Mahāvīra: Christo is also the Spanish and Portuguese word for Christ.
Prabhupāda: What is the meaning?
Mahāvīra: Christ.
Prabhupāda: Christ. Just see. So write article on this.
Mahāvīra: "Krishnian."
Prabhupāda: Wherefrom this Christo came. The Greek word. And the Greek got from India, Kṛṣṇa. This is the history. Christian means Krishnian, godly. And Christo, so far I know, the Greek meaning is "decorated," "love." That indicates to Kṛṣṇa. If there is some scholar, he can find out that Christian means Krishnian originally. (reads from Mike Robinson interview in BTG) "How the soul transmigrates? The process is very subtle. The spirit soul is invisible to our material eye. It is atomic in size. After the destruction of the gross body, which is made up of the senses, blood, bone, fat and so forth, the subtle body of mind, intelligence and ego goes on working. So at the time of death this subtle body carries the small spirit soul to another gross body. The process is just like air carrying a fragrance. Nobody can see where this rose fragrance is coming from, but we know that it is being carried by the air. You cannot see how, but it is being done. Similarly, the process of transmigration of the soul is very subtle. According to the conditions of the mind at the time of death, the minute spirit soul enters into the womb of a particular mother through the semina of father. And when the soul develops a particular type of body given by the mother, it may be a human being, it may be cat, a dog or anything." So it is brainwash? Hmm?
Mahāvīra: But if it was heard by them, they would accept it, but because there are so many cheaters and rascals, that it's all been . . . they're so afraid of all of it, because there's been so much cheating and different philosophies and gurus and false gurus and that.
Prabhupāda: Tumahare yahan sab hota hai. (Everything is done at your place.) . . . (indistinct) . . . now . . . Aiye. (Come). So far fix up, you should take paper. Who is in charge of which subject, I want to know. (devotees look for paper) Aap thoda sanksrit sikhiye na. (Why could you not learn a little Sanskrit.) That Prem Yogi can teach you very nice. And you and Prem Yogi can teach these boys Sanskrit.
Mr. Saxena: Yes.