Category:Never Be Successful
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Pages in category "Never Be Successful"
The following 44 pages are in this category, out of 44 total.
- According to Vedic conception woman is never offered leadership. But experience has shown that woman's leadership has not been successful
- Anyone who does not give evidences, proof, from the sastra, then na siddhim sa avapnoti, he does not get at any time success, na sukham, neither any happiness in this material world, na param gatim, and what to speak of elevation in the next life
- Anyone who, disregarding the pure Ganges, wishes to be purified instead by the filthy water flowing in a drain, cannot be successful. Similarly, one can successfully attain pure knowledge of the Absolute only by hearing from the pure Absolute Himself
- Do not ever try to approach Krishna directly. Anyone who talks of Krishna without service to Guru will not be successful
- Don't manufacture nonsense. It will never be successful
- Durasaya means the hope which will never be successful. So these rascals, they are trying to be happy by so-called scientific advancement. That is durasaya. Not possible. Hopeless
- Everyone is working, daridra-narayana seva or this community seva, the country seva, nationally seva, this seva, that seva ... Nobody is for Krsna seva. Nobody will be happy, sir. Go on with your so-called seva. It will never be successful
- Everything, everywhere, is performed in terms of three principles, jnana-bala-kriya - knowledge, strength and activity. In every field, if there is not full knowledge, full strength and full activity, an endeavor is never successful
- If a land animal is placed in water, he will simply struggle for existence, despite being an expert swimmer. We have come into this material world to gratify our senses, but our attempts will never be successful
- If you have got any duplicity in your mind, then you'll never be successful in any field of activities
- If you waste your time to make a free hotel and sleep - useless. That will not make our mission successful
- In the human form of life, the living entity must accept this instruction from the Supreme Person, Krsna: "Do not plan to achieve happiness and drive away distress. You will never be successful. Simply surrender unto Me" - BG 18.66
- Laksmiji, the goddess of fortune, tried her best to be on an equal level with the gopis, but she was not successful
- Live peacefully, husband and wife, and both be engaged in Krsna consciousness. Gradually, you'll forget, both husband and wife. Don't try artificially. Artificially you'll never be successful
- Oh, we are making this advancement. We will do in the future. We'll do.These are the business of the fools and rascals, not intelligent, which will never be successful. Durasaya. But they'll stick to that false hope
- One may have enough money and enough resources to satisfy the senses but still not be satisfied, for the endeavor to stop lusty desires by enjoying can never be successful. The example given here is very appropriate - SB 9.19.14
- One who does not know the root, however he might be working very diligently for the poor humanity or community or society, they will never be successful to gain the result, peace and prosperity. They are forgetting the root. And root is God
- Others, they created their own concoction; it was never successful. Before me, so many svamis came to the Western countries. They were not successful. Not a single person was Krsna conscious, in the history
- Out of false hopes, they are trying to become successful. That is not possible. Such kind of hope is useless hope. Leaving aside Visnu, & simply they are trying to become very highly learned. So they are mogha, means their hopes will never be successful
- The best course is to surrender unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead with body, mind and words and always be engaged in His service. This transcendental labor is fruitful, but other attempts to understand the Absolute Truth are never successful
- The entire world is under the illusion that people will be happy by advancing in materialistic measures to counteract the miseries of conditional life, but this attempt will never be successful
- The living entity is never successful in this endeavor - of minimizing his miserable condition by squeezing the utmost pleasure out of this world
- The path of fruitive activities leads to difficult mountains, and sometimes the conditioned soul wants to cross these mountains, but he is never successful, and consequently he becomes more and more aggrieved and disappointed
- There is enthusiasm: "Yes, we must do it." That is wanted, not theoretically on the armchair of devotional service. That will not be successful. Armchair theory will not help you. You must be practical and there must be enthusiasm
- This material world is miserable, regardless of one's standard of life. Of this there is no doubt. Attempts to mitigate the miseries of material existence by material methods will never be successful
- This plan-making business is maya, because that will never be successful. Trace out the history of the whole world. Nobody has become happy
- Those who are engaged in fruitive, pious activities and who are ultimately hoping to be liberated from this material entanglement will never be successful either because they deride the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- We have taken Bhagavad-gita as the standard of all human activities. If the leaders of the human society take it as standard, then all the problems will be solved. That we can give practical suggestions. Any plan of the atheists will never be successful
- We must engage our self in devotional service, or Krsna consciousness. Then our life is successful. Otherwise we shall continue and drag the miserable condition of life, means we shall change in different ways, but it will never be successful
- What is the aim of varnasrama? Simply by becoming a brahmana he's successful? No. Nobody can become successful unless he satisfies Krsna. That is real success. Just like Arjuna did. By the military art, he satisfied Krsna
- Why we should become so foolish that forget our real purpose of life and engage in will-o'-the-wisp struggle for existence, which will never be successful? Why this misconception of life?