Category:Enter Into
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Subcategories Pages in category
This category has the following 15 subcategories, out of 15 total.
Pages in category "Enter Into"
The following 460 pages are in this category, out of 460 total.
- Enter into (BG)
- Enter into (CC)
- Enter into (Conversations 1968 - 1974)
- Enter into (Conversations 1975 - 1977)
- Enter into (Lectures, BG)
- Enter into (Lectures, NOD - CC - ISO)
- Enter into (Lectures, Others)
- Enter into (Lectures, SB cantos 1 - 2)
- Enter into (Lectures, SB cantos 3 - 12)
- Enter into (Letters)
- Enter into (Other Books)
- Enter into (SB cantos 1 - 2)
- Enter into (SB cantos 3 - 4)
- Enter into (SB cantos 5 - 12)
- A bona fide spiritual master chants the holy names - Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare - and the transcendental sound vibration enters into the ear of the disciple
- A devotee says there, "My dear Vasundhara, any person who goes to Vrndavana and sees the Deity of Govindadeva is free from the courthouse of Yamaraj and is allowed to enter into the highest planetary system, in which reside the demigods"
- A living being, according to his own action, is allowed to enter into the womb of a mother by the vehicle of a father's semina, and thus he develops his desired body. This is the law of birth in specific bodies according to one's past actions
- A mad elephant can create a disaster, especially when it enters into a nicely trimmed garden
- A person who is not disturbed by the incessant flow of desires - that enter like rivers into the ocean, which is ever being filled but is always still - can alone achieve peace, and not the man who strives to satisfy such desires
- A pure devotee who is prepared to undergo all kinds of tribulations in executing Krsna conscious duties becomes lawfully qualified to enter into the transcendental abode
- According to the conditions of the mind at the time of death, the minute spirit soul enters into the womb of a particular mother through the semina of father
- According to Vedic scriptures, a woman who dies with her husband, or enters into the fire in which her husband is burning, also enters the same planet her husband attains
- According to your mental situation you enter into the womb of a mother injected by the semen of your father, you get an opportunity to grow another body. It takes about seven months to grow that body
- After creating millions of universes, the first purusa entered into each of them in a separate form, as Sri Garbhodakasayi
- After death, one has to enter into the womb of another mother. That is also a very fearful stage. One becomes packed in a bag, and this bag is filled with stool and urine, and one has to remain packed in this airtight bag for nine months
- After finishing this life, again one dies, and again one enters into the womb of some mother. Another type of body then comes out. This is the process of reincarnation
- After liberation from material contamination, the atomic soul may prefer to remain as a spiritual spark in the effulgent rays of the SP of Godhead, but the intelligent souls enter into the spiritual planets to associate with the PG. BG 1972 purports
- After separating the different universes, the gigantic universal form of the Lord (Maha-visnu), which came out of the causal ocean, the place of appearance for the first purusa-avatara, entered into each of the separate universes
- After thus traveling all over the universes, they also entered into the spiritual sky, for they were freed from all material contamination
- Afterwards (those who are in the material world, must first of all know how the external energy of the Lord is working) one may try to enter into the activities of His internal energy
- Agni, or heat, separated from His (the universal form's) mouth, and all the directors of material affairs entered into it in their respective positions. By that energy the living entity expresses himself in words
- All animals like deer, camel, ass, monkey, even flies and snakes, none should be ill treated. Even they enter into the house or in the fields and take their eatables, they should not be stopped. Because they have also got the right to eat
- All the controlling deities like Visnu, Brahma and Siva are different manifestations of the Paramatma feature of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Sri Krsna, who exhibits himself in such manners by entering into each and every universe generated from Him
- All their (human being's) activities are targeted towards the goal of sense gratification without control, and therefore by all this business they are unknowingly entering into the deep regions of darkness
- Although it is very difficult to enter into the Radha-Krsna pastimes, most of the devotees of Vrndavana are attracted to the radha-krsna-lila
- Although the impersonal effulgence, the brahma-jyotir, is the first realization, one must enter into it, as mentioned in the Isopanisad, to find the Supreme Person, and then one's knowledge is perfect
- Although the impersonal feature of the Absolute is an expansion of the rays of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, He does not need to take care of the impersonalists who enter the brahmajyoti
- Although the last child was a daughter, Kamsa could not kill her, and she has entered into the celestial planets
- Although the living entity's mind, intelligence & identity are beyond the range of this material world, when he enters into material world due to his desire to dominate matter, his original mind, intelligence & body become covered by the material energy
- Although there may be sufficient cause for being unhappy, one should avoid counteracting such reversals, for the more we become implicated in rectifying such reversals, the more we enter into the darkest regions of material anxiety
- Although they (women and sudras) are unfit to enter into the spiritual affairs of the Lord, can see Him as the arca-vigraha, who descends on the material world just to distribute favors to the fallen souls, including the above-mentioned women and sudras
- Although yogis try to capture Him (Krsna) as Paramatma by meditation, desiring to enter into the effulgence of the Lord with great austerities and penances, they fail to reach Him - SB 10.9.9
- Always be thinking of how to spread this Sankirtana Movement by applying our basic principles according to time and place, and I especially want that my students enter into the schools and colleges and present our Krishna philosophy and sell our books
- Anacara means not proper behavior. Proper behavior means to remain always pious, and improper behavior means to become impious, sinful. If you become sinful, then you cannot enter into the family of Krsna
- Anima-siddhi refers to the power by which one can become so small that he can enter into a stone
- Another example is given in the Srimad-Bhagavatam of the elephant who enters into a lake and takes a bath very seriously, cleansing his body thoroughly
- Any kind of happiness derived from religiousness, economic development, liberation or sense gratification cannot even dare to enter into the heart of a pure devotee
- Arjuna said, "My lord, I promise that I shall give protection to your children, and if I am unable to do so, then I shall enter into blazing fire so that the sinful contamination which has infected me will be counteracted"
- Arjuna was allowed to enter into the heavenly planets in the selfsame body simply by the grace of the Lord, otherwise it is not possible to do so
- As far as the rasa-lila pastimes of the Lord are concerned, it is futile for one who is within the material world to attempt to imitate the Lord’s dances. One has to attain a spiritual body like that of a gopi to enter into the pastimes of the rasa-lila
- As far as the spiritual entrance into the material world is concerned, all beings are part and parcel of the Supreme Lord, but under the covering of different material qualities they have different names
- As for the boys, they were simply enjoying transcendental bliss in the company of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. At that time, the calves that were pasturing nearby entered into the deep forest, allured by new grasses, & gradually went out of sight
- As I and you enter in our body, similarly, vistabhya aham, Krsna says He enters within this material world. Therefore the creation takes place, it grows, it gives off so many by-products, and then again there will be destruction
- As it is said in Bhagavad-gita, tato mam tattvato jnatva: after discharging pure devotional service, one can understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead in fact, and one becomes eligible to enter into His association in one of the spiritual planets
- As Ksirodakasayi Visnu, the Lord enters into the heart of every living entity, including Brahma
- As long as one is overwhelmed by those (ignorance, material conception, attachment, hatred and absorption) five kinds of material miseries, there is no question of entering into the Vaikunthalokas
- As long as we are here on earth, we must learn to practice to love and serve Krsna, the Supreme Lord. If we learn this, we can enter into those spiritual planets
- As soon as I die, again I will have to enter into the womb of a particular mother to take birth again. So where is the happiness? In the womb of the mother to live for ten months in a very awkward position - we have forgotten - that is not very happiness
- As soon as one enters into Krsna consciousness, his desire for material enjoyment is at once vanquished, and he gradually becomes free from material entanglement
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita, only by devotional service can one understand the transcendental nature of the Supreme Lord and, after understanding Him perfectly in His transcendental position, enter into the kingdom of God
- As the Lord, in His plenary portion, entered into the elements of the universal creation, they transformed into the gigantic form in which all the planetary systems and all movable and immovable creations rest
- As, by making some material adjustment, we may qualify to enter into different material planets, by qualification we can enter into the spiritual planet where the Supreme Lord resides
- Assured, the child (Suka) came out, but he immediately went away as a parivrajakacarya. When the father (Vyasa), very much aggrieved, began to follow his saintly boy, Sukadeva Gosvami, the boy created a duplicate Sukadeva, who later entered family life
- Asuras, devoid of self-realization and knowledge of isavasya, the Lord's universal proprietorship, are certain to enter into the darkest regions
- At the end of life the transcendentalists either think of the brahma-jyotir, the Paramatma or the Supreme Personality of Godhead Sri Krsna. In all cases they enter into the spiritual sky. BG 1972 Introduction
- At the end, he (who is in Brahman atmosphere) enters into the eternal kingdom of God, either merging into the impersonal Brahman or associating with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- At the time of annihilation, the five gross elements - earth, water, fire, air & ether - enter into the mind, intelligence and false ego (ahankara), & the entire cosmic manifestation enters into the spiritual energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Aupanisadam purusam: He (Krsna) is known by the Upanisads. This means that when one is purified by Vedic knowledge, one is then allowed to enter into devotional understanding
- Because the age of Kali was seeking an opportunity to spoil the cultural heritage of the four orders of life, the inexperienced boy gave a chance for the age of Kali to enter into the field of Vedic culture
- Because the impersonalists who reach the param padam of the impersonal brahmajyoti do not enter into the Vaikuntha planets, they come down again to this material world and are given shelter in one of the material planets
- Because the princes were ready to enter into some severe austerity in order to worship the Lord, Lord Siva advised them to constantly chant of and meditate upon the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Because the pure devotees have developed their spontaneous love for the Supreme Personality of Godhead, they are allowed to enter into the spiritual planets to enjoy spiritual bliss in association with the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Being forsaken by her husband, Sitadevi entrusted her two sons to the care of Valmiki Muni. Then, meditating upon the lotus feet of Lord Ramacandra, she entered into the earth
- Besides five primary rasas, or relationships, there are seven secondary rasas which consist of laughing, having wonderful visions, entering into a chivalrous relationship, experiencing pity, feeling anger and experiencing ghastliness and devastation
- Bhagavad-gita says that one who worships a particular demigod can reach the demigod's planet, but one who worships the Supreme Personality of Godhead can enter into Vaikuntha
- Bilvamangala Thakura actually entered into the transcendental pastimes of Lord Krsna. He has recorded his transcendental experiences and appreciation in the book known as Krsna-karnamrta
- Bilvamangala Thakura intensely desired to enter into the eternal pastimes of the Lord, and he lived at Vrndavana for seven hundred years in the vicinity of Brahma-kunda, a still-existing bathing tank in Vrndavana
- Both the living entities and the Supreme Personality of Godhead enter into the material creation just to make it active
- By following scriptural injunctions one may enhance his appreciation for the glories of the Lord, but there is no chance for one to enter into personal dealings with Him
- By His partial plenary expansion (Maha-visnu), He enters into material nature, and then into each and every universe (as Garbhodakasayi Visnu), and then (as Ksirodakasayi Visnu) into all the elements, including every atom of matter
- By perfecting their yogic practice, yogis can reach the highest planet, Brahmaloka, or Satyaloka, and after giving up their material bodies, they can enter into the body of Lord Brahma
- By this advancement in life (becoming cleansed of sinful reactions), one not only becomes happy and opulent in this life, but also, at the end, he enters into the eternal kingdom of God. BG 1972 purports
- Caitanya, preaching as an acarya, a great teacher, taught that we can enter into a relationship with God and actually become God's friend
- Concerning the eightfold yoga system, attempts in the beginning to enter into meditation through regulative principles of life and practice of different sitting postures are considered fruitive material activities. BG 1972 purports
- Death is nothing but to remain practically unconscious for seven months. That's all. This body is left, and we enter into a particular womb of mother, and just to develop another body it takes about seven months
- Death means from the time of your leaving this body and entering into the womb of another mother, and so long another body is not developed, you remain unconscious
- Death means this gross body, this overcoat is left, and I am carried away by the subtle body, and I enter into another overcoat, or gross body
- Death means, according to Vedic literature, sleeping for seven months. Just as I give up this body, I have to enter into the womb of some kind of mother. These things are explained in the Vedic literatures. I am not manufacturing
- Devaki prayed - After many millions of years, when Lord Brahma comes to the end of his life, the annihilation of the cosmic manifestation takes place. At that time the five elements - namely earth, water, fire, air and ether - enter into the mahat-tattva
- Devotee means the first sign will be happy, brahma-bhutah prasannatma. If he's not prasannatma, he's a rascal. He has not entered even devotional life. He's outside. That is the test
- Dhrtarastra offered his respectful obeisances to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, "By His (the Supreme Lord's) inconceivable energy creates this material world and enters into it and sets into motion the three modes of nature"
- Dishonest men cannot go to back to home, back to Godhead. That is false. God is pure. One must be very, very pure. A thing which is not fire, it cannot be allowed to enter into the fire. One must become fire; then there is no trouble. Fire can enter fire
- Do every word of our books meticulously and perfectly accurately transcribed so the most erudite and deep thinking men of the world can enter into the intricacies of meaning in each verse
- During that seven months (while entering into the womb of mother and manufacturing another body), we do not know what is happening. That is death. Death means that. Otherwise, there is no death. The spirit soul is eternal
- During this period, I mean to say, quitting this body, entering into another body and to develop that body, come to the consciousness point of view, it takes seven months. So death means sleeping for seven months
- Elephant is very big animal. You ask the elephant, "Please become like an ant." "Oh, that is not possible, sir. That is not possible." But God is so great that although He's universal, He can enter into the atom
- Enthusiasm must be maintained under all circumstance. That is our price for entering into Krsna's kingdom. And maya is always trying to take away our enthusiasm to serve Krsna, because without enthusiasm everything else is finished
- Even if we want to live here amid miseries, material nature will not allow us to do so. It will oblige us to change bodies and enter another atmosphere full of miserable conditions
- Every living entity has a mortal body. So to enter into the mortal body, that is a kind of punishment
- Everyone is neophyte. He should practice determination, that's all. If he cannot practice, then why should he enter into this association? Let him remain aloof
- Favorable servitors are devotees of the Lord, and by the grace of the Lord they can enter into the mysterious region of transcendence by the mercy of the Lord
- First of all he must be trained up first-class brahmacari, up to twenty-five years. And then, if he likes, he can enter into family life. That is also up to fifty years
- First of all, we have to live very regulated life. Sannyasa life is that regulated life. And then we can enter into the real life. That is idea
- Foolish mundaners actually envy Sri Krsna and deride Him as one who is like other mundaners. The truth about Sri Krsna does not easily enter into the perverted brain of such mundaners infected with the empiric approach to philosophy
- For human society, constantly thinking of how to earn money and apply it for sense gratification brings about the destruction of everyone's interests. When one becomes devoid of knowledge & DS, he enters into species of life like those of trees & stones
- Gayatri mantra is meant for spiritually advanced people. When one is successful in chanting the Gayatri mantra, he can enter into the transcendental position of the Lord
- Generally the so-called Bhagavatam reciters are either professional readers or so-called learned impersonalists who cannot enter into the transcendental personal activities of the Supreme Person
- Giving too much attention to understanding the exalted glories of the Lord reduces the chance of one’s entering into personal loving affairs with the Lord. To teach the principles of such loving dealings, the Lord decided to appear as Lord Caitanya
- God offers the conditioned soul a material body for his so-called enjoyment, but if one does not come to his senses and enter into spiritual consciousness, God again puts him in the unmanifested condition as it existed in the beginning of the creation
- Great sages conquer the mind and senses by practicing the mystic yoga system and controlling the breath. Thus engaging in mystic yoga, they see the Supersoul within their hearts and ultimately enter into impersonal Brahman
- Haridasa Thakura, although certainly competent and qualified to enter the temple, did not want even to go near it. This is called Vaisnava humility
- Having been asked by Caitanya Mahaprabhu why the goddess of fortune could not enter into the rasa dance whereas the authorities on Vedic knowledge could, Venkata Bhatta replied, "I cannot enter into the mysteries of this behavior"
- He (Dhruva Maharaja) concentrated his mind on the arca-vigraha form of the Lord, which is the exact replica of the Lord and, thus meditating upon Him, entered into complete trance
- He (Krsna) says, repeatedly, "If you enter into the highest planet of this universe, still, your repetition of birth and death will continue. But mam upetya, if you come to My planet," - Oh, there is no more rebirth. No more. You get your eternal life
- He (Krsna) still further manifests Himself as Ksirodakasayi Visnu, and that Visnu enters into everything-even into the minute atom. This fact is explained here (in BG 9.8). He enters into everything. BG 1972 purports
- He (Ksirodakasayi Visnu) is the second incarnation from Karanodakasayi Visnu, who is the origin of material creation and who expands as Garbhodakasayi Visnu, who then enters into each and every universe
- He (one who understands his real constitutional position as the eternal servitor of the Lord) becomes qualified to enter into the Vaikuntha planets, where there is neither material, miserable life, nor the influence of time and death. BG 1972 purports
- He (Srila Haridasa Thakura) said that he did not have the strength to enter into the temple, and he pointed out that if Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu lived within the temple, there would be no way for Haridasa Thakura to see Him
- He (the Lord) is the support of the material cause and He enters into everything. He is absolute, one without a second, and He is the eyes of the illusory energy
- He (who got liberation by surrendering to God) does not become 1 with the brahmajyoti but rather enters into the planet of the Supreme Lord. It is clearly mentioned here (in BG 9.28): mam upaisyasi, "he comes to Me," back home, back to Godhead. BG 1972 p
- Here in Los Angeles, we have found that there is a group of about 40 devotees who privately meet to discuss the intimate pastimes artificially thinking that they can enter into the understanding of the gopis prematurely
- Hiranyakasipu, who by dint of his sinful activities always defied the supremacy of the SPG, entered into the darkest region of hellish life; but by the grace of his great son, Prahlada Maharaja, he also was delivered and went back home, back to Godhead
- His friendship with Arjuna was so intimate that when Arjuna prepared himself to die by entering a fire, Krsna wanted to give him complete protection
- I am not fire, I want to enter into the fire. You see? What will be the result? You'll be burned into ashes. First of all be fire. Increase your temperature to the same temperature, then it will automatically. He is Para-brahman, so you realize as Brahman
- I wish everyone of my devotees may purify himself from all material contamination and thus be eligible for entering into the association of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- If a human being is allowed to enter into the field or into the garden, he will try to take away something for selling or stocking, but the animals do not. So the innocent animals should be accepted as children of the householder
- If I remain as molecule in the brahmajyoti, that is also possible. The impersonalist wants that. Or if I enter into some spiritual planet and associate with the Supreme Personality of Godhead that is also another spiritual existence
- If one desires to understand the sun as it is, one must first face the sunshine and then the sun globe, and then, if one is able to enter into that globe, one may come face to face with the predominating deity of the sun - CC Preface
- If one desires to understand the sun as it is, one must first face the sunshine, then the sun globe and, after entering into that globe, come face to face with the predominating deity of the sun
- If one is actually fortunate enough to have faith in these discussions (between Ramananda Raya and Lord Caitanya), he can enter into the transcendental association of Radha and Krsna
- If persons who are suffering in the forest fire of this material existence will only enter into the nectarean river of the description of the pastimes of the Lord, they will forget all the troubles of the miserable material existence
- If someone is not willing to enter into hellish life, as in Tamisra or Andha-tamisra, then he must take to the process of Krsna consciousness, which is the first-class yoga system
- If something happens by providential arrangement, we should not be very sorry. The more we try to rectify such reversals, the more we enter into the darkest region of materialistic thought
- If we keep our doors and windows shut when the sun rises in the morning, surely the rays of the sun will not enter into our somber room
- If we want to approach God, we must be pure. Just like without high temperature, nobody can enter into the fire, similarly, God is the topmost temperature. We must acquire that temperature
- If you enter into any educational institution, if you don't surrender yourself to the rules and regulation of the institution, how you can get advantage of the knowledge imparted by the institution?
- If you remain pure by following the instructions of your Spiritual Master there is no chance for maya to enter into the program. So I do not think you will find any more these politics at our Boston center or elsewhere
- If you understand Krsna, if you become fit to enter into the society of Krsna, then you get only that spiritual body, no more material body
- If you want to enter into spiritual life, you must know that you, spirit soul, you are eternal. You don't die; you are not finished. That after the destruction of this body, you accept another body, tatha dehantara praptir
- If you want to enter into the rasa-lila, if you desire like that, so you love Krsna in that way, as the gopis. Then you'll have the same perfection. There is no difficulty. It is not at all difficult. Simply you practice
- If you want to enter into the spiritual kingdom, as Lord Jesus Christ also said: "The kingdom of God is for the meek and the . . ." Huh? Meek and mild, yes. So that is the qualification. You have to become humble
- Impersonalists cannot understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead; therefore it is not possible for them to enter into the spiritual kingdom of God and return home, back to Godhead
- In an intoxicated condition, the two demigods entered the water of the Ganges, which was filled with lotus flowers, and there they began to enjoy the company of the young girls exactly as a male elephant enjoys female elephants within the water
- In his conditional life, the living entity considers himself to be the lord of this material world, but in his liberated state he enters into the spiritual kingdom and becomes the associate of the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- In illusion an attached person serves such family members, and by serving them he is destined to enter into a hellish condition of life. For example, a thief steals something to maintain his family, and he is caught and imprisoned
- In our Krsna consciousness society, unless one is twice initiated - first by chanting Hare Krsna and second by the Gayatri mantra - he is not allowed to enter the kitchen or Deity room to execute duties
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 10.46.31) it is said that Balarama and Krsna are the origin of all living entities and that these two personalities enter into everything
- In the Bhagavad-gita it is clearly stated that a person who is totally engaged in the transcendental loving service of the Lord, and who constantly remembers Him at every step, easily obtains the mercy of the Lord by entering into His personal contact
- In the Bhagavad-gita it is clearly stated that out of many hundreds and thousands of men only one person deserves to enter into transcendental realization
- In the Bhagavad-gita it is said that such transcendental service rendered unto the SPG accumulates birth after birth, and when the devotee is fully matured, the total service counted together makes him eligible to enter into the association of the SPG
- In the Bhagavad-gita, the Lord says that only by bhakti-yoga can one know Him perfectly, and then one can enter into the science of God
- In the days of yore, when the demigods and Vasus performed sacrifice, Uddhava, as one of the Vasus, desired to enter into the association of the Lord, which is very difficult for those busy in empiric philosophical speculation or fruitive activities
- In the first day of intercourse of the father-mother, the secretion mix together, emulsified, and if the living entity is allowed to enter into that, it grows. That is the beginning of our body
- In the Laghubhagbatamritam it is said: - The pastimeous four handed Form of Garvodashayee Vishnu enters within the stem of navel lotus and is celebrated as 'Vishnu'. This Lord Vishnu is the Super soul of all the living entities of all descriptions
- In the Varaha Purana the following offenses (in Deity worship) are mentioned: (a) to eat in the house of a rich man, (b) to enter the Deity's room in the dark, (c) to worship the Deity without following the regulative principles
- In the Vedic hymns also the Supreme Brahman is described as antah-pravistah sasta. This indicates that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is controlling everything and entering into everything
- In this way (by thinking of Krsna), at the end of life, one may be transferred to the association of Krsna. This is technically called nitya-lila-pravista, entering into the planet Goloka Vrndavana
- Initiation means the beginning. The very word initiation means if you are engaged in some work, just in the beginning, that is called initiation. Initiation is not the end. Initiation means you agree to enter into the world of enlightenment
- It is certain, however, that no one can enter into the spiritual Vaikuntha planets without being trained in devotional service
- It is clearly stated here (in BG 8.22) that only by bhakti, or devotional service, can one enter into the Vaikuntha (spiritual) planetary system. BG 1972 purports
- It is due to the living entity's forgetfulness of his eternal nature as eternal servitor of the Lord, and his false conception of being a so-called lord of the material nature, that he is obliged to enter into the existence of false sense enjoyment
- It is necessary to know how to conduct work so that when we leave the material body we will no longer be forced to take another but will be free to enter into the spiritual sky
- It is said, "Persons who are constantly engaged in K C, and who remember the transcendental qualities of the Lord, become free from all reactions to sinful activities, and after being so cleansed they become fit to enter into the kingdom of God"
- It is stated in the Tantra-sastra, "If the smell of the garland which was offered to the Deity in the temple enters into the nostril of a person, immediately his bondage to sinful activities becomes cleared"
- It is stated there (in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, the Visnu Purana, and the Mahabharata) that the Lord snatched a gray hair and a black hair from His head and that these 2 hairs entered into the wombs of 2 queens of the Yadu dynasty, namely Rohini and Devaki
- It is to be understood that Devahuti entered the planet which is called Kapila Vaikuntha
- It was impossible for Sītādevī to live in separation from Lord Rāmacandra. Therefore, after entrusting her two sons to the care of Vālmīki Muni, she entered into the earth
- Jaya. First when I entered this room (at Bhaktivedanta Manor), I said, "All glories to George Harrison." Yes. You have given us this shelter, and Krsna will give you shelter at His lotus feet. We shall pray always like that
- Junior Haridasa had conclusively decided to attain shelter at the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Thus he entered deep into the water at Triveni, the confluence of the Ganges and Yamuna at Prayaga, and in this way gave up his life
- Just like before entering law college you have to become graduate, similarly, before entering the realm of devotional service you have to realize that all living entities are on the same platform. That is realization
- Just like matriculation examination, school-leaving examination, then you enter into college, and then get your graduate, become a graduate, and then post-graduate, so the Bhagavad-gita is just entrance examination for spiritual education
- Krishna is giving you good intelligence. So I wish that you will live for hundred years and execute this Krishna Movement so that in this very life you shall enter into the abode of Krishna
- Krsna consciousness means to adjust your condition so that after leaving this body you can enter into the planet where Krsna lives
- Krsna consciousness movement means to cut off family connection and enter into Krsna's family, not void
- Krsna consciousness movement means to cut off family connection and enter into Krsna's family. Not void. We are not impersonalists or voidists. The Mayavadi philosopher, they are impersonalist
- Krsna gives order because we want it. Krsna does not force you to enter into the dog's body or hog's body or demigod's body or human being's body, but as we create situation by desire, Krsna gives us the facility to possess such body
- Krsna has not pushed us. You wanted something for your enjoyment, so-called enjoyment. Krsna has provided you. Just like you want to enter into the prison life, therefore government creates a prison house
- Krsna is addressed, pavitram paramam bhavan (BG 10.12). He is the supreme pure, and we are impure, and you want to see the supreme pure. You see? What audacity! I am not fire, I want to enter into the fire. You see?
- Krsna lived with wives and children in all opulence, exactly like an ordinary conditioned soul, just to teach those souls who are actually conditioned that they must enter into the family circle of Krsna, where He is the center
- Krsna points out that even if one enters into the highest planet of all, called Brahmaloka, there is still repetition of birth and death. Other planets in the universe are full of living entities
- Krsna points out that even if we enter into those planets where great demigods reside, we will still be subjected to death. Again, Krsna repeats that upon reaching His planet, one need not take birth again
- Krsna tells Arjuna, one enters into the supreme abode. "By meditating in this manner, always controlling the body, mind and activities, the mystic transcendentalist attains to peace, the supreme nirvana which abides in Me." - Bg. 6.15
- Krsna-katha is so powerful that simply by entering into a person's ear it can at once give deliverance from the bondage of family affection
- Learned men do give much stress to the happiness and distress of the soul proper, which is spirit and transcends the existence of the body and the mind. When we enter into such culture of knowledge, it is called transcendental knowledge
- Life is solely meant for tapasya, for purifying existence so that one may enter into eternal life just after the end of the human form of life
- Lord Caitanya has affirmed that this hearing is very important. It cleanses the heart of the contaminated soul so that he becomes quickly qualified to enter into devotional service and to understand Krsna consciousness
- Lord Caitanya, preaching as an acarya, a great teacher, taught that we can enter into a relationship with God and actually become God's friend, parent or lover - CC Intro
- Lord Krsna instructed Arjuna in the Bhagavad-gita because He found Arjuna to be a devotee and friend. Without such qualifications, one cannot enter into the mystery of the Bhagavad-gita
- Lord Siva said, "At the end of this creation, all manifestations of Your (Krsna's) energies, whether in the shape of demigods, human beings or lower animals, enter into You"
- Maharaja Kulasekhara, a great devotee, prays, "My dear Lord, may I die immediately now that I'm healthy so that the swan of my mind may enter into the stem of Thy lotus feet." BG 1972 purports
- Maharaja Pariksit was not getting any opportunity to fight because there was no enemy with whom to fight. But as soon as he got the news that Kali has entered in the jurisdiction of his kingdom, he got the chance of fighting
- Maharaja Prataparudra's subordination before Lord Jagannatha made him a powerful king, so much so that even the great Pathan in his time could not enter into Orissa on account of the powerful Maharaja Prataparudra
- Mahatma refers to the first-class Krsna conscious man who is eligible to enter into the abode of Krsna
- Maya is undoubtedly very strong, and we have to be very vigilant like soldiers in a fortress. We should not let maya enter into our activities
- Men do not know that the ultimate goal of life is Visnu, due to being bewildered by the glaring reflection in the darkness, and as such everyone is entering into the darkest region of material existence, driven by the uncontrolled senses
- Modern scientific improvements also enable us to enter into stone, because they provide for excavating so many subways, penetrating the hills, etc. So , the mystic perfection of trying to enter into stone, has also been achieved by material science
- Monists merge within the personal effulgence of the Lord (Krsna) called the brahmajyoti, but the devotees enter into the transcendental pastimes of the Lord, which are never to be misunderstood as material
- My request to you is that you enter into the universities and colleges wherever possible and preach there with a view to recruiting some first-class devotees for helping me manage and push on this movement all over the world
- Nanda and all the other cowherd men, who had dedicated everything, including their lives, to Krsna, were ready to enter the waters of the Yamuna, but Lord Balarama checked them because He was in perfect knowledge that there was no danger
- Narottama dasa Thakura has stated that without the causeless mercy of Nityananda Prabhu, one cannot enter into the affairs of Radha and Krsna
- Neither Brahmaji nor the demigods like Indra can enter into this island of Svetadvipa, but they can stand on the shore of the ocean of milk and transmit their message to Lord Visnu, known as Ksirodakasayi Visnu
- Nirvana means to extinguish the pangs of material existence. When one is able to enter into the spiritual kingdom or into spiritual realization, one is automatically freed from material pangs. That is called brahma-nirvana
- No one can enter into this pastime (of rasa-lila) by artificial, material means. That is the instruction of the nayam sukhapo verse, and it must be strictly understood
- No one can reach the spiritual sky or enter into the eternal abode (Vaikuntha Goloka Vrndavana) of the Lord without the proper understanding of Krsna and His plenary expansion Visnu. BG 1972 purports
- Nor does He (Krsna) have any desire for fruitive activity (na me karma-phale sprha). When we enter into business, we hope for profit, and with that profit we hope to buy things that will make our life enjoyable
- O Brahma, please know that the universal elements enter into the cosmos and at the same time do not enter into the cosmos; similarly, I Myself also exist within everything created, and at the same time I am outside of everything
- O Supreme, You are independent in Your self and do not take help from others. Through Your own potency, You create this cosmic manifestation and enter into it
- On the path of birth and death we take our birth, remain for some time, enjoy or suffer, then again give up this body and enter into the womb of a mother, either human being or animal, then prepare another body to come out and begin our work again
- Once one enters into the continuation of material existence, it is very difficult to get out
- Once, these two demigods (Nalakuvara and Manigriva), desiring to enjoy, entered the garden of Lord Siva in the province of Kailasa on the bank of the Mandakini Ganges
- One can enter into the abode of the Supreme Lord in his individuality to engage in His association and render service unto Him. For instance, a green bird enters a green tree not to become one with the tree but to enjoy the fruits of the tree. BG 1972 p
- One can then enter into bhakti-yoga and renounce this material world. According to the sastras, there is sreyas and preyas. Sreyas is the ultimate goal
- One cannot enter into fire and not perish unless he himself becomes fire, and similarly one cannot enter into the spiritual realm in a body that is not spiritual
- One cannot enter into Krsna’s rasa-lila dance simply by artificially imitating it or artificially thinking oneself a sakhi and dressing up like one. Krsna’s rasa-lila dance is completely spiritual; it has nothing to do with material contamination
- One cannot forcibly sit on the chair of a high-court judge without being qualified for the post. Similarly, one cannot enter into the higher planetary systems without being qualified by good works in this life
- One dissolution takes place at the end of the life of Brahma. At that time all the planetary systems, including the heavenly systems, are dissolved in water and enter into the body of Garbhodakasayi Visnu
- One dissolution takes place at the end of the life of Brahma. At that time all the planetary systems, including the heavenly systems, are dissolved in water and enter into the body of Garbhodakasayi Visnu, who lies on the Garbhodaka Ocean
- One may be inclined to serve the Lord in servitude (dasya-rasa), fraternity (sakhya-rasa) or parental love (vatsalya-rasa), but none of these can enable one to enter into the service of the Lord in conjugal love
- One may go on speculating and waste the valuable time of his human life, but that will not help anyone to enter into the precincts of the Lord
- One must be properly qualified to enter into the transcendental subject matter. Everyone and anyone cannot. Sudras, those who are in sudra qualification, how they can understand Vedas? It is not possible
- One must qualify himself to enter into happy planets by sacrifice and service
- One plenary portion of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Paramatma, enters into the planets, the universe, the living entity, and even into the atom. So due to His entrance, everything is appropriately manifested. BG 1972 purports
- One should not misunderstand the import of visate ("enters into") as referring to merging into the existence of the Supreme. Even in material existence, one is merged in the existence of the Lord
- One should take little risk in order to enter into the eternal life, blissful life. One should take a little risk. That is advised by Narada
- One who has entered into Krishna Consciousness cannot act deliberately anything sinful. Still, we should always be on guard against such activities
- One who has entered with the determination that "I must practice," so if he cannot practice, then why this makeshow that "I belong to Krsna consciousness movement. I am initiated." Why this farce?
- One who seeks an improvement in health or aspires after material perfection is no yogi according to Bhagavad-gita. Nor does cessation of material existence entail one's entering into "the void," which is only a myth. BG 1972 purports
- One who studies the sunshine only is the preliminary student. One who understands the sun's surface is further advanced. And one who can enter into the sun planet is the highest. BG 1972 purports
- Only the devotee, or he who is in personal touch with the Supreme Lord, enters into the Vaikuntha planets. The Lord further adds that of this "there is no doubt." This must be believed firmly. BG 1972 Introduction
- Only when one regains his original spiritual body can he enter into the spiritual kingdom
- Others, who are pacified by means of transcendental self-realization and have conquered over the modes of nature by dint of strong power and knowledge, also enter into You, but for them there is much pain
- Our Krishna is a great family Personality. Krishna is never a mendicant, and our ambition is to enter into Krishna's family and to associate with Him personally
- Our philosophy is not to mix up with the water superficially but enter into the water and live there like fish, big, big fish. That is our philosophy
- Our real business is to get out and enter into the Kingdom of God. In Bhagavad-gita Krsna gives information of this kingdom and also gives instructions about His position and our position - of what He is and what we are
- People are very anxious to be famous for their religion, and consequently sometimes it is found that without understanding the principles of religion, one enters into some group, which is not actually following religious principles. BG 1972 purports
- People who commit sinful acts are forced to enter hellish planets and suffer. Now Maharaja Pariksit, being a devotee, is concerned with how this can be stopped
- Persons learned in the Vedas, who utter omkara & who are great sages in the renounced order, enter into Brahman. Desiring such perfection, one practices celibacy. I (Krsna) shall now explain to you (Arjuna) this process by which one may attain salvation
- Persons learned in the Vedas, who utter omkara and who are great sages in the renounced order, enter into Brahman. Desiring such perfection, one practices celibacy. I (Krsna) shall now explain to you this process by which one may attain salvation
- Persons learned in the Vedas, who utter omkara and who are great sages in the renounced order, enter into Brahman. Desiring such perfection, one practices celibacy. I shall now explain to you this process by which one may attain salvation. BG 8.11 - 1972
- Persons who are always planning to do harm to other living entities are not eligible to understand Krsna consciousness and cannot enter into the realm of transcendental loving service to the Lord
- Persons who are learned in the Vedas, who utter omkara and who are great sages in the renounced order enter into Brahman. Desiring such perfection, one practices celibacy
- Playing like an elephant, He entered into the water after roaring again in reply to the Vedic prayers by the great devotees. The Lord is the object of the Vedic prayers, and thus He understood that the devotees' prayers were meant for Him
- Real disease is adanta go, uncontrolled senses. Visatam tamisram, entering into the darkest region of material existence. Punah punas carvita carvananam, chewing the chewed, again and again, the same sense gratification
- Regarding kitchen affairs, as a rule those who are not initiated may not enter into the kitchen affairs
- Sanandana said, "After the dissolution of the whole cosmic manifestation, the entire energy and the whole creation in its nucleus form enter into the body of Garbhodakasayi Visnu"
- Seeing him, Narada Muni entered deeper into the forest to approach him. As Narada Muni passed through the forest, all the animals who were caught in the hunter's traps fled away. The hunter became very angry at this
- Siddhaye means to enter into the institution of daiva varna and asrama
- Simply by keeping the lotus feet of Lord Visnu in my mind, I shall be saved from entering into the wombs of many mothers for repeated birth and death
- Since he was a great devotee of the sun-god, King Satrajit gradually entered into a very friendly relationship with him. The sun-god was pleased with him and delivered to him an exceptional jewel known as Syamantaka
- Since religion is one, do you think man will enter into a golden age in which he will accept one God
- Since the material world cannot work independently, the living entities enter into the material manifestation in four different types of bodies. The word catur-vidham is significant in this verse - SB 4.24.64
- Sisupala, instead of entering hellish life, immediately and very easily received sayujya-mukti
- So Krsna also wants that to live with His family. Our Krsna consciousness movement is just to train ourselves again to enter into the family of Krsna. This is our movement
- So this Krsna consciousness means training people for becoming fit to enter into that eternal life, blissful life. That training is meant for human being, not for animals. So you should not misuse this human form of life
- Some astrologer told that "This boy, for executing his purpose, he will enter into the fire"
- Sometimes we find that little insects are attracted by the brightness of fire and thus enter into it
- Sometimes yogis enter into the bodies of other people and act as they desire when their bodies are not working properly
- Sri Isopanisad warns in clear terms that the killer of the soul is destined to enter into the darkest region of ignorance to suffer perpetually
- Sri Rama and Sri Laksmana, who are plenary portions of Lord Krsna and Lord Balarama respectively, entered into Them at the time of Krsna's and Balarama's appearance
- Srila Rupa Gosvami does not wish to enter into details here, but he wants to place before us only the principles
- Srimad-Bhagavatam gives the right knowledge of one's own self, and by hearing Srimad-Bhagavatam one can get free from material attachment and enter into the kingdom of fearlessness
- Stated in Brahma-samhita: "I worship the SPG, Govinda, who, by one of His plenary portions, enters into the existence of every universe and every particle of the atoms and thus unlimitedly manifests His infinite energy all over the material creation"
- Study of the Vedas is not meant for the recreation of armchair speculators, but for the formation of character. After this training, the brahmacari is allowed to enter into household life and marry. BG 1972 purports
- Success in yoga involves getting free from these material coverings and entering into spiritual existence. Lord Buddha's teachings of nirvana are based on this principle
- Suppose one has taken to Krsna consciousness, bhakti-yoga. So if he can execute properly, then: Then he will understand what is God, what is kingdom of God. And after death, he shall enter into the kingdom of God. So this is the only shelter
- Talking in this way, all the boys looked at the beautiful lotuslike face of Krsna, and they began to clap and smile. And so they marched forward and entered the mouth of the gigantic serpent
- The aborted living entity will have to enter into the womb of another mother in order to undergo the birth that he is destined to take
- The absolute truth and His bodily effulgence are in the same way simultaneously one and different. Kamsa and Sisupala attained to the absolute truth, but they were not allowed to enter into the Goloka Vrndavana abode
- The aim of life is to get rid of the material conditioning and enter into spiritual existence
- The air enters into water, mud, stool and whatever else is there; still it does not mix with anything. Similarly, the living entity, even though situated in varieties of bodies, is aloof from them due to his subtle nature. BG 1972 purports
- The authorities in the Vedic literature who are known as the sruti-ganas desired to enter into Lord Sri Krsna’s rasa dance; therefore they began to worship the Lord in the ecstasy of the gopis. In the beginning, however, they were unsuccessful
- The Brahma-samhita clearly describes Brahman, "It flourishes on the strength of Govinda and after annihilation enters into and is conserved in Govinda"
- The camellike nondevotees cannot enter into these topics. Therefore there is special jubilation in my heart
- The conception of God, greater than the greatest, and smaller than the smallest. That is God. He can produce these big, big universes simply by breathing, and again - we do not know how many atoms are there in each universe - He can enter in each atom
- The creeper of devotional service gradually grows so high that it passes through the entire material universe and enters into the spiritual sky, growing still higher and higher until it reaches the planet Goloka Vrndavana
- The destination of the devotee (the bhagavata) is to enter into one of the Vaikuntha planets, in each of which the Personality of God, in His unlimited personal expansions, enjoys Himself in the association of unlimited numbers of pure devotee associates
- The devotee's transferral to Krsna's abode in the spiritual sky, Goloka Vrndavana, where the devotee enters into eternal happiness. BG 1972 purports
- The devotee, who wants to enjoy the association of the Lord, enters into the Vaikuntha planets, which are innumerable, & the Supreme Lord by His plenary expansions as Narayana with 4 hands & with different names associates with him. BG 1972 Introduction
- The devotees enter into the kingdom of all pleasures even from the beginning of their attempt. The devotee has only to hear about devotional activities, which are as simple as anything in ordinary life, and he also acts very simply
- The dimension of the spirit is one ten-thousandth portion of the tip of the hair - very small particle, smaller than the atom. This atom enters into the father's semina, and the semina is injected in the mother's womb
- The elements of cosmic creation are all matter and have no potency to increase in volume unless entered into by the Lord in His plenary portion
- The elements were created first, and therefore they entered into the bodily construction later, but in both circumstances they entered the cosmos and also did not enter
- The enemies and the impersonalists may be allowed to enter into this Brahman effulgence, but the devotees of Krsna are promoted all the way to the spiritual planets
- The enemies of Krsna were killed, and instead of penetrating Krsna's phalanx, they entered into the friendly atmosphere of the spiritual effulgence. That is the mercy of Krsna, and therefore He is known as the deliverer of His enemies also
- The evacuating channel separately became manifest, and the director named Mitra entered into it with partial organs of evacuation. Thus the living entities are able to pass stool and urine
- The great elements of material creation, namely earth, water, fire, air & ether, all enter into the body of all manifested entities - the seas, mountains, aquatics, plants, reptiles, birds, beasts, human beings, demigods and everyone materially manifested
- The grhastha's concern is to get out of the family life created by illusion and enter into real family life with Krsna, whereas the grhamedhi s business is to repeatedly chain himself to so-called family life, in one life after another
- The human form of life gives the living entity a chance to cross the ocean of nescience, which is this material universe, and enter into the spiritual sky
- The human life, however, is an opportunity to get out of this repetition of creation and annihilation. It is a means whereby one may escape the Lord's external potency and enter into His internal potency
- The idea is that no one should enter into the management without any sanction. If they pay lump sums then they can be on the committee, but our majority must be there
- The idea is to enter into the para bhakti, the transcendental devotional service of the Supreme Lord. To attain this, one must analyze ones existence, but when one is actually engaged in devotional service, he should not bother seeking out knowledge
- The ignorant pseudo religionists and the manufacturers of so-called incarnations who directly violate the Vedic injunctions are liable to enter into the darkest region of the universe because they mislead those who follow them
- The immigration department by their confidential conspiracy did not allow me to enter into Nairobi. Therefore, from the Nairobi airport I immediately arranged to come to London
- The impersonalist cannot enter into the supernatural roles played by the devotee of the Lord
- The impersonalist rises to the Brahman effulgence and enters into that effulgence, he has no engagement in the service of the Lord, and therefore he is again attracted to materialistic philanthropic activities
- The individual living entity is given that independence. His conditional life is ended and his life becomes successful as soon as he turns his face to the Lord, but by misusing his independence he enters into material existence
- The individual soul, although within the illumination of the Supreme, sometimes falls down from that illumination because of his tiny position, and when he falls down he enters into material, conditional life
- The killer of the soul, whoever he may be, must enter into the planets known as the worlds of the faithless, full of darkness and ignorance
- The lights that emanate from such transcendental sources generally enter into us by our aural reception. So only if we are ready to offer a submissive aural reception to the message of Godhead can we know Godhead as He is
- The living entities are also differentiated expansions of the Lord's Self & because some of them desire to be lords & imitate the SL He allows them to enter into the cosmic creation with the option to fully utilize their propensity to lord it over nature
- The living entities enter into the supreme existence when they are liberated, and they do not change their original constitutional position
- The Lord affirms in Bhagavad-gita (BG 18.54-55): One can understand the Supreme Personality as He is only by devotional service. And when one is in full consciousness of the Supreme Lord by such devotion, he can enter into the kingdom of God
- The Lord as Garbhodakasayi Visnu or Hiranyagarbha Supersoul enters into each and every universe and causes it to be animated by begetting the living entities within the womb of the material nature, as confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita
- The Lord assured Uddhava that He would fulfill his desire. It appears that when the Lord informed him by His indication to Uddhava, the great sage Maitreya finally became aware of the importance of entering into the association of the Lord
- The Lord is all-pervading by the expansion of His partial representation, the Supersoul, who enters into everything that is. BG 1972 purports
- The Lord is flawless because He is without attraction or hatred. Similarly, when a living entity is without attraction or hatred, he also becomes flawless and eligible to enter into the spiritual sky. BG 1972 purports
- The Lord said that because He entered into the material universe by His personal representation, the cosmic manifestation has been made possible and is going on
- The Lord said that because He entered into the material universe by His personal representation, the cosmic manifestation has been made possible and is going on. BG 1972 purports
- The Lord says that at the time of death, whoever thinks of Him, either as Brahman or Paramatma or the Personality of Godhead, certainly he enters into the spiritual sky and there is no doubt about it. One should not disbelieve it
- The material elements are accepted as the inferior energy of Krsna. By their interaction the cosmic manifestation takes place, rests on Krsna, and after dissolution again enters into the body of Krsna as His subtle energy
- The Mayavada philosophical way of thinking is offensive, and no offender can enter into the kingdom of God to associate with Krsna
- The Mayavadi sannyasis sometimes fall down from the path of self-realization and again enter into material activities of a philanthropic and altruistic nature, which are nothing but material engagements. BG 1972 purports
- The moon is also on the level with the heavenly planets, and only persons who have performed virtues only - performing sacrifices, giving charity and undergoing severe austerities - can be allowed to enter into them after the duration of life of the body
- The moon planet, the sun planet, Venus and others, so many innumerable planets, Brahma-loka, Satya-loka, Jana-loka, Mahar-loka - these are information we get from Vedic literature. But Krsna says that you can go, you can enter in any one of these groups
- The more they (nondevotees of God) discuss the transcendental appearance and disappearance of the Lord in the asuric spirit, the more they enter into the darkest region of hell, as stated in Bhagavad-gita
- The more you enter into the spiritual bliss, the more you become joyful. That is spiritual
- The most dangerous animal is considered a mad elephant, for if a mad elephant enters into a garden, it causes tremendous damage to plants and trees. An offense to a pure devotee of the Lord is called vaisnavaparadha, the mad elephant offense
- The neutron of the atom may be taken as the representation of Paramatma, who also enters into the atom. This is described in the Brahma-samhita
- The next stage is the grhastha-asrama, in which the man is trained to enter into the Transcendence. Then comes the vanaprastha-asrama, the preliminary stage of renounced life
- The pastimes of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu are just like an unfathomable ocean. It is not possible for me to enter into it. Simply standing on the shore, I am but touching the water
- The path of perfection frees one from all material attachments, and thus one becomes fit to enter into the spiritual kingdom. Those who are materially poverty-stricken are better candidates than those who are materially prosperous
- The period when I give up this body, enter into the womb of mother and manufacture another body and come out, it takes about seven months
- The personified authorities on the Vedic hymns acquired bodies like those of the gopis and took birth in Vrajabhumi. In those bodies they were allowed to enter into the Lord's rasa-lila dance
- The pious householders or the fallen yogis or the fallen transcendentalists can be promoted to the higher planets within the material world (one fourth of the energy of the Lord), but they will fail to enter into the kingdom of deathlessness
- The pleasure which we are hunting here within this material world, everything is there, full, full ananda. You can enter into the anandamaya-lila. That He (Krsna) practically demonstrates in Vrndavana
- The present attempts to enter into the heavenly planets by the modern scientists will certainly prove futile because such scientists are not on the level of Arjuna. They are ordinary human beings, without any assets of sacrifice, charity or austerities
- The present law is the law of all scripture - that if anyone is purified he can enter into the temple. Actually, that is the position
- The process is to give up one material body and then enter into another. But the highest perfection of such changes occurs only when the living entity is able to give up the material body altogether, and enter into the spiritual atmosphere
- The rsis, as above mentioned, cannot enter into the transcendental world like Narada. This fact is disclosed in the Narasimha Purana
- The senses are already there, either Buddhist or Mayavada. And Vaisnava philosophy is, - Not only come out of this miserable condition of life, but enter into Krsna's family and live peacefully
- The Siddhas say that the mind of an ordinary person is full of anxieties. The example is given of the elephant who has suffered in a forest fire and who enters into a river for relief
- The so-called institution of free love marriage is ruining the human society and it is our duty to reestablish the correct procedure of human life by encouraging our disciples who wish to marry to enter into a contract of spiritual wedlock
- The so-called Vedantist, therefore, cannot enter into the existence of the Lord without being trained in the matter of bhakti-vedanta, or Vedanta plus bhakti
- The sound incarnation of Lord Krsna, the Supreme Soul, enters into the heart of a self-realized devotee, sits on the lotus flower of his loving relationship, and thus cleanses the dust of material association, such as lust, anger and hankering
- The sound of Krsna's flute always resides within the ears of the gopis and increases their ecstasy. When it is heard, no other sound can enter into their ears, and amongst their family they are not able to reply to questions properly
- The spiritual body is alone able to enter into the spiritual realm of the Lord, and no one but a pure devotee is eligible to enter into the kingdom of God
- The spiritual plant of devotional service gradually grows and grows until it penetrates the covering of the material universe and enters into the brahmajyoti effulgence in the spiritual sky. BG 1972 purports
- The Supersoul enters into the bodies of the created beings who are influenced by the modes of material nature and causes them to enjoy the effects of these modes by the subtle mind
- The Supreme Lord is represented throughout the entire material universes by His entering into all things as the Supersoul. BG 1972 purports
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead controls everything by entering into everything
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is never complete without His spiritual potencies; therefore unless one takes shelter of the gopis, one cannot enter into the company of Radha and Krsna
- The Supreme Powerful Lord then simultaneously entered into the twenty-three elements with the goddess Kali, His external energy, who alone amalgamates all the different elements
- The Supreme Spirit entered the universe, and the first living being, Brahma, was born on a lotus flower grown out of the transcendental abdomen of Visnu. Visnu is therefore known as Padmanabha
- The transcendental worker, or karma-yogi, has no such fear of falling down (like mystics yogis), for his attention is already fixed in the transcendental service of the Personality of Godhead. Thus, he does not need to enter separately into trance
- The unconditioned living beings enjoy life in full freedom with the Lord, whereas the impersonalist jnanis and yogis enter into the impersonal glowing effulgence of the Vaikuntha planets
- The universal elements enter into the cosmos and at the same time do not enter into the cosmos
- The Vedanta philosophy is the subject matter for study by the spiritual graduates. Only the post-graduate spiritual student can enter into the spiritual or devotional service of the Lord
- The Vedas state that everything is generated from the Absolute Truth, everything is maintained by the Absolute Truth, and, after annihilation, everything enters into the Absolute Truth
- The very first step in self-realization is realizing one's identity as separate from the body. "I am not this body but am spirit soul" is an essential realization for anyone who wants to transcend death and enter into the spiritual world beyond
- The whole system of asrama-dharma is a means to detachment. One who fails to assimilate this spirit of detachment is allowed to enter into family life with the same spirit of detachment
- The yoga processes are simply ways to elevate oneself to enter into that abode. Actually we belong to that abode, but, being forgetful, we are put in this material world. Just as a madman becomes crazy and is put into a lunatic asylum
- Then (after the pindadana in Gaya) that person (who obtained ghostly body) gets again gross body - means again he is allowed to enter into the womb of a material mother, and another gross body is formed by the materials supplied by the mother
- Then from that gigantic form of Maha-Visnu, Garbhodakasayi Visnu expands and enters into every universe. From Him, Brahma, Visnu and Siva expand
- There are also Krsna's parents, Nanda and Yasoda, who are also engaged in His service according to their respective transcendental emotions. One who desires to enter into the supreme abode of Krsna can take shelter of one of such transcendental servitors
- There are many thousands of temples in India, very old, five thousand, three thousand years old. Why? The acaryas wanted to give facility to the common man to enter into spiritual life. That is the idea
- There are sixty-four items of regulative devotional service for purifying the senses, and one should strenuously undergo such regulative service. Then one can enter into the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- There are varieties of material existence for the living entity according to the work he performs in ignorance or forgetfulness of his real identity. If anyone enters into that forgetfulness, he is unable to understand where his movements will end
- There is an intimate relationship between the swan and the lotus stem. So the comparison is very appropriate: without becoming a swan, or paramahamsa, one cannot enter into the network stem of the lotus feet of the Lord
- There is another mystic perfection which is known as prakamya (magic). By this prakamya power one can achieve anything he likes. For example, one can make water enter into his eye and then again come out from within the eye
- There is no falling down, and ultimately he (a Krsna conscious person) enters into the abode of the Lord without delay. BG 1972 purports
- There is no void anywhere within the creation of the Lord. Rather, the cessation of material existence enables one to enter into the spiritual sky, the abode of the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- They (mental speculation and artificial austerities) will not help at all in the progress of devotional service. These processes are, therefore, not favorable for entering into the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- They (The impersonalists) think, "Both the Supreme Lord and the individual soul enter into the various bodies; so where is the distinction? Why should individual souls worship the Paramatma, or Supersoul"
- They (the sruti-ganas) even took birth in Vrajabhumi just like the gopis and consequently became engrossed in the ecstasy of the gopis’ love. In this way they were allowed to enter into the rasa-lila dance of the Lord
- They are concerned to have a spiritual life, complete, full of bliss and full of knowledge, and that is possible when you enter into the spiritual planets
- This (a person serving his family he is destined to enter into a hellish condition of life) is the sum and substance of material existence and attachment to material society, friendship and love
- This entering of a chaste lady into the fire of her dead husband is called the sati rite, and the action is considered to be most perfect for a woman
- This human body is smashed, you enter into the dog's body, finished. That is not in your control, that is God's control, nature's control. Tatha dehantara-praptih (BG 2.13), it is not under your control or so-called science
- This initiation means to enter into transcendental life
- This material creation is possible when the Supreme Spirit enters into it. This is a problem to the modern scientist, how creation was possible. They cannot understand that without spiritual touch, there cannot be any creation
- This then is the method of Krsna consciousness which allows one to make friends with Krsna. We can enter into any number of relationships with Krsna
- This we can experience, that as soon as the spirit is entered into the womb of the mother, they develops skin and the child develops body. So this is very practical, that first of all, not that simply by sexual intercourse a child is born
- Those attracted by the conjugal love between Radha and Krsna must follow in the footsteps of the gopis. Only then is it possible to enter into the Lord's service in Goloka Vrndavana and directly associate with Radha and Krsna
- Those who are engaged in the worship of demigods enter into the darkest region of ignorance, and still more so do the worshipers of the impersonal Absolute
- Those who are highly elevated in Krsna consciousness can enter into the pastimes of Radha-Krsna through the mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Those who are impersonalists can merge into the sunshinelike brahma-jyoti, whereas those who are in love with the Supreme Person enter into the supreme abode of the Lord, Goloka Vrndavana
- Those who are in the mode of goodness can partially enter into the transcendental understanding, but it is advised in Bhagavad-gita that one has to surpass this
- Those who are trying to enter higher planets can go there, and those who are trying to qualify to enter into Goloka Vrndavana, the planet of Krsna, can also enter there by the process of Krsna consciousness
- Those who do not even make an attempt, who want to be covered by illusion, who are too materialistic and too attached to material enjoyment, must enter into the darkest regions of hell, as confirmed throughout the Vedic literature
- Those who do not follow the prescribed regulations of devotional service are not entitled to enter into the mysteries of His births and activities
- Those who engage in the culture of nescient activities shall enter into the darkest region of ignorance. Worse still are those engaged in the culture of so-called knowledge
- Those who have entered into a transcendental relationship with Krsna relish in every step descriptions of the pastimes of the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- Through it (the process of Krsna consciousness), he can become truly happy, and after leaving the material body, enter into the kingdom where there is eternal life, bliss and full knowledge
- Thus engaged in the service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Brahma entered into the whorl of the lotus, and as it spread all over the universe he divided it into three divisions of worlds and later into fourteen divisions
- To associate with persons engaged in lording it over the material world means to enter into the darkest region of hell
- To become untinged by the modes of material nature is the qualification for entering into the service of the Lord. As long as one is a servant of mental concoctions, one cannot be completely free from the disease of "I" and "mine"
- To enter into life of religiosity means to get out of the threefold miserable condition of life, apavarga
- To enter into or to become merged into the unlimited eternity of the Supreme Absolute means to enter the original home of the living being
- To enter into the spiritual life, first thing is first of all to accept a guru
- Unalloyed devotees of God know the glories of God in the sense that they can understand how great God is and how great is His expansion of diverse energy. Those who are attached to the perishable body can hardly enter into the realm of the science of God
- Under the supervision of the Supreme Lord and according to the result of his work, the living entity, the soul, is made to enter into the womb of a woman through the particle of male semen to assume a particular type of body
- Until one comes to the stage of actually understanding one's eternal relationship with the Supreme Lord, he cannot enter into spiritual life
- Unwilling conditioned souls are not allowed to enter into the liberated life of spiritual existence because at heart they are not willing to serve. Instead, they want to enjoy themselves as imitation Gods
- Vasudeva said, "You (Krsna) were lying in the Causal Ocean as Maha-Visnu, and by Your breathing process, innumerable universes came into existence. Then You entered into each of the universes as Garbhodakasayi Visnu"
- Vidura said: O powerful sage, my lord, all my doubts about the Supreme Personality of Godhead and the living entities have now been removed by your convincing words. My mind is now perfectly entering into them
- Visate means that one can enter into the abode of the Supreme Lord in his individuality to engage in His association and render service unto Him. BG 1972 purports
- Visnu as Ksirodakasayi enters into the hearts of all living entities, as well as into all material elements, including the atom
- Vita-raga-bhaya-krodhah (BG 2.56). If you are attached to these material varieties, then you cannot enter into the spiritual varieties, or in the spiritual world
- We can take help from outside in the matter of monetary help, either by contribution or by loan, but not to enter into transactions with outsiders. Because their aim of life is different from ours
- We do not take into account that after shifting this position, again we are going to enter into the miserable life of material existence. If we do not make a solution in present life, then we are again going to enter
- We do not wish to die, but we have to accept death. This is our conditional stage of life. I do not wish to take birth; still, I am forced to go into the womb of my mother by the laws of nature
- We don't want to give any chance for Maya to enter in our business. That should be our motto, and we should be very much vigilant
- We have been taught by our Guru Maharaja, twenty-four hours engagement with Krsna. So maya has no scope to enter in our mind. She always remains aloof: "Oh, here is fire. I cannot touch"
- We have seen many practical examples of this, especially in Europe and America. Many students who come to us from rich and respectable families quickly lose all interest in material enjoyment and become very eager to enter into spiritual life
- We invite everyone to understand the philosophy and reform the activities of life. This is our mission. I do not know why I was refused to enter into your country without giving me any proper explanation
- We must always remember that the Supreme Lord has His creative function and that the infinitesimal living entities have their creative functions also. It is not that their creative function is lost when they are liberated and enter into the Supreme
- We must enter into the spirit of Bhagavad-gita and not approach it simply from the viewpoint of erudition
- We should always remember that if something happens by providential arrangement, we should not be very sorry. The more we try to rectify such reversals, the more we enter into the darkest region of materialistic thought
- We should not spoil our energy in building mighty industries and cities to further entrap ourselves in material nature; rather, our energy should be used to develop KC, in order to attain a spiritual body whereby we may enter into Krsna's planet
- We understand from the Bhagavad-gita that after the dissolution of this cosmic manifestation, the material energy enters into the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- We want liberation, but not liberation in the impersonal existence. That is not very safe. We must enter into the spiritual varieties of life
- We want liberation, but not liberation in the impersonal existence. That is not very safe. We must enter into the spiritual varieties of life. That is Krsnaloka; that is Vaikunthaloka, especially Krsnaloka
- What is their position? They are unable to control their senses, and as such, they are entering into the darkest region of material existence
- What ungrateful devotee will not worship the Lord and enter into His devotional service? Actually, a devotee cannot forget his obligation to the Supreme Personality of Godhead even for a single moment
- When a devotee is called by the attraction of Krsna, he does not care for bodily ties. The women entered the forest of Vrndavana on the bank of the Yamuna, which was verdant with vegetation and newly grown vines and flowers
- When a human being enters into the study of the Vedas to obtain vidya, knowledge, he advances to sankhya-yoga, in order to understand the supreme controller, who is indicated in Bhagavad-gita - BG 10.12
- When a human being enters into the study of the Vedas to obtain vidya, knowledge, he begins to take part in human civilization. Then he advances further to study the Upanisads and gain brahma jnana, impersonal realization of the Absolute Truth
- When a living entity gives up the material coverings, he remains a spirit soul. This spirit soul must enter into the spiritual sky to merge into the Brahman effulgence
- When a living entity gives up this material embodiment and enters into the spiritual world, he can hear and speak to Him face to face, and he can understand the Supreme Personality as He is. BG 1972 purports
- When a living entity gives up this material embodiment and enters into the spiritual world, he revives his spiritual body, and in his spiritual body he can see the Supreme Personality of Godhead face to face. BG 1972 purports
- When a person is fully conversant with knowledge of the Lord as far as can be known by a perfect living entity in the liberated state, he is allowed to enter into the spiritual sky, where the Vaikuntha planets exist
- When Akrura was accompanying both Krsna and Balarama from Gokula to Mathura, he entered into the waters of the Yamuna River and could see in the waters all the planets in the spiritual sky
- When all these elements were unmixed, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the origin of creation, along with time, work, and the qualities of the modes of material nature, entered into the universe with the total material energy in seven divisions
- When Asvatthama destroyed the embryo of Maharaja Pariksit, the Lord, by His own internal potency, entered into the womb of Uttara by His plenary portion just to give audience to the would-be Maharaja Pariksit, who was in great danger
- When it (the plant of devotional service) is full grown, it surpasses the length and breadth of this universe and enters into the transcendental atmosphere, where everything is bathed in the effulgence of the brahmajyoti
- When Krsna began to play on His flute, the sound vibration entered into the ear of Brahma as the Vedic mantra om
- When one attains success in chanting gayatri mantra, he can enter into the transcendental position of the Lord
- When one attains success in chanting it (Gayatri mantra), he can enter into the transcendental position of the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- When one enters into a spontaneous loving affair with Krsna, there is no need to follow the Vedic rules and regulations
- When one is actually situated in that understanding, he becomes eligible to enter into the confidential pastimes of Radha and Krsna. There is no alternative to understand Their confidential pastimes
- When one is situated in his pure spiritual identity and thinks of the spiritual loving service rendered to the Supreme Lord, he is transferred to the spiritual kingdom to enter into the association of Krsna
- When one is successful in chanting the Gayatri mantra, he can enter into the transcendental position of the Lord
- When Prthu Maharaja and his wife, Arci, abandoned their material bodies in the material fire, they immediately developed their spiritual bodies and entered into spiritual airplanes, which could penetrate the material elements and reach the spiritual sky
- When the body becomes old, a perfect yogi can find a young, able body. Giving up his old body, the yogi can enter into the young body and act as he pleases. Being a plenary expansion of Lord Vasudeva, Lord Rsabhadeva possessed all these mystic yoga powers
- When the devotee's spiritual body begins to manifest, he actually enters into his activities in transcendental life
- When the ears of the gigantic form became manifested, all the controlling deities of the directions entered into them with the hearing principles, by which all the living entities hear and take advantage of sound
- When the hands of the gigantic form separately became manifested, Indra, the ruler of the heavenly planets, entered into them, and thus the living entity is able to transact business for his livelihood
- When the intelligence of the gigantic form separately became manifest, Brahma, the lord of the Vedas, entered into it with the partial power of understanding, and thus an object of understanding is experienced by the living entities
- When the Lord says that at the time of death whoever thinks of Him as Brahman or Paramatma or as the Personality of Godhead certainly enters into the spiritual sky, there is no doubt about it. There is no question of disbelieving it. BG 1972 Introduction
- When the SPG or His confidential servants manifest themselves and preach the message of Godhead, we must not shut the doors and windows of our body and mind; otherwise, the light emanating from the Lord and His servants shall not enter into us
- When the whole world is annihilated, all living entities again enter into the body of Maha-Visnu. When there is again creation, the living entities again come out, according to their past position. We do not accept Darwin's rascal theory
- When there was a separate manifestation of skin, the controlling deities of sensations and their different parts entered into it, and thus the living entities feel itching and happiness due to touch
- When they (Jnanis & yogis) become still more qualified through devotional service they can enter into the spiritual nature either the illuminating cosmic atmosphere of the spiritual sky (Brahman) or the Vaikuntha planets, according to their qualification
- When they (the ladies in the higher planetary systems) looked down they could see that the body of Prthu was being burned and that his wife, Arci, was entering into the fire
- When we know the Personality of Godhead in reality, we can then enter into His pastimes. That is the verdict of all revealed scriptures
- When you enter into the Krsna science you get so much volumes of transcendental knowledge, and we are trying to present before you this knowledge in so many ways, by cleansing your heart from this material contamination
- When you go to God, you must have a body like God. Just like if you want to enter into the water, then you must have a body like a fish. Otherwise you cannot enter into the water
- When you were contemplating whether there was a source to the stem of the lotus of your birth and you even entered into that stem, you could not trace out anything. But at that time I manifested My form from within
- With such resources (material energy & ingredients), and at the cost of valuable energy, the conditioned soul creates, satisfies his whims, but unwillingly has to depart from all his creations and enter into another phase of life to create again and again
- Without being freed from the attachment for material sense enjoyment, nobody can enter into the transcendental pastime of Radha and Krsna
- Yoga siddhis, they are simply material arts. Just like one example is given, that anima siddhi, anima siddhi means to enter into the stone. So we see in the Western countries they are boring big, big hills and entering in the stone
- You are spirit soul, you cannot live peacefully in this material world. This is foreign. But as soon as you enter into the spiritual world, your life is eternal, blissful and full of knowledge, real peace. Tyaktva deham punar janma naiti
- You are the Supreme Person, and through the temporary modes of material nature You create varieties of manifestation, just as fire, entering into wood of different shapes, burns brilliantly in different varieties
- You can show in sequence in a painting how Narada Muni is leaving the material body and accepting a spiritual body and entering into Lord Visnu and again coming out through Brahma's heart
- You should read our own books over and over again and as far as possible do not try to enter into controversy
- You teach us that those who are very fond of children within this material world and who enter into marriage to enjoy family life can have the Supreme Personality of Godhead as their child, the most wonderful thing is that the Lord Himself licks His toe