Category:Importance of the Krsna Consciousness Movement
Pages in category "Importance of the Krsna Consciousness Movement"
The following 28 pages are in this category, out of 28 total.
- I am very much obliged to my disciples because they are realizing the importance of Krishna Consciousness Movement and it is very much encouraging to me
- I am very pleased to note that there are some nice boys and girls who are joining you at kirtana. Try to show them the importance of our movement, and the best way of doing this is by Sankirtana
- If you understand the importance of this Krishna Consciousness Movement, that is my success
- If you want to live forever, then you have to take to Krsna consciousness. So Krsna consciousness movement is so important and nice. Everyone wants to live. So actually, if you want to live, then you take to KC
- In our movement, the guru-kula plays an extremely important part in our activities because right from childhood the boys at the guru-kula are instructed about Krsna consciousness. Thus they become steady within the cores of their hearts
- In the beginning there was no response, but because we continued to execute our devotional activities with patience, people gradually began to understand the importance of this movement, and now they are eagerly participating
- It is now the duty of the leading men of India to consider the importance of this (Krsna consciousness) movement and train many Indians to go outside of India to preach this cult
- It is now the duty of the leading men of India to consider the importance of this movement and train many Indians to go outside of India to preach this cult
- It is rare that an important man like yourself understands the prime importance of the Krishna consciousness movement
- Many men may not come to us; that does not mean this institution is useless. It has its importance for the serious men, not for the asses
- Maya is very strong; she is expert in putting impediments in the way of this understanding. Sometimes one comes to the Krsna consciousness movement but again falls into the clutches of maya, not understanding the importance of this movement
- My suggestion to meet the business men is to convince them to understand the importance of KCM & how we are molding the character of younger generation by giving peaceful home, philosophy of life, artistic sense, musical entertainment, nutritious foods
- One who understands the purpose of Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, should seriously understand the importance of the Krsna consciousness movement and seriously take part in it
- Our farm projects are an extremely important part of our movement. We must become self-sufficient by growing our own grains and producing our own milk, then there will be no question of poverty
- The importance of the school in Dallas cannot be overestimated, both for our ISKCON movement, and for the outsiders as well, indeed it is important for the whole world
- This human life was meant for understanding Visnu, God, but they did not use it. So thus, try to understand how much important is this Krsna consciousness movement, how we are trying to save the whole human society from their irresponsible life
- This movement, Krsna consciousness movement, that you already know, that this is a most essential, most important movement to the human society
- Try to understand through books, through philosophy, through science, how this movement is important, and try to join. That is our appeal to you
- We all combined together have taken a great task of this Krsna Consciousness movement so I am very glad to learn that you are all gradually understanding the importance of this movement
- We have come here in this pandal, or in this Kumbha-mela, not for any other purpose than to glorify the Supreme Lord so that people may understand the importance of this movement