Category:Temple of Lord Jagannatha
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Pages in category "Temple of Lord Jagannatha"
The following 102 pages are in this category, out of 102 total.
- After bathing in the sea, Advaita Prabhu and all the other devotees returned, and on their return they saw the top of the Jagannatha temple. They then went to the residence of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to take their luncheon
- After offering the pulp, he meditates outside the temple door. In the meantime, Lord Krsna, having eaten the pulp, leaves the plate empty
- After seeing Jagannatha temple, Bhattacarya returned home and brought with him much prasada purchased from the temple. He sent all this prasada to Lord Caitanya through his brahmana servant
- After seeing the dhupa-arati of the Lord, they all began congregational chanting. Then the padicha, the superintendent of the temple, came and offered flower garlands and sandalwood pulp to everyone
- After visiting Jagannatha temple early in the morning, Bhattacarya went to visit Lord Caitanya, and he offered his respects by falling down before the Lord. He then began to explain his past undesirable behavior
- After visiting the temple of Lord Jagannatha, Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya returned home with Jagadananda and Damodara
- Alalanatha is also known as Brahmagiri. This place is about fourteen miles from Jagannatha Puri and is also on the beach. There is a temple of Jagannatha there
- All food is offered within the temple room just below the altar of Jagannatha. This bhoga, however, was offered on the stone slab within the vision of the public; therefore it is called upala-bhoga
- Although Haridasa Thakura was the greatest of all Hindus in his behavior, he considered himself a Muhammadan and did not enter the temple. Lord Caitanya could understand his humility
- Another incident in the life of Pundarika Vidyanidhi involves his criticizing the priest of the Jagannatha temple, for which Jagannatha Prabhu chastised him personally by slapping his cheeks. This is described in Sri CB, Antya-khanda, Chapter Ten
- At Bhuvanesvara (Orissa) I want to construct a Jagannatha temple exactly like that in Puri
- At that very moment, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, after visiting the temple of Jagannatha to see the offering of upala-bhoga (morning refreshments), came with His other devotees to see Haridasa Thakura
- At the present moment a police station and post office are situated there (in the Jagannatha Puri) because so many people come to see the temple - of Lord Jagannatha
- At this time, Kasi Misra, along with the superintendent of the temple, came and offered his respects unto the lotus feet of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu - who can be more advanced than Caitanya Mahaprabhu? - He was daily joining in kirtana. Four hours daily at Jagannatha Puri temple. It was a regular program. Not only that: He organized four parties, sixteen men in each party
- Caitanya promised to come daily to see Srila Haridasa Thakura, and this indicates that Srila Haridasa Thakura was so advanced in spiritual life that, although considered unfit to enter the temple, he was being personally visited by the Lord every day
- Deliver the oil to the temple of Jagannatha so that it may be burned in the lamps. Thus your labor in preparing the oil will be fruitful
- Deliver this oil to the temple of Jagannatha, where it may be burned in the lamps. In this way, Jagadananda's labor in manufacturing the oil will be perfectly successful
- During the Ratha-yatra festival, when Lord Jagannatha comes out of the temple, I (Sanatana Gosvami) shall give up this body under the wheel of His car
- During the time of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the small buildings surrounding the original temple (of Lord Jagannatha) had not been constructed. Nor was the high platform in front of the temple present during the time of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Following the King's orders, the superintendent of the temple sent large quantities of prasadam every day, and it was carried by many persons
- Following the orders of Maharaja Prataparudra, the temple superintendent, named Tulasi, brought one of Lord Jagannatha's used cloths
- For five days Raghunatha dasa Gosvami took prasadam at the temple, but later he would stand at the Simha-dvara gate and eat only whatever he could gather by alms. Later he lived by taking alms from various chatras, or food distributing centers
- Haridasa Thakura considered himself unfit to enter the Jagannatha temple. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu could have personally taken Haridasa Thakura into the Jagannatha temple if He wished, but the Lord did not like to disturb a popular custom
- Haridasa Thakura replied, "I cannot go near the temple because I am a low-caste, abominable person. I have no authority to go there"
- Haridasa Thakura then expressed his desire, "If I could just get a solitary place near the temple, I could stay there alone and pass my time"
- Haridasa Thakura, although certainly competent and qualified to enter the temple, did not want even to go near it. This is called Vaisnava humility
- Haridasa Thakura, out of his great humility, did not want to violate these existing rules - that only brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras can enter the temple of Jagannatha Puri
- He (Caitanya) never even heard the prayers of the deva-dasis offered in the temple of Jagannatha because a sannyasi is forbidden to hear songs sung by the fair sex
- He (Sikhi Mahiti) was having a wonderful dream that Lord Caitanya, while visiting the temple of Jagannatha, was entering and again coming out of the body of Jagannatha and looking at the Jagannatha Deity
- He (Srila Haridasa Thakura) had every right to enter the temple of Jagannatha Puri, but because there were some rules and regulations stipulating that only brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras (members of the varnasrama-dharma system) could enter
- I do not know what makes the management (at Jagannatha Temple) take this attitude. If you can remove this restriction you will do a great service to the Gaudiya Vaisnava community
- I have specially come to request you to remove this restriction and be friendly to the foreign devotees & you also come there, see how there are so many Jagannatha temples, how They are being worshiped, how these foreigners, they've become pure Vaisnava
- I want to begin work immediately on constructing a temple exactly like Jagannatha's temple in Puri. You can immediately begin to get estimates from contractors. It will be a very important temple
- I want to construct a Jagannatha temple exactly like that in Puri. If you like you can do the full charge to do this job. I shall spend as much money as it is required to do it nicely
- In front of the temple of Jagannatha is a column on which the statue of Garuda is situated. It is called the Garuda-stambha. At the base of that column is a ditch, and that ditch was filled with the tears of the Lord - Caitanya
- In the garden along the road from the Jagannatha temple to Gundica, Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu performed various pastimes. A brahmana named Krsnadasa performed the bathing ceremony of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- In the Gaura-ganoddesa-dipika (118) it is said that King Indradyumna, who established the temple of Jagannatha thousands of years ago, later took birth again in his own family as Maharaja Prataparudra during the time of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- In this chapter I have spoken about three topics: Jagadananda Pandita's visit to Vrndavana, Caitanya’s listening to the song of the deva-dasi at the temple of Jagannatha, & how Raghunatha Bhatta achieved ecstatic love of Krsna by the mercy of Caitanya
- It is still the practice at the Jagannatha temple not to allow those to enter who do not strictly follow the Vedic culture known as Hinduism
- It is understood by hearsay that the wife of Indradyumna, the King who established the Jagannatha temple, was known as Gundica. There is also mention of the name of the Gundica temple in authoritative scripture
- It is very regrettable that these European and American boys who are purely Vaisnava and who follow all principles are not allowed by the rascals to enter the temple
- Lord Caitanya offered him (Bhattacarya) the prasada which He had received in the temple of Jagannatha, and Bhattacarya was very glad to receive this prasada from the hands of Lord Caitanya Himself
- Lord Caitanya returned to His place, and Bhattacarya sent Gopinatha Acarya to Him with various kinds of prasada from Jagannatha temple. The next day the Lord went to the temple of Jagannatha early in the morning to attend mangala arati
- Maharaja Prataparudra, the greatly powerful king of Orissa, was always very busy with heavy state responsibilities, yet he made it a point to sweep the temple of Lord Jagannatha at Puri once a year during the festival of the Lord
- Man is known by his company. - Your constant company is dog, so what you are? These are the way. Why they do not allow Europeans in the Jagannatha temple? Because they are untouchable
- On the northern side of the Simha-dvara, behind the door, there are twenty-two steps leading to the temple, and at the bottom of those steps is a ditch
- On the southern side, behind and above the twenty-two steps, is a Deity of Lord Nrsimhadeva. It is on the left as one goes up the steps toward the temple
- One day when the Lord was going to the temple of Yamesvara, a female singer began to sing in the Jagannatha temple
- Out of humility they (Srila Rupa Gosvami and Srila Sanatana Gosvami) did not enter the temple of Jagannatha, although the Personality of Godhead, Jagannatha, in His form of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, personally came to see them every day
- Paramananda Puri established a small monastery behind the western side of the Jagannatha temple, where he had a well dug to supply water
- Performing prescribed worship in such temples (temples of Radha-Krsna, Jagannatha, Balarama, Sita-Rama, Gaura-Nitai and so on) of Visnu and thus worshiping the Lord is as good as performing the payo-vrata ceremony recommended here - in SB 8.16.60
- Provide all the devotees and associates of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu with comfortable residences, convenient eating facilities for prasadam and convenient visiting arrangements at the temple so that there will not be any difficulty
- Raghunandana is constantly engaged in serving Lord Krsna in the temple. Beside the entrance of the temple is a lake, and on its banks is a kadamba tree, which daily delivers two flowers to be used for Krsna's service
- Remain here peacefully and look at the cakra on the top of the temple and offer obeisances. As far as your prasadam is concerned, I shall arrange to have that sent here
- Saksi-gopala was situated for some time in the Jagannatha temple. It seems that in the temple of Jagannatha there was some disagreement between Jagannatha and Saksi-gopala, a disagreement called prema-kalaha, a quarrel of love
- Sanatana observed the etiquette of Jagannatha’s temple by going along the beach to visit Lord Caitanya, although it was extremely hot due to the sun. He requested Jagadananda Pandita to give him permission to return to Vrndavana
- Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya lived on the southern side of the Jagannatha Temple. His home was practically on the beach and was known as Markandeya-sarastata. At present it is used as the monastery of Gangamata
- Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya made arrangements to bring various kinds of maha-prasadam from the Jagannatha temple. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu then accepted lunch with great happiness
- Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya was so fortunate as to see the six-armed form of Lord Caitanya known as Sadbhuja. A Sadbhuja Deity is still situated at one end of the Jagannatha temple. Daily sankirtana performances take place in this part of the temple
- Saying this, Kasi Misra and the temple inspector took their leave, and Gopinatha and Vaninatha went with them
- She (a female singer in the Jagannatha temple) sang a gujjari tune in a very sweet voice, and because the subject was Jayadeva Gosvami's Gita-govinda, the song attracted the attention of the entire world
- Simha-dvara refers to the main gate on the eastern side of the Jagannatha temple
- Since he was born in a Muslim family, Srila Haridasa Thakura could not enter the temple of Jagannatha due to temple restrictions. Nonetheless, he was recognized by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu as Namacarya Haridasa Thakura
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu immediately told Gopinatha Acarya, "Please go with the Vaisnavas and accommodate them in whatever residences Kasi Misra and the temple superintendent offer"
- Subhadra: Daughter of Vasudeva and sister of Lord Sri Krsna. She was not only a very dear daughter of Vasudeva, but also a very dear sister to both Krsna and Baladeva. The two brothers and sister are represented in the famous Jagannatha temple of Puri
- Sundaracala is the Gundica temple. The temple of Jagannatha at Jagannatha Puri is called Nilacala, and the temple at Gundica is called Sundaracala
- The brothers and sister (of Sikhi Mahiti) went to the temple of Jagannatha, and there they saw Lord Caitanya in the Jagamohana kirtana hall, looking at the beauty of the Sri Jagannatha Deity just as in Sikhi Mahiti’s dream
- The companions of the Lord (Caitanya), who reached the temple a little after Him, heard of the Lord's transcendental feats and of His being carried away by the Bhattacarya. The pilgrims at the temple were still gossiping about the incident
- The Deity referred to herein as Govinda is the vijaya-vigraha in the temple of Jagannatha. When there is a need to take Jagannatha somewhere, the vijaya-vigraha is taken because the body of Jagannatha is very heavy
- The Gundica temple is situated two miles northeast of the Jagannatha temple. At the time of the Ratha-yatra festival, Lord Jagannatha goes to the Gundica temple from His original temple and stays there for one week
- The Gundica-mandira is situated in Jagannatha Puri, and every year Jagannatha, Balabhadra and Subhadra come there from the Jagannatha temple to stay for eight days
- The Jagannatha temple still accepts only those Hindus who are in the varnasrama order. Other castes, especially those who are not Hindu, are not allowed to enter the temple. This is a long-standing regulation
- The Lord asked His servant simply to look at the Visnu wheel on top of the temple and offer obeisances
- The Lord requested Bhattacarya to go to Jagannatha temple again, and Bhattacarya started out for the temple accompanied by Jagadananda and Damodara, two principal associates of Lord Caitanya
- The priests immediately brought them flower garlands and prasadam. The temple's watchman, who was named Tulasi, also came and offered his obeisances to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- The priests in the Jagannatha temple brought Him (Lord Caitanya) a garland from the Deity and also offered Him various kinds of prasada
- The temple (of Lord Jagannatha in Puri) is still visited by thousands of pilgrims daily. This temple is in remembrance of the Lord's visit at Kuruksetra during an occasion of solar eclipse and His subsequent meeting with the residents of Vrndavana
- The vijaya-vigraha in the Jagannatha temple is known as Govinda. For the pastimes in Narendra-sarovara, the vijaya-vigraha was carried there instead of Lord Jagannatha
- The word anavasara is used when Sri Jagannathaji cannot be seen in the temple. After the bathing ceremony (snana-yatra), Lord Jagannatha apparently becomes sick. He is therefore removed to His private apartment, where no one can see Him
- The word deula refers to the temple where the Supreme Personality of Godhead is situated. The present temple of Jagannatha Puri was constructed by King Ananga-bhima. Historians say this temple must have been constructed at least two thousand years ago
- Then the Lord told Kasi Misra and the temple superintendent, "As for the remnants of food left by Jagannatha, let them be delivered to Vaninatha Raya's charge, for he can take care of all the Vaisnavas and distribute maha-prasadam to them"
- There are many who visit the temple to see Lord Jagannatha regularly every day, and for them His retirement after the bathing ceremony is unbearable
- There is a book called Aquarian Gospel in which it is stated that Lord Jesus Christ lived in the temple of Jagannath. Without being His devotee, how could he live there and how the authorities could allow a non-devotee to live there
- There is a temple named Gundica at Sundaracala. Lord Jagannatha, Baladeva and Subhadra are pushed in their three cars from the temple in Puri to the Gundica temple in Sundara
- There is no problem for us. Even if we do not enter the temple (in Jagannatha Puri), that is no problem. But if we can start a nice temple, people will come, the same thing as in Vrndavana
- They (temples) were established by big acaryas, by Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya, Visnu Svami, Lord Caitanya. There is Jagannatha temple. Every day hundreds and thousands of people are going to see
- This person from Bengal has washed My feet within the temple of the Personality of Godhead. Not only that, but he has drunk the water himself
- Those who are priests engaged in Lord Jagannatha’s service are called pandas or panditas, and they are brahmanas. The attendants who look after the temple’s external affairs are called palas
- Those who were thought unfit to enter the Jagannatha temple were daily visited by Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and this indicates that Caitanya Mahaprabhu did not approve of the prohibitions
- Thus Lord Jagannatha returned to His temple and sat on His throne while Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu returned to His residence with His devotees
- To avoid turmoil, three great personalities - Haridasa Thakura, Srila Rupa Gosvami and Srila Sanatana Gosvami - did not enter the temple of Jagannatha
- To avoid unnecessary turmoil these great personalities (Srila Haridasa Thakura, Srila Rupa Gosvami and Srila Sanatana Gosvami) would not enter the Jagannatha temple
- We wish to go to the Jagannatha temple again, and let us see what they do. The Hindu Vishva Parishad approves us as rigid Hindus as it it will be clear from the letter of Swami Cinmayananda
- When the Lord (Caitanya) finally agreed (to learn Vedanta-sutra), Bhattacarya began to teach Him in the temple of Jagannatha