you occasionally. Let us cooperate for propagating Krishna Consciousness all over the world
- If one cannot sacrifice the results of his activities, the same person can still sacrifice some percentage to propagate Krsna consciousness
- If one has money, instead of constructing costly temples, one should spend his money for the publication of authorized books in different languages for propagating the Krsna consciousness movement
- If we associate with the persons who are propagating this movement, there is process how to understand. The process is very simple: this sankirtana movement
- If you concentrate your energy in a city like Bombay for propagating Krishna Consciousness amongst the younger generation, as I am doing here in the Western World, it will be great service to Krishna and to your country
- In the propagation of the Krsna consciousness movement, we actually see that many people are not attracted because they are mudhas engaged in fruitive activity
- In the Western countries, while engaged in propagating the Krsna consciousness movement, we were brought great unhappiness because we could not find tulasi leaves
- It is not that we are propagating that you become vegetarian. We are propagating that you become Krsna conscious
- Krishna is so kind that although I left my few children born out of this physical body, Krishna has sent many nice beautiful obedient children for propagating my mission
- Krsna comes for this purpose (save us from the cycle of birth and death) and sends His devotees, who work day and night to propagate this Krsna consciousness movement
- Krsna consciousness movement is propagating God's name, God's glory, God's activities, God's beauty, God's love
- Krsna consciousness movement is spiritual movement; therefore sometimes it is misunderstood from the material stand, material point of view. But if we associate with the persons who are propagating this movement, there is process how to understand
- Krsna consciousness movement is to propagate this sense, this consciousness, that "Everything belongs to God." Isavasyam idam sarvam (ISO 1). This is Vedic injunction
- Learned authorities in devotional life consequently advise that one not endeavor to increase the number of temples and mathas. Such activities can be undertaken only by devotees experienced in propagating the Krsna consciousness movement
- Let us jointly distribute this great cultural heritage to the world at large in an organized manner and through the recommended process of Divine Love propagated by Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Lord Buddha, an incarnation of Lord Krsna, adopted a particular means to propagate the philosophy of bhagavata-dharma. He preached almost exclusively among atheists
- Lord Caitanya propagated this formula of spiritual realization 500 years ago; and by His grace now it is introduced in the Western world, and practically we are experiencing that it is effective
- Material opulence may be accepted in the Krsna consciousness movement to facilitate the propagation of the movement. In other words, material opulence may be accepted as yukta-vairagya, that is, for renunciation
- Music and dance and distribution of prasadam are the main items of my Krishna Consciousness propagation, and they are acting so nicely
- My main purpose is to propagate the teachings of Lord Caitanya or Krishna Consciousness. I am not after recruiting some disciples; but for preaching work we want some assistants and if somebody offers voluntarily his service it is welcome
- On the authority of Lord Caitanya and my spiritual master, I am requesting my disciples to always stay in the association of devotees and to propagate the sankirtana movement all over the world
- One must be very bold so that he can conquer these enemies of Krsna consciousness. Not caring for the good and bad of this material world, one must boldly propagate Krsna consciousness
- One who is interested in his own salvation is not as advanced in Krsna consciousness as one who feels compassion for others and who therefore propagates the Krsna consciousness movement
- Our humble attempt to propagate the Krsna consciousness movement all over the world is the only remedy that can bring about a peaceful and happy life. We can never be happy without the mercy of the Supreme Lord - tvad-upeksitanam
- Our only hope is books and literature. So we have to start press, and for that purpose, and publish varieties of books and literature for getting some financial help as well as propagating our mission
- Our propagation of the sankirtana movement is continuing, despite many opponents, and people are taking up this chanting process even in remote parts of the world like Africa
- Our, this Krsna consciousness movement is a propagation to teach people how to worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is our mission
- Since the KCM going on at the present moment is genuine, perfect & authorized & is following in the footsteps of Prthu, anyone who cooperates with it or accepts its principles will get the same result as the workers who are actively propagating KC
- So far I am concerned, I wish to live the major portion of my remaining days of my life in the Western world to propagate this movement, but I could not obtain my permanent visa on some technical ground
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, in propagating the bhagavata-dharma, or activities of the devotees, has recommended that people submissively hear the message of the Personality of Godhead. The essence of this message is Bhagavad-gita
- Such an advanced devotee (he who propagates the KCM) will never fall down, for Krsna will give him special protection. That is the sum and substance of the Krsna consciousness movement
- The fundamental religious system in the Age of Kali is the chanting of the holy name of Krsna. Unless empowered by Krsna, one cannot propagate the sankirtana movement
- The Gaudiya Matha mission was founded to propagate the words of Srila Rupa Gosvami and Srila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami
- The great Rsi Narada, who is an empowered incarnation of the Personality of Godhead, propagates devotional service all over the universe. All great devotees of the Lord all over the universe and in different planets and species of life are his disciples
- The Krsna consciousness movement is being propagated according to this principle - staunch faith in the words of the spiritual master and the words of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The Krsna consciousness movement is being propagated all over the world to reestablish the varnasrama-dharma system and thus save human society from gliding down to hellish life
- The Krsna consciousness movement is propagating the philosophical conclusion of Srila Vyasadeva and following other great acaryas like Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya, Visnu Svami, Nimbarka and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu Himself
- The Krsna consciousness movement propagated by Lord Caitanya is especially meant for those who are cognizant of the presence of the Supreme Godhead, the ultimate controller of everything
- The one point is that without increasing the number of disciples, there is no propagation of the cult of Krsna consciousness
- The people in general can be reached very well by the distribution of our literatures and by the propagation of Sankirtana in the streets. These are our two mrdangas for reawakening the sleeping conditioned souls
- The purpose of our Krsna consciousness movement is to propagate this advanced scientific idea (of entering the spiritual world) to people in general, and the process is very simple. Simply by chanting the holy names of God
- There is a great need to propagate the KC movement in the world so that even though people sometimes become angry & malicious toward one another, because of their being Krsna conscious such rivalry, competition and envy can be adjusted without difficulty
- There is no bar to propagating the Krsna consciousness movement even among people who are born in candala, mleccha or yavana families
- This declaration of the foolish human society is the greatest blunder in life. I therefore appreciate your conviction and I am still more glad that you are determined to progagate this message to the world at large
- This is the sublime science of devotional service as propounded by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who appeared 500 years ago in West Bengal, India, to propagate the movement of Krsna consciousness
- This Krsna consciousness movement is an educational propaganda. Don't take it as a sectarian faith or religion
- This voluntary service (sacrifice some percentage to propagate Krsna consciousness) to the cause of Krsna consciousness will help one to rise to a higher state of love for God, whereupon one becomes perfect. BG 1972 purports
- Those who propagate the Krsna consciousness movement should not be afraid of such rascals and fools
- Try to propagate Sankirtana as much as possible. This should be our life and soul
- We are propagating the Krsna consciousness movement simply by following in the footsteps of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- We who are propaganding, making propaganda for this Krsna consciousness movement . . . it is not very difficult. And it is not meant for any particular class of men or community or country. It is meant for all living entities, if he can
- You are knowing so many languages and you can be of great service in this respect, so why don't you join our Bombay centre and help to propagate Krishna Consciousness in Hindi and other languages
- Your main business at the present moment is to propagate Sankirtana to all the people of Germany. This is also very great service
- Your plan for starting an Indian philosophical society amongst your students is very good for propagating Krishna consciousness. Wherever you may remain please do not forget Krishna Kirtana and it will do good to you and your friends