Category:Spirit Soul
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Pages in category "Spirit Soul"
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- Buddhist philosophy does not admit the existence of the spirit soul
- Duty of the spirit soul
- No university or educational institution where the science of the spirit soul is instructed
- Real spirit soul
- When the spirit soul renders service unto the Supreme, there are two side effects. One is freed from all material designations, and one’s senses are purified simply by being employed in the service of the Lord
- A brahma-bhutah, when one is self-realized, when one knows that he's not this body, he's spirit soul, he's part and parcel of Brahman, at that time he becomes joyful. And he sees everyone on the equal footing
- A child or a man, you weigh him. When he's alive you will find one weight, and when he's dead you will find another weight. That is practical. It will be heavier. Why heavier? Because there is no more spirit soul
- A devotee, who is already liberated, does not see differentiation in terms of the outward body; he sees all living entities as spirit souls, eternal servants of the Lord
- A human being should actually be interested in understanding atma-tattva, the truth of atma, the spirit soul, and Paramatma, the supreme soul. Those who are interested in atma-tattva worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- A person who has no information of the spirit soul is very much attached to his material body, so much so that even in old age he wants to preserve the body in so many artificial ways, thinking that his old and broken body can be saved
- A person who sees one spirit soul in every living being, whether a demigod, human being, animal, bird, beast, aquatic or plant, possesses knowledge in the mode of goodness. BG 1972 purports
- A society in which there is no discussion on religious principles, what is dharma, who is God, what is a spirit soul, these questions are not inquired into, understand that society to be of cats and dogs only
- A spirit soul, being part and parcel of the Supreme Lord, he is by nature very powerful. We do not know how much spiritual power we have got, but that is being suppressed by the material covering
- A tape recorder works, but it works according to the plans and under the direction of a living entity, a human being. The machine is complete, but unless it is manipulated by a spirit soul, it cannot work
- Abhayam means we are always afraid. We are always agitated, anxiety, because I am thinking, "I am this body." But if you are completely realized that you are not this body, you are something else, spirit soul, then I am immediately free from anxieties
- Above the body and mind is the dormant spirit soul whose absence from the body makes the whole range of bodily and mental selfishness completely null and void
- Above the mind is the intelligence. & above the intelligence is the spirit soul. If one is on the spiritual platform, on the soul platform, then his intelligence is spiritualized, his mind and senses are spiritualized, he is spiritualized
- According to Mayavada philosophy, the spirit soul, when covered by nescience, is designated as jiva, but when freed from such ignorance or nescience he merges in the impersonal existence of the Absolute Truth
- According to Patanjali, the transcendental state is to become free from sensuous activities and to attain the stage of perfection perceptible purely by the spirit soul
- According to some philosophers there are seven elements, namely earth, water, fire, air and ether, along with the conscious spirit soul and the Supreme Soul
- According to the conditions of the mind at the time of death, the minute spirit soul enters into the womb of a particular mother through the semina of father
- According to the desires of the living being, the material body develops. So from the spirit soul the material body comes into existence, generated from the living force
- Actual knowledge means to understand what is the spirit soul, what is its nature, what is its necessity, how it is living, what is the ultimate goal. So many things are there. But unfortunately, there is no educational institution
- Actually the brahmana is supposed to be the spiritual master of all other varnas, or classes, but as far as Krsna consciousness is concerned, everyone is capable of becoming a spiritual master because knowledge in KC is on the platform of the spirit soul
- Actually the human life is meant for being educated that he is not this body; he is soul. That is the Vedanta-sutra philosophy, to inquire about the spirit soul. That is our main business
- Actually we are all spirit souls and are intended to associate with God in the spiritual sky where there are innumerable spiritual planets and innumerable spiritual living entities
- Actually, the living entity is not his material body: he is a spirit soul
- Actually, we are all spirit soul. From Bhagavad-gita we understand that we are transmigrating from one body to another, even in our present lives
- Adhyatma-jnanam, to understand oneself as the spirit soul, that jnanam. Adhyatma-jnanam, tattva-jnanartha-darsanam
- Advancement of material knowledge for sense gratification, is the path of repeated birth and death. As he exists spiritually, the living entity has no birth or death. Birth and death apply to the outward covering of the spirit soul, the body
- Aham brahmasmi. I am not this material body, but spirit soul. And what are the characteristics of the jiva, the soul? First of all, he is animanam, very minute, infinitesimal
- Aham brahmasmi: I am spirit. It is said that one should understand that he is Brahman-spirit soul. This Brahman conception of life is also in devotional service, as described in this verse (BG 7.29). BG 1972 purports
- All these leaders, these scientists, these philosophers, they are applauded by the small animals, but they are also animals, big animal, that's all. The test is whether he understands the spirit soul different from the body
- All types of fruitive results actually come from the spirit soul, but because he has forgotten his real duty, he is embarrassed by many material consequences such as fear and attachment. The only remedy is to revert to the service of the Lord
- Almost everyone is thinking that he is this body; he has no information of the spirit soul. Guided by this misconception, one always thinks, "This is my body, and anything in relationship with this body is mine"
- Although all living entities are of one spiritual nature, in quality the same as the SPG, they have varieties of bodies due to the embodiment of the spirit soul by the eight material elements, namely earth, water, fire, air, sky, mind, intelligence & ego
- Although He is concentrated spirit soul without material variety, for the benefit of the conditioned soul He nevertheless accepts different types of sacrifice performed with various material elements
- Although Hiranyakasipu was a great demon, he was not as foolish as the population of the modern world. Hiranyakasipu had clear knowledge of the spirit soul and the subtle and gross bodies
- Although Maharaja Rahugana was playing the part of a king, he had been informed by Jada Bharata that he was not a king nor was Jada Bharata deaf and dumb. Such designations were simply coverings of the spirit soul. Everyone must come to this knowledge
- Although modern philanthropic physicians open gigantic hospitals, there are no hospitals to cure the material disease of the spirit soul
- Although one may understand that spirit soul and matter are different, their actual separation is not possible, either by philosophical speculation or by proper understanding
- Although spirit soul, we have voluntarily accepted this material body and by accepting it have also accepted the threefold miseries of material nature. Exactly when we accepted it and how we accepted it cannot be traced out
- Although the body is obtained and lost in due course of time, the spirit soul does not actually mix with the body, but is subjugated by the particular modes of nature with which he is sinfully associated
- Although the spirit soul does not do anything and is transcendental to such activities, he is thus affected by conditional life
- Although the spirit soul is situated in subtle and gross material bodies in different forms of life, he is not bound by them, for he is always understood to be completely different from the manifested body
- Although they (Mayavadis) have apparently realized that they are not material body but spirit soul, they nonetheless neglect the duty of the spirit soul, which is to render service to the Supreme Soul. Therefore their intelligence remains unsanctified
- An animal does not know that there is soul and the soul is transmigrating from one body to another. This is animal conception. You cannot teach these pigeons that - You are spirit soul. Your body's different from you
- An expert in the study of soil can find out where gold is and then dig there. He can then analyze the stone and test the gold with nitric acid. Similarly, one must analyze the whole body to find within the body the spirit soul
- An honored man may come in a very shabby dress, but this does not mean that he should be dishonored. In Bhagavad-gita these material bodies are likened unto dresses which are worn by the spirit soul
- An intelligent man should care for the happiness of the spirit soul, not of the body
- Annihilation applies to the body, but the spirit soul transmigrates from one body to another. If this were not the case, how can so many multifarious bodies come into existence
- Another kind of pasandi is one who does not believe in the spirit soul, the superior potency of the Lord, and therefore does not distinguish between spirit and matter
- Anyone who has developed unalloyed, unflinching devotional service unto the Lord develops his original good qualities as spirit soul. The spirit soul, as part and parcel of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, has all the good qualities of the Lord
- Anything favorable or mischievous done to the body does not affect the spirit soul. The Vedic injunction is asango hy ayam purusah: the spirit soul is always unaffected by material arrangements
- As a friend, I can understand my position as spirit soul, seeing that somehow or other I have come into contact with material nature, try to get free from material entanglement by acting in such a way as to disentangle myself. In this case I am my friend
- As far as the spirit souls are concerned, they are one qualitatively with the Supreme Lord. Therefore, the rasas were originally exchanged between the spiritual living being and the spiritual whole, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- As fire is exhibited in different forms of wood, so, under different conditions of the modes of material nature, the pure spirit soul manifests itself in different bodies
- As indicated by the words pare bhagavati brahmany atmanam sannayan, Dadhici placed himself, as spirit soul, at the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- As soon as one quits his body, all his monetary resources and everything else that he has collected in connection with his body is finished, for the spirit soul transmigrates to another body
- As soon as one understands that he is qualitatively the same substance as the Lord because he belongs to the same category of spirit soul, and that his perpetual position is to serve, one attains atma-darsanam & hrdaya-granthi-bhedanam, self-realization
- As soon as spirit soul is out of the body, the material body immediately begins to decompose. Any spiritual process keeps the body fit without separate endeavor, but if one takes it that ultimate aim of yoga is to maintain the body, then he is mistaken
- As soon as the body is dead or the spirit soul is out, it begins to decompose. The same body, as long as carrying the soul, there is no such thing. Therefore, if you keep your body spiritualized, then there is no question of decomposition or diseases
- As soon as the spirit soul is out of this body, then it is useless, a lump of matter. Therefore the living force, or the spirit soul, is important. That you have to accept
- As soon as the spirit soul is out of this material body, the body begins to decompose; therefore it is the spirit soul which maintains this body. The body itself is unimportant. BG 1972 purports
- As soon as the spirit soul leaves, the body immediately becomes useless: when Kṛṣṇa enters into matter, matter has value. This is true for the minute individual atom and the great universe as well
- As soon as you overcome the cycle of birth and death, you overcome all miseries. Because birth and death means this material body. The living entity, spirit soul, has no birth and death
- As spirit soul, everyone exists eternally, but the asat has accepted the material world as his shelter, and therefore he is full of anxiety
- As spirit souls we are part and parcel of the Supreme Spirit, but due to our desire to enjoy this material world, we have been put into material nature. Yet in whatever species of life we may be, Krsna is the Father
- As stated in the Vedas, asango hy ayam purusah: the spirit soul has no connection with the changes of the material body
- As the sun is situated in one place, but is illuminating the whole universe, so a small particle of spirit soul, although situated in the heart of this body, is illuminating the whole body by consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- As your consciousness is a symptom of your presence, you are spirit soul, similarly, the supreme consciousness is the symptom of the supreme soul, or God, the supreme God. This is the position
- Asad-grahan, the incompatible situation of the spirit soul who has the false idea of enjoying matter, is the cause of the soul's being asat
- At night in the rainy season the moving clouds reflecting the moonlight make the moon appear to be moving. This is called illusion. The spirit soul, or the living being, is the root of all the activities of the material body
- At that (Brahman realization) time, he realizes that all living entities, they are spirit soul, panditah sama-darsinah (BG 5.18). That is equal vision - not the bodily vision
- At the present moment a person may consider himself to be matter, but in his liberated state he will understand that he is not matter but spirit soul, part of the infinite
- At the time of death the mind sets the criteria for the spirit soul's being carried to another type of body. If a living being resists the dictation of the mind and engages the mind in the loving service of the Lord, the mind cannot degrade him
- At the time of death, our consciousness carries us into another body. There are the mind, the intelligence and the ego, which constitute the subtle body, and there is also the spirit soul, which is even more subtle
- At the time of death, when finishing this body, mind works. So, according to that process, the mind carries the small spirit soul to another body, just like the air carries the flavor
- Atma, the spirit soul, is always unchanged (avikalah puman). We are spirit souls, but when carried away by mental activities (manodharma), we suffer from so-called material conditions of life. This generally happens to nondevotees
- Atonement, the sinful life, this is also diseased condition. Just like we have accepted this chain of birth and death. This is diseased condition of the soul. The soul has no birth and death, no disease - because it is spirit soul
- Attachment for the material is the greatest entanglement of the spirit soul
- Balarama continued, "The living entity, or spirit soul, being in contact with these, is transmigrating from one body to another due to illusory enjoyment, and that transmigration is known as material existence"
- Because human life is a combination of matter and spirit soul, the whole process of Vedic knowledge is directed at liberating the spirit soul from the contamination of matter. The knowledge concerning this is called atma-tattva
- Because of illusion the spirit soul remains covered by the gross and subtle material bodies. Thus covered, the conditioned soul identifies with the material body and becomes subject to the sense of false ego
- Because they (the people) have no knowledge of the spirit soul - they think the body is everything - so therefore knowledge is imperfect. Body is only the covering. Real person is the spirit soul. So the modern education has no knowledge of this
- Because we have absorbed ourselves in these external designations of the spirit soul, we encounter so much disunity and turmoil
- Because you are soul, spirit soul, part and parcel of God, you have got a particular duty. That is eternal duty
- Being spiritualized, these transcendental activities (performed in relation with the transcendental spirit soul) transcend the limits of material annihilation
- BG 3.27: "The bewildered spirit soul, under the influence of the three modes of material nature, thinks himself the doer of activities that are in actuality carried out by nature." The living entities work only under the direction of the Supreme Lord
- BG 3.27: The bewildered spirit soul, under the influence of the three modes of material nature, thinks himself the doer of activities that are in actuality carried out by nature
- Bhakti, or devotional service, means engaging all our senses in the service of the Lord, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the master of all the senses. When the spirit soul renders service unto the Supreme, there are two side effects
- Birth, death, old age and disease are related to the material body, and they have nothing to do with the spirit soul
- Body is not everything. The moving power of the body is the spirit soul. We are repeatedly trying to convince people this simple truth, but they are so dull-headed they cannot understand
- Both the person who thinks the spirit soul can slay and the person who thinks that the spirit soul can be slain are ignorant of the fact that the spirit soul is neither slayer nor slain at any time
- By glorifying the Lord constantly the living entity can understand that he does not belong to the material world but is a spirit soul whose actual activity is to advance in Krsna consciousness so that he may become free from the material clutches
- By speaking with resounding voices, the Visnudutas threatened to punish the Yamadutas if they continued trying to snatch Ajamila's soul from his heart
- Changes as birth, death and sustenance do not exist in You because You are the Absolute Truth, the supreme absolute spirit soul, the Supreme Brahman
- Conditioned soul means one who has accepted something illusion as reality. Conditioned means that due to imperfect desires the spirit soul becomes dependent on material conditions for his satisfaction
- Confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (BG 3.27): "The bewildered spirit soul, under the influence of the three modes of material nature, thinks himself the doer of activities, which are in actuality carried out by nature"
- Consciousness is not due to any amount of material combination, but to the spirit soul. In the Mundaka Upanisad (3.1.9) the measurement of the atomic spirit soul is further explained. BG 1972 purports
- Consciousness is there. That is a symptom of life, symptom of spirit soul. But the difference is due to material contamination
- Devotional service to the Lord is rendered by all limbs or parts of the body. It is the transcendental dynamic force of the spirit soul; therefore a devotee is engaged one hundred percent in the service of the Lord
- Dhrtarastra merged these five elements into the original mahat-tattva. By identifying his material conception of life, he gradually separated his spirit soul from material connections and placed himself at the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of God
- Dhruva Maharaja was advised by Lord Manu to see with that vision (seeing all living entities as spirit souls). He was specifically advised to do so because he was a great devotee and should not have looked upon other living entities with ordinary vision
- Dhruva Maharaja was indirectly advised not to be afflicted by the death of his brother because our relationship with the body is completely material. The real self, spirit soul, is never annihilated or killed by anyone
- Due to the spirit soul within the body, the body is light. You can make an experiment. You just have a weight of a dead body and of a living body
- Ei rupe brahmanda bhramite. He (the spirit soul) is loitering, wandering without any aim. "What is the aim of life? Why I have put into this condition, accepting this material body, the source of all miseries?" - these questions should be asked
- Ekadandi sannyasis can be situated on the platform of pure Brahman because they are aware that the spirit soul is different from the body, but they are mainly impersonalists
- Enjoyment is our birthright, for it is the characteristic of the spirit soul, but the spirit soul tries to enjoy materially, and this is the mistake
- Especially in the present age, every man is in darkness, in the bodily conception of life, not knowing anything of the spirit soul and its needs
- Eternal peace and prosperity will be established only when there is vigorous propagation of this eternal religion of the living spirit soul. For then only shall we be relieved of physical transformations such as birth, death, disease, and old age
- Even a medical practitioner, he does not know, he has no knowledge of the spirit soul. He simply studies the mechanical arrangement of the body
- Even after great austerities and penance, one may rise, param padam, in the, merging into the Brahman effulgence. Still, from there, he falls down. He falls down. Because Brahman, the spirit soul, is anandamaya
- Even if he (spirit soul) goes up to the Svargaloka, he will find no permanent abode for his hankering soul. The hankering soul must be satisfied by the perfect scientific process of perfect devotional service
- Even if one receives a body with a long duration of life, like those of Lord Brahma and the other great demigods, it will also be destroyed, and therefore an intelligent man should be concerned with the imperishable spirit soul
- Even more subtle than the intellect is the spirit soul. So true spirituality, or the real religion of the living entity, means to be situated in self
- Even though the worshiper of impersonal Brahman can be highly advanced, he cannot attain liberation without discharging devotional service. Anyone who has realized himself as spirit soul can engage in devotional service
- Every human being should try to understand how the spirit soul can be happy and where he can attain an eternal, blissful life of knowledge. Human beings are meant to study these subject matters, not to be absorbed in caring for the temporary body
- Every learned man knows very well that attachment for the material is the greatest entanglement of the spirit soul. But that same attachment, when applied to the self-realized devotees, opens the door of liberation
- Every living entity is of superior quality, spirit soul, and nothing material can be auspicious for him
- Every living entity is part and parcel spirit soul, but in contact with Maya it has developed different types of consciousness, represented by varieties of bodies, beginning from the aquatics and going to the bodies of demigods in higher planets
- Every one of us is spirit soul, living entities. It does not matter whether I am a human being or other than human being - lower animal, birds, beasts, trees or higher celestial beings
- Every person is actually Brahman, spirit soul. We are not actually the body. Awareness of aham brahmasmi ("I am Brahman") is actual self-realization. According to Vedic culture, one must understand that he is Brahman, not the body
- Every spirit soul is son of God, but materially we think somebody as father. But real father is God. That is stated in the Bhagavad-gita - BG 14.4
- Everyone requires the psychiatric treatment so that the mind may be transferred from matter to spirit soul. Then you'll be cured. The disease is of the mind
- Everyone should be interested in the activities of the spirit soul, not the body. As long as one is activated by the bodily conception of life, there is always the danger of being misled, whether one is a man or a woman
- Everything is lightened by the presence of spirit. One's body will float in water as long as one is alive, but as soon as the spirit soul leaves, the body immediately sinks
- Everything, material and spiritual, including earth, water, air, fire, sky and the living entities, exists on the platform of spirit soul
- Evolution means changing of different bodies. The spirit soul is changing from one body to another, and finally he's coming in the human form of body. This is a chance to know the actual position
- Factually both the Kasira and the Saranatha Mayavadis, as well as any other philosophers who have no knowledge of the spirit soul, are advocates of utter materialism. None of them have clear knowledge regarding the Absolute or the spiritual world
- Factually this Krishna Consciousness movement is neither Hindu religion nor any other religion. It is the function of the soul
- Factually, in no country other than India have the great sages endeavored so much for the realization of the spirit self
- Factually, the supreme absolute spirit soul is the cause of every kind of manifestation, and He is always complete, both as the energy and as the energetic
- False ego I have already explained. It is neither matter nor spirit, but the junction - where the spirit soul comes into contact with matter and forgets himself
- False ego means accepting this body as oneself. When one understands that he is not his body and is spirit soul, that is real ego. Ego is there. False ego is condemned, but not real ego. BG 1972 purports
- Father gives the seed, impregnates the mother, and the mother supplies the body. The body belongs to the mother, and the spirit soul belongs to the supreme father. But it comes through the material father
- Fatness, thinness, bodily & mental distress, thirst, hunger, fear, disagreement, desires for material happiness, old age, sleep, attachment for material possessions, anger & lamentation are all transformations of the material covering of the spirit soul
- Fools, rascals. Abodha-jato, they have been described - all rascals, fools. Parabhavas tavad abodha-jato yavan na jijnasata atma. So long they do not come to the point of understanding spirit soul, they are simply rascals
- For the impersonalist, pure egotism is aham brahmasmi - "I am not this body; I am spirit soul." But in its actual position, the spirit soul has devotional activities to perform
- Fulfilling the mission of spirit soul is the human mission
- Full self-surrender, therefore, means not only surrendering one's self as spirit soul, but also surrendering one's mind and body to the service of the Lord. Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur has sung a nice song in this connection
- Generally people are spoiling their lives for decorating the dead body and giving no attention at all to the spirit soul within
- Generally the living entity does not know the science of how the spirit soul transmigrates from one body to another
- Go means "senses," and svami means "controller"; so one who can control the senses is to be considered a gosvami. Krsna indicates that one who identifies with the illusory material body cannot establish himself in his proper identity as spirit soul
- Great paramahamsa, all without any knowledge of his real self, the spirit soul, and without doing any benefit to the soul proper - simply wasting time in the matter of the happiness and distress of the temporary material body and mind
- Great statesmen, scientists, philosophers, etc., who are foolish, without any information of the spirit soul, think that this life of a few years only is all in all and that there is nothing more after death
- Hare Krishna Mantra will clear away all of the difficulties that you have mentioned. Actually, as pure spirit soul, there is no difficulty; the cause of all problems is that we are forgetful of the fact that we are part and parcel of Krishna
- Hare Krsna movement is a spiritual movement. There is spirit soul within the body, and the material body is covering, just like shirt and coat, of the spirit soul
- He (a learned person) knows that it is a dog or it is a cat on account of this body. He is neither cat, neither dog, neither I am human being. We are all spirit soul, aham brahmasmi. This is real understanding
- He (Krsna) is ordering completely that the subject matter of this body is not very important thing. The most important thing is to understand about the spirit soul which is within the body
- He (spirit soul) wants to get out of the covered walls of the greater universe. He wants to see the free light and the spirit. That complete freedom is achieved when he meets the complete spirit, the Personality of Godhead
- He (the cleansed heart person who is free from the clutches of maya, or the materialistic way of life) understands that he is not this body - that he's a spirit soul, and that his business is therefore different from merely material concerns
- He (the jnani) knows that all of these (riches and wealth) apply but to the body and that when the body is finished, they also go. When the body dies, one is no longer a rich man but a spirit soul, and according to his work, he has to enter another body
- He (who is ignorant of the spirit soul) goes outside to search for happiness, just as a deer without knowledge of the water beneath the grass goes out to the desert to find water
- He was fully conscious of his position as a spirit soul, although he seemingly behaved like an acquiescent karmi husband. Maharaja Priyavrata thus ruled the universe for eleven arbudas of years
- How a learned scholar brahmana and a dog can be seen on equal level? But it can be seen. It is on the spiritual platform, that every one of us is spirit soul
- How the spirit soul transmigrates from one type of body to another is nicely described here - SB 4.29.2
- How then can the living entity become forgetful of his real identity as pure spirit soul and identify with matter unless influenced by something beyond himself? The conclusion is that the living entity is influenced by the avidya potency
- Human being means he is inquiring about the spirit soul or the spiritual world, the supreme spirit, God, Krsna. He is human being
- I (a person free from clutches of maya) can understand that these bodily concerns are not my real business. My real business is how to elevate myself - as a spirit soul - to the spiritual world, back to home, back to Godhead
- I am neither dog, I am not man, I am not this, I am not that. This is all superficial. I am spirit soul. A dog is also spirit soul; the snake is also spirit soul; the tree is also spirit soul. - Panditah sama-darsinah (BG 5.18). That is real knowledge
- I am pure spirit soul. I am not this body and I am not these bodily designations that so many people have foisted upon me. My family and friends, my country, this that. We should think - I am Krsna's. I'm not Russian, I am not Hindu, I'm simply Krsna's
- I have got some connection, bodily connection, with woman. Therefore she's my wife or my protected, - something like that. Children also - the same thing, bodily. They have no idea of the spirit soul, simply body
- I have traveled so many countries, universities also. There is not a single institution where there is a department where scientific knowledge is being given about understanding God or soul
- I was visiting the Krsna consciousness farm in British Columbia, and on the road we were passing large herds of beef cows. We were discussing that the farmer thinks of these cows not as spirit souls but as commodities
- If he understands that he's spirit soul, at least, then he becomes brahmana. Etad viditya. And one who does not understand, he is krpana. Krpana means miser. Brahmana means liberal. These are the sastric injunction
- If one is determined to get out of all the designations that are attached to the pure spirit soul, and which arise due to the body and are always changed when the body is changed, one can attain to bhakti
- If one is fortunate enough to understand the happiness and distress of the spirit soul and gets a taste for transcendental knowledge, then he will be indifferent to the happiness and distress of the body and mind and will relish a transcendental peace
- If one realizes that the individual soul is subordinate to the supreme spirit soul, he achieves self-realization
- If one understands the philosophy that as a living spirit soul he has an affinity for neither suffering nor enjoyment, then he is considered to be a liberated person
- If such persons (who identify the body with the soul) take shelter of Lord Siva, gradually they will understand that they are not the material body but are spirit soul
- If the spirit soul engages in the spiritual activities of devotional service, he is completely freed from the platform of birth and death. His next position is complete spiritual freedom from a material body
- If we have got a tinge of spiritual qualification, that will go with you, because you are spirit soul, you are eternal. Therefore whatever spiritual activities you do, that is also eternal
- If we place our hand before a light, we can see its shadow move on a wall. Similarly, material nature is working due to the touch of spirit soul
- If we want actually progress of life, then we must realize our constitutional position as the spirit soul, not as the mind, not as the body
- If we want to acquire transcendental knowledge, our first duty will be to understand that the spirit soul is eternal truth. The external ingredients, the body and the mind which develop around the spirit soul, are all relative or partial truths
- If you become fully Krsna conscious, there is nothing material. Your body's spiritual, your mind is spiritual, your soul is already spiritual - everything is spiritual
- If you develop your divine qualities, as they're described, ahimsa, sattva-samsuddhih . . . sattva-samsuddhih. Sattva-samsuddhih means existentional purification. Our . . . we, as spirit soul, we are pure originally, because Krsna is pure
- If you simply look after the bodily necessities and do not care to look after the necessity of the soul, that is foolish civilization
- If you simply wash the cage very nicely and cover it and paint it and the bird within the cage is crying, starving... What is this civilization? Similarly, we spirit soul, we have been encaged within this body
- If you understand that you are spirit soul, you are Brahman, then, at that time, you will become free from this blazing fire of material existence
- If, however, one understands one's position as spirit soul apart from the body, the mind can be a liberating factor. In itself, the mind has nothing to do, it is simply waiting to be trained, and it is best trained through association
- Illusioned by the material nature, the living entity identifies with false ego. More clearly, when the living entity is entrapped by the material body, he at once identifies with the bodily relationships, forgetting his own identity as spirit soul
- In all circumstances, everyone, as a spirit soul, must be a devotee of Lord Visnu and should not be concerned with bodily relationships, whether with friends or with enemies
- In any form of life and on any planet in the material world, a living entity cannot be happy because everything in the material world is unsuitable for the spirit soul
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 5.18) it is explained that one who actually sees the spirit soul does not distinguish between a learned brahmana and a dog, an elephant or a cow. panditah sama-darsinah
- In Bhagavad-gita we are informed that the constitutional nature of the individual entity is spirit soul. He is not matter. As spirit soul, he is part and parcel of the supreme soul, the Absolute Truth, the Personality of Godhead
- In contact with material energy, the spirit soul acquires material modes, and to purify the soul from such affinities it is necessary to engage in the prescribed duties enjoined in the sastras. BG 1972 purports
- In Darwin's theory there is no acceptance of the living entity as spirit soul, and therefore his explanation of evolution is incomplete
- In his original identity the living entity is indestructible, and so also are his original spiritual qualities. One can kill neither the spirit soul nor his spiritual qualities
- In human society all over the world there are millions and billions of men and women, and almost all of them are less intelligent because they have very little knowledge of spirit soul
- In human society there must be a proper balance between spirit and matter. We are actually spirit soul, but somehow or other we have been encaged within material bodies
- In spite of all these possessions (the material body, children, wife and so on), the spirit soul has to give up his present situation and accept another. The next situation may be unfavorable, but even if it is favorable, one must give it up
- In such a state (when spirit soul attain the stage of perfection perceptible purely), the attention of the mystic never deviates from that spiritual achievement
- In the absence of varieties of enjoyment, the spirit soul feels an attraction to enjoy a life of bliss, and not having any information of Krsnaloka or Vaikunthaloka, he naturally falls down to material activities in order to enjoy material varieties
- In the beginning one must know that he is not this body; He is spirit soul. Don't bring in controversy, but try to convince that you are not this body
- In the first six chapters of Bhagavad-gita, the living entity has been described as nonmaterial spirit soul which is capable of elevating himself to self-realization by different types of yogas. BG 1972 purports
- In the human form of life the spirit soul, although it is conditioned by material, I mean to say, encagement, it has developed it's consciousness by gradual evolution. This evolution theory is there in the Padma-Purana
- In the language of Bhagavad-gita, the spirit soul is called ksetrajna, the knower or tiller of the field, whereas the body and mind, the coverings of the spirit soul, are called ksetra, or the field
- In the material condition, however, the spirit soul is covered by the material qualities - namely goodness, passion and darkness - and within the heart these three qualities react
- In the material world even iron and stone can be melted, but the laws of material nature do not apply to the spirit soul
- In the second chapter of Bhagavad-gita, the Personality of Godhead explains this fact elaborately: The spirit soul which pervades this body is eternal, and thus one should understand that no one can destroy the eternal, ever-existing spirit soul
- In the spiritual body also you have to work. In the material body also you have to work. Because the working principle is the soul - soul is living force - so he is busy
- In the Vedanta-sutra it is said that spirit soul or God... God is the supreme spirit, and we are minute. He is vibhu, unlimited; we are anu, very small - molecular or atomic
- In the Vedic language it is said, asango 'yam purusah. The spirit soul has no connection with such designations. Just like in dreaming we see so many things. But it has nothing to do with me. So this is night dream
- In their impersonal way, they (the impersonalists) utter the name of impersonal Brahman, spirit soul. In other words, they indulge in indirect indications of the Absolute Truth
- In this material world there are 8,400,000 species of life. As spirit souls, they are all transcendental to this material world. Why, then, do they exhibit themselves in different stages of life
- In your Bible it is said, "Dust thou art, dust thou be-est." That dust is this body but not this spirit soul
- It (Chanting the maha-mantra - Hare Krsna) goes beyond that, to the point where the pure spirit soul engages in his eternal, blissful, all-knowing activities in the loving service of God
- It follows that if the spirit is enjoying, it must have its senses also, otherwise how can it enjoy? The Vedas confirm that the spirit soul, although atomic in size, is the actual enjoying agent
- It is correct that the brahma-jyotir is comprised of spiritual souls and that ultimately nothing is impersonal. Dead matter means forgetfulness of Krsna
- It is not a question of embodied life, but it is the nature of the soul to be always active. Without the presence of the spirit soul, the material body cannot move. BG 1972 purports
- It is not possible for an automobile to drive itself. A person, a spirit soul, must be within to push certain buttons. Due to the touch of the spirit soul, the machine is moving. The entire universe is similarly moving due to the touch of God
- It is not that a brahmana is the same as a dog, but that the brahmana is a spirit soul, and the dog is also a spirit soul. We are conditioned according to our different bodies, which are given by superior forces
- It is said that the spirit soul is smaller than an atom - anor aniyamsam
- It is stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 3.27): "The bewildered spirit soul, under the influence of the three modes of material nature, thinks himself the doer of activities that are in actuality carried out by nature"
- It is stated in this verse (SB 3.25.33) that bhakti dissolves the subtle body. The spirit soul has two coverings - subtle and gross
- It is the duty of the spirit soul to surrender, for only then can he be happy. The last instruction of Bhagavad-gita is that the spirit soul surrender completely unto the supreme soul, Krsna, and in that way realize happiness
- It is to be understood that due to the presence of the spirit soul the body grows, means changes from one form to another. It is concluded by learned scholars that this change of body is taking place every moment
- It is very interesting to note how this verse (in SB 7.13.29) points to the body's growth from the spirit soul. The modern materialistic scientist thinks that life grows from matter, but actually the fact is that matter grows from life
- It is within our experience that every created thing is subject to annihilation. The eternality of the spirit soul is proved through its noncreatability by material means
- It was an emergency (Mayavada philosophy was necessary to defeat the Buddhist philosophy of the nonexistence of the spirit soul). Thus Lord Krsna was accepted by Sankaracarya as the Supreme Personality of Godhead in his commentation on Bhagavad-gita
- Jada Bharata was completely aloof from the bodily conception; therefore he immediately took this position and convinced King Rahugana that whatever contradictory things the King had said about his body did not actually apply to him as a spirit soul
- Jnana refers to knowledge of self as distinguished from non-self, or in other words, knowledge that the spirit soul is not the body. Vijnana refers to specific knowledge of the spirit soul's constitutional position and his relationship to the Supreme Soul
- Just as the fruits & flowers of a tree in due course of time undergo six changes - birth, existence, growth, transformation, dwindling & then death - the body, which is obtained by the spirit soul under different circumstances, undergoes similar changes
- Just imagine the spirit soul, how much powerful he is. And they have no machine to find out. How they will find out? One ten-thousandth part of the hair, we cannot see - the tip of the hair is so small. That one part is the dimension of the soul
- Just like you saw these boys and girls. I have not imported them from India, but they have taken this movement very seriously, and they will take it, because it appeals to the soul directly
- Just see that minute portion of God is so powerful. Just like potassium cyanide. Minute quantity, if you take one grain, immediately you'll die. Similarly, if some ordinary material thing is so powerful, just imagine the spirit soul, how much powerful
- Karanam guna-sango 'sya sad-asad-yoni janmasu (BG 13.22). The spirit soul takes birth in higher and lower species of life only because of his association with the three qualities of material nature
- Kasyapa Muni continued: What is this material body, made of five elements? It is different from the spirit soul. Indeed, the spirit soul is completely different from the material elements from which the body is made
- Knowledge concerning the spirit soul beyond this body is called knowledge in the mode of goodness. BG 1972 purports
- Krsna is advising Arjuna to establish himself in his pure constitutional position as spirit soul, beyond the dualities of material nature
- Krsna is the original Supreme Being, the original spirit soul. We are simply minute parts and parcels of Krsna. If we connect with Krsna, we are illuminated just as Krsna is illuminated
- Krsna said, "One should remain fully satisfied in the interests of the spirit soul and engage in the service of the Supersoul"
- Krsna says, tatha dehantara-praptih (BG 2.13). The spirit soul will change this body, as it has already changed from babyhood to childhood, childhood to boyhood
- Krsna, the PG, confirms in the BG, only those who cultivate transcendental knowledge in relation to the eternal spirit soul and without being disturbed by temporary happiness and distress will be able to escape the cruel hands of old age, and disease
- Krsna, the PG, confirms in the Bhagavad-gita, only those who cultivate transcendental knowledge in relation to the eternal spirit soul and without being disturbed by temporary happiness and distress will be able to escape the cruel hands of birth, death
- Krsna, the PG, confirms in the Bhagavad-gita, only those who cultivate transcendental knowledge in relation to the eternal spirit soul and without being disturbed by temporary happiness and distress will be truly happy by gaining eternal, spiritual life
- Krsna, when He withdraws the spirit soul from the body, then the body remains, and in due course of times the body becomes . . . "Dust thou art, dust thou beist." This is mixed up, panca. Panca-tattva prapta
- Less intelligent people have no information of the needs of the spirit soul
- Lord Caitanya does not give the information about the spirit soul that is already described in Bhagavad-gita. Rather, He begins from the point where Krsna ended His instruction
- Love of Godhead is the original function of the spirit soul, and it is as eternal as the soul and the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This eternity is called sanatana
- Lusty intelligence influences the spirit soul
- Lusty intelligence influences the spirit soul to acquire the false ego and identify itself with matter, and thus with the mind and senses. The spirit soul becomes addicted to enjoying the material senses and mistakes this as true happiness. BG 1972 pur
- Material comforts will end with the end of the body, but spiritual instruction will not end; it will go on with the spirit soul
- Material miserable conditions are summarized into four items: birth, death, old age and disease. So those who are not in knowledge of the spirit soul, they are very irresponsibly prolonging his life in material activities
- Material scientists can make an analytical study of the physical elements, the body, the senses, the sense objects and even the air that controls the vital force, but still they cannot understand that above all these is the real spirit soul
- Materialistic persons do not know what the real problem of life is. This is due to a lack of spiritual education. Especially in the present age, every man is in darkness, in the bodily conception of life, not knowing anything of the spirit soul
- Materialistic persons generally worship the transient material body and forget the welfare of the spirit soul within the body. Some take shelter of materialistic science to improve bodily comforts
- Matter grows and develops because of the presence of the spirit soul, and this principle has been followed from the very beginning of the creation
- Matter is activated by the spirit soul; it is not that the soul is created by matter
- Matter is created by the spirit soul. Not the soul is created by matter
- Matter is the secondary manifestation of spirit, for matter is produced from spirit. Just as the material elements are caused by the Supreme Lord, or the Supreme Spirit, the body is also a product of the spirit soul
- Maya can cover the minute particles of the spirit soul, but maya cannot cover the supreme whole
- Misconception of life is that "I am this matter." This is ahankara, false ahankara. But I am actually not this matter; I am spirit soul. Therefore pure ahankara is aham brahmasmi, a spirit soul. That is the beginning of understanding
- Modern material science lays no stress on this; therefore the scientists are sometimes misled in their understanding of spirit soul
- Mother Durga, she is the mother. And God is the father. Just like father and mother gives birth to a child, similarly, we spirit soul, the part and parcel of the supreme father, and the material elements, bhumir apo 'nalo vayuh, they're the recipient
- My Lord, devotional service unto You is the only auspicious path. If one gives it up simply for speculative knowledge or the understanding that these living beings are spirit souls and the material world is false, he undergoes a great deal of trouble
- Naturally one who is always engaged in devotional service of the Lord has very little time to sleep. Sleep is a necessity of the body, not the spirit soul, and therefore as one advances in devotional service one's propensity to sleep decreases
- Necessities of the body is material, and the necessities of the soul is spiritual. But unfortunately, although the spirit is there, we are so much absorbed in material consciousness, we do not understand what is spirit soul
- Neither Vedic knowledge nor modern science denies the existence of the spirit soul in the body, and the science of the soul is explicitly described in the Bhagavad-gita by the Personality of Godhead Himself. BG 1972 purports
- No one can independently create, maintain or annihilate. Bhagavad-gita (BG 3.27) says:The bewildered spirit soul, under the influence of the three modes of material nature, thinks himself the doer of activities that are in actuality carried out by nature
- No one understands his real self-interest, which lies with the spirit soul, not with the material body. Education means spiritual education. To work hard in the bodily conception of life, without spiritual education, is to live like an animal
- No part of the body is important unless the spirit soul is present. In a modern civilization of cows and asses, scientists try to search out some value in the brain or heart of a dead man
- Nobody is actually outside (of sanatana-dharma). Everyone is an eternal spirit soul, and therefore everyone is meant for the eternal religion, sanatana-dharma. You may think that you are not an eternal spirit soul, but that is simply illusion
- Nobody knows what is spirit soul, what's this need. Nobody knows. All these educational institutions, they are blind. Andha yathandhair upaniyamanas & the whole system is also blind. If a blind man leads another blind man, what is the benefit? No benefit
- None of these material effects ever touches the eternal living entity, the spirit soul, because the living spirit is invincible, nonflammable, nonmoistenable, and nondryable
- Not knowing the conclusions of the Vedas, some people accept the material nature as substance, and others accept the spirit soul as substance, but actually Brahman is the substance. Brahman is the cause of all causes
- Now, their theory is that when the child comes out of the womb, then he gets the soul. Is it not?
- O learned brahmana (Sukadeva), the transcendental spirit soul is different from the material body. Does he acquire the body accidentally or by some cause? Will you kindly explain this, for it is known to you
- O scion of Bharata, knowing this eternal truth (that no one can destroy the eternal, ever-existing spirit soul. Although this material body is subject to annihilation, the proprietor of the body is eternal), you can go on with your fighting engagement
- On account of accepting this material body, there is always miserable condition. Therefore everyone requires the psychiatric treatment so that the mind may be transferred from matter to spirit soul. Then he will be cured. The disease is of the mind
- Once the spirit soul takes shelter of maya, the illusory material energy, he develops the material qualities of goodness, passion, and ignorance. The spirit soul loses his original characteristics and develops a new nature
- One becomes covered by the concept of bodily life, forgetting that his spirit soul is of the same quality as the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- One can do harm to this material body, but not to the spirit soul and consciousness. Vinasam avyaya. Avyaya means which is never deteriorates. Vinasam avyayasya asya na kascit kartum arhati. Nobody can kill consciousness; nobody can kill the soul
- One does not need this material body, and he does not need to accept the dictations of the material body. The qualities of the material modes in the body will act, but as spirit soul the self is aloof from such activities. BG 1972 purports
- One has to act in the status of spirit soul, otherwise there is no escape from material bondage. Action in Krsna consciousness is not, however, action on the fruitive platform. BG 1972 purports
- One has to understand one's relationship with Supreme Soul. If one is actually a devotee of Lord Siva, he comes to platform of spiritual realization, but if he is not intelligent enough, then he stops at that point, only realizing that he is spirit soul
- One mistakenly considers one individual to be different from another simply because of their material bodily coverings. Because of differences between bodies, the spirit soul appears before us differently
- One must not forget the difficult position of one's being in the network of action and reaction by which the spirit soul becomes bound up in material existence
- One must realize perfectly that the living being is spirit soul but is tasting various types of material bodies. One may theoretically understand this, but when one has practical realization, then he actually becomes a pandita, one who knows
- One of His disciples who accepted sannyasa was one day forcibly dragged by his wife. My Guru Maharaja lamented with tears in His eyes saying that He could not save the soul
- One should be interested in his personal safety & should then consider society, friendship, love, nationality, community & so on, which have all developed because of the bodily conception of life and a lack of knowledge of the spirit soul. This is ajnana
- One should be prepared to understand the spirit soul and the supreme spirit, God, who are eternally related. Thus one may return home, back to Godhead, having solved all the problems of life
- One should further understand that the spirit soul, although very difficult for the materialist to perceive, is above all these conditions, and by the strength of one's discrimination, one should give up the desire for fruitive results
- One should know that he is a spirit soul (aham brahmasmi) and that the constitutional position of the soul is unaffected by the changes of the body
- One should therefore understand the fixed position of the spirit soul and how he is carried away by the waves of material nature to different bodies and different situations under lamentation and hankering
- One who actually sees the spirit soul does not distinguish between a learned brahmana and a dog, an elephant or a cow
- One who has attained this platform (of spiritual realization, or brahma-bhuta) is not agitated by material action and reaction. He sees everyone on the platform of spirit soul (panditah sama-darsinah) - BG 5.18
- One who has connected himself with spiritual knowledge can understand that there is a spiritual soul within the body. However, one who is in an animalistic conception of life and has no spiritual culture cannot understand
- One who has developed his faith in Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Supreme Spirit Soul, can both describe and hear the rasa-lila. Sukadeva also uses the word anusrnuyat. One must hear from the disciplic succession
- One who has learned the art of seeing the same spirit soul within every living being is considered to be a pandita
- One who imitates the symptoms of an uttama-adhikari may serve another's outward body for the purpose of fame or material reward, but he does not serve the spirit soul. Such an imitator can have no information of the spiritual world
- One who is ignorant of scientific knowledge of the spirit soul does not look inside the body to find happiness in the soul
- One who is in ignorance, without any knowledge of the spirit soul and identifying with this body and trying to enjoy life, he is implicated. Implicated. Life after life we change and enjoy in different ways. What is the enjoyment?
- One who understands that he is not the material body but is spirit soul is liberated from ignorance. Lord Siva also offers that facility
- Other types of humanitarian work may be temporarily beneficial for the body, but because a living entity is spirit soul, ultimately one can show him real mercy only by revealing knowledge of his spiritual existence
- Our only request is that you are all students - you do not neglect this subject matter, this science to understand what is the soul
- Our outward covering is covered by these material elements, but inside, there is the spirit soul. Therefore one who is advanced, he does not see that "This is cat, this is dog, this is man, this is elephant, and this is brahmin." No. He sees the soul
- Our simple philosophy is that we are spirit soul. We are eternal. You are eternal. I am eternal. Everyone is eternal. We are changing our body, transmigrating from one body to another. And that means repetition of birth and death
- People are working so hard simply for bodily comforts, without education regarding the spirit soul. Thus they are living in a very risky civilization, for it is a fact that the spirit soul has to transmigrate from one body to another
- Perfection comes when one realizes that he is not this body; he is spirit soul. Brahma-bhuta (SB 4.30.20) - that is called Brahman realization. That is perfection. And samsiddhi comes after Brahman realization, when one engages in devotional service
- Perfection means to understand his real constitutional position, that he is not this material body; he is spirit soul, Brahman. That is perfection, perfection of knowledge, brahma-jnana
- Persons infatuated by material consciousness are very intelligent in discovering things for material comforts, but they have no access to understanding the spirit soul and spiritual life
- Physical strength ends with the end of the physical body, but spiritual strength follows the spirit soul to the next transmigration, and therefore the strength obtained by Baladeva is never wasted
- Please know it that "Nara Narayana" is a spirit soul, and not the physical body. That physical body was given by you, so it is very good that you take care of the physical side
- Prakrti can give us material bodies, but as spirit souls we are parts and parcels of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is confirmed in BG (15.7): The living entity, being part and parcel of God, is not a product of this material world
- Prince Priyavrata regularly served the lotus feet of Narada, and thus the Prince perfectly understood transcendental subjects in truth (sa-tattvah). The word sa-tattvah means that Priyavrata knew all the facts about the spirit soul
- Priyavrata knew all the facts about the spirit soul, God, and the relationship between the spirit soul and the Supreme, and he also knew all about this material world and the relationship of the spirit soul and the Supreme Lord within the material world
- Progress in cultivating the human spirit entails the gradual disappearance of the materialistic ego. Covered by ignorance, passion, and so-called goodness, the spirit soul thinks himself all in all and is covered by a false sense of ego
- Pure soul, being part and parcel, it is naturally very pure. And Vedas says even when the soul is within the material existence, it is not mixed up. It remains always separate
- Real business of human life is to understand the spirit soul, and so far the material body is concerned, just like seasonal changes, we feel pains and pleasure
- Recognition of the spirit soul within this body, that is first education. Unless one understands this simple fact, there is no question of spiritual advancement
- Regarding what to do with the eyes while on Sankirtana, your suggestion to look into the faces of people and try to convince them of the sincerity of our movement is best. There is no need of artificial things like seeing the spirit soul
- Sages said, "By the process of enjoying the senses of the material body, the spirit soul is covered, and his consciousness becomes materially contaminated. It is due to material consciousness that one cannot understand the SP of Godhead, Krsna"
- Samah means equal to all living entities, to see the spirit soul. It doesn't matter whether he is man or cat or dog or tree or ant or insect or big man. They are all parts and parcel of God. They are simply dressed differently
- Self-realization means knowing our identity as small particles. The small particle of spirit soul is within every one of us, but it is not possible to see with material eyes
- Self-realization, understanding oneself as Brahman, or spirit soul, is very difficult in the material condition
- Similarly, the bodies within the material creation may be specifically different according to shape and quality, but the spirit souls within them are not different from one another
- Simply realizing Brahman, realizing one's identity as spirit soul, is insufficient. We must realize that Bhagavan is everywhere
- Simply to understand that one is not matter but spirit soul (aham brahmasmi: "I am by nature Brahman") is not sufficient knowledge for understanding the self and his activities
- Since every living entity is an individual soul, each is changing his body every moment, manifesting sometimes as a child, sometimes as a youth, & sometimes as an old man. Yet the same spirit soul is there & does not undergo any change. BG 1972 purports
- Since the Buddhist philosophy does not admit the existence of the spirit soul, the so-called mercy of the Buddhists is defective
- Since the Lord assures that He will dissipate the results of fruitive material activities, there is no need to be worried. This process of understanding one's position as a spirit soul and then engaging oneself in devotional service is therefore the best
- Since the spirit soul is completely different from this combination of gross & subtle material elements My devotee who is connected with Me in intense friendship & affection being completely in knowledge is never agitated by material happiness & distress
- So actually, as pure spirit soul, I want to forget, but because I do not accept the real path, how to get out of this material existence, therefore we have to accept something, concocted means. That will not save us
- So body is formed upon the spirit soul, not that automatically forms. Unless there is spirit... A seed... A seed fructifies in suitable condition into big tree because the soul takes shelter within the seed. If you fry the seed, no tree will come out
- So long the soul or the living force is within this body, it is moving. As soon as the spirit soul is out of the body, it is . . . we call it is dead
- So long the spirit soul is there in the body it is important. As soon as the soul is gone, it is useless. But people are giving more stress on the body than on the active principle, living force, what is there. There is no study
- So long they do not come to the point of understanding spirit soul, they are simply rascals. And whatever they are doing, simply being defeated actually. The so-called scientific research, simply their defeat
- So long this ignorance will continue, we shall remain like cats and dogs. There cannot be any peace. It is not possible. When we come to the real understanding that we are spirit soul and part and parcel of God, then we become actually learned
- So when we speak of a living entity, we must see the body and the mind as two outward coverings, two layers of paraphernalia - and the living force or spirit soul as the chief, central figure
- So where is the institution, university, for educating people of the spirit soul? Where is it? Therefore the whole civilization is going in the wrong way
- Sober and expert persons should search for the spirit soul with minds purified through analytical study in terms of the soul's connection with and distinction from all things that undergo creation, maintenance and destruction
- Somebody has developed body in the modes of passion. Somebody has developed body in the modes of ignorance. But the root is the spirit soul
- Sometimes by identifying myself with the spirit soul, sometimes I falsely claim that, "I am the supreme soul." Therefore Caitanya Mahaprabhu says that - You are soul, you are spirit soul, but you are smaller than the smallest straw in the street
- Spirit is finer than the intelligence, and by nature it is completely different from matter. Thus we can just imagine how quickly the spirit soul can travel through the universal atmosphere
- Spirit soul in his original condition is joyful, blissful, eternal and full of knowledge. Only by his implication in material activities has he become miserable, temporary and full of ignorance. This is due to vikarma
- Spirit soul is evergreen. The body is changing. That is to be understood. Body is changing. That everyone can understand
- Spirit soul, he has got hands and legs and everything. That is body. Form means hands and legs, not without form
- Sri Devahuti inquired: My dear brahmana, does material nature ever give release to the spirit soul? Since one is attracted to the other eternally, how is their separation possible?
- Sri Sukadeva Gosvami said: Dadhici Muni, thus resolved to give his body to the service of the demigods. He placed himself, the spirit soul, at the lotus feet of the SPG and in this way gave up his gross material body made of five elements
- Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura explains these verses (CC Madhya 20.108-109) as follows: Sanatana Gosvami asked Caitanya, "Who am I?" In answer, the Lord replied - Actually you are a spirit soul, eternally part and parcel of the Supreme Soul, Krsna
- Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura says, mayara vase, yaccha bhese', khaccha habudubu, bhai: "My dear brother, the spirit soul is completely under the control of maya, and you are being carried away by its waves"
- Sripada Sankaracarya preached the Mayavada philosophy for a particular purpose. Such a philosophy was necessary to defeat the Buddhist philosophy of the nonexistence of the spirit soul, but it was never meant for perpetual acceptance
- Subtler than the ethereal sky is the mind, and finer than the mind is the intelligence. Spirit is still finer than the intelligence, and by nature it is completely different from matter. we can just imagine how quickly the spirit soul can travel
- Such a person, who no longer laments or hankers to maintain his body and who can accept all living entities as spirit souls, can then enter the devotional service of the Lord
- Such an attempt (of inventing imitation wings for the airplane) would necessarily be frustrated, for we know that there is no machine that can work without a spirit soul behind it. Even the most complicated computers need trained men to handle them
- Such experiences are all ephemeral and do not affect the spirit soul. The perception of such ephemeral happiness and distress is due only to the forgetfulness of his qualities, which are equal to the Lord's
- Sukadeva Gosvami replied (to Pariksit Maharaja) that everyone’s atma, or soul, is very, very dear, especially to all living entities who have accepted material bodies. But that atma, the spirit soul, is part and parcel of Krsna
- Superior to the mind is the intelligence, and behind the intelligence is the false ego, which is far superior to the intelligence and which covers the spirit soul
- Suppose we were to take a hair and divide it into a hundred parts. Could we do it? No. That is not possible. But if we could do it and then divide it again into another one hundred parts, each part would be the size of the spirit soul
- Take care of this important business of human life - as it is explained in the Vedanta-sutra, athato brahma jijnasa . . . this life is meant for understanding about the Brahman, or the spirit soul
- Temporary or false you can take on the same category. But Sankaracarya said that brahma satyam: that spirit soul - Brahman, that is reality, and this external feature of the Brahman, or the body - that is false
- Temporary sensations of happiness and distress, pertaining to the act of thinking, feeling, and willing under a false ego, are eternally different from the spirit soul and are therefore "unreal reality"
- That is Sankara's philosophy: brahma satyam jagan mithya. That is his philosophy. Brahman means that spirit soul, that is fact. And this material external, that is false. A little advanced than the Buddha philosophy
- That point comes, when the karmis become disgusted, confused. Because the spirit soul, he wants spiritual life. He cannot be happy with any amount of materialistic life
- The activities of the material senses are perverted reflections of the activities of the original, spiritual senses. In his diseased condition, the spirit soul engages in material activities under the material covering
- The adhibhuta manifestation entails repetitions of births and deaths with old age and diseases, the adhyatma manifestation conditions the spirit soul, and the adhidaiva manifestation is the controlling system
- The atheists put forward many self-made theories without any touch of cause and effect. The manifested world, as well as the spirit soul, is still unexplained by the godless atheists through the medium of experimental knowledge
- The attachment to the body is there only because the "I," the spirit soul, is within the body. Similarly, when one is further advanced, he knows that the spirit soul is pleasing because it is part and parcel of Krsna
- The beginning of BG is to give lesson that we are not this body. It will be later on explained that the spirit soul, or the real person, is within this body. Just like we are here. We are within this shirt and coat, but we are not the shirt and coat
- The bewildered spirit soul, under the influence of the three modes of material nature, thinks himself the doer of activities that are in actuality carried out by nature
- The bewildered spirit soul, under the influence of the three modes of material nature, thinks himself the doer of activities that are in actuality carried out by nature - Bhagavad-gita 3.27
- The bewildered spirit soul, under the influence of the three modes of material nature, thinks himself to be the doer of activities which are in actuality carried out by nature - BG 3.27
- The bewildered spirit soul, under the influence of the three modes of material nature, thinks himself to be the doer of activities, which are in actuality carried out by nature. BG 3.27 - 1972
- The Bhagavad-gita As It Is is pure knowledge. It tells us of our relationship as eternal spirit soul with the supersoul Lord Krishna the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The Bhagavad-gita primarily deals with the intelligence of man, leading one to the progressive path of civilization of the spirit soul. And Srimad-Bhagavatam is the complete human civilization dealing with the subject matter of the soul proper
- The birth, death, old age and disease are the inconveniences of the body. The spirit soul has no birth, no death, no old age and no disease, neither the spirit soul is annihilated after the destruction of this body. Na hanyate hanyamane sarire
- The body and the mind are but superfluous outer coverings of the spirit soul
- The body has developed to that seven months' condition because there is a spirit soul. Otherwise how it becomes seven months' developed? You'll find this description in the Srimad-Bhagavatam
- The body is changing every moment by the actions and reactions of the different cells. But the spirit soul exists permanently, remaining the same despite all changes of the body and the mind. That is the difference between matter and spirit. BG 1972 pur
- The body is like a cloud passing over the spirit soul. It stays for some time, gives some by-products, dwindles, and then vanishes
- The body is not the self, but animals and foolish people think that it is. Vivarta (illusion) does not, however, denote a change in the identity of the spirit soul; it is the misconception that the body is the self that is an illusion
- The body is only a dead vehicle to be worked by the spirit soul, which is always active and cannot stop even for a moment. BG 1972 purports
- The body may be fat or thin, but no learned man would say such things of the spirit soul. As far as the spirit soul is concerned, I am neither fat nor skinny; therefore you are correct when you say that I am not very stout
- The body may perish at any moment, but the soul is eternal. If one gives up attachment for the body and increases his attachment for the spirit soul, his life is successful. It is merely a matter of deliberation
- The common man concludes that actually the spirit soul was different from the body and has now gone away
- The constitution of the spirit soul is three divisions: enjoyment, eternity, and knowledge. Spirit soul is full of knowledge, full of happiness, and unending, not that this knowledge
- The creator is Parabrahman. Matter is not only subordinate to spirit but is actually created on the basis of spirit. When the spirit soul enters the womb of a mother, the body is created by material ingredients supplied by the mother
- The Darwin's theory is that the body is transforming. No. Body cannot transform. Body can take the shape according to the desire of the soul, or according to the effects, resultant action, of one's karma
- The difference between the body and soul can be realized by a person who is thoughtful (manisi or muni), and after this realization of the individual spirit soul one can very easily understand the supreme spirit soul
- The different forms of these living entities are only their external dresses. Every living being is actually a spirit soul, a part and parcel of God. Therefore one should not favor only one kind of living being
- The entire world is going on being misled by so-called leaders like scientists and philosophers, who have no knowledge of the spirit soul. Thus the conditioned soul becomes more and more entangled
- The entire world is suffering because of spiritual thirst. Every living being is Brahman, or spirit soul, and needs spiritual food to satisfy his hunger and thirst. Unfortunately, however, the world is completely unaware of the nectar of krsna-katha
- The feelings of happiness and distress of the soul, who is transcendental by nature, are caused by the spirit soul himself
- The first step of self-realization is to know oneself as spirit soul apart from the body
- The fish is an animal of the water, it cannot be happy without water. Similarly, we are all spirit soul; unless we are in spiritual life or in the spiritual world, we cannot be happy. That is our position
- The fortunate Sisupala's spirit soul immediately merged into the body of Lord Krsna in the presence of all, exactly as a burning meteor falls to the surface of the globe
- The gopis are all transcendental spirit souls. One should never think that the gopis and Krsna have material bodies
- The illusory potency, maya, constantly terrorizes and shackles the people in the present Age of Quarrel, Kali-yuga. Due to forgetting their real identity as spirit souls, they bring disaster to the world
- The impersonalists again fall down and get material forms, which are all false to the spirit soul
- The impersonalists argue that this is fallacious because it is sometimes found that matter is produced from spirit soul and sometimes that spirit soul is produced from matter
- The individual particle of spirit soul is a spiritual atom smaller than the material atoms, and such atoms are innumerable. BG 1972 purports
- The inebriety of the material qualities is due to the difference between the material body and the spirit soul. The conditioned soul's activities are displayed through the medium of the modes of material nature and are therefore perverted in appearance
- The intelligence department becomes the capital of lustful propensities. Intelligence is the immediate next-door neighbor of the spirit soul. BG 1972 purports
- The jnana process theoretically speculates about the reality of the soul. But bhakti-yoga factually engages the spirit soul in activities. The perception of matter is transcended to still subtler states of the senses
- The karmis are generally engaged in fruitive activities for material bodily comforts. The jnanis, however, are disgusted with searching after material comforts. They understand that they have nothing to do with this material world, being spirit souls
- The life force of the living entity - the soul - is different from the ovum and semen of the human being
- The living entity forgets his real identity as spirit soul, Brahman, and instead of realizing his factual position thinks himself the product of the material energy
- The living entity is one with and different from the SP of Godhead. As spirit soul, the living entity is one in quality with the Supreme Lord; however, the Supreme Lord is bigger than the biggest, and the living entity is the smallest of the small
- The living entity's fear of death is due to his false ego of identifying with the body. Everyone is afraid of death. There is no death for the spirit soul, but due to our absorption in the identification of body as self, the fear of death develops
- The living entity, because of his being a spirit soul, can understand all the material objects, or, when self-realized, he can understand the Paramatma, upon whom yogis meditate
- The living spirit transmigrates from one species of life to another, and he is moving in that way for millions and millions of years within the hollow of the great universe. For this reason, the living spirit soul is described as all-pervasive
- The load carried by the body does not belong to me, for I am the spirit soul. There is no contradiction in your statements because I am different from the body
- The Lord now concludes the chapter of instruction on the immutable spirit soul (in BG 2.30). In describing the immortal soul in various ways, Lord Krsna establishes that the soul is immortal and the body is temporary. BG 1972 purports
- The man, the male and female, they have sex life, and the two secretions, they mix up, becomes emulsified, and the spirit soul takes shelter within that matter. And then the matter develops gradually. That is the development within the embryo
- The material bodies of all living entities cannot exist unless sheltered by the spirit soul and the Supersoul
- The material body is completely separate from the spirit soul, and the pains and pleasures of the body are superfluous
- The material covering of the pure spirit soul is an external feature, as much as fever is an external feature of the unhealthy body. The general process is to decrease the degree of the fever and not to aggravate it by maltreatment
- The materialists have many branches of philanthropic and altruistic activities from a political, (inter)national angle of vision, but none of the field work can go beyond the jurisdiction of the misconception of identifying the body with the spirit soul
- The Mayavadi theory of oneness of the spirit soul cannot be entertained on the ground that spirit soul cannot be cut into pieces as a fragmental portion. BG 1972 purports
- The Mayavadi theory of oneness of the spirit soul cannot be entertained, on the ground that the spirit soul cannot be cut into pieces as a fragmental portion
- The Mayavadis say, brahma satyam jagan mithya: "The spirit soul is truth, and the external energy is untruth." The Vaisnava philosophers, however, do not agree with the Mayavada philosophy
- The Mayavadis think that because they are spirit soul, they are one with the Supreme. Being equal in quality does not mean that one is the Supreme Soul
- The miseries of material existence begin from the very day when the spirit soul takes shelter in the ovum and sperm of the mother and father, they continue after he is born from the womb, and then they are further prolonged
- The missing point is being presented that you are not this body; you are within this body, spirit soul. You just try to come out of this entanglement of birth, death, old age, and go back to home, back to Godhead
- The mission of human life is to understand the real constitutional position of the spirit soul and to know that everyone of us living entities is an eternal servant of Krsna
- The most important subject matter of understanding is the soul
- The most important thing is to understand about the spirit soul which is within the body. But at the present moment the whole world is giving simply stress on the body
- The moving power of the body is the spirit soul. We are repeatedly trying to convince people this simple truth, but they are so dull-headed they cannot understand
- The need of the spirit soul is that he wants to get out of the limited sphere of material bondage and fulfill his desire for complete freedom
- The outer skin, or the gross and subtle material coverings of the soul, automatically separates from the spirit soul, and the spirit soul can then exist in spiritual existence, even though apparently within the dry skin
- The perfection of religion is to attain complete satisfaction of the spirit soul, and this is accomplished by rendering devotional service to the Lord, who is beyond the perception of the material senses
- The propensity for material enjoyment never ends. Therefore the cycle of birth and death continues, and the spirit soul suffers perpetually
- The qualities of the material modes in the body will act, but as spirit soul the self is aloof from such activities. How does he become aloof? He does not desire to enjoy the body, nor does he desire to get out of it. BG 1972 purports
- The real, factual platform is the spiritual world, but when the spirit soul wants to imitate the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he is put into this dreamland of material creation
- The saints & sages of Bharata-varsa, as India has long been known, never tried to cultivate or satisfy artificially the needs of the body & the mind exclusively; they always cultured the transcendental spirit soul, which is above the material body & mind
- The Sanskrit statement anartha-nivrtti indicates that this body is unwanted. We are spirit soul, and there was never any need of this material body
- The seed is the spirit soul, and by material contact it is covered by finer body - intelligence, mind and ego. And according to the quality of that ego, we develop different kinds of this material gross body
- The sense perception is created from the five elements: earth, water, air, fire, and ether. And above that, there is still finer materials: mind, intelligence, ego. And then, behind that, the soul is there
- The soul is more valuable than the sun, because the sun is, after all, a matter, and the soul is spirit. Therefore the vast difference of value
- The soul is never vanquished, even when the body is destroyed. An intelligent man, therefore, should care for the happiness of the spirit soul, not of the body
- The soul is within the core of the heart (hrdaya); it is from the heart that the Yamadutas were extracting the soul of Ajamila
- The spirit soul (the living entity) and matter are different energies of the Supreme Lord, and since both the energies are products of the Supreme Eternal, or the Supreme Truth, they are factual, not false
- The spirit soul and the Supreme Lord is by nature joyful. Whenever there is question of joyfulness there must be varieties. So there is no variety. So without variety he cannot remain there for very long
- The spirit soul as I have described, one ten-thousandth part of the tip of the hair, it is very, very minute. From that minute spirit so much earth, water, fire is coming. So why not the supreme spirit, huge quantity of water, earth will not come
- The spirit soul bewildered by the influence of false ego thinks himself the doer of activities that are in actuality carried out by the three modes of material nature
- The spirit soul by nature is jubilant." So the Supreme Personality of Godhead, He is supreme living being, and we are also living being, but we are not the Supreme. Try to find out this difference
- The spirit soul can be happy only in the association of the supreme living being, the Personality of Godhead, and nowhere else
- The spirit soul can never be struck by the sharp sword, nor can he be burnt by fire. He can never be affected by water or air, and thus, the spirit soul is eternally indestructible, nonflammable, nonevaporable, and noncorrodable
- The spirit soul does not need to enter such temporary bodies. He does so only due to his ignorance or his forgetfulness of Krsna
- The spirit soul has got the chance now to liberate himself. There is a process. By nature's way, the evolution is to give chance the spirit to get out of this material entanglement
- The spirit soul has nothing to do with the material world; his actions must be in some relation with the Supreme. When he acts in Krsna consciousness, he is actually in his constitutional position. BG 1972 purports
- The spirit soul has nothing to do with this material nature, but because of his mentality of lording it over, he is put into the position of conditional existence
- The spirit soul has to be engaged in the good work of Krsna consciousness, otherwise it will be engaged in occupations dictated by illusory energy. BG 1972 purports
- The spirit soul in its original condition is joyful, blissful, eternal and full of knowledge, and only by his implication in material activities has he become miserable, temporary and full of ignorance. This is due to vikarma
- The Spirit Soul is certainly eternal and changeless; and the fall is superficial, just like the relation between father and son cannot be broken ever
- The spirit soul is connected with the material energy and must accordingly suffer material conditions and reversals, continually, life after life because of this covering (subtle body)
- The spirit soul is equal in either a man or woman. One who is actually engaged in the service of Krishna, there is no such distinction as man or woman
- The spirit soul is eternal, and the Supreme Lord is eternal; therefore reciprocation of their loving exchanges is eternal
- The spirit soul is not produced from matter; it takes on a particular type of body under superior arrangement. According to our present experience, this material world is a combination of matter and spirit. The spirit is moving the matter
- The spirit soul is so minute that it cannot even be seen by an enemy, to say nothing of being killed. As mentioned in the previous verse (BG 2.17), it is so small that no one can have any idea how to measure its dimension. BG 1972 purports
- The spirit soul is so small that it is impossible to kill him by any material weapon, as is evident from the previous verses (before BG 2.19). Nor is the living entity killable because of his spiritual constitution. BG 1972 purports
- The spirit soul is the basis. Our body, very small particle, spiritual particle, takes shelter in the womb of the mother, and gradually the living spark develops this body. That is our practical experience
- The spirit soul possesses the body and is within the body. This is the real analysis. The soul never mixes with the bodily elements
- The spirit soul transmigrates even in the duration of one life as the body changes
- The spirit soul's needs must be fulfilled. Simply by cleansing the cage of the bird, one does not satisfy the bird. One must actually know the needs of the bird himself
- The spirit soul, although it is now overpowered by this material bondage or material conditions, that spiritual consciousness can be revived by this transcendental vibration
- The spirit soul, although now overpowered by the sleep of material contact, can be revived by this transcendental sound vibration of Hare Krsna (mantra) is simply an address to the Supreme Lord and His energies
- The spirit soul, as he's existing within this body in spite of all changes, similarly the spirit soul will continue to exist even after the final change of this body. This simple truth. Try to understand this
- The spirit soul, being subordinate and finite, should always dovetail himself with the infinite and supreme soul, Krsna. That is the relationship of the wise man with Krsna
- The spirit soul, however, always remains as he is
- The spirit soul, the living entity, has no death, for he is eternal and inexhaustible. Being free from material contamination, he can go anywhere in the material or spiritual worlds
- The spirit soul, the living entity, who is in full knowledge of his position is always engaged in chanting Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare and is not concerned with the bodily functions
- The spirit soul, when he is fully liberated from material contamination or designation, he no longer transmigrates to another material body after death. He is transferred to the spiritual world for eternal residence in one of the spiritual planets
- The spirit souls in the Brahmajyoti, although they have no desire for sense gratification, still they feel inconvenience like the ghost, and they fall down again in the Maya's atmosphere and develop a material body
- The spiritual nature is eternal, and even when all the material universes are destroyed, the planets in the spiritual world abide. They remain exactly as the spirit soul remains even after the annihilation of the material body
- The spiritual senses, that is real sense. Do you follow what I say? You have got ear, but when the spirit soul is out of your body, in spite of possessing this physical ear, you cannot hear
- The spiritual world is eternal. The material world is temporary. We are spirit soul. We are eternal. Therefore our business is to go back to the spiritual world, not that we remain in the material world and change body from bad to worse
- The Srimad-Bhagavatam (10.2.32) states, Persons who are falsely puffed up, thinking they have become liberated simply by understanding their constitutional position as Brahman, or spirit soul, are factually still contaminated
- The Srimad-Bhagavatam confirms that it is not possible for one to become liberated by cultivation of empiric philosophical speculation. Simply knowing that one is not matter but spirit soul, or Brahman, does not purify one's intelligence
- The subtle psychic life will develop again in another suitable body by the process of transmigration of the spirit soul & thus put godless leaders in ordeals of different wheels of action & reaction by obliging them to transmigrate from 1 body to another
- The subtle psychic life will develop again in another suitable body, by the process of transmigration of the spirit soul, and thus put them in ordeals of different wheels of action and reaction by obliging them to transmigrate from one body to another
- The Supersoul is called adhiyajna, and the soul is called adhibhuta
- The transcendental work of the karma-yogi surpasses the mundane limits of the material body and mind, because it is performed in relation with the transcendental spirit soul
- The upper portion, the tip of the hair, just like a point, you divide into hundred parts and take another one part and divide another hundred parts. That means one ten-thousandth part of the tip of the hair is the dimension of the spirit soul
- The uttama-adhikari sees the spirit soul within the material body and serves him as spirit. Thus the material aspect is automatically served
- The very first step in acquiring knowledge is coming to understand that - I am not this body. I am spirit soul, and my aim of life is to get out of this material entanglement
- The vital force of the body is the spirit soul. It is not a mechanical arrangement of matter
- The whole purpose is how to make the spirit soul from the bondage of contamination of repetition of birth and death. That is the purpose of human life
- The wise man is he who has thoroughly understood that he is spirit soul and not simply a body
- The word tad-vijnana refers to transcendental knowledge, not material knowledge. A medical practitioner may have material knowledge of the body, but he has no knowledge of the spirit soul within
- The world in which we live is a miserable place. It is, so to speak, a prison house for the spirit soul
- Their (persons who are falsely puffed up thinking they have become liberated by understanding their position as spirit soul) intelligence is impure because they have no understanding of the PG, and ultimately they fall down from their puffed-up position
- Their (the materialists') goal in life is to make the material body comfortable, but they forget the interest of the spirit soul
- There are big, big institutions for technology, how a motorcar can move, how aeroplane can move. So many machinery they're manufacturing. But there is no educational institution how the mover, the spirit soul, is moving
- There are hundreds and thousands of hospital, but where is the hospital for treating the spirit soul? They have no knowledge. They have no knowledge even, what to speak of hospital
- There are many hospitals and medical clinics to cure bodily diseases, but there are no such hospitals to cure the material disease of the spirit soul
- There are many pots made of earthly clay, and they are prepared and also broken. But in spite of this, the earth remains as it is perpetually. Similarly, the bodies of the soul under different conditions are made and destroyed, but the spirit soul remains
- There are others also who believe in the merging of the spirit soul in the Supreme Spirit when it is uncovered by the material encagement, and there are others also who do not believe in the existence of spirit or soul, but believe in tangible matter
- There are sleeping pills also, so many things. So actually, as pure spirit soul, I want to forget, but because I do not accept the real path, how to get out of this material existence, therefore we have to accept something, concocted means
- There are small microbes and insects we can barely see, but they have an anatomy consisting of many working parts. Within a small insect there is also the spirit soul, and that spirit soul also exists within the elephant and other big animals
- There are two kinds of bodies for every individual soul - a gross body made of five gross elements and a subtle body made of three subtle elements. Within these bodies, however, is the spirit soul
- There is a small, tiny spirit soul, the engineer or the architect, who takes the matter and decorate it and creates a skyscraper building. That is our experience. So how we can say that the matter is working automatically?
- There is a verse, atmanam sarvato rakset: "First of all try to save your soul." I think Lord Jesus Christ has also spoken something like that, "If, after gaining everything, one loses his spirit soul, then what does he gain?" Is it not
- There is no rebirth means there is no rebirth for possessing a material body. Because a spirit soul has neither birth nor death
- These activities (of the body) are completely different from the activities of the spirit soul of the living entity
- These are (Katha Upanisad 2.3.9, 12 and Srimad-Bhagavatam 10.84.13) some Vedic statements about spiritual substance. Spiritual substance cannot be seen by the unintelligent, because they do not have the eyes or the mentality to see the spirit soul
- They (Buddha philosophy) do not take account of the mind, because as soon as they go to the platform of mind, then immediately the question will be "Whose mind? Whose intelligence?" Then you have to come to the spirit soul
- They (devotees) look upon everyone as a spirit soul who is part and parcel of the Supreme Lord. Thus they are competent to search for the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- They (the material scientist) consider the intuition of living creatures from birth to be material. But such material tendencies as bodily intuition cannot be accepted as independent, for they suggest the existence of a spirit soul within the body
- They (the spirit souls) are under the spell of the three modes of material nature. Because they were created by the material energy, their bodies are made of the material elements
- They are accepting this bag of skin and bones as self. You see? This is a bag made of skin and bone, and this... Is spirit soul so cheap thing that it is a bag of skin and bone and some stools and urine, combination? That is nonsense
- They are one in quality, as spirit soul, but the individual soul and Supersoul are different
- They cannot estimate the smallest, and they cannot estimate the greatest. They cannot make any measurement of the outer space, nor they can make any measurement of the minute particles of spirit soul
- They do not know what is spirit soul. This is the animal consciousness. Dogs, cats, they think that the body, they are the body
- This (BG 14.3) is an explanation of the world: everything that takes place is due to the combination of ksetra & ksetrajna, the body & the spirit soul. This combination of material nature & the living entity is made possible by the SG Himself. BG 1972 p
- This (prayers by Anasuya) was accepted by the lords (Brahma, Visnu and Siva), and as Dattatreya the Lord expounded the philosophy of the spirit soul and especially instructed Alarka, Prahlada, Yadu, Haihaya, etc
- This (SB 7.7.18) is a very important verse in understanding the difference between the spiritual soul and the material body. The soul is eternal, as stated in Bhagavad-gita - BG 2.20
- This body has been described as outward dress, different dress. Just like we are, somebody white, somebody yellow, somebody black. But actually, we spirit soul, we are one
- This body is a gift of the material nature, and one who is too much attached to the bodily consciousness is called mandan, or a lazy person without understanding of spirit soul. BG 1972 purports
- This body will be finished, everyone knows. But the spirit soul within the body, that will not finish. Na hanyate hanyamane sarire (BG 2.20). That is spiritual education in the beginning
- This body, which is eatable by jackals and dogs after death, does not actually do any good for me, the spirit soul. It is usable only for a short time and may perish at any moment
- This chapter (2 of the Bhagavad-gita) instructs us in self-realization by an analytical study of the material body and the spirit soul, as explained by the supreme authority, Lord Sri Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- This consciousness (of the material body) is inferior, destructible and perverted. But superconsciousness of the supramind in the spiritual plane is as good as the spirit soul and is never annihilated
- This current of the spirit soul is felt all over the body as consciousness, and that is the proof of the presence of the soul. BG 1972 purports
- This danda, there are four sticks. One stick is representing the jiva soul, another stick is representing body, another stick is mind, and another stick, speech
- This false identification (of spirit soul with the body) and attraction for matter gradually dry up and fade away by success in the cultivation of the human spirit. That is the effect of such higher cultivation
- This is the beginning of education, that you are a spirit soul. Because you are spirit soul you are changing body. This is the understanding, beginning A-B-C-D
- This Krsna consciousness movement is meant to deliver people to the proper understanding that they are not their body, that they are pure spirit soul. We may or may not be appreciated, that is not our concern
- This Krsna consciousness movement is specifically meant for educating people about the spirit soul. It is not a sectarian religion. It is a science. Don't take it as a type of religion. It is a course of education which is understandable
- This Krsna consciousness temple is the hospital for the diseased spirit soul. And everyone is diseased. Come to this hospital. We shall take care of you and cure your material disease
- This material body is developed because spirit is present within matter; a child grows gradually to boyhood and then to manhood because of that superior energy, spirit soul, being present. BG 1972 purports
- This material body is the source of all miseries. Actually the spirit soul has no misery. Just like normal condition of a living entity is healthy life. Disease takes place by certain contamination infection. Disease is not our life
- This material body, how it has developed, such big body? Because the living spark is there. The gigantic material thing grows on the basis of spirit soul. We can understand that
- This material creation is the spirit soul's dream. Actually all existence in the material world is a dream of Maha-Visnu
- This material life is not meant for the spirit soul. It is simply a misunderstanding that you want to enjoy this material life
- This material world is existing on one plenary portion of Krsna. If Krsna didn't enter this universe, it could not exist. Similarly, unless the spirit soul, which is a fragmental portion of Krsna, enters this body, this body cannot exist
- This nonsense theory that "Within the womb of the mother, unless the body is developed to seven months, there is no life," what is this nonsense? The body has developed to that seven months' condition because there is a spirit soul
- This question (does material nature ever give release to the spirit soul?) asked by Devahuti of Kapiladeva is more or less impelled by the philosophy of voidism
- This self-surrender is called atma-nivedana. According to different authorities, "self" is differently defined. "Self" is sometimes considered to refer to the spirit self, or soul, and "self" is sometimes considered to refer to the mind or to the body
- Those who are actually learned do not make any distinction between a learned scholar, a brahmana, an elephant, a dog and a candala. They do not see in terms of the external body; rather, they see the person as spirit soul
- Those who are finding out the original cause of material creation, they should know this fact, that creation takes place when there is spirit soul. That means living
- Those who have realized the Absolute Truth, they have concluded that the matter has no permanent existence and spirit soul has no annihilation. These two things would be understood
- Those who understand simply that the living being is not matter but spirit soul and who desire to merge into the Supreme Spirit Soul are in the lowest transcendental position
- Those without knowledge of the spirit soul are mad after materialistic activities, and they perform all kinds of sinful activities simply for sense gratification
- Through such fortunate engagement (the transcendental service of God), one’s transcendental love for Krsna is increased. One's position is thus completely purified, and one is filled with transcendental bliss accompanied by the spirit soul's jubilation
- To illustrate that the living entity, or spirit soul, is entirely metaphysical, the above explanation is given as indirect proof by negation of material attributes
- To perform irresponsible activities in the material world is very dangerous. Without knowledge of the spirit soul and its transmigration, people are allured by the material energy to engage in many such activities
- To remember the Lord and desire to serve Him are the spiritual qualities of the spirit soul. One can curb down these spiritual qualities by artificial means, but they will be reflected in a perverted way on the mirror of material existence
- To spread KC, one need only be cognizant of the science of the spirit soul. It does not matter whether one is a brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra, sannyasi, grhastha or whatever. If one simply understands this science, he can become a spiritual master
- To understand what is that spirit soul, how it is working, what is his position, that, that is real knowledge
- Ultimately, when a person comes to understand that his self is the spirit soul and that the spirit soul is nothing but a part and parcel of the Supreme Lord, he recognizes the Supreme Lord as the ultimate goal of love and then surrenders unto Him
- Unfortunately, none of us is the body. We are spirit soul. We are changing different bodies, as you can see in our presence there are so many living entities, and this body can be changed to any one of them
- Unfortunately, people in this modern age do not know how these laws are working. Having no knowledge of the eternity of the spirit soul and its transmigration, the population of the present age is in the greatest ignorance
- Until that time (realize perfectly that the living being is spirit soul), the duality continues, and the conception of man and woman also continues. In this stage, one should be extremely careful about mixing with women
- Vedic education means one has to understand his real identity as brahman or the spirit soul. Unfortunately the modern educational system is so defective that everyone is educated to accept this body as self
- Vijnana refers to specific knowledge of the spirit soul's constitutional position and his relationship to the Supreme Soul
- Vijnanam refers to specific knowledge of the spirit soul and knowledge of one's constitutional position and his relationship to the Supreme Soul. BG 1972 purports
- Voluntarily we have accepted this material body, but actually we are spirit souls who should not have accepted it. When and how we accepted it cannot be traced. No one can trace the history of when the conditioned soul first accepted the material body
- We are all Brahman, spirit soul, but somehow or other we have come in contact with these material elements (bhumir apo 'nalo vayuh (BG 7.4)), and we have acquired bodily coverings. Consequently we think, "I am this body." This is ignorance
- We are discussing about spirit soul, not the Indian, American, Christian, Hindu. No. We have no business with this skin philosophy, that "Here is an American, white; and here is an African, black." No
- We are discussing about the characteristics of the demons. So they have lost their intelligence. Etam drstim avastabhya nastatmanah alpa-buddhayah (BG 16.9). Nastatmanah. Atmanah means spirit soul. So they have lost the sense of spirit soul
- We are hearing from authorities like Lord Krsna. He says, na jayate na mriyate va kadacit: My dear Arjuna, a living entity does not take birth. There is no birth, death, old age, disease of the spirit soul
- We are like mischievous children, and therefore we must have spiritual engagement. Simply understanding that we are spirit soul will not help. Understanding that we are spirit, we have to sustain the spirit by spiritual engagement
- We are not concerned with the skin but with the soul
- We are originally pure spirit soul, part and parcel of Krsna, and therefore our original constitutional position is as pure as God's
- We are preaching Krsna consciousness movement on the platform of the spirit soul, which we do not see with these material eyes. This is great ignorance
- We are spirit soul and God is the Supreme Soul. All the souls have come, emanated from Him. He is the Supreme Soul, and Paramatma. The exact word used in the Vedic language, Paramatma, Parabrahma, Paramesvara
- We are spirit soul, and as such we are eternal. Why, then, should we subject ourselves to birth and death? One who asks this question is to be considered intelligent
- We are spirit souls, aham brahmasmi. We have nothing to do with this material world. But somehow or other, I am in contact. So simply I have to be contactless
- We are spirit souls, but because we have been put into the material ocean, the currents are carrying us away. However, if we engage twenty-four hours a day in hearing, chanting, and seriously serving Krsna, the current will stop
- We are under the material energy at the present moment. So we have to transfer ourself to the spiritual energy, because we are spirit soul
- We find nowadays, big, big philosophers write volumes of book, simply theorizing without any understanding of the spirit soul
- We get this knowledge that this body is not all in all. There is soul. As soon as the soul is out of the body it is a lump of matter. But in spite of all our experience we are interested only with this body. This is called ignorance
- We have a big tree of these actions and reactions with their respective fruits. And as the enjoyers of these fruits, we become bound up in the network of such work and its fruit. Birth after birth, the spirit soul becomes bound up in the process
- We have to rectify this mistake, that, We are not this body. This is our external covering. We are spirit soul, part and parcel of Krsna
- We have to understand it (spirit soul) by the sruti process, Vedic knowledge. That is real understanding. And understanding from the right person, Krsna or His representative. And it has to be understood simply by hearing. There is no other process
- We must know the nature of those temporary states of material happiness and distress. It would be sheer stupidity to ignore them, or to remain indifferent in matters concerning the spirit soul, around which the material body and mind exist
- We praise a beautiful woman for her body, but that same body, when bereft of a spirit soul, is no longer interesting to any lusty man
- We spirit soul, we are as pure as God. God is pure. In the Bhagavad-gita Krsna is addressed as param dhama pavitram paramam bhavan (BG 10.12). Pavitram means the purest. So we are part and parcel of God; we are also purest
- We spirit souls we have no business in this material world, but because we wanted to enjoy it, leaving the association of Krsna, we have been given this ship, this body, to ply over the material ocean
- We take bitter medicine just to cure our existence. Similarly, at the present moment, our existence is impure. Therefore we have to accept birth, death, old age and disease on account of impure existence. Otherwise, we are spirit soul, we are eternal
- We transmigrate from one body to another in bodies that are products of our illusion, but as spirit souls we always exist separately from material, conditional life
- We want freedom, and we want to travel all over the world and all over the universe. Indeed, that is our right as spirit soul. The spirit soul in Bhagavad-gita is called sarva-gatah, which means that he has the ability to go wherever he likes
- We want to be happy by adjustment of this external energy. That cannot be. You are spirit soul - you must have spiritual food, you must have a spiritual life, and then you can be happy
- What is materialism? Materialism means that all of us in this material world, although we are spirit souls, somehow or other want to enjoy this material world
- What is this spirit soul? Naturally, part and parcel of God. Therefore as spirit soul my duty is to serve God. That is religion, plain thing
- Whatever advancement of knowledge, whether in art or science, that has been made by mundane scholars without reference to the eternal spirit soul is but a manifestation of the illusory modes of nature that encompass and limit the material body and mind
- Whatever we experience, including matter and the spirit soul, the living force, is but a combination of two energies of Lord Visnu - the inferior energy and the superior energy
- When a field is overgrown with thorns and weeds, it becomes very difficult for the owner to work it. That is the position of the spirit soul when the body itself becomes a burden due to disease
- When a living entity gives up the material coverings, he remains a spirit soul. This spirit soul must enter into the spiritual sky to merge into the Brahman effulgence
- When he (the conditioned spirit soul) is punished for his abominable activities, he is thrown into hellish planets where he suffers the miseries of material existence more acutely
- When he (the conditioned spirit soul) is rewarded for his righteous activities, he is elevated to the higher planets where he becomes one of the many demigods
- When I know that, "I am not this body. I am the spirit spark, spirit soul. I am encaged within this body," that is knowledge. That is knowledge. So those who are self-realized spirit soul, they can see
- When one considers his body - his head, his hands and so on - one can certainly understand the difference between the spirit soul and the body. No one says, "I head." Everyone says, "My head"
- When one is advanced so much so that he inquires about the spirit soul. But there is no such inquiry. Like the cats and dogs, they cannot inquire what is spirit soul. So Vedic life means to become free as much as possible from the bodily disturbances
- When one is fully convinced that he is not his body, there is no question of fearing death, since the spirit soul does not die
- When one is liberated, he theoretically understands that the living entity is not composed of material elements but is spirit soul, distinct from matter. Simply by theoretically understanding this doctrine, one can be called liberated
- When one is self-realized that he is not this body, he is the spirit soul, brahma-bhutah, then what are the symptoms? Now, prasannatma: he becomes immediately very jolly
- When one transfers to the spiritual world by virtue of understanding Krsna consciousness, the actions and reactions of both gross and subtle bodies no longer bother the spirit soul
- When perfect knowledge is expanded, one ceases to see the outward covering of the living entity. He sees, rather, the spirit soul within the body
- When perfect knowledge is expanded, one ceases to see the outward covering of the living entity. He sees, rather, the spirit soul within the body. Thus he does not make distinctions between a human being and an animal, a learned brahmana and a candala
- When the living entity becomes free from false ego, he understands his superior position as a spirit soul, part and parcel of the pleasure potency of the Lord
- When the living entity is entrapped by the material body, he at once identifies with the bodily relationships, forgetting his own identity as spirit soul
- When the material body is annihilated, the spirit soul remains in a subtle form, which later assumes another material body
- When the spirit soul goes away, then where is the distinction? Suppose in hospital some Hindu dies or some Muslim dies, some Christian die, they are stacked together as useless matter. Is it not?
- When the spirit soul is active, sometimes the Mayavadi philosophers, they think, "Now I've realized that I am not this body, I am not matter, I am spirit soul, so now I have become Narayana. I have become the Supreme." But no, that is mistake
- When the spirit soul is out of your body, then I am asking you, "Mr. Ali, Mr. Ali, get up." Who is hearing? Your ear is there, but you cannot hear - finished. Therefore the spiritual senses, that is real sense. Do you follow what I say
- When the spirit soul is out of your body, then I am asking you, "Mr. Ali, Mr. Ali, get up." Who is hearing? Your ear is there, but you cannot hear, finished. Therefore the spiritual senses, that is real sense
- When there are bodily reactions as felt in happiness and distress, it is to be understood that the cause is the spirit soul himself. If he so desires, the spirit soul can change this conditional life of dualities by choosing to serve Krsna
- When this body is unfit for living, the soul gives up this body. And by superior arrangement the soul is put again into the womb of a particular type of mother, and the soul develops that particular type of body
- When we attain transcendental knowledge and are established in the actual, eternal religion of the actual living entity - the spirit soul - then and then only can we attain real, undeniable peace, prosperity, and happiness in the world
- When we hold meeting, unless one is very obstinate, he joins and chants Hare Krsna mantra, and dances also with ecstasy. He doesn't require to understand what is Hare Krsna mantra, but because it is spiritual vibration, it appeals to the spirit soul
- When we speak of a living entity, we must see the body and the mind as two outward coverings, two layers of paraphernalia - and the living force or spirit soul as the chief, central figure
- When we'll be spiritually advanced, then there will be no impediment. Now we cannot fly in the air, but when you are free from this body, your spirit soul, within a second you can go to the Vaikunthaloka. It is so light. Within a second
- Whenever we see any living entity we should think, "Here is a spirit soul." Anyone who can understand such a spiritual vision of life is pandita
- While Krsna was within the mouth of Aghasura, the demon's spirit soul came out like a dazzling light, illuminating all directions, and waited in the sky
- Whole living entities - either birds, beasts, human beings - everyone is seeking happiness, because that is the nature. Nature of the spirit soul is to seek happiness
- Whole Vedic literature is like that - how to get the spirit soul who is now entangled, or encaged, in this material body. That is sad-dharma; that is sanatana-dharma
- Within the material body is the spirit soul, but we cannot see it with the material eyes. When we see a body full of spiritual energy, it is very difficult for us to understand how the spiritual energy can have a body
- Without knowing the need of the dormant soul, one cannot be happy simply with emolument of the body and mind. The body and the mind are but superfluous outer coverings of the spirit soul
- Without knowledge of the spirit soul and its transmigration, people are allured by the material energy to engage in many such activities, as if one could become happy simply by dint of material knowledge, without reference to spiritual existence
- Without realization that he is Brahman, spirit soul, an eternal servitor of the Lord, if one simply thinks that he is Brahman, his realization is only theoretical
- Without spiritual contact, matter cannot create. Those who are seeking the original cause of the material creation should know that the creation takes place when the spirit soul is present
- Yoga practice is not meant to keep the body fit. Any transcendental process of spiritual realization automatically helps one to keep the body fit, for it is the spirit soul that keeps the body always fresh
- You are spirit soul, you cannot live peacefully in this material world. This is foreign. But as soon as you enter into the spiritual world, your life is eternal, blissful and full of knowledge, real peace. Tyaktva deham punar janma naiti
- You can dress with so many outward coverings. But we spirit soul, we do not require this material dress, but somehow or other we have got it. This is anartha. Anartha means unwanted
- You, spirit soul, you are always the same, although you are changing dress. Our problem is that we are perpetually changing dress, but our desire is to have a permanent life. That is spiritual education
- Your real dimension is mentioned there that you are a spiritual atom. The measurement is one ten-thousandth part of the tip of the hair. That is the seed, or basic principle. Now, on that small particle of spirit soul we have developed this body