Category:Spiritual Life Means...
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Pages in category "Spiritual Life Means..."
The following 36 pages are in this category, out of 36 total.
- At the present moment, the real, transcendental spiritual life means to follow the cult of instructions of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Otherwise, everyone is bogus
- Atyahara, eating more than necessity, is condemned everywhere. Spiritual life means reducing eating, sleeping, mating and defending. That is spiritual life
- Real spiritual life means acting in our constitutional position of the eternal servants of the Lord, so we must offer this sublime science of Bhagavad Gita to the population at large, and those who are actually serious will take advantage
- Renouncement means we renounce our personal sense gratification, that's all. That is renouncement. Materialism means personal sense gratification, and spiritual life means no personal sense gratification, all Krsna's sense gratification
- Servant of maya means servant of senses. And spiritual life means instead of becoming servant of maya or servant of senses, we become the servant of Krsna, or God
- Spiritual energy does not get tired. That is spiritual. When we get tired, that is material. Spiritual means one would not feel tired
- Spiritual life means ananda, and material life means anxiety. You can distinguish. If you are always put into anxiety, that is material life. And if you are always jolly, that is spiritual life
- Spiritual life means anxiety-less. This is the difference between material life and spiritual life. In the BG it is described what is spiritual life. As soon as you are identified with the Absolute Truth, Brahman, then symptoms will be jubilation
- Spiritual life means becoming detached from material life and engaging in the loving service of the Lord. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu therefore asked Ramananda Raya to explain something transcendental to devotional service mixed with speculative knowledge
- Spiritual life means curing the contamination of material disease. That is spiritual life. And when you are purified, you relish the spiritual taste
- Spiritual life means eternal, blissful life of knowledge. That is spiritual life
- Spiritual life means gradually forget sex life
- Spiritual life means he does not satisfy his own senses, but he satisfies the senses of God. That is spiritual life
- Spiritual life means how to become immortal
- Spiritual life means if somebody has advanced in spiritual life, and somebody, one, he is still in the neophyte stage, he will eulogize, "Oh, how fortunate he is. He has advanced. He is serving Krsna in such a nice way
- Spiritual life means minus this. No more fear, no more attachment, no more sex life
- Spiritual life means normal life, and material life means diseased life. Therefore we are always suffering in materialistic way of life. Diseased condition means suffering
- Spiritual life means pure life, and material life means contaminated life. Just like we have got this body, material body. This is impure body. Therefore we suffer from disease, we suffer from old age, we suffer from birth, we suffer from death
- Spiritual life means putting an end to birth, old age, disease and death. Getting amrta, nectar, means getting relief from birth and death, and that is the real aim of spiritual life
- Spiritual life means release from this botheration and misery. Those who are intelligent, therefore, do not try to elevate themselves to any planet of this material world
- Spiritual life means service to Krsna. So if you don't serve Krsna, where is spiritual life?
- Spiritual life means tapasya. Formerly great, great saintly persons, they underwent very, very severe tapasya for thousands of years, hundreds of years. Then they attained success. In the Kali-yuga it is not possible to undergo such severe tapasya
- Spiritual life means to become pure, and chanting Hare Krishna will automatically make you pure
- Spiritual life means to develop real love. Everyone says love. There are so many signboards, so many papers, "love, love." But there is no love. This is illusion. It is all lust. Love for intoxication, love for sex, love for this... This is going on
- Spiritual life means to end all kinds of suffering. That is spiritual life. Not that I get free myself from this kind of suffering and I accept that kind of suffering
- Spiritual life means to see you advancing, one becomes happy, "Oh, how fortunate he is." This is spiritual life. Therefore spiritual life is meant for a person who is completely not envious. That is spiritual life
- Spiritualism means to sacrifice your freedom. That is spiritualism. You have no more freedom. You are simply engaged for God's service. That is spiritualism
- The spiritual life means . . . if one is actually situated in spiritual life he'll get spiritual pleasure, transcendental bliss, by serving more and more, new and new. That is spiritual life
- The spiritual life means to understand yourself and understand God and understand your relationship with God and act accordingly. That is spiritual life. It is not difficult
- The whole spiritual life means to stop this birth, death, old age and disease; to get amrta, no more birth, no more death. That is the real aim of spiritual life
- Transcendental, spiritual life means eternal, blissful life of knowledge. That is spiritual platform. And material life means temporary life of miserable condition