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- A devotee of the Lord also can earn money in the same spirit, working day and night. Superficially it will appear just like this man and that man. There is no difference. They are working the same day and night for earning some money
- A highly advanced maha-bhagavata devotee sees in this spirit: he sees the same Supersoul, Paramatma, existing within everyone's heart, regardless of discrimination based on the different material forms of the living entities
- A king is not supposed to submit, although they submitted to great sages and brahmanas. But generally, their spirit is ordering, commanding spirit
- A mercantile man, he is doing some business and working very hard day and night to accumulate some money, similarly, a devotee of the Lord also can earn money in the same spirit, working day and night. Superficially it will appear just like this man
- A person who is freed from material designations can see the same quality of spirit present everywhere or in every manifested living entity
- A person who is in a jubilant spirit, who feels profound devotional ecstasy while dancing before Me, who manifests different features of bodily expression, can burn away all the accumulated sinful reactions he has stocked up for many thousands of years
- Accepting that the lotus on which Brahma was born is matter, we should understand that it is also grown from spirit. Therefore spirit is the basis of creation
- According to Vedic civilization a brahmana is a learned man, or one who knows the spirit. In India, brahmanas are addressed as learned men, but in fact they cannot be brahmanas by birth. They are expected to know what is spirit
- Actually our nature is that of spirit, Brahman, and that nature has to be invoked. This material life is a diseased condition; when we are situated in Brahman, we are in our healthy condition
- Adhyatmika means to awaken the soul to his proper position. The soul is purusa, spirit, and his business is to reconnect his lost relationship with Krsna
- After Arjuna had understood the spirit of the philosophy of Bhagavad-gita, the Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna, never advised him to give up his seemingly ordinary duties. On the contrary, Arjuna fought the battle with even greater energy
- All living entities are created by the Supreme Lord according to their past deeds. This includes Pisacas, ghosts, spirits, lunatics and evil spirits, the good and evil stars, the goblins, the animals in the forest, the birds and the household animals
- All transformations and variety in respect to living entities are due to the body. As far as spirit is concerned, living entities are all the same. BG 1972 purports
- Although we are minute particle of God, if we dovetail ourselves with the consciousness of God, or Krsna consciousness, then we become equally spirit. This is the technique
- Another difficulty is that in modern civilization everyone is independent spirited. The girls are no longer very much humble and submissive to their husbands. So you must be prepared to tolerate such whims of your future wife
- Argument is allowed but not in a challenging spirit. With a spirit to rightly understand
- As long as a person is in this material world he has two different relationships in his dealings with others - one relationship pertains to the body, and the other pertains to the spirit
- As one who is not expert cannot understand where there is gold, a foolish person who has not cultivated spiritual knowledge cannot understand how the spirit exists within the body
- As soon as one declines to remain subordinate and tries to become an enjoyer, he begins his material conditioning. When he abandons this spirit of being an individual owner or enjoyer, he becomes situated in his liberated state
- As stated in the Katha Upanisad (2.3.9, 12): Spirit is not within the jurisdiction of material eyes, words or mind
- As the name and fame of a particular body is finished with the disappearance of the living spirit, similarly if You (Krsna) do not look upon us, all our fame and activities, along with the Pandavas and Yadus, will end at once
- As we cannot find our self within this matter, although I'm here, that we can distinguish, the distinction between dead body and living body, something minus. That something is spirit
- As you have written in a friendly spirit, I do not wish to discuss this point further. If you will kindly take a little trouble to read this chapter "Lord Caitanya meets Vallabha Bhatta" you will understand the whole situation
- At the present moment, because you are not trained up to see Krsna, so Krsna kindly appears before you as you can see. You can see wood, stone. You cannot see what is spirit. Even you don't see yourself
- Atma is the individual soul as well as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the seer of everything. Although both are spirit, there is always a difference
- Attachment, that is my natural instinct. I cannot be free from attachment. I shall be either attached to this matter or I shall be attached to spirit. If I am not attached to spirit, then I must be attached to matter. This is the process
- Attaining scientific knowledge of the Personality of Godhead means seeing one's own self simultaneously. As far as the identity of the living being as spirit self is concerned, there are a number of speculations and misgivings
- Because Mayavadis have understood what is the difference between spirit and matter, it does not mean that knowledge is perfect. They are thinking, "Now we have understood what is spirit and what... Therefore we are liberated"
- Because the svayamvara was an open competition between the rival and valiant princes, such princes were invited by the father of the princess, and usually there were regular fights between the invited princely order in a sporting spirit
- Because there is no logic to explain how things happen in the realm of spirit, the Lord is sometimes described as being beyond the range of experience
- Because this infinitesimal spirit emanates from the infinite Supreme Spirit, the karma-yogi in the highest state can observe everyone and everything with equanimity. Such a karma-yogi views everything in relation to the Absolute
- Because we do not know what is spirit, and we think spirit is something just opposite to this matter, and matter we find manifestation, form, therefore spirit should be formless. That is their conclusion
- Being almighty and omnipotent, Krsna can change matter into spirit and spirit into matter. Therefore we should not think, as the atheists do, that we are worshiping idols. Even if it is an idol, it is still Krsna. That is the absolute nature of Krsna
- Bhagavad-gita indicates that this material body is not all in all. Beyond this combination of material elements, there is spirit, and the symptom of that spirit is consciousness
- Bhakti-yoga begins when jnana and vairagya are complete. Jnana is knowledge, and vairagya is detachment from matter and engagement of the mind in spirit. Both of these are automatically attained when we engage in devotional service to Krsna
- Brahma janati iti brahmanah. That means one who knows the spirit, the spiritual. One who has got complete knowledge of the spiritual world, he is called brahmin
- Brahman, the spirit, beginningless and subordinate to Me, lies beyond the cause and effect of this material world
- By accepting Krsna in this spirit (as said in BG 9.27), we can attain complete knowledge. If, however, we do not accept Krsna and interpret Bhagavad-gita in our own way, then everything will be spoiled
- By accepting the chain of birth and death, the soul accepts a diseased condition. The soul is not subject to birth, death or disease because it is pure spirit. In BG Krsna says that a soul has no birth - na jayate and that it has no death - mriyate
- By detaching the mind from activities not devoted to the Lord, one can very easily learn vairagya. Vairagya means detachment from matter and engagement of the mind in spirit. BG 1972 purports
- By nature I am active. By nature, because I am spirit, and by nature I am active. And my activities are exhibited even I am contaminated with this matter. And when you become purified from matter, do you think you shall be silent?
- By studying all the Vedas very nicely, he actually realizes what is spirit and what is his relationship with God, and then he becomes a brahmana
- China has attacked the border of India with a militaristic spirit. We have practically no business in the political field, yet we see that previously there were both China and India, and they both lived peacefully for centuries without ill feeling
- Clouds and dust are carried by the air, but less intelligent persons say that the sky is cloudy and the air is dirty. Similarly, they also implant material bodily conceptions on the spirit self
- Complete knowledge includes knowledge of the phenomenal world and the spirit behind it. The source of both of them is transcendental knowledge. BG 1972 purports
- Consciousness in a dormant state is matter; consciousness in a completely developed state is spirit. Matter is the symbol of undeveloped consciousness
- Dead man means the matter is there; spirit is gone. So you can distinguish what is spirit and what is matter. So similarly, there is, as this is material world, there is another spiritual world
- Dehi, within the body, the living spirit, or living soul, is sitting there. And because we are under the control of maya, we wanted it, such a body, so Krsna has given
- Devahuti inquired: My dear Lord, You have already very scientifically described the symptoms of the total material nature and the characteristics of the spirit according to the Sankhya system of philosophy
- Dhruva Maharaja came to the forest to search out the Supreme Personality of Godhead with a revenging spirit against his stepmother
- Due to forgetfulness of his nature, the living entity, although spirit, suffers all kinds of miseries in material existence
- Either he's externally a brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra, American, Indian, black, white, it doesn't matter. That is bodily. When you come to the spiritual platform, that is one. Because spirit is one
- Equating maya with spirit, or maya with the Lord, is a sign of atheism
- Everything that exists is a product of matter and spirit. Spirit is the basic field of creation, and matter is created by spirit. BG 1972 purports
- First of all we must understand what is spirit and what is Krsna and what is Radharani, and then we try to understand what is Krsna and Radharani's loving affairs
- For Krsna, everything is spiritual. Krsna has no material body. It is for us to distinguish between matter and spirit. But Krsna, being the original source of everything, He is absolutely spirit. That's all. The Supreme Spirit
- For Krsna, there is no distinction between matter and spirit. His manifestation in material form, therefore, is as good as His original form, sac-cid-ananda-vigraha
- For the ultimate realization of the goal of life, we are concerned with the fire of the spirit, not the dull wood or earth of matter
- For those who are realized souls there is nothing but spirit
- Further development. Sankara, he says: "No, matter is not all. This is false. Matter has grown on the platform of spirit." Brahma satyam jagan mithya
- He (a person) should distinguish between the nature of matter and the nature of spirit, and his real identification should be with spirit, not with matter. By this knowledge, one should avoid the false, bodily concept of life
- He (Bhismadeva) was a military man so he was pleased to see Krishna in military spirit, as much as the Gopis wanted to see Krishna as the most beautiful lover
- He (the transcendentalist) knows that although temporarily within mundane existence, he is an eternal spirit, part and parcel of the Supreme Spirit
- He accepts only the milk, not the water. Similarly, this whole world is mixture of spirit and matter, so he rejects matter; he takes only spirit. That is paramahamsa
- Here everything is duality, relative knowledge, relative world, but in the absolute world everything is one, spirit. Because here we have got experience two energies, spiritual energy and material energy, working
- Hoping this meets you and the other men of your party in the best of health and spirits
- How can a gross man fully engaged in materialistic activities understand the soul, which is a small particle of spirit one ten-thousandth the size of the tip of a hair?
- How Krsna is almighty, all-powerful? He can change matter into spirit, spirit into matter. That is Krsna
- How wonderful Krsna is! His mind is captivated by the eyebrows of Candravali in a smiling spirit, His snake-like arms are on the shoulder of His friend, and at the same time He is roaring like a lion to encourage Vrsasura to fight with Him
- I (Krsna) shall now explain the knowable, knowing which you will taste the eternal. Brahman, the spirit, beginningless and subordinate to Me, lies beyond the cause and effect of this material world
- I (Prabhupada) have worked alone, now you are so many. Our scope is unlimited, resources unlimited, so we must be exceptionally enthusiastic and sober-minded and responsible for working in that spirit
- I am glad to hear from you that because there was some misinformation that we had got the wrong impression, and actually that everything is progressing in a spirit of mutual cooperation in all respects. This is Krishna Consciousness
- I am pleased to learn of your spirit of protest, but sometimes we have to tolerate
- I am proud that a little young girl like you is so much spirited in preaching Krishna consciousness
- I am sure if you all my beloved disciples combined together try to preach Krishna Consciousness in this spirit, Krishna will give the necessary strength
- I came here with a service position, that I must give some service to my Guru Maharaja, not that I thought of success. But the spirit was that Guru Maharaja told me I must do something, whatever I can. It may be failure; it may be success - let me try
- I have shown your example to many friends and temples here. I am sure that if you keep to that spirit you will be a great preacher in the future
- I love this body. Why? Because I am the spirit self, or soul is within this body. Therefore just like I love this apartment. Why? Because I live here. Similarly, I love this body because I am spirit soul, I am living within this body
- I shall now explain the knowable, knowing which you will taste the eternal. This is beginningless, and it is subordinate to Me. It is called Brahman, the spirit, and it lies beyond the cause and effect of this material world. BG 13.13 - 1972
- If one becomes Brahman, he must show his activities in Brahman. Spirit is active, and to become Brahman is not to become inactive. Brahman is spirit, and these material bodies are active only because Brahman is within them
- If somebody becomes in connection with Krsna consciousness, or God consciousness, and acts in that spirit, that is never lost. The action of Krsna conscious activities will never be lost
- If someone wants to understand a little philosophy, he can purchase one of our books. We have got so many big, big books. So in this spirit carry on with great enthusiastic endeavor and this will please me very, very much
- If the jivas are artificially placed on the same level with the infinite Supreme - for both of them are Brahman, or spirit - bewilderment will certainly be the result
- If the Vaisnava spirit is revived there (in Manipur), it will be a wonderful place, renowned throughout the entire world
- If there is no taste to water, the water has no meaning; if there is no heat in the fire, the fire has no meaning. Similarly, when there is want of intelligence, spirit has no meaning
- If this kingdom (Manipura) is organized as a Vaisnava state, this revitalization will be a great success because for five thousand years this state has maintained its identity. If the Vaisnava spirit is revived there, it will be a wonderful place
- If we divide the tip of a hair into a 100 parts and then take 1 of these parts and divide it again into a 100 parts, that very fine division is the size of but one of the numberless living entities. They are all cit-kana, particles of spirit, not matter
- If we remember that the SS is indeed omnipresent, we can create a spiritual atmosphere by performing all our activities in relation to the SS, with everything directed by one who is a self-realized soul. Then the whole thing is transformed into spirit
- If you create a void in the Spirit unnecessarily, you have to create necessarily a fill-up in the material existence, and that is the cause why temples are being replaced by vulgar cinemas
- If you do not know (what happens to spirit after death), this means you have not prepared your life, so accidentally, at the time of death, your mentality will create another body, and nature will supply it
- In actuality we are pure spirit. In this way, according to one's spiritual development, the meaning of the word atma differs
- In Hebrew literature time is accepted, in the same spirit, as a representation of God. It is stated therein: "God, who at sundry times and in diverse manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets
- In His form as Karanodakasayi Visnu the Lord impregnates material nature by His glance. The transcendental molecules of that glance are particles of spirit, or spiritual atoms
- In Krsna all of these tendencies (sex attraction, etc.) and manifestations exist in pure consciousness, in spirit. One who knows this, in full knowledge, becomes a pure devotee of Krsna
- In Lord Sri Krsna's transcendental pastimes, He reciprocates with spirit, not matter
- In Lord Sri Krsna's transcendental pastimes, He reciprocates with spirit, not matter. When He is in the mortal world, the material qualities cannot work upon Him
- In modern education there is no knowledge about the spirit; they are simply taking care of the material elements and bodily needs. Therefore academic knowledge is not complete. BG 1972 purports
- In previous times, when the ruling class was degraded to the modes of passion and ignorance, the brahmanas, headed by such a ksatriya-spirited brahmana as Parasurama, killed them twenty-one consecutive times
- In the beginning of the Fourth Chapter (of the Bhagavad-gita) this explanation (of the knowledge of the phenomenal world and the spirit behind it) was given by the Lord, and it is again confirmed here (in BG 7.2 (1972)). BG 1972 purports
- In the days of yore, many long years ago, there was animosity between the devas and the asuras, and the same spirit still continues, for the devotees of Lord Siva and Goddess Durga are always envious of Vaisnavas, who are devotees of Lord Visnu
- In the human form of life, when he studies athato brahma jijnasa, when he is inquisitive to understand Brahman, spirit, that is real life
- In the impersonal conception of the Absolute Truth one works without fruitive result, meditates and cultivates knowledge to understand spirit and matter. This is necessary as long as one is not in the association of a pure devotee. BG 1972 purports
- In the Isopanisad this same spirit is described as follows: Whatever we see existing throughout the universe is intrinsically the property of the supreme enjoyer
- In the kingdom of God, no one has to endeavor to attain a standard of happiness. Happiness is the nature of the spirit, as stated in the Vedanta-sutras: anandamayo 'bhyasat - the spirit is by nature full of happiness
- In the material conditioned life your aim is how to satisfy your senses. And Krsna consciousness means you have to work in the same spirit, same vigor, but you have to satisfy Krsna. That is spiritual life
- In the previous chapter (SB 3.28), material nature, the spirit and the Supreme Lord, or Supersoul, are analytically studied
- In the relative world the knower is the living spirit or superior energy, whereas the known is inert matter or inferior energy. Therefore, there is a duality of inferior and superior energy
- In the same charitable spirit he (Karna) gave in charity his natural bangles and earrings to Indradeva, who, being very much satisfied with him, gave him in return a great weapon called Sakti
- In the same spirit of ecstasy, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu recited that verse, and as soon as He did so, He felt like Srimati Radharani
- In the spiritual world, everything is spirit
- In the Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 11.2.37), bhayam dvitiyabhinivesatah syat. Dvitiya refers to matter, which is beyond spirit
- In the world of duality everyone is envious of all others, and death is inevitable due to the dual existence of matter and spirit. The Lord is the only shelter of fearlessness for the surrendered soul
- In the world we see so many cities, highways, bridges, great buildings, monuments, and great civilizations, but who has done all this? It is all done by the minute spirit spark within the body
- Indra said, "My dear Lord, I admit that I have committed great offenses unto You, but I cannot express my feelings of regret, being bewildered at seeing Your extraordinary chivalrous spirit, Your endeavor to protect Your devotees, Your determination"
- Inert matter, in association with dynamic spirit, manifests a false representation or a perverted reflection of that very spiritual variegatedness which is so adamantly denied by the monist class of so-called swamis
- Influenced by the kama spirit, Arjuna declined to fight in the Kuruksetra battlefield because he wanted to save his relatives for his own satisfaction
- Instead of focusing on the various external tabernacles of these living entities (their embodiments under various modes of nature), with his absolute vision the karma-yogi penetrates to the spirit which is embodied therein
- Intelligence is even finer (than the mind). Finer than intelligence is the soul, which is not matter like mind and intelligence but is spirit, or antimatter
- Intelligence refers to the power to analyze things in their proper perspective, and knowledge refers to understanding what is spirit and what is matter
- It is a little difficult to understand this movement, because it is spiritual movement. People practically have no information what is spirit and what is spiritual movement
- It is easy to discern the superiority of spirit over inert matter. The jiva principle is setting into motion and sustaining everything in this material world
- It is not possible for any ordinary living entity to understand or to glorify the unlimited Personality of Godhead, but one can offer prayers or service to the Lord according to one's particular capacity. This capacity is increased by the service spirit
- It is said that the living spirit is eternal, all-pervading, unchangeable, indestructible, and so forth. What is known in India as sanatana-dharma, or "the eternal religion," is meant for this living spirit
- It must be recognized that we are not just a religious sect. People are being kept in darkness, so we are trying our best to give this to the world; we must work in that spirit and become qualified
- Just as our spirit is present within the body, the Lord is present within the universe as Paramatma. Due to the presence of Ksirodakasayi Visnu, the material creation exists, just as due to our presence our bodies are existing
- Just like in your country, big, big professors, they do not believe in the spirit. They simply think of this body. So how they can understand about Radha and Krsna and Their pastimes, all spiritual affairs?
- Just like spirit is unlimited, similarly spiritual happiness is also unlimited
- Land is not the place for the fish, however you try to make him comfortable, he will never be comfortable. You throw him in the water - he is comfortable. Similarly, we are spirit. We are now encaged within this material body
- Learned men do give much stress to the happiness and distress of the soul proper, which is spirit and transcends the existence of the body and the mind. When we enter into such culture of knowledge, it is called transcendental knowledge
- Liberation means when you are out of this false ego. What is that status? Aham brahmasmi. I am Brahman, I am spirit. That is the beginning of liberation
- Lord Buddha did not say about the activities of spiritual life. He simply gave hint that there, that matter is false. Matter is generated by spirit. Spirit is the real, principal thing
- Lord Kapila states that the yoga system is the science of the spirit
- Lord Krsna immediately realized that Rukmini had not taken His words in a joking spirit. She had taken them very seriously, and in her extreme anxiety over immediate separation from Him, she had fallen into this condition
- Lord Krsna said - Those who worship the demigods will take birth among the demigods, those who worship the ancestors go to the ancestors, those who worship ghosts and spirits will take birth among such beings, and those who worship Me will live with Me
- Material contamination means desire to enjoy this material world. That is contamination. We have nothing to do with this material world. Brahma-bhutah. You are spirit
- Matter does not increase or decrease unless it is spiritually touched. Matter is a product of spirit and increases only by the touch of spirit
- Matter is a product of spirit. According to the Bhagavad-gita, the supreme spirit, the Personality of Godhead, is the source of all energies
- Matter is one energy of Krsna, and spirit is another. The spirit is superior energy, and matter is inferior energy. The matter develops when the superior energy is present
- Matter is the secondary manifestation of spirit, for matter is produced from spirit. Just as the material elements are caused by the Supreme Lord, or the Supreme Spirit, the body is also a product of the spirit soul
- Matter means matter develops on spirit. Without spirit there is no existence of matter. Just like spirit means consciousness
- Mayavada philosophy enunciates that the whole spirit exists, but a part of it, which is called the jiva, is entrapped by illusion. This philosophy, however, is unacceptable because spirit cannot be divided like a fragment of matter
- Men in the mode of goodness worship the demigods; those in the mode of passion worship the demons; and those in the mode of ignorance worship ghosts and spirits. BG 17.4 - 1972
- Message of Godhead is presented herewith (the book Message of Godhead) in that transcendental spirit, for the benefit of people in general and real seekers of truth in particular
- More important than the body and mind is the spirit, which has been set aside without any proper culture of knowledge. As a result, the darkness of nescience has overshadowed the world and has brought about great unrest, disturbance, and distress
- Narada was never advised to preach the principles of Bhagavatam to earn a livelihood; he was ordered by his spiritual master to take the matter very seriously in a missionary spirit
- Necessities of the body is material, and the necessities of the soul is spiritual. But unfortunately, although the spirit is there, we are so much absorbed in material consciousness, we do not understand what is spirit soul
- No one can destroy the eternal spirit - that is what we need to understand at the present moment. The indestructible spirit is thus above the conception of violence and nonviolence
- None of these material effects ever touches the eternal living entity, the spirit soul, because the living spirit is invincible, nonflammable, nonmoistenable, and nondryable
- O most fortunate lady, establishing your mind in a good spirit, execute this process of payo-vrata and thus worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Kesava, who is inexhaustible
- Of course, we cannot divide the tip of a hair into such fine particles, but spiritually such small particles can exist. Spiritual strength is so powerful that a mere atomic portion of spirit can be the biggest brain in the material world
- One is understood to be an eternal servant of the Supreme Personality of Godhead if he considers himself an eternal servant of the holy name and in this spirit distributes the holy name to the world
- One may try in different ways to think that everything is void in the ultimate issue, that there is no God and that even if the background of everything is spirit, it is impersonal
- One must find the soul by analysis, saying, "This is not it. This is not it." Thus one must separate spirit from matter
- One should have the practical knowledge that matter, being an inferior state of existence, is useless for our spiritual, blissful life, whereas spirit, being a finer state, is full of bliss
- One should have very clear knowledge that "I am not this body. This is my body." You are not this body; it is your body. You are spirit; I am spirit. We are different from this body. This is the first instruction given in the BG in the beginning
- One who chants in that spirit, without offenses, is certainly elevated to the platform of understanding that the holy name and the Personality of Godhead are identical
- One who is learned knows that the small particle of spirit is there in the ant and in the elephant. Therefore he sees the elephant and the ant on the same level, on spiritual vision, not on this external vision. This is called self-realization
- One who is pandita - pandita means learned - he does not make any distinction between a learned brahmin or a dog or a cat or a cow, because he sees the spirit. So we have come to that spiritual platform
- One who thinks that he can destroy the living spark also does not know anything about it. The Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna, therefore emphatically declares that the living entity, being spirit, is never born
- Our material bodies and our lives in that connection are bad bargains because the living entity is actually spirit and spiritual advancement of the living entity is absolutely necessary. Human life is intended for the realization of this important factor
- Our whole process in on the basis of surrender. I (Prabhupada) think he is lacking in that spirit. So I have given my permission for him to return to Japan. Try to train him to the right path
- Out of thousands and thousands of men, one may inquire about his spirit self and thus consult the revealed scriptures like Vedanta-sutras, Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam
- People are madly accumulating money and working very hard all day and night, not caring for the eternal spirit. This is madness. In their madness, they are very reluctant to make advancement in spiritual understanding
- Perfection of human life is attained when one can understand that he is not the product of matter but is in fact spirit
- Please take care of Birbhadra, Girish and Dwarkadish, and make them nice brahmacharies. Treat them like your own children. These boys are future hope for our preaching Krishna Consciousness, so help them grow in that spirit
- Prajapati Daksa was right in pointing out this defect (of false renunciation), but he did not know that Narada Muni had aroused the spirit of renunciation in the Haryasvas and Savalasvas through full knowledge. Such enlightened renunciation is desirable
- Purification is realizing that "I am pure spirit - I am not this matter." Due to material contact, we are identifying ourselves with matter, and we are thinking, - I am this body
- Ravana and Hiranyakasipu and many others become very famous due to advancing material civilization by the help of material science and other activities with a spirit of challenging the established order of the Lord
- Realizing "I am Brahman" means engagement in spiritual activity because we are spirit, and our activities are exhibited even though we are contaminated by matter
- Religious spirit is there. You are responding to my appeal because you have got that spirit. Otherwise, why should you come and waste your time with me?
- Sanatana dharma means the strong will utilize the energy of the weak. That we see everywhere, is it not? So that competitive spirit makes us strong, otherwise it is a society of weak men only, & what is the good of such society?
- Sankara said, "No, matter is our false position. Spirit is real position." But he did not say anything, what are the activities of the spiritual life
- Sankara's philosophy says that brahma satyam jagan mithya. It is little farther advanced, admitting the spirit, but he says that spirit is impersonal. "There is no God. It is impersonal." So practically the same thing: it is void or there is no God
- Service on the bodily plane dwindles as the body grows older, but the spirit is never old, and therefore on the spiritual plane the service is never tiresome
- Service spirit is your constitutional position. You have to serve. But because you have placed your service spirit in a wrong place, you are frustrated. You have to put it into the right place, and that is Krsna consciousness movement
- She is a little independent-spirited and wants to wander with me. Anyway, she is a sincere good soul, and let her do the work in her own way. But it is a good asset for her that she has attraction to hear me
- Simply realizing that one is spirit soul is not sufficient. One has to engage in spiritual activity, and that spiritual activity is bhakti
- Since neither Visnu nor the living entity are of the material creation, someone may inquire, Why were the small particles of spirit created at all?
- Since the living entities and Krsna, the Supreme Lord, are both spirit, they are qualitatively one. Quantitatively, however, the Lord is great and the living entities are small. This fact can be accepted immediately on the basis of Vedic information
- So body is formed upon the spirit soul, not that automatically forms. Unless there is spirit... A seed... A seed fructifies in suitable condition into big tree because the soul takes shelter within the seed. If you fry the seed, no tree will come out
- So far as common sense is concerned, we come to the conclusion that there are three identities, namely matter, spirit and Superspirit. Now if we go to the Bhagavad-gita, or the Vedic intelligence, we can further understand that
- So the ananda, the spiritual happiness is not without varieties, anandamayo 'bhyasat (Vedanta-sutra 1.1.12). Spirit, Brahman, Parabrahman, is full of happiness, and how happiness can be possible without varieties? Variety is the mother of enjoyment
- So-called matter in the service of the spirit
- Sometimes, in a sportive spirit, He (Krsna) wishes to fight to make a show of bodily strength, and when He so desires, He selects one of His suitable devotees to give Him that pleasure. Krsna desired this pleasure of mock fighting with Jambavan
- Soul - as pure spirit, all souls are equal. Even in an animal. Therefore it is said, panditah sama-darsinah: (BG 5.18) those who are actually learned do not see the outward covering, either in a human being or in an animal
- Soul is not black, white, yellow. Soul is spirit. So one has to realize that "I am spirit soul. I am not Indian nor American nor Englishman nor German nor white nor black. This is my bodily description. I am not this body"
- Spirit is finer than the intelligence, and by nature it is completely different from matter. Thus we can just imagine how quickly the spirit soul can travel through the universal atmosphere
- Spirit is finer than the mind, and everyone has experience of how swiftly the mind travels from one place to another
- Spirit is never pierced, burnt, dried, moistened, etc. This is vividly explained in the Bhagavad-gita
- Spirit is not created at a certain stage of material development. Rather, this material world is manifested only on the basis of spiritual energy. BG 1972 purports
- Spirit, Brahman, Para-brahman, is full of happiness, and how happiness can be possible without varieties? Variety is the mother of enjoyment
- Spiritual energy is prominent everywhere, in this material world and the spiritual world. Here also, the matter is developing upon spirit, not that spirit is manifesting under certain conditional stage of matter. That is a wrong theory
- Spiritualism (means) there where one understands that what is the constitutional position of spirit and act according to that
- Subtler than the ethereal sky is the mind, and finer than the mind is the intelligence. Spirit is still finer than the intelligence, and by nature it is completely different from matter. we can just imagine how quickly the spirit soul can travel
- Superb feelings were exhibited by the damsels of Vrajabhumi for the happiness of the Lord. The gopis loved the Lord without any return, and this is the perfect exhibition of the akamah spirit
- Suppose if everyone was dead, what was the value of this apartment? Nobody would come and ask for rent. Valueless. So we have to understand that behind every value there is spirit, Supreme
- Tat tvam asi, ayam atma brahma. Both the Supreme Lord and the living entity are spirit. Understanding this is self-realization
- That is spirit, the original source of everything. This body, original source is the spirit. As soon as the spirit is not there, the body will not grow
- The activities of brahmanas are to control the senses and to become simple, clean, learned devotees. The ksatriyas have the spirit for ruling, they are not afraid on the battlefield, and they are charitable
- The advanced scientists have made no attempt to understand the living spark, the spirit, which is always the most important subject. This is our gross ignorance. This is our helplessness
- The atheist scientists, they say that life comes out of matter. That is nonsense. No. Matter is one energy of Krsna, and spirit is another energy. The spirit is superior energy, and the matter is inferior energy
- The Battle of Kuruksetra was fought on military principles but at the same time in a sporting spirit, like a friend's fight with another friend
- The Bhagavatam deals exclusively with devotional service. Only one who studies Srimad-Bhagavatam in the spirit of renunciation can understand the pastimes of the Lord which are described in the Tenth Canto
- The bona fide spiritual master is the most confidential representative of the Lord, and one must receive direction from the spiritual master in the same spirit that Brahmaji received it from the Personality of Godhead, Lord Krsna
- The brahma-bhutah stage, situation, is that "I am not matter; I am spirit." That's all right. But we have to sustain the spirit. How we can sustain? We can sustain when there is spiritual engagement. Otherwise, it is not possible
- The cats and dogs, they cannot understand what is the distinction between spirit and soul, er, spirit and matter, but a human being can understand that, This is spiritual side; this is material side. The spiritual side is important
- The children that he (a man) conceives will also die. So death is sure. Still, people are madly accumulating money and working very hard all day and night, not caring for the eternal spirit. This is madness. BG 1972 purports
- The conditioned soul has no information of the spirit and its exalted existence beyond the effects of the material condition
- The creator is Para-brahman, or the Supreme Spirit. Matter is not only subordinate to spirit but is actually created on the basis of spirit
- The creator is Parabrahman. Matter is not only subordinate to spirit but is actually created on the basis of spirit. When the spirit soul enters the womb of a mother, the body is created by material ingredients supplied by the mother
- The demoniac say chemical evolution. They cannot think of spirit
- The demoniac spirit is to train all family members to exploit the resources of this universe for personal sense gratification, whereas the godly spirit is to engage everything in the service of the Lord
- The demons are under the impression that no one is more wealthy and popular than themselves. They think that their wealth will somehow be protected by some spirit, and in this way they are deluded. Their final destination is hell
- The dimension of the spirit is one ten-thousandth portion of the tip of the hair - very small particle, smaller than the atom. This atom enters into the father's semina, and the semina is injected in the mother's womb
- The duty of a human being is to understand that since he is essentially spirit, he must abide by the spiritual tendency and not be carried away by material tendencies
- The embodied spirit, master of the city of his body, does not create activities, nor does he induce people to act, nor does he create the fruits of action. All this is enacted by the modes of material nature
- The embodied spirit, master of the city of his body, does not create activities, nor does he induce people to act, nor does he create the fruits of action. All this is enacted by the modes of material nature. BG 5.14 - 1972
- The entire cosmic manifestation has not assumed its gigantic form by itself, as wrongly calculated by less intelligent persons. As long as spirit is within matter, matter can increase as needed; but without the spirit, matter stops increasing
- The erotic principles of amorous love reflected in mixed material values are perverted reflections of the reality of spirit, but one cannot understand the reality unless one is sufficiently educated in the spiritual science
- The God is also eternal, and we are also eternal. We are part and parcels of God. Just like gold and fragments of gold; both of them are gold. Although I am fragment, a particle of gold or the spirit, still, I am spirit
- The impersonalists, they do not develop body. They simply remain as spirit particle. That is their idea. But we Vaisnava, we want to serve Krsna, therefore we require hands, legs and mouth and tongue, everything. So we are giving such body
- The individual soul and the supersoul are qualitatively one, and therefore both of them are known as Brahman, or spirit. But knowledge of Brahman is very difficult to understand
- The infinitesimal living entities are emanations from the original infinite spirit. In their constitutional position as infinitesimal spirits, there is no trace of matter
- The jnanis are mental speculators who simply try to understand what is spirit and what is matter. Their process is neti neti: "This is not spirit, this is not Brahman"
- The karma-yogi can help revive this transcendental relationship of the living spirit with Krsna as His eternal servitor
- The ksetrajna is the eternal spirit, whereas the ksetra is matter, which is temporary and ephemeral. This eternal truth is summarized in the Vedas in the aphorism brahma satyam jagan mithya: "Spirit is fact and the world is a false shadow"
- The living entity in his original constitutional position is pure spirit
- The living entity in his original position is pure spirit. He is just like an atomic particle of the Supreme Spirit. BG 1972 purports
- The living entity is spirit, and as long as he is within matter, matter is moving, and as soon as the living entity, the spiritual spark, is out of the body, the body is immovable
- The living entity which is embodied does not eat anything, however, because the owner is spirit in essence
- The living entity, who is originally pure spirit, can be conditioned by the gross and subtle bodies and, by freeing himself from these gross and subtle conditionings, again attain his situation as pure spirit
- The living spirit is eternal - he has no end and no beginning and thus can never be created by any method whatsoever. After all, it is within our experience that every created thing is subject to annihilation
- The living spirit is eternal, the Lord is eternal, and their exchange of feelings, or loving feelings, that is also eternal
- The Lord Caitanya told Sanatana: Because you are spirit, you are not different from Krsna, and because you are only a minute particle of Krsna, you are different from Him
- The Lord is described as the soul, or spirit. What is the definition of spirit? Spirit is perceivable everywhere. Brahman means "great." His greatness is perceived everywhere. And what is that greatness? Consciousness
- The Lord says in BG 9.25: Those who worship the demigods will take birth among the demigods; those who worship ghosts and spirits will take birth among such beings; those who worship ancestors go to the ancestors; & those who worship Me will live with Me
- The Lord wants to explain the above-mentioned system of knowledge (knowledge of the phenomenal world and the spirit behind it) because Arjuna is Krsna's confidential devotee and friend. BG 1972 purports
- The Lord's pastimes in the original abode of Goloka Vrndavana are exchanged in that spirit. The friends of Krsna consider Him one of them. They do not consider Him to be of reverential importance. The parents of the Lord consider Him a child only
- The mahat-tattva is the via medium between pure spirit and material existence. It is the junction of matter and spirit wherefrom the false ego of the living entity is generated
- The material body is called dvitiya, or "the second." One who is absorbed in this second element or second exhibition of the spirit is afraid of death
- The materialist does not believe in the existence of the spirit self, and empiric philosophers believe in the impersonal feature of the whole spirit without individuality of the living beings
- The Mayavadi philosopher, who does not differentiate between the Supreme Spirit and the individual spirit, says that the conditional existence of the living entity is his lila, or pastime
- The Mayavadi philosophers are completely unable to conceive of a spiritual body. They say that the spirit is always impersonal, and whenever they see something personal, they take it for granted that it is material
- The Mayavadi philosophers say, brahma satyam jagan mithya: "This world is false, and Brahman (spirit) is truth." We admit this, but qualify it
- The Mayavadi philosophers, they have no information of the spiritual world. Therefore they are thinking that spirit means something void of all these varieties. They cannot conceive that in the variety there can be enjoyment
- The Mayavadi theory is that after liberation everyone becomes one, one lump sum... What is called? Homogeneous spirit. No. Then Krsna is false. The Mayavadi theory accepted, that we become one lump sum
- The modern civilization is a sort of a social body without a head, or actually it is a dead body. The body is dead since the very beginning of it's birth, and it is the spirit that keeps it moving
- The more they (nondevotees of God) discuss the transcendental appearance and disappearance of the Lord in the asuric spirit, the more they enter into the darkest region of hell, as stated in Bhagavad-gita
- The necessary condition for such a change is to employ so-called matter in the service of the spirit. That is the way to treat our material diseases and elevate ourselves to the spiritual plane where there is no misery, no lamentation and no fear
- The ordinary living being has no independent power of perception or of motion, & as we undoubtedly feel our existence being conditioned by nature's energy, we conclude that he who sees is spirit, & that the senses & the objects of perception are material
- The original, spiritual form of the living entity is one ten-thousandth the size of the tip of a hair. It is also stated that spirit is greater than the greatest and smaller than the smallest
- The pandita sees them (a learned brahmana and a dog) as the same because he does not see the skin but the spirit
- The philosophical spirit enunciated by Narada Muni might have been suitable for a brahmana spirit, but it was not suitable for a ksatriya
- The real pleasure of variety exists in spirit without deluding relativity. On the other hand, inert matter, in association with dynamic spirit, manifests a false representation or a perverted reflection of that very spiritual variegatedness
- The real spirit we attain through transcendental knowledge is self-negation and the determination to render transcendental service unto the Personality of Godhead. The purport of Bhagavad-gita is this and nothing else
- The result of passionate work is always miserable. Even if a person renounces work in that spirit, he never gets the result of renunciation. BG 1972 purports
- The sage Maitreya was very pleased with Vidura's words, and, being influenced by his spirit, he attempted to speak
- The sannyasi or renouncer relieves himself of all worldly responsibilities in order to free himself for acquiring knowledge relating to the all-pervasive Spirit. The mystic takes similar measures so that he can enhance his meditation
- The scientist, they are finding out so many miracles within the atom, but here Vedic information is that within the atom there is God. Find out God. Without God, without the spirit, nothing material can develop
- The sons born of Krodhavasa were the serpents known as dandasuka, as well as other serpents and the mosquitoes. All the various creepers and trees were born from the womb of Ila. The Raksasas, bad spirits, were born from the womb of Surasa
- The soul does not at any time become old, as the body does. The so-called old man, therefore, feels himself to be in the same spirit as in his childhood or youth. BG 1972 purports
- The spirit cannot be cut into pieces. This fragment is not materially conceived. It is not like matter which can be cut into pieces and joined together again. BG 1972 purports
- The spirit encaged by this body and mind is eternal truth & indestructible. No one can destroy the eternal spirit - that is what we need to understand at the present moment. The indestructible spirit is thus above the conception of violence & nonviolence
- The spirit is never annihilated, nor can anyone annihilate him, even after the annihilation of the material body. He therefore has no birth and no death. Nor does he grow or diminish by repeated material births and deaths
- The spirit of the disciplic succession may not be changed, but there may be adjustments made to suit the special circumstances
- The spirit soul is individual. We are merged in the matter but we keep our individuality. Similarly, you merge in the spirit, you keep your individuality
- The spirit soul is not produced from matter; it takes on a particular type of body under superior arrangement. According to our present experience, this material world is a combination of matter and spirit. The spirit is moving the matter
- The spirits and jinn mentioned in this connection are also counted among the demigods because they are able to perform uncommon functions not possible for men
- The spiritual nature of the living being can be rekindled in association with the Supreme Being. Because the living being can appear either in matter or in spirit, the jiva is called the marginal potency
- The statements of Dhruva Maharaja indicate that unless a child is trained according to his tendency, there is no possibility of his developing his particular spirit
- The Superself and the individual self are both spirit, and the Superself and the individual self are both qualitatively one and distinct from matter
- The Supreme Lord, the Absolute Truth, is all spirit, and therefore His name, fame, and pastimes are nondifferent from Him. All of them are identical. In other words, the holy name of the Lord is the Lord Himself, and this can be understood by realization
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, not being covered by a material body, is the witness of all the activities of the living entity. But both of them, the living entity and the Paramatma, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, are atma, or spirit
- The Supreme Self and the individual self, although one in quality, are different in quantity. This analytical understanding of knowledge is perfect. Simply to understand "I am not matter; I am spirit" is not perfect knowledge
- The Supreme Spirit is all-pervading, but the very small spirit is the individual soul
- The transcendental position begins with the realization aham brahmasmi - "I am not this matter, but spirit." But even this position is unsettled. More is required
- The uttama-adhikari sees the spirit soul within the material body and serves him as spirit. Thus the material aspect is automatically served
- The Vedanta-sutra says, - This human form of life is meant for searching out the spirit, the Absolute Truth
- The Vedas personified, prayed to the Lord as follows, "My dear Lord, it is very difficult to understand spiritual knowledge. Your appearance here just as You are, is to explain to us this most difficult subject of knowledge of the spirit"
- The word pri means "woman." Purusa, or spirit, is the subject, and prakrti, or nature, is the object. The enjoyment, however, is participated in both by the husband and the wife
- The yoga system is a mechanical way to control the senses and the mind and divert them from matter to spirit
- There cannot be any love in this material world. Because love is between spirit and spirit. But if we try to love the Supreme Spirit, Krsna, then we shall understand how our love can be spread in the spiritual world
- There is no material contamination in transcendence, nor is there any possibility of imagining a spirituality in matter. One cannot accept matter as spirit
- There is no need of a lamp to show the sun. The sun is self-effulgent. It is already there. Light is there. Why one should take a lamp to show the sun? This misinterpretation has killed the spirit, the real essence, of Bhagavad-gita
- There must be intelligent class of men, there must be martial spirit, administrative class of men, there must be business minded men. There must be sudras, they do not know anything, they want to serve only, master
- There should be complete cooperation between the brahmanas and the ksatriyas for this common good. Even up to Maharaja Asoka, the same spirit was prevailing
- They (in the Vaikuntha planets) have no revolutionary spirit: "Oh, why shall I serve You? I am also God." This is revolutionary. These things are not there. The so-called rascal declaring oneself that "I am God," no
- They (so-called swamis) deny that whatever pertains to matter can pertain also to spirit. According to them, spirit is the denial of matter. The fact is, however, that spirit is not a negation of matter, but matter is a perverted reflection of spirit
- They (the people) do not read actually. They simply make a show. Neither do they understand what is Bhagavad-gita. Therefore we are presenting Bhagavad-gita as it is. Is that all right? So we have to preach in that spirit
- They (the unintelligent) think that there is no such thing as spirit. But the followers of the Vedic injunctions take their information from Vedic statements, such as the verses from the KU (2.3.9,12) and Srimad-Bhagavatam (10.84.13) quoted above
- They must be impregnated with real preaching spirit, without any material profit
- This bodily enjoyment is false. Real enjoyment - of the spirit. Therefore it is said, ramante yoginah anante. They want to enjoy life with Ananta, Krsna. They want to become friend of Krsna. They want to become lover of Krsna
- This duty, this eternal occupational duty, is there in every living entity, the service spirit. But the service spirit is now misplaced on account of our conditioned stage. So when it is properly placed, service, that is our dharma
- This eternal truth, the indestructible spirit, does exist as the living entity in each and every body. He is very minute and is finer than the finest atom
- This is matter and spirit. Where there is consciousness, that is spirit. Where there is no consciousness, that is matter
- This is the demonic spirit; demons are always wanting to kill Krsna so they can say - God is dead. There is no God. God is impersonal
- This is Vedic civilization: how people will be happy. They can be happy simply by self-realization, spiritual realization, because he is spirit. Material advancement will never make us happy, that's a fact. People have not become happy
- This ksetrajna is the living spirit, whereas the ksetra is the material which is lorded over. Physics, chemistry, astronomy, pharmacology, economics, sexology, and other material sciences deal with the materials of ksetra
- This living being is combination of the superior and inferior energy. But the superior energy is not matter. It is spirit
- This living spirit remains within the body just like a tiny dose of a potent medicine: the soul spreads its presence all over the body. And thus, we can understand, the sensitivity we experience to even the slightest touch
- This material body acts due to the presence of spirit because of Him, & He is therefore the root cause of everyone. He is worshipable for such exalted persons as Brahma & Siva, and He has entered the heart of every living being. Let me meditate upon Him
- This material body is developed because spirit is present within matter; a child grows gradually to boyhood and then to manhood because of that superior energy, spirit soul, being present. BG 1972 purports
- This material world is the world of duality, in contrast with the oneness of the absolute realm. The world of duality is composed of matter and spirit, whereas the absolute world is complete spirit without any tinge of the material qualities
- This passionate compulsion to enjoy these fruits (of material desire) must stop, and we must situate ourselves in our real identity as Brahman - pure spirit
- This seeing of "spirits'' has no connection with Krishna Consciousness - it is hallucination
- This sort of marriage, in which the girl is kidnapped by force, is known as raksasa and is practiced among ksatriyas, or men with an administrative, martial spirit
- This verse (SB 5.18.32) completely rejects the theory of brahma satyam jagan mithya, which states that spirit, or Brahman, is real, whereas the manifested material world, with its great variety of things, is false. Nothing is false
- This was the realization of Arjuna after hearing Bhagavad-gita. He understood Krsna as param brahma, the Supreme Brahman. Brahma means spirit. Param brahma param dhama: the rest of everything
- This we can experience, that as soon as the spirit is entered into the womb of the mother, they develops skin and the child develops body. So this is very practical, that first of all, not that simply by sexual intercourse a child is born
- Those who are cognizant of these responsibilities (different from animal) and who work in that spirit are called suras (godly persons), and those who are neglectful of these responsibilities or who have no information of them are called asuras (demons)
- Those who are in the mode of passion worship and create such gods, and those who are in the mode of ignorance, in darkness, worship dead spirits. Sometimes people worship at the tomb of some dead man. BG 1972 purports
- Those who worship the demigods will take birth among the demigods, those who worship the ancestors go to the ancestors, those who worship ghosts and spirits will take birth among such beings, and those who worship Me (Krsna) will live with Me - BG 9.25
- Those who worship the demigods will take birth among the demigods; those who worship ghosts & spirits will take birth among such beings; those who worship ancestors go to the ancestors; and those who worship Me will live with Me
- Those who worship the demigods will take birth among the demigods; those who worship ghosts and spirits will take birth among such beings; those who worship ancestors go to the ancestors; and those who worship Me (Krsna) will live with Me
- Those who worship the demigods will take birth among the demigods; those who worship ghosts and spirits will take birth among such beings; those who worship ancestors go to the ancestors; and those who worship Me (Sri Krsna) will live with Me
- Those who worship the demigods will take birth among the demigods; those who worship ghosts and spirits will take birth among such beings; those who worship ancestors go to the ancestors; and those who worship Me will live with Me. BG 9.25 - 1972
- Those who worship the demigods will take birth among the demigods; those who worship the ancestors go to the ancestors; those who worship ghosts and spirits will take birth among such beings; and those who worship Me (Krsna) will live with Me
- Thoughts of becoming one with the Lord, or being merged in the brahma-jyotir, can also be exhibitions of kama spirit if they are desires for one's own satisfaction to be free from the material miseries
- Thoughts of becoming one with the Lord, or being merged in the brahmajyoti, can also be exhibitions of kama spirit if they are desires for one's own satisfaction to be free from the material miseries
- To come to the stage of manipulating finer elements like mind, intelligence and spirit, one needs appropriate training, an appropriate mode of life and appropriate association
- To think that because material existence is realized in forms therefore spiritual existence must be formless is only a negative material conception of spirit. The real spiritual conception is that spiritual form is not material form
- Try to impress this fact, we should kill this restless spirit. Enthusiasm and patience, these things required
- Try to understand what is the problem of life, how we can come again to the original spiritual life. That is the ultimate solution because we are spirit. Circumstantially, I am now accepting this material body
- Twenty-five years to fiftieth year the young man's spirit is there, the sex power is strong, so the grhastha-asrama is a concession for satisfying sex, that's all. But not more than fifty years
- Uddhava undoubtedly became old, but that does not mean that his spirit became old. His service attitude matured on the transcendental plane, and as soon as he was questioned by Vidura about Lord Krsna, he at once forgot himself on the physical plane
- Unfortunately, for want of sufficient culture of this spirit, the materialistic man always sticks to this false place in spite of all its turmoils
- Unless a child is trained according to his tendency, there is no possibility of his developing his particular spirit
- Unless one reads the Bhagavad-gita in a submissive spirit, it is very difficult to understand Bhagavad-gita because it is a great mystery. BG 1972 Introduction
- Unless you become a dhirah, you cannot understand what is spiritual life, what is spirit. It is not a bogus thing, that I manufacture something, concoct something, and do something, and I become a leader, I become a spiritual master. This is all nonsense
- We are actually spirit, and therefore our spiritual activities will go with us wherever we go
- We are not concerned with other religions or yogas in terms of competition or sectarian spirit. Actual spiritual knowledge is to take the authoritative statements from the scriptures and from the great acaryas, spiritual masters in disciplic succession
- We are not only satisfied that "I am spirit," aham brahmasmi. No. There must be duties of the Brahman. The Brahman must be engaged. Otherwise... Because we want some work, because we are active... We are not just like stones
- We are presenting through two of my scientific students, Doctor of Chemistry, that matter is, the source of matter is spirit. This is our theory. Generally they believe the life, life comes from matter...
- We are so fools and rascals that we do not know what is spirit, life. Still, we are passing as big scientist and philosopher, all rascals
- We are trying to create a real spiritual path, not bogus, for livelihood. India's falldown is due to that spirit, that everyone takes everything for livelihood, that's all. Not only India, everywhere
- We artificially exhibit our propensity to enjoy this material world. So purusa means the enjoyer. Therefore sometimes we are called purusa. Here the living entities as a whole is called purusa. Even the woman, she is also purusa. Because the same spirit
- We can enjoy only what comes from Visnu as a token of His kindness. We must not enjoy anything that is not offered by Him. We should not make any extra effort to obtain anything which belongs to Him or others. That is the spirit of Vaisnavism
- We cannot be happy within this cloud-covered material existence. We are spirit by nature. We are sparks, spiritual sparks. We have to associate with Krsna; then we can have our full-fledged
- We had got the wrong impression, and actually that everything is progressing in a spirit of mutual cooperation in all respects. This is Krishna Consciousness. Working together to please the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- We have to maintain the temples as it is necessary to keep our spirits high. Simply intellectualism will not do, there must be practical purification
- We must exist on cooperation, otherwise the whole thing is doomed if we simply go on fighting over some small thing. So try to organize things and preach together in this spirit, and that will please me very, very much
- We should at least theoretically accept Sri Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and with that submissive spirit we can understand the Bhagavad-gita
- We should at least theoretically accept Sri Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and with that submissive spirit we can understand the Bhagavad-gita. BG 1972 Introduction
- We should carefully note, that our mind in the material condition is always disturbed, always disturbed. And this is due to our unfavorable condition. Because we are actually spirit in identity, and we have been put into material conditions
- We should not be very much anxious about being famous. Not, "Oh, there is a great man who knows everything about spirit and who is perfect." No. We should be very sincere to understand things as they are
- We should train our disciples as well as ourselves in such a spirit that even if the whole world is against us, which is impossible to happen, the Sankirtana Movement must be pushed on without any reference to archeological evidence
- We should try to understand the appearance of Lord Krsna in this spirit, as the Kumaras pray to Him
- We understand from Vedic literature that Brahman, or the spirit, is anor aniyamsam, smaller than an atom, and mahato mahiyamsam, greater than the greatest
- We're made out of spirit - qualitatively the same as Krsna, but quantitatively many millions of times less. Qualitatively the same; quantitatively different. Fragmental portion
- What is known in India as sanatana-dharma, or "the eternal religion," is meant for this living spirit. That is to say, real spiritualism is transcendental to the various religions that focus on the gross material body or the subtle material mind
- What is the soul. A minute particle of spirit, it is . . . but they do not understand, big, big scientist, big, big philosopher. But the entire subject matter of Krsna consciousness is not of this material world. All, it is of spiritual world
- When a person is actually in the knowledge that Krsna is the fountainhead of everything, then when he acts in that spirit he acts for everyone. BG 1972 purports
- When Krishna sees that we are trying very sincerely to preach His message to others He becomes very pleased and showers all blessings upon the devotee. So please continue to progress in this spirit
- When one comes to the realization that he is spirit (aham brahmasmi), he will immediately become happy
- When one is in full knowledge that, "I am spirit, aham brahmasmi. I'm spirit soul. Now I have my business with the spiritual world," that is liberation. That is liberation & the means which help you to come to that position, that is called spiritual life
- When people are demoniac in spirit, they are not merciful toward the poor animals. Consequently, they maintain various animal slaughterhouses. This is technically called suna, or himsa, which means the killing of living beings
- When we come to the supreme spirit, the all-spirit, that is perfection of knowledge. So impersonal conception is simply a negation of the material varieties. But above that, there is spiritual variety & that is real knowledge. That is Krsna consciousness
- When you say, "If people won't come to us, here, we will go to them." And this is the process of preaching, and this is required. I thank you very much for your this spirit. Just like I have come to your country, with the same spirit
- While preparing this commentation on this particular stanza of Srimad-Bhagavatam we have a crisis before us. Our neighboring friend China has attacked the border of India with a militaristic spirit
- Who have developed spiritual knowledge, can see that the spirit is different from the body and is changing its body & enjoying in different ways. A person in such knowledge can understand how the conditioned living entity is suffering. BG 1972 purports
- Whoever follows the principles of devotional service with attachment and follows a particular devotee of Vrajabhumi certainly attains the highest perfection of love of Godhead in that spirit
- Why does a dead child not grow? Because the spirit is not present. A tree grows as long as there is life in it
- Without exception, everything is spirit. But the portion of spirit which is covered by ignorance, the cloud of ignorance, that is matter
- Without His (the Supreme Lord's) presence within the material world, the cosmic body could not develop, just as without the presence of the spirit within the physical body, the body could not develop
- Without the spirit, the body is nothing but lump of matter. The spirit is there, the matter is there, but we are so dull, we do not understand what is that spirit. That is the difficulty of the modern society
- Yes. Thoughts actually made by spirit, but it is covered by matter. Therefore in the material condition you can think only of matter. Just like this body is covered by so many material things, but actually, the spirit is covered
- You are carrying on the Street Sankirtana Party as we have instituted in the Western countries even though you have sometimes only one companion. This spirit is most satisfactory and this work is proven as the basis of our successful movement
- You are cooking daily, and as soon as you cook something it becomes very hot. You cannot touch it. So by nature, everything is hot, or everything is spirit, because it is coming from the spirit, by nature
- You go on in this spirit independently of any other responsibilities and produce books more and more, profusely
- You must have a resolution how to finish the development of New Vrndavana in the right sense of the term. At the same time, please make a very nice scheme to purge out the non-Vrndavana spirit that entered in our Society
- Your kirtana program as it is going on is very nice. You have kept the Vrindaban spirit so sublimely that I always remember it and always hanker when I shall go back again
- Your position is that small particle, but spirit can expand. This expansion in the material world is being done in contact with matter. And in the spiritual world, that expansion can be done in spirit