spiritual | spiritualism
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Pages in category "Spiritual"
The following 879 pages are in this category, out of 879 total.
- Auroville (spiritual city in South India)
- Everything as spiritual
- Real spiritual knowledge
- Source of spiritual
- Spiritual affection
- Spiritual anxiety
- Spiritual astronauts
- Spiritual attachment
- Spiritual basis
- Spiritual calculation
- Spiritual categories
- Spiritual community
- Spiritual discipline
- Spiritual family planning
- Spiritual freedom
- Spiritual gem
- Spiritual groups
- Spiritual impetus
- Spiritual institution
- Spiritual liberation
- Spiritual literature
- Spiritual living being
- Spiritual lust and material lust are as completely different as gold and iron
- Spiritual mission
- Spiritual needs
- Spiritual ocean
- Spiritual opportunities
- Spiritual or
- Spiritual or Krsna Consciousness
- Spiritual organization
- Spiritual regulative principles
- Spiritual rejuvenation
- Spiritual scriptures
- Spiritual self
- Spiritual sense enjoyment
- Spiritual sense gratification
- Spiritual sense of the human being
- Spiritual services
- Spiritual sons and daughters
- Spiritual source
- Spiritual stalwarts
- Spiritual talks
- Spiritual tastes
- Spiritual topics
- Spiritual trance
- Spiritual vibration
- Spiritual well-being
- To be taken as spiritual
- Cinmaya means
- Cintamani means
- Divya means
- Fall down from the spiritual standard means
- Paramartha means
- Spiritual anxiety means
- Spiritual death means
- Spiritual hunger means
- Spiritual jealousy means
- Spiritual level means
- Spiritual meaning means
- Spiritual means
- Spiritual morality means
- Spiritual part means
- Spiritual pleasure means
- Spiritual revolution means
- Spiritual seeing means
- Spiritual sense means
- Spiritual suhrt means
- Spiritual touch means
- Spiritual variegatedness means
- Spiritualistic means
- Tat means
- A conditioned soul, even one so great as Brahma, who manages the affairs of the entire universe, cannot compare to the Personality of Godhead, for He can produce numberless universes simply by the spiritual rays emanating from the pores of His body
- A devoted person faithfully understands just what is actually stated in the pages of Bhagavad-gita and does not resort to imagination, or the empiric philosophical approach, generally called - spiritual interpretation
- A devotee of Lord Krsna is he who believes sincerely that by becoming a devotee of the Lord one becomes fully equipped with everything spiritual
- A faithful man who is absorbed in transcendental knowledge and who subdues his senses quickly attains the supreme spiritual peace. BG 4.39 - 1972
- A flower accepted for one's sense gratification is material, but when the same flower is offered to the Supreme Personality of Godhead by a devotee, it is spiritual
- A learned person sees everyone equally on a spiritual basis, and a learned person, a devotee, wants to see everyone developed in Krsna consciousness
- A living entity becomes established in spiritual, blissful life when he fully understands that his happiness depends on spiritual self-realization, which is the basic principle of ananda
- A living entity, as part and parcel of the Supreme, is originally spiritual, pure, and free from all material contaminations. Therefore, by nature he is not subjected to the sins of the material world. BG 1972 purports
- A person may have a bona fide spiritual master and may be attached to a spiritual organization, but if he is not intelligent enough to make progress, then Krsna from within gives him instructions so that he may ultimately come to Him. BG 1972 purports
- A person who can draw out the spiritual portion from this material world and who can live alone, depending only on the Supreme Spirit, not on the material world, is called a paramahamsa
- A person who knows what is spiritual and what is material and who is firmly fixed in the spiritual position can be jagad-guru, the spiritual master of the entire world
- A person who takes birth in such a family (of learned and devoted brahmanas or a family of rich vaisyas) has a good chance to practice devotional service and improve his spiritual condition
- A pure Vaisnava, or a person on the paramahamsa stage, accepts the remnants of food as spiritual. He does not consider it to be material or sense gratificatory. He accepts maha-prasadam not as ordinary dhal and rice but as spiritual substance
- A spiritual thing cannot be manufactured - as God cannot be manufactured. God is always God, and the words of God is also God
- A symptom of spiritual talks is that no one feels tired. Thus upon hearing the questions of Vidura, the great sage Maitreya did not feel disgusted but rather felt encouraged to speak at greater length
- A Vaisnava living according to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's injunctions is certainly not on the materialistic platform. Caitanya means "spiritual force." All of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's activities were carried out on the platform of spiritual understanding
- A very nice thing is there," mahan gunah, "very great opportunity, great boon. Simply by chanting this Hare Krsna mantra, one can become freed from all contamination, and he'll be eligible to be promoted to the spiritual param
- Accepting some of the scriptural rules & regulations for immediate benefit, as utilitarians advocate, is called niyama-agraha, and neglecting the rules and regulations of the sastras, which are meant for spiritual development, is called niyama-agraha
- According to a prayer by Srila Narottama dasa Thakura (Prarthana 1): When will my mind be cleansed of all material dirt so that I will be able to feel the presence of spiritual Vrndavana
- According to Bhagavata, the spiritual family planning is that one should not become a father or one should not become a mother, unless he is able to maintain their children to the extent of liberation
- According to religious life, society is divided into four social divisions - brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya and sudra - and four spiritual divisions - brahmacarya, grhastha, vanaprastha and sannyasa
- Actual blissful life, manifested in genuine spiritual laughing, crying & dancing, is the symptom of real advancement in Krsna consciousness, which can be achieved by a person who always voluntarily engages in the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- Actually one can take shelter of such spiritual mellows (santa, dasya, sakhya, vatsalya and madhurya) only when one is completely uncontaminated by material attachment
- Actually the living entity is originally the spiritual part and parcel of the Supreme Lord, but due to his rebellious nature, he is conditioned within material nature. BG 1972 purports
- Actually, any activities performed favorably for the satisfaction of the Lord, under the direction of the spiritual master, are spiritual
- Advaita Prabhu, as Lord Caitanya's spiritual uncle, was always to be respected because one should respect one's spiritual master's Godbrothers as one respects one's spiritual master. Because of all these considerations, Advaita was superior to Caitanya
- After complete suspension of the material modes of nature, one is admitted to the spiritual sphere, and action dictated by the spiritual modes is called devotional service, or bhakti. Bhakti is nirguna attained by direct contact with the Absolute
- After considering his advanced age and deliberating on the welfare of his spiritual self, King Uttanapada detached himself from worldly affairs and entered the forest
- After this, Lord Krsna and Arjuna entered a vast spiritual water. This spiritual water is called the Karana Ocean, which means that this ocean is the origin of the creation of the material world
- Akrura continued, "Less intelligent men misunderstand Your transcendental form to be made of material energy. But that concept is not at all applicable to You (Krsna & Balarama). You are all-spiritual, & there is no difference between You & Your body"
- All His (Advaita Prabhu's) activities are spiritual. Anyone who hears about and glorifies Him becomes glorified himself, for such activities free one from all kinds of misfortune
- All over India, especially in Bengal, this jatigosain spiritual mastership is very prevalent. But really goswami means one who is master of the influence of different senses
- All over the world. It is called spiritual bankruptcy all over the world and leading men are thinking this catastrophe, and the only hope is Bhagavad-gita
- All such natural leaders (the king, the father and the school teacher) have a great responsibility to their dependants; therefore they must be conversant with standard books of moral and spiritual codes. BG 1972 purports
- All the parts of this tree are spiritually cognizant, and thus as they grow they spread all over the world
- All these queens are spiritual. All the gopis, they are spiritual. Ananda-cinmaya-rasa-pratibhavitabhis (Bs 5.37): and they are all made of ananda-cinmaya-rasa
- Although God is great and the living entity small, they are spiritual individuals
- Although His father was Nanda Maharaja, a village vaisya king, & although Krsna was the PG Himself, still He could not refuse. He had to go. Nicavat - just like a menial servant. This is brahmacarya, spiritual student life. This is tapasya
- Although the living entities are constitutionally spiritual, they come under the influence of the potency of nescience
- Ambudhi means the ocean. So this ocean does not increase, but when you come to the spiritual ocean of ananda, blissfulness, it will increase daily
- Among the kavis, Usana was the spiritual master of the demons; he was extremely intelligent, far-seeing, political and spiritual in every way. Thus Usana is another representative of the opulence of Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Amongst these five diverse manifestations (Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Nityananda Prabhu, Advaita Prabhu, Gadadhara, and Srivasa) of the Supreme Lord (as the Lord Himself and His incarnation, expansion and energies) there is no spiritual difference
- An expert geologist can understand where there is gold and by various processes can extract it from the gold ore. Similarly, a spiritually advanced person can understand how the spiritual particle exists within the body
- Anyone who engages in spiritual devotional service without motivation, rendering such service for the satisfaction of the Lord, is elevated immediately to the spiritual platform, and all his activities are spiritual - BG 14.26
- Anything which will remind one of Krishna is spiritual, and anything which will make one forget Krishna is material
- Apart from spiritual, what is the value of your material activity?
- As a spiritual person, such a devotee (who follows the instructions of the Supreme Personality of Godhead) returns to the Personality of Godhead and plays and dances with Him. That is the ultimate goal of life
- As far as Srimati Radharani and Her gopis are concerned, their bodies, homes, dresses, ornaments, endeavors and activities are all spiritual. All of these are meant to satisfy the spiritual senses of Krsna
- As far as the spiritual entrance into the material world is concerned, all beings are part and parcel of the Supreme Lord, but under the covering of different material qualities they have different names
- As has been stated before, there are three kinds of happiness: material, spiritual and devotional. Devotional service and the happiness due to its execution are not possible so long as one is materially affected
- As in every birth the necessity of father and mother is there, similarly, in this birth also, spiritual rebirth, there is necessity of mother and father. The mother is this Vedic knowledge, and the father is the spiritual master
- As in the material world sometimes failure is considered as a pillar of success, similarly in the spiritual order also the same principle can be applied. So don't be disappointed. Maybe Krishna's desire is something higher in this connection
- As Murari Gupta treated his patients, by his mercy both their bodily and spiritual diseases subsided
- As one advances in devotional activities, the process becomes progressively clearer and more encouraging. Unless one gets this spiritual encouragement by following the instructions of the spiritual master, it is not possible to make advancement
- As soon as this (sankirtana) movement is taken up through spiritual singing, dancing, and feasting, the people will automatically become obedient and honest
- As spiritual beings, having eternal relations with that transcendental form of the Lord, we are, life after life, searching after that form of the Lord, and we are not satisfied by any other form of material appeasement
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita (bhaktya mam abhijanati yavan yas casmi tattvatah (BG 18.55)) and as confirmed in Srimad-Bhagavatam (bhaktyaham ekaya grahyah), without bhakti one cannot understand the spiritual situation of the Lord
- As stated in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.2), all devotional activities are easy to perform (su-sukham kartum) and are eternal and spiritual - avyayam
- As the sense objects cannot understand how the senses perceive them, so the conditioned soul, although residing in his body along with the Supersoul, can't understand how the supreme spiritual person, master of the material creation, directs his senses
- As they danced and embraced, spiritual symptoms manifested in their bodies. They perspired, trembled and shed tears, and the Lord began to speak in His ecstasy
- As you have got a material space, similarly, there is spiritual space. As you have got material body, similarly, you have got spiritual body
- Association of a real knower of spiritual subjects
- Asura, demons, demonic civilization, demonic people, they do not know what is pravrtti and what is nivrtti. Pravrtti means material civilization, and nivrtti means spiritual civilization
- At that time, all eight kinds of spiritual transformations became manifest in Lord Caitanya's body. The thirty-three symptoms of vyabhicari-bhava, beginning with lamentation and jubilation, became prominent as well
- Atma, or self, is distinguished from matter and material elements. It is spiritual in constitution, and thus it is never satisfied by any amount of material planning
- Atma-patam grham andha-kupam: household life is like a dark well. If one falls into this well, his spiritual death is assured. How Priyavrata Maharaja remained a liberated paramahamsa even within family life is described
- Because he (Sanatana Gosvami) was a sincere soul, Lord Caitanya showed him special favor by granting him a wealth of spiritual information
- Because of their spiritual compassion for all the fallen souls, Vaisnavas go out to preach, but unfortunately, because of the influence of Kali-yuga, Vaisnavas who have dedicated their lives to preaching the glories of the Lord are sometimes harassed
- Because originally it (the world) belongs to God. Originally it is spiritual. Therefore in the higher sense there is nothing material. Everything is spiritual because everything is emanating from the Supreme Spirit
- Because the Bhagavad-gita is spoken on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra some people have asked what we have to do with the battlefield. We have nothing to do with any battlefield. We are after knowledge of the spiritual sphere
- Because the words ha rama are the spiritual summum bonum, the fact is the same, whether they are uttered by yavanas or by great devotees, just as fire is the same both for a child and for an elderly man
- Because these spiritual sparks are all Krsna's parts and parcels, as the Lord states in the Bhagavad-gita (mamaivamsah), they (the conditioned souls) can revive their original position by getting free from material contact. This is pure understanding
- Because we are spiritual beings. That I was trying to explain. That we have bodily necessities, at the same time we have spiritual necessities. This Western civilization, they are simply after the bodily necessities
- Being a saktyavesa-avatara, empowered by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Prthu Maharaja did not change his spiritual position, and consequently there was no possibility of his viewing the material world as reality
- Being the Supreme, the Lord is called Rsabha, the best. In terms of the Vedic language, nityo nityanam. We are also spiritual. but we are subordinate
- Birth in a family of yogis or transcendentalists - those with great wisdom-is praised herein (BG 6.42) because the child born in such a family receives spiritual impetus from the very beginning of his life. BG 1972 purports
- Both for spiritual and material prosperity, everyone should devotedly chant the Hare Krsna mantra
- Both the brahmana Srutadeva and the King of Mithila, under the direction of the Lord, worshiped both Krsna and His followers, the great sages and saintly brahmanas, on an equal level of spiritual importance
- Brahma janati iti brahmanah. That means one who knows the spirit, the spiritual. One who has got complete knowledge of the spiritual world, he is called brahmin
- Brahma-jijnasa means spiritual inquiry. So the cat & dog cannot inquire. It is not possible. But when you have got this human form of body, especially born in India & in a brahmana family, if you misuse your life like cats and dogs, that is a great loss
- Brahman means spiritual or eternal; both the impersonalist and the devotee seek eternal blissful life. In any case, it is advised that one become perfect
- Brahman means spiritual. The Lord is spiritual, and the rays of His transcendental body are called brahmajyoti, His spiritual effulgence. BG 1972 purports
- Buddhist philosophy is direct renunciation of material life but they have no information of spiritual reality because the followers of Lord Buddha were more materialistic
- By ardent love and devotional service to the Lord, or in other words by spiritual contact with the Lord, everything becomes spiritually reddened like the conchshell in the grip of the Lord
- By associating with the devotee, a spiritual standard is maintained
- By becoming a servant of the senses, one becomes a great material hero, and by becoming master of the senses, he becomes a gosvami, or spiritual hero
- By misuse of one's independence one at once becomes a victim of Maya and thus he loses all importance in Krishna Consciousness. So it is my definite opinion that his lecture anywhere now will bear no spiritual sequence. He must rectify his mistake
- By practicing genuine jnana-yoga, even an empirical philosopher will develop a taste for hearing purely spiritual topics from the scriptures
- By practicing genuine jnana-yoga, even an empirical philosopher will develop a taste for hearing purely spiritual topics from the scriptures. Eventually he will come to understand the Supreme Lord's transcendental position and potency
- By spiritual contact with the Lord, everything becomes spiritually reddened like the conchshell in the grip of the Lord, and the paramahamsa, or the supremely intelligent person, plays the part of the ducking swan in the water of spiritual bliss
- By the acts of His internal potency, the Personality of Godhead in His original form exhibits the spiritual cosmic manifestations known as the Vaikunthalokas, which exist eternally, even after the destruction of the material cosmic manifestation
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu's body is not material but purely spiritual. One should not, therefore, accept Caitanya Mahaprabhu as an ordinary devotee, although He has assumed the form of a devotee
- Caitanya then preached pure bhakti and instilled into their hearts spiritual love for Krsna which obliged them to give up sectarian feelings
- Certainly half-educated "spiritual leaders" who are disturbed by the tides of material existence cannot know Him fully
- Dear Lord, we have studied the Vedas, accepted a spiritual master and offered respect to brahmanas, advanced devotees and aged personalities who are spiritually very advanced
- Death means, spiritual death, to become more and more entangled in material things
- Desire you cannot stop. That is not possible. So long you are, your desires are there. Desire should be purified. When I desire to gratify my senses, that is material. When I desire to satisfy Krsna, that is spiritual
- Desires are compared to being haunted by ghosts and witches, because while these aspirations for material enjoyment or spiritual oneness with the Supreme remain, no one can relish the actual transcendental taste of devotional service
- Despite a very rigid life in devotional service, Bharata Maharaja did not consult a spiritual master when he became overly attached to a deer. Consequently he became strongly attached to the deer, and, forgetting his spiritual routine, he fell down
- Devotional service, or bhakti-yoga, is the function of the internal energy; thus there is no place for the inferior energy, or material energy, just as there is no place for darkness in the effulgence of spiritual light
- Dhruva Maharaja says, You are spread all over the cosmic manifestation by Your energy. This energy is basically spiritual, but because it acts in the material world temporarily, it is called maya, or illusory energy
- Directly we cannot appreciate what is that spiritual fragment, particle, which is within this body. Because the length and breadth of that spirit soul is impossible to be measured by our material instruments
- Discovering the mystery of the Lord eliminates the impersonal feature realized by common spiritualists who are merely trying to enter the spiritual region from the mundane platform
- Dr. Radhakrishnan's writing lacked spiritual insight: in many places he had mishandled and misinterpreted the text, and thus he had made his book unacceptable to spiritualists in the line of pure devotion
- Due to his material inebriety, the living entity in the marginal position becomes entangled with the inferior energy, matter. At such a time he forgets his spiritual significance
- Due to our material bondage, the covering of the material senses, we cannot understand what is spiritual
- During Magha-mela, people from the local district generally come, and during Kumbha-mela people come from all over India to live there and bathe in the Ganges and Yamuna. Whoever goes there immediately feels the place’s spiritual influence
- Each and every mantra has its own spiritual significance. The spiritual master has to select a mantra for his disciple according to the disciple's ability to chant different mantras
- Each time Ramananda Raya suggested something, Lord Caitanya rejected it, requesting a better method for spiritual development
- Ecstatic spiritual transformations began to take place in the Lord's body. His body trembled, and His voice faltered
- Emphasis should be given to the words of Bhagavat, they are spiritual and will have powerful effect if someone only hears them with attention, do not be very much enamoured by fancy costumes and stage-decorations, they will only distract
- Empiric philosophers with a poor fund of knowledge imagine a spiritual picture that is impersonal
- Engaging people in sankirtan, either in a musical way or by spiritual discussion, people will come to their senses and stop harmful activities; gradually they will become Vaishnavas
- Entirely spiritual
- Even in this age of disparity between the ruler and the ruled, there can be spiritual emolument and God consciousness. That is a special prerogative
- Every living entity has got an independence, minute, because he is also spiritual atom. We are all spiritual atoms. That atomic, spiritual atomic force... Just like a material atomic force is so strong, so you can just imagine how strong is spiritual atom
- Every living soul is partially independant, and one should know for certain that this unmanifested realization is against the nature of his spiritual blissful self. One should not take up this process. BG 1972 purports
- Everyone is convinced that India has got some sort of spiritual. Everyone admits, that’s a fact. But these rascals they come, they do not know anything, beginning from Vivekananda, and they come there, and they are criticized
- Everyone should know that there are two kinds of diseases in human society. One disease, which is called adhyatmika, or material disease, pertains to the body, but the main disease is spiritual
- Everyone should offer up the fruits of his occupational duty to the lotus feet of the Lord Visnu , or Krsna." That is why the Vedic system is called varnasrama - literally, "social organization with a spiritual perspective
- Everyone who ordinarily engages in material affairs can derive the highest benefit from this Krsna consciousness movement. All kinds of spiritual endeavors are more or less tinged with material contamination
- Everything here in the material world is spiritual reflection covered by the material elements. So when this sound is purified or you catch up the spiritual sound, then your spiritual life begins
- Everything in the spiritual sky retains its originality and does not fade. The fragrance of the flowers picked from the trees and made into garlands does not fade, for both the trees and the flowers are spiritual
- Everything is explained there. Physical and spiritual, everything is there. So this is bhagavata-dharma, to study Srimad-Bhagavatam very carefully. Everything is . . . Every knowledge is there. Kim va parair isvarah
- Everything is spiritual because everything is an expansion of Krsna; that is, everything is an expansion either of Krsna Himself or of His potency. Because the potency is nondifferent from the potent, the potency and the potent are one
- Everything, material and spiritual, consists of various energies of Vasudeva, to whom the individual soul, the spiritual part of the Supreme Lord, is subordinate. Upon understanding this perfect knowledge, one surrenders to the Supreme Personality of God
- Everything, material and spiritual, including earth, water, air, fire, sky and the living entities, exists on the platform of spirit soul
- Everything, spiritual and material, depends on one's mental condition
- Factually, the spiritually developed person is able to have the television of the kingdom of God always reflected within his heart. That is the mystery of knowledge of the Personality of Godhead
- Fighting for sense gratification is a materialistic activity, but fighting by the order of Krsna is spiritual. By spiritual activities one becomes eligible to go back home, back to Godhead, and then enjoy blissful life eternally
- First bodily concept, gross, then mental, then intellectual, then spiritual. So this Krsna consciousness movement is on the spiritual platform, above body, mind and intelligence
- Food taken and cooked for oneself is material, but food cooked for the Supreme Lord is spiritual prasada
- Footsteps of spiritual stalwarts
- For a devotee there is no question of desiring any material or spiritual prosperity. He simply aspires to serve the Lord. That is his highest happiness
- For a person to disregard the order of the spiritual master and act by concoction, accepting his nonsensical activities to be spiritual, is maya
- For Krsna, there is no difference, material and spiritual, because everything is spiritual ultimately
- For one who has identified himself with the moving material world, his actual spiritual luster is covered by illusion, and with the movement of material activities he thinks that he is moving through different spheres of life
- For one who is very serious about understanding the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Supersoul immediately renders assistance by directing him to a bona fide spiritual master. In this way the spiritual candidate is helped from within and without
- For realization of one's self in spiritual psychology it may be convenient to assume oneself to be the same principle as the Absolute Truth, but there is always the difference of the predominated & the predominator, which is misused by the impersonalists
- For the perfect devotee, the energy and the energetic are nondifferent. Thus the so-called material world becomes spiritual
- Formerly the kings were taken instructions, the head of the state, because they were responsible for the citizens' spiritual life, not only material prosperity but spiritual prosperity. That is the verdict of Vedic literature
- Formerly, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu had asked Ramananda Raya spiritual questions, and by the Lord's causeless mercy, Ramananda Raya could properly reply
- Freed from all sinful reactions are those who concentrate their minds with great attention upon My very pleasing abode; the white island, Svetadvipa, which is always brilliant with spiritual rays; My mark of Srivatsa; the Kaustubha gem
- Gaura Pahu, 1969 - Why I have invited the spiritual death? Because I am engaged in something which is useless and I have rejected the real purpose of my life
- Genuinely purified souls actually control all their sensory activities and also master their true, spiritual self. Such spiritualized persons alone can show actual sympathy to the fallen in terms of the individual, the place, and the time
- Go on with your work, and other instructions will follow. Simply become more concerned with increasing the spiritual content of our lives, and in this way all other problems like management will be easily solved
- Great authorities should be followed; otherwise, if we simply depend on the scriptures, we are sometimes misled by rascals, or else we cannot understand or follow the different spiritual injunctions. The best path is to follow the authorities
- Guru and Krishna are two parallel lines on which the spiritual express runs very smoothly
- Hare Krsna mantra is spiritual mantra. It is not material. Therefore I've already explained, golokera prema-dhana hari-nama-sankirtana. It is not ordinary sound vibration, material sound vibration, radio. No. Spiritual
- He (God) expands Himself by His different energies, as well as by His plenary portions. In a corner of the spiritual sky of brahmajyoti a spiritual cloud sometimes appears, and the covered portion is called the mahat-tattva
- He (Krsna) is the central object of love because He gives us all bliss, expanding Himself in so many ways according to our different situations, namely bodily, mental or spiritual
- He (living entity) has a spiritual need to be eternally blissful and full of knowledge, but unfortunately he identifies himself with the body, sometimes as a human being, sometimes as an animal, a tree, sometimes an aquatic, sometimes a demigod, & so on
- He (son of the elderly brahmana) did not believe in the spiritual position of the Deity, nor did he have any faith in the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Therefore, as a typical idol worshiper, he considered the form of God to be made of stone or wood
- He acts for sense gratification and becomes subjected to material pangs, happiness and distress. But when one is freed from such a concept of life, he is no longer subjected to designations, and he envisions everything as spiritual in connection with God
- He should also chant such spiritual mantras as om namo bhagavate vasudevaya and the cin-mayi Gayatri - klim krsnaya govindaya gopijana-vallabhaya svaha and klim kama-devaya vidmahe puspa-banaya dhimahi tan no 'nangah pracodayat
- Her (Radharani's) body is also decorated with the ornaments of spiritual ecstasy - trembling tears, petrification, perspiration, choking, cessation of all bodily functions due to transcendental pleasure, stumbling, high blood pressure and madness
- Her body was being taken care of by the spiritual damsels created by her husband, Kardama, and since she had no mental anxiety at that time, her body did not become thin. She appeared just like a fire surrounded by smoke
- Here (SB 3.23.3) are some of the qualities of a great husband's great wife. Kardama Muni is great by spiritual qualification. Such a husband is called tejiyamsam, most powerful
- High government officials are ignorant of the values of life, and when saintly persons endeavor to broadcast the Vedic knowledge, the so-called executives do not offer their respectful obeisances but try to obstruct the spiritual propaganda
- Hindrances on the path of sense satisfaction cause material distress, but one cannot compare that with spiritual separation
- His (Dhruva Maharaja's) acts were all wonderful, and when he came back home, naturally, because of his spiritual qualifications, he became very popular amongst the citizens. He must have performed many wonderful activities by the grace of the Lord
- His (Narada Muni's) appearance and disappearance are practically on the same level as that of the Lord. The Lord and His devotees are therefore simultaneously one and different as spiritual entities. They belong to the same category of transcendence
- His (the pure devotee's) so-called material body does not exist, being surcharged with the spiritual current of the Lord's identical interest, and thus he is permanently freed from all contaminations of the sum total of the mahat-tattva
- His (young brahmana's) only concern was that the elderly brahmana had promised something, and if Gopala did not bear witness to that transaction, then the older brahmana would incur a spiritual blemish
- His Divine Grace the spiritual master can kindle the spiritual fire from the woodlike living entity by imparting proper spiritual messages injected through the receptive ear
- His nose (of the surrendered soul) is engaged in smelling the spiritual aroma of the lotus feet of the Lord (Krsna). Similarly, his ears are engaged in hearing messages from Vaikuntha, and his hands embrace the lotus feet of the Lord and His associates
- How much devoted, beautiful. They are spiritual, they are not material. Their bodies are not material bodies. Krsna does not embrace a material woman
- Human being can inquire about spiritual affair. So when there is spiritual inquiry, then one requires a guru
- Human life is meant for systematic organization of spiritual realization
- Human society is meant to follow strictly the varnasrama-dharma, which divides society into four social divisions (brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya and sudra) and four spiritual divisions - brahmacarya, grhastha, vanaprastha and sannyasa
- I am on due receipt of your letter dated November 15, 1976 regarding the Dialectical Spiritualism book. However, you have called it Spiritual Dialecticism. It should be Dialectical Spiritualism
- I am separated from the Supreme Lord because of my being in this material body, which is made of five elements, and therefore my qualities and senses are being misused, although I am essentially spiritual
- I am simply trying to write about Gauracandra's transcendental activities & spiritual madness, which are very wonderful & uncommon. I dare to write of them only because I have heard from the mouths of those who have personally seen the Lord's activities
- I am so much pleased to hear the wonderful news of your Samkirtan meetings in N.J. It is very good. This sort of enterprise is the most valuable spiritual attempt
- I am very glad that you are holding some spiritual conference, but my only request is to follow the standard method of spiritual consciousness
- I beg to inform you that I am in reciept of your invitation letter in the matter of observing Bhagavata week through the secretary of Bombay spiritual centre
- I feel happy when I see my spiritual boys and girls especially those who have been married by my personal presence are very happy in their conjugal relationship. Even if there is some misunderstanding you should always remain rigid in service of Krishna
- I have accepted you as my disciple and you have accepted me as your spiritual father. This relationship cannot be ended anymore. It will be my duty always to pray to Krishna for your further and further improvement in Krishna Consciousness
- I have read the pamphlet you sent me, and I find in it that this Ba'hai movement is more or less a humanitarian movement which has no spiritual information
- I have rejected the real purpose of my life. - Adhama means valueless things. And dhana means valuables. So actually, everyone of us, neglecting our spiritual emanicipation, we are engaged in material sense gratification
- I offer ten million obeisances unto the lotus feet of Sri Ramananda Raya because from his mouth much spiritual information has been expanded by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- I say this frankly - everyone may read it - that any society where there are no spiritual persons or Krsna consciousness is a rascal society, because it has no head
- I wish that if you organize a SAMKIRTAN party there, completely trained in spiritual ways, and the American students combine with them, I think a very nice SAMKIRTAN party can be organized to travel all over the world
- I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, the first progenitor, who is tending the cows fulfilling all desires in abodes filled with spiritual gems and surrounded by millions of wish-fulfilling trees
- I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, the first progenitor, who is tending the cows, fulfilling all desire, in abodes built with spiritual gems, surrounded by millions of wish-fulfilling trees - Bs. 5.29
- I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, the first progenitor, who is tending the cows, yielding all desires, in abodes built with spiritual gems and surrounded by millions of purpose trees
- Ideal diet for the spiritual patient
- If a child is born, I shall educate him in such a way that this birth will be his last. Next he is going to back to home, back to Godhead, - then produce a child. Otherwise don't produce. This is spiritual contraceptive. This is real father and mother
- If a devotee spends money to construct a beautiful and costly temple, the construction is not material but spiritual (nirbandhah krsna-sambandhe yuktam vairagyam ucyate). A devotee's mind is never diverted to the material side of the temple
- If a material thing can have so much effect, immediately, the spiritual atom cannot do that? That is called science. Similarly, the biggest spiritual identity, Krsna, He can become all-pervading. We are particle spiritual, spark
- If a neophyte devotee becomes materially opulent, he forgets the service of the Lord. However, if an advanced devotee is favored by the Lord with opulence, it is not material opulence but a spiritual opportunity
- If anyone who has got implicit faith in the spiritual master and also in God, to him all the imports of Vedic literature becomes revealed, becomes revealed. That is spiritual way of understanding
- If every, every part of the creation belongs to Krsna, you cannot practically distinguish, "This portion is spiritual, this portion is material." That distinction is due to our forgetfulness
- If I close my eyes, I cannot see with my ears. But about the Supreme Personality of Godhead it is said that He can see with His ears, He can see with His hand, and He can hear with His hand. He can do anything from any part of His body. That is spiritual
- If I realized what is the spiritual dimension, actually my dimension, length and breadth, you cannot measure, because I am actually a very small spiritual particle
- If one becomes falsely proud, then where is his spiritual qualification? Everything is lost, everything gone - immediately. So in spite of his all good qualifications, if he is simply proud, then everything becomes zero
- If one engages himself in his original, spiritual business, acting as the servant of Krsna, then all processes of purification and reformation are fulfilled
- If one is intelligent to apply his arguments and logic to the subtle understanding of the fundamental spiritual substance, he'll be able to know that a poor fund of knowledge on the basis of material logic can't help one understand the Absolute Truth
- If one is the spiritual leader or political leader or brahmana, he must give up four principles of sinful life: illicit sex life, intoxication, gambling and meat-eating, fish-eating
- If one is transcendentally absorbed in Krsna's service, then his next body will be transcendental (spiritual), not material
- If one is transcendentally absorbed in Krsna's service, then his next body will be transcendental (spiritual), not physical. BG 1972 purports
- If one properly follows the instructions of Bhagavad-gita, one can be freed from all miseries and anxieties in this life, and one's next life will be spiritual
- If one reaches the transcendental platform of understanding the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he becomes well acquainted with everything, material and spiritual. This is confirmed in another Vedic mantra: tam eva viditvati mrtyum eti
- If one simply make melodious kirtana of Rama or Krishna or both combined and they are offered the prasadam of Sri Jagannatha surely they shall imbibe the spiritual tendency inherent in every human
- If one takes shelter of a dhama, worship of the Lord becomes very easy, and resultant spiritual advancement quickly takes place. In fact, in India one may still go to Vrndavana and similar places to achieve the results of spiritual activities quickly
- If one true Vaisnava goes any place in the world, then the spiritual instincts of the more advanced souls he comes into contact with will be awakened, and they will automatically be attracted
- If our endeavor (prayasa) is not to inquire about the Absolute Truth, we will simply increase our endeavor to satisfy our artificial needs. A spiritual aspirant should avoid mundane endeavor
- If sacrifice of one's material possessions is not dovetailed for spiritual realization, then such sacrifice becomes material. But one who performs such sacrifices with a spiritual objective, or in devotional service, makes a perfect sacrifice. BG 1972 p
- If somehow or other a man misses the spiritual opportunity afforded by his human form of life and falls down again into the evolutionary cycle, he must be considered most unfortunate
- If the father and the mother do not undertake the process of spiritual family planning and simply beget children out of passion only, their children are called dvija-bandhus
- If the living entities are simply satisfied with being identical with You as spiritual particles, then they will be happy being controllers of so many things
- If the mode of passion, instead of being degraded into the mode of ignorance, is elevated to the mode of goodness by the prescribed method of living and acting, then one can be saved from the degradation of wrath by spiritual attachment
- If the modes of passion are elevated to the modes of goodness by the prescribed method of living and acting, then one can be saved from the degradation of wrath by spiritual attachment. BG 1972 purports
- If the spirit soul engages in the spiritual activities of devotional service, he is completely freed from the platform of birth and death. His next position is complete spiritual freedom from a material body
- If there is no spiritual ananda, there must be, they must come to the inferior quality. This material world is inferior quality, apara
- If we act from the material platform, even in the modes of goodness, that is also not solution of my life. But even, even in the spiritual, from the spiritual platform, if we act which apparently may seem to be acts of passion, that is not reactionary
- If we are mistaken about our identity, we will also be mistaken about our activities. Simply knowing that we are not these material bodies is not sufficient; we must act according to the conviction that we are spiritual
- If we can maintain the standard of the Temple atmosphere certainly anyone who will come here will be influenced by the spiritual effect
- If we want a happy and tranquil political situation, we must select leaders who eat krsna-prasadam. Otherwise the leaders will eat meat and drink wine, and thus they will be asamskrtah, unreformed, and kriya-hinah, devoid of spiritual behavior
- If you always keep yourself in Krsna consciousness then you become spiritualized. You'll act spiritually. No more material demands
- If you analyze yourself silently, "What I am? I am this finger? I am this body? I am this hair?" you will deny, "No, I am not this." So beyond this body, what is, that is spiritual. That we can feel
- If you ask somebody, "My dear friend, please once chant Hare Krsna," that is your duty finished. He may accept or not accept - that doesn't matter. You have finished your spiritual mastership
- If you become submissive, if you develop the spiritual attitude of following Krsna, and you are as a servant or a friend, as a parent or as a lover - if you begin to give service to the Supreme Lord then you can begin to know Him
- If you chant loudly Hare Krsna, even the ants and insect who is hearing, he'll be delivered, because it is spiritual vibration. It will act for everyone
- If you engage yourself in the service of Krsna, you'll find new and new encouragement. That is spiritual. If you find it hackneyed, then you must know that you are not yet serving spiritually, you are serving materially
- If you utilize things for sense gratification, then you go to the darkest region of this material atmosphere. And the same thing, if you offer to Krsna, it becomes spiritual
- If you want your sense gratification, that is material. And if you want to satisfy Krsna's sense gratification, then you are spiritual
- Impersonal spiritual detachment is more difficult than attaching the mind to the activities of Krsna. This is practical because by hearing about Krsna one becomes automatically attached to the Supreme Spirit. BG 1972 purports
- Impersonalists think that “material” refers to the forms within our experience and that “spiritual” refers to an absence of form
- In a song we sing every day, Narottama dasa Thakura says, caksu-dana dila yei, janme janme prabhu sei: the guru gives spiritual insight to the disciple, and therefore the guru should be considered his master, life after life
- In actuality we are pure spirit. In this way, according to one's spiritual development, the meaning of the word atma differs
- In all circumstances, neither the material ingredients nor the spiritual parts and parcels are independent of the Personality of Godhead Vasudeva
- In all the Vedas the Supreme Personality of Godhead and the living entities are stated to be of the same quality - cetana, or spiritual
- In between the two worlds, material and spiritual, there is one energy. That is living energy. We living entities, we are marginal energy. We are also energy
- In Brahma-samhita the transcendental land of Vrndavana is described as being always spiritual. That spiritual land is populated by goddesses of fortune, who are known as gopis. These are all beloved of Krsna, & Krsna is the only lover of all those gopis
- In contrast to the principles of the kings of old, the modern state is concerned only with propaganda for levying taxes and is no longer responsible for the spiritual welfare of the citizens
- In India still, there are many snake charmer. They, simply by mantra, they can get out the poison. Materially if it is possible, how much it is possible in spiritual?
- In India there is always a kind of spiritual rivalry between the Mayavada and Bhagavata schools, and thus when the news of the Lord reached Prakasananda he knew that the Lord was a Vaisnava sannyasi, and therefore he minimized the value of the Lord
- In Kali-yuga, saintly persons are not as powerful as they previously were. They used to be able to burn any sinful man to ashes by virtue of their spiritual prowess
- In lower consciousness, accepting something to be spiritual when it is actually material is called bhauma ijya-dhih
- In military art there is a word, "direct action," this is the spiritual direct action, this Hare Krsna. But because it is very simple, sometimes those who think themselves as very intelligent & advanced, they think, "Oh, what they are doing, Hare Krsna?
- In one sense it is right. They are spiritual molecules. Yes. Here also, spiritual molecules, but here it is called material because there is no sense of Krsna
- In order to establish this fact (the rasa dance is spiritual), Krsna, the supreme mystic, expanded Himself into many forms and stood beside each gopi. Placing His hands on the shoulders of the gopis on both sides of Him, He began to dance in their midst
- In relation to Krsna there is no distinction between the energies, but for our understanding we discriminate and say that sometimes the energy is working in a material way and sometimes in a spiritual way
- In spiritual existence, everything must be spiritual. Therefore there is no distinction between the body and its owner
- In spiritual separation there is neither inebriety nor ineffectiveness, as one finds with material separation
- In the absolute platform everything is identical. In the relative world also. Just like anything you take, it is material. So material identity. Similarly, in the spiritual world everything is spiritual
- In the Bhagavad-gita the spiritual sparks are declared to be sanatana (eternal); therefore the material energy, maya, cannot affect their constitutional position
- In the brahma-jyotir of Krsna, there are innumerable planets. The spiritual portion, there are innumerable Vaikunthas
- In the brahmajyoti there are unlimited Vaikuntha planets, which are spiritual and therefore self-luminous, with a glow many times greater than that of the sun
- In the construction of a high skyscraper and the construction of a temple, there may be the same enthusiasm, but the endeavors are different, for one is material and the other spiritual. Spiritual activities should not be confused with material activities
- In the devotional mellow of santa, or neutrality, such devotional enthusiasm may be absent, but because such a mood of devotion attracts the Lord's love, it is fully spiritual
- In the Eighth Part of the Tattva-sandarbha it is said that the Absolute Truth is sometimes approached as impersonal Brahman, which, although spiritual, is only a partial representation of the Absolute Truth
- In the final analysis, the Supreme Absolute Truth is a Person, & simultaneously He is the all-pervading Supersoul within the hearts of all living entities & within the core of all atoms, & He is the brahmajyoti or the effulgence of spiritual light as well
- In the First Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam it is said that the absolute truth is one, and He is manifested as impersonal Brahman, Paramatma (supersoul), and Bhagavan (the Supreme Personality of Godhead). Here is a spiritual distinction
- In the highest perfection of devotional service in Krsna consciousness, one experiences the taste of the ecstasy of spiritual relish
- In the Mandukya Upanisad it is said that when omkara is chanted, whatever is seen as material is seen perfectly as spiritual
- In the previous creation the spiritual truth was devastated, but the four sanas explained it so nicely that the truth at once became clearly perceived by the sages
- In the smrti it is said: yathagneh ksudra visphulinga vyuccaranti. Just as sparks manifest in a large fire, similarly the small individual souls are present in the big spiritual flame
- In the spiritual loving sentiment induced by the yogamaya potency, both Lord Sri Krsna and the damsels of Vraja forget themselves in spiritual rapture
- In the spiritual sky, the effulgence of Brahman is spread all around, and the whole system is dazzling in spiritual light
- In the spiritual sky, the land is spiritual, the tree is spiritual, the fruit is spiritual, the flower is spiritual, the water is spiritual, the servant is spiritual, the friend is spiritual, the Lord is spiritual and His associates are spiritual
- In the Srimad-Bhagavatam historical facts selected from the histories of different planets have been depicted. It is therefore accepted by all the spiritual authorities as the Maha-Purana
- In the Vaikuntha planets there is no scarcity of the things which are available in the material world; they are available, but they are more valuable because they are spiritual and therefore eternal and blissful
- In the void, simply spiritual light, he (a mayavadi sannyasi) cannot do any mastership; therefore again falls down in this false world, and he wants to be by becoming a leader of hospital, and school, college, a Christian missionary
- In this Age of Kali Yuga nobody can meditate perfectly, neither they have sufficient resources for performing great sacrifices, neither they have tendency to attend spiritual services in the temple, churches, or mosques or any such sanctuaries
- In those Vaikuntha planets there are many forests which are very auspicious. In those forests the trees are desire trees, and in all seasons they are filled with flowers and fruits because everything in the Vaikuntha planets is spiritual and personal
- In Vrndavana, spiritual cows are always supplying spiritual milk. Not a single moment is wasted there - in other words, there is no past, present or future. Not a single particle of time is wasted
- Indeed, he (Sri Ramananda Raya) was on the transcendental platform. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu therefore embraced him. Out of spiritual humility, Sri Ramananda Raya presented himself as a sudra - raja-sevi visayi sudradhama
- Individuality is maintained on spiritual grounds and is thus confirmed by great acaryas like Sri Ramanuja and others. BG 1972 purports
- Instead of wasting his time with business speculations, he (the materialist) should seek the life of plain living and high spiritual thinking and thus save himself from perpetual materialistic unrest
- Instead of wasting time, one can get spiritual success by turning his attention to the transcendental pastimes of the Lord
- Intelligent persons must go there (the holy places) at the end of life, and for that matter, after fifty years of age, to live a life of spiritual regeneration for the sake of being freed from family attachment
- Intelligent persons, however, know that such mantras will never be successful, and as such they never patronize such upstart spiritual groups. People should be very careful of these nonsensical sampradayas
- It doesn't depend on my good or bad health. It is all spiritual news. Spiritually I become very much enlivened
- It has become very difficult, therefore, to raise the spiritual standard due to the present distorted values of human society
- It is certain, however, that no one can enter into the spiritual Vaikuntha planets without being trained in devotional service
- It is clearly mentioned in many places in the Gita that this spiritual individuality is understood by those who are devotees of the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- It is clearly stated here (in BG 8.22) that only by bhakti, or devotional service, can one enter into the Vaikuntha (spiritual) planetary system. BG 1972 purports
- It is definitely stated that spiritual rasa, which is relished even in the liberated stage, can be experienced in the literature of the Srimad-Bhagavatam due to its being the ripened fruit of all Vedic knowledge
- It is especially the case in the acarya families (that the children receive a spiritual impetus from the very beginning of their life). Such families are very learned and devoted by tradition and training, & thus they become spiritual masters. BG 1972 p
- It is no use to approach such professional spiritual masters as a matter of formality or custom. Attainment of spiritual perfection can never be possible without undergoing spiritual discipline
- It is not possible to chant a material name for very long because the chanting would become hackneyed and very tiresome. No one could be satisfied simply by chanting Hare Krsna unless Hare Krsna itself were spiritual
- It is not superficial. This dancing is spiritual ecstasy. Otherwise, it is not a dog's dancing. You see? Any gentleman, if I ask you, "Please dance on this footpath," will you agree? It is not that dancing
- It is not that Caitanya teaches a long and elaborate path to God realization. He is completely spiritual, and He begins from the point of surrender to Krsna
- It is our practical experience in the KC movement all over the world that many millions of people are factually coming to the spiritual stage of life simply by chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra regularly, according to the prescribed principles
- It is said by the Lord that His topics are all full of spiritual significance, and once one properly hears about Him in the association of the satam, certainly one senses the great potency and so automatically attains to the devotional stage of life
- It is said that among all the devotees of the Personality of Godhead, Lord Siva is the greatest. Thus the remnants of foodstuff left by him are accepted by other devotees as maha-prasada, or great spiritual foodstuff
- It is said that the beauty of a tapasvi, or saintly person, is forgiveness. There are many instances in the spiritual history of the world in which saintly persons, although unnecessarily harassed, did not take action, although they could have done so
- It is said that the Supreme Lord has no legs like us, but He can travel throughout space because He has spiritual legs. BG 1972 purports
- It is said, samskarad bhaved dvijah: by the purificatory processes, one attains spiritual rebirth. That is essential
- It is stated in the Bhagavad-gita, Fourteenth Chapter, that in every species and form of life the spiritual part and parcel of the Supreme Lord is present
- It is very difficult to understand that our movement is spiritual movement, and they do not understand what is spiritual, the whole world. That is the defect
- It is very simple to understand. Machine is matter. It cannot work out of its own accord. It is working under some spiritual direction
- Just as heat and light emanate from fire, these two energies - the physical elements and the living entities - emanate from the Supreme Lord. Therefore the Lord says, aham vai sarva-bhutani: "I expand the physical and spiritual categories"
- Just as the mind can fly anywhere one likes without mechanical arrangement, so the akasa-patana airplane can fly at the speed of mind. Beyond this akasa-patana system is the Vaikuntha process, which is completely spiritual
- Just like in the material world also, you will find unlimited atomic existence, similarly, in the spiritual also, there are unlimited spiritual atoms. And one of the atoms is myself and yourself or the ant or the elephant
- Just like this, "God, give us our daily bread." It is mixed spiritual. One has approached God, God is spiritual, but one is asking for material profit. So this is mixture, matter and spirit
- Just to transfer their thinking power to the spiritual capacity, the Krsna-dvaipayana Vyasa, he has made so many Vedic literatures
- Karma, jnana, yoga and bhakti. There are four primary principles for spiritual realization. So out of the four, karma, jnana and yoga, they are all material, but bhakti is not material. That is spiritual
- Karmis, jnanis and yogis all hanker to possess some material or spiritual assets. Karmis want material possessions, jnanis and yogis want spiritual possessions, but devotees do not want any material or spiritual assets
- Kindly take up the mission of spreading the message of the Lord all over the world with greater and greater enthusiasm. Preaching is our life. But in order to preach one must become firmly fixed in the spiritual practices otherwise his words will not act
- Knowing oneself to be spiritual in essence
- Krishna Consciousness movement is the need for the Western countries at this time. The Westerners have sufficiently enjoyed their material achievements and they are now, especially the younger generation, seeking for something spiritual
- Krishna in a boat with the gopis, that picture is all right. He is enjoying. This is spiritual rest and enjoyment. That is the real feature of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Krsna consciousness is not a religious formula or some spiritual recreation; it is the most important part of the living entity
- Krsna consciousness is the necessity. It is not a religious formula or some spiritual recreation. No. It is the most important thing that we should imbibe in our life
- Krsna consciousness is the necessity. It is not a religious formula or some spiritual recreation. No. It is the most important thing that we should imbibe in our life. Mam upetya tu kaunteya punar janma na vidyate. He's (Krsna) stressing again and again
- Krsna has maintained spiritual individuality all along; if He is accepted as an ordinary conditioned soul in individual consciousness, then His Bhagavad-gita has no value as authoritative scripture. BG 1972 purports
- Krsna says that if these five things are transformed into Krsna consciousness or Brahman realization, then the result will be that the man who is performing that sacrifice is sure to attain his spiritual salvation and go back to Godhead
- Kuntidevi says that those who are intoxicated in this way cannot feelingly address the Lord. They cannot feelingly say, jaya radha-madhava: "All glories to Radha and Krsna!" They have lost their spiritual feeling
- Leader means spiritually not materially. This you should understand very clearly. If spiritual potency and strength is there, then material intelligence will automatically follow
- Like the Ganges water, which emanates from the toes of the lotus feet of the Lord, such a process immediately cleanses the mind, and thus spiritual or Krsna consciousness gradually increases
- Literatures in the modes of passion and ignorance are distributed under different labels, but they can hardly help the spiritual urge of the human being, and thus the swanlike spiritually advanced men have nothing to do with them
- Lord Brahma himself said, “Let me worship that spiritual land where Krsna is present.” This transcendental Vrndavana is not appreciated by those who are not devotees or self-realized souls because this Vrndavana-dhama is all spiritual
- Lord Brahma,sprinkled transcendental, infallible, spiritual water from his kamandalu upon Hiranyakasipu's body, which had been eaten away by ants and moths. Thus he enlivened Hiranyakasipu
- Lord Caitanya briefly explained the transcendental situation, the spiritual relish of life, which He called the fifth stage of perfection
- Lord Caitanya immediately informed Prakasananda that in the modern age people in general are more or less bereft of all spiritual intellect
- Lord Caitanya informed Prakasananda Sarasvati that when His spiritual master understood Him, he said, It is the transcendental nature of the holy names of Hare Krsna to transport a man into spiritual madness
- Lord Caitanya next informed Prakasananda that in the modern age people in general are more or less bereft of spiritual intellect
- Lord Caitanya said that innumerable living entities are wandering and transmigrating in the 8,400,000 species of life, one after another. Out of so many, one may come who is fortunate, who has spiritual fortune
- Lord Krsna informed His father (Vasudeva) of the spiritual identity of all living entities
- Lord Sri Krsna is the complete form of all existence, both material and spiritual. Akhila means complete, or that which is not khila, inferior
- Man without information of the actual spiritual form of sex has accepted perverted material sex life as the all in all. There is a distinction between sex life in the diseased material condition and spiritual sex life
- Many Mayavadis have recently begun reciting SB in Vrndavana, and because they can present the SB with word jugglery, twisting the meaning by grammatical tricks, materialistic persons who go to Vrndavana as a matter of spiritual fashion like to hear them
- Material advancement means expanding the sense gratificatory process. That is material. The more you expand how to satisfy your senses, that is material. And the more we expand how to satisfy Krsna, that is spiritual
- Material life means indulging in sense gratification which diverts our attention from spiritual importance and thus we remain captive under the bewilderment of Maya
- Material starvation may be there, but actually that is not a problem because there is sufficient arrangement for maintaining this material body. Real starvation is of the soul. The soul is not getting spiritual food
- Materialism does not mean that one has to possess so many things, the actual fact is one may be a perfect transcendentalist of spiritual man by possessing the whole world, and one may be a gross materialist without possessing a farthing
- Materialistic persons are always anxious to get material profit, but they are not serious about spiritual profit
- Materialists who have neither faith in the plan of God nor any aspiration for higher spiritual development misuse their God-given intelligence only to augment their material possessions
- Modern civilization has advanced considerably in the field of mass education, but the result is that people are more unhappy than ever before because of the stress placed on material advancement to the exclusion of the spiritual aspect
- Morning is the best time to hold spiritual services. The great sages offered the speaker of the Bhagavatam an elevated seat of respect called the vyasasana, or the seat of Sri Vyasadeva
- Mundane prosperity is a kind of material fever, and by the grace of the Lord the temperature of this material fever is gradually diminished, and spiritual health is obtained step by step. Mundane people misunderstand it
- Mundane speculators cannot capture the spiritual elephant within their limited conception. It is just like a frog’s trying to measure the Atlantic Ocean by imagining it so many times larger than his well
- Murari Gupta could treat both bodily and spiritual disease because he was a physician by profession and a great devotee of the Lord in terms of spiritual advancement. This is an example of service to humanity
- My dear friend, I, the Supersoul, and you, the individual soul, are not different in quality, for we are both spiritual. In fact, My dear friend, you are qualitatively not different from Me in your constitutional position
- My idea is that I want to purchase all the lands there for developing into a spiritual city but it may be utopian at the present moment
- Naimisaranya is a place in India still existing.This place is situated near Lucknow in the northern India provinces, a very nice place, sanctified place. Still people go and find peace for spiritual meditation
- Narada Muni continually went on to progressive spiritual emancipation. Srimad-Bhagavatam is the repetition of history which happened some hundreds of millions of years ago
- "Narayana is transcendental to the creation." (Gita-bhasya) Since all the activities of Narayana are spiritual, when Narayana said, "Let there be creation," that creation was all-spiritual
- Natural instinct, spiritual natural instinct, can be attained by tapasya. Tapo divyam. That is the instruction of Rsabhadeva
- Necessities of the body is material, and the necessities of the soul is spiritual. But unfortunately, although the spirit is there, we are so much absorbed in material consciousness, we do not understand what is spirit soul
- Nirgrantha, indicates freedom from the bondage of illusion. Nirgrantha also means - One who has no connection with spiritual injunctions
- Nirguna means without reaction. The spiritual mode and its effect are identical; therefore the spiritual quality is distinguished from its material counterpart by the word nirguna
- Nityananda Prabhu's body is spiritual, but demoniac persons consider the body of the Supreme Personality to be material, just like ours
- No one is equal to or higher than Krsna within any manifestation, spiritual or material. Everyone is below Him. No one can excel Him. BG 1972 purports
- None of them (literary men) have brought peace and tranquillity on the earth. This is due to a spiritual vacuum in those literatures
- Not that we are simply sentimentalists, simply dancing. Dancing is not sentimental; it is spiritual ecstasy. It is not ordinary dancing. This dancing is not ordinary dancing
- Now I want that we shall concentrate on making our devotees Krishna conscious and ourselves becoming Krishna conscious, and not be so much concerned with expanding ourselves widely but without any spiritual content
- Now, mind that, karma-yogi. Those who are yogis, those who are trying to get spiritual life, regain their spiritual vitality, they are called yogis
- O best of the saints among the demigods, O best of spiritual leaders, how did Hiranyakasipu give so much trouble to Prahlada Maharaja, the pure and exalted saint, although Prahlada was his own son? I wish to know about this subject from you
- O Lord, although the living entities who have accepted material bodies are spiritual and unlimited in number, if they were all-pervading there would be no question of their being under Your control
- O river Yamuna, you are the blissful spiritual water that gives love to the son of Nanda Maharaja. You are the same as the water of the spiritual world, for you can vanquish all our offenses and the sinful reactions incurred in life
- Of all that is material and all that is spiritual in this world, know for certain that I am both its origin and dissolution. BG 7.6 - 1972
- Of all that is material and all that is spiritual in this world, know for certain that I am both its origin and dissolution. O conqueror of wealth (Arjuna), there is no truth superior to Me. Everything rests upon Me (Krsna), as pearls on a thread - 7.6-7
- Of all the senses, the tongue is considered to be the principal sense. So tongue, if the tongue is trained, or the tongue is spiritualized, then naturally all the senses become spiritualized
- Of course, it is not very easy to understand immediately, but on the ultimate issue, everything is created by Krsna, or God, so by seeing everything, if you remember Krsna, then that is spiritual
- Oh, again, "heard it from devotee." (laughter) That is very dangerous. What Caitanya's movement has got with politics? Nothing. They drag Caitanya's movement, that. Many rascals do that. It has nothing to do with politics. It is simply spiritual
- On the one hand they (so-called swamis) enjoy variegatedness in matter, and on the other they deny spiritual variegatedness to the Absolute. Because they are pledged to the theory of monism and impersonalism
- On the other side of Brahmaloka is the spiritual karana-samudra, or Causal Ocean. The material energy exists on the other side of the Causal Ocean, without touching it
- One cannot challenge a superior authority, but with great submission one can submit his proposal for acceptance by the spiritual master or spiritual authorities
- One cannot enter into Krsna’s rasa-lila dance simply by artificially imitating it or artificially thinking oneself a sakhi and dressing up like one. Krsna’s rasa-lila dance is completely spiritual; it has nothing to do with material contamination
- One cannot understand anything spiritual from a materialistic scholar puffed up with academic knowledge. As stated in BG 18.55, bhaktya mam abhijanati: one must try to understand Krsna by devotional service and from a devotee
- One cannot understand God's holy name, pastimes, form, qualities or entourage with one's blunt material senses. However, when the senses are purified by the constant rendering of service, the spiritual truth of the pastimes of Radha and Krsna is revealed
- One has to get rid of all three stages of attachment to the material world: negligence of spiritual life, fear of a spiritual personal identity, and the conception of void that underlies the frustration of life. BG 1972 purports
- One is made brahmacari, celibacy, spiritual. One is made a very decently, family life, grhastha. One is made retired life, sannyasi. Very systematical. So if we don't follow the varnasrama-dharma, then we are not even human beings
- One is recommended to quit home just to get rid of material attachment because one who sticks to family life until death cannot get rid of material attachment and as long as one is materially attached one cannot understand spiritual freedom
- One is superior or inferior according to his spiritual development in Krsna consciousness. One is forbidden to observe the activities of a pure Vaisnava from a material point of view
- One must be confident about the qualifications of his teacher; one should not approach a layman for replies to specific spiritual inquiries. Such inquiries, when replied to with imaginative answers by the teacher, are a program for wasting time
- One must give up one's material occupational duties, just as one must give up his material body. Whatever one's occupational duty, even according to the varnasrama system, one must give it up and engage in one's spiritual function
- One must offer respects to the great religious preachers and spiritual leaders and also train the senses for controlled action, learning to be unattached to family and home, and enacting devotional service to the Lord, etc
- One must vehemently denounce the Western mentality of defying spiritual tradition and the scriptures. Such a mentality reveres mundane philosophies based on speculation and concocted logic, considering these practices signs of superior intelligence
- One need not go into the forest in a secluded place to try to make spiritual advancement. Much better idea is that one associate with devotees in the Krishna Consciousness Centres; this will bring better spiritual results than living in the forest
- One should not discriminate between the dhamas on the earth and those in the spiritual sky, thinking those on earth to be material and the original abodes to be spiritual. All of them are spiritual
- One should not think that the person who takes to bhakti is one who cannot perform the ritualistic ceremonies recommended in the karma-kanda section of the Vedas or is not sufficiently educated to speculate on spiritual subjects
- One who acts on the mental plane cannot get promotion to the spiritual. Such a person is always sure to glide down again to material life
- One who can see and is familiar with devotional service, however, will know that they are not material activities. They are all spiritual and devotional, uncontaminated by the material modes of nature. BG 1972 purports
- One who has a staunch faith in the Supreme Lord and staunch faith in the personality of his spiritual master, bona fide, then he gets all the things revealed in himself. Spiritual things are not just like material things
- One who has not undergone such Garbhadhana-samskara, or spiritual family planning, is not accepted as being of an actual twice-born family
- One who is fixed in mystic power is not disturbed by the allurement of this world or that world; he is interested in the matters of spiritual understanding or the spiritual situation
- One who is in full Krsna consciousness does not distinguish between things material and spiritual; he takes everything to be related to Krsna and therefore spiritual
- One's original natural tendency is to act in Krsna consciousness because one's real nature is spiritual
- One’s real nature is spiritual
- Originally the living entity is a spiritual being, but when he actually desires to enjoy this material world, he comes down
- Our consciousness is developed. But because in this age, material world, we have no spiritual idea, so whatever power we have got in thinking, we are trying to increase artificially material way of life. The idle brain is a devil's workshop
- Our Krsna consciousness movement is trying to raise fallen human society to the status of spiritual understanding
- Our movement is meant for training spiritual leaders, but without hearing and chanting it is impossible to become a leader. Of course, in the material world it is possible, but not in the spiritual world
- Our own business is that we should know that, "I am not this dream. I am fact, spiritual fact. So I have got a different business." That is called spiritual life
- Our present attempts to remove the difficulties of the material world - through the pretensions of erudite scientists, great statesmen, and mahatmas - do not reach the spiritual, transcendental plane, but simply garb the body and mind
- Our reality is God realization. There are different stages, I mean to say, direct perception, then receiving knowledge from authority, then personal experience between the two, then above that transcendental, and then, I mean to say, spiritual
- Out of His causeless mercy, Sri Krsna came as Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu and distributed the means to the highest perfection of life and spiritual ecstasy by the chanting of Hare Krsna
- Out of those actually trying to understand their spiritual situation, one who can come to the understanding that Krsna is the Supreme PG, the proprietor of everything, the unborn, is the most successful spiritually realized person. BG 1972 purports
- Pancaratriki-vidhi means if any one has a little inclination for spiritual development, he should be given chance. This initiation means to give chance
- People (in Hawaii) work very nicely, and there are many people who are hankering after something spiritual. So these are the good opportunities, so be yourself a pure Vaisnava. Pure Vaisnava means no more desires
- People generally practice religion for economic development, to get some money, for by getting money they can satisfy their senses. But when they are frustrated they want spiritual brahmananda, or merging into the Supreme
- People think this mental speculation, poetry, philosophy, that is spiritual. No. So long the subject matter is material, the concoction of the mind, speculation of the mind, the so-called philosophy, is also material
- Persons who have no intelligence or no faith in the subject matter should be given the chance to hear chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra, but in the beginning they should not be instructed about the glories or spiritual significance of the holy names
- Please continue to read the literature very attentively. Try to understand very soberly and you will feel ecstasy undoubtedly. The more we understand the spiritual literatures the more we become engladdened
- Please first of all print it (Spiritual Dialectism) in Back to Godhead magazine and if the response is good it maybe made into a book along the lines of Svarupa Damodaras book, The Scientific Basis of Krishna Consciousness
- Practically your country is my home now. India is foreign country for me. The reason is that my spiritual family is there and my material relationships are in India; therefore factually where my spiritual family exists, there is my home
- Prahlada Maharaja achieved the spiritual ecstasies described herein (in SB 7.4.40) by his advancement in spiritual understanding
- Preaching is our life. But in order to preach one must become firmly fixed in the spiritual practices otherwise his words will not act. It is the duty of every initiated disciple to try and please the spiritual master
- Process of speaking in spiritual circles is to say something upheld by the scripture
- Produce children as much as you can train them to become eternally family members of Krsna. That is spiritual contraceptive. Don't produce children like cats and dogs
- Pure devotees simply act for the pleasure of the Supreme Personality of Godhead; therefore the results of their activities are spiritual, or permanent. They are not like those of the karmis, which are nonpermanent
- Radha and Krsna are one, and when Krsna desires to enjoy pleasure, He manifests Himself as Radharani. The spiritual exchange of love between Radha and Krsna is the actual display of Krsna's internal pleasure potency - CC Intro
- Radha and Krsna are one, and when Krsna desires to enjoy pleasure, He manifests Himself as Radharani. The spiritual exchange of love between Radha and Krsna is the actual display of the internal pleasure potency of Krsna
- Radharani is the source of spiritual inspiration
- Real fact is that I am spiritual particle, and the whole spirit is Krsna, or God. Therefore, as part and parcel of God, it is my duty to serve God. That is spiritual life, bhakti-yoga
- Regarding smearing on the Body of Lord Jagannatha: You should always know that the Body of Lord Jagannatha is spiritual. We are given the chance of serving the Spiritual Body
- Regarding the new names of your sister and mother-in-law - -why are you giving them spiritual names? You are not authorized to do this. Spiritual names are given by the spiritual master at the time of initiation. It is not to be done as a whimsical act
- Regarding the spiritual science of the Self, there are many literatures, such as the four Vedas, the Vedanta-sutra and the Puranas, the Srimad-Bhagavatam and the Gita. These are all representatives of Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Ruci means you will simply hanker after spiritual things. You won't like to hear anything except spiritual message. You won't like to do anything except spiritual activities. You won't like to eat anything which is not spiritualized
- Sacrifice, charity and penances are three essential things for attaining spiritual light. The suggested way to you is the easiest one to cover all the above three important spiritual activities. Do not miss this opportunity
- Senses are not to be sacrificed, and desires are not to be sacrificed, but there are both desires and sense satisfaction in the spiritual sphere. Real happiness is transcendental to material, sensual experience
- She (Srimati Radharani) is all-spiritual, and both Her body and Her mind are of the same spiritual embodiment. Because Her body is spiritual, Her senses are also spiritual. Thus Her body, mind and senses fully shine in love of Krsna
- Simply ruling the land cannot solve man's problems unless the leader has spiritual capabilities. He must be like Maharaja Yudhisthira, Pariksit Maharaja or Ramacandra. Then all the inhabitants of the land will be extremely happy
- Since all of creation is the kingdom of God, everything material is actually spiritual, but paramam padam specifically refers to the eternal abode, which is called the spiritual sky or Vaikuntha. BG 1972 purports
- Since material philosophers are situated in the material conception of life, they are unable to realize the spiritual prema-vilasa-vivarta. They cannot accommodate an elephant upon a dish
- Since such an experiment (to see the planets hovering in space) is not possible, naturally we have to accept the statement of SB as it is because it is so accepted by spiritual leaders like Sridhara Svami, Jiva Gosvami, Visvanatha Cakravarti and others
- Since that nature (the sanatana nature) is spiritual in quality, there are no qualitative differences there (in the spiritual sky): everything there is spiritual, everything is good, and everything possesses the spiritual form of Sri Krsna Himself
- Since the living being is spiritual in constitution, he can be happy only in the spiritual sky, where there are unlimited spiritual spheres called Vaikunthas
- Since the soul is actually a spiritual particle, as confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita, it is due to illusion (vivarta-vada) that a human being, like an animal, identifies the body with the self. This is a proper example of vivarta, or illusion
- Since we have no transcendental vision, we cannot see the spiritual sac-cid-ananda-vigraha (BS 5.1) of the Lord; out of His causeless mercy He comes in a form we can see
- So many friends advised me to open some hospitals, dispensaries. Oh, I flatly said that "We are not interested in the hospitals." There are so many hospitals. So people who are interested in hospitals, they can go there. Here is spiritual hospital
- So suffering so big, great he cannot tolerate, therefore he sometimes commits suicide. Is that committing suicide is spiritual? Spiritual means negation of material distresses, that's a fact. But that is a different thing
- So the test is within our hand. If during mangala-arati we feel laziness, that means I'm not yet spiritually advanced. And if one feels enthused, "Now it is time for mangala-arati. Let me stand up, let me do this," then it is spiritual. Anyone can test
- Some materialistic politicians in spiritual guise decry the present system of civilization as satanic, but unfortunately they do not care about the culture of real knowledge as it is described in the Bhagavad-gita
- Some people are too materially attached and therefore do not give attention to spiritual life, some of them disbelieve in everything, being angry at all sorts of spiritual speculation out of hopelessness. BG 1972 purports
- Sometimes Caitanya Mahaprabhu mistook the small parks of the city for Vrndavana. Sometimes He would go there, dance and chant and sometimes fall unconscious in spiritual ecstasy
- Sometimes it is stated that Brahmavarta is a part of Kuruksetra or that Kuruksetra itself is situated in Brahmavarta, because the demigods are recommended to perform spiritual ritualistic performances in Kuruksetra
- Sometimes materialists, forgetting the pastimes of Radha-Krsna and Krsna-Balarama, go to Vrndavana, accept the land’s spiritual facilities and engage in material activity. This is against the teachings of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Sometimes they take the spiritual shelter, so-called, for getting some benefit out of it so that his political movement may be increased or enhanced
- Spiritual affection for the Supreme Lord is transcendental in all cases, but the individual devotee has a specific aptitude for a particular relationship, and that relationship is more relishable for him than the others
- Spiritual airplanes do not fly business executives, politicians or planning commissions as passengers, nor do they carry cargo or postal bags. These planes are for pleasure trips only, and the residents of Vaikuntha fly in them
- Spiritual and material categories are made possible by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but actually there are no such distinctions for the living entities who are eternally engaged in the service of the Lord
- Spiritual beauty
- Spiritual career
- Spiritual comforts
- Spiritual community of Krsna Consciousness of New Vrndavana
- Spiritual compassion
- Spiritual considersations
- Spiritual construction is not known to other philosophers than the Vaisnava philosophers
- Spiritual energy does not get tired. That is spiritual. When we get tired, that is material. Spiritual means one would not feel tired
- Spiritual entrance
- Spiritual expert
- Spiritual family planning is that one should be determined to train up children in Krishna Consciousness
- Spiritual feelings of happiness and intense ecstasies have no mundane comparison. Therefore it is very difficult to give expression to such feelings. We can just have a glimpse of such ecstasy in the words of Sri Narada Muni
- Spiritual flame
- Spiritual glory
- Spiritual happiness is anandambudhi-vardhanam, or the ocean of happiness which increases. The material ocean is stagnant, but the spiritual ocean is dynamic
- Spiritual hero
- Spiritual history
- Spiritual inspiration comes from within the heart, wherein the Supreme Personality of Godhead, in His Paramatma feature, is always sitting with all His devotees and associates
- Spiritual knowledge is the main topic of the Vedas, but to help the human being's spiritual pursuit of knowledge, the other information, as above mentioned, forms necessary branches of the Vedic knowledge
- Spiritual level means to cure his material disease
- Spiritual level means to cure his material disease. The material disease is birth, death, old age and disease. So these things can be overcome by Krsna consciousness
- Spiritual means negation of material distress. So he is always suffering from material distress. By taking drug, temporarily he forgets it. Therefore he misunderstands, - This is spiritual
- Spiritual means philosophical, otherwise it is sentiment and sentiments are fickle and always changing. So we can very much appreciate your rejection of sentiment as a basis for practical activity
- Spiritual morality means to abide by the order of Krsna. That is morality. Whatever Krsna says, if we accept
- Spiritual prowess
- Spiritual rejuvenation required. Aham brahmasmi: "I am not this body. I am Brahman, spiritual soul." Then you will be happy. Brahma-bhutah prasannatma na socati na kanksati (BG 18.54), samah sarvesu... Then there will be equality, fraternity, brotherhood
- Spiritual resources
- Spiritual revolution means the people should understand what is the Supreme Truth, and then mold their character and activities according to that relationship. Then that is success of human life
- Spiritual rivalry
- Spiritual substance is never within the jurisdiction of the material conception. This is always the verdict of the Vedas and Puranas
- Spiritual television
- Spiritual well-being, that is our Krsna consciousness movement, that if the society becomes Krsna conscious, or spiritually advanced, the so-called material advancement will automatically be there. There will be no scarcity
- Spiritualism means to sacrifice your freedom. That is spiritualism. You have no more freedom. You are simply engaged for God's service. That is spiritualism
- Sravanam kirtanam visnoh (SB 7.5.23). One must simply hear about and describe Lord Visnu and His various incarnations. This narration concerning Prahlada Maharaja and Lord Nrsimhadeva, therefore, has properly described spiritual, transcendental subjects
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu always felt waves of separation from Krsna, externally and internally. His mind and body were agitated by various spiritual transformations
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu requested the blessings of a grhastha. This incident shows the special significance of Sri Caitanya’s preaching. He gave equal status to everyone, regardless of material considerations. His movement is thoroughly spiritual
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu stayed awake all night, chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, His mind overwhelmed by spiritual ecstasy
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mercy is so powerful that it acts automatically. If a person renders loving service to Krsna, it never goes in vain. It is recorded in a spiritual account, and in due time it will fructify
- Sri Krsna, Bhagavan, the Supreme Personality, He was also referring to the Brahma-sutra: brahma-sutra-padais caiva viniscitam. So this is the way, that any bona fide spiritual propaganda must be following the footsteps of previous authority
- Sri Narada Muni continued: After speaking these words to Hiranyakasipu, Lord Brahma, the original being of this universe, who is extremely powerful, sprinkled transcendental, infallible, spiritual water from his kamandalu upon Hiranyakasipu's body
- Sri Vyasadeva is the original spiritual preceptor for all men. And all other preceptors are considered to be his representatives. A representative is one who can exactly present the viewpoint of Sri Vyasadeva
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura remarks - The impersonalists worship imaginary forms, but neither Srimad-Bhagavatam nor Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu accepts this sense gratificatory worship to be of any spiritual significance
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura states that the spiritual mellow can be realized only when one is situated on the transcendental platform beyond the material stage of goodness. That platform is called visuddha-sattva
- Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura confirms: yasya prasadad bhagavat-prasado yasyaprasadan na gatih kuto ’pi. Activities that please the spiritual master must be considered spiritual, and they should be accepted as satisfying to the Lord
- Sruti-smrti-pramana - citing evidence from the Vedas and the corollary literature - is the only method for making a spiritual statement. You have to take it
- Strictly speaking, both Buddhist philosophy and Sankara's philosophy are but different types of Mayavada dealing on the platform of material existence. Neither of these philosophies has spiritual significance
- Students are generally supposed to rise early in the morning. They do not usually arise of their own accord, however, but only when there is a bell sounded in the temple or other spiritual institution
- Such a recovery of spiritual health is possible only by the regular cultivation of Krsna consciousness
- Such association (with the persons who are Krsna conscious) is spiritual and puts one directly in touch with the Supreme Lord, and, by His grace, one can understand Krsna to be the Supreme God. BG 1972 purports
- Such enjoyment (spiritual vibration of chanting the glories of the Lord) could not be surpassed by any other enjoyment, even sex, which is the culmination of all pleasure in the material world
- Such people (who have no intelligence or no faith) should be given the chance to hear the chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra, but in the beginning they should not be instructed about the glories or the spiritual significance of the holy name
- Such sages are generally called mystic yogis, and in most cases they are inclined to appreciate the spiritual pleasure of the impersonal feature of the Absolute Truth
- Sukadeva Gosvami answered: Great saintly persons who strictly observed the spiritual rules and regulations and whose own effulgence dissipated all the darkness of all directions once came to see Lord Siva in that forest
- Talk of krsna-katha, or topics about Lord Krsna or His incarnations, is spiritually so inspiring that the reciter and hearer are never exhausted. That is the nature of spiritual talks
- Tat tvam asi means that the living entity is a spiritual particle of the supreme spirit, but this is not the chief motif of the Vedanta or Vedic literatures. The chief sound representation of the Supreme is omkara
- Thank you for representing me there in LSS by stressing the importance of attendance to the morning and evening programs and following all of the spiritual practices. This is wanted
- That advantage of re-engagement in our original, spiritual business is given freely in this age: kirtanad eva krsnasya mukta-sangah param vrajet (SB 12.3.51) - Simply by chanting the Lord's holy name, one achieves spiritual liberation
- That kingdom (The province of Kasi) is considered happy where there is no famine, pestilence or excessive heat and cold and where people are happy mentally, spiritually and physically
- That original spiritual disciplic succession (coming from Krsna to the sun-god) was broken, but now we can receive the same message by studying Bhagavad-gita. In Bhagavad-gita Krsna speaks to Arjuna just as in a far distant time He spoke to the sun-god
- That which furthers the future spiritual happiness of the people in general is called nonviolence
- The above description of Radha and Krsna from the diary of Srila Svarupa Damodara Gosvami is a condensed explanation, but one needs great spiritual insight to understand the mystery of these two personalities
- The acarya knows how to adjust things, at the same time keep pace with the spiritual injunction. It is not that the same thing to be applied everywhere. He is eager to engage actually the people in the real benefit of life, but the means may be different
- The activities in the spiritual sky are manifested by the internal potency in pure spiritual existence. They expand in six transcendental opulences, which are all manifestations of Maha-sankarsana
- The airplane (that carried Dhruva) was piloted by the two chief associates of Lord Visnu, namely Sunanda and Nanda. Only such spiritual astronauts can pilot their airplane beyond the seven planets and arrive in the region of eternal blissful life
- The airplane sent by Lord Visnu to carry Dhruva Maharaja to Sisumara was a completely spiritual, transcendental airplane. Material scientists can neither see such vehicles nor imagine how they fly in the air
- The attainment of spiritual perfection by different spiritualists is explained in the Bhagavad-gita, wherein the Lord says that He grants the perfection the devotee desires in proportion to the devotee's surrender unto Him
- The attempt by these so-called spiritual leaders is something like pouring water on the leaves of a tree instead of the root
- The bees hum around flowers, and their sweet sound is enjoyed by the Lord. The Lord's bangles, necklace, crown and anklets are all bedecked with invaluable jewels. Since the jewels and pearls are spiritual, there is no material calculation of their value
- The beginning is the faith. And now, as you make your faith intensified, so you become progressive in the spiritual point
- The body is considered material, and the soul is considered spiritual. The origin of them both, is the same Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The boy began to cry and dance, and he chanted, "Krsna! Krsna!" Upon seeing his bodily symptoms and his chanting and dancing, all the devotees praised him for his great spiritual fortune
- The brahmacari read the book and came to us a little dissatisfied, though the book itself was deeply esoteric. The reason for his dissatisfaction was that Dr. Radhakrishnan's writing lacked spiritual insight
- The brahmanah pathi is the path of transcendental realization through knowing oneself to be spiritual in essence, part and parcel of the Supreme Lord who is manifested as Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan. BG 1972 purports
- The brahminical qualifications are control of the senses, control of the mind, cleanliness within and without, development of spiritual and material knowledge, simplicity, truthfulness, faith in the Supreme Personality of Godhead, etc
- The bricks, stone and wood used in the construction of the temple are spiritual, just as the Deity, although made of stone, is not stone but the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself
- The cage is not the bird. But foolish persons, they are taking care of the cage, not of the bird. The bird, out of starvation, is suffering. So we are suffering spiritual starvation. Therefore nobody is happy in this material world
- The Caitanya-caritamrta states that in the Age of Kali the only spiritual function is to broadcast the holy name of the Lord, but this function can be performed only by one who is actually empowered by Lord Krsna
- The cloud and air are different substances. Similarly consciousness is pure spiritual, but when the consciousness desires to enjoy matter, it becomes cloudy and dusty, or contaminated
- The common man can benefit more by meditating on the form of Visnu in the temple than on the omkara, the spiritual combination of a-u-m as explained before
- The concept of the universal form is material, and the concept of impersonal Brahman is spiritual, but the highest spiritual understanding is the Personality of Godhead
- The conditioned soul, although actually spiritual, sometimes experiences pleasure, sometimes pain and sometimes a mixture of pain and pleasure. This is due to his being touched by matter
- The confectioner, who is always manufacturing sweetmeats, has very little desire to eat them; similarly, the Lord, by His pleasure potential powers, can produce innumerable spiritual beauties and not be the least attracted
- The defect of modern civilization is that it puts too much stress on solving these (eating, mating, sleeping, etc.) survival problems. As spiritual living beings it is incumbent upon us to extricate ourselves from this entanglement of birth and Death
- The destinations (of the devotees and that of the impersonalists) are distinctly different, and the transcendental pleasure derived by the devotee is also distinct from cin-matra, or spiritual feelings alone
- The different weights on the anchor which keep us grounded in material life are our attachments to the material body due to our ignorance of spiritual facts - all these anchor the boat of the human body in the material universe
- The disciple should also immediately begin marking his body with tilaka - urdhva-pundra - after the initiation, especially his forehead. These are spiritual marks, symptoms of a perfect Vaisnava
- The duty of a human being is to understand that since he is essentially spirit, he must abide by the spiritual tendency and not be carried away by material tendencies
- The effulgence came out from the python's body and became purified, attaining spiritual suddha-sattva, freedom from material contamination, because Krsna had stayed within the serpent's body, even after the serpent's death
- The energy which is known as the source of the living entity is called spiritual, but the other energy, which is full of ignorance and is manifested in material activities, is called material nature
- The entire cosmic manifestation is but a combination of matter and spirit. The spiritual part is the living entity, and these living entities are described as prakrti, or energy
- The entire world is suffering because of spiritual thirst. Every living being is Brahman, or spirit soul, and needs spiritual food to satisfy his hunger and thirst. Unfortunately, however, the world is completely unaware of the nectar of krsna-katha
- The finer tissues given in the human form of life for understanding spiritual things
- The form of the Supreme Lord is beyond the modes of material nature and thus is not like the forms of this material world. His form is fully spiritual and cannot be compared with any material form
- The form of the Supreme Lord which is beyond the modes of material nature is not like the forms of this material world. His form is fully spiritual and cannot be compared with any material form
- The four Kumaras inaugurated their own spiritual party, or sampradaya, known as the Kumara-sampradaya, or later on as the Nimbarka-sampradaya, for the advancement of bhakti
- The Fourteenth Chapter describes the beginning of the Lord's spiritual trance, in which His body was at Jagannatha Puri but His mind was in Vrndavana
- The gopis only desire is to see Krsna return and enjoy spiritual, transcendental pastimes with them
- The gosvamis do not deliver lectures on the Bhagavatam capriciously. Rather, they execute their services most carefully, following their predecessors who delivered the spiritual message unbroken to them
- The great Srimad-Bhagavatam, which is considered to be the book incarnation of the Lord gives much fascinating information of the transcendental pastimes of the Lord, like His rasa-lila with the spiritual cowherd damsels of Vrajabhumi
- The idea is that local inhabitants will be satisfied with their bare necessities of life and their attention will be diverted towards spiritual development of life. That is the aim of human birth
- The importance of Radha-kunda, however, cannot be realized by other Vaisnava sampradayas, nor can persons uninterested in the devotional service of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu understand the spiritual importance and divine nature of Radha-kunda
- The important thing is that you behave nicely, chant all your rounds and follow strictly the regulative principles. Example is better than precept. These spiritual practices are our actual strength
- The individual living entities, being parts and parcels of the Lord, are sometimes described as atma, qualitatively one in spiritual constitution
- The individual soul finally changes the body itself in transmigrating from one to another. And since it is sure to have another body in the next birth, either material or spiritual, there was no cause for lamentation by Arjuna on account of death
- The irresponsible life of sense enjoyment was unknown to the children of the followers of the varnasrama system. The boy was even injected with spiritual acumen before being placed by the father in the womb of the mother
- The jnani wants to extinguish the distinction between knowledge, the knower and the aim of knowledge. This philosophy is called monism, or oneness, and is characterized by spiritual silence
- The jnanis, they are simply trying to get out of the material world, but their attempt will be failure because they do not catch up the real spiritual work. Real spiritual work is Krsna
- The Kazi then joined the sankirtana party. The world was astonished at the spiritual power of the Great Lord, and hundreds and hundreds of heretics converted and joined the banner of Visvambhara after this affair
- The Kazi then wept and admitted that he had felt a keen spiritual influence which had cleared up his doubts and produced in him a religious sentiment which gave him the highest ecstasy
- The living being is a spiritual spark, as spiritual as the Lord Himself. The only difference is that the Lord is great and the living being is small. Qualitatively they are one, but quantitatively they are different
- The living entities are factually beyond this covered inferior energy. They have their pure spiritual existence and their pure identity, as well as their pure mental activities. All of them are beyond the manifestation of this material cosmos
- The living entities, although parts and parcels of Lord Krsna, are prone to be controlled by the external energy; therefore, although they are spiritual, in the material world they are encased in bodies of material energy
- The living entity does not know that he is not at all a material product but is spiritual. His real identity thus being lost, he struggles very hard in the material world, & the Hare Krsna movement, or KCM, is trying to revive his original consciousness
- The living entity is called the marginal energy because by nature he is spiritual but by forgetfulness he is situated in the material energy. Thus he has the power to live either in the material energy or in the spiritual energy
- The living entity is certainly pure on the spiritual platform, and therefore anyone who attains the spiritual platform by the grace of the spiritual master can also understand this confidential knowledge
- The living entity is originally spiritual, and when he enters the spiritual world or the body of the Supreme Lord, he still retains his identity as an individual soul
- The living entity is part and parcel of the Lord; therefore he is spiritual in quality. The living entity is never material, and his material conception is simply a mistake due to forgetfulness. He is as brilliant as the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The Lord and His eternal servitors in the transcendental kingdom all have eternal forms which are auspicious, infallible, spiritual and eternally youthful
- The Lord Caitanya told Sanatana: Your identity is that of eternal servitor of the Supreme Lord Krsna. Your position is that you're transcendental. The superior energy of Krsna is spiritual in constitution, and the inferior external energy is material
- The Lord is always eager to take the living entity back to the spiritual energy, but due to his minute independence, the individual entity is continually rejecting the association of spiritual light. BG 1972 purports
- The Lord is pure spirit, and only when the living being is in his pure spiritual state can he have all sorts of relationships with Him
- The Lord, by His pleasure potential powers, can produce innumerable spiritual beauties and not be the least attracted by the false beauties of material creation
- The material body and mind are bad bargains for the spiritual living entity. The living entity has actual functions in the living, spiritual world, but this material world is dead
- The material Cupid represents the attraction of the external flesh and body, but the spiritual Cupid is the attraction by which the Supersoul attracts the individual soul
- The materialistic experts do not agree with the spiritual expert Narada Muni but this does not mean that Narada Muni will give up his engagement of chanting the Hare Krsna mantra
- The meaning of everything is received through the air through sound vibration. The vibration may be material or spiritual, but without sound vibration no one can understand the meaning of anything
- The mendicant does not go to the house of a householder to beg but to enlighten him spiritually
- The minute sac-cid-ananda living entity cannot be really happy through any amount of planning conceived by his illusioned brain in this material universe. He must therefore be given a different type of happiness which is spiritual in essence
- The more Krsna conscious we become and the more we advance, the more everything is revealed as spiritual
- The more Krsna conscious we become and the more we advance, the more everything is revealed as spiritual - CC Intro
- The more one glorifies Krsna, the more enthusiastic one becomes in glorifying, glorifying, glorifying. This is the meaning of spiritual
- The more you are inclined to render service, the more the spiritual truth becomes revealed. And two things: if you are not inquisitive, don't bother yourself to have a guru. Useless. There is no need. Tasmad gurum prapadyeta (SB 11.3.21)
- The more you can reduce your sleep and eating, you keep good health, especially for spiritual purposes. But not artificially. But when you advance, naturally you'll not feel, just like Raghunatha dasa Gosvami
- The more you enter into the spiritual bliss, the more you become joyful. That is spiritual
- The original potency of Lord Visnu is superior, or spiritual, and the living entity actually belongs to that superior energy. But there is another energy, called the material energy, and this third energy is full of ignorance
- The other class of jnanis, whose jnana is mixed with bhakti, are also of two kinds - those who are devoted to the so-called false form of the SPG and those who understand the SPG as sac-cid-ananda-vigraha (Bs. 5.1), the actual spiritual form
- The pastimes of the Lord there (in Vrndavana-dhama) are also spiritual. None are material
- The periodic spiritual ceremonies are held for inspiration, and not for exploitation. If there are flaws now because of the age of Kali, they should be rectified, but the institutions must be saved
- The Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna, advises us to become spiritually inclined, to become transcendentalists. Then only can we understand that we are nothing whatsoever of this material world, that we are eternal, spiritual living entities
- The place where we directly perceive God, that is spiritual. So either separated or connected, God is the only one source of all energies
- The planets of the material creation have a limited length and breadth, but as far as the Vaikuntha planets are concerned, because they are spiritual there is no limit to their dimensions
- The point of liberation is not to see the bodily symptoms of the spiritual master. One has to see the spiritual symptoms of the spiritual master
- The potency that overcomes the Supreme must be purely spiritual. Such a potency cannot be anything of the material manifestation
- The potency that overcomes the Supreme must be purely spiritual. Such a potency cannot be anything of the material manifestation. The bliss enjoyed by the Supreme Personality of Godhead cannot be of material composition
- The preliminary processes are the sitting posture, meditation, spiritual thoughts, manipulation of air passing within the body, and gradual situation in trance, facing the Absolute Person, Paramatma
- The presence of the soul is perceived by consciousness, and one must purify his consciousness from material to spiritual, or, in other words, to Krsna consciousness. That which is spiritual is eternal, and that which is material is temporary
- The principle of hearing to properly utilize preconceived materials is applicable to spiritual paraphernalia as well. We must hear from the proper spiritual source
- The process (Krsna Consciousness) is spiritual; it does not require any material qualifications. The speculators who are not realized souls are covered in delusion and are simply wasting their time
- The purport is that Krsna is not impersonal. He has all the desires that are manifest in the perverted reflection within this material world. However, the qualities are different - one is spiritual, and the other is material
- The qualitative caste system and the orders of life are scientifically planned by the Lord and His representatives, the great rsis. The perfect way of life gives all sorts of instruction in things both material and spiritual
- The qualities in Vaikuntha are a manifestation of God’s internal potency, and therefore they are purely spiritual and transcendental, with no trace of material infection
- The real center of enjoyment is the Supreme Lord, who is the center of the sublime and spiritual rasa dance
- The real enjoyer is that small spiritual spark within you. That spiritual spark has got the potency of enjoyment, but that is not being manifested on account of being covered by this material tabernacle, and therefore this enjoyment is not perfect
- The real remedy for this disease (atheism) lies in partaking of the remnants of offerings made to Godhead; this is the ideal diet for the spiritual patient. And the medicines include hearing and chanting and remembering the glories of Godhead
- The same building, the same dictaphone, the same typewriter, same table, same chair, when they are used for Krsna, it is spiritual
- The scriptural conclusion is that mundane philosophers like Dr. Radhakrishnan are not qualified to delve into spiritual subjects. The devotees of the Lord alone are eligible to understand Lord Krsna
- The shape of the spiritual sky is compared to a lotus flower. The topmost region of that flower is called the whorl, and within that whorl is Krsna's abode. The petals of the spiritual lotus flower consist of many Vaikuntha planets
- The so-called institution of free love marriage is ruining the human society and it is our duty to reestablish the correct procedure of human life by encouraging our disciples who wish to marry to enter into a contract of spiritual wedlock
- The spirit soul is dependent on the Supersoul, who is present even within the atom. Therefore, since anything, material or spiritual, is completely dependent on the Supreme Lord, the Supreme Lord is referred to here as bhutavasa
- The spirit soul is so small that it is impossible to kill him by any material weapon, as is evident from the previous verses (before BG 2.19). Nor is the living entity killable because of his spiritual constitution. BG 1972 purports
- The spirit soul is the basis. Our body, very small particle, spiritual particle, takes shelter in the womb of the mother, and gradually the living spark develops this body. That is our practical experience
- The spiritual exchange or rasa is fully exhibited in spiritual existence between living beings and the Supreme Lord
- The spiritual living entities are impregnated into the womb of material nature, but the body, being supplied by material nature, takes on many different species and forms of life
- The spiritual living force is always active by nature. By illusion his activities are wrongly directed in relation with the body, but in the liberated condition of complete knowledge his activities are conducted in spiritual devotion
- The spiritual master may be self-realized and situated in the Absolute Truth, yet we have to question him in order to understand all spiritual points
- The spiritual oneness of the Supreme Lord and the living entities is never to be accepted as homogeneity. Each and every living entity is individual
- The spiritual plant of devotional service gradually grows and grows until it penetrates the covering of the material universe and enters into the brahmajyoti effulgence in the spiritual sky. BG 1972 purports
- The spiritual realm of Vrndavana is always spiritual. The goddess of fortune and the gopis are always present there. They are Krsna’s beloveds, and all of them are as spiritual as Krsna
- The spiritual regulative principles, however, do not allow a man to slaughter weaker animals on one side and teach others peaceful coexistence
- The spiritual thing, we are chanting the same Hare Krsna, simply repeating, but we are getting transcendental bliss. What we are doing?
- The spiritual values of life can be realized in the human form of material existence, and the human being must adopt family planning with reference to the context of spiritual values, and not otherwise
- The sun is illuminating the whole solar system. There are different universes and solar systems, and there are different suns, moons and planets also. Sunlight is due to the spiritual effulgence in the spiritual sky of the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- The sun-god and the individual person, who are related as the controller and the controlled, are the same spiritual parts and parcels of the Supreme Being, and it is the Supreme Being who places different parts and parcels in different positions
- The Supreme Lord does not put His semen into that which is not spiritual, but it is stated here (in SB 3.26.19) that the Supreme Person puts His semen into material nature. This means that the living entities are spiritual by nature
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, however, is situated in the Vaikuntha planets, where He enjoys the spiritual mellows
- The test is within our hand. If during mangala-arati we feel laziness, that means I'm not yet spiritually advanced. And if one feels enthused, "Now it is time for mangala-arati, let me stand up, let me do this," then it is spiritual
- The third-class transcendentalists are those who have barely realized the spiritual focus of the absolute person
- The transcendental happiness exhibited in the spiritual world and all other spiritual manifestations there are made possible by the influence of yoga-maya
- The transcendental pastimes of the Lord in Vrndavana, or even at Dvaraka, are relishable for persons who have already qualified themselves in advanced spiritual techniques
- The ultimate goal of the yoga system is to become one with the Absolute. This means finishing one’s personal existence. But the spiritual part and parcel of the Supreme Personality of Godhead has an eternal individual existence
- The unlimited spiritual atmosphere of Vaikuntha-dhama is far above and beyond the material cosmos. This is confirmed in the Svayambhuva-tantra, in a discussion between Lord Siva & Parvati regarding the effect of chanting the mantra of fourteen syllables
- The vasudeva condition fulfills a spiritual necessity. Vasudevah sarvam iti sa mahatma sudurlabhah (BG 7.19). When one realizes Vasudeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he becomes most exalted
- The Vedanta- or Brahma-sutra, written by Srila Vyasadeva, is a book studied by all advanced spiritual students, especially by the sannyasis of all religious communities - sampradayas
- The Vrndavana... Vana means forest, and vrnda means tulasi. Mostly there are tulasi plants and other trees also, but all the trees are living desire trees, spiritual
- The water of the Karana Ocean, which is the original cause, is therefore spiritual. The sacred Ganges, which is but a drop of it, purifies the fallen souls
- The water that serves as covering for the universe is material, whereas the water of the Causal Ocean is spiritual. As such, the watery covering mentioned herein is considered to be the false egoistic covering of all living entities
- The whole Krsna consciousness movement is to purify the bhava. Bhava. That is stated here. Parisuddha-bhava. We are not negativating everything. We are simply changing from material bhava to spiritual bhava. That's all
- The whole world is dissatisfied because the spiritual hunger is not satisfied. Krsna is the central point. So spiritual hunger means . . . we are, our general propensity is to satisfy our hunger. So Krsna is the center
- The wonderful activities of the gross body and subtle mind are always imperfect. They are below the degree of spiritual understanding and are ephemeral. The spiritual mellow is eternally wonderful
- The word adi means adi-rasa, the original lusty feeling, which is born from the Supreme. However, spiritual lust and material lust are as completely different as gold and iron
- The word apasrayam suggests that this energy of the Lord is under full control. The internal potency or superior energy is also called maya, but it is spiritual maya, or energy exhibited in the absolute realm
- The World Sankirtana Party should consist of members who can impress spiritual ecstasy in the hearts of the people so that some of them may come forward and agree to establish a center where the Sankirtana party may go on continually
- Their (Radha and Govinda's) companions (sakhis) are Her confidantes, who embody extensions of Her bodily form and who are imbued and permeated with ever-blissful spiritual rasa - BS 5.37
- Their (Radha and Govinda's) companions are Her confidantes, who embody extensions of Her bodily form and who are imbued and permeated with ever-blissful spiritual rasa
- Their (Radha and Krsna's) companions (sakhis) are Her confidantes, who embody extensions of Her bodily form and who are imbued and permeated with ever-blissful spiritual rasa - BS 5.38
- Their (the inhabitants of Vaikuntha) bodies, being spiritual, have no equals in the material world. The beauty of a bright cloud when lightning flashes on it merely hints at their beauty
- Their companions are Her confidantes, who embody extensions of Her bodily form and who are imbued and permeated with ever-blissful spiritual rasa
- There (in the Priti-sandarbha) is also a discussion of how spiritual feelings can be present when one simply imitates them and of how such mellows are far superior to the ordinary mellows of mundane love
- There are different lokas or higher planets scattered all over the sky, both material and spiritual. A person can reach them by dint of his work in the present life, as stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.25). No forceful entrance is allowed there
- There are different stages of spiritual development in matter. In the material world the spiritual sparks of the PG are covered by the material energy in different proportions, and gradually they become spiritualized in various species of life
- There are many false incarnations after the departure of Lord Krsna from the face of the globe, and they are misleading the innocent public by accepting the spiritual obedience of the general mass of people to maintain false prestige
- There are no spiritual diversities in brahmajyoti as there are in the Vaikunthalokas, and the impersonalist accepts this brahmajyoti as the ultimate eternal goal. BG 1972 purports
- There are so many hospitals. So people who are interested in hospitals, they can go there. Here is spiritual hospital. The disease is, the other hospital, they cannot stop death, but our hospital can stop death
- There are so many pictures. People may say that "Here is the same picture. Why these people are worshiping and offering arati and chanting?" But this picture is spiritual because it enhances or enthuses a spiritual consciousness
- There are spiritual activities, and the spiritual situation is called devotional life. That atmosphere is said to be uncontaminated, and there one is equal in quality with the Supreme Lord
- There are two classes of person. One is interested for developing material standard of life, and one is interested for spiritual development of life
- There are two departmental educational policy; one departmental education is spiritual education, and the other educational system is material education. One who is highly elevated in material education, cannot understand about anything spiritual
- There are two kinds of opulence. One, which results from one's karma, is material, whereas the other is spiritual
- There are two kinds of trembling of the body, and two kinds of standings of the hair on end. Such phenomena occur either in great spiritual ecstasy or out of great fear under material conditions. BG 1972 purports
- There are two things. One material, one spiritual. Spiritually, India is happy, those who are actually spiritualists. But materially, India is unhappy
- There is a type of spiritual master and disciple much advertised in this age of Kali. It is said that the master injects spiritual force into the disciple by an electrical current generated by the master, and the disciple begins to feel the shock
- There is information given in the Padma Purana and other authoritative scriptures of the living entities' spiritual evolution from one bodily form to another
- There is no difference between the spiritual positions of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Nityananda Prabhu, or Krsna and Balarama. All of Them are but different manifestations of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- There is no other consciousness except Krsna consciousness. And that is spiritual
- There is no possibility of checking this tendency by any artificial means under material conditions; it can be checked only by awakening the spiritual sense of the human being by practice of spiritual regulations
- There is no question of being void, for as living entities our spiritual properties are all there in infinite variegatedness
- There is no scripture equal to the Brahma-samhita as far as the final spiritual conclusion is concerned. Indeed, that scripture is the supreme revelation of the glories of Lord Govinda, for it reveals the topmost knowledge about Him
- There is only one goal: to serve Krsna to one's best ability. If there is some disagreement over service, such disagreement is to be taken as spiritual
- There is spiritual significance only after one accepts the philosophy of Bhagavad-gita, which culminates in surrendering unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- There were still more elevated spiritual talks between the two great personalities, and we purposely withhold those topics for the present because one has to come to the spiritual plane before further talks with Ramananda Raya can be heard
- There will be no question of exploitation, for everyone will have enough. Black-marketeering and other corrupt dealings will then automatically stop. Simply ruling the land cannot solve man's problems unless the leader has spiritual capabilities
- These (when a devotee’s service has no material cause and is purely spiritual in nature) are characteristics of transcendental love of Godhead, as stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam - 1.2.6
- These are (Katha Upanisad 2.3.9, 12 and Srimad-Bhagavatam 10.84.13) some Vedic statements about spiritual substance. Spiritual substance cannot be seen by the unintelligent, because they do not have the eyes or the mentality to see the spirit soul
- These boys and girls, they're getting some pleasure, transcendental pleasure. Therefore they're dancing. It is not that the dog-dance. It is really spiritual dance, the soul's dance. Therefore, He's called rasa-vigraha, reservoir of all pleasure.
- These pains and pleasure is due to this skin; it is not real. But because you are attached to the skin and bone, therefore you feel sometimes pain and pleasure. But that will not endure. Better tolerate it. Tolerate. That is spiritual, tapasya
- These things are very much eulogized in the society, child's simplicity, mother's affection. They are necessary. But they are not qualification to raise one to the spiritual platform
- These three words, namely Hara, Krsna and Rama, are the transcendental seeds of the maha-mantra. The chanting is a spiritual call for the Lord and His energy, to give protection to the conditioned soul
- These transcendental rasas (between God and his devotees) are pervertedly reflected in the material atmosphere, and thus the spiritual living being, out of ignorance only, vainly seeks the same bliss in matter
- They (half-educated "spiritual leaders") try to make some compromise by making the mass of humanity the object of worship, but they do not know that such worship is only a myth because the masses are imperfect
- They (the material scientists) should know definitely that spiritual force is distinct from matter and that such energy is not possible to produce by any amount of material adjustment
- They (the Mayavadi philosophers) have falsely accepted the nonspiritual as the spiritual, and as a result they have forgotten the spiritual eternal form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, as well as His name, quality and entourage
- They (the modern scientists) have so far traveled at a speed of 18,000 miles per hour, but here (in SB 3.30.24) we see that a criminal passes 792,000 miles within a few seconds only, although the process is not spiritual but material
- They (the poor) may live very comfortably, without denial of any of the body's necessities, but they live under spiritual control, and thus they live happily and save time for advancement in Krsna consciousness
- They (the Visnu forms of worship) are different spiritual centers of meditation on the transcendental limbs of the body of Visnu. The worshipable Deity in the temple of Visnu is identical with Lord Visnu by the inconceivable potency of the Lord
- They are doing work less than a sudra, and still, they are passing on as brahmana. That is the cause of India's spiritual falldown
- They have no idea what is spiritual. Buddha's religion is not a spiritual. It is material. If I. . . "If you kill me, I feel pain; therefore I shall not kill you." This is
- They have no knowledge, and they are misleading. The basic principle of knowledge . . . they have no idea of spiritual basic principle. They take material basic principle. Therefore the beginning of their knowledge is wrong
- They may take it as "new smrti," but smrti is smrti - it is not new. In any spiritual statement, you have to give references to sruti and smrti. Otherwise, it is not valid
- They want something spiritual. But because there is no such information, there is no such leader, they are becoming hippies - frustrated, confused
- They'll never reach the right conclusion about what is life, what makes this body move, what is death. Because they're missing the essential point, the spiritual element
- They'll tolerate material egoism, "We are doing this humanitarian service." That they... And spiritual egoism he'll not. That I replied, that this is real egoism, aham brahmasmi. And I'm: "Aham dog asmi." (laughter) That is not very good pride
- Third-class transcendentalists are those who have barely realized the spiritual focus of the absolute person
- This book incarnation of the Lord (the Srimad-Bhagavatam) gives much fascinating information of the transcendental pastimes of the Lord, like His rasa-lila with the spiritual cowherd damsels of Vrajabhumi
- This external energy is also displayed in the three modes of goodness, passion and ignorance. Similarly, the internal potency is also displayed in three spiritual modes - samvit, sandhini and hladini
- This frustration, confusion, is expression of spiritual unhealthiness, because actually we are spirit. That we do not know
- This is a hall. It can be utilized for selling wine and it can be utilized for speaking about God. So the place is the same, but when it is utilized for God's purpose, then it is spiritual, and it is utilized for my sense gratification, that is material
- This is very simple to understand: since a machine is matter, it cannot work on its own accord but must work under spiritual direction
- This kind of knowledge (we are spiritual) may not seem to be so easily attainable, but it is made very easy by the mercy of Krsna and Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu who made this knowledge easily available through the process of chanting Hare Krsna
- This lalasa-mayi stage of submission comes in the stage of perfect liberation, which is technically called svarupa-siddhi, when the living entity understands, by perfect spiritual advancement and revelation, his original relationship with the Lord
- This line of disciplic succession from Brahma is spiritual, whereas the genealogical succession from Manu is material, but both are on the progressive march towards the same goal of Krsna consciousness
- This material world is a combination of matter and spirit, but the spiritual world, which is far, far away from the material sky, is purely spiritual and has no contact with matter
- This material world, is existing on the spiritual prakrti. You can calculate what is your this body. This body is existing on the spiritual body. Just like your shirt. The shirt is existing on your actual hand
- This method is applicable both in the stage of sadhana (spiritual practices executed while in the stage of bondage) and in the stage of sadhya (God realization), when one is a siddha-purusa, or a spiritually perfect soul
- This microphone can be utilized for so many purposes, and it can be utilized also God's purposes. I am speaking through this microphone about the message of God. So when it is utilized for God's purposes it is spiritual
- This movement is approved method for reviving God consciousness. So let the leaders take this movement more seriously and it will actually relieve the suffering humanity and specially the youths who are out to search out something spiritual
- This place is situated near Lucknow, a very nice place, sanctified place. Still people go and find peace for spiritual meditation. In that tract of land, Naimisaranya, from time immemorial this place was especially recognized for spiritual meeting
- This simplest method of meditation (chanting hare krsna) is recommended for this age. By practical experience also, one can perceive that by chanting this maha-mantra, one can at once feel a transcendental ecstasy coming through from the spiritual stratum
- This sound vibration (of chanting of Hare Krishna) is not material, it is spiritual, and powerful beyond our conception. So it cannot be hindered in any way by something material; it surpasses all these material barriers
- This spiritual enlivenment of Dhruva Maharaja's senses and mind was due to the action of the internal potency of the Lord
- This spiritual, transcendental plane is the plane of eternal life, without which the material body and mind would have no existence
- This tendency to be battered by the waves of maya can be changed to one's original, natural tendency, which is spiritual, when the living entity comes to understand that he is eternally krsna-dasa, a servant of God, Krsna
- This transcendental region (Brahmaloka) is undoubtedly spiritual, but it contains no manifestations of spiritual activities or variegatedness
- Those who are actually yogis truly enjoy, but how do they enjoy? Ramante yogino 'nante - their enjoyment is unlimited, and that unlimited enjoyment is real happiness, and such happiness is spiritual, not material
- Those who are attached to the impersonal Brahman or the localized Supersoul are also partially Krsna conscious, because impersonal Brahman is the spiritual ray of Krsna and Supersoul is the all-pervading partial expansion of Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are chanting Hare Krsna maha-mantra without any offense, they are tasting spiritual nectarine
- Those who are confident that they are not the material body, that they are spiritual parts of the SPG and are therefore engaged in the transcendental service of the Supreme Godhead, have nothing to fear. Their future is very bright. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are impersonalists and who have no knowledge of spiritual senses can only discriminate within the scope of the material senses and thus cannot understand spiritual exchanges or spiritual-sensual activities
- Those who are not strictly in the Vaisnava discipline should not make a business of this Bhagavatam and become a cause of spiritual death for so many hearers
- Those who are properly trained can be considered human beings; if one is not trained socially and spiritually - that is, if one is uneducated and unregulated - his life is on the animal platform
- Those who give up the protection of the Lord and become so-called lords themselves, out of spiritual ignorance, come back again to this material world, even after prolonged tapasya of the severest type. That is the verdict of all Vedic literature
- Those who have no other means, they eat flesh and they recommend that one big animal should be killed. So India, the cow is big animal, therefore we kill. But that is not recommended for advanced spiritual students
- To know the Absolute Truth is not possible by our present senses. Because at the present moment we have got material . . . materially affected; not material senses. Our sense are originally spiritual, but it is covered by material contamination
- To merge in Krsna is spiritual annihilation. A devotee takes no such risk. BG 1972 purports
- To obtain spiritual liberation, one must chant the holy name of the Lord, Hare Krsna. So you have to do this
- To remain as molecular part of the Brahman rays or spiritual rays, that is impersonal. And to have a spiritual form just like Krsna and Visnu, that is another spiritual perfection. That is Vaisnava philosophy
- To remain the dictator she (Indira Ghandi) requires spiritual knowledge. Otherwise it will be another disaster. If she wants to remain the dictator, then she must be a spiritual man. She must become a Vaisnavi
- To renounce this world is not very big thing, because the world also created by God. So instead of renouncing, if we utilize this God-created material world for God's service, then it is spiritual
- Try to arrange as many speaking engagements like that, and simply repeat what you have heard me say in lectures and in our books, and the spiritual effect will be very potent
- Under the direction of a bona fide spiritual master, one becomes gradually purified. Therefore, one must be in the chain of disciplic succession and learn the spiritual art of submissive hearing
- Unfortunately, for want of proper protection by responsible kings, the system of social and spiritual orders has now become a hereditary caste system. But this is not the actual system
- Unfortunately, materialists who have neither faith in the plan of God nor any aspiration for higher spiritual development misuse their God-given intelligence only to augment their material possessions
- Unfortunately, the stubborn impersonalists cannot comprehend that the final spiritual destination, beyond the four Vedic goals (religiosity, economic development, sense gratification, and liberation) is absolutely pure and transcendental love of Godhead
- Unless one has got spiritual attraction, he will be attracted by the material
- Unless one inquires into spiritual life, everything is useless. Without spiritual inquiry, our labor and the object of our labor are simply a waste of time - SB 5.5.5
- Unless that spiritual want is fulfilled, unless that spiritual relationship is reestablished, nobody can be happy
- Unless you treat the spiritual disease of the human society, then the problems will increase. It will be never be solved. The real disease is spiritual disease
- Vanaprastha life is accepted, generally, after fiftieth year, not earlier. Then the husband and wife travels all over, I mean to say, spiritual sanctified places. In India there are so many places. So in this way, there is no sex in the vanaprastha
- Varna means four social division: Brahmin, Ksatriya, Vaisya, Sudra; and asrama means four spiritual division: brahmacari, grhastha, vanaprastha . . . so accepting these four spiritual and four material principles of life, that is humanity
- Varna-sankara, the practical example of varna-sankara is the hippie in your country: no caste, no creed, neither useful for the material world, neither useful for the spiritual. That is called varna-sankara
- Vedic sounds, they are sabda-brahma. They are not material sound. So nama cintamanih, spiritual. Krsna and Krsna's name, there is no difference. Nama cintamanih krsnas caitanya-rasa-vigrahah
- Vidura particularly came to enlighten Dhrtarastra and to give him a lift to the higher status of spiritual cognition. It is the duty of enlightened souls to deliver the fallen ones, and Vidura came for that reason
- Visiting the temple of a devotee and looking at the profusely decorated forms of the Lord well dressed in a well-decorated, sanctified temple naturally infuse the mundane mind with spiritual inspiration
- Voidness philosophy has created atheism. Because, just try to understand clearly, I am spiritual being. I want enjoyment. That is my life. I want enjoyment. But as soon as my future is void, I must be inclined to enjoy this material life
- We are already smaller than the smallest, because our real dimension, spiritual dimension, is one ten-thousandth part of the tip of the hair. This is our dimension
- We are always under three kinds of miseries, but sometimes one is slackened, other is greater, in this way, but we are always under miserable condition. When a sane man comes to this understanding, he is eligible for spiritual evolution
- We are consciousness. Now, some way or other, we are in contact with this matter. Therefore our freedom is checked. As spiritual beings, we are free, free to act, free to have anything, pure, no contamination, no disease, no birth, no death, no old age
- We are not going to be followers of zero-vadis or impersonal-vadis. We remain completely in the varieties, but these varieties are usable only for the satisfaction of Krsna. That is spiritual
- We are not meant for material realization. We are meant for spiritual realization, the human form. So that we should take advantage of. That is the mission of human form of life. If we miss this, then we are committing suicide
- We are not the body; we are spiritual beings trapped in the body. Our real interest lies in understanding this simple fact
- We believed in the words of our spiritual master and started in a humble way - in a helpless way - but due to the spiritual force of the order of the supreme authority, this movement (sankirtana movement) has become successful
- We can accept Krsna consciousness in any condition life. There is no impediment. That is spiritual. That is spiritual. Not that "Unless such and such conditions are fulfilled, I cannot take to Krsna consciousness." No
- We can have some direct experience of certain things, but not for all, especially for these spiritual things, which is beyond our experience
- We can teach even in the womb of the mother because it is spiritual, it is not material. No material condition can check this teaching. Ahaituky apratihata - SB 1.2.6
- We cannot understand what is spiritual. But this ignorance can be moved by this process, chanting Hare Krsna. How it is? I'll give you example. Just like a man is sleeping. A man is sleeping. How you can awake him? By vibration of sound
- We forget everything of our past life and as such so long we do not be reposed to our spiritual factual life, all these changes of lives one after another are considered to be dreams
- We have to carry out simply Krsna's order or His representative's order. Then it is all good. Either killing or not killing, it doesn't matter because it is coming directly from the Supreme. And that is spiritual
- We have to learn the art how to utilize everything for God. Then it is spiritual. That requires little brain
- We have to raise ourselves to the spiritual standard by ourselves. In this sense I am my own friend and I am my own enemy. The opportunity is ours
- We invite you to cooperate with the mission for collective welfare and help in the matter of wider circulation of the spiritual propaganda made by the BACK TO GODHEAD
- We living entities, we, by nature, we are spiritual, but because we have got the potency either to live in this material world or in the spiritual world, therefore we are called marginal
- We must keep ourself spiritually strong. Just like Caitanya Mahaprabhu, He was behaving in His life, and that He was teaching. . . . behave like spiritual man
- We see in an opulent country like America, enough food, enough residence, enough material enjoyment, still they are becoming hippies, all over the world. They are not satisfied, because it is spiritual starvation
- We shall try to avoid the Beatles or hippy's articles, because they have no spiritual importance
- We should not waste our time, either you act materially or spiritually. But materially we have no business, although we have taken it the material business as very important and spiritual business has no meaning
- We should see all women as spiritual units (aham brahmasmi), whose only duty is to satisfy Krsna. Then the influences of the different modes of material nature, which result from one's possessing a material body, will not act
- We want sense enjoyment, but not these covered senses. We are spiritual. We have got spiritual body. That body is now covered with this material garment; therefore it is covered. The senses are covered. With covered senses, you cannot enjoy
- We worship Lord Caitanya in His householder life when He was with His wife, and not as a sannyasi. So, it is alright for women to do this service. But, besides this, service is spiritual and there can be no material designation
- What then is the basis of accusing Krsna of dancing with others’ wives? The bodies of the gopis, which were their husbands’, were lying in bed, but the spiritual parts and parcels of Krsna were dancing with Him
- What, then, is the value of its bathing? Similarly, many spiritual practitioners chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra and at the same time commit many forbidden things, thinking that their chanting will counteract their offenses
- When a mad elephant enters a nice garden, it spoils the entire garden. Similarly, if one becomes like a mad elephant and commits offenses at the lotus feet of a Vaisnava, his entire spiritual career is halted
- When a person gradually progresses from materialistic perception to spiritual perception, he can clearly understand how trivial are his mundane desires, feelings, dislikes, and so on which were so long contaminated by ignorance
- When food is offered to Krsna, we do not see Him eating, but He eats simply by glancing at the food. We cannot imagine how things work in the spiritual world, where everything is spiritual - CC Intro
- When foodstuffs are offered to Krsna we don't see Him eating, but He eats simply by glancing at the food. We cannot imagine how things work in the spiritual world where everything is spiritual
- When he bent down to pick it (yogurt) up, he saw that the container was again full. He dropped it again, and it was again full. He could then understand that it was spiritual
- When it is Krsna-centered, then it is spiritual, and when it is whimsical-centered, then it is material
- When kirtana goes on, even small children, they also take part. It is so nice movement. And by taking part in this movement, automatically you feel some ecstasy, spiritual ecstasy. Then you begin to dance
- When Maha-Visnu exhales, the spiritual seeds of the universes emanate from Him in the form of molecular particles like those that are visible, three times the size of an atom, when sunlight is diffused through a small hole
- When my Guru Maharaja ordered me (I became the spiritual leader of Krsna consciousness). This is the guru-parampara
- When one can rise to the platform of spontaneous emotion, he can make further progress by spiritual attachment, feeling, love, and many higher stages of devotional life for which there are no English words
- When one is elevated to the spiritual platform, there are no more bodily necessities (namely eating, sleeping, mating and defending), and in activities pertaining to the bodily necessities there are no spiritual considerations
- When one is in a state of freedom from the modes of nature, the phenomenal world manifests its noumenal feature - its spiritual aspect
- When one is promoted to this (original and spiritual) status, one is always happy in transcendental bliss. Otherwise, as long as one is in the bodily concept of life, one must suffer material conditions
- When one person, or one community, makes such improvement in material advancement the next stage is the spiritual inquiry
- When one understands his spiritual identity and surrenders to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the supreme spiritual person, one becomes actually happy. When one searches for happiness in matter, one must certainly lament for bodily relationships
- When other spiritual ingredients, such as trembling, perspiration and tears, are added to this bhava stage, the devotee gradually attains love of Krsna
- When our material necessities are complete, we enjoy; then next stage is spiritual hankering. And that is explained in the Vedanta-sutra, athato brahma jijnasa
- When people (who are bereft of spiritual intellect) come under the influence of Sankaracarya's Mayavadi (impersonalist) philosophy before beginning the most confidential Vedanta-sutras, their natural tendency toward obedience to the Supreme is checked
- When remembrance is uninterrupted, it becomes concentrated and is called meditation. When meditation expands and becomes constant, it is called anusmrti. By uninterrupted and unceasing anusmrti one enters the stage of samadhi, or spiritual trance
- When speaking in spiritual circles, one's statements must be upheld by the scriptures. BG 1972 purports
- When spiritual instincts, which are inherent qualities in every living being, are kindled by daily prayer meetings, it is then only the people in general develop the qualities of the gods and the Trust Board of Mahatma Gandhi Fund should not miss this
- When the Lord embraced him, Sanatana became overwhelmed with spiritual ecstasy, and he said, "My dear Lord, please do not touch me." But both of them embraced each other and began to cry
- When the mind is somehow or other fully absorbed in Krsna, the material part is very soon vanquished, and the spiritual part - attraction to Krsna - becomes manifest
- When the Personality of Godhead appeared before them (flowers, waterfalls, trees, fruits, hills, caves, birds, beasts, & human beings) they all became spiritually inclined, and by natural affection they wanted to serve the Almighty in various capacities
- When the soul is purified from the contamination of the five kinds of material air, its spiritual influence is exhibited
- When the soul is purified from the contamination of the five kinds of material air, its spiritual influence is exhibited (Mund. 3.1.9). BG 1972 purports
- When the spiritual spark, which is described as one ten-thousandth part of the tip of a hair, is forced into material existence, that spark is covered by gross and subtle material elements
- When they (penance, sacrifice, charity and foods) are aimed at the Supreme-om tat sat, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the eternal - they become means for spiritual elevation. In the scriptural injunctions such an objective is indicated. BG 1972 pur
- When we become free from these designations, sarvopadhi-vinirmuktam tat-paratvena nirmalam. And you become purified, nirmala. Mal means dirt and nirmala means without any dirt, without any dirty things, simply spiritual
- When you send news of successful kirtana performances as I received it from London also, and so also I experience personally in Los Angeles, I am overwhelmed with spiritual joy
- Whether thinking of Him as their worshipable Lord or an enemy, because of constantly thinking of Him they will regain their spiritual bodies
- Whether you take sruti or smrti, the subject matter is the same. Both sruti and smrti are spiritual evidence. We cannot do without either of them
- Which decreases, that is not real happiness. That is illusion. Ramante yoginah anante satyanande cid-atmana. Cit, that is spiritual, spiritual ananda. Really we want ananda, happiness, blissfulness. That is our natural instinct
- While these aspirations for material enjoyment or spiritual oneness with the Supreme remain, no one can relish the actual transcendental taste of devotional service
- Whoever takes shelter of the Supreme Personality of Godhead or His pure devotee is elevated to the spiritual order and purified from material contamination. This is also confirmed by Krsna in the Bhagavad-gita - BG 9.32
- Why don’t you try for this? This is our KCM - how to transfer the soul, within a second, to Krsna by this spiritual practice. You see personally Krsna face to face - play with Him, dance with Him. Very important movement. Don’t take it less seriously
- Why should people neglect the association of such exalted spiritual personalities (sadhus, who think of Krsna twenty-four hours a day) and try to associate with materialists, taking shelter of nondevotees, most of whom are proud and rich - SB 10.10.18
- With advanced knowledge, he (Priyavrata) always engaged in discussing spiritual subjects and did not divert his attention to anything else. The Prince's father then asked him to take charge of ruling the world
- Without devotional service, all other methods for spiritual self-realization are weak and insignificant. Unless one comes to the devotional service of Lord Krsna, jnana and yoga cannot give the desired results
- Worship of the acarya is recommended. The acaryas and gosvamis are always absorbed in thought of the well-being of the general public, especially their spiritual well-being. Spiritual wellbeing is automatically followed by material well-being
- Yes, they must be strange, because they are spiritual. You are all material. So for the material persons, we are surely strange people
- Yogis have a bodily concept of life - they think that they can achieve something spiritual by exercising the body through dharana, asana, pranayama, etc
- Yogurt is a preparation of milk, but still yogurt cannot be used as milk. Similarly, Lord Siva is an expansion of Krsna, but he cannot act as Krsna, nor can we derive the spiritual restoration from Lord Siva that we derive from Krsna
- You are all helping me by abiding the orders of my Spiritual Master, His Divine Grace Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Goswami maharaj and He'll be pleased upon you who are His grand spiritual children
- You can turn this material world into Vrndavana provided you agree to fulfill the desires of Krsna. That is Vrndavana. And if you want to fulfill your own desires, that is material. This is the difference between material and spiritual
- You cannot say that the government law is different from government. This is material example. And spiritual is still more perfect
- You do not become God, but you are already in godly quality, qualities, to some extent, not fully. So when you are free from these material clutches, you attain your original quality, spiritual quality
- You want something spiritual, and here is the spiritual movement, Krsna consciousness. Simply you have to study this movement very carefully and with intelligence
- You write on the car, "The Spiritual Master of USA." (laughter) And people will see, "Oh, here is the spiritual..." (laughs)
- Your desire to render service to the other devotees is very nice. You keep this humble attitude always, and your example will be a source of spiritual inspiration for everyone