Category:Krsna Consciousness Movement Is A Spiritual Movement
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Pages in category "Krsna Consciousness Movement Is A Spiritual Movement"
The following 68 pages are in this category, out of 68 total.
- According to Vaisnava principles everyone is welcome to accept this Krsna consciousness movement on the spiritual platform of life and thus be freed from trouble. Neither equality nor fraternity is possible on the material platform
- Already there are many banners all over the city advertising this movement as the world's greatest spiritual culture movement
- Although jealous rascals protest that Europeans and Americans cannot be given the sacred thread or sannyasa, there is no need even to consider whether one is a gentleman or a rogue because this is a spiritual movement which is not concerned with the body
- Although there is no difference between Hare Krsna and the Vedic mantras beginning with omkara, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the leader of the spiritual movement for this age, has recommended that one chant Hare Krsna
- Apart from my Krishna Consciousness spiritual movement I want this--that people may not move from the villages to the town
- As you are a popular gentleman of the world you can just engage the rest of your most valuable life in this organized spiritual movement to make a real adjustment of the western material science combined with Indian way of spiritual realization
- Hare Krsna movement is a spiritual movement. There is spirit soul within the body, and the material body is covering, just like shirt and coat, of the spirit soul
- Hari Hari Biphale, 1969 - This Krsna consciousness movement, sankirtana movement, is nothing material. It is directly imported from the spiritual kingdom known as Goloka Vrndavana
- Here is a programme of spiritual movement (an appeal enclosed herewith). I am struggling alone very hard to give it an effective shape without any help from persons like you. You can help the movement a lot without the least difficulty or disturbances
- I have no interest with the political leaders because it is not a political movement. It is spiritual movement
- I met my spiritual master Late Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Goswami in 1922 and he desired me to preach in the foreign countries the spiritual movement started by Lord Caitanya for enlightenment of all materialistic men all over the world
- If one wants to understand something about Bhagavad-gita, about the spiritual movement, he may consult me
- If people only come to these centers, these centers of spiritual knowledge, Krsna consciousness movement, hear the Bhagavad-gita as it is, without any so-called scholastic interpretation, all rascal, as it is, then they also can derive the benefit
- If you manufacture whims and disagree and fight amongst yourself, then it will be another edition of these so-called movements. It will lose the spiritual strength. Always remember it
- In this age the spiritual revolution was recommended by Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. He demonstrated that the Yuga Dharma for this age is the Sankirtana chanting of the holy names
- In this meeting both the scholars (the Lord and Prakasananda) had a long discourse on the spiritual values of the sankirtana movement, and a summary is given below
- Intelligent men and women should take interest in this great movement. It is a very scientific spiritual movement. People are suffering for lack of spiritual knowledge
- It is a little difficult to understand this movement, because it is spiritual movement. People practically have no information what is spirit and what is spiritual movement
- It is completely spiritual movement. It is not material movement. Therefore they sometimes mistake that "Your people are weak in health. They are becoming this and that. They do not eat meat, so vitality is less"
- It is understood that you have been in the Temple for not a very long time and still you have appreciated very much the spiritual movement
- It is very difficult to understand that our movement is spiritual movement, and they do not understand what is spiritual, the whole world. That is the defect
- Krsna consciousness movement is completely different from ordinary movement. This is spiritual movement. This movement begins when one understands that he is not this body
- Krsna consciousness movement is purely a spiritual movement. Therefore sometimes it is little difficult to understand the activities of this movement
- Krsna consciousness movement is spiritual movement; therefore sometimes it is misunderstood from the material stand, material point of view. But if we associate with the persons who are propagating this movement, there is process how to understand
- Neither I have got any acquaintance with them, nor I am getting any help from India's side in this great propaganda work of Krishna Consciousness Movement which is actually felt by the local people as a major spiritual revolutionary movement
- Now people are surprised: "How these people have become such great devotees." So it was not based on varnasrama-dharma, no, because the whole movement is spiritual. It starts from the spiritual platform, aham brahmasmi
- Now you should take advantage of this hankering and the movement (of) Krsna consciousness. That is for your profit. You want something spiritual, and here is the spiritual movement, Krsna consciousness
- Of course, we are not discussing that (brain substance of man and woman) point. Our movement is a spiritual movement, Krsna consciousness. That is beyond brain. Indriyani parany ahur indriyebhyah param manah, manasas tu para buddhir - BG 3.42
- Our Krsna consciousness movement is a spiritual movement. It is reformatory movement, inclusive all sides of life. Don't think that we are simply chanting and dancing
- Our movement is completely a spiritual movement, therefore sometimes it appears to be a little different from the materialistic cultural movement
- Our movement is not with the dress but with the living being who has the dress. This is our movement. This is a completely spiritual movement
- Please rest assured that in this movement there is no question of imperfectness. This is a solid, genuine movement for the total spiritual rejuvenation of the human society
- Please take advantage of this spiritual movement and make your life blissful and perfect. If you miss this opportunity, you do not know what you are going to have next life
- The International Society for Krishna Consciousness is a movement aiming at the spiritual reorientation of mankind through the simple process of chanting the holy names of God
- The KC movement is trying to give the true light of spiritual existence to all living entities. This movement is not very difficult to understand, and people must take advantage of it, for it will save them from the risky life of irresponsibility
- The Krsna consciousness movement is a spiritual movement; it is not material movement. And from scriptures, from authoritative Vedic literature, we understand that Krsna, although He is living in His abode far, far away from us, He is also everywhere
- The Krsna consciousness movement teaches these spiritual activities, and if one is trained up in such spiritual activities, one is transferred to the spiritual world, of which we get ample evidence from Vedic literatures and also from the Bhagavad-gita
- The Lord inaugurated this system of mass sankirtana, and leaders of all countries can take advantage of this spiritual movement in order to keep the mass of people in a pure state of peace and friendship with one another
- The short-cut method. Intelligent class of men will take this sankirtana movement for his spiritual elevation of life
- The whole thing is instructed in the Bhagavad-gita and if we accept the teachings of Bhagavad-gita, as it is without unnecessary commentary on it, then our spiritual movement will be successful
- The world is mad after such temporary benefit and partial service and it is our duty to change the face altogether by an authorized spiritual movement
- Their (the Mayavadis) imaginative mental speculation cannot deter the progress of the Krsna consciousness movement, which is completely spiritual and is never under the control of such Mayavadis
- This (Krsna Consciousness movement) is the only movement for respiritualization of the whole world. And those who are intelligent, they should come forward and cooperate with this movement
- This (sankirtana) party will be so trained that exhibitions of our chanting and dancing along with distribution of prasadam will be performed on a stage and for this performance we will sell tickets to the public. It will be known as a spiritual movement
- This is a spiritual movement, and at the present moment people are more interested with material improvement, but our real interest is... Not only our, every human being's interest should be for spiritual upliftment
- This is the biggest institution of spiritual activities so everyone of us should be spiritually strong. Otherwise, superficially if we want to manage, it will not be possible
- This KC movement through music, philosophy, spiritual culture, and personal behavior culminating in ideal character of the devotees. All these heavenly contributions combined together will certainly bring about a major change in the life of Western people
- This Krsna consciousness movement is directly offering the spiritual platform which is above the mode of goodness
- This Krsna consciousness movement is on the spiritual platform, above body, mind and intelligence. But actually, we should come to that platform, because we are spirit soul, we are neither this body nor this mind nor this intelligence
- This Krsna consciousness movement is spiritual communism. The material communism, which is going on, that is defective, because this Communist movement is centered around the state
- This Krsna consciousness movement is spiritual. As spirit soul is eternal, permanent, similarly, any activity on the spiritual platform is eternal. It will never be lost
- This Krsna consciousness movement offers a spiritual community that can bring about a peaceful condition in the world
- This movement is very, very old, but it appears very fresh. Because it is spiritual, it is ever-fresh. So you take to this movement very seriously, and all of you will be very happy. That is our request
- We are publishing all these literatures translated into English. If you want to read them, if you want to understand this scientific, spiritual movement through your scientific knowledge, philosophical speculation, we have got dozens of books
- We don't ask you to dance, but the chanter automatically dances. These are the spiritual significance of this movement, and anyone is invited. There is no restriction for any caste, creed and color
- We have started this movement, spiritual revolution, Krsna consciousness. So why don't you cooperate with us?
- Whomever you meet, you talk of Krsna consciousness. That's, that is the cult of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. This is genuine spiritual movement. Or the human society's movement. Spiritual, cultural, religious philosophical, scientific, everything, complete
- Within these Vaisnava standards which I have put forward lies the spiritual strength of our movement. So you may please do the needful in this regard