Category:Questions On... Varna, Asrama
Pages in category "Questions On... Varna, Asrama"
The following 215 pages are in this category, out of 215 total.
- A sudra, if he is working, he cannot take brahmana initiation, but he can take hari-nama, is that it?
- According to the Vedic conception, is the king or the monarch above the law?
- After taking sannyasa, though, He (Caitanya Mahaprabhu) had sikha and Tulasi mala?
- All the other programs should be continued, and this program (varnasrama college) should be added?
- And that's permitted to the grhasthas (they can simply ask help for the bare necessities of life)?
- And what if the brahmana starts to rule the world in their own interest?
- And what will be the benefit of classifying men according to their qualities?
- Another question comes. Why, how the caste system has crippled our society so much, was accepted by...?
- Any elaboration of what you refer to as vanaprastha college?
- Are sudras supposed to take sannyasa also?
- Are the majority of citizens sudras? In a varnasrama society?
- Are there any murti, having (so I was thinking to take some Deities with me to worship wherever I go)?
- Are there some qualifications of grhasthas, that grhasthas, they're required, like they are required to support the brahmanas, like that?
- Are they brahmanas (devotees in the Krsna consciousness movement)? Not by birth?
- Are you a brahmana? By birth you're a brahmana, right?
- As for your question about celibacy...
- At this time should we try to introduce it (varnasrama) in our centers or not?
- At what point is a householder to know when he should leave his family or her family?
- Being a brahmana by birth, does it mean anything?
- Brahmana is not to accept any employment?
- But for Brahmananda, he may remain sannyasi? Brahmananda?
- But is it possible to lead the life of a grhastha and at the same time think of that (janma karma me divyam yo janati tattvatah)?
- But then is that man that's hammering the bricks, isn't he going to quit hammering the bricks, too?
- But what I'm basically asking is what are these ksatriyas going to fight with?
- But young men don't tend to be wise, do they (so at the early age, up to twenty-five, he's trained up. If he can, he can continue as brahmacari. He directly can take sannyasa)?
- Can a person become a brahmana?
- Can a woman become sannyasi?
- Can one be a householder, I mean, with his normal worldly life, and at the same time be a...?
- Can they (ksatriyas) still make spiritual advancement?
- Can you satisfy equally as brahmacari or grhastha or sannyasi? Can you satisfy equally in whatever path you have chosen?
- Can you say something about the training for a brahmana (in the varnasrama college)?
- Can't we all be combined in a single person rather than dividing them into four, at least in the present age?
- Catur-varnyam maya srstam: is it applicable to India alone, or the whole world?
- Cobbler (woman can take care of the milk products or spining (spinning). And sudras can be engaged for working as weaver, as a blacksmith, a goldsmith. There are so many things)?
- Did Bhaktivinoda Thakura take sannyasa in later years?
- Did Lord Caitanya take sannyasa from a Mayavadi sannyasi?
- Distributing books (first-class brain, they should be engaged in studying sastras, writing books and in the worship of the Deity, lecturing enlightened people. This is brahmana. They haven't got to work as ksatriya, as vaisya)?
- Do they (the sudra class) kill them in a slaughterhouse? The goats?
- Do women fit into this (four classes) social structure? You keep referring to man
- Do you have a name that you call... are they called students?
- Do you have any in training for second class?
- Do you want to give ... authorization to take sannyasa as soon as possible?
- Does a devotee, who is working as a sudra, get second initiation?
- Does somebody forget his wife completely then?
- Does this apply to the brahmanas (you cannot see your wife being insulted before you. You must fight. You must kill him.That is the law. Aggressor)?
- Does this make a difference, the opinion that one's fellow ksatriya would have of him?
- Don't you think it's against the dharma-sastra (we are creating brahmanas in the western countries)?... Tell me why?
- Don't you think that instead of building a temple, asramas in this brahmacari model would be...?
- During the present day, sir, to whom we will treat as brahmana, ksatriya and vaisya and sudra?
- He asks: In our society do these four divisions also exist?
- He is a sudra. Would we retrain him as a farmer?
- He says, "Does this Krsna consciousness message apply as well to the outcastes?"
- How a man such as yourself, in such a high position and such hierarchy was able to leave all this in order to bring this message to others?
- How about the third and fourth-classes?
- How can the four natural divisions of man be translated into American society?
- How do you define a brahmana?
- How do you teach a varnasrama college? In varnasrama college if somebody comes in... They say, "I want to be ksatriya" or "I want to be vaisya." Is it like that?
- How does He (Caitanya Mahaprabhu) accept sannyasi?
- How does the ksatriya build a palace for himself or something like that?
- How in the beginning is it decided that somebody is working and he should be given or not given (let them (lazy people) become sudra. Let them become servant. No property. If you work, you can get food. Just like animal)?
- How is this (grhastha duties) connected with Vyasadeva and his situation?
- How it is possible, how the most degraded of the human society be more than a Brahmana?
- How many ksatriyas can I have on this farm? How many ksatriyas can we have on one farm?
- How many swamis do you initiated, American?
- How much of his time do you think should be spent preaching and traveling?
- How should the relationship between a sannyasi and the temple president be?
- How this social order can be generated in India?
- How to offer respects to Sannyasis?
- How would it (varnasrama college) differ from gurukula?
- How would the ksatriyas kill the animals (in the varnasrama college)? How would they kill? With guns or bow and arrow?
- I asked about a man not knowing what his duty was, and you spoke of the highest duty of giving up all to Krsna and becoming detached from the fruits of your action. But suppose the question is What shall I become - a shopkeeper, a teacher, a carpenter?
- I don't call myself first-class, second-class, third-class. As you said, there are no first-class men, second-class men. But then how, apart from making them (my children) first class that they should follow the religious...?
- I have a question, Srila Prabhupada. At what point is a householder to know when he should leave his family or her family?
- I mean, but will the power of the ksatriyas will be in the hands of the Krsna conscious persons sometime during this Kali-yuga?
- I'm a sannyasi. If I have to start doing his business for him..., I don't think you would want me to do that, do you?
- If a brahmacari decides to get married and then enters into married life, should he be encouraged to maintain that responsibility throughout his life?
- If in our society we say, "Srila Prabhupada wants some to be sudra..."
- If someone has a natural ksatriya tendency, he cannot become a Vaisnava?
- If someone is a sudra, how can you let him have his own money?
- If varnasrama is neglected, then how can there be proper functioning of society?
- If, say, the husband is not present, then the oldest son is supposed to be in charge and he is a brahmacari, in what way is the mother cared for?
- In ISKCON, are there these four divisions?
- In our community, being as we're training up as Vaisnavas, how will we be able to make divisions in our society?
- In our varnasrama college the students that come to our college, they follow the four principles?
- In that case (we are transcendental to all these material divisions. This is material division), in which of these four divisions are we (ISKCON)?
- In the Bhagavad-gita Krsna says He creates the four varnas and asramas, so these four classes of men are everywhere... Is it correct to say that each man only finds his satisfaction performing a particular type of work according to his mode of nature?
- In the case of Maharaja Vena there was some recourse for the brahmanas. What can we do?
- In the modern world, Swamiji, wouldn't you think that the same person has got to combine in himself the qualities traditionally ascribed to all the dharmas?
- In the Upanisads, as you know, there are many cases in which the brahmanas had to go to the ksatriyas for knowledge. You remember?
- In the vanaprastha asrama, after fifty years of age, what is the duty? Is it to live in the temple, or devote most of time to Krsna, or where the wife comes in then?
- In the Vedic age wouldn't everyone want to become a brahmana? Why train someone as a sudra?
- In this age of Kali when there is no social structure or varnasrama-dharma, how can one discriminate how he is utilizing his energies for his prescribed duties?
- In this varnasrama college, is it true that there will be no need, for example, for teaching material history and mathematics and...?
- Introduced starting with ISKCON community (varnasrama-dharma should be introduced all over the world)?
- Is guru and swami the same thing?
- Is it (who is a sudra) determined by jati, by birth?
- Is it better to do it the way you did it or to start from a very early age in the, er…?… In other words, some of our members are sannyasa at an earlier age
- Is it necessary for people to leave the cities and live in our varnasrama situations in order to become happy?
- Is it necessary that a person should pass through the three asramas, brahmacari, grhastha, vanaprastha, before coming to sannyasa?
- Is it possible to be brahmana for all?
- Is it possible to jump from brahmacari to directly sannyasa?
- Is it recommended that a woman become a sannyasi?
- Is it true that in India sudras are kept more leniently than brahmanas are?
- Is not a true Vaisnava also a sannyasi? Would you explain the difference between them?
- Is this school (varnasrama college) for women also, or just for men?
- Isn't that (they are sporting with the life of bull, and they are Christian trying to convert others as Christians) somewhat in the ksatriya spirit?
- Isn't the ksatriya qualities that he is to be trustworthy?
- It is against capitalism, this idea (varnasrama)?
- It's not possible for a woman to become a sannyasī?
- No fighter? No fighting? They are not going to fight? They're not going to become warriors, not like the real ksatriyas?
- Not according to birth (the occupational duties are already there. The (indistinct) are already there. That is created by God. Now you can select one of them according to the price you can pay)?
- Now say this person who is doing wrong... is very touchy about his being sudra?
- Now that he has received Krsna consciousness, he would like to know from you how he should behave in his normal life, because he'll be living very far from the temple?
- Now, how would you decide, really, that brahmaṇas are always in a pure state that you speak of, that they would never turn into serpents?
- Prabhupada, after Lord Caitanya took sannyasa, in the Teachings of Lord Caitanya it says He met His mother. I always thought that a sannyasi could not do that
- Prabhupada, in our movement there are so many sannyasis. If we see the sannyasi, same, so many times in one day, we should bow down every time we see him?
- Prabhupada, is it all right if I remain a sannyasi?
- Prabhupada, what about in a case like myself. I'm a sannyasi, and I have a traveling sankirtana party. So can I handle that money?
- Prabhupada, what about in the case where you have this ideal civilization with the brahmanas instructing, but the brahmanas don't agree? Just like in Bhagavad-gita, the Battlefield of Kuruksetra, there were many brahmanas, but they didn't agree
- Shall Sivananda come here to see you? He wants to know about his taking sannyasa. He can either go to Paris and meet you there or he can come here?
- She must become dependent on her son because her husband would ideally become a sannyasi. Is that...?
- Should our children who are at gurukula, when they grow up, should they go to that varnasrama college, or...?
- Should there (varnasrama college) be any material subject matters taught like in gurukula?
- Should vaisyas be taught business also?
- Should we actually start to train up some of our men so they know how to fight?
- So actually, perfect kings, they may have eaten meat?
- So by joining this movement we come to the platform where we can take birth in India in a nice brahmana family?
- So eventually we should divide up our society in this (guna-karma-vibhagasah) way?
- So every ksatriya had to have something to manage?
- So how would, for example, the government.... In a perfect society, how would the government check to see that the brahmanas are actually practicing, and how would...?
- So is it correct to say that if we're not Krsna conscious, then if it's not the grhastha problem, it would be some other problem?
- So is it necessary to be fixed up to take sannyasa, or one should take sannyasa to become fixed up?
- So Prabhupada, it says that a sannyasi should live alone. That means only with devotees?
- So when they are grhastha, they make advancement?
- So where does she fit (into this (four classes) social structure)?
- Srila Prabhupada, if we're born each with a qualification, how is this qualification developed in our early years?
- Srila Prabhupada, in your society, if sometimes householder devotee, they do very big, big job, I mean they are advanced then?
- Srila Prabhupada, is it better for grhasthas to be self-supporting and living outside the temple?
- Srila Prabhupada, should devotees in ISKCON, should a certain section of devotees in ISKCON be trained as ksatriyas? Should they be specially trained?
- Srila Prabhupada, since there is no distinction between "man" and "woman" - these are both designations - is it possible for a woman to become a brahmana?
- Srila Prabhupada, what exactly do the... Do the vaisyas cultivate the fields or the sudras cultivate the fields?... Is it the duty of the vaisyas to cultivate the fields or...?
- Sudras are not allowed to upanayana-samskara?
- Swamiji, did you say that householders should not associate with brahmacaris?
- That (dharma means this varnasrama-dharma. So if the human society does not accept dharma, then he's as good as animal) which Srila Gandhi was working against?
- That when a brahmana is engaged in the activities of plowing and cultivating, that he has become a vaisya?
- That's (actually we are trying to adjust. Only society. The thesis is the soul. The antithesis is the body. And synthesis is how to adjust the body and soul so that the soul be benefited from this entanglement) the varnasrama system?
- That's the varnasrama system?
- The 400,000 different species of human life? There's one place in which you mention that different persons like carpenter or different tradesmen are different species. Is that...?
- The administrative class, they are not following the strictly the rules and regulations. Therefore it is fallen ( Is this the result of a lack of education?)
- The cow (third-class means they should engage themselves, how to produce food and give protection to the cow)?
- The ksatriyas make sure that people are correct, acting correctly, that no one is taking more than what they need?
- The persons who would take part in such program (varnasrama college), they would have to be devotees in the first place. Is that...?
- The ten-year-old boys who left Gurukula and went to Vrndavana and then went to Mayapur, what will they...? They will be trained in the divisions there and come back?
- The third-class would be what kind of typical worker?
- The Vaisnava is superior to a sannyasi?
- The whole nation is worker ("They want everyone should become a sudra, the Communists life, worker, "Work." And therefore they have not been successful. The whole nation is worker, and who will give the brain?")?
- Then why varnasrama-dharma, there also, they are prevalent, that brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra?
- There were instances when the king wouldn't follow the brahmanas, so they were thrown out, weren't they?
- Therefore a sannyasi is always moving around, Srila Prabhupada?
- This divisions (of varnasrama) only in Hindus? Mohammedans also accept this divisions?
- This four-division society that you advocate is contrary to everything in American tradition. How can that be accepted in America?
- This is (the varnasrama college) the most auspicious work for now, is this remedial measure to stop the chaos in the world?
- This would be the prescription for all people?
- We have men who could teach this (varnasrama college) ? Do we have men...?
- We'd have to completely revise the whole system that we have now?
- What about brahmana (can become Krsna conscious)? Brahmana too? Someone who is naturally a (indistinct)
- What about intermarriage between all the castes?
- What are the ksatriyas of this order supposed to doing now?
- What are your qualifications for a sudra?
- What class does the arts and crafts come under (in the varnasrama college)?
- What do the other classes do?
- What do you mean He wouldn't address him because He was a sannyasi (Ramananda Raya was coming in procession, Caitanya Mahaprabhu understood that he is Ramananda Raya. But because He was sannyasi, He did not address him)?
- What does he (the first-class men) do?
- What if it's done in a culture where this is entirely different (the Indian culture, brahmacari, sannyasi and brahmana, they are allowed to beg alms)?
- What if the person working as sudra says, "I can do so much. I can...,"?
- What is the "renounced order"?
- What is the correct sexual etiquette for a strict Grhastha; and what is spiritual family planning?
- What is the definition again of a first-class man?
- What is the duties of the woman after the husband takes sannyasa?
- What is the punishment if one doesn't fast (if a sannyasi is not offered respect, the punishment is that he should fast one day. That is sastric injunction)?
- What kind of training is there for a sudra?
- What qualifications should the man have to take sannyasa?
- What should the ksatriyas be taught?
- What will the sudras do in the big city temple, in all the temples?
- What would his (sudra) business be at that varnasrama college?
- When does this training (as "first-class, second-class, third-class...") begin? In the very youngest age or...?
- When they come to our (varnasrama) college, they have to follow the four regulative principles, also learn something about Bhagavad-gita and then, side by side, they learn a...?
- Where do women fit into these four classes?
- Where will we get ksatriyas and...?
- Where will we introduce the varnasrama system, then?
- Who decides whether a man, then, is..., fits into those criteria and becomes a first-class man? Who decides? Who is to say whether a man is first class or not?
- Who is a real brahmana?
- Who is a sudra? Is it determined by jati?
- Who is to decide whether a person is first-class, if they are a brahmana or whether they are ksatriya or vaisya
- Who will teach him to be a ksatriya or who will teach him to be a vaisya?
- Whom are they (ksatriyas) fighting? Whom are they going to fight?
- Why, how the caste system has crippled our society so much?
- Why, then, do the learned sages go to flatter those who are intoxicated by hard-earned wealth?
- Will the fundamental values of Hinduism be in any way affected by the eradication of castism, towards which a concerted effort is now being made at all levels?
- Would the blacksmiths do the puja to Visvakarma, or brahmanas?
- Would you consider the caste system as designations?